Strengthen confirmation of sales with payment
For a webshop we have to create the payment for a sale order before having set the sale to quotation. And using Stripe for the payment, we receive the succeed of the payment while we are still moving the sale to quotation. So the webhook process does not see the sale as quoted (transaction started before the end of quotation) and it does not confirm it. And the process who put the sale in quotation does not see the payment as succeeded (transaction started before the webhook) and so it can not confirm it neither.
I think we should strengthen the process to have a scheduling task to retry confirming such sales. At the end such confirmation is event related and so they can always fail or miss at some point. Also the confirmation could be done by a queued task if we have a scheduling task to retry in case of failure. This will also prevent to fail succeeded the payment if the sale fails to be confirmed.