# HG changeset patch
# User andreasj
# Date 945076681 0
#      Mon Dec 13 09:18:01 1999 +0000
# Node ID 163a2bb4113c193702de679f55d1e65be9a6a016
# Parent  85b1b181ad5495e84606ce2b95fd6cdbdf432095
Added vhdl-mode 3.30 from Reto Zimmermann
(see <3852F321.64C84799@synopsys.com>).

diff --git a/vhdl-mode.el b/vhdl-mode.el
--- a/vhdl-mode.el
+++ b/vhdl-mode.el
@@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
 ;;; vhdl-mode.el --- major mode for editing VHDL code
-;; Copyright (C) 1994 - 1997 Rodney J. Whitby
-;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Barry A. Warsaw
-;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author:	  Rodney J. Whitby <rwhitby@geocities.com>
-;; Maintainer:	  Rodney J. Whitby <rwhitby@geocities.com>
-;; Created:	  June 1994, adapted from cc-mode.el 4.29 by Barry A. Warsaw.
-;; Version:	  $Revision$
-;; Last Modified: $Date$
-;; Keywords:	  languages VHDL
-;; Archive:	  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/8287/
-;; NOTE: Read the commentary below for the right way to submit bug reports!
-;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs.
+;; Copyright (C) 1992,93,94,95,96,97,98,99 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Authors:     Reto Zimmermann <reto@gnu.org>
+;;              Rodney J. Whitby <rwhitby@geocities.com>
+;; Maintainer:  VHDL Mode Maintainers <vhdl-mode@emacs.org>
+;; Version:     3.30
+;; Keywords:    languages vhdl
+;; WWW:         http://www.emacs.org/hdl/vhdl-mode.html
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -27,82 +22,1265 @@
 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; This package provides indentation support for VHDL code.
-;; Details on VHDL-MODE are now contained in an accompanying texinfo
-;; manual (vhdl-mode.texi).
-;; To submit bug reports, hit "C-c C-b", and please try to include a
-;; code sample so I can reproduce your problem.  If you have other
-;; questions contact me at the address listed at the top of this file.
-;; the multi-Emacsen support. FSF Emacs 19 and XEmacs 19 (formerly
-;; Lucid) do things differently and there's no way to shut the
-;; byte-compiler up at the necessary granularity.  Let me say this
-;; surprised at how many people don't follow this advice :-).
-;; To use VHDL-MODE, add the following to your .emacs file.  This
-;; assumes you will use .vhd extensions for your VHDL source:
-;; (autoload 'vhdl-mode   "vhdl-mode" "VHDL Editing Mode" t)
-;; (setq auto-mode-alist
-;;   (append '(("\\.vhd$"  . vhdl-mode)   ; to edit VHDL code
-;;            ) auto-mode-alist))
-;; If you would like to join the `vhdl-mode-announce' announcements
-;; list or the `vhdl-mode-victims' beta testers list, send add/drop
-;; requests to the address listed at the top of this file.
-;; Many, many thanks go out to all the folks on the beta test list.
-;; Without their patience, testing, insight, and code contributions,
-;; and encouragement vhdl-mode.el would be a far inferior package.
-;; LCD Archive Entry:
-;; vhdl-mode.el|Rodney J. Whitby|rwhitby@geocities.com
-;; |Major mode for editing VHDL code
-;; |$Date$|$Revision$
-;; |http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/8287/
+;; This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing VHDL code.
+;; It includes the following features:
+;;   - Syntax highlighting
+;;   - Indentation
+;;   - Template insertion (electrification)
+;;   - Insertion of file headers
+;;   - Insertion of user-specified models
+;;   - Port translation / test bench generation
+;;   - Sensitivity list updating
+;;   - File browser
+;;   - Design hierarchy browser
+;;   - Source file compilation (syntax analysis)
+;;   - Code hiding
+;;   - Word/keyword completion
+;;   - Block commenting
+;;   - Code fixing/alignment/beautification
+;;   - Postscript printing
+;;   - VHDL'87/'93 and VHDL-AMS supported
+;;   - Comprehensive menu
+;;   - Fully customizable
+;;   - Works under GNU Emacs (recommended) and XEmacs
+;; Documentation
+;; See comment string of function `vhdl-mode' or type `C-c C-h' in Emacs.
+;; Emacs Versions
+;; supported: GNU Emacs 20.X, XEmacs 20.X/21.X
+;; tested on: GNU Emacs 20.4, XEmacs 21.1 (marginally)
+;; Installation
+;; Put `vhdl-mode.el' into the `site-lisp' directory of your Emacs installation
+;; or into an arbitrary directory that is added to the load path by the
+;; following line in your Emacs start-up file `.emacs':
+;;   (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "<directory-name>") load-path))
+;; If you already have the compiled `vhdl-mode.elc' file, put it in the same
+;; directory.  Otherwise, byte-compile the source file:
+;;   Emacs:  M-x byte-compile-file  ->  vhdl-mode.el
+;;   Unix:   emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -f batch-byte-compile vhdl-mode.el
+;; Add the following lines to the `site-start.el' file in the `site-lisp'
+;; directory of your Emacs installation or to your Emacs start-up file `.emacs'
+;; (not required in Emacs 20.X):
+;;   (autoload 'vhdl-mode "vhdl-mode" "VHDL Mode" t)
+;;   (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.vhdl?\\'" . vhdl-mode) auto-mode-alist))
+;; Acknowledgements
+;; Electrification ideas by Bob Pack <rlpst@cislabs.pitt.edu>
+;; and Steve Grout.
+;; Fontification approach suggested by Ken Wood <ken@eda.com.au>.
+;; Ideas about alignment from John Wiegley <johnw@gnu.org>.
+;; Many thanks to all the users who sent me bug reports and enhancement
+;; requests.  Colin Marquardt, will you never stop asking for new features :-?
+;; Thanks to Dan Nicolaescu for reviewing the code and for his valuable hints.
+;; Thanks to Ulf Klaperski for the indentation speedup hint.
+;; Special thanks go to Wolfgang Fichtner and the crew from the Integrated
+;; Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, for
+;; giving me the opportunity to develop this code.
+;; This work has been funded in part by MICROSWISS, a Microelectronics Program
+;; of the Swiss Government.
 ;;; Code:
-;; user definable variables
-;; vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+(defconst vhdl-version "3.30"
+  "VHDL Mode version number.")
+;; XEmacs handling
+(defconst vhdl-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+  "Non-nil if XEmacs is used.")
+;;; Variables
+;; help function for user variables
+(defun vhdl-custom-set (variable value &rest functions)
+  "Set variables as in `custom-set-default' and call FUNCTIONS afterwards."
+  (if (fboundp 'custom-set-default)
+      (custom-set-default variable value)
+    (set-default variable value))
+  (while functions
+    (when (fboundp (car functions)) (funcall (car functions)))
+    (setq functions (cdr functions))))
+;; help string for user variables
+(defconst vhdl-name-doc-string "
+FROM REGEXP is a regular expression matching the formal port name:
+  `.*'       matches the entire name
+  `\\(...\\)'  matches a substring
+TO STRING specifies the string to be inserted as actual port name:
+  `\\&'  means substitute original matched text
+  `\\N'  means substitute what matched the Nth `\\(...\\)'
+  `.*'           `\\&'    leaves name as it is
+  `.*'           `\\&_i'  attaches `_i' to original name
+  `\\(.*\\)_[io]$' `\\1'    strips off `_i' or `_o' from original name
+  `.*'           `'      leaves name empty")
+;; User variables
 (defgroup vhdl nil
-  "Major mode for editing VHDL code."
-  :group 'languages)
-(defcustom vhdl-inhibit-startup-warnings-p nil
-  "*If non-nil, inhibits start up compatibility warnings."
+  "Customizations for VHDL Mode."
+  :prefix "vhdl-"
+  :group 'languages
+;  :version "20.4"  ; comment out for XEmacs
+  )
+(defgroup vhdl-mode nil
+  "Customizations for modes."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-electric-mode t
+  "*Non-nil enables electrification (automatic template generation).
+If nil, template generators can still be invoked through key bindings and
+menu.  Is indicated in the modeline by `/e' after the mode name and can be
+toggled by `\\[vhdl-electric-mode]'."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-mode)
+(defcustom vhdl-stutter-mode t
+  "*Non-nil enables stuttering.
+Is indicated in the modeline by `/s' after the mode name and can be toggled
+by `\\[vhdl-stutter-mode]'."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-mode)
+(defcustom vhdl-indent-tabs-mode nil
+  "*Non-nil means indentation can insert tabs.
+Overrides local variable `indent-tabs-mode'."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-mode)
+(defgroup vhdl-project nil
+  "Customizations for projects."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-project-alist
+  '(("example 1" "Project with individual source files"
+     ("~/example1/vhdl/system.vhd" "~/example1/vhdl/component_*.vhd") "\
+-- This is a multi-line project description
+-- that can be used as a project dependent part of the file header.
+    ("example 2" "Project where source files are located in two directories"
+     ("$EXAMPLE2/vhdl/components/" "$EXAMPLE2/vhdl/system/") "")
+    ("example 3" "Project where source files are located in some directory trees"
+     ("-r ~/example3/*/vhdl/") ""))
+  "*List of projects and their properties.
+  Name       : name of project
+  Title      : title of project (one-line string)
+  Sources    : a) source files  : path + \"/\" + file name
+               b) directory     : path + \"/\"
+               c) directory tree: \"-r \" + path + \"/\"
+  Description: description of project (multi-line string)
+Project name and description are used to insert into the file header (see
+variable `vhdl-file-header').
+Path and file name can contain wildcards `*' and `?'.  Environment variables
+\(e.g. \"$EXAMPLE2\") are resolved.
+The hierarchy browser shows the hierarchy of the design units found in
+`Sources'.  If no directories or files are specified, the current directory is
+NOTE: Reflect the new setting in the choice list of variable `vhdl-project'
+      by restarting Emacs."
+  :type '(repeat (list :tag "Project" :indent 2
+		       (string :tag "Name ")
+		       (string :tag "Title")
+		       (repeat :tag "Sources" :indent 4
+			       (string :format "%v"))
+		       (string :tag "Description: (type `C-j' for newline)"
+			       :format "%t\n%v")))
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-update-mode-menu))
+  :group 'vhdl-project)
+(defcustom vhdl-project ""
+  "*Specifies the default for the current project.
+Select a project name from the ones defined in variable `vhdl-project-alist'.
+Is used to determine the project title and description to be inserted in file
+headers and the source files/directories to be scanned in the hierarchy
+browser.  The current project can also be changed temporarily in the menu."
+  :type (let ((project-alist vhdl-project-alist) choice-list)
+	  (while project-alist
+	    (setq choice-list (cons (list 'const (car (car project-alist)))
+				    choice-list))
+	    (setq project-alist (cdr project-alist)))
+	  (append '(choice (const :tag "None" "") (const :tag "--"))
+		  (nreverse choice-list)))
+  :group 'vhdl-project)
+(defgroup vhdl-compile nil
+  "Customizations for compilation."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-compiler-alist
+  '(
+    ;; Cadence Design Systems: cv -file test.vhd
+    ;; duluth: *E,430 (test.vhd,13): identifier (POSITIV) is not declared
+    ("Cadence" "cv -file" "" "" "./"
+     ("duluth: \\*E,[0-9]+ (\\(.+\\),\\([0-9]+\\)):" 1 2) ("" 0))
+    ;; Ikos Voyager: analyze test.vhd
+    ;; analyze sdrctl.vhd
+    ;; E L4/C5:        this library unit is inaccessible
+    ("Ikos" "analyze" "" "" "./"
+     ("E L\\([0-9]+\\)/C[0-9]+:" 0 1)
+     ("^analyze +\\(.+ +\\)*\\(.+\\)$" 2))
+    ;; ModelSim, Model Technology: vcom test.vhd
+    ;; ERROR: test.vhd(14): Unknown identifier: positiv
+    ;; WARNING[2]: test.vhd(85): Possible infinite loop
+    ("ModelSim" "vcom" "" "vmake > Makefile" "./"
+     ("\\(ERROR\\|WARNING\\)[^:]*: \\(.+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)):" 2 3) ("" 0))
+    ;; QuickHDL, Mentor Graphics: qvhcom test.vhd
+    ;; ERROR: test.vhd(24): near "dnd": expecting: END
+    ;; WARNING[4]: test.vhd(30): A space is required between ...
+    ("QuickHDL" "qvhcom" "" "qhmake >! Makefile" "./"
+     ("\\(ERROR\\|WARNING\\)[^:]*: \\(.+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)):" 2 3) ("" 0))
+    ;; Synopsys, VHDL Analyzer: vhdlan test.vhd
+    ;; **Error: vhdlan,703 test.vhd(22): OTHERS is not legal in this context.
+    ("Synopsys" "vhdlan" "" "" "./"
+     ("\\*\\*Error: vhdlan,[0-9]+ \\(.+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)):" 1 2) ("" 0))
+    ;; Vantage: analyze -libfile vsslib.ini -src test.vhd
+    ;;     Compiling "pcu.vhd" line 1...
+    ;; **Error: LINE 499 *** No aggregate value is valid in this context.
+    ("Vantage" "analyze -libfile vsslib.ini -src" "" "" "./"
+     ("\\*\\*Error: LINE \\([0-9]+\\) \\*\\*\\*" 0 1)
+     ("^ *Compiling \"\\(.+\\)\" " 1))
+    ;; VeriBest: vc vhdl test.vhd
+    ;; no file name printed out!
+    ;;     32:   Z <=  A and BitA ;
+    ;;                       ^^^^
+    ;; [Error] Name BITA is unknown
+    ("VeriBest" "vc vhdl" "" "" "./"
+     ("^ +\\([0-9]+\\): +[^ ]" 0 1) ("" 0))
+    ;; Viewlogic: analyze -libfile vsslib.ini -src test.vhd
+    ;;     Compiling "pcu.vhd" line 1...
+    ;; **Error: LINE 499 *** No aggregate value is valid in this context.
+    ("Viewlogic" "analyze -libfile vsslib.ini -src" "" "" "./"
+     ("\\*\\*Error: LINE \\([0-9]+\\) \\*\\*\\*" 0 1)
+     ("^ *Compiling \"\\(.+\\)\" " 1))
+    )
+  "*List of available VHDL compilers and their properties.
+Each list entry specifies the following items for a compiler:
+  Compiler name    : name used in variable `vhdl-compiler' to choose compiler
+  Compile command  : command including options used for syntax analysis
+  Make command     : command including options used instead of `make' (default)
+  Generate makefile: command to generate a Makefile (used by `make' command)
+  From directory   : directory where compilation is run (must end with '/')
+Error message:
+  Regexp           : regular expression to match error messages
+  File subexp index: index of subexpression that matches the file name
+  Line subexp index: index of subexpression that matches the line number
+File message:
+  Regexp           : regular expression to match a file name message
+  File subexp index: index of subexpression that matches the file name
+See also variable `vhdl-compiler-options' to add options to the compile
+Some compilers do not include the file name in the error message, but print
+out a file name message in advance.  In this case, set \"File Subexp Index\"
+under \"Error Message\" to 0 and fill out the \"File Message\" entries.
+If no file name at all is printed out, set both \"File Message\" entries to 0
+\(a default file name message will be printed out instead, does not work in
+A compiler is selected for syntax analysis (`\\[vhdl-compile]') by
+assigning its name to variable `vhdl-compiler'.
+NOTE: Reflect the new setting in the choice list of variable `vhdl-compiler'
+      by restarting Emacs."
+  :type '(repeat (list :tag "Compiler" :indent 2
+		       (string :tag "Compiler name    ")
+		       (string :tag "Compile command  ")
+		       (string :tag "Make command     ")
+		       (string :tag "Generate makefile")
+		       (string :tag "From directory   " "./")
+		       (list :tag "Error message" :indent 4
+			     (regexp  :tag "Regexp           ")
+			     (integer :tag "File subexp index")
+			     (integer :tag "Line subexp index"))
+		       (list :tag "File message" :indent 4
+			     (regexp  :tag "Regexp           ")
+			     (integer :tag "File subexp index"))))
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-update-mode-menu))
+  :group 'vhdl-compile)
+(defcustom vhdl-compiler "ModelSim"
+  "*Specifies the VHDL compiler to be used for syntax analysis.
+Select a compiler name from the ones defined in variable `vhdl-compiler-alist'."
+  :type (let ((compiler-alist vhdl-compiler-alist) choice-list)
+	  (while compiler-alist
+	    (setq choice-list (cons (list 'const (car (car compiler-alist)))
+				    choice-list))
+	    (setq compiler-alist (cdr compiler-alist)))
+	  (append '(choice) (nreverse choice-list)))
+  :group 'vhdl-compile)
+(defcustom vhdl-compiler-options ""
+ "*Options to be added to the compile command."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-compile)
+(defgroup vhdl-style nil
+  "Customizations for code styles."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-standard '(87 nil)
+  "*VHDL standards used.
+Basic standard:
+  VHDL'87      : IEEE Std 1076-1987
+  VHDL'93      : IEEE Std 1076-1993
+Additional standards:
+  VHDL-AMS     : IEEE Std 1076.1 (analog-mixed-signal)
+  Math packages: IEEE Std 1076.2 (`math_real', `math_complex')
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer using the menu entry
+      \"Activate New Customizations\"."
+  :type '(list (choice :tag "Basic standard"
+		       (const :tag "VHDL'87" 87)
+		       (const :tag "VHDL'93" 93))
+	       (set :tag "Additional standards" :indent 2
+		    (const :tag "VHDL-AMS" ams)
+		    (const :tag "Math packages" math)))
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value
+			  'vhdl-template-map-init
+			  'vhdl-mode-abbrev-table-init
+			  'vhdl-template-construct-alist-init
+			  'vhdl-template-package-alist-init
+			  'vhdl-update-mode-menu
+			  'vhdl-words-init 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-style)
+(defcustom vhdl-basic-offset 2
+  "*Amount of basic offset used for indentation.
+This value is used by + and - symbols in `vhdl-offsets-alist'."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'vhdl-style)
+(defcustom vhdl-upper-case-keywords nil
+  "*Non-nil means convert keywords to upper case.
+This is done when typed or expanded or by the fix case functions."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-abbrev-list-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-style)
+(defcustom vhdl-upper-case-types nil
+  "*Non-nil means convert standardized types to upper case.
+This is done when expanded or by the fix case functions."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-abbrev-list-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-style)
+(defcustom vhdl-upper-case-attributes nil
+  "*Non-nil means convert standardized attributes to upper case.
+This is done when expanded or by the fix case functions."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-abbrev-list-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-style)
+(defcustom vhdl-upper-case-enum-values nil
+  "*Non-nil means convert standardized enumeration values to upper case.
+This is done when expanded or by the fix case functions."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-abbrev-list-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-style)
+(defcustom vhdl-upper-case-constants t
+  "*Non-nil means convert standardized constants to upper case.
+This is done when expanded."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-abbrev-list-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-style)
+(defgroup vhdl-naming nil
+  "Customizations for naming conventions."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-entity-file-name '(".*" . "\\&.vhd")
+  (concat
+   "*Specifies how the entity file name is obtained.
+The entity file name can be obtained by modifying the name of the entity (e.g.
+attaching or stripping off a substring).
+Used for sensitivity list updating (obtaining port names)."
+   vhdl-name-doc-string)
+  :type '(cons (regexp :tag "From regexp")
+	       (string :tag "To string  "))
+  :group 'vhdl-naming)
+(defgroup vhdl-electric nil
+  "Customizations for electrification."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-electric-keywords '(vhdl user)
+  "*Type of keywords for which electrification is enabled.
+  VHDL keywords: invoke built-in templates
+  User keywords: invoke user models (see variable `vhdl-model-alist')"
+  :type '(set (const :tag "VHDL keywords" vhdl)
+	      (const :tag "User keywords" user))
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-mode-abbrev-table-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-electric)
+(defcustom vhdl-optional-labels 'process
+  "*Constructs for which labels are to be queried.
+Template generators prompt for optional labels for:
+  None          : no constructs
+  Processes only: processes only (also procedurals in VHDL-AMS)
+  All constructs: all constructs with optional labels and keyword END"
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "None" none)
+		 (const :tag "Processes only" process)
+		 (const :tag "All constructs" all))
+  :group 'vhdl-electric)
+(defcustom vhdl-insert-empty-lines 'unit
+  "*Specifies whether to insert empty lines in some templates.
+This improves readability of code.  Empty lines are inserted in:
+  None             : no constructs
+  Design units only: entities, architectures, configurations, packages only
+  All constructs   : also all constructs with BEGIN...END parts
+Replaces variable `vhdl-additional-empty-lines'."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "None" none)
+		 (const :tag "Design units only" unit)
+		 (const :tag "All constructs" all))
+  :group 'vhdl-electric
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-argument-list-indent nil
+  "*Non-nil means indent argument lists relative to opening parenthesis.
+That is, argument, association, and port lists start on the same line as the
+opening parenthesis and subsequent lines are indented accordingly.
+Otherwise, lists start on a new line and are indented as normal code."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-electric
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-association-list-with-formals t
+  "*Non-nil means write association lists with formal parameters.
+In templates, you are prompted for formal and actual parameters.
+When pasting component instantiations, formals are included.
+If nil, only a list of actual parameters is entered."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-electric
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis nil
+  "*Non-nil means place parenthesis around condition expressions."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-electric)
+(defcustom vhdl-zero-string "'0'"
+  "*String to use for a logic zero."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-electric)
+(defcustom vhdl-one-string "'1'"
+  "*String to use for a logic one."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-electric)
+(defgroup vhdl-header nil
+  "Customizations for file header."
+  :group 'vhdl-electric)
+(defcustom vhdl-file-header "\
+-- Title      : <title string>
+-- Project    : <project>
+-- File       : <filename>
+-- Author     : <author>
+-- Company    : <company>
+-- Created    : <date>
+-- Last update: <date>
+-- Platform   : <platform>
+-- Description: <cursor>
+-- Revisions  :
+-- Date        Version  Author  Description
+-- <date>  1.0      <login>\tCreated
+  "*String or file to insert as file header.
+If the string specifies an existing file name, the contents of the file is
+inserted, otherwise the string itself is inserted as file header.
+Type `C-j' for newlines.
+If the header contains RCS keywords, they may be written as <RCS>Keyword<RCS>
+if the header needs to be version controlled.
+The following keywords for template generation are supported:
+  <filename>   : replaced by the name of the buffer
+  <author>     : replaced by the user name and email address (`user-full-name',
+                 `mail-host-address', `user-mail-address')
+  <login>      : replaced by user login name (`user-login-name')
+  <company>    : replaced by contents of variable `vhdl-company-name'
+  <date>       : replaced by the current date
+  <year>       : replaced by the current year
+  <project>    : replaced by title of current project (`vhdl-project')
+  <projectdesc>: replaced by description of current project (`vhdl-project')
+  <copyright>  : replaced by copyright string (`vhdl-copyright-string')
+  <platform>   : replaced by contents of variable `vhdl-platform-spec'
+  <... string> : replaced by a queried string (... is the prompt word)
+  <cursor>     : final cursor position
+The (multi-line) project description <projectdesc> can be used as a project
+dependent part of the file header and can also contain the above keywords."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-header)
+(defcustom vhdl-file-footer ""
+  "*String or file to insert as file footer.
+If the string specifies an existing file name, the contents of the file is
+inserted, otherwise the string itself is inserted as file footer (i.e. at
+the end of the file).
+Type `C-j' for newlines."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-header)
+(defcustom vhdl-company-name ""
+  "*Name of company to insert in file header.
+See variable `vhdl-file-header'."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-header)
+(defcustom vhdl-copyright-string "\
+-- Copyright (c) <year> <company>
+  "*Copyright string to insert in file header.
+Can be multi-line string (type `C-j' for newline) and contain other file
+header keywords (see variable `vhdl-file-header')."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-header)
+(defcustom vhdl-platform-spec ""
+  "*Specification of VHDL platform to insert in file header.
+The platform specification should contain names and versions of the
+simulation and synthesis tools used.
+See variable `vhdl-file-header'."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-header)
+(defcustom vhdl-date-format "%Y/%m/%d"
+  "*Specifies the date format to use in the header.
+This string is passed as argument to the command `format-time-string'.
+For more information on format strings, see the documentation for the
+`format-time-string' command (C-h f `format-time-string')."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-header)
+(defcustom vhdl-modify-date-prefix-string "-- Last update: "
+  "*Prefix string of modification date in VHDL file header.
+If actualization of the modification date is called (menu,
+`\\[vhdl-template-modify]'), this string is searched and the rest
+of the line replaced by the current date."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-header)
+(defcustom vhdl-modify-date-on-saving t
+  "*Non-nil means update the modification date when the buffer is saved.
+Calls function `\\[vhdl-template-modify]').
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer using the menu entry
+      \"Activate New Customizations\""
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-header)
+(defgroup vhdl-sequential-process nil
+  "Customizations for sequential processes."
+  :group 'vhdl-electric)
+(defcustom vhdl-reset-kind 'async
+  "*Specifies which kind of reset to use in sequential processes."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "None" none)
+		 (const :tag "Synchronous" sync)
+		 (const :tag "Asynchronous" async))
+  :group 'vhdl-sequential-process)
+(defcustom vhdl-reset-active-high nil
+  "*Non-nil means reset in sequential processes is active high.
+Nil means active low."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-sequential-process)
+(defcustom vhdl-clock-rising-edge t
+  "*Non-nil means rising edge of clock triggers sequential processes.
+Nil means falling edge."
   :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-sequential-process)
+(defcustom vhdl-clock-edge-condition 'standard
+  "*Syntax of the clock edge condition.
+  Standard: \"clk'event and clk = '1'\"
+  Function: \"rising_edge(clk)\""
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Standard" standard)
+		 (const :tag "Function" function))
+  :group 'vhdl-sequential-process)
+(defcustom vhdl-clock-name ""
+  "*Name of clock signal to use in templates."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-sequential-process)
+(defcustom vhdl-reset-name ""
+  "*Name of reset signal to use in templates."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-sequential-process)
+(defgroup vhdl-model nil
+  "Customizations for user models."
   :group 'vhdl)
-(defcustom vhdl-strict-syntax-p nil
+(defcustom vhdl-model-alist
+  '(("example model"
+     "<label> : process (<clock>, <reset>)
+begin  -- process <label>
+  if <reset> = '0' then  -- asynchronous reset (active low)
+    <cursor>
+  elsif <clock>'event and <clock> = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
+    if <enable> = '1' then  -- synchronous load
+    end if;
+  end if;
+end process <label>;"
+     "e" ""))
+  "*List of user models.
+VHDL models (templates) can be specified by the user in this list.  They can be
+invoked from the menu, through key bindings (`C-c C-m ...'), or by keyword
+electrification (i.e. overriding existing or creating new keywords, see
+variable `vhdl-electric-keywords').
+  Name       : name of model (string of words and spaces)
+  String     : string or name of file to be inserted as model (newline: `C-j')
+  Key Binding: key binding to invoke model, added to prefix `C-c C-m'
+                (must be in double-quotes, examples: \"i\", \"\\C-p\", \"\\M-s\")
+  Keyword    : keyword to invoke model
+The models can contain prompts to be queried.  A prompt is of the form \"<...>\".
+A prompt that appears several times is queried once and replaced throughout
+the model.  Special prompts are:
+  <clock> : name specified in `vhdl-clock-name' (if not empty)
+  <reset> : name specified in `vhdl-reset-name' (if not empty)
+  <cursor>: final cursor position
+If the string specifies an existing file name, the contents of the file is
+inserted, otherwise the string itself is inserted.
+The code within the models should be correctly indented.
+Type `C-j' for newlines.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer using the menu entry
+      \"Activate New Customizations\""
+  :type '(repeat (list :tag "Model" :indent 2
+		       (string :tag "Name       ")
+		       (string :tag "String     : (type `C-j' for newline)"
+			       :format "%t\n%v")
+		       (sexp   :tag "Key binding" x)
+		       (string :tag "Keyword    ")))
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value
+			  'vhdl-model-map-init
+			  'vhdl-model-defun
+			  'vhdl-mode-abbrev-table-init
+			  'vhdl-update-mode-menu))
+  :group 'vhdl-model)
+(defgroup vhdl-port nil
+  "Customizations for port transformation functions."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-include-port-comments nil
+  "*Non-nil means include port comments when a port is pasted."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-include-direction-comments nil
+  "*Non-nil means include port direction in instantiations as comments."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-include-type-comments nil
+  "*Non-nil means include generic/port type in instantiations as comments."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-include-group-comments 'never
+  "*Specifies whether to include group comments and spacings.
+The comments and empty lines between groups of ports are pasted:
+  Never       : never
+  Declarations: in entity/component/constant/signal declarations only
+  Always      : also in generic/port maps"
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" never)
+		 (const :tag "Declarations" decl)
+		 (const :tag "Always" always))
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-actual-port-name '(".*" . "\\&_i")
+  (concat
+   "*Specifies how actual port names are obtained from formal port names.
+In a component instantiation, an actual port name can be obtained by
+modifying the formal port name (e.g. attaching or stripping off a substring)."
+   vhdl-name-doc-string)
+  :type '(cons (regexp :tag "From regexp")
+	       (string :tag "To string  "))
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-instance-name '(".*" . "")
+  (concat
+   "*Specifies how an instance name is obtained.
+The instance name can be obtained by modifying the name of the component to be
+instantiated (e.g. attaching or stripping off a substring).
+If TO STRING is empty, the instance name is queried."
+   vhdl-name-doc-string)
+  :type '(cons (regexp :tag "From regexp")
+	       (string :tag "To string  "))
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-entity-name '(".*" . "\\&_tb")
+  (concat
+   "*Specifies how the test bench entity name is obtained.
+The entity name of a test bench can be obtained by modifying the name of
+the component to be tested (e.g. attaching or stripping off a substring)."
+   vhdl-name-doc-string)
+  :type '(cons (regexp :tag "From regexp")
+	       (string :tag "To string  "))
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-architecture-name '(".*" . "")
+  (concat
+   "*Specifies how the test bench architecture name is obtained.
+The test bench architecture name can be obtained by modifying the name of
+the component to be tested (e.g. attaching or stripping off a substring).
+If TO STRING is empty, the architecture name is queried."
+   vhdl-name-doc-string)
+  :type '(cons (regexp :tag "From regexp")
+	       (string :tag "To string  "))
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-dut-name '(".*" . "DUT")
+  (concat
+   "*Specifies how a DUT instance name is obtained.
+The design-under-test instance name (i.e. the component instantiated in the
+test bench) can be obtained by modifying the component name (e.g. attaching
+or stripping off a substring)."
+   vhdl-name-doc-string)
+  :type '(cons (regexp :tag "From regexp")
+	       (string :tag "To string  "))
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-entity-header ""
+  "*String or file to be inserted as test bench entity header.
+If the string specifies an existing file name, the contents of the file is
+inserted, otherwise the string itself is inserted at the beginning of the test
+bench entity template.
+Type `C-j' for newlines."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-architecture-header ""
+  "*String or file to be inserted as test bench architecture header.
+If the string specifies an existing file name, the contents of the file is
+inserted, otherwise the string itself is inserted at the beginning of the test
+bench architecture template, if a separate file is created for the
+Type `C-j' for newlines."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-declarations ""
+  "*String or file to be inserted in the test bench declarative part.
+If the string specifies an existing file name, the contents of the file is
+inserted, otherwise the string itself is inserted in the test bench
+architecture before the BEGIN keyword.
+Type `C-j' for newlines."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-statements ""
+  "*String or file to be inserted in the test bench statement part.
+If the string specifies an existing file name, the contents of the file is
+inserted, otherwise the string itself is inserted in the test bench
+architecture before the END keyword.
+Type `C-j' for newlines."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-initialize-signals nil
+  "*Non-nil means initialize signals with `0' when declared in test bench."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defcustom vhdl-testbench-create-files 'single
+  "*Specifies whether new files should be created for the test bench.
+Test bench entity and architecture are inserted:
+  None          : in current buffer
+  Single file   : in new single file
+  Separate files: in two separate files
+Note that the files have the same name as the contained design unit."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "None" none)
+		 (const :tag "Single file" single)
+		 (const :tag "Separate files" separate))
+  :group 'vhdl-port)
+(defgroup vhdl-comment nil
+  "Customizations for comments."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-self-insert-comments t
+  "*Non-nil means various templates automatically insert help comments."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-comment)
+(defcustom vhdl-prompt-for-comments t
+  "*Non-nil means various templates prompt for user definable comments."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-comment)
+(defcustom vhdl-inline-comment-column 40
+  "*Column to indent inline comments to.
+Overrides local variable `comment-column'.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer using the menu entry
+      \"Activate New Customizations\""
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'vhdl-comment)
+(defcustom vhdl-end-comment-column 79
+  "*End of comment column.
+Comments that exceed this column number are wrapped.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer using the menu entry
+      \"Activate New Customizations\""
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'vhdl-comment)
+(defvar end-comment-column)
+(defgroup vhdl-align nil
+  "Customizations for alignment."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-auto-align t
+  "*Non-nil means align some templates automatically after generation."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-align)
+(defcustom vhdl-align-groups t
+  "*Non-nil means align groups of code lines separately.
+A group of code lines is a region of lines with no empty lines inbetween."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-align)
+(defgroup vhdl-highlight nil
+  "Customizations for highlighting."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-highlight-keywords t
+  "*Non-nil means highlight VHDL keywords and other standardized words.
+The following faces are used:
+  `font-lock-keyword-face'        : keywords
+  `font-lock-type-face'           : standardized types
+  `vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face' : standardized attributes
+  `vhdl-font-lock-enumvalue-face' : standardized enumeration values
+  `vhdl-font-lock-function-face'  : standardized function and package names
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-highlight-names t
+  "*Non-nil means highlight declaration names and construct labels.
+The following faces are used:
+  `font-lock-function-name-face'  : names in declarations of units,
+     subprograms, components, as well as labels of VHDL constructs
+  `font-lock-type-face'           : names in type/nature declarations
+  `vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face' : names in attribute declarations
+  `font-lock-variable-name-face'  : names in declarations of signals,
+     variables, constants, subprogram parameters, generics, and ports
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-highlight-special-words nil
+  "*Non-nil means highlight words with special syntax.
+The words with syntax and color specified in variable
+`vhdl-special-syntax-alist' are highlighted accordingly.
+Can be used for visual support of naming conventions.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-highlight-forbidden-words nil
+  "*Non-nil means highlight forbidden words.
+The reserved words specified in variable `vhdl-forbidden-words' or having the
+syntax specified in variable `vhdl-forbidden-syntax' are highlighted in a
+warning color (face `vhdl-font-lock-reserved-words-face') to indicate not to
+use them.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value
+			  'vhdl-words-init 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-highlight-verilog-keywords nil
+  "*Non-nil means highlight Verilog keywords as reserved words.
+Verilog keywords are highlighted in a warning color (face
+`vhdl-font-lock-reserved-words-face') to indicate not to use them.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value
+			  'vhdl-words-init 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-highlight-translate-off nil
+  "*Non-nil means background-highlight code excluded from translation.
+That is, all code between \"-- pragma translate_off\" and
+\"-- pragma translate_on\" is highlighted using a different background color
+\(face `vhdl-font-lock-translate-off-face').
+Note: this might slow down on-the-fly fontification (and thus editing).
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-highlight-case-sensitive nil
+  "*Non-nil means consider case for highlighting.
+Possible trade-off:
+  non-nil  also upper-case VHDL words are highlighted, but case of words with
+           special syntax is not considered
+  nil      only lower-case VHDL words are highlighted, but case of words with
+           special syntax is considered
+Overrides local variable `font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search'.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-special-syntax-alist nil
+  "*List of special syntax to be highlighted.
+If variable `vhdl-highlight-special-words' is non-nil, words with the specified
+syntax (as regular expression) are highlighted in the corresponding color.
+  Name         : string of words and spaces
+  Regexp       : regular expression describing word syntax
+                  (e.g. \"\\\w+_c\" matches word with suffix \"_c\")
+  Color (light): foreground color for light background
+                 (matching color examples: Gold3, Grey50, LimeGreen, Tomato,
+                 LightSeaGreen, DodgerBlue, Gold, PaleVioletRed)
+  Color (dark) : foreground color for dark background
+                 (matching color examples: BurlyWood1, Grey80, Green, Coral,
+                 AquaMarine2, LightSkyBlue1, Yellow, PaleVioletRed1)
+Can be used for visual support of naming conventions, such as highlighting
+different kinds of signals (e.g. \"Clk_c\", \"Rst_r\") or objects (e.g.
+\"Signal_s\", \"Variable_v\", \"Constant_c\") by distinguishing them using
+name suffices.
+For each entry, a new face is generated with the specified colors and name
+\"vhdl-font-lock-\" + name + \"-face\".
+NOTE: Activate a changed regexp in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking.
+      All other changes require restarting Emacs."
+  :type '(repeat (list :tag "Face" :indent 2
+		       (string :tag "Name         ")
+		       (regexp :tag "Regexp       " "\\w+_")
+		       (string :tag "Color (light)")
+		       (string :tag "Color (dark) ")))
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-forbidden-words '()
+  "*List of forbidden words to be highlighted.
+If variable `vhdl-highlight-forbidden-words' is non-nil, these reserved
+words are highlighted in a warning color to indicate not to use them.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type '(repeat (string :format "%v"))
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value
+			  'vhdl-words-init 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defcustom vhdl-forbidden-syntax ""
+  "*Syntax of forbidden words to be highlighted.
+If variable `vhdl-highlight-forbidden-words' is non-nil, words with this
+syntax are highlighted in a warning color to indicate not to use them.
+Can be used to highlight too long identifiers (e.g. \"\\w\\w\\w\\w\\w\\w\\w\\w\\w\\w+\"
+highlights identifiers with 10 or more characters).
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer by re-fontifying it (menu
+      entry \"Fontify Buffer\").  XEmacs: turn off and on font locking."
+  :type 'regexp
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value
+			  'vhdl-words-init 'vhdl-font-lock-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+(defgroup vhdl-speedbar nil
+  "Customizations for speedbar."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-speedbar-auto-open nil
+  "*Non-nil means open the speedbar automatically at startup.
+Alternatively, the speedbar can be opened from the VHDL menu."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-speedbar)
+(defcustom vhdl-speedbar-show-hierarchy nil
+  "*Non-nil means open the speedbar as hierarchy browser at startup.
+Otherwise, the speedbar is opened as normal file browser."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-speedbar)
+(defcustom vhdl-speedbar-hierarchy-indent 1
+  "*Amount of indentation in hierarchy display of subcomponent."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'vhdl-speedbar)
+(defcustom vhdl-speedbar-scan-limit '(10000000 (1000000 50))
+  "*Limits scanning of large files and netlists.
+Design units: maximum file size to scan for design units
+Hierarchy (instances of subcomponents):
+  File size: maximum file size to scan for instances (in bytes)
+  Instances per file: maximum number of instances to scan per file (in bytes)
+\"None\" always means that there is no limit.
+In case of files not or incompletely scanned, a warning message and the file
+names are printed out.
+Background: scanning for instances is considerably slower than scanning for
+design units, especially when there are many instances.  These limits should
+prevent the scanning of large netlists."
+  :type '(list (choice :tag "Design units"
+		       (const :tag "None" nil)
+		       (integer :tag "File size"))
+	       (list :tag "Hierarchy" :indent 2
+		     (choice :tag "File size"
+			     (const :tag "None" nil)
+			     (integer :tag "Size"))
+		     (choice :tag "Instances per file"
+			     (const :tag "None" nil)
+			     (integer :tag "Number"))))
+  :group 'vhdl-speedbar)
+(defcustom vhdl-speedbar-jump-to-unit t
+  "*Non-nil means jump to the design unit code when opened in a buffer.
+The buffer cursor position is left unchanged otherwise."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-speedbar)
+(defgroup vhdl-menu nil
+  "Customizations for menues."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-index-menu nil
+  "*Non-nil means add an index menu for a source file when loading.
+Alternatively, the speedbar can be used.  Note that the index menu scans a file
+when it is opened, while speedbar only scans the file upon request."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-menu)
+(defcustom vhdl-source-file-menu nil
+  "*Non-nil means add a menu of all source files in current directory.
+Alternatively, the speedbar can be used."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-menu)
+(defcustom vhdl-hideshow-menu nil
+  "*Non-nil means add hideshow menu and functionality at startup.
+Hideshow can also be enabled from the VHDL Mode menu.
+Hideshow allows hiding code of various VHDL constructs.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer using the menu entry
+      \"Activate New Customizations\""
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-menu)
+(defcustom vhdl-hide-all-init nil
+  "*Non-nil means hide all design units initially after a file is loaded."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-menu)
+(defgroup vhdl-print nil
+  "Customizations for printing."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-print-two-column t
+  "*Non-nil means print code in two columns and landscape format.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting by restarting Emacs.
+      Overrides `ps-print' settings locally."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-print)
+(defcustom vhdl-print-customize-faces t
+  "*Non-nil means use an optimized set of faces for postscript printing.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting by restarting Emacs.
+      Overrides `ps-print' settings locally."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-print)
+(defgroup vhdl-misc nil
+  "Miscellaneous customizations."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+(defcustom vhdl-intelligent-tab t
+  "*Non-nil means `TAB' does indentation, word completion and tab insertion.
+That is, if preceeding character is part of a word then complete word,
+else if not at beginning of line then insert tab,
+else if last command was a `TAB' or `RET' then dedent one step,
+else indent current line (i.e. `TAB' is bound to `vhdl-electric-tab').
+If nil, TAB always indents current line (i.e. `TAB' is bound to
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer using the menu entry
+      \"Activate New Customizations\""
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-misc)
+(defcustom vhdl-word-completion-case-sensitive nil
+  "*Non-nil means word completion using `TAB' is case sensitive.
+That is, `TAB' completes words that start with the same letters and case.
+Otherwise, case is ignored."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-misc)
+(defcustom vhdl-word-completion-in-minibuffer t
+  "*Non-nil enables word completion in minibuffer (for template prompts).
+NOTE: Activate the new setting by restarting Emacs."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'vhdl-misc)
+(defcustom vhdl-underscore-is-part-of-word nil
+  "*Non-nil means consider the underscore character `_' as part of word.
+An identifier containing underscores is then treated as a single word in
+select and move operations.  All parts of an identifier separated by underscore
+are treated as single words otherwise.
+NOTE: Activate the new setting in a VHDL buffer using the menu entry
+      \"Activate New Customizations\""
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+         (vhdl-custom-set variable value 'vhdl-mode-syntax-table-init))
+  :group 'vhdl-misc)
+(defgroup vhdl-related nil
+  "Related general customizations."
+  :group 'vhdl)
+;; add related general customizations
+(custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'line-number-mode 'custom-variable)
+(if vhdl-xemacs
+    (custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'paren-mode 'custom-variable)
+  (custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'paren-showing 'custom-group))
+(unless vhdl-xemacs
+  (custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'transient-mark-mode 'custom-variable))
+(custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'ps-print 'custom-group)
+(custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'hideshow 'custom-group)
+(custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'user-full-name 'custom-variable)
+(custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'mail-host-address 'custom-variable)
+(custom-add-to-group 'vhdl-related 'user-mail-address 'custom-variable)
+;; Internal variables
+(defvar vhdl-progress-interval 1
+  "*Interval used to update progress status during long operations.
+If a number, percentage complete gets updated after each interval of
+that many seconds.  To inhibit all messages, set this variable to nil.")
+(defvar vhdl-inhibit-startup-warnings-p nil
+  "*If non-nil, inhibits start up compatibility warnings.")
+(defvar vhdl-strict-syntax-p nil
   "*If non-nil, all syntactic symbols must be found in `vhdl-offsets-alist'.
 If the syntactic symbol for a particular line does not match a symbol
 in the offsets alist, an error is generated, otherwise no error is
-reported and the syntactic symbol is ignored."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'vhdl)
-(defcustom vhdl-echo-syntactic-information-p nil
-  "*If non-nil, syntactic info is echoed when the line is indented."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'vhdl)
-(defcustom vhdl-basic-offset 2
-  "*Amount of basic offset used by + and - symbols in `vhdl-offsets-alist'."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'vhdl)
+reported and the syntactic symbol is ignored.")
+(defvar vhdl-echo-syntactic-information-p nil
+  "*If non-nil, syntactic info is echoed when the line is indented.")
 (defconst vhdl-offsets-alist-default
   '((string                . -1000)
@@ -114,7 +1292,7 @@
     (statement-case-intro  . +)
     (case-alternative      . +)
     (comment               . vhdl-lineup-comment)
-    (arglist-intro         . vhdl-lineup-arglist-intro)
+    (arglist-intro         . +)
     (arglist-cont          . 0)
     (arglist-cont-nonempty . vhdl-lineup-arglist)
     (arglist-close         . vhdl-lineup-arglist)
@@ -128,13 +1306,13 @@
 Do not change this constant!  See the variable `vhdl-offsets-alist' for
 more information.")
-(defcustom vhdl-offsets-alist (copy-alist vhdl-offsets-alist-default)
+(defvar vhdl-offsets-alist (copy-alist vhdl-offsets-alist-default)
   "*Association list of syntactic element symbols and indentation offsets.
 As described below, each cons cell in this list has the form:
-When a line is indented, vhdl-mode first determines the syntactic
+When a line is indented, `vhdl-mode' first determines the syntactic
 context of the line by generating a list of symbols called syntactic
 elements.  This list can contain more than one syntactic element and
 the global variable `vhdl-syntactic-context' contains the context list
@@ -144,7 +1322,7 @@
 syntactic symbols may not have a relative indent point associated with
-After the syntactic context list for a line is generated, vhdl-mode
+After the syntactic context list for a line is generated, `vhdl-mode'
 calculates the absolute indentation for the line by looking at each
 syntactic element in the list.  First, it compares the syntactic
 element against the SYNTACTIC-SYMBOL's in `vhdl-offsets-alist'.  When it
@@ -159,7 +1337,7 @@
 Actually, OFFSET can be an integer, a function, a variable, or one of
 the following symbols: `+', `-', `++', or `--'.  These latter
 designate positive or negative multiples of `vhdl-basic-offset',
-respectively: *1, *-1, *2, and *-2. If OFFSET is a function, it is
+respectively: *1, *-1, *2, and *-2.  If OFFSET is a function, it is
 called with a single argument containing the cons of the syntactic
 element symbol and the relative indent point.  The function should
 return an integer offset.
@@ -187,29 +1365,9 @@
  configuration          -- inside a configuration declaration
  package                -- inside a package declaration
  architecture           -- inside an architecture body
- package-body           -- inside a package body
-  :type 'sexp
-  :group 'vhdl)
-(defcustom vhdl-tab-always-indent t
-  "*Controls the operation of the TAB key.
-If t, hitting TAB always just indents the current line.  If nil,
-hitting TAB indents the current line if point is at the left margin or
-in the line's indentation, otherwise it insert a real tab character.
-If other than nil or t, then tab is inserted only within literals
--- defined as comments and strings -- and inside preprocessor
-directives, but line is always reindented.
-Note that indentation of lines containing only comments is also
-controlled by the `vhdl-comment-only-line-offset' variable."
-  :type '(radio (const :tag "Always indent" t)
-		(const :tag "Indent if point in indentation" nil)
-		(sexp :format "%t\n"
-		      :tag "Insert if point within literals" other))
-  :group 'vhdl)
-(defcustom vhdl-comment-only-line-offset 0
+ package-body           -- inside a package body")
+(defvar vhdl-comment-only-line-offset 0
   "*Extra offset for line which contains only the start of a comment.
 Can contain an integer or a cons cell of the form:
@@ -218,18 +1376,11 @@
 Where NON-ANCHORED-OFFSET is the amount of offset given to
 non-column-zero anchored comment-only lines, and ANCHORED-OFFSET is
 the amount of offset to give column-zero anchored comment-only lines.
-Just an integer as value is equivalent to (<val> . 0)"
-  :type '(choice integer
-		 (cons :value (0 . 0)
-		       (integer :tag "Non-anchored offset")
-		       (integer :tag "Anchored offset")))
-  :group 'vhdl)
-(defcustom vhdl-special-indent-hook nil
+Just an integer as value is equivalent to (<val> . 0)")
+(defvar vhdl-special-indent-hook nil
   "*Hook for user defined special indentation adjustments.
-This hook gets called after a line is indented by the mode."
-  :type 'hook
-  :group 'vhdl)
+This hook gets called after a line is indented by the mode.")
 (defvar vhdl-style-alist
@@ -243,7 +1394,7 @@
 where STYLE-STRING is a short descriptive string used to select a
-style, VARIABLE is any vhdl-mode variable, and VALUE is the intended
+style, VARIABLE is any `vhdl-mode' variable, and VALUE is the intended
 value for that variable when using the selected style.
 There is one special case when VARIABLE is `vhdl-offsets-alist'.  In this
@@ -262,387 +1413,1992 @@
-		      vhdl-tab-always-indent
 	   (default (cons "Default"
 			    (lambda (var)
-			      (cons var (symbol-value var))
-			      ))
+			      (cons var (symbol-value var))))
       (setq vhdl-style-alist (cons default vhdl-style-alist))))
 (defvar vhdl-mode-hook nil
   "*Hook called by `vhdl-mode'.")
-(defvar vhdl-mode-menu
-  '(["Comment Out Region"     comment-region (mark)]
-    ;; ["Indent Expression"      vhdl-indent-exp
-    ;; (memq (following-char) '(?\( ?\[ ?\{))]
-    ["Indent Line"            vhdl-indent-command t]
-    ["Backward Statement"     vhdl-beginning-of-statement t]
-    ;; ["Forward Statement"      vhdl-end-of-statement t]
+;; Compatibility
+(defvar vhdl-startup-warnings nil
+  "Warnings to tell the user during start up.")
+(defun vhdl-warning-when-idle (string)
+  "Wait until idle, then print out wanring STRING and beep."
+  (if vhdl-xemacs
+      (start-itimer "vhdl-mode" 'vhdl-warning .1 nil t t string)
+    (run-with-idle-timer .1 nil 'vhdl-warning string)))
+(defun vhdl-warning (string &optional nobeep)
+  "Print out warning STRING and beep."
+  (message (concat "WARNING:  " string))
+  (unless nobeep (beep)))
+(defun vhdl-print-warnings ()
+  "Print out messages in variable `vhdl-startup-warnings'."
+  (let ((warnings vhdl-startup-warnings))
+    (while warnings
+      (message (concat "WARNING:  " (car warnings)))
+      (setq warnings (cdr warnings))))
+  (when vhdl-startup-warnings (beep))
+  (when (> (length vhdl-startup-warnings) 1)
+    (message "WARNING:  See warning messages in *Messages* buffer.")))
+(defun vhdl-add-warning (string)
+  "Add STRING to warning list `vhdl-startup-warnings'."
+  (setq vhdl-startup-warnings (cons string vhdl-startup-warnings)))
+;; Compatibility checks and corrections
+;; variable `vhdl-compiler' changed format
+(when (not (stringp vhdl-compiler))
+  (setq vhdl-compiler "ModelSim")
+  (vhdl-add-warning "Variable `vhdl-compiler' has changed format; customize again"))
+;; variable `vhdl-standard' changed format
+(when (not (listp vhdl-standard))
+  (setq vhdl-standard '(87 nil))
+  (vhdl-add-warning "Variable `vhdl-standard' has changed format; customize again"))
+;; variable `vhdl-model-alist' changed format
+(when (= (length (car vhdl-model-alist)) 3)
+  (let ((old-alist vhdl-model-alist)
+	new-alist)
+    (while old-alist
+      (setq new-alist (cons (append (car old-alist) '("")) new-alist))
+      (setq old-alist (cdr old-alist)))
+    (setq vhdl-model-alist (nreverse new-alist))))
+;; variable `vhdl-project-alist' changed format
+(when (= (length (car vhdl-project-alist)) 3)
+  (let ((old-alist vhdl-project-alist)
+	new-alist)
+    (while old-alist
+      (setq new-alist (cons (append (car old-alist) '("")) new-alist))
+      (setq old-alist (cdr old-alist)))
+    (setq vhdl-project-alist (nreverse new-alist))))
+;; XEmacs compatibility checks and fixes
+;; `regexp-opt' undefined (`xemacs-devel' not installed)
+;; `regexp-opt' accelerates fontification by 10-20%
+(unless (fboundp 'regexp-opt)
+;  (vhdl-add-warning "Please install `xemacs-devel' package.")
+  (defun regexp-opt (strings &optional paren)
+    (let ((open (if paren "\\(" "")) (close (if paren "\\)" "")))
+      (concat open (mapconcat 'regexp-quote strings "\\|") close))))
+;; Help functions
+(defsubst vhdl-standard-p (standard)
+  "Check if STANDARD is specified as used standard."
+  (or (eq standard (car vhdl-standard))
+       (memq standard (cadr vhdl-standard))))
+(defmacro vhdl-prepare-search-1 (&rest body)
+  "Enable case insensitive search and switch to syntax table that includes '_',
+then execute BODY, and finally restore the old environment.  Used for
+consistent searching."
+  `(let ((case-fold-search t)		; case insensitive search
+	 (current-syntax-table (syntax-table))
+	 result
+	 (restore-prog			; program to restore enviroment
+	  '(progn
+	     ;; restore syntax table
+	     (set-syntax-table current-syntax-table))))
+     ;; use extended syntax table
+     (set-syntax-table vhdl-mode-ext-syntax-table)
+     ;; execute BODY safely
+     (setq result
+	   (condition-case info
+	       (progn ,@body)
+	     (error (eval restore-prog)	; restore environment on error
+		    (error (cadr info))))) ; pass error up
+     ;; restore environment
+     (eval restore-prog)
+     result))
+(defmacro vhdl-prepare-search-2 (&rest body)
+  "Enable case insensitive search, switch to syntax table that includes '_',
+and remove `intangible' overlays, then execute BODY, and finally restore the
+old environment.  Used for consistent searching."
+  `(let ((case-fold-search t)		; case insensitive search
+	 (current-syntax-table (syntax-table))
+	 result overlay-all-list overlay-intangible-list overlay
+	 (restore-prog			; program to restore enviroment
+	  '(progn
+	     ;; restore syntax table
+	     (set-syntax-table current-syntax-table)
+	     ;; restore `intangible' overlays
+	     (when (fboundp 'overlay-lists)
+	       (while overlay-intangible-list
+		 (overlay-put (car overlay-intangible-list) 'intangible t)
+		 (setq overlay-intangible-list
+		       (cdr overlay-intangible-list)))))))
+     ;; use extended syntax table
+     (set-syntax-table vhdl-mode-ext-syntax-table)
+     ;; remove `intangible' overlays
+     (when (fboundp 'overlay-lists)
+       (setq overlay-all-list (overlay-lists))
+       (setq overlay-all-list
+	     (append (car overlay-all-list) (cdr overlay-all-list)))
+       (while overlay-all-list
+	 (setq overlay (car overlay-all-list))
+	 (when (memq 'intangible (overlay-properties overlay))
+	   (setq overlay-intangible-list
+		 (cons overlay overlay-intangible-list))
+	   (overlay-put overlay 'intangible nil))
+	 (setq overlay-all-list (cdr overlay-all-list))))
+     ;; execute BODY safely
+     (setq result
+	   (condition-case info
+	       (progn ,@body)
+	     (error (eval restore-prog)	; restore environment on error
+		    (error (cadr info))))) ; pass error up
+     ;; restore environment
+     (eval restore-prog)
+     result))
+;; Required packages
+;; mandatory
+(require 'assoc)
+(require 'compile)			; XEmacs
+(require 'easymenu)
+(when vhdl-xemacs (require 'hideshow))	; XEmacs needs it, Emacs gives an error
+(require 'hippie-exp)
+;; optional (minimize warning messages during compile)
+  (require 'font-lock)
+  (require 'hideshow)
+  (require 'ps-print)
+  (require 'speedbar))
+;;; Emacs variant handling
+;; active regions
+(defun vhdl-keep-region-active ()
+  "Do whatever is necessary to keep the region active in XEmacs.
+Ignore byte-compiler warnings you might see."
+  (and (boundp 'zmacs-region-stays)
+       (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
+;; XEmacs hacks
+;; `wildcard-to-regexp' is included in XEmacs 21
+(unless (fboundp 'wildcard-to-regexp)
+  (defun wildcard-to-regexp (wildcard)
+    "Simplified version of `wildcard-to-regexp' from Emacs' `files.el'."
+    (let* ((i (string-match "[*?]" wildcard))
+	   (result (substring wildcard 0 i))
+	   (len (length wildcard)))
+      (when i
+	(while (< i len)
+	  (let ((ch (aref wildcard i)))
+	    (setq result (concat result
+				 (cond ((eq ch ?*)  "[^\000]*")
+				       ((eq ch ??)  "[^\000]")
+				       (t (char-to-string ch)))))
+	    (setq i (1+ i)))))
+      (concat "\\`" result "\\'"))))
+;;; Bindings
+;; Key bindings
+(defvar vhdl-template-map ()
+  "Keymap for VHDL templates.")
+(defun vhdl-template-map-init ()
+  "Initialize `vhdl-template-map'."
+  (setq vhdl-template-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+  ;; key bindings for VHDL templates
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "al"	'vhdl-template-alias)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ar"	'vhdl-template-architecture)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "at"	'vhdl-template-assert)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ad"	'vhdl-template-attribute-decl)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "as"	'vhdl-template-attribute-spec)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "bl"	'vhdl-template-block)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ca"	'vhdl-template-case-is)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "cd"	'vhdl-template-component-decl)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ci"	'vhdl-template-component-inst)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "cs"	'vhdl-template-conditional-signal-asst)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "Cb"	'vhdl-template-block-configuration)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "Cc"	'vhdl-template-component-conf)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "Cd"	'vhdl-template-configuration-decl)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "Cs"	'vhdl-template-configuration-spec)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "co"	'vhdl-template-constant)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "di"	'vhdl-template-disconnect)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "el"	'vhdl-template-else)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ei"	'vhdl-template-elsif)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "en"	'vhdl-template-entity)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ex"	'vhdl-template-exit)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "fi"	'vhdl-template-file)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "fg"	'vhdl-template-for-generate)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "fl"	'vhdl-template-for-loop)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-f"	'vhdl-template-footer)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "fb"	'vhdl-template-function-body)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "fd"	'vhdl-template-function-decl)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ge"	'vhdl-template-generic)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "gd"	'vhdl-template-group-decl)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "gt"	'vhdl-template-group-template)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-h"	'vhdl-template-header)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ig"	'vhdl-template-if-generate)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "it"	'vhdl-template-if-then)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "li"	'vhdl-template-library)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "lo"	'vhdl-template-bare-loop)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-m"	'vhdl-template-modify)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-t"	'vhdl-template-insert-date)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ma"	'vhdl-template-map)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ne"	'vhdl-template-next)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ot"	'vhdl-template-others)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "Pd"	'vhdl-template-package-decl)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "Pb"	'vhdl-template-package-body)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "("     'vhdl-template-paired-parens)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "po"	'vhdl-template-port)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "pb"	'vhdl-template-procedure-body)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "pd"	'vhdl-template-procedure-decl)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "pc"	'vhdl-template-process-comb)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ps"	'vhdl-template-process-seq)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "rp"	'vhdl-template-report)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "rt"	'vhdl-template-return)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ss"	'vhdl-template-selected-signal-asst)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "si"	'vhdl-template-signal)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "su"	'vhdl-template-subtype)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "ty"	'vhdl-template-type)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "us"	'vhdl-template-use)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "va"	'vhdl-template-variable)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "wa"	'vhdl-template-wait)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "wl"	'vhdl-template-while-loop)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "wi"	'vhdl-template-with)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "wc"	'vhdl-template-clocked-wait)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pb" 'vhdl-template-package-numeric-bit)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pn" 'vhdl-template-package-numeric-std)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-ps" 'vhdl-template-package-std-logic-1164)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pA" 'vhdl-template-package-std-logic-arith)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pM" 'vhdl-template-package-std-logic-misc)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pS" 'vhdl-template-package-std-logic-signed)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pT" 'vhdl-template-package-std-logic-textio)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pU" 'vhdl-template-package-std-logic-unsigned)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pt" 'vhdl-template-package-textio)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-dn" 'vhdl-template-directive-translate-on)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-df" 'vhdl-template-directive-translate-off)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-dN" 'vhdl-template-directive-synthesis-on)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-dF" 'vhdl-template-directive-synthesis-off)
+  (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-q"  'vhdl-template-search-prompt)
+  (when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "br"	'vhdl-template-break)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "cu"	'vhdl-template-case-use)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "iu"	'vhdl-template-if-use)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "lm"	'vhdl-template-limit)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "na"	'vhdl-template-nature)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "pa"	'vhdl-template-procedural)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "qf"	'vhdl-template-quantity-free)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "qb"	'vhdl-template-quantity-branch)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "qs"	'vhdl-template-quantity-source)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "sn"	'vhdl-template-subnature)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "te"	'vhdl-template-terminal)
-  "XEmacs 19 (formerly Lucid) menu for VHDL mode.")
-;; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-;; Emacs variant handling, and standard mode variables and functions:
-(defconst vhdl-emacs-features
-  (let ((major (and (boundp 'emacs-major-version)
-		    emacs-major-version))
-	(minor (and (boundp 'emacs-minor-version)
-		    emacs-minor-version))
-	flavor)
-    ;; figure out version numbers if not already discovered
-    (and (or (not major) (not minor))
-	 (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\).\\([0-9]+\\)" emacs-version)
-	 (setq major (string-to-int (substring emacs-version
-					       (match-beginning 1)
-					       (match-end 1)))
-	       minor (string-to-int (substring emacs-version
-					       (match-beginning 2)
-					       (match-end 2)))))
-    (if (not (and major minor))
-	(error "Cannot figure out the major and minor version numbers."))
-    ;; calculate the major version
-    (cond
-     ((= major 18)  (setq major 'v18))	;Emacs 18
-     ((= major 4)   (setq major 'v18))	;Epoch 4
-     ((= major 19)  (setq major 'v19	;Emacs 19
-			  flavor (cond
-				  ((string-match "Win-Emacs" emacs-version)
-				   'Win-Emacs)
-				  ((or (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)
-				       (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version))
-				   'XEmacs)
-				  (t
-				   'FSF))))
-     ((>= major 20) (setq major 'v20	;Emacs 20 or later
-			  flavor (if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-				     'XEmacs
-				   'FSF)))
-     ;; I don't know
-     (t (error "Cannot recognize major version number: %s" major)))
-    ;; lets do some minimal sanity checking.
-    (if (and (or
-	      ;; Emacs 18 is brain dead
-	      (eq major 'v18)
-	      ;; Lemacs before 19.6 had bugs
-	      (and (eq major 'v19) (eq flavor 'XEmacs) (< minor 6))
-	      ;; FSF 19 before 19.21 had bugs
-	      (and (eq major 'v19) (eq flavor 'FSF) (< minor 21)))
-	     (not vhdl-inhibit-startup-warnings-p))
-	(with-output-to-temp-buffer "*vhdl-mode warnings*"
-	  (print (format
-"The version of Emacs that you are running, %s,
-has known bugs in its syntax.c parsing routines which will affect the
-performance of vhdl-mode. You should strongly consider upgrading to the
-latest available version.  vhdl-mode may continue to work, after a
-fashion, but strange indentation errors could be encountered."
-		     emacs-version))))
-    (list major flavor))
-  "A list of features extant in the Emacs you are using.
-There are many flavors of Emacs out there, each with different
-features supporting those needed by vhdl-mode.  Here's the current
-supported list, along with the values for this variable:
- Emacs 18/Epoch 4:           (v18)
- XEmacs (formerly Lucid) 19: (v19 XEmacs)
- Win-Emacs 1.35:             (V19 Win-Emacs)
- FSF Emacs 19:               (v19 FSF).")
-(defvar vhdl-mode-abbrev-table nil
-  "Abbrev table in use in vhdl-mode buffers.")
-(define-abbrev-table 'vhdl-mode-abbrev-table ())
+  (when (vhdl-standard-p 'math)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pc" 'vhdl-template-package-math-complex)
+    (define-key vhdl-template-map "\C-pr" 'vhdl-template-package-math-real)
+    ))
+;; initialize template map for VHDL Mode
+(defun vhdl-function-name (prefix string &optional postfix)
+  "Generate a Lisp function name.
+PREFIX, STRING and optional POSTFIX are concatenated by '-' and spaces in
+STRING are replaced by `-' and substrings are converted to lower case."
+  (let ((name prefix))
+    (while (string-match "\\(\\w+\\)\\s-*\\(.*\\)" string)
+      (setq name
+	    (concat name "-" (downcase (substring string 0 (match-end 1)))))
+      (setq string (substring string (match-beginning 2))))
+    (when postfix (setq name (concat name "-" postfix)))
+    (intern name)))
+(defvar vhdl-model-map ()
+  "Keymap for VHDL models.")
+(defun vhdl-model-map-init ()
+  "Initialize `vhdl-model-map'."
+  (setq vhdl-model-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+  ;; key bindings for VHDL models
+  (let ((model-alist vhdl-model-alist) model)
+    (while model-alist
+      (setq model (car model-alist))
+      (define-key vhdl-model-map (nth 2 model)
+	(vhdl-function-name "vhdl-model" (nth 0 model)))
+      (setq model-alist (cdr model-alist)))))
+;; initialize user model map for VHDL Mode
 (defvar vhdl-mode-map ()
-  "Keymap used in vhdl-mode buffers.")
-(if vhdl-mode-map
-    ()
-  ;; TBD: should we even worry about naming this keymap. My vote: no,
-  ;; because FSF and XEmacs (formerly Lucid) do it differently.
+  "Keymap for VHDL Mode.")
+(defun vhdl-mode-map-init ()
+  "Initialize `vhdl-mode-map'."
   (setq vhdl-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
-  ;; put standard keybindings into MAP
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-a"	'vhdl-beginning-of-statement)
-  ;;(define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-e"	'vhdl-end-of-statement)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-f"   'vhdl-forward-sexp)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-b"   'vhdl-backward-sexp)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-u"	'vhdl-backward-up-list)
-  ;;(define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-d"	'vhdl-down-list)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-a"	'vhdl-beginning-of-defun)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-e"	'vhdl-end-of-defun)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-h"	'vhdl-mark-defun)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-q"	'vhdl-indent-sexp)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\t"        'vhdl-indent-command)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\177"      'backward-delete-char-untabify)
-  ;; these are new keybindings, with no counterpart to BOCM
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-b"  'vhdl-submit-bug-report)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-c"  'comment-region)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-o"  'vhdl-set-offset)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-r"  'vhdl-regress-line)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-s"  'vhdl-show-syntactic-information)
-  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-v"  'vhdl-version)
-  ;; in XEmacs (formerly Lucid) 19, we want the menu to popup when
-  ;; the 3rd button is hit.  In 19.10 and beyond this is done
-  ;; automatically if we put the menu on mode-popup-menu variable,
-  ;; see c-common-init. RMS decided that this feature should not be
-  ;; included for FSF's Emacs.
-  (if (and (boundp 'current-menubar)
-	   (not (boundp 'mode-popup-menu)))
-      (define-key vhdl-mode-map 'button3 'vhdl-popup-menu))
-  )
+  ;; template key bindings
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-t"     vhdl-template-map)
+  ;; model key bindings
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-m"     vhdl-model-map)
+  ;; standard key bindings
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-a"         'vhdl-beginning-of-statement)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-e"         'vhdl-end-of-statement)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-f"      'vhdl-forward-sexp)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-b"      'vhdl-backward-sexp)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-u"      'vhdl-backward-up-list)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-a"      'vhdl-backward-same-indent)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-e"      'vhdl-forward-same-indent)
+  (unless vhdl-xemacs ; would override `M-backspace' in XEmacs
+    (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-h"      'vhdl-mark-defun))
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-q"      'vhdl-indent-sexp)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-^"         'vhdl-delete-indentation)
+  ;; backspace/delete key bindings
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map [backspace]    'backward-delete-char-untabify)
+  (unless (boundp 'delete-key-deletes-forward) ; XEmacs variable
+    (define-key vhdl-mode-map [delete]       'delete-char)
+    (define-key vhdl-mode-map [(meta delete)] 'kill-word))
+  ;; mode specific key bindings
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-e"     'vhdl-electric-mode)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-s"     'vhdl-stutter-mode)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-k"     'vhdl-compile)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\M-\C-k"  'vhdl-make)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\C-w" 'vhdl-port-copy)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\M-w" 'vhdl-port-copy)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\C-e" 'vhdl-port-paste-entity)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\C-c" 'vhdl-port-paste-component)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\C-i" 'vhdl-port-paste-instance)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\C-s" 'vhdl-port-paste-signals)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\M-c" 'vhdl-port-paste-constants)
+  (if vhdl-xemacs ; `... C-g' not allowed in XEmacs
+      (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\M-g" 'vhdl-port-paste-generic-map)
+    (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\C-g" 'vhdl-port-paste-generic-map))
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\C-t" 'vhdl-port-paste-testbench)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p\C-f" 'vhdl-port-flatten)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-c"     'vhdl-comment-uncomment-region)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c-"        'vhdl-comment-append-inline)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\M--"     'vhdl-comment-display-line)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\M-\C-i"  'vhdl-indent-line)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\C-\\"     'vhdl-indent-region)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-a\C-a" 'vhdl-align-group)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-a\C-l" 'vhdl-align-list)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-a\C-d" 'vhdl-align-declarations)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-a\M-a" 'vhdl-align-noindent-region)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-a\C-i" 'vhdl-align-inline-comment-group)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-a\M-i" 'vhdl-align-inline-comment-region)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\C-w" 'vhdl-line-kill)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\M-w" 'vhdl-line-copy)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\C-y" 'vhdl-line-yank)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\t"   'vhdl-line-expand)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\C-n" 'vhdl-line-transpose-next)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\C-p" 'vhdl-line-transpose-previous)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\C-o" 'vhdl-line-open)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\C-g" 'goto-line)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l\C-c" 'vhdl-comment-uncomment-line)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-x\C-p" 'vhdl-fix-clause)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-x\M-c" 'vhdl-fix-case-region)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-x\C-c" 'vhdl-fix-case-buffer)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-x\M-w" 'vhdl-fixup-whitespace-region)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-x\C-w" 'vhdl-fixup-whitespace-buffer)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\M-b"     'vhdl-beautify-region)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-b"     'vhdl-beautify-buffer)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-u\C-s" 'vhdl-update-sensitivity-list-process)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-u\M-s" 'vhdl-update-sensitivity-list-buffer)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-f"     'vhdl-fontify-buffer)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-h"     'vhdl-doc-mode)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-v"     'vhdl-version)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\M-\t"        'tab-to-tab-stop)
+  ;; insert commands bindings
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-i\C-c" 'vhdl-template-insert-construct)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-i\C-p" 'vhdl-template-insert-package)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-i\C-d" 'vhdl-template-insert-directive)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\C-c\C-i\C-m" 'vhdl-model-insert)
+  ;; electric key bindings
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map " "            'vhdl-electric-space)
+  (if vhdl-intelligent-tab
+      (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\t"       'vhdl-electric-tab)
+    (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\t"         'vhdl-indent-line))
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "\r"           'vhdl-electric-return)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "-"            'vhdl-electric-dash)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "["            'vhdl-electric-open-bracket)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "]"            'vhdl-electric-close-bracket)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "'"            'vhdl-electric-quote)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map ";"            'vhdl-electric-semicolon)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map ","            'vhdl-electric-comma)
+  (define-key vhdl-mode-map "."            'vhdl-electric-period)
+  (when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams)
+    (define-key vhdl-mode-map "="          'vhdl-electric-equal)))
+;; initialize mode map for VHDL Mode
+;; define special minibuffer keymap for enabling word completion in minibuffer
+;; (useful in template generator prompts)
+(defvar vhdl-minibuffer-local-map (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-map)
+  "Keymap for minibuffer used in VHDL Mode.")
+(when vhdl-word-completion-in-minibuffer
+  (define-key vhdl-minibuffer-local-map "\t" 'vhdl-minibuffer-tab))
+;; set up electric character functions to work with
+;; `delete-selection-mode' (Emacs) and `pending-delete-mode' (XEmacs)
+ (function
+  (lambda (sym)
+    (put sym 'delete-selection t)	; for `delete-selection-mode' (Emacs)
+    (put sym 'pending-delete t)))	; for `pending-delete-mode' (XEmacs)
+ '(vhdl-electric-space
+   vhdl-electric-tab
+   vhdl-electric-return
+   vhdl-electric-dash
+   vhdl-electric-open-bracket
+   vhdl-electric-close-bracket
+   vhdl-electric-quote
+   vhdl-electric-semicolon
+   vhdl-electric-comma
+   vhdl-electric-period
+   vhdl-electric-equal))
+;; syntax table
 (defvar vhdl-mode-syntax-table nil
-  "Syntax table used in vhdl-mode buffers.")
-(if vhdl-mode-syntax-table
-    ()
+  "Syntax table used in `vhdl-mode' buffers.")
+(defvar vhdl-mode-ext-syntax-table nil
+  "Syntax table extended by `_' used in `vhdl-mode' buffers.")
+(defun vhdl-mode-syntax-table-init ()
+  "Initialize `vhdl-mode-syntax-table'."
   (setq vhdl-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\""    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\$ "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\% "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\& "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()"    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")("    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\* "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\+ "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\. "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\/ "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\: "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\; "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\< "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\= "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\> "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]"    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\"    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")["    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(}"    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\| "."     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){"    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  ;; add comment syntax
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\- ". 12"  vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">"     vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (modify-syntax-entry ?\^M ">"    vhdl-mode-syntax-table))
+  ;; define punctuation
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\# "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\$ "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\% "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\& "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\* "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\+ "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\. "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\/ "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\: "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\; "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\< "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\= "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\> "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\| "."    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  ;; define string
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\""   vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  ;; define underscore
+  (when vhdl-underscore-is-part-of-word
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w"   vhdl-mode-syntax-table))
+  ;; a single hyphen is punctuation, but a double hyphen starts a comment
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\- ". 12" vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  ;; and \n and \^M end a comment
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">"    vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\^M ">"   vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  ;; define parentheses to match
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()"   vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")("   vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]"   vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")["   vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(}"   vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){"   vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  ;; extended syntax table including '_' (for simpler search regexps)
+  (setq vhdl-mode-ext-syntax-table (copy-syntax-table vhdl-mode-syntax-table))
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" vhdl-mode-ext-syntax-table))
+;; initialize syntax table for VHDL Mode
 (defvar vhdl-syntactic-context nil
   "Buffer local variable containing syntactic analysis list.")
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'vhdl-syntactic-context)
-;; Support for outline modes
-(defconst vhdl-outline-regexp
-  (concat "\\(entity\\)\\|\\(package\\)\\|"
-	  "\\( *procedure\\)\\|\\( *function\\)\\|"
-	  "\\( *component\\)\\|\\(architecture\\)\\|"
-	  "\\(package body\\)\\|\\( *[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* : block\\)\\|"
-	  "\\( *[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* : process\\)\\|\\(configuration\\)"))
-(defun vhdl-outline-level ()		; was copied from c-outline-level
-  (save-excursion
-    (skip-chars-forward "\t ")
-    (current-column)))
-;; Support for font-lock
-(defconst vhdl-font-lock-keywords-1
-  (purecopy
+;; Abbrev hook bindings
+(defvar vhdl-mode-abbrev-table nil
+  "Abbrev table to use in `vhdl-mode' buffers.")
+(defun vhdl-mode-abbrev-table-init ()
+  "Initialize `vhdl-mode-abbrev-table'."
+  (when vhdl-mode-abbrev-table (clear-abbrev-table vhdl-mode-abbrev-table))
+  (define-abbrev-table 'vhdl-mode-abbrev-table
+    (append
+     (when (memq 'vhdl vhdl-electric-keywords)
+       ;; VHDL'93 keywords
+       '(
+	 ("--"            "" vhdl-template-display-comment-hook 0)
+	 ("abs"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("access"        "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("after"         "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("alias"         "" vhdl-template-alias-hook 0)
+	 ("all"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("and"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("arch"          "" vhdl-template-architecture-hook 0)
+	 ("architecture"  "" vhdl-template-architecture-hook 0)
+	 ("array"         "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("assert"        "" vhdl-template-assert-hook 0)
+	 ("attr"          "" vhdl-template-attribute-hook 0)
+	 ("attribute"     "" vhdl-template-attribute-hook 0)
+	 ("begin"         "" vhdl-template-default-indent-hook 0)
+	 ("block"         "" vhdl-template-block-hook 0)
+	 ("body"          "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("buffer"        "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("bus"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("case"          "" vhdl-template-case-hook 0)
+	 ("comp"          "" vhdl-template-component-hook 0)
+	 ("component"     "" vhdl-template-component-hook 0)
+	 ("cond"          "" vhdl-template-conditional-signal-asst-hook 0)
+	 ("conditional"   "" vhdl-template-conditional-signal-asst-hook 0)
+	 ("conf"          "" vhdl-template-configuration-hook 0)
+	 ("configuration" "" vhdl-template-configuration-hook 0)
+	 ("cons"          "" vhdl-template-constant-hook 0)
+	 ("constant"      "" vhdl-template-constant-hook 0)
+	 ("disconnect"    "" vhdl-template-disconnect-hook 0)
+	 ("downto"        "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("else"          "" vhdl-template-else-hook 0)
+	 ("elseif"        "" vhdl-template-elsif-hook 0)
+	 ("elsif"         "" vhdl-template-elsif-hook 0)
+	 ("end"           "" vhdl-template-default-indent-hook 0)
+	 ("entity"        "" vhdl-template-entity-hook 0)
+	 ("exit"          "" vhdl-template-exit-hook 0)
+	 ("file"          "" vhdl-template-file-hook 0)
+	 ("for"           "" vhdl-template-for-hook 0)
+	 ("func"          "" vhdl-template-function-hook 0)
+	 ("function"      "" vhdl-template-function-hook 0)
+	 ("generic"       "" vhdl-template-generic-hook 0)
+	 ("group"         "" vhdl-template-group-hook 0)
+	 ("guarded"       "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("if"            "" vhdl-template-if-hook 0)
+	 ("impure"        "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("in"            "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("inertial"      "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("inout"         "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("inst"          "" vhdl-template-instance-hook 0)
+	 ("instance"      "" vhdl-template-instance-hook 0)
+	 ("is"            "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("label"         "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("library"       "" vhdl-template-library-hook 0)
+	 ("linkage"       "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("literal"       "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("loop"          "" vhdl-template-bare-loop-hook 0)
+	 ("map"           "" vhdl-template-map-hook 0)
+	 ("mod"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("nand"          "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("new"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("next"          "" vhdl-template-next-hook 0)
+	 ("nor"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("not"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("null"          "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("of"            "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("on"            "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("open"          "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("or"            "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("others"        "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("out"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("pack"          "" vhdl-template-package-hook 0)
+	 ("package"       "" vhdl-template-package-hook 0)
+	 ("port"          "" vhdl-template-port-hook 0)
+	 ("postponed"     "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("procedure"     "" vhdl-template-procedure-hook 0)
+	 ("process"       "" vhdl-template-process-hook 0)
+	 ("pure"          "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("range"         "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("record"        "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("register"      "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("reject"        "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("rem"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("report"        "" vhdl-template-report-hook 0)
+	 ("return"        "" vhdl-template-return-hook 0)
+	 ("rol"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("ror"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("select"        "" vhdl-template-selected-signal-asst-hook 0)
+	 ("severity"      "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("shared"        "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("sig"           "" vhdl-template-signal-hook 0)
+	 ("signal"        "" vhdl-template-signal-hook 0)
+	 ("sla"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("sll"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("sra"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("srl"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("subtype"       "" vhdl-template-subtype-hook 0)
+	 ("then"          "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("to"            "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("transport"     "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("type"          "" vhdl-template-type-hook 0)
+	 ("unaffected"    "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("units"         "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("until"         "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("use"           "" vhdl-template-use-hook 0)
+	 ("var"           "" vhdl-template-variable-hook 0)
+	 ("variable"      "" vhdl-template-variable-hook 0)
+	 ("wait"          "" vhdl-template-wait-hook 0)
+	 ("when"          "" vhdl-template-when-hook 0)
+	 ("while"         "" vhdl-template-while-loop-hook 0)
+	 ("with"          "" vhdl-template-with-hook 0)
+	 ("xnor"          "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("xor"           "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ))
+     ;; VHDL-AMS keywords
+     (when (and (memq 'vhdl vhdl-electric-keywords) (vhdl-standard-p 'ams))
+       '(
+	 ("across"     "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("break"      "" vhdl-template-break-hook 0)
+	 ("limit"      "" vhdl-template-limit-hook 0)
+	 ("nature"     "" vhdl-template-nature-hook 0)
+	 ("noise"      "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("procedural" "" vhdl-template-procedural-hook 0)
+	 ("quantity"   "" vhdl-template-quantity-hook 0)
+	 ("reference"  "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("spectrum"   "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("subnature"  "" vhdl-template-subnature-hook 0)
+	 ("terminal"   "" vhdl-template-terminal-hook 0)
+	 ("through"    "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ("tolerance"  "" vhdl-template-default-hook 0)
+	 ))
+     ;; user model keywords
+     (when (memq 'user vhdl-electric-keywords)
+       (let ((alist vhdl-model-alist)
+	     abbrev-list keyword)
+	 (while alist
+	   (setq keyword (nth 3 (car alist)))
+	   (unless (equal keyword "")
+	     (setq abbrev-list
+		   (cons (list keyword ""
+			       (vhdl-function-name
+				"vhdl-model" (nth 0 (car alist)) "hook") 0)
+			 abbrev-list)))
+	   (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+	 abbrev-list)))))
+;; initialize abbrev table for VHDL Mode
+;; Template completion lists
+(defvar vhdl-template-construct-alist nil
+  "List of built-in construct templates.")
+(defun vhdl-template-construct-alist-init ()
+  "Initialize `vhdl-template-construct-alist'."
+  (setq
+   vhdl-template-construct-alist
+   (append
+    '(
+      ("alias declaration"		   vhdl-template-alias)
+      ("architecture body"		   vhdl-template-architecture)
+      ("assertion"			   vhdl-template-assert)
+      ("attribute declaration"		   vhdl-template-attribute-decl)
+      ("attribute specification"	   vhdl-template-attribute-spec)
+      ("block configuration"		   vhdl-template-block-configuration)
+      ("block statement"		   vhdl-template-block)
+      ("case statement"			   vhdl-template-case-is)
+      ("component configuration"	   vhdl-template-component-conf)
+      ("component declaration"		   vhdl-template-component-decl)
+      ("component instantiation statement" vhdl-template-component-inst)
+      ("conditional signal assignment"	   vhdl-template-conditional-signal-asst)
+      ("configuration declaration"	   vhdl-template-configuration-decl)
+      ("configuration specification" 	   vhdl-template-configuration-spec)
+      ("constant declaration"		   vhdl-template-constant)
+      ("disconnection specification"	   vhdl-template-disconnect)
+      ("entity declaration"		   vhdl-template-entity)
+      ("exit statement"			   vhdl-template-exit)
+      ("file declaration"		   vhdl-template-file)
+      ("generate statement"		   vhdl-template-generate)
+      ("generic clause"			   vhdl-template-generic)
+      ("group declaration"		   vhdl-template-group-decl)
+      ("group template declaration" 	   vhdl-template-group-template)
+      ("if statement"			   vhdl-template-if-then)
+      ("library clause"			   vhdl-template-library)
+      ("loop statement"			   vhdl-template-loop)
+      ("next statement"			   vhdl-template-next)
+      ("package declaration"		   vhdl-template-package-decl)
+      ("package body"			   vhdl-template-package-body)
+      ("port clause"			   vhdl-template-port)
+      ("process statement"	 	   vhdl-template-process)
+      ("report statement"		   vhdl-template-report)
+      ("return statement"		   vhdl-template-return)
+      ("selected signal assignment"	   vhdl-template-selected-signal-asst)
+      ("signal declaration"		   vhdl-template-signal)
+      ("subprogram declaration"		   vhdl-template-subprogram-decl)
+      ("subprogram body"		   vhdl-template-subprogram-body)
+      ("subtype declaration"		   vhdl-template-subtype)
+      ("type declaration"		   vhdl-template-type)
+      ("use clause"			   vhdl-template-use)
+      ("variable declaration"	 	   vhdl-template-variable)
+      ("wait statement"			   vhdl-template-wait)
+      )
+    (when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams)
+      '(
+	("break statement"		     vhdl-template-break)
+	("nature declaration"		     vhdl-template-nature)
+	("quantity declaration"		     vhdl-template-quantity)
+	("simultaneous case statement"	     vhdl-template-case-use)
+	("simultaneous if statement"	     vhdl-template-if-use)
+	("simultaneous procedural statement" vhdl-template-procedural)
+	("step limit specification"	     vhdl-template-limit)
+	("subnature declaration"	     vhdl-template-subnature)
+	("terminal declaration"		     vhdl-template-terminal)
+	)))))
+;; initialize for VHDL Mode
+(defvar vhdl-template-package-alist nil
+  "List of built-in package templates.")
+(defun vhdl-template-package-alist-init ()
+  "Initialize `vhdl-template-package-alist'."
+  (setq
+   vhdl-template-package-alist
+   (append
+    '(
+      ("numeric_bit"	    vhdl-template-package-numeric-bit)
+      ("numeric_std"	    vhdl-template-package-numeric-std)
+      ("std_logic_1164"	    vhdl-template-package-std-logic-1164)
+      ("std_logic_arith"    vhdl-template-package-std-logic-arith)
+      ("std_logic_misc"     vhdl-template-package-std-logic-misc)
+      ("std_logic_signed"   vhdl-template-package-std-logic-signed)
+      ("std_logic_textio"   vhdl-template-package-std-logic-textio)
+      ("std_logic_unsigned" vhdl-template-package-std-logic-unsigned)
+      ("textio"		    vhdl-template-package-textio)
+      )
+    (when (vhdl-standard-p 'math)
+      '(
+	("math_complex"	vhdl-template-package-math-complex)
+	("math_real"	vhdl-template-package-math-real)
+	)))))
+;; initialize for VHDL Mode
+(defvar vhdl-template-directive-alist
+  (append
+   '(
+     ("translate_on"	vhdl-template-directive-translate-on)
+     ("translate_off"	vhdl-template-directive-translate-off)
+     ("synthesis_on"	vhdl-template-directive-synthesis-on)
+     ("synthesis_off"	vhdl-template-directive-synthesis-off)
+     ))
+  "List of built-in directive templates.")
+;;; Menues
+;; VHDL menu (using `easy-menu.el')
+(defun vhdl-customize ()
+  "Call the customize function with `vhdl' as argument."
+  (interactive)
+  (customize-browse 'vhdl))
+(defun vhdl-create-customize-menu ()
+  "Create a full customization menu for VHDL, insert it into the menu."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (fboundp 'customize-menu-create)
+      (easy-menu-change
+       '("VHDL") "Customize"
+       `(["Browse VHDL Group..." vhdl-customize t]
+	 ,(customize-menu-create 'vhdl)
+	 "--"
+	 ["Activate New Customizations" vhdl-activate-customizations t]))
+    (error "Cannot expand menu (outdated version of cus-edit.el)")))
+(defun vhdl-create-mode-menu ()
+  "Create VHDL Mode menu."
+  (list
+   "VHDL"
+   '("Mode"
+     ["Electric" vhdl-electric-mode :style toggle :selected vhdl-electric-mode]
+     ["Stutter"	 vhdl-stutter-mode  :style toggle :selected vhdl-stutter-mode]
+     )
+   "--"
+   (append
+    '("Project"
+      ["None" (vhdl-project-switch "")
+       :style radio :selected (equal vhdl-project "")]
+      "--"
+      )
+    ;; add menu entries for defined projects
+    (let ((project-alist vhdl-project-alist) menu-alist name)
+      (while project-alist
+	(setq name (car (car project-alist)))
+	(setq menu-alist (cons (vector name (list 'vhdl-project-switch name)
+				       :style 'radio :selected
+				       (list 'equal 'vhdl-project name))
+			       menu-alist))
+	(setq project-alist (cdr project-alist)))
+      (setq menu-alist (cons '["Add Project..."
+			       (customize-variable 'vhdl-project-alist) t]
+			     (cons "--" menu-alist)))
+      (nreverse menu-alist)))
+   "--"
-    ;; Highlight names of common constructs
-    (list
-     (concat
-      "^[ \t]*\\(entity\\|architecture\\|configuration\\|function\\|"
-      "procedure\\|component\\|package[ \t]+body\\|package\\|"
-      "end[ \t]+\\(block\\|process\\|case\\|generate\\|loop\\)\\)[ \t]+"
-      "\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)")
-     3 'font-lock-function-name-face)
-    ;; Highlight labels of common constructs
+    "Compile"
+    ["Compile Buffer"		vhdl-compile t]
+    ["Stop Compilation"		kill-compilation t]
+    "--"
+    ["Make"			vhdl-make t]
+    ["Generate Makefile"	vhdl-generate-makefile t]
+    "--"
+    ["Next Error"		next-error t]
+    ["Previous Error"		previous-error t]
+    ["First Error"		first-error t]
+    "--"
+    (append
+     '("Compiler")
+     ;; add menu entries for defined compilers
+     (let ((comp-alist vhdl-compiler-alist) menu-alist name)
+       (while comp-alist
+	 (setq name (car (car comp-alist)))
+	 (setq menu-alist (cons (vector name (list 'setq 'vhdl-compiler name)
+					:style 'radio :selected
+					(list 'equal 'vhdl-compiler name))
+				menu-alist))
+	 (setq comp-alist (cdr comp-alist)))
+       (setq menu-alist (cons '["Add Compiler..."
+				(customize-variable 'vhdl-compiler-alist) t]
+			      (cons "--" menu-alist)))
+       (nreverse menu-alist))))
+   "--"
+   (append
+    '("Template"
+      ("VHDL Construct 1"
+       ["Alias"			vhdl-template-alias t]
+       ["Architecture"		vhdl-template-architecture t]
+       ["Assert"		vhdl-template-assert t]
+       ["Attribute (Decl)"	vhdl-template-attribute-decl t]
+       ["Attribute (Spec)"	vhdl-template-attribute-spec t]
+       ["Block"			vhdl-template-block t]
+       ["Case"			vhdl-template-case-is t]
+       ["Component (Decl)"	vhdl-template-component-decl t]
+       ["(Component) Instance"	vhdl-template-component-inst t]
+       ["Conditional (Signal Asst)" vhdl-template-conditional-signal-asst t]
+       ["Configuration (Block)"vhdl-template-block-configuration t]
+       ["Configuration (Comp)"	vhdl-template-component-conf t]
+       ["Configuration (Decl)"	vhdl-template-configuration-decl t]
+       ["Configuration (Spec)"	vhdl-template-configuration-spec t]
+       ["Constant"		vhdl-template-constant t]
+       ["Disconnect"		vhdl-template-disconnect t]
+       ["Else"			vhdl-template-else t]
+       ["Elsif"			vhdl-template-elsif t]
+       ["Entity"		vhdl-template-entity t]
+       ["Exit"			vhdl-template-exit t]
+       ["File"			vhdl-template-file t]
+       ["For (Generate)"	vhdl-template-for-generate t]
+       ["For (Loop)"		vhdl-template-for-loop t]
+       ["Function (Body)"	vhdl-template-function-body t]
+       ["Function (Decl)"	vhdl-template-function-decl t]
+       ["Generic"		vhdl-template-generic t]
+       ["Group (Decl)"		vhdl-template-group-decl t]
+       ["Group (Template)"	vhdl-template-group-template t]
+       )
+      ("VHDL Construct 2"
+       ["If (Generate)"		vhdl-template-if-generate t]
+       ["If (Then)"		vhdl-template-if-then t]
+       ["Library"		vhdl-template-library t]
+       ["Loop"			vhdl-template-bare-loop t]
+       ["Map"			vhdl-template-map t]
+       ["Next"			vhdl-template-next t]
+       ["(Others)"		vhdl-template-others t]
+       ["Package (Decl)"	vhdl-template-package-decl t]
+       ["Package (Body)"	vhdl-template-package-body t]
+       ["Port"			vhdl-template-port t]
+       ["Procedure (Body)"	vhdl-template-procedure-body t]
+       ["Procedure (Decl)"	vhdl-template-procedure-decl t]
+       ["Process (Comb)"	vhdl-template-process-comb t]
+       ["Process (Seq)"		vhdl-template-process-seq t]
+       ["Report"		vhdl-template-report t]
+       ["Return"		vhdl-template-return t]
+       ["Select"		vhdl-template-selected-signal-asst t]
+       ["Signal"		vhdl-template-signal t]
+       ["Subtype"		vhdl-template-subtype t]
+       ["Type"			vhdl-template-type t]
+       ["Use"			vhdl-template-use t]
+       ["Variable"		vhdl-template-variable t]
+       ["Wait"			vhdl-template-wait t]
+       ["(Clocked Wait)"	vhdl-template-clocked-wait t]
+       ["When"			vhdl-template-when t]
+       ["While (Loop)"		vhdl-template-while-loop t]
+       ["With"			vhdl-template-with t]
+       ))
+    (when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams)
+      '(("VHDL-AMS Construct"
+	 ["Break"		vhdl-template-break t]
+	 ["Case (Use)"		vhdl-template-case-use t]
+	 ["If (Use)"		vhdl-template-if-use t]
+	 ["Limit"		vhdl-template-limit t]
+	 ["Nature"		vhdl-template-nature t]
+	 ["Procedural"		vhdl-template-procedural t]
+	 ["Quantity (Free)"	vhdl-template-quantity-free t]
+	 ["Quantity (Branch)"	vhdl-template-quantity-branch t]
+	 ["Quantity (Source)"	vhdl-template-quantity-source t]
+	 ["Subnature"		vhdl-template-subnature t]
+	 ["Terminal"		vhdl-template-terminal t]
+	 )))
+    '(["Insert Construct"	vhdl-template-insert-construct
+       :keys "C-c C-i C-c"]
+      "--")
-     (concat
-      "^[ \t]*\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)[ \t]*:[ \t\n]*\\(block\\|process\\|"
-      "if\\|for\\|case\\|exit\\|loop\\|next\\|null\\|with\\|"
-      "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+[ \t\n]+port[ \t]+map\\)\\>[^_]")
-     1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
-    ;; Highlight OF labels
-    (list
-     (concat
-      "^[ \t]*\\(configuration\\|architecture\\|attribute\\)[ \t]+"
-      "\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)[ \t]+of[ \t]+\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)")
-     4 'font-lock-function-name-face)
-    ;; Fontify library useage clauses.
-    (list
-     (concat
-      "[^\\s_]\\<\\(library\\|use\\)[ \t\n]+\\(entity[ \t\n]+\\)?"
-      "\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\|[\.()]\\)+\\)")
-     3 'font-lock-function-name-face)
-    ))
-  "For consideration as a value of `vhdl-font-lock-keywords'.
-This does fairly subdued highlighting of function names.")
-(defconst vhdl-font-lock-keywords-2
-  (purecopy
-   (append
-    vhdl-font-lock-keywords-1
-    (list
-     (list
-      (concat
-       "[^\\s_]\\<\\("
-       (mapconcat
-	'identity
+     (append
+      '("Package")
+      (when (vhdl-standard-p 'math)
-	  ;; the following is a list of all reserved words known in VHDL'93
-	  "abs" "access" "after" "alias" "all" "and" "assert"
-	  "architecture" "array" "attribute"
-	  "begin" "block" "body" "buffer" "bus"
-	  "case" "component" "configuration" "constant"
-	  "disconnect" "downto"
-	  "else" "elsif" "end" "entity" "exit"
-	  "file" "for" "function"
-	  "generate" "generic" "group" "guarded"
-	  "if" "impure" "in" "inertial" "inout" "is"
-	  "label" "library" "linkage" "literal" "loop" 
-	  "map" "mod" 
-	  "nand" "new" "next" "nor" "not" "null"
-	  "of" "on" "open" "or" "others" "out"
-	  "package" "port" "postponed" "procedure" "process" "pure"
-	  "range" "record" "register" "reject" "rem" "report" "return"
-	  "rol" "ror"
-	  "select" "severity" "signal" "shared" "sla" "sll" "sra" "srl"
-	  "subtype"
-	  "then" "to" "transport" "type" 
-	  "unaffected" "units" "until" "use"
-	  "variable" "wait" "when" "while" "with" 
-	  "xnor" "xor"
-	  "note" "warning" "error" "failure"
-	  ;; the following list contains predefined attributes
-	  "base" "left" "right" "high" "low" "pos" "val" "succ"
-	  "pred" "leftof" "rightof" "range" "reverse_range"
-	  "length" "delayed" "stable" "quiet" "transaction"
-	  "event" "active" "last_event" "last_active" "last_value"
-	  "driving" "driving_value" "ascending" "value" "image"
-	  "simple_name" "instance_name" "path_name"
-	  "foreign"
-	  ;; the following list contains standardized types
-	  "boolean" "bit" "bit_vector" "character" "severity_level" "integer"
-	  "real" "time" "natural" "positive" "string" "text" "line"
-	  "unsigned" "signed"
-	  "std_logic" "std_logic_vector"
-	  "std_ulogic" "std_ulogic_vector"
-	  )
-	"\\|")
-       "\\)\\>[^\\s_]")
-      1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
-     )))
-  "For consideration as a value of `vhdl-font-lock-keywords'.
-This does a lot more highlighting.")
-;; The keywords in the preceding lists assume case-insensitivity.
-(put 'vhdl-mode 'font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search t)
-(defvar vhdl-font-lock-keywords vhdl-font-lock-keywords-1
-  "Additional expressions to highlight in VHDL mode.")
-;; This should eventually be subsumed into the respective functions in
-;; the source for "font-lock.el".
-(if (featurep 'advice)
-    (progn
-      (defadvice font-lock-use-default-minimal-decoration
-	(before vhdl-mode activate)
-	"Do it for VHDL mode too."
-	(setq vhdl-font-lock-keywords vhdl-font-lock-keywords-1))
-      (defadvice font-lock-use-default-maximal-decoration
-	(before vhdl-mode activate)
-	"Do it for VHDL mode too."
-	(setq vhdl-font-lock-keywords vhdl-font-lock-keywords-2))
+	  ["math_complex"	vhdl-template-package-math-complex t]
+	  ["math_real"		vhdl-template-package-math-real t]
+	  ))
+      '(
+	["numeric_bit"		vhdl-template-package-numeric-bit t]
+	["numeric_std"		vhdl-template-package-numeric-std t]
+	["std_logic_1164"	vhdl-template-package-std-logic-1164 t]
+	["textio"		vhdl-template-package-textio t]
+	"--"
+	["std_logic_arith"	vhdl-template-package-std-logic-arith t]
+	["std_logic_signed"	vhdl-template-package-std-logic-signed t]
+	["std_logic_unsigned"	vhdl-template-package-std-logic-unsigned t]
+	["std_logic_misc"	vhdl-template-package-std-logic-misc t]
+	["std_logic_textio"	vhdl-template-package-std-logic-textio t]
+	"--"
+	["Insert Package"	vhdl-template-insert-package
+	 :keys "C-c C-i C-p"]
+	)))
+    '(("Directive"
+       ["translate_on"		vhdl-template-directive-translate-on t]
+       ["translate_off"		vhdl-template-directive-translate-off t]
+       ["synthesis_on"		vhdl-template-directive-synthesis-on t]
+       ["synthesis_off"		vhdl-template-directive-synthesis-off t]
+       "--"
+       ["Insert Directive"	vhdl-template-insert-directive
+	:keys "C-c C-i C-d"]
+       )
+      "--"
+      ["Insert Header"		vhdl-template-header :keys "C-c C-t C-h"]
+      ["Insert Footer"		vhdl-template-footer t]
+      ["Insert Date"		vhdl-template-insert-date t]
+      ["Modify Date"		vhdl-template-modify :keys "C-c C-t C-m"]
+      "--"
+      ["Query Next Prompt"	vhdl-template-search-prompt t]
-;; Main entry point for VHDL mode:
+   (append
+    '("Model")
+    ;; add menu entries for defined models
+    (let ((model-alist vhdl-model-alist) menu-alist model)
+      (while model-alist
+	(setq model (car model-alist))
+	(setq menu-alist
+	      (cons (vector
+		     (nth 0 model)
+		     (vhdl-function-name "vhdl-model" (nth 0 model))
+		     :keys (concat "C-c C-m " (key-description (nth 2 model))))
+		    menu-alist))
+	(setq model-alist (cdr model-alist)))
+      (setq menu-alist
+	    (append
+	     (nreverse menu-alist)
+	     '("--"
+	       ["Insert Model" vhdl-model-insert  :keys "C-c C-i C-m"]
+	       ["Add Model..." (customize-variable 'vhdl-model-alist) t])))
+      menu-alist))
+   '("Port"
+     ["Copy"			vhdl-port-copy t]
+     "--"
+     ["Paste As Entity"		vhdl-port-paste-entity vhdl-port-list]
+     ["Paste As Component"	vhdl-port-paste-component vhdl-port-list]
+     ["Paste As Instance"	vhdl-port-paste-instance
+				:keys "C-c C-p C-i" :active vhdl-port-list]
+     ["Paste As Signals"	vhdl-port-paste-signals vhdl-port-list]
+     ["Paste As Constants"	vhdl-port-paste-constants vhdl-port-list]
+     ["Paste As Generic Map"	vhdl-port-paste-generic-map vhdl-port-list]
+     ["Paste As Test Bench"	vhdl-port-paste-testbench vhdl-port-list]
+     "--"
+     ["Flatten"			vhdl-port-flatten vhdl-port-list]
+     )
+   "--"
+   '("Comment"
+     ["(Un)Comment Out Region"	vhdl-comment-uncomment-region (mark)]
+     "--"
+     ["Insert Inline Comment"	vhdl-comment-append-inline t]
+     ["Insert Horizontal Line"	vhdl-comment-display-line t]
+     ["Insert Display Comment"	vhdl-comment-display t]
+     "--"
+     ["Fill Comment"		fill-paragraph t]
+     ["Fill Comment Region"	fill-region (mark)]
+     ["Kill Comment Region"	vhdl-comment-kill-region (mark)]
+     ["Kill Inline Comment Region" vhdl-comment-kill-inline-region (mark)]
+     )
+   '("Line"
+     ["Kill"			vhdl-line-kill t]
+     ["Copy"			vhdl-line-copy t]
+     ["Yank"			vhdl-line-yank t]
+     ["Expand"			vhdl-line-expand t]
+     "--"
+     ["Transpose Next"		vhdl-line-transpose-next t]
+     ["Transpose Prev"		vhdl-line-transpose-previous t]
+     ["Open"			vhdl-line-open t]
+     ["Join"			vhdl-delete-indentation t]
+     "--"
+     ["Goto"			goto-line t]
+     ["(Un)Comment Out"		vhdl-comment-uncomment-line t]
+     )
+   '("Move"
+     ["Forward Statement"	vhdl-end-of-statement t]
+     ["Backward Statement"	vhdl-beginning-of-statement t]
+     ["Forward Expression"	vhdl-forward-sexp t]
+     ["Backward Expression"	vhdl-backward-sexp t]
+     ["Forward Same Indent"	vhdl-forward-same-indent t]
+     ["Backward Same Indent"	vhdl-backward-same-indent t]
+     ["Forward Function"	vhdl-end-of-defun t]
+     ["Backward Function"	vhdl-beginning-of-defun t]
+     ["Mark Function"		vhdl-mark-defun t]
+     )
+   "--"
+   '("Indent"
+     ["Line"			vhdl-indent-line t]
+     ["Region"			vhdl-indent-region (mark)]
+     ["Buffer"			vhdl-indent-buffer t]
+     )
+   '("Align"
+     ["Group"			vhdl-align-group t]
+     ["List"			vhdl-align-list t]
+     ["Declarations"		vhdl-align-declarations t]
+     ["Region"			vhdl-align-noindent-region (mark)]
+     ["Buffer"			vhdl-align-noindent-buffer t]
+     "--"
+     ["Inline Comment Group"	vhdl-align-inline-comment-group
+				:keys "C-c C-a C-i"]
+     ["Inline Comment Region"	vhdl-align-inline-comment-region (mark)]
+     ["Inline Comment Buffer"	vhdl-align-inline-comment-buffer t]
+     )
+   '("Beautify"
+     ["Region"			vhdl-beautify-region (mark)]
+     ["Buffer"			vhdl-beautify-buffer t]
+     )
+   '("Fix"
+     ["Generic/Port Clause"	vhdl-fix-clause t]
+     "--"
+     ["Case Region"		vhdl-fix-case-region (mark)]
+     ["Case Buffer"		vhdl-fix-case-buffer t]
+     "--"
+     ["Whitespace Region"	vhdl-fixup-whitespace-region (mark)]
+     ["Whitespace Buffer"	vhdl-fixup-whitespace-buffer t]
+     "--"
+     ["Trailing Spaces Buffer"	vhdl-remove-trailing-spaces t]
+     )
+   '("Update"
+     ["Sensitivity List"	vhdl-update-sensitivity-list-process t]
+     ["Sensitivity List Buffer"	vhdl-update-sensitivity-list-buffer t]
+     )
+   "--"
+   ["Fontify Buffer"		vhdl-fontify-buffer t]
+   ["Syntactic Info"		vhdl-show-syntactic-information t]
+   "--"
+   '("Documentation"
+     ["VHDL Mode"		vhdl-doc-mode :keys "C-c C-h"]
+     ["Release Notes"		(vhdl-doc-variable 'vhdl-doc-release-notes) t]
+     ["Reserved Words"		(vhdl-doc-variable 'vhdl-doc-keywords) t]
+     ["Coding Style"		(vhdl-doc-variable 'vhdl-doc-coding-style) t]
+     )
+   ["Version"			vhdl-version t]
+   ["Bug Report..."		vhdl-submit-bug-report t]
+   "--"
+   '("Speedbar"
+     ["Open/Close"		vhdl-speedbar t]
+     "--"
+     ["Show Hierarchy"		vhdl-speedbar-toggle-hierarchy
+      :style toggle
+      :selected
+      (and (boundp 'speedbar-initial-expansion-list-name)
+	   (equal speedbar-initial-expansion-list-name "vhdl hierarchy"))
+      :active (and (boundp 'speedbar-frame) speedbar-frame)]
+     )
+   ["Hide/Show"			vhdl-hs-minor-mode t]
+   "--"
+   '("Customize"
+     ["Browse VHDL Group..."	vhdl-customize t]
+     ["Build Customize Menu"	vhdl-create-customize-menu
+				(fboundp 'customize-menu-create)]
+     "--"
+     ["Activate New Customizations" vhdl-activate-customizations t])
+   ))
+(defvar vhdl-mode-menu-list (vhdl-create-mode-menu)
+  "VHDL Mode menu.")
+(defun vhdl-update-mode-menu ()
+  "Update VHDL mode menu."
+  (interactive)
+  (easy-menu-remove vhdl-mode-menu-list) ; for XEmacs
+  (setq vhdl-mode-menu-list (vhdl-create-mode-menu))
+  (easy-menu-add vhdl-mode-menu-list)	; for XEmacs
+  (easy-menu-define vhdl-mode-menu vhdl-mode-map
+		    "Menu keymap for VHDL Mode." vhdl-mode-menu-list))
+;; Index menu (using `imenu.el'), also used for speedbar (using `speedbar.el')
+(defvar vhdl-imenu-generic-expression
+  '(
+    ("Subprogram"
+     "^\\s-*\\(\\(\\(impure\\|pure\\)\\s-+\\|\\)function\\|procedure\\)\\s-+\\(\"?\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\"?\\)"
+     4)
+    ("Instance"
+     "^\\s-*\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\s-*:\\(\\s-\\|\n\\)*\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)\\(\\s-\\|\n\\)+\\(generic\\|port\\)\\s-+map\\>"
+     1)
+    ("Component"
+     "^\\s-*\\(component\\)\\s-+\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"
+     2)
+    ("Procedural"
+     "^\\s-*\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)\\s-*:\\(\\s-\\|\n\\)*\\(procedural\\)"
+     1)
+    ("Process"
+     "^\\s-*\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)\\s-*:\\(\\s-\\|\n\\)*\\(\\(postponed\\s-+\\|\\)process\\)"
+     1)
+    ("Block"
+     "^\\s-*\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)\\s-*:\\(\\s-\\|\n\\)*\\(block\\)"
+     1)
+    ("Package"
+     "^\\s-*\\(package\\( body\\|\\)\\)\\s-+\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"
+     3)
+    ("Configuration"
+     "^\\s-*\\(configuration\\)\\s-+\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\s-+of\\s-+\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"
+     2)
+    ("Architecture"
+     "^\\s-*\\(architecture\\)\\s-+\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\s-+of\\s-+\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"
+     2)
+    ("Entity"
+     "^\\s-*\\(entity\\)\\s-+\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"
+     2)
+    )
+  "Imenu generic expression for VHDL Mode.  See `imenu-generic-expression'.")
+(defun vhdl-index-menu-init ()
+  "Initialize index menu."
+  (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-case-fold-search) t)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
+       vhdl-imenu-generic-expression)
+  (when (and vhdl-index-menu (fboundp 'imenu))
+    (if (or (not (boundp 'font-lock-maximum-size))
+	    (> font-lock-maximum-size (buffer-size)))
+	(imenu-add-to-menubar "Index")
+      (message "Scanning buffer for index...buffer too big"))))
+;; ############################################################################
+;; Source file menu (using `easy-menu.el')
+(defvar vhdl-sources-menu nil)
+(defun vhdl-directory-files (directory &optional full match)
+  "Call `directory-files' if DIRECTORY exists, otherwise generate error
+  (if (file-directory-p directory)
+      (directory-files directory full match)
+    (message "No such directory: \"%s\"" directory)
+    nil))
+(defun vhdl-get-source-files (&optional full directory)
+  "Get list of VHDL source files in DIRECTORY or current directory."
+  (let ((mode-alist auto-mode-alist)
+	filename-regexp)
+    ;; create regular expressions for matching file names
+    (setq filename-regexp ".*\\(")
+    (while mode-alist
+      (when (eq (cdr (car mode-alist)) 'vhdl-mode)
+	(setq filename-regexp
+	      (concat filename-regexp (car (car mode-alist)) "\\|")))
+      (setq mode-alist (cdr mode-alist)))
+    (setq filename-regexp
+	  (concat (substring filename-regexp 0
+			     (string-match "\\\\|$" filename-regexp)) "\\)"))
+    ;; find files
+    (nreverse (vhdl-directory-files
+	       (or directory default-directory) full filename-regexp))))
+(defun vhdl-add-source-files-menu ()
+  "Scan directory for all VHDL source files and generate menu.
+The directory of the current source file is scanned."
+  (interactive)
+  (message "Scanning directory for source files ...")
+  (let ((newmap (current-local-map))
+	(mode-alist auto-mode-alist)
+	(file-list (vhdl-get-source-files))
+	menu-list found)
+    ;; Create list for menu
+    (setq found nil)
+    (while file-list
+      (setq found t)
+      (setq menu-list (cons (vector (car file-list)
+				   (list 'find-file (car file-list)) t)
+			   menu-list))
+      (setq file-list (cdr file-list)))
+    (setq menu-list (vhdl-menu-split menu-list 25))
+    (when found (setq menu-list (cons "--" menu-list)))
+    (setq menu-list (cons ["*Rescan*" vhdl-add-source-files-menu t] menu-list))
+    (setq menu-list (cons "Sources" menu-list))
+    ;; Create menu
+    (easy-menu-add menu-list)
+    (easy-menu-define vhdl-sources-menu newmap
+		      "VHDL source files menu" menu-list))
+  (message ""))
+(defun vhdl-menu-split (list n)
+  "Split menu LIST into several submenues, if number of elements > N."
+  (if (> (length list) n)
+      (let ((remain list)
+	    (result '())
+	    (sublist '())
+	    (menuno 1)
+	    (i 0))
+	(while remain
+	  (setq sublist (cons (car remain) sublist))
+	  (setq remain (cdr remain))
+	  (setq i (+ i 1))
+	  (if (= i n)
+	      (progn
+		(setq result (cons (cons (format "Sources %s" menuno)
+					 (nreverse sublist)) result))
+		(setq i 0)
+		(setq menuno (+ menuno 1))
+		(setq sublist '()))))
+	(and sublist
+	     (setq result (cons (cons (format "Sources %s" menuno)
+				      (nreverse sublist)) result)))
+	(nreverse result))
+    list))
+;;; VHDL Mode definition
+;; performs all buffer local initializations
 (defun vhdl-mode ()
   "Major mode for editing VHDL code.
-vhdl-mode $Revision$
-To submit a problem report, enter `\\[vhdl-submit-bug-report]' from a
-vhdl-mode buffer.  This automatically sets up a mail buffer with version
-information already added.  You just need to add a description of the
-problem, including a reproducable test case and send the message.
-Note that the details of configuring vhdl-mode will soon be moved to the
-accompanying texinfo manual.  Until then, please read the README file
-that came with the vhdl-mode distribution.
-The hook variable `vhdl-mode-hook' is run with no args, if that value is
-bound and has a non-nil value.
+- TEMPLATE INSERTION (electrification):  After typing a VHDL keyword and
+  entering `\\[vhdl-electric-space]', you are prompted for arguments while a template is generated
+  for that VHDL construct.  Typing `\\[vhdl-electric-return]' or `\\[keyboard-quit]' at the first (mandatory)
+  prompt aborts the current template generation.  Optional arguments are
+  indicated by square brackets and removed if the queried string is left empty.
+  Prompts for mandatory arguments remain in the code if the queried string is
+  left empty.  They can be queried again by `\\[vhdl-template-search-prompt]'.
+  Typing `\\[just-one-space]' after a keyword inserts a space without calling the template
+  generator.  Automatic template generation (i.e. electrification) can be
+  disabled (enabled) by typing `\\[vhdl-electric-mode]' or by setting custom variable
+  `vhdl-electric-mode' (see CUSTOMIZATION).
+  Enabled electrification is indicated by `/e' in the modeline.
+  Template generators can be invoked from the VHDL menu, by key bindings, by
+  typing `C-c C-i C-c' and choosing a construct, or by typing the keyword (i.e.
+  first word of menu entry not in parenthesis) and `\\[vhdl-electric-space]'.
+  The following abbreviations can also be used:
+  arch, attr, cond, conf, comp, cons, func, inst, pack, sig, var.
+  Template styles can be customized in customization group `vhdl-electric'
+- HEADER INSERTION:  A file header can be inserted by `\\[vhdl-template-header]'.  A
+  file footer (template at the end of the file) can be inserted by
+  `\\[vhdl-template-footer]'.  See customization group `vhdl-header'.
+- STUTTERING:  Double striking of some keys inserts cumbersome VHDL syntax
+  elements.  Stuttering can be disabled (enabled) by typing `\\[vhdl-stutter-mode]' or by
+  variable `vhdl-stutter-mode'.  Enabled stuttering is indicated by `/s' in
+  the modeline.  The stuttering keys and their effects are:
+      ;;   -->  \" : \"         [   -->  (        --    -->  comment
+      ;;;  -->  \" := \"        [[  -->  [        --CR  -->  comment-out code
+      ..   -->  \" => \"        ]   -->  )        ---   -->  horizontal line
+      ,,   -->  \" <= \"        ]]  -->  ]        ----  -->  display comment
+      ==   -->  \" == \"        ''  -->  \\\"
+- WORD COMPLETION:  Typing `\\[vhdl-electric-tab]' after a (not completed) word looks for a VHDL
+  keyword or a word in the buffer that starts alike, inserts it and adjusts
+  case.  Re-typing `\\[vhdl-electric-tab]' toggles through alternative word completions.
+  This also works in the minibuffer (i.e. in template generator prompts).
+  Typing `\\[vhdl-electric-tab]' after `(' looks for and inserts complete parenthesized
+  expressions (e.g. for array index ranges).  All keywords as well as standard
+  types and subprograms of VHDL have predefined abbreviations (e.g. type \"std\"
+  and `\\[vhdl-electric-tab]' will toggle through all standard types beginning with \"std\").
+  Typing `\\[vhdl-electric-tab]' after a non-word character indents the line if at the beginning
+  of a line (i.e. no preceding non-blank characters),and inserts a tabulator
+  stop otherwise.  `\\[tab-to-tab-stop]' always inserts a tabulator stop.
+      `--'       puts a single comment.
+      `---'      draws a horizontal line for separating code segments.
+      `----'     inserts a display comment, i.e. two horizontal lines with a
+                 comment in between.
+      `--CR'     comments out code on that line.  Re-hitting CR comments out
+                 following lines.
+      `\\[vhdl-comment-uncomment-region]'  comments out a region if not commented out,
+                 uncomments a region if already commented out.
+  You are prompted for comments after object definitions (i.e. signals,
+  variables, constants, ports) and after subprogram and process specifications
+  if variable `vhdl-prompt-for-comments' is non-nil.  Comments are
+  automatically inserted as additional labels (e.g. after begin statements) and
+  as help comments if `vhdl-self-insert-comments' is non-nil.
+  Inline comments (i.e. comments after a piece of code on the same line) are
+  indented at least to `vhdl-inline-comment-column'.  Comments go at maximum to
+  `vhdl-end-comment-column'.  `\\[vhdl-electric-return]' after a space in a comment will open a
+  new comment line.  Typing beyond `vhdl-end-comment-column' in a comment
+  automatically opens a new comment line.  `\\[fill-paragraph]' re-fills
+  multi-line comments.
+- INDENTATION:  `\\[vhdl-electric-tab]' indents a line if at the beginning of the line.
+  The amount of indentation is specified by variable `vhdl-basic-offset'.
+  `\\[vhdl-indent-line]' always indents the current line (is bound to `TAB' if variable
+  `vhdl-intelligent-tab' is nil).  Indentation can be done for an entire region
+  \(`\\[vhdl-indent-region]') or buffer (menu).  Argument and port lists are indented normally
+  \(nil) or relative to the opening parenthesis (non-nil) according to variable
+  `vhdl-argument-list-indent'.  If variable `vhdl-indent-tabs-mode' is nil,
+  spaces are used instead of tabs.  `\\[tabify]' and `\\[untabify]' allow
+  to convert spaces to tabs and vice versa.
+- ALIGNMENT:  The alignment functions align operators, keywords, and inline
+  comments to beautify the code.  `\\[vhdl-align-group]' aligns a group of consecutive
+  lines separated by blank lines.  `\\[vhdl-align-list]' aligns all lines belonging
+  to a list enclosed by a pair of parentheses (e.g. port clause/map, argument
+  list).  `\\[vhdl-align-declarations]' aligns all lines within the declarative part of a
+  design unit.  `\\[vhdl-align-noindent-region]' aligns an entire region.  `\\[vhdl-align-inline-comment-group]' aligns
+  inline comments for a group of lines, and `\\[vhdl-align-inline-comment-region]' for a region.
+  If variable `vhdl-align-groups' is non-nil, groups of code lines separated
+  by empty lines are aligned individually.  Some templates are automatically
+  aligned after generation if custom variable `vhdl-auto-align' is non-nil.
+  `\\[vhdl-fixup-whitespace-region]' fixes up whitespace in a region.  That is, operator symbols
+  are surrounded by one space, and multiple spaces are eliminated.
+- PORT TRANSLATION:  Generic and port clauses from entity or component
+  declarations can be copied (`\\[vhdl-port-copy]') and pasted as entity and
+  component declarations, as component instantiations and corresponding
+  internal constants and signals, as a generic map with constants as actual
+  parameters, and as a test bench (menu).  To include formals in component
+  instantiations, see variable `vhdl-association-list-with-formals'.  To
+  include comments in pasting, see variables `vhdl-include-...-comments'.
+  A clause with several generic/port names on the same line can be flattened
+  (`\\[vhdl-port-flatten]') so that only one name per line exists.  Names for actual
+  ports, instances, test benches, and design-under-test instances can be
+  derived from existing names according to variables `vhdl-...-name'.
+  Variables `vhdl-testbench-...' allow the insertion of additional templates
+  into a test bench.  New files are created for the test bench entity and
+  architecture according to variable `vhdl-testbench-create-files'.
+  See customization group `vhdl-port'.
+- KEY BINDINGS:  Key bindings (`C-c ...') exist for most commands (see in
+  menu).
+- VHDL MENU:  All commands can be invoked from the VHDL menu.
+- FILE BROWSER:  The speedbar allows browsing of directories and file contents.
+  It can be accessed from the VHDL menu and is automatically opened if
+  variable `vhdl-speedbar-auto-open' is non-nil.
+  In speedbar, open files and directories with `mouse-2' on the name and
+  browse/rescan their contents with `mouse-2'/`S-mouse-2' on the `+'.
+- DESIGN HIERARCHY BROWSER:  The speedbar can also be used for browsing the
+  hierarchy of design units contained in the source files of the current
+  directory or in the source files/directories specified for a project (see
+  variable `vhdl-project-alist').
+  The speedbar can be switched between file and hierarchy browsing mode in the
+  VHDL menu or by typing `f' and `h' in speedbar.
+  In speedbar, open design units with `mouse-2' on the name and browse their
+  hierarchy with `mouse-2' on the `+'.  The hierarchy can be rescanned and
+  ports directly be copied from entities by using the speedbar menu.
+- PROJECTS:  Projects can be defined in variable `vhdl-project-alist' and a
+  current project be selected using variable `vhdl-project' (permanently) or
+  from the menu (temporarily).  For each project, a title string (for the file
+  headers) and source files/directories (for the hierarchy browser) can be
+  specified.
+- SPECIAL MENUES:  As an alternative to the speedbar, an index menu can
+  be added (set variable `vhdl-index-menu' to non-nil) or made accessible
+  as a mouse menu (e.g. add \"(global-set-key '[S-down-mouse-3] 'imenu)\" to
+  your start-up file) for browsing the file contents.  Also, a source file menu
+  can be added (set variable `vhdl-source-file-menu' to non-nil) for browsing
+  the current directory for VHDL source files.
+- SOURCE FILE COMPILATION:  The syntax of the current buffer can be analyzed
+  by calling a VHDL compiler (menu, `\\[vhdl-compile]').  The compiler to be used is
+  specified by variable `vhdl-compiler'.  The available compilers are listed
+  in variable `vhdl-compiler-alist' including all required compilation command,
+  destination directory, and error message syntax information.  New compilers
+  can be added.  Additional compile command options can be set in variable
+  `vhdl-compiler-options'.
+  An entire hierarchy of source files can be compiled by the `make' command
+  \(menu, `\\[vhdl-make]').  This only works if an appropriate Makefile exists.
+  The make command itself as well as a command to generate a Makefile can also
+  be specified in variable `vhdl-compiler-alist'.
+- VHDL STANDARDS:  The VHDL standards to be used are specified in variable
+  `vhdl-standard'.  Available standards are: VHDL'87/'93, VHDL-AMS,
+  Math Packages.
+- KEYWORD CASE:  Lower and upper case for keywords and standardized types,
+  attributes, and enumeration values is supported.  If the variable
+  `vhdl-upper-case-keywords' is set to non-nil, keywords can be typed in lower
+  case and are converted into upper case automatically (not for types,
+  attributes, and enumeration values).  The case of keywords, types,
+  attributes,and enumeration values can be fixed for an entire region (menu)
+  or buffer (`\\[vhdl-fix-case-buffer]') according to the variables
+  `vhdl-upper-case-{keywords,types,attributes,enum-values}'.
+- HIGHLIGHTING (fontification):  Keywords and standardized types, attributes,
+  enumeration values, and function names (controlled by variable
+  `vhdl-highlight-keywords'), as well as comments, strings, and template
+  prompts are highlighted using different colors.  Unit, subprogram, signal,
+  variable, constant, parameter and generic/port names in declarations as well
+  as labels are highlighted if variable `vhdl-highlight-names' is non-nil.
+  Additional reserved words or words with a forbidden syntax (e.g. words that
+  should be avoided) can be specified in variable `vhdl-forbidden-words' or
+  `vhdl-forbidden-syntax' and be highlighted in a warning color (variable
+  `vhdl-highlight-forbidden-words').  Verilog keywords are highlighted as
+  forbidden words if variable `vhdl-highlight-verilog-keywords' is non-nil.
+  Words with special syntax can be highlighted by specifying their syntax and
+  color in variable `vhdl-special-syntax-alist' and by setting variable
+  `vhdl-highlight-special-words' to non-nil.  This allows to establish some
+  naming conventions (e.g. to distinguish different kinds of signals or other
+  objects by using name suffices) and to support them visually.
+  Variable `vhdl-highlight-case-sensitive' can be set to non-nil in order to
+  support case-sensitive highlighting.  However, keywords are then only
+  highlighted if written in lower case.
+  Code between \"translate_off\" and \"translate_on\" pragmas is highlighted
+  using a different background color if variable `vhdl-highlight-translate-off'
+  is non-nil.
+  For documentation and customization of the used colors see customization
+  group `vhdl-highlight-faces' (`\\[customize-group]').
+  For highlighting of matching parenthesis, see customization group
+  `paren-showing' (`\\[customize-group]').
+- USER MODELS:  VHDL models (templates) can be specified by the user and made
+  accessible in the menu, through key bindings (`C-c C-m ...'), or by keyword
+  electrification.  See custom variable `vhdl-model-alist'.
+- HIDE/SHOW:  The code of blocks, processes, subprograms, component
+  declarations and instantiations, generic/port clauses, and configuration
+  declarations can be hidden using the `Hide/Show' menu or by pressing
+  `S-mouse-2' within the code (see customization group `vhdl-menu').
+  XEmacs: limited functionality due to old `hideshow.el' package.
+  - Sensitivity List: `\\[vhdl-update-sensitivity-list-process]' updates the sensitivity list of the
+    current process, `\\[vhdl-update-sensitivity-list-buffer]' of all processes in the current buffer.
+    Limitations:
+      - Only declared local signals (ports, signals declared in architecture
+        and blocks) are automatically inserted.
+      - Global signals declared in packages are not automatically inserted.
+        Insert them once manually (will be kept afterwards).
+      - Out parameters of procedures are considered to be read.
+    Use variable `vhdl-entity-file-name' to specify the entity file name (used
+    to obtain the port names).
+- CODE FIXING:  `\\[vhdl-fix-clause]' fixes the closing parenthesis of a
+  generic/port clause (e.g. if the closing parenthesis is on the wrong line
+  or is missing).
+- PRINTING:  Postscript printing with different faces (an optimized set of
+  faces is used if `vhdl-print-customize-faces' is non-nil) or colors
+  \(if `ps-print-color-p' is non-nil) is possible using the standard Emacs
+  postscript printing commands.  Variable `vhdl-print-two-column' defines
+  appropriate default settings for nice landscape two-column printing.  The
+  paper format can be set by variable `ps-paper-type'.  Do not forget to
+  switch `ps-print-color-p' to nil for printing on black-and-white printers.
+- CUSTOMIZATION:  All variables can easily be customized using the `Customize'
+  menu entry or `\\[customize-option]' (`\\[customize-group]' for groups).
+  Some customizations only take effect after some action (read the NOTE in
+  the variable documentation).  Customization can also be done globally (i.e.
+  site-wide, read the INSTALL file).
+- FILE EXTENSIONS:  As default, files with extensions \".vhd\" and \".vhdl\" are
+  automatically recognized as VHDL source files.  To add an extension \".xxx\",
+  add the following line to your Emacs start-up file (`.emacs'):
+    \(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '(\"\\\\.xxx\\\\'\" . vhdl-mode) auto-mode-alist))
+  - Type `\\[keyboard-quit] \\[keyboard-quit]' to interrupt long operations or if Emacs hangs.
+  - Some features only work on properly indented code.
+- RELEASE NOTES:  See also the release notes (menu) for added features in new
+  releases.
+To submit a bug report, enter `\\[vhdl-submit-bug-report]' within VHDL Mode.
+Add a description of the problem and include a reproducible test case.
+Questions and enhancement requests can be sent to <vhdl-mode@emacs.org>.
+The `vhdl-mode-announce' mailing list informs about new VHDL Mode releases.
+The `vhdl-mode-victims' mailing list informs about new VHDL Mode beta releases.
+You are kindly invited to participate in beta testing.  Subscribe to above
+mailing lists by sending an email to <vhdl-mode@emacs.org>.
+VHDL Mode is officially distributed at http://www.emacs.org/hdl/vhdl-mode.html
+where the latest version can be found.
+Bugs and Limitations:
+- Re-indenting large regions or expressions can be slow.
+- Indentation bug in simultaneous if- and case-statements (VHDL-AMS).
+- Parsing compilation error messages for Ikos and Viewlogic VHDL compilers
+  does not work under XEmacs.
+                                                  The VHDL Mode Maintainers
+                                                Reto Zimmermann and Rod Whitby
 Key bindings:
+  (setq major-mode 'vhdl-mode)
+  (setq mode-name "VHDL")
+  ;; set maps and tables
+  (use-local-map vhdl-mode-map)
   (set-syntax-table vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
-  (setq major-mode 'vhdl-mode
-	mode-name "VHDL"
-	local-abbrev-table vhdl-mode-abbrev-table)
-  (use-local-map vhdl-mode-map)
+  (setq local-abbrev-table vhdl-mode-abbrev-table)
   ;; set local variable values
-  (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter))
+  (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
+       "\\s-*\\(--+\\s-*$\\|[^ -]\\|$\\)")
   (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) paragraph-start)
   (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix) t)
   (set (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) t)
   (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) t)
   (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'vhdl-indent-line)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "-- ")
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "--")
   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "")
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-column) 32)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "--+ *")
-  (set (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp) vhdl-outline-regexp)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'outline-level) 'vhdl-outline-level)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-column) vhdl-inline-comment-column)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'end-comment-column) vhdl-end-comment-column)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "--+\\s-*")
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-multi-line) nil)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode) vhdl-indent-tabs-mode)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'hippie-expand-only-buffers) '(vhdl-mode))
+  (set (make-local-variable 'hippie-expand-verbose) nil)
   ;; setup the comment indent variable in a Emacs version portable way
   ;; ignore any byte compiler warnings you might get here
-  (if (boundp 'comment-indent-function)
-      (progn
-	   (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function)
-	   (setq comment-indent-function 'vhdl-comment-indent))
-    (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-hook)
-    (setq comment-indent-hook 'vhdl-comment-indent))
-  ;; put VHDL menu into menubar and on popup menu for XEmacs (formerly
-  ;; Lucid) 19. I think this happens automatically for FSF Emacs 19.
-  (if (and (boundp 'current-menubar)
-	   current-menubar
-	   (not (assoc mode-name current-menubar)))
-      (progn
-	(set-buffer-menubar (copy-sequence current-menubar))
-	(add-menu nil mode-name vhdl-mode-menu)))
-  (if (boundp 'mode-popup-menu)
-      (setq mode-popup-menu
-	    (cons (concat mode-name " Mode Commands") vhdl-mode-menu)))
+  (when (boundp 'comment-indent-function)
+    (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function)
+    (setq comment-indent-function 'vhdl-comment-indent))
+  ;; initialize font locking
+  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+       (list
+	'vhdl-font-lock-keywords nil
+	(not vhdl-highlight-case-sensitive) '((?\_ . "w")) 'beginning-of-line
+	'(font-lock-syntactic-keywords . vhdl-font-lock-syntactic-keywords)))
+  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-support-mode) 'lazy-lock-mode)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-defer-contextually) nil)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-defer-on-the-fly) t)
+;  (set (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-defer-time) 0.1)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-defer-on-scrolling) t)
+  (turn-on-font-lock)
+  ;; variables for source file compilation
+  (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp-alist) nil)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-file-regexp-alist) nil)
+  ;; add index menu
+  (vhdl-index-menu-init)
+  ;; add source file menu
+  (if vhdl-source-file-menu (vhdl-add-source-files-menu))
+  ;; add VHDL menu
+  (easy-menu-add vhdl-mode-menu-list)	; for XEmacs
+  (easy-menu-define vhdl-mode-menu vhdl-mode-map
+		    "Menu keymap for VHDL Mode." vhdl-mode-menu-list)
+  ;; initialize hideshow and add menu
+  (make-local-variable 'hs-minor-mode-hook)
+  (vhdl-hideshow-init)
+  (run-hooks 'menu-bar-update-hook)
+  ;; add speedbar
+  (when (fboundp 'speedbar)
+    (condition-case ()			; due to bug in `speedbar-el' v0.7.2a
+	(progn
+	  (when (and vhdl-speedbar-auto-open
+		     (not (and (boundp 'speedbar-frame)
+			       (frame-live-p speedbar-frame))))
+	    (speedbar-frame-mode 1)
+	    (select-frame speedbar-attached-frame)))
+      (error (vhdl-add-warning "Before using Speedbar, install included `speedbar.el' patch"))))
+  ;; miscellaneous
+  (vhdl-ps-print-init)
+  (vhdl-modify-date-init)
+  (vhdl-mode-line-update)
+  (message "VHDL Mode %s.  See menu for documentation and release notes."
+	   vhdl-version)
+  (vhdl-print-warnings)
+  ;; run hooks
   (run-hooks 'vhdl-mode-hook))
-;; menus for XEmacs (formerly Lucid)
-(defun vhdl-popup-menu (e)
-  "Pops up the VHDL menu."
-  (interactive "@e")
-  (popup-menu (cons (concat mode-name " Mode Commands") vhdl-mode-menu))
-  (vhdl-keep-region-active))
-;; active regions
-(defun vhdl-keep-region-active ()
-  ;; do whatever is necessary to keep the region active in XEmacs
-  ;; (formerly Lucid). ignore byte-compiler warnings you might see
-  (and (boundp 'zmacs-region-stays)
-       (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
+(defun vhdl-activate-customizations ()
+  "Activate all customizations on local variables."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-mode-map-init)
+  (use-local-map vhdl-mode-map)
+  (set-syntax-table vhdl-mode-syntax-table)
+  (setq comment-column vhdl-inline-comment-column)
+  (setq end-comment-column vhdl-end-comment-column)
+  (vhdl-modify-date-init)
+  (vhdl-update-mode-menu)
+  (vhdl-hideshow-init)
+  (run-hooks 'menu-bar-update-hook)
+  (vhdl-mode-line-update))
+(defun vhdl-modify-date-init ()
+  "Add/remove hook for modifying date when buffer is saved."
+  (if vhdl-modify-date-on-saving
+      (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'vhdl-template-modify-noerror)
+    (remove-hook 'local-write-file-hooks 'vhdl-template-modify-noerror)))
+;;; Keywords and standardized words
+(defconst vhdl-93-keywords
+  '(
+    "abs" "access" "after" "alias" "all" "and" "architecture" "array"
+    "assert" "attribute"
+    "begin" "block" "body" "buffer" "bus"
+    "case" "component" "configuration" "constant"
+    "disconnect" "downto"
+    "else" "elsif" "end" "entity" "exit"
+    "file" "for" "function"
+    "generate" "generic" "group" "guarded"
+    "if" "impure" "in" "inertial" "inout" "is"
+    "label" "library" "linkage" "literal" "loop"
+    "map" "mod"
+    "nand" "new" "next" "nor" "not" "null"
+    "of" "on" "open" "or" "others" "out"
+    "package" "port" "postponed" "procedure" "process" "pure"
+    "range" "record" "register" "reject" "rem" "report" "return"
+    "rol" "ror"
+    "select" "severity" "shared" "signal" "sla" "sll" "sra" "srl" "subtype"
+    "then" "to" "transport" "type"
+    "unaffected" "units" "until" "use"
+    "variable"
+    "wait" "when" "while" "with"
+    "xnor" "xor"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL'93 keywords.")
+(defconst vhdl-ams-keywords
+  '(
+    "across" "break" "limit" "nature" "noise" "procedural" "quantity"
+    "reference" "spectrum" "subnature" "terminal" "through"
+    "tolerance"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL-AMS keywords.")
+(defconst vhdl-verilog-keywords
+  '(
+    "`define" "`else" "`endif" "`ifdef" "`include" "`timescale" "`undef"
+    "always" "and" "assign" "begin" "buf" "bufif0" "bufif1"
+    "case" "casex" "casez" "cmos" "deassign" "default" "defparam" "disable"
+    "edge" "else" "end" "endattribute" "endcase" "endfunction" "endmodule"
+    "endprimitive" "endspecify" "endtable" "endtask" "event"
+    "for" "force" "forever" "fork" "function"
+    "highz0" "highz1" "if" "initial" "inout" "input" "integer" "join" "large"
+    "macromodule" "makefile" "medium" "module"
+    "nand" "negedge" "nmos" "nor" "not" "notif0" "notif1" "or" "output"
+    "parameter" "pmos" "posedge" "primitive" "pull0" "pull1" "pulldown"
+    "pullup"
+    "rcmos" "real" "realtime" "reg" "release" "repeat" "rnmos" "rpmos" "rtran"
+    "rtranif0" "rtranif1"
+    "scalared" "signed" "small" "specify" "specparam" "strength" "strong0"
+    "strong1" "supply" "supply0" "supply1"
+    "table" "task" "time" "tran" "tranif0" "tranif1" "tri" "tri0" "tri1"
+    "triand" "trior" "trireg"
+    "vectored" "wait" "wand" "weak0" "weak1" "while" "wire" "wor" "xnor" "xor"
+    )
+  "List of Verilog keywords as candidate for additional reserved words.")
+(defconst vhdl-93-types
+  '(
+    "boolean" "bit" "bit_vector" "character" "severity_level" "integer"
+    "real" "time" "natural" "positive" "string" "line" "text" "side"
+    "unsigned" "signed" "delay_length" "file_open_kind" "file_open_status"
+    "std_logic" "std_logic_vector"
+    "std_ulogic" "std_ulogic_vector"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL'93 standardized types.")
+(defconst vhdl-ams-types
+  '(
+    "domain_type" "real_vector"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL-AMS standardized types.")
+(defconst vhdl-math-types
+  '(
+    "complex" "complex_polar"
+    )
+  "List of Math Packages standardized types.")
+(defconst vhdl-93-attributes
+  '(
+    "base" "left" "right" "high" "low" "pos" "val" "succ"
+    "pred" "leftof" "rightof" "range" "reverse_range"
+    "length" "delayed" "stable" "quiet" "transaction"
+    "event" "active" "last_event" "last_active" "last_value"
+    "driving" "driving_value" "ascending" "value" "image"
+    "simple_name" "instance_name" "path_name"
+    "foreign"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL'93 standardized attributes.")
+(defconst vhdl-ams-attributes
+  '(
+    "across" "through"
+    "reference" "contribution" "tolerance"
+    "dot" "integ" "delayed" "above" "zoh" "ltf" "ztf"
+    "ramp" "slew"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL-AMS standardized attributes.")
+(defconst vhdl-93-enum-values
+  '(
+    "true" "false"
+    "note" "warning" "error" "failure"
+    "read_mode" "write_mode" "append_mode"
+    "open_ok" "status_error" "name_error" "mode_error"
+    "fs" "ps" "ns" "us" "ms" "sec" "min" "hr"
+    "right" "left"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL'93 standardized enumeration values.")
+(defconst vhdl-ams-enum-values
+  '(
+    "quiescent_domain" "time_domain" "frequency_domain"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL-AMS standardized enumeration values.")
+(defconst vhdl-math-constants
+  '(
+    "math_e" "math_1_over_e"
+    "math_pi" "math_two_pi" "math_1_over_pi"
+    "math_half_pi" "math_q_pi" "math_3_half_pi"
+    "math_log_of_2" "math_log_of_10" "math_log2_of_e" "math_log10_of_e"
+    "math_sqrt2" "math_sqrt1_2" "math_sqrt_pi"
+    "math_deg_to_rad" "math_rad_to_deg"
+    "cbase_1" "cbase_j" "czero"
+    )
+  "List of Math Packages standardized constants.")
+(defconst vhdl-93-functions
+  '(
+    "now" "resolved" "rising_edge" "falling_edge"
+    "read" "readline" "write" "writeline" "endfile"
+    "resize" "is_X" "std_match"
+    "shift_left" "shift_right" "rotate_left" "rotate_right"
+    "to_unsigned" "to_signed" "to_integer"
+    "to_stdLogicVector" "to_stdULogic" "to_stdULogicVector"
+    "to_bit" "to_bitVector" "to_X01" "to_X01Z" "to_UX01" "to_01"
+    "conv_unsigned" "conv_signed" "conv_integer" "conv_std_logic_vector"
+    "shl" "shr" "ext" "sxt"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL'93 standardized functions.")
+(defconst vhdl-ams-functions
+  '(
+    "frequency"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL-AMS standardized functions.")
+(defconst vhdl-math-functions
+  '(
+    "sign" "ceil" "floor" "round" "trunc" "fmax" "fmin" "uniform"
+    "sqrt" "cbrt" "exp" "log"
+    "sin" "cos" "tan" "arcsin" "arccos" "arctan"
+    "sinh" "cosh" "tanh" "arcsinh" "arccosh" "arctanh"
+    "cmplx" "complex_to_polar" "polar_to_complex" "arg" "conj"
+    )
+  "List of Math Packages standardized functions.")
+(defconst vhdl-93-packages
+  '(
+    "std_logic_1164" "numeric_std" "numeric_bit"
+    "standard" "textio"
+    "std_logic_arith" "std_logic_signed" "std_logic_unsigned"
+    "std_logic_misc" "std_logic_textio"
+    "ieee" "std" "work"
+    )
+  "List of VHDL'93 standardized packages and libraries.")
+(defconst vhdl-math-packages
+  '(
+    "math_real" "math_complex"
+    )
+  "List of Math Packages standardized packages and libraries.")
+(defvar vhdl-keywords nil
+  "List of VHDL keywords.")
+(defvar vhdl-types nil
+  "List of VHDL standardized types.")
+(defvar vhdl-attributes nil
+  "List of VHDL standardized attributes.")
+(defvar vhdl-enum-values nil
+  "List of VHDL standardized enumeration values.")
+(defvar vhdl-constants nil
+  "List of VHDL standardized constants.")
+(defvar vhdl-functions nil
+  "List of VHDL standardized functions.")
+(defvar vhdl-packages nil
+  "List of VHDL standardized packages and libraries.")
+(defvar vhdl-reserved-words nil
+  "List of additional reserved words.")
+(defvar vhdl-keywords-regexp nil
+  "Regexp for VHDL keywords.")
+(defvar vhdl-types-regexp nil
+  "Regexp for VHDL standardized types.")
+(defvar vhdl-attributes-regexp nil
+  "Regexp for VHDL standardized attributes.")
+(defvar vhdl-enum-values-regexp nil
+  "Regexp for VHDL standardized enumeration values.")
+(defvar vhdl-functions-regexp nil
+  "Regexp for VHDL standardized functions.")
+(defvar vhdl-packages-regexp nil
+  "Regexp for VHDL standardized packages and libraries.")
+(defvar vhdl-reserved-words-regexp nil
+  "Regexp for additional reserved words.")
+(defun vhdl-words-init ()
+  "Initialize reserved words."
+  (setq vhdl-keywords
+	(append vhdl-93-keywords
+		(when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams) vhdl-ams-keywords)))
+  (setq vhdl-types
+	(append vhdl-93-types
+		(when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams) vhdl-ams-types)
+		(when (vhdl-standard-p 'math) vhdl-math-types)))
+  (setq vhdl-attributes
+	(append vhdl-93-attributes
+		(when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams) vhdl-ams-attributes)))
+  (setq vhdl-enum-values
+	(append vhdl-93-enum-values
+		(when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams) vhdl-ams-enum-values)))
+  (setq vhdl-constants
+	(append (when (vhdl-standard-p 'math) vhdl-math-constants)))
+  (setq vhdl-functions
+	(append vhdl-93-functions
+		(when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams) vhdl-ams-functions)
+		(when (vhdl-standard-p 'math) vhdl-math-functions)))
+  (setq vhdl-packages
+	(append vhdl-93-packages
+		(when (vhdl-standard-p 'math) vhdl-math-packages)))
+  (setq vhdl-reserved-words
+	(append (when vhdl-highlight-forbidden-words vhdl-forbidden-words)
+		(when vhdl-highlight-verilog-keywords vhdl-verilog-keywords)
+		'("")))
+  (setq vhdl-keywords-regexp
+	(concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt vhdl-keywords) "\\)\\>"))
+  (setq vhdl-types-regexp
+	(concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt vhdl-types) "\\)\\>"))
+  (setq vhdl-attributes-regexp
+	(concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt vhdl-attributes) "\\)\\>"))
+  (setq vhdl-enum-values-regexp
+	(concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt vhdl-enum-values) "\\)\\>"))
+  (setq vhdl-functions-regexp
+	(concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt vhdl-functions) "\\)\\>"))
+  (setq vhdl-packages-regexp
+	(concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt vhdl-packages) "\\)\\>"))
+  (setq vhdl-reserved-words-regexp
+	(concat "\\<\\("
+		(unless (equal vhdl-forbidden-syntax "")
+		  (concat vhdl-forbidden-syntax "\\|"))
+		(regexp-opt vhdl-reserved-words)
+		"\\)\\>"))
+  (vhdl-abbrev-list-init))
+;; Words to expand
+(defvar vhdl-abbrev-list nil
+  "Predefined abbreviations for VHDL.")
+(defun vhdl-abbrev-list-init ()
+  (setq vhdl-abbrev-list
+	(append
+	 (list vhdl-upper-case-keywords) vhdl-keywords
+	 (list vhdl-upper-case-types) vhdl-types
+	 (list vhdl-upper-case-attributes) vhdl-attributes
+	 (list vhdl-upper-case-enum-values) vhdl-enum-values
+	 (list vhdl-upper-case-constants) vhdl-constants
+	 (list nil) vhdl-functions
+	 (list nil) vhdl-packages)))
+;; initialize reserved words for VHDL Mode
+;;; Syntax analysis and indentation
+;; Syntax analysis
 ;; constant regular expressions for looking at various constructs
@@ -652,87 +3408,82 @@
 class.  Putting underscore in word class breaks forward word movement
 behavior that users are familiar with.")
-(defconst vhdl-case-alternative-key "when[( \t\n][^;=>]+=>"
-  "Regexp describing a case statement alternative key.")
 (defconst vhdl-case-header-key "case[( \t\n][^;=>]+[) \t\n]is"
   "Regexp describing a case statement header key.")
 (defconst vhdl-label-key
-  (concat vhdl-symbol-key "\\s-*:")
+  (concat "\\(" vhdl-symbol-key "\\s-*:\\)[^=]")
   "Regexp describing a VHDL label.")
 ;; Macro definitions:
 (defmacro vhdl-point (position)
-  ;; Returns the value of point at certain commonly referenced POSITIONs.
-  ;; POSITION can be one of the following symbols:
-  ;; 
-  ;; bol  -- beginning of line
-  ;; eol  -- end of line
-  ;; bod  -- beginning of defun
-  ;; boi  -- back to indentation
-  ;; eoi  -- last whitespace on line
-  ;; ionl -- indentation of next line
-  ;; iopl -- indentation of previous line
-  ;; bonl -- beginning of next line
-  ;; bopl -- beginning of previous line
-  ;; 
-  ;; This function does not modify point or mark.
+  "Return the value of point at certain commonly referenced POSITIONs.
+POSITION can be one of the following symbols:
+bol  -- beginning of line
+eol  -- end of line
+bod  -- beginning of defun
+boi  -- back to indentation
+eoi  -- last whitespace on line
+ionl -- indentation of next line
+iopl -- indentation of previous line
+bonl -- beginning of next line
+bopl -- beginning of previous line
+This function does not modify point or mark."
   (or (and (eq 'quote (car-safe position))
 	   (null (cdr (cdr position))))
-      (error "bad buffer position requested: %s" position))
+      (error "Bad buffer position requested: %s" position))
   (setq position (nth 1 position))
-  (` (let ((here (point)))
-       (,@ (cond
-	    ((eq position 'bol)  '((beginning-of-line)))
-	    ((eq position 'eol)  '((end-of-line)))
-	    ((eq position 'bod)  '((save-match-data
-				     (vhdl-beginning-of-defun))))
-	    ((eq position 'boi)  '((back-to-indentation)))
-	    ((eq position 'eoi)  '((end-of-line)(skip-chars-backward " \t")))
-	    ((eq position 'bonl) '((forward-line 1)))
-	    ((eq position 'bopl) '((forward-line -1)))
-	    ((eq position 'iopl)
-	     '((forward-line -1)
-	       (back-to-indentation)))
-	    ((eq position 'ionl)
-	     '((forward-line 1)
-	       (back-to-indentation)))
-	    (t (error "unknown buffer position requested: %s" position))
-	    ))
-       (prog1
-	   (point)
-	 (goto-char here))
-       ;; workaround for an Emacs18 bug -- blech! Well, at least it
-       ;; doesn't hurt for v19
-       (,@ nil)
-       )))
+  `(let ((here (point)))
+     ,@(cond
+	((eq position 'bol)  '((beginning-of-line)))
+	((eq position 'eol)  '((end-of-line)))
+	((eq position 'bod)  '((save-match-data
+				 (vhdl-beginning-of-defun))))
+	((eq position 'boi)  '((back-to-indentation)))
+	((eq position 'eoi)  '((end-of-line)(skip-chars-backward " \t")))
+	((eq position 'bonl) '((forward-line 1)))
+	((eq position 'bopl) '((forward-line -1)))
+	((eq position 'iopl)
+	 '((forward-line -1)
+	   (back-to-indentation)))
+	((eq position 'ionl)
+	 '((forward-line 1)
+	   (back-to-indentation)))
+	(t (error "Unknown buffer position requested: %s" position))
+	)
+     (prog1
+	 (point)
+       (goto-char here))
+     ;; workaround for an Emacs18 bug -- blech! Well, at least it
+     ;; doesn't hurt for v19
+     ,@nil
+     ))
 (defmacro vhdl-safe (&rest body)
-  ;; safely execute BODY, return nil if an error occurred
-  (` (condition-case nil
-	 (progn (,@ body))
-       (error nil))))
+  "Safely execute BODY, return nil if an error occurred."
+  `(condition-case nil
+       (progn ,@body)
+     (error nil)))
 (defmacro vhdl-add-syntax (symbol &optional relpos)
-  ;; a simple macro to append the syntax in symbol to the syntax list.
-  ;; try to increase performance by using this macro
-  (` (setq vhdl-syntactic-context
-	   (cons (cons (, symbol) (, relpos)) vhdl-syntactic-context))))
+  "A simple macro to append the syntax in SYMBOL to the syntax list.
+Try to increase performance by using this macro."
+  `(setq vhdl-syntactic-context
+	 (cons (cons ,symbol ,relpos) vhdl-syntactic-context)))
 (defmacro vhdl-has-syntax (symbol)
-  ;; a simple macro to return check the syntax list.
-  ;; try to increase performance by using this macro
-  (` (assoc (, symbol) vhdl-syntactic-context)))
+  "A simple macro to return check the syntax list.
+Try to increase performance by using this macro."
+  `(assoc ,symbol vhdl-syntactic-context))
 ;; Syntactic element offset manipulation:
 (defun vhdl-read-offset (langelem)
-  ;; read new offset value for LANGELEM from minibuffer. return a
-  ;; legal value only
+  "Read new offset value for LANGELEM from minibuffer.
+Return a legal value only."
   (let ((oldoff (format "%s" (cdr-safe (assq langelem vhdl-offsets-alist))))
 	(errmsg "Offset must be int, func, var, or one of +, -, ++, --: ")
 	(prompt "Offset: ")
@@ -778,10 +3529,7 @@
 		    (let* ((syntax (vhdl-get-syntactic-context))
 			   (len (length syntax))
 			   (ic (format "%s" (car (nth (1- len) syntax)))))
-		      (if (or (memq 'v19 vhdl-emacs-features)
-			      (memq 'v20 vhdl-emacs-features))
-			  (cons ic 0)
-			ic))
+		      ic)
 	  (offset (vhdl-read-offset langelem)))
      (list langelem offset current-prefix-arg)))
@@ -799,19 +3547,20 @@
     (if entry
 	(setcdr entry offset)
       (if add-p
-	  (setq vhdl-offsets-alist (cons (cons symbol offset) vhdl-offsets-alist))
-	(error "%s is not a valid syntactic symbol." symbol))))
+	  (setq vhdl-offsets-alist
+		(cons (cons symbol offset) vhdl-offsets-alist))
+	(error "%s is not a valid syntactic symbol" symbol))))
 (defun vhdl-set-style (style &optional local)
-  "Set vhdl-mode variables to use one of several different indentation styles.
+  "Set `vhdl-mode' variables to use one of several different indentation styles.
 STYLE is a string representing the desired style and optional LOCAL is
 a flag which, if non-nil, means to make the style variables being
 changed buffer local, instead of the default, which is to set the
 global variables.  Interactively, the flag comes from the prefix
 argument.  The styles are chosen from the `vhdl-style-alist' variable."
   (interactive (list (completing-read "Use which VHDL indentation style? "
-                                      vhdl-style-alist nil t)
+				      vhdl-style-alist nil t)
   (let ((vars (cdr (assoc style vhdl-style-alist))))
     (or vars
@@ -842,34 +3591,12 @@
-(defun vhdl-add-style (style descrip &optional set-p)
-  "Adds a style to `vhdl-style-alist', or updates an existing one.
-STYLE is a string identifying the style to add or update.  DESCRIP is
-an association list describing the style and must be of the form:
-See the variable `vhdl-style-alist' for the semantics of VARIABLE and
-VALUE.  This function also sets the current style to STYLE using
-`vhdl-set-style' if the optional SET-P flag is non-nil."
-  (interactive
-   (let ((stylename (completing-read "Style to add: " vhdl-style-alist))
-	 (description (eval-minibuffer "Style description: ")))
-     (list stylename description
-	   (y-or-n-p "Set the style too? "))))
-  (setq style (downcase style))
-  (let ((s (assoc style vhdl-style-alist)))
-    (if s
-	(setcdr s (copy-alist descrip))	; replace
-      (setq vhdl-style-alist (cons (cons style descrip) vhdl-style-alist))))
-  (and set-p (vhdl-set-style style)))
 (defun vhdl-get-offset (langelem)
-  ;; Get offset from LANGELEM which is a cons cell of the form:
-  ;; (SYMBOL . RELPOS).  The symbol is matched against
-  ;; vhdl-offsets-alist and the offset found there is either returned,
-  ;; or added to the indentation at RELPOS.  If RELPOS is nil, then
-  ;; the offset is simply returned.
+  "Get offset from LANGELEM which is a cons cell of the form:
+\(SYMBOL . RELPOS).  The symbol is matched against
+vhdl-offsets-alist and the offset found there is either returned,
+or added to the indentation at RELPOS.  If RELPOS is nil, then
+the offset is simply returned."
   (let* ((symbol (car langelem))
 	 (relpos (cdr langelem))
 	 (match  (assq symbol vhdl-offsets-alist))
@@ -879,7 +3606,7 @@
      ((not match)
       (if vhdl-strict-syntax-p
-	  (error "don't know how to indent a %s" symbol)
+	  (error "Don't know how to indent a %s" symbol)
 	(setq offset 0
 	      relpos 0)))
      ((eq offset '+)  (setq offset vhdl-basic-offset))
@@ -900,7 +3627,6 @@
 ;; Syntactic support functions:
 ;; Returns `comment' if in a comment, `string' if in a string literal,
@@ -909,19 +3635,17 @@
 ;; used.
 (defun vhdl-in-literal (&optional lim)
-  ;; Determine if point is in a VHDL literal.
+  "Determine if point is in a VHDL literal."
-    (let* ((lim (or lim (point-min)))
-	   (state (parse-partial-sexp lim (point))))
+    (let ((state (parse-partial-sexp (vhdl-point 'bol) (point))))
        ((nth 3 state) 'string)
        ((nth 4 state) 'comment)
-       (t nil)))
-    ))
+       (t nil)))))
 ;; This is the best we can do in Win-Emacs.
 (defun vhdl-win-il (&optional lim)
-  ;; Determine if point is in a VHDL literal
+  "Determine if point is in a VHDL literal."
     (let* ((here (point))
 	   (state nil)
@@ -967,7 +3691,7 @@
 	) ; end-while
-(and (memq 'Win-Emacs vhdl-emacs-features)
+(and (string-match "Win-Emacs" emacs-version)
      (fset 'vhdl-in-literal 'vhdl-win-il))
 ;; Skipping of "syntactic whitespace".  Syntactic whitespace is
@@ -977,7 +3701,7 @@
 ;; skipping.
 (defun vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws (&optional lim)
-  ;; Forward skip of syntactic whitespace.
+  "Forward skip of syntactic whitespace."
     (let* ((lim (or lim (point-max)))
 	   (here lim)
@@ -990,7 +3714,7 @@
 ;; This is the best we can do in Win-Emacs.
 (defun vhdl-win-fsws (&optional lim)
-  ;; Forward skip syntactic whitespace for Win-Emacs.
+  "Forward skip syntactic whitespace for Win-Emacs."
   (let ((lim (or lim (point-max)))
     (while (not stop)
@@ -1002,11 +3726,11 @@
        (t (setq stop t))
-(and (memq 'Win-Emacs vhdl-emacs-features)
+(and (string-match "Win-Emacs" emacs-version)
      (fset 'vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws 'vhdl-win-fsws))
 (defun vhdl-backward-syntactic-ws (&optional lim)
-  ;; Backward skip over syntactic whitespace.
+  "Backward skip over syntactic whitespace."
     (let* ((lim (or lim (point-min)))
 	   (here lim)
@@ -1022,7 +3746,7 @@
 ;; This is the best we can do in Win-Emacs.
 (defun vhdl-win-bsws (&optional lim)
-  ;; Backward skip syntactic whitespace for Win-Emacs.
+  "Backward skip syntactic whitespace for Win-Emacs."
   (let ((lim (or lim (vhdl-point 'bod)))
     (while (not stop)
@@ -1041,7 +3765,7 @@
        (t (setq stop t))
-(and (memq 'Win-Emacs vhdl-emacs-features)
+(and (string-match "Win-Emacs" emacs-version)
     (fset 'vhdl-backward-syntactic-ws 'vhdl-win-bsws))
 ;; Functions to help finding the correct indentation column:
@@ -1064,7 +3788,6 @@
 			     (looking-at "\\s-*\\(--\\)?")))
 ;; Core syntactic evaluation functions:
 (defconst vhdl-libunit-re
@@ -1078,22 +3801,27 @@
      (not (looking-at "is\\b[^_]")))
-     (not (looking-at "use\\b[^_]")))))
+     (and (not (looking-at "use\\b[^_]"))
+	  (progn
+	    (forward-sexp)
+	    (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)
+	    (/= (following-char) ?:))))
+   ))
 (defconst vhdl-defun-re
-  "\\b\\(architecture\\|block\\|configuration\\|entity\\|package\\|process\\|procedure\\|function\\)\\b[^_]")
+  "\\b\\(architecture\\|block\\|configuration\\|entity\\|package\\|process\\|procedural\\|procedure\\|function\\)\\b[^_]")
 (defun vhdl-defun-p ()
-    (if (looking-at "block\\|process")
-	;; "block", "process":
+    (if (looking-at "block\\|process\\|procedural")
+	;; "block", "process", "procedural":
 	  (not (looking-at "end\\s-+\\w")))
       ;; "architecture", "configuration", "entity",
       ;; "package", "procedure", "function":
 (defun vhdl-corresponding-defun ()
   "If the word at the current position corresponds to a \"defun\"
 keyword, then return a string that can be used to find the
@@ -1101,20 +3829,20 @@
     (and (looking-at vhdl-defun-re)
-	 (if (looking-at "block\\|process")
-	     ;; "block", "process":
+	 (if (looking-at "block\\|process\\|procedural")
+	     ;; "block", "process". "procedural:
 	     (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
 	   ;; "architecture", "configuration", "entity", "package",
 	   ;; "procedure", "function":
 (defconst vhdl-begin-fwd-re
-  "\\b\\(is\\|begin\\|block\\|component\\|generate\\|then\\|else\\|loop\\|process\\|units\\|record\\|for\\)\\b\\([^_]\\|\\'\\)"
+  "\\b\\(is\\|begin\\|block\\|component\\|generate\\|then\\|else\\|loop\\|process\\|procedural\\|units\\|record\\|for\\)\\b\\([^_]\\|\\'\\)"
   "A regular expression for searching forward that matches all known
 \"begin\" keywords.")
 (defconst vhdl-begin-bwd-re
-  "\\b\\(is\\|begin\\|block\\|component\\|generate\\|then\\|else\\|loop\\|process\\|units\\|record\\|for\\)\\b"
+  "\\b\\(is\\|begin\\|block\\|component\\|generate\\|then\\|else\\|loop\\|process\\|procedural\\|units\\|record\\|for\\)\\b[^_]"
   "A regular expression for searching backward that matches all known
 \"begin\" keywords.")
@@ -1138,14 +3866,14 @@
 	   (let (foundp)
 	     (while (and (not foundp)
-			  ";\\|\\b\\(architecture\\|case\\|configuration\\|entity\\|package\\|procedure\\|return\\|is\\|begin\\|process\\|block\\)\\b[^_]"
+			  ";\\|\\b\\(architecture\\|case\\|configuration\\|entity\\|package\\|procedure\\|return\\|is\\|begin\\|process\\|procedural\\|block\\)\\b[^_]"
 			  lim 'move))
 	       (if (or (= (preceding-char) ?_)
 		       (vhdl-in-literal lim))
 		 (setq foundp t))))
 	   (and (/= (following-char) ?\;)
-		(not (looking-at "is\\|begin\\|process\\|block")))))
+		(not (looking-at "is\\|begin\\|process\\|procedural\\|block")))))
    ;; "begin", "then":
    ((looking-at "be\\|t")
@@ -1159,13 +3887,23 @@
 	   (or (eq (following-char) ?\;)
 	       (eq (point) lim))))
-   ;; "block", "component", "generate", "loop", "process",
+   ;; "block", "generate", "loop", "process", "procedural",
    ;; "units", "record":
-   ((and (looking-at "bl\\|[cglpur]")
+   ((and (looking-at "bl\\|[glpur]")
 	   (not (looking-at "end\\s-+\\w"))))
+   ;; "component":
+   ((and (looking-at "c")
+	 (save-excursion
+	   (backward-sexp)
+	   (not (looking-at "end\\s-+\\w")))
+	 ;; look out for the dreaded entity class in an attribute
+	 (save-excursion
+	   (vhdl-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+	   (/= (preceding-char) ?:)))
+    t)
    ;; "for" (inside configuration declaration):
    ((and (looking-at "f")
@@ -1174,10 +3912,10 @@
 	 (vhdl-has-syntax 'configuration))
 (defun vhdl-corresponding-mid (&optional lim)
-   ((looking-at "is\\|block\\|process")
+   ((looking-at "is\\|block\\|generate\\|process\\|procedural")
    ((looking-at "then")
@@ -1220,7 +3958,7 @@
 	  ((looking-at "[cur]")
 	   ;; The first end found will close the block
 	   (vector "end" nil))
-	  ;; "block", "process":
+	  ;; "block", "process", "procedural":
 	  ((looking-at "bl\\|p")
 	   (vector "end"
 		   (or (vhdl-first-word (point))
@@ -1230,7 +3968,7 @@
 			 (vhdl-first-word (point))))))
 	  ;; "then":
 	  ((looking-at "t")
-	   (vector "elsif\\|else\\|end"
+	   (vector "elsif\\|else\\|end\\s-+if"
 		   (and (vhdl-last-word (point))
 			(or (vhdl-first-word (point))
@@ -1241,7 +3979,7 @@
 (defconst vhdl-end-fwd-re "\\b\\(end\\|else\\|elsif\\)\\b\\([^_]\\|\\'\\)")
-(defconst vhdl-end-bwd-re "\\b\\(end\\|else\\|elsif\\)\\b")
+(defconst vhdl-end-bwd-re "\\b\\(end\\|else\\|elsif\\)\\b[^_]")
 (defun vhdl-end-p (&optional lim)
   "Return t if we are looking at a real \"end\" keyword.
@@ -1261,7 +3999,7 @@
   "If the word at the current position corresponds to an \"end\"
 keyword, then return a vector containing enough information to find
 the corresponding \"begin\" keyword, else return nil.  The keyword to
-search backward for is aref 0.  The column in which the keyword must
+search backward for is aref 0.     The column in which the keyword must
 appear is aref 1 or nil if any column is suitable.  The supplementary
 keyword to search forward for is aref 2 or nil if this is not
 required.  If aref 3 is t, then the \"begin\" keyword may be found in
@@ -1298,8 +4036,8 @@
 					(match-end 1))
 		      (vhdl-first-word pos)
 		      nil t))
-	     ;; "end block", "end process":
-	     ((looking-at "\\(block\\|process\\)\\b[^_]")
+	     ;; "end block", "end process", "end procedural":
+	     ((looking-at "\\(block\\|process\\|procedural\\)\\b[^_]")
 	      (vector "begin" (vhdl-first-word pos) nil nil))
 	     ;; "end case":
 	     ((looking-at "case\\b[^_]")
@@ -1343,11 +4081,11 @@
 (defconst vhdl-leader-re
-  "\\b\\(block\\|component\\|process\\|for\\)\\b[^_]")
+  "\\b\\(block\\|component\\|process\\|procedural\\|for\\)\\b[^_]")
 (defun vhdl-end-of-leader ()
-    (cond ((looking-at "block\\|process")
+    (cond ((looking-at "block\\|process\\|procedural")
 	   (if (save-excursion
 		 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
@@ -1377,16 +4115,16 @@
 \"statement\" keywords.")
 (defconst vhdl-statement-bwd-re
-  "\\b\\(if\\|for\\|while\\)\\b"
+  "\\b\\(if\\|for\\|while\\)\\b[^_]"
   "A regular expression for searching backward that matches all known
 \"statement\" keywords.")
 (defun vhdl-statement-p (&optional lim)
   "Return t if we are looking at a real \"statement\" keyword.
 Assumes that the caller will make sure that we are looking at
-vhdl-statement-fwd-re, and are not inside a literal, and that we are not in
-the middle of an identifier that just happens to contain a \"statement\"
+vhdl-statement-fwd-re, and are not inside a literal, and that we are not
+in the middle of an identifier that just happens to contain a
+\"statement\" keyword."
    ;; "for" ... "generate":
    ((and (looking-at "f")
@@ -1411,8 +4149,28 @@
    ((looking-at "w")
+(defconst vhdl-case-alternative-re "when[( \t\n][^;=>]+=>"
+  "Regexp describing a case statement alternative key.")
+(defun vhdl-case-alternative-p (&optional lim)
+  "Return t if we are looking at a real case alternative.
+Assumes that the caller will make sure that we are looking at
+vhdl-case-alternative-re, and are not inside a literal, and that
+we are not in the middle of an identifier that just happens to
+contain a \"when\" keyword."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (foundp)
+      (while (and (not foundp)
+		  (re-search-backward ";\\|<=" lim 'move))
+	(if (or (= (preceding-char) ?_)
+		(vhdl-in-literal lim))
+	    (backward-char)
+	  (setq foundp t)))
+      (or (eq (following-char) ?\;)
+	  (eq (point) lim)))
+    ))
 ;; Core syntactic movement functions:
 (defconst vhdl-b-t-b-re
@@ -1442,6 +4200,39 @@
+(defun vhdl-forward-same-indent ()
+  "Move forward to next line with same indent."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((pos (point))
+	(indent (current-indentation)))
+    (beginning-of-line 2)
+    (while (and (not (eobp))
+		(or (looking-at "^\\s-*\\(--.*\\)?$")
+		    (> (current-indentation) indent)))
+      (beginning-of-line 2))
+    (if (= (current-indentation) indent)
+	(back-to-indentation)
+      (message "No following line with same indent found in this block")
+      (goto-char pos)
+      nil)))
+(defun vhdl-backward-same-indent ()
+  "Move backward to previous line with same indent."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((pos (point))
+	(indent (current-indentation)))
+    (beginning-of-line -0)
+    (while (and (not (bobp))
+		(or (looking-at "^\\s-*\\(--.*\\)?$")
+		    (> (current-indentation) indent)))
+      (beginning-of-line -0))
+    (if (= (current-indentation) indent)
+	(back-to-indentation)
+      (message "No preceding line with same indent found in this block")
+      (goto-char pos)
+      nil)))
 (defun vhdl-forward-sexp (&optional count lim)
   "Move forward across one balanced expression (sexp).
 With COUNT, do it that many times."
@@ -1566,7 +4357,7 @@
 			(vhdl-in-literal lim))
 		  ;; If there is a supplementary keyword, then
-		  ;; search forward for it. 
+		  ;; search forward for it.
 		  (if (and (setq begin-re (aref begin-vec 2))
 			   (or (not (listp begin-re))
 			       ;; If begin-re is an alist, then find the
@@ -1638,10 +4429,10 @@
   (let ((case-fold-search t))
-    (if (not (looking-at "block\\|process"))
+    (if (not (looking-at "block\\|process\\|procedural"))
 	(re-search-forward "\\bis\\b"))
 (defun vhdl-mark-defun ()
   "Put mark at end of this \"defun\", point at beginning."
@@ -1649,7 +4440,7 @@
-    (if (not (looking-at "block\\|process"))
+    (if (not (looking-at "block\\|process\\|procedural"))
 	(re-search-forward "\\bis\\b"))
@@ -1657,12 +4448,12 @@
 (defun vhdl-beginning-of-libunit ()
   "Move backward to the beginning of a VHDL library unit.
 Returns the location of the corresponding begin keyword, unless search
-stops due to beginning or end of buffer." 
-  ;; Note that if point is between the "libunit" keyword and the
-  ;; corresponding "begin" keyword, then that libunit will not be
-  ;; recognised, and the search will continue backwards.  If point is
-  ;; at the "begin" keyword, then the defun will be recognised.  The
-  ;; returned point is at the first character of the "libunit" keyword.
+stops due to beginning or end of buffer.
+Note that if point is between the \"libunit\" keyword and the
+corresponding \"begin\" keyword, then that libunit will not be
+recognised, and the search will continue backwards.  If point is
+at the \"begin\" keyword, then the defun will be recognised.  The
+returned point is at the first character of the \"libunit\" keyword."
   (let ((last-forward (point))
 	 ;; Just in case we are actually sitting on the "begin"
@@ -1696,12 +4487,12 @@
 	;; Go back to the libunit keyword
 	(goto-char last-forward)))
 (defun vhdl-beginning-of-defun (&optional count)
   "Move backward to the beginning of a VHDL defun.
 With argument, do it that many times.
 Returns the location of the corresponding begin keyword, unless search
-stops due to beginning or end of buffer." 
+stops due to beginning or end of buffer."
   ;; Note that if point is between the "defun" keyword and the
   ;; corresponding "begin" keyword, then that defun will not be
   ;; recognised, and the search will continue backwards.  If point is
@@ -1757,7 +4548,7 @@
 (defun vhdl-beginning-of-statement (&optional count lim)
   "Go to the beginning of the innermost VHDL statement.
 With prefix arg, go back N - 1 statements.  If already at the
@@ -1790,13 +4581,21 @@
+(defconst vhdl-e-o-s-re
+  (concat ";\\|" vhdl-begin-fwd-re "\\|" vhdl-statement-fwd-re))
+(defun vhdl-end-of-statement ()
+  "Very simple implementation."
+  (interactive)
+  (re-search-forward vhdl-e-o-s-re))
 (defconst vhdl-b-o-s-re
   (concat ";\\|\(\\|\)\\|\\bwhen\\b[^_]\\|"
 	  vhdl-begin-bwd-re "\\|" vhdl-statement-bwd-re))
 (defun vhdl-beginning-of-statement-1 (&optional lim)
-  ;; move to the start of the current statement, or the previous
-  ;; statement if already at the beginning of one.
+  "Move to the start of the current statement, or the previous
+statement if already at the beginning of one."
   (let ((lim (or lim (point-min)))
 	(here (point))
 	(pos (point))
@@ -1865,11 +4664,13 @@
 	       (vhdl-statement-p nil))
 	  (setq donep t))
 	 ;; If we are looking at a case alternative key, then stop
-	 ((looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-key)
+	 ((and (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-re)
+	       (vhdl-case-alternative-p lim))
 	    ;; set a default stop point at the when
 	    (setq pos (point))
 	    ;; is the start point inside the case alternative key ?
+	    (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-re)
 	    (goto-char (match-end 0))
 	    (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws here)
 	    (if (< (point) here)
@@ -1883,12 +4684,11 @@
 ;; Defuns for calculating the current syntactic state:
 (defun vhdl-get-library-unit (bod placeholder)
-  ;; If there is an enclosing library unit at bod, with it's \"begin\"
-  ;; keyword at placeholder, then return the library unit type.
+  "If there is an enclosing library unit at bod, with it's \"begin\"
+keyword at placeholder, then return the library unit type."
   (let ((here (vhdl-point 'bol)))
     (if (save-excursion
 	  (goto-char placeholder)
@@ -1910,9 +4710,9 @@
 (defun vhdl-get-block-state (&optional lim)
-  ;; Finds and records all the closest opens.
-  ;; lim is the furthest back we need to search (it should be the
-  ;; previous libunit keyword).
+  "Finds and records all the closest opens.
+lim is the furthest back we need to search (it should be the
+previous libunit keyword)."
   (let ((here (point))
 	(lim (or lim (point-min)))
 	keyword sexp-start sexp-mid sexp-end
@@ -1970,15 +4770,15 @@
 	      containing-mid nil))
     (vector containing-sexp preceding-sexp containing-begin containing-mid)
 (defconst vhdl-s-c-a-re
-  (concat vhdl-case-alternative-key "\\|" vhdl-case-header-key))
+  (concat vhdl-case-alternative-re "\\|" vhdl-case-header-key))
 (defun vhdl-skip-case-alternative (&optional lim)
-  ;; skip forward over case/when bodies, with optional maximal
-  ;; limit. if no next case alternative is found, nil is returned and point
-  ;; is not moved
+  "Skip forward over case/when bodies, with optional maximal
+limit. If no next case alternative is found, nil is returned and point
+is not moved."
   (let ((lim (or lim (point-max)))
 	(here (point))
 	donep foundp)
@@ -2003,9 +4803,9 @@
 (defun vhdl-backward-skip-label (&optional lim)
-  ;; skip backward over a label, with optional maximal
-  ;; limit. if label is found, nil is returned and point
-  ;; is not moved
+  "Skip backward over a label, with optional maximal
+limit. If label is not found, nil is returned and point
+is not moved."
   (let ((lim (or lim (point-min)))
     (if (save-excursion
@@ -2018,8 +4818,19 @@
 	(goto-char placeholder))
+(defun vhdl-forward-skip-label (&optional lim)
+  "Skip forward over a label, with optional maximal
+limit.  If label is not found, nil is returned and point
+is not moved."
+  (let ((lim (or lim (point-max))))
+    (if (looking-at vhdl-label-key)
+	(progn
+	  (goto-char (match-end 0))
+	  (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws lim)))
+    ))
 (defun vhdl-get-syntactic-context ()
-  ;; guess the syntactic description of the current line of VHDL code.
+  "Guess the syntactic description of the current line of VHDL code."
@@ -2048,7 +4859,7 @@
 	(and placeholder
 	     (setq library-unit (vhdl-get-library-unit lim placeholder))
 	     (vhdl-add-syntax library-unit lim))
 	;; Find the surrounding state.
 	(if (setq vec (vhdl-get-block-state lim))
@@ -2218,14 +5029,27 @@
 	       ;; check it's not a case block-intro
 		 (goto-char placeholder)
-		 (or (not (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-key))
+		 (or (not (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-re))
 		     (> (match-end 0) indent-point))))
+	  ;; Make placeholder skip a label, but only if it puts us
+	  ;; before the indent point at the start of a line.
+	  (let ((new placeholder))
+	    (if (and (> indent-point
+			(save-excursion
+			  (goto-char placeholder)
+			  (vhdl-forward-skip-label indent-point)
+			  (setq new (point))))
+		     (save-excursion
+		       (goto-char new)
+		       (eq new (progn (back-to-indentation) (point)))))
+		(setq placeholder new)))
 	  (vhdl-add-syntax 'statement-cont placeholder)
 	  (if begin-after-ip
 	      (vhdl-add-syntax 'block-open)))
 	 ;; Statement. But what kind?
 	 ;; CASE 7: A case alternative key
-	 ((looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-key)
+	 ((and (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-re)
+	       (vhdl-case-alternative-p containing-sexp))
 	  ;; for a case alternative key, we set relpos to the first
 	  ;; non-whitespace char on the line containing the "case"
 	  ;; keyword.
@@ -2249,14 +5073,14 @@
 	  (setq placeholder (point))
 	  ;; we want to ignore case alternatives keys when skipping forward
 	  (let (incase-p)
-	    (while (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-key)
+	    (while (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-re)
 	      (setq incase-p (point))
 	      ;; we also want to skip over the body of the
 	      ;; case/when statement if that doesn't put us at
 	      ;; after the indent-point
 	      (while (vhdl-skip-case-alternative indent-point))
 	      ;; set up the match end
-	      (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-key)
+	      (looking-at vhdl-case-alternative-re)
 	      (goto-char (match-end 0))
 	      ;; move to the start of the first case alternative statement
 	      (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
@@ -2296,12 +5120,11 @@
 	;; return the syntax
 ;; Standard indentation line-ups:
 (defun vhdl-lineup-arglist (langelem)
-  ;; lineup the current arglist line with the arglist appearing just
-  ;; after the containing paren which starts the arglist.
+  "Lineup the current arglist line with the arglist appearing just
+after the containing paren which starts the arglist."
     (let* ((containing-sexp
@@ -2342,7 +5165,7 @@
 (defun vhdl-lineup-arglist-intro (langelem)
-  ;; lineup an arglist-intro line to just after the open paren
+  "Lineup an arglist-intro line to just after the open paren."
     (let ((cs-curcol (save-excursion
 		       (goto-char (cdr langelem))
@@ -2355,9 +5178,9 @@
       (- ce-curcol cs-curcol -1))))
 (defun vhdl-lineup-comment (langelem)
-  ;; support old behavior for comment indentation. we look at
-  ;; vhdl-comment-only-line-offset to decide how to indent comment
-  ;; only-lines
+  "Support old behavior for comment indentation.  We look at
+vhdl-comment-only-line-offset to decide how to indent comment
     ;; at or to the right of comment-column
@@ -2369,11 +5192,11 @@
 	(or (cdr-safe vhdl-comment-only-line-offset)
 	    (car-safe vhdl-comment-only-line-offset)
-	    -1000			;jam it against the left side
+	    -1000                       ;jam it against the left side
 (defun vhdl-lineup-statement-cont (langelem)
-  ;; line up statement-cont after the assignment operator
+  "Line up statement-cont after the assignment operator."
     (let* ((relpos (cdr langelem))
 	   (assignp (save-excursion
@@ -2409,57 +5232,85 @@
 	(- (current-column) assignp curcol))
-;; Indentation commands:
-;; This is used by indent-for-comment to decide how much to indent a
-;; comment in VHDL code based on its context.
-(defun vhdl-comment-indent ()
-  (if (looking-at (concat "^--"))
-      0				;Existing comment at bol stays there.
-    (let ((opoint (point))
-	  placeholder)
-      (save-excursion
-	(beginning-of-line)
-	(cond
-	 ;; CASE 1: use comment-column if previous line is a
-	 ;; comment-only line indented to the left of comment-column
-	 ((save-excursion
-	    (beginning-of-line)
-	    (and (not (bobp))
-		 (forward-line -1))
-	    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-	    (prog1
-		(looking-at "--")
-	      (setq placeholder (point))))
-	  (goto-char placeholder)
-	  (if (< (current-column) comment-column)
-	      comment-column
-	    (current-column)))
-	 ;; CASE 2: If comment-column is 0, and nothing but space
-	 ;; before the comment, align it at 0 rather than 1.
-	 ((progn
-	    (goto-char opoint)
-	    (skip-chars-backward " \t")
-	    (and (= comment-column 0) (bolp)))
-	  0)
-	 ;; CASE 3: indent at comment column except leave at least one
-	 ;; space.
-	 (t (max (1+ (current-column))
-		 comment-column))
-	 )))))
+;; Indentation commands
+(defsubst vhdl-in-comment-p ()
+  "Check if point is to right of beginning comment delimiter."
+  (let ((position (point)))
+    (save-excursion ; finds an unquoted comment
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (re-search-forward "^\\([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\"\\)*[^\"]*--" position t))))
+(defsubst vhdl-in-string-p ()
+  "Check if point is in a string."
+  (let ((position (point)))
+    (save-excursion ; preceeded by odd number of string delimiters?
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (eq position (re-search-forward "^\\([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\"\\)*[^\"]*\"[^\"]*"
+				      position t)))))
+(defsubst vhdl-in-comment-or-string-p ()
+  "Check if point is in a comment or a string."
+  (and (vhdl-in-comment-p)
+       (vhdl-in-string-p)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-tab (&optional prefix-arg)
+  "If preceeding character is part of a word or a paren then hippie-expand,
+else if right of non whitespace on line then tab-to-tab-stop,
+else if last command was a tab or return then dedent one step or if a comment
+toggle between normal indent and inline comment indent,
+else indent `correctly'."
+  (interactive "*P")
+  (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+   (cond ((= (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?w)
+	  (let ((case-fold-search (not vhdl-word-completion-case-sensitive))
+		(case-replace nil))
+	    (vhdl-expand-abbrev prefix-arg)))
+	 ((or (= (preceding-char) ?\() (= (preceding-char) ?\)))
+	  (let ((case-fold-search (not vhdl-word-completion-case-sensitive))
+		(case-replace nil))
+	    (vhdl-expand-paren prefix-arg)))
+	 ((> (current-column) (current-indentation))
+	  (tab-to-tab-stop))
+	 ((and (or (eq last-command 'vhdl-electric-tab)
+		   (eq last-command 'vhdl-electric-return))
+	       (/= 0 (current-indentation)))
+	  (if (looking-at "--")
+	      (if (< (current-indentation) comment-column)
+		  (progn (indent-to comment-column) (vhdl-indent-line))
+		(kill-line -0) (indent-to 1) (vhdl-indent-line))
+	    (backward-delete-char-untabify vhdl-basic-offset nil)))
+	 (t (vhdl-indent-line)))
+   (setq this-command 'vhdl-electric-tab)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-return ()
+  "newline-and-indent or indent-new-comment-line if in comment and preceding
+character is a space."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (and (= (preceding-char) ? ) (vhdl-in-comment-p))
+      (indent-new-comment-line)
+    (newline-and-indent)))
+(defvar vhdl-progress-info nil
+  "Array variable for progress information: 0 begin, 1 end, 2 time.")
 (defun vhdl-indent-line ()
-  ;; indent the current line as VHDL code. Returns the amount of
-  ;; indentation change
+  "Indent the current line as VHDL code.  Returns the amount of
+indentation change."
+  (interactive)
   (let* ((syntax (vhdl-get-syntactic-context))
 	 (pos (- (point-max) (point)))
-	 (indent (apply '+ (mapcar 'vhdl-get-offset syntax)))
-	 (shift-amt  (- (current-indentation) indent)))
+	 ;; special case: comments at or right of comment-column
+	 (indent (if (and (eq (car (car syntax)) 'comment)
+			  (>= (vhdl-get-offset (car syntax)) comment-column))
+		     (vhdl-get-offset (car syntax))
+		   (apply '+ (mapcar 'vhdl-get-offset syntax))))
+; 	 (indent (apply '+ (mapcar 'vhdl-get-offset syntax)))
+	 (shift-amt  (- indent (current-indentation))))
     (and vhdl-echo-syntactic-information-p
 	 (message "syntax: %s, indent= %d" syntax indent))
-    (if (zerop shift-amt)
-	nil
+    (unless (zerop shift-amt)
       (delete-region (vhdl-point 'bol) (vhdl-point 'boi))
       (indent-to indent))
@@ -2467,83 +5318,60 @@
       ;; If initial point was within line's indentation, position after
       ;; the indentation.  Else stay at same point in text.
-      (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
-	  (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
-      )
+      (when (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
+	(goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))
     (run-hooks 'vhdl-special-indent-hook)
+    ;; update progress status
+    (when vhdl-progress-info
+      (aset vhdl-progress-info 1 (+ (aref vhdl-progress-info 1)
+				    (if (> -500 shift-amt) 0 shift-amt)))
+      (when (< vhdl-progress-interval
+	       (- (nth 1 (current-time)) (aref vhdl-progress-info 2)))
+	(message "Indenting... (%2d%s)"
+		 (/ (* 100 (- (point) (aref vhdl-progress-info 0)))
+		    (- (aref vhdl-progress-info 1)
+		       (aref vhdl-progress-info 0))) "%")
+	(aset vhdl-progress-info 2 (nth 1 (current-time)))))
-(defun vhdl-indent-command (&optional whole-exp)
-  "Indent current line as VHDL code, or in some cases insert a tab character.
-If `vhdl-tab-always-indent' is t, always just indent the current line.
-If nil, indent the current line only if point is at the left margin or
-in the line's indentation; otherwise insert a tab.  If other than nil
-or t, then tab is inserted only within literals (comments and strings)
-and inside preprocessor directives, but line is always reindented.
-A numeric argument, regardless of its value, means indent rigidly all
-the lines of the expression starting after point so that this line
-becomes properly indented.  The relative indentation among the lines
-of the expression are preserved."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (if whole-exp
-      ;; If arg, always indent this line as VHDL
-      ;; and shift remaining lines of expression the same amount.
-      (let ((shift-amt (vhdl-indent-line))
-	    beg end)
-	(save-excursion
-	  (if (eq vhdl-tab-always-indent t)
-	      (beginning-of-line))
-	  (setq beg (point))
-	  (forward-sexp)
-	  (setq end (point))
-	  (goto-char beg)
-	  (forward-line 1)
-	  (setq beg (point)))
-	(if (> end beg)
-	    (indent-code-rigidly beg end (- shift-amt))))
-    ;; No arg supplied, use vhdl-tab-always-indent to determine
-    ;; behavior
-    (cond
-     ;; CASE 1: indent when at column zero or in lines indentation,
-     ;; otherwise insert a tab
-     ((not vhdl-tab-always-indent)
-      (if (save-excursion
-	    (skip-chars-backward " \t")
-	    (not (bolp)))
-	  (insert-tab)
-	(vhdl-indent-line)))
-     ;; CASE 2: just indent the line
-     ((eq vhdl-tab-always-indent t)
-      (vhdl-indent-line))
-     ;; CASE 3: if in a literal, insert a tab, but always indent the
-     ;; line
-     (t
-      (if (vhdl-in-literal (vhdl-point 'bod))
-	  (insert-tab))
-      (vhdl-indent-line)
-      ))))
+(defun vhdl-indent-buffer ()
+  "Indent whole buffer as VHDL code.
+Calls `indent-region' for whole buffer and adds progress reporting."
+  (interactive)
+  (when vhdl-progress-interval
+    (setq vhdl-progress-info (vector (point-min) (point-max) 0)))
+  (indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)
+  (when vhdl-progress-interval (message "Indenting...done"))
+  (setq vhdl-progress-info nil))
+(defun vhdl-indent-region (start end column)
+  "Indent region as VHDL code.
+Adds progress reporting to `indent-region'."
+  (interactive "r\nP")
+  (when vhdl-progress-interval (setq vhdl-progress-info (vector start end 0)))
+  (indent-region start end column)
+  (when vhdl-progress-interval (message "Indenting...done"))
+  (setq vhdl-progress-info nil))
 (defun vhdl-indent-sexp (&optional endpos)
   "Indent each line of the list starting just after point.
 If optional arg ENDPOS is given, indent each line, stopping when
-ENDPOS is encountered.  (interactive)"
+ENDPOS is encountered."
     (let ((beg (point))
-	  (end (progn
-		 (vhdl-forward-sexp nil endpos)
-		 (point))))
+	  (end (progn (vhdl-forward-sexp nil endpos) (point))))
       (indent-region beg end nil))))
+;; Miscellaneous commands
 (defun vhdl-show-syntactic-information ()
   "Show syntactic information for current line."
   (message "syntactic analysis: %s" (vhdl-get-syntactic-context))
 ;; Verification and regression functions:
 (defun vhdl-regress-line (&optional arg)
@@ -2551,10 +5379,9 @@
   (interactive "P")
   (let ((expected (save-excursion
-		    (if (search-backward " -- ((" (vhdl-point 'bol) t)
-			(progn
-			  (forward-char 4)
-			  (read (current-buffer))))))
+		    (when (search-backward " -- ((" (vhdl-point 'bol) t)
+		      (forward-char 4)
+		      (read (current-buffer)))))
 	(actual (vhdl-get-syntactic-context))
     ;; remove the library unit symbols
@@ -2571,121 +5398,6304 @@
 	    (error "Should be: %s, is: %s" expected expurgated))
-	(if (not (looking-at "^\\s-*\\(--.*\\)?$"))
-	    (progn
-	      (end-of-line)
-	      (if (search-backward " -- ((" (vhdl-point 'bol) t)
-		  (kill-line))
-	      (insert " -- ")
-	      (insert (format "%s" expurgated)))))))
+	(when (not (looking-at "^\\s-*\\(--.*\\)?$"))
+	  (end-of-line)
+	  (if (search-backward " -- ((" (vhdl-point 'bol) t)
+	      (kill-line))
+	  (insert " -- ")
+	  (insert (format "%s" expurgated))))))
-(defun test-vhdl-get-block-state ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((case-fold-search t)
-	here vec (delay 0.5))
-    (setq here (point))
-    (message "%s" (prin1-to-string (setq vec (vhdl-get-block-state))))
-    (and (aref vec 0)
-	 (goto-char (aref vec 0))
-	 (sit-for delay))
-    (and (aref vec 1)
-	 (goto-char (aref vec 1))
-	 (sit-for delay))
-    (goto-char here)
-    ))
-;; Support for Barry Warsaw's elp (emacs lisp profiler) package:
-;; This isn't needed and unnecessarily causes things to break.
-;; (eval-when-compile
-;;   (require 'elp))
-(setq elp-all-instrumented-list nil)
-(setq elp-function-list
-      '(
-	vhdl-indent-command
-	vhdl-indent-line
-	vhdl-comment-indent
-	vhdl-lineup-statement-cont
-	vhdl-lineup-comment
-	vhdl-lineup-arglist-intro
-	vhdl-lineup-arglist
-	vhdl-get-syntactic-context
-	vhdl-skip-case-alternative
-	vhdl-get-block-state
-	vhdl-get-library-unit
-	vhdl-beginning-of-statement
-	vhdl-beginning-of-statement-1
-	vhdl-beginning-of-defun
-	vhdl-beginning-of-libunit
-	vhdl-backward-sexp
-	vhdl-forward-sexp
-	vhdl-backward-to-block
-	vhdl-statement-p
-	vhdl-end-of-leader
-	vhdl-corresponding-begin
-	vhdl-end-p
-	vhdl-corresponding-end
-	vhdl-corresponding-mid
-	vhdl-begin-p
-	vhdl-corresponding-defun
-	vhdl-defun-p
-	vhdl-libunit-p
-	vhdl-last-word
-	vhdl-first-word
-	vhdl-backward-syntactic-ws
-	vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws
-	vhdl-in-literal
-	vhdl-keep-region-active
-	))
-;; (elp-instrument-list elp-function-list)
-(defun vhdl-trace-all-functions ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((list elp-function-list))
-    (while list
-      (trace-function-background (car list))
-      (setq list (cdr list)))))
-;; Defuns for submitting bug reports:
-(defconst vhdl-version "$Revision$"
-  "vhdl-mode version number.")
-(defconst vhdl-mode-help-address "rwhitby@geocities.com"
-  "Address accepting submission of bug reports.")
+;;; Alignment, whitespace fixup, beautifying
+(defvar vhdl-align-alist
+  '(
+    ;; after some keywords
+    (vhdl-mode "\\<\\(constant\\|quantity\\|signal\\|terminal\\|variable\\)[ \t]"
+	       "\\<\\(constant\\|quantity\\|signal\\|terminal\\|variable\\)\\([ \t]+\\)" 2)
+    ;; before ':'
+    (vhdl-mode ":[^=]" "\\([ \t]*\\):[^=]")
+    ;; after direction specifications
+    (vhdl-mode ":[ \t]*\\(in\\|out\\|inout\\|buffer\\|\\)\\>"
+	       ":[ \t]*\\(in\\|out\\|inout\\|buffer\\|\\)\\([ \t]+\\)" 2)
+    ;; before "==", ":=", "=>", and "<="
+    (vhdl-mode "[<:=]=" "\\([ \t]*\\)[<:=]=" 1) ; since "<= ... =>" can occur
+    (vhdl-mode "=>" "\\([ \t]*\\)=>" 1)
+    (vhdl-mode "[<:=]=" "\\([ \t]*\\)[<:=]=" 1) ; since "=> ... <=" can occur
+    ;; before some keywords
+    (vhdl-mode "[ \t]after\\>" "[^ \t]\\([ \t]+\\)after\\>" 1)
+    (vhdl-mode "[ \t]when\\>" "[^ \t]\\([ \t]+\\)when\\>" 1)
+    (vhdl-mode "[ \t]else\\>" "[^ \t]\\([ \t]+\\)else\\>" 1)
+    )
+  "The format of this alist is (MODES [or MODE] REGEXP ALIGN-PATTERN SUBEXP).
+It is searched in order.  If REGEXP is found anywhere in the first
+line of a region to be aligned, ALIGN-PATTERN will be used for that
+region.  ALIGN-PATTERN must include the whitespace to be expanded or
+contracted.  It may also provide regexps for the text surrounding the
+whitespace.  SUBEXP specifies which sub-expression of
+ALIGN-PATTERN matches the white space to be expanded/contracted.")
+(defvar vhdl-align-try-all-clauses t
+  "If REGEXP is not found on the first line of the region that clause
+is ignored.  If this variable is non-nil, then the clause is tried anyway.")
+(defun vhdl-align-region (begin end &optional spacing alignment-list indent)
+  "Attempt to align a range of lines based on the content of the
+lines.  The definition of `alignment-list' determines the matching
+order and the manner in which the lines are aligned.  If ALIGNMENT-LIST
+is not specified `vhdl-align-alist' is used.  If INDENT is non-nil,
+indentation is done before aligning."
+  (interactive "r\np")
+  (setq alignment-list (or alignment-list vhdl-align-alist))
+  (setq spacing (or spacing 1))
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (bol indent)
+      (goto-char end)
+      (setq end (point-marker))
+      (goto-char begin)
+      (setq bol (setq begin (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))))
+					;      (untabify bol end)
+      (when indent
+	(indent-region bol end nil))))
+  (let ((copy (copy-alist alignment-list)))
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (while copy
+       (save-excursion
+	 (goto-char begin)
+	 (let (element
+	       (eol (save-excursion (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))
+	   (setq element (nth 0 copy))
+	   (when (and (or (and (listp (car element))
+			       (memq major-mode (car element)))
+			  (eq major-mode (car element)))
+		      (or vhdl-align-try-all-clauses
+			  (re-search-forward (car (cdr element)) eol t)))
+	     (vhdl-align-region-1 begin end (car (cdr (cdr element)))
+				  (car (cdr (cdr (cdr element)))) spacing))
+	   (setq copy (cdr copy))))))))
+(defun vhdl-align-region-1 (begin end match &optional substr spacing)
+  "Align a range of lines from BEGIN to END.  The regular expression
+MATCH must match exactly one fields: the whitespace to be
+contracted/expanded.  The alignment column will equal the
+rightmost column of the widest whitespace block. SPACING is
+the amount of extra spaces to add to the calculated maximum required.
+SPACING defaults to 1 so that at least one space is inserted after
+the token in MATCH."
+  (setq spacing (or spacing 1))
+  (setq substr (or substr 1))
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (distance (max 0) (lines 0) bol eol width)
+      ;; Determine the greatest whitespace distance to the alignment
+      ;; character
+      (goto-char begin)
+      (setq eol (progn (end-of-line) (point))
+	    bol (setq begin (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))))
+      (while (< bol end)
+	(save-excursion
+	  (when (and (re-search-forward match eol t)
+		     (not (vhdl-in-comment-p)))
+	    (setq distance (- (match-beginning substr) bol))
+	    (when (> distance max)
+	      (setq max distance))))
+	(forward-line)
+	(setq bol (point)
+	      eol (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))
+	(setq lines (1+ lines)))
+      ;; Now insert enough maxs to push each assignment operator to
+      ;; the same column.  We need to use 'lines' as a counter, since
+      ;; the location of the mark may change
+      (goto-char (setq bol begin))
+      (setq eol (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))
+      (while (> lines 0)
+  	(when (and (re-search-forward match eol t)
+		   (not (vhdl-in-comment-p)))
+	  (setq width (- (match-end substr) (match-beginning substr)))
+	  (setq distance (- (match-beginning substr) bol))
+	  (goto-char (match-beginning substr))
+	  (delete-char width)
+	  (insert-char ?  (+ (- max distance) spacing)))
+	(beginning-of-line)
+	(forward-line)
+	(setq bol (point)
+	      eol (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))
+	(setq lines (1- lines))))))
+(defun vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 (beg end &optional spacing)
+  "Align inline comments in region."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((high-start 0)
+	  (high-length 0))
+      (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+       (goto-char beg)
+       ;; search for longest code line and longest inline comment
+       (while (< (point) end)
+	 (cond
+	  ((and (not (looking-at "^\\s-*\\(begin\\|end\\)\\>"))
+		(looking-at "^\\(.*[^ \t\n-]+\\)\\s-*\\(--\\s-*.*\\)$"))
+	   (setq high-start
+		 (max high-start (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))))
+	   (setq high-length
+		 (max high-length (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2)))))
+	  ((and (looking-at "^\\(\\s-*\\))\\(--\\s-*.*\\)$")
+		(>= (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) comment-column))
+	   (setq high-length
+		 (max high-length (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2))))))
+	 (beginning-of-line 2))
+       (goto-char beg)
+       (setq spacing (or spacing 2))
+       (setq high-start (+ high-start spacing))
+       ;; align as nice as possible
+       (while (< (point) end)
+	 (when (and (not (looking-at "^\\s-*\\(begin\\|end\\)\\>"))
+		    (or (looking-at "^.*[^ \t\n-]+\\(\\s-*\\)--")
+			(and (looking-at "^\\(\\s-*\\)--")
+			     (>= (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))
+				 comment-column))))
+	   (goto-char (match-end 1))
+	   (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
+	   (insert-char ?  spacing)
+	   (cond ((<= high-start comment-column)
+		  (indent-to comment-column))
+		 ((<= (+ high-start high-length) end-comment-column)
+		  (indent-to high-start))
+		 (t (indent-to comment-column))))
+	 (beginning-of-line 2))))))
+(defun vhdl-align-noindent-region (beg end &optional spacing no-message)
+  "Align region without indentation."
+  (interactive "r\nP")
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (pos)
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (setq beg (point))
+      (goto-char end)
+      (setq end (point-marker))
+      (untabify beg end)
+      (unless no-message (message "Aligning..."))
+      (vhdl-fixup-whitespace-region beg end t)
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (if (not vhdl-align-groups)
+	  ;; align entire region
+	  (progn (vhdl-align-region beg end spacing)
+		 (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 beg end))
+	;; align groups
+	(while (and (< beg end)
+		    (re-search-forward "^\\s-*$" end t))
+	  (setq pos (point-marker))
+	  (vhdl-align-region beg pos spacing)
+	  (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 beg pos)
+	  (setq beg (1+ pos))
+	  (goto-char beg))
+	;; align last group
+	(when (< beg end)
+	  (vhdl-align-region beg end spacing)
+	  (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 beg end)))))
+  (unless no-message (message "Aligning...done")))
+(defun vhdl-align-group (&optional spacing)
+  "Align group of lines between empty lines."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((start (point))
+	  beg end)
+      (setq end (if (re-search-forward "^\\s-*$" nil t)
+		    (point-marker) (point-max)))
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq beg (if (re-search-backward "^\\s-*$" nil t) (point) (point-min)))
+      (untabify beg end)
+      (message "Aligning...")
+      (vhdl-fixup-whitespace-region beg end t)
+      (vhdl-align-region beg end spacing)
+      (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 beg end)
+      (message "Aligning...done"))))
+(defun vhdl-align-list (&optional spacing)
+  "Align the lines of a list surrounded a balanced group of parentheses."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (beg end)
+    (save-excursion
+      ;; search for beginning of balanced group of parentheses
+      (setq beg (re-search-backward "[()]" nil t))
+      (while (looking-at ")")
+	(forward-char) (backward-sexp)
+	(setq beg (re-search-backward "[()]" nil t)))
+      ;; search for end of balanced group of parentheses
+      (when beg
+	(forward-list)
+	(setq end (point))))
+    (if beg
+	(vhdl-align-noindent-region beg end spacing)
+      (error "Not within a list enclosed by a pair of parentheses"))))
+(defun vhdl-align-declarations (&optional spacing)
+  "Align the lines within the declarative part of a design unit."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (beg end)
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (save-excursion
+       ;; search for declarative part
+       (when (and (re-search-backward "^\\(architecture\\|begin\\|configuration\\|end\\|entity\\|package\\)\\>" nil t)
+		  (not (member (upcase (match-string 1)) '("BEGIN" "END"))))
+	 (setq beg (point))
+	 (re-search-forward "^\\(begin\\|end\\)\\>" nil t)
+	 (setq end (point)))))
+    (if beg
+	(vhdl-align-noindent-region beg end spacing)
+      (error "Not within the declarative part of a design unit"))))
+(defun vhdl-align-noindent-buffer ()
+  "Align buffer without indentation."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-align-noindent-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+(defun vhdl-align-inline-comment-region (beg end &optional spacing no-message)
+  "Align inline comments within a region.  Groups of code lines separated by
+empty lines are aligned individually, if `vhdl-align-groups' is non-nil."
+  (interactive "r\nP")
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (pos)
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (setq beg (point))
+      (goto-char end)
+      (setq end (point-marker))
+      (untabify beg end)
+      (unless no-message (message "Aligning inline comments..."))
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (if (not vhdl-align-groups)
+	  ;; align entire region
+	  (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 beg end spacing)
+	;; align groups
+	(while (and (< beg end) (re-search-forward "^\\s-*$" end t))
+	  (setq pos (point-marker))
+	  (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 beg pos spacing)
+	  (setq beg (1+ pos))
+	  (goto-char beg))
+	;; align last group
+	(when (< beg end)
+	  (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 beg end spacing))))
+    (unless no-message (message "Aligning inline comments...done"))))
+(defun vhdl-align-inline-comment-group (&optional spacing)
+  "Align inline comments within a group of lines between empty lines."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((start (point))
+	  beg end)
+      (setq end (if (re-search-forward "^\\s-*$" nil t)
+		    (point-marker) (point-max)))
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq beg (if (re-search-backward "^\\s-*$" nil t) (point) (point-min)))
+      (untabify beg end)
+      (message "Aligning inline comments...")
+      (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region-1 beg end)
+      (message "Aligning inline comments...done"))))
+(defun vhdl-align-inline-comment-buffer ()
+  "Align inline comments within buffer.  Groups of code lines separated by
+empty lines are aligned individually, if `vhdl-align-groups' is non-nil."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-align-inline-comment-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+(defun vhdl-fixup-whitespace-region (beg end &optional no-message)
+  "Fixup whitespace in region.  Surround operator symbols by one space,
+eliminate multiple spaces (except at beginning of line), eliminate spaces at
+end of line, do nothing in comments."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (unless no-message (message "Fixing up whitespace..."))
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char end)
+    (setq end (point-marker))
+    ;; surround operator symbols by one space
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (while (re-search-forward "\\([^/:<>=]\\|^\\)\\(--\\|:\\|=\\|<\\|>\\|:=\\|<=\\|>=\\|=>\\)\\([^=>]\\|$\\)"
+			      end t)
+      (if (equal "--" (match-string 2))
+	  (re-search-forward ".*\n" end t)
+	(replace-match "\\1 \\2 \\3")))
+    ;; have no space before and one space after `,' and ';'
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (while (re-search-forward "\\(--\\|\\s-*\\([,;]\\)\\)" end t)
+      (if (equal "--" (match-string 1))
+	  (re-search-forward ".*\n" end t)
+	(replace-match "\\2 " nil nil nil 1)))
+    ;; eliminate multiple spaces and spaces at end of line
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (while (or (and (looking-at "--.*\n") (re-search-forward "--.*\n" end t))
+	       (and (looking-at "\\s-+$") (re-search-forward "\\s-+$" end t)
+		    (progn (replace-match "" nil nil) t))
+	       (and (looking-at "\\s-+;") (re-search-forward "\\s-+;" end t)
+		    (progn (replace-match ";" nil nil) t))
+	       (and (looking-at "^\\s-+") (re-search-forward "^\\s-+" end t))
+	       (and (looking-at "\\s-+--") (re-search-forward "\\s-+" end t)
+		    (progn (replace-match "  " nil nil) t ))
+	       (and (looking-at "\\s-+") (re-search-forward "\\s-+" end t)
+		    (progn (replace-match " " nil nil) t ))
+	       (re-search-forward "[^ \t-]+" end t))))
+  (unless no-message (message "Fixing up whitespace...done")))
+(defun vhdl-fixup-whitespace-buffer ()
+  "Fixup whitespace in buffer.  Surround operator symbols by one space,
+eliminate multiple spaces (except at beginning of line), eliminate spaces at
+end of line, do nothing in comments."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-fixup-whitespace-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+(defun vhdl-beautify-region (beg end)
+  "Beautify region by applying indentation, whitespace fixup, alignment, and
+case fixing to a resion.  Calls functions `vhdl-indent-buffer',
+`vhdl-align-noindent-buffer' (variable `vhdl-align-groups' set to non-nil), and
+  (interactive "r")
+  (setq end (save-excursion (goto-char end) (point-marker)))
+  (vhdl-indent-region beg end nil)
+  (let ((vhdl-align-groups t))
+    (vhdl-align-noindent-region beg end))
+  (vhdl-fix-case-region beg end))
+(defun vhdl-beautify-buffer ()
+  "Beautify buffer by applying indentation, whitespace fixup, alignment, and
+case fixing to entire buffer.  Calls `vhdl-beautify-region' for the entire
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-beautify-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+;;; Code updating/fixing
+;; Sensitivity list update
+;; Strategy:
+;; - no sensitivity list is generated for processes with wait statements
+;; - otherwise, do the following:
+;;   1. scan for all local signals (ports, signals declared in arch./blocks)
+;;   2. scan for all signals already in the sensitivity list (in order to catch
+;;      manually entered global signals)
+;;   3. signals from 1. and 2. form the list of visible signals
+;;   4. search for if/elsif conditions containing an event (sequential code)
+;;   5. scan for strings that are within syntactical regions where signals are
+;;      read but not within sequential code, and that correspond to visible
+;;      signals
+;;   6. replace sensitivity list by list of signals from 5.
+(defun vhdl-update-sensitivity-list-process ()
+  "Update sensitivity list of current process."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (end-of-line)
+     ;; look whether in process
+     (if (not (and (re-search-backward "^\\s-*\\(\\w+[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*\\)?\\(process\\|end\\s-+process\\)\\>" nil t)
+		   (equal (upcase (match-string 2)) "PROCESS")
+		   (save-excursion (re-search-forward "^\\s-*end\\s-+process\\>" nil t))))
+	 (error "Not within a process")
+       (message "Updating sensitivity list...")
+       (vhdl-update-sensitivity-list)
+       (message "Updating sensitivity list...done")))))
+(defun vhdl-update-sensitivity-list-buffer ()
+  "Update sensitivity list of all processes in current buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (message "Updating sensitivity lists...")
+     (while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\(\\w+[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*\\)?process\\>" nil t)
+       (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+       (condition-case nil (vhdl-update-sensitivity-list) (error)))
+     (message "Updating sensitivity lists...done"))))
+(defun vhdl-update-sensitivity-list ()
+  "Update sensitivity list."
+    (let ((proc-beg (point))
+	  (proc-end (re-search-forward "^\\s-*end\\s-+process\\>" nil t))
+	  (proc-mid (re-search-backward "^\\s-*begin\\>" nil t))
+	  seq-region-list)
+      (cond
+       ;; search for wait statement (no sensitivity list allowed)
+       ((progn (goto-char proc-mid)
+	       (vhdl-re-search-forward "\\<wait\\>" proc-end t))
+	(error "Process with wait statement, sensitivity list not generated"))
+       ;; look if sequential process (sensitivity list not updated)
+;        ((progn (goto-char proc-mid)
+; 	       (vhdl-re-search-forward "\\('event\\|\\<\\(falling\\|rising\\)_edge\\)\\>" proc-end t))
+; 	(error "Sequential process, sensitivity list not updated"))
+       ;; combinational process (update sensitivity list)
+       (t
+	(let
+	    ;; scan for visible signals
+	    ((visible-list (vhdl-get-visible-signals))
+	     ;; define syntactic regions where signals are read
+	     (scan-regions-list
+	      '(;; right-hand side of signal/variable assignment
+		((re-search-forward "[<:]=" proc-end t)
+		 (re-search-forward ";" proc-end t))
+		;; if condition
+		((re-search-forward "^\\s-*if\\>" proc-end t)
+		 (re-search-forward "\\<then\\>" proc-end t))
+		;; elsif condition
+		((re-search-forward "\\<elsif\\>" proc-end t)
+		 (re-search-forward "\\<then\\>" proc-end t))
+		;; while loop condition
+		((re-search-forward "^\\s-*while\\>" proc-end t)
+		 (re-search-forward "\\<loop\\>" proc-end t))
+		;; exit/next condition
+		((re-search-forward "\\<\\(exit\\|next\\)\\s-+\\w+\\s-+when\\>" proc-end t)
+		 (re-search-forward ";" proc-end t))
+		;; assert condition
+		((re-search-forward "\\<assert\\>" proc-end t)
+		 (re-search-forward "\\(\\<report\\>\\|\\<severity\\>\\|;\\)" proc-end t))
+		;; case expression
+		((re-search-forward "^\\s-*case\\>" proc-end t)
+		 (re-search-forward "\\<is\\>" proc-end t))
+		;; parameter list of procedure call
+		((re-search-forward "\\w+[ \t\n]*(" proc-end t)
+		 (progn (backward-char) (forward-sexp) (point)))
+		))
+	     name read-list sens-list signal-list
+	     sens-beg sens-end beg end margin)
+	  ;; scan for signals in old sensitivity list
+	  (goto-char proc-beg)
+	  (re-search-forward "\\<process\\>" proc-mid t)
+	  (if (not (looking-at "[ \t\n]*("))
+	      (setq sens-beg (point))
+	    (setq sens-beg (re-search-forward "\\([ \t\n]*\\)([ \t\n]*" nil t))
+	    (goto-char (match-end 1))
+	    (forward-sexp)
+	    (setq sens-end (1- (point)))
+	    (goto-char sens-beg)
+	    (while (and (re-search-forward "\\(\\w+\\)" sens-end t)
+			(setq sens-list (cons (match-string 0) sens-list))
+			(re-search-forward "\\s-*,\\s-*" sens-end t))))
+	  (setq signal-list (append visible-list sens-list))
+	  ;; search for sequential parts
+	  (goto-char proc-mid)
+	  (while (setq beg (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\(els\\)?if\\>" proc-end t))
+	    (setq end (re-search-forward "\\<then\\>" proc-end t))
+	    (when (re-search-backward "\\('event\\|\\<\\(falling\\|rising\\)_edge\\)\\>" beg t)
+	      (goto-char end)
+	      (backward-word 1)
+	      (vhdl-forward-sexp)
+	      (setq seq-region-list (cons (cons end (point)) seq-region-list))
+	      (beginning-of-line)))
+	  ;; scan for signals read in process
+	  (while scan-regions-list
+	    (goto-char proc-mid)
+	    (while (and (setq beg (eval (nth 0 (car scan-regions-list))))
+			(setq end (eval (nth 1 (car scan-regions-list)))))
+	      (goto-char beg)
+	      (unless (or (vhdl-in-literal)
+			  (and seq-region-list
+			       (let ((tmp-list seq-region-list))
+				 (while (and tmp-list
+					     (< (point) (caar tmp-list)))
+				   (setq tmp-list (cdr tmp-list)))
+				 (and tmp-list (< (point) (cdar tmp-list))))))
+		(while (re-search-forward "\\([a-zA-Z]\\w*\\)" end t)
+		  (setq name (match-string 1))
+		  (when (and (member name signal-list)
+			     (not (member name read-list)))
+		    (setq read-list (cons name read-list))))))
+	    (setq scan-regions-list (cdr scan-regions-list)))
+	  ;; update sensitivity list
+	  (goto-char sens-beg)
+	  (if sens-end
+	      (delete-region sens-beg sens-end)
+	    (when read-list
+	      (insert " ()") (backward-char)))
+	  (setq read-list (sort read-list 'string-lessp))
+	  (when read-list
+	    (setq margin (current-column))
+	    (insert (car read-list))
+	    (setq read-list (cdr read-list))
+	    (while read-list
+	      (insert ",")
+	      (if (<= (+ (current-column) (length (car read-list)) 2)
+		      end-comment-column)
+		  (insert " ")
+		(insert "\n") (indent-to margin))
+	      (insert (car read-list))
+	      (setq read-list (cdr read-list)))))))))
+(defun vhdl-get-visible-signals ()
+  "Get all signals visible in the current block."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (beg end signal-list entity-name file-name)
+      ;; search for signals declared in surrounding block declarative parts
+      (save-excursion
+	(while (and (progn (while (and (setq beg (re-search-backward "^\\s-*\\(\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*block\\|\\(end\\)\\s-+block\\)\\>" nil t))
+				       (match-string 2))
+			     (goto-char (match-end 2))
+			     (vhdl-backward-sexp)
+			     (re-search-backward "^\\s-*\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*block\\>" nil t))
+			   beg)
+		    (setq end (re-search-forward "^\\s-*begin\\>" nil t)))
+	  ;; scan for all declared signal names
+	  (goto-char beg)
+	  (while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*signal\\>" end t)
+	    (while (and (not (looking-at "[ \t\n]*:"))
+			(re-search-forward "[ \t\n,]+\\(\\w+\\)" end t))
+	      (setq signal-list (cons (match-string 1) signal-list))))
+	  (goto-char beg)))
+      ;; search for signals declared in architecture declarative part
+      (if (not (and (setq beg (re-search-backward "^\\(architecture\\s-+\\w+\\s-+of\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)\\|end\\)\\>" nil t))
+		    (not (equal "END" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+		    (setq entity-name (match-string 2))
+		    (setq end (re-search-forward "^begin\\>" nil t))))
+	  (error "No architecture declarative part found")
+	;; scan for all declared signal names
+	(goto-char beg)
+	(while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*signal\\>" end t)
+	  (while (and (not (looking-at "[ \t\n]*:"))
+		      (re-search-forward "[ \t\n,]+\\(\\w+\\)" end t))
+	    (setq signal-list (cons (match-string 1) signal-list)))))
+      ;; search for signals declared in entity port clause
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^entity\\s-+" entity-name "\\>") nil t))
+	(setq file-name
+	      (vhdl-replace-string vhdl-entity-file-name entity-name)))
+      (vhdl-visit-file
+       file-name
+       '(progn
+	  (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (if (not (re-search-forward (concat "^entity\\s-+" entity-name "\\>") nil t))
+	       (progn
+		 (message "  --> see custom variable `vhdl-entity-file-name'")
+		 (error "Entity \"%s\" not found (see *Messages* buffer)"
+			entity-name))
+	     (when (setq beg (re-search-forward
+			      "^\\s-*port[ \t\n]*("
+			      (save-excursion
+				(re-search-forward "^end\\>" nil t)) t))
+	       (setq end (save-excursion
+			   (backward-char) (forward-sexp) (point)))
+	       (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)
+	       (while (< (point) end)
+		 (while (and (not (looking-at "[ \t\n]*:"))
+			     (re-search-forward "[ \t\n,]*\\(\\w+\\)" end t))
+		   (setq signal-list (cons (match-string 1) signal-list)))
+		 (re-search-forward ";" end 1)
+		 (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)))))))
+      signal-list)))
+;; Generic/port clause fixing
+(defun vhdl-fix-clause ()
+  "Fix closing parenthesis within generic/port clause."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (let ((pos (point))
+	   beg end)
+       (if (not (re-search-backward "^\\s-*\\(generic\\|port\\)[ \t\n]*(" nil t))
+	   (error "Not within a generic/port clause")
+	 ;; search for end of clause
+	 (goto-char (match-end 0))
+	 (setq beg (1- (point)))
+	 (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)
+	 (while (looking-at "\\w+\\([ \t\n]*,[ \t\n]*\\w+\\)*[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*\\w+[^;]*;")
+	   (goto-char (1- (match-end 0)))
+	   (setq end (point-marker))
+	   (forward-char)
+	   (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws))
+	 (goto-char end)
+	 (when (> pos end)
+	   (error "Not within a generic/port clause"))
+	 ;; delete closing parenthesis on separate line (not supported style)
+	 (when (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "^\\s-*);"))
+	   (vhdl-line-kill)
+	   (vhdl-backward-syntactic-ws)
+	   (setq end (point-marker))
+	   (insert ";"))
+	 ;; delete superfluous parentheses
+	 (while (progn (goto-char beg)
+		       (condition-case () (forward-sexp)
+			 (error (goto-char (point-max))))
+		       (< (point) end))
+	   (delete-backward-char 1))
+	 ;; add closing parenthesis
+	 (when (> (point) end)
+	   (goto-char end)
+	   (insert ")")))))))
+;; Miscellaneous
+(defun vhdl-remove-trailing-spaces ()
+  "Remove trailing spaces in the whole buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-match-data
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]+$" (point-max) t)
+	(unless (vhdl-in-literal)
+	  (replace-match "" nil nil))))))
+;;; Electrification
+(defconst vhdl-template-prompt-syntax "[^ =<>][^<>@.\n]*[^ =<>]"
+  "Syntax of prompt inserted by template generators.")
+(defvar vhdl-template-invoked-by-hook nil
+  "Indicates whether a template has been invoked by a hook or by key or menu.
+Used for undoing after template abortion.")
+;; correct different behavior of function `unread-command-events' in XEmacs
+(defun vhdl-character-to-event (arg))
+(defalias 'vhdl-character-to-event
+  (if vhdl-xemacs 'character-to-event 'identity))
+;;  Enabling/disabling
+(defun vhdl-mode-line-update ()
+  "Update the modeline string for VHDL major mode."
+  (setq mode-name (concat "VHDL"
+			  (and (or vhdl-electric-mode vhdl-stutter-mode) "/")
+			  (and vhdl-electric-mode "e")
+			  (and vhdl-stutter-mode "s")))
+  (force-mode-line-update t))
+(defun vhdl-electric-mode (arg)
+  "Toggle VHDL electric mode.
+Turn on if ARG positive, turn off if ARG negative, toggle if ARG zero or nil."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (setq vhdl-electric-mode
+	(cond ((or (not arg) (zerop arg)) (not vhdl-electric-mode))
+	      ((> arg 0) t) (t nil)))
+  (vhdl-mode-line-update))
+(defun vhdl-stutter-mode (arg)
+  "Toggle VHDL stuttering mode.
+Turn on if ARG positive, turn off if ARG negative, toggle if ARG zero or nil."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (setq vhdl-stutter-mode
+	(cond ((or (not arg) (zerop arg)) (not vhdl-stutter-mode))
+	      ((> arg 0) t) (t nil)))
+  (vhdl-mode-line-update))
+;; Stuttering
+(defun vhdl-electric-dash (count)
+  "-- starts a comment, --- draws a horizontal line,
+---- starts a display comment"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (and vhdl-stutter-mode (not (vhdl-in-literal)))
+      (cond
+       ((and abbrev-start-location (= abbrev-start-location (point)))
+	(setq abbrev-start-location nil)
+	(goto-char last-abbrev-location)
+	(beginning-of-line nil)
+	(vhdl-comment-display))
+       ((/= (preceding-char) ?-)	; standard dash (minus)
+	(self-insert-command count))
+       (t (self-insert-command count)
+	  (message "Enter '-' for horiz. line, 'CR' for commenting-out code, else enter comment")
+	  (let ((next-input (read-char)))
+	    (if (= next-input ?-)	; triple dash
+		(progn
+		  (vhdl-comment-display-line)
+		  (message
+		   "Enter '-' for display comment, else continue coding")
+		  (let ((next-input (read-char)))
+		    (if (= next-input ?-) ; four dashes
+			(vhdl-comment-display t)
+		      (setq unread-command-events ; pushback the char
+			    (list (vhdl-character-to-event next-input))))))
+	      (setq unread-command-events ; pushback the char
+		    (list (vhdl-character-to-event next-input)))
+	      (vhdl-comment-insert)))))
+    (self-insert-command count)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-open-bracket (count) "'[' --> '(', '([' --> '['"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if vhdl-stutter-mode
+      (if (= (preceding-char) ?\()
+	  (progn (delete-char -1) (insert-char ?\[ 1))
+	(insert-char ?\( 1))
+    (self-insert-command count)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-close-bracket (count) "']' --> ')', ')]' --> ']'"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (and vhdl-stutter-mode (= count 1) (not (vhdl-in-literal)))
+      (progn
+	(if (= (preceding-char) ?\))
+	    (progn (delete-char -1) (insert-char ?\] 1))
+	  (insert-char ?\) 1))
+	(blink-matching-open))
+    (self-insert-command count)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-quote (count) "'' --> \""
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (and vhdl-stutter-mode (= count 1) (not (vhdl-in-literal)))
+      (if (= (preceding-char) last-input-char)
+	  (progn (delete-backward-char 1) (insert-char ?\" 1))
+	(insert-char ?\' 1))
+    (self-insert-command count)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-semicolon (count) "';;' --> ' : ', ': ;' --> ' := '"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (and vhdl-stutter-mode (= count 1) (not (vhdl-in-literal)))
+      (cond ((= (preceding-char) last-input-char)
+	     (progn (delete-char -1)
+		    (when (not (eq (preceding-char) ? )) (insert " "))
+		    (insert ": ")
+		    (setq this-command 'vhdl-electric-colon)))
+	    ((and
+	      (eq last-command 'vhdl-electric-colon) (= (preceding-char) ? ))
+	     (progn (delete-char -1) (insert "= ")))
+	    (t (insert-char ?\; 1)))
+    (self-insert-command count)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-comma (count) "',,' --> ' <= '"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (and vhdl-stutter-mode (= count 1) (not (vhdl-in-literal)))
+      (cond ((= (preceding-char) last-input-char)
+	     (progn (delete-char -1)
+		    (when (not (eq (preceding-char) ? )) (insert " "))
+		    (insert "<= ")))
+	    (t (insert-char ?\, 1)))
+    (self-insert-command count)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-period (count) "'..' --> ' => '"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (and vhdl-stutter-mode (= count 1) (not (vhdl-in-literal)))
+      (cond ((= (preceding-char) last-input-char)
+	     (progn (delete-char -1)
+		    (when (not (eq (preceding-char) ? )) (insert " "))
+		    (insert "=> ")))
+	    (t (insert-char ?\. 1)))
+    (self-insert-command count)))
+(defun vhdl-electric-equal (count) "'==' --> ' == '"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (and vhdl-stutter-mode (= count 1) (not (vhdl-in-literal)))
+      (cond ((= (preceding-char) last-input-char)
+	     (progn (delete-char -1)
+		    (when (not (eq (preceding-char) ? )) (insert " "))
+		    (insert "== ")))
+	    (t (insert-char ?\= 1)))
+    (self-insert-command count)))
+;;  VHDL templates
+(defun vhdl-template-paired-parens ()
+  "Insert a pair of round parentheses, placing point between them."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert "()")
+  (backward-char))
+(defun vhdl-template-alias ()
+  "Insert alias declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "ALIAS ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point))
+      (insert " : ")
+      (unless (vhdl-template-field
+	       (concat "[type" (and (vhdl-standard-p 'ams) " or nature") "]")
+	       nil t)
+	(delete-backward-char 3))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "name" ";")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))
+(defun vhdl-template-architecture ()
+  "Insert architecture."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	arch-name)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "ARCHITECTURE ")
+    (when (setq arch-name
+		(vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " OF ")
+      (if (save-excursion
+	    (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+	     (re-search-backward "\\<entity \\(\\w+\\) is\\>" nil t)))
+	  (insert (match-string 1))
+	(vhdl-template-field "entity name"))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS")
+      (vhdl-template-begin-end
+       (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) "ARCHITECTURE") arch-name margin
+       (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-array (kind &optional secondary)
+  "Insert array type definition."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "ARRAY (")
+    (when (or (vhdl-template-field "range" nil (not secondary) start (point))
+	      secondary)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword ") OF ")
+      (vhdl-template-field (if (eq kind 'type) "type" "nature"))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword ";"))))
+(defun vhdl-template-assert ()
+  "Insert an assertion statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "ASSERT ")
+    (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "condition (negated)" nil t start (point))
+      (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+      (setq start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " REPORT ")
+      (unless (vhdl-template-field "string expression" nil nil nil nil t)
+	(delete-region start (point)))
+      (setq start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " SEVERITY ")
+      (unless (vhdl-template-field "[NOTE | WARNING | ERROR | FAILURE]" nil t)
+	(delete-region start (point)))
+      (insert ";"))))
+(defun vhdl-template-attribute ()
+  "Insert an attribute declaration or specification."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (eq (vhdl-decision-query
+	   "attribute" "(d)eclaration or (s)pecification?" t) ?s)
+      (vhdl-template-attribute-spec)
+    (vhdl-template-attribute-decl)))
+(defun vhdl-template-attribute-decl ()
+  "Insert an attribute declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "ATTRIBUTE ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "name" " : " t start (point))
+      (vhdl-template-field "type" ";")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))
+(defun vhdl-template-attribute-spec ()
+  "Insert an attribute specification."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "ATTRIBUTE ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " OF ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "entity names | OTHERS | ALL" " : ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "entity class")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "expression" ";"))))
+(defun vhdl-template-block ()
+  "Insert a block."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	label)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword ": BLOCK ")
+    (goto-char start)
+    (when (setq label (vhdl-template-field "label" nil t start (+ (point) 8)))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (forward-char 1)
+      (insert "(")
+      (if (vhdl-template-field "[guard expression]" nil t)
+	  (insert ")")
+	(delete-char -2))
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS"))
+      (vhdl-template-begin-end "BLOCK" label margin)
+      (vhdl-comment-block))))
+(defun vhdl-template-block-configuration ()
+  "Insert a block configuration statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "FOR ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "block name" nil t start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "\n\n")
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END FOR;")
+      (end-of-line 0)
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-break ()
+  "Insert a break statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "BREAK")
+    (setq position (point))
+    (insert " ")
+    (while (or
+	    (progn (vhdl-insert-keyword "FOR ")
+		   (if (vhdl-template-field "[quantity name]" " USE " t)
+		       (progn (vhdl-template-field "quantity name" " => ") t)
+		     (kill-word -1) nil))
+	    (vhdl-template-field "[quantity name]" " => " t))
+      (vhdl-template-field "expression")
+      (setq position (point))
+      (insert ", "))
+    (delete-region position (point))
+    (unless (vhdl-sequential-statement-p)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " ON ")
+      (if (vhdl-template-field "[sensitivity list]" nil t)
+	  (setq position (point))
+	(delete-region position (point))))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword " WHEN ")
+    (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+    (if (vhdl-template-field "[condition]" nil t)
+	(when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+      (delete-region position (point)))
+    (insert ";")))
+(defun vhdl-template-case (&optional kind)
+  "Insert a case statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	label)
+    (unless kind (setq kind (if (vhdl-sequential-statement-p) 'is 'use)))
+    (if (or (not (eq vhdl-optional-labels 'all)) (vhdl-standard-p '87))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "CASE ")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword ": CASE ")
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq label (vhdl-template-field "[label]" nil t))
+      (unless label (delete-char 2))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (forward-char 1))
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "expression" nil t start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword (concat " " (if (eq kind 'is) "IS" "USE") "\n\n"))
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END CASE")
+      (when label (insert " " label))
+      (insert ";")
+      (forward-line -1)
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "WHEN ")
+      (let ((position (point)))
+	(insert " => ;\n")
+	(indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "WHEN OTHERS => null;")
+	(goto-char position)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-case-is ()
+  "Insert a sequential case statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-case 'is))
+(defun vhdl-template-case-use ()
+  "Insert a simultaneous case statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-case 'use))
+(defun vhdl-template-component ()
+  "Insert a component declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-component-decl))
+(defun vhdl-template-component-conf ()
+  "Insert a component configuration (uses `vhdl-template-configuration-spec'
+since these are almost equivalent)."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(result (vhdl-template-configuration-spec t)))
+    (when result
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END FOR;")
+      (when (eq result 'no-use)
+	(end-of-line -0)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-component-decl ()
+  "Insert a component declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	name end-column)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "COMPONENT ")
+    (when (setq name (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point)))
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS"))
+      (insert "\n\n")
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END COMPONENT")
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (insert " " name))
+      (insert ";")
+      (setq end-column (current-column))
+      (end-of-line -0)
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-template-generic-list t t)
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-template-port-list t)
+      (beginning-of-line 2)
+      (forward-char end-column))))
+(defun vhdl-template-component-inst ()
+  "Insert a component instantiation statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	unit position)
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "instance label" nil t start (point))
+      (insert ": ")
+      (if (vhdl-standard-p '87)
+	  (vhdl-template-field "component name")
+	;; direct instantiation
+	(setq unit (vhdl-template-field
+	(setq unit (upcase (or unit "")))
+	(cond ((equal unit "ENTITY")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "library name" "." nil nil nil nil "work")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "entity name" "(")
+	       (if (vhdl-template-field "[architecture name]" nil t)
+		   (insert ")")
+		 (delete-char -1)))
+	      ((equal unit "CONFIGURATION")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "library name" "." nil nil nil nil "work")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "configuration name"))
+	      (t (vhdl-template-field "component name"))))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (setq position (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "GENERIC ")
+      (when (vhdl-template-map position t t)
+	(insert "\n")
+	(indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))
+      (setq position (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "PORT ")
+      (unless (vhdl-template-map position t t)
+	(kill-line -0)
+	(delete-char -1))
+      (insert ";"))))
+(defun vhdl-template-conditional-signal-asst ()
+  "Insert a conditional signal assignment."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (vhdl-template-field "target signal")
+    (insert " <= ")
+;    (if (not (equal (vhdl-template-field "[GUARDED] [TRANSPORT]") ""))
+;       (insert " "))
+    (let ((margin (current-column))
+	  (start (point))
+	  position)
+      (vhdl-template-field "waveform")
+      (setq position (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " WHEN ")
+      (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+      (while (and (vhdl-template-field "[condition]" nil t)
+		  (progn
+		    (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+		    (setq position (point))
+		    (vhdl-insert-keyword " ELSE")
+		    (insert "\n")
+		    (indent-to margin)
+		    (vhdl-template-field "[waveform]" nil t)))
+	(setq position (point))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword " WHEN ")
+	(when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "(")))
+      (delete-region position (point))
+      (insert ";")
+      (when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-configuration ()
+  "Insert a configuration specification if within an architecture,
+a block or component configuration if within a configuration declaration,
+a configuration declaration if not within a design unit."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+   (cond
+    ((and (save-excursion		; architecture body
+	    (re-search-backward "^\\(architecture\\|end\\)\\>" nil t))
+	  (equal "ARCHITECTURE" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+     (vhdl-template-configuration-spec))
+    ((and (save-excursion		; configuration declaration
+	    (re-search-backward "^\\(configuration\\|end\\)\\>" nil t))
+	  (equal "CONFIGURATION" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+     (if (eq (vhdl-decision-query
+	      "configuration" "(b)lock or (c)omponent configuration?" t) ?c)
+	 (vhdl-template-component-conf)
+       (vhdl-template-block-configuration)))
+    (t (vhdl-template-configuration-decl))))) ; otherwise
+(defun vhdl-template-configuration-spec (&optional optional-use)
+  "Insert a configuration specification."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	aspect position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "FOR ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "component names | OTHERS | ALL" " : "
+			       t start (point))
+      (vhdl-template-field "component type" "\n")
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (setq start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "USE ")
+      (if (and optional-use
+	       (not (setq aspect (vhdl-template-field
+				  "[ENTITY | CONFIGURATION | OPEN]" " " t))))
+	  (progn (delete-region start (point)) 'no-use)
+	(unless optional-use
+	  (setq aspect (vhdl-template-field
+	(setq aspect (upcase (or aspect "")))
+	(cond ((equal aspect "ENTITY")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "library name" "." nil nil nil nil "work")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "entity name" "(")
+	       (if (vhdl-template-field "[architecture name]" nil t)
+		   (insert ")")
+		 (delete-char -1))
+	       (insert "\n")
+	       (indent-to (+ margin (* 2 vhdl-basic-offset)))
+	       (setq position (point))
+	       (vhdl-insert-keyword "GENERIC ")
+	       (when (vhdl-template-map position t t)
+		 (insert "\n")
+		 (indent-to (+ margin (* 2 vhdl-basic-offset))))
+	       (setq position (point))
+	       (vhdl-insert-keyword "PORT ")
+	       (unless (vhdl-template-map position t t)
+		 (kill-line -0)
+		 (delete-char -1))
+	       (insert ";")
+	       t)
+	      ((equal aspect "CONFIGURATION")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "library name" "." nil nil nil nil "work")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "configuration name" ";"))
+	      (t (delete-backward-char 1) (insert ";") t))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-configuration-decl ()
+  "Insert a configuration declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	entity-exists string name position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "CONFIGURATION ")
+    (when (setq name (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " OF ")
+      (save-excursion
+	(vhdl-prepare-search-1
+	 (setq entity-exists (re-search-backward
+			      "\\<entity \\(\\w*\\) is\\>" nil t))
+	 (setq string (match-string 1))))
+      (if (and entity-exists (not (equal string "")))
+	  (insert string)
+	(vhdl-template-field "entity name"))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS\n")
+      (when (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (insert "\n"))
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (setq position (point))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (when (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (insert "\n"))
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END ")
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87)
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "CONFIGURATION "))
+      (insert name ";")
+      (goto-char position))))
+(defun vhdl-template-constant ()
+  "Insert a constant declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point))
+	(in-arglist (vhdl-in-argument-list-p)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "CONSTANT ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point))
+      (insert " : ")
+      (when in-arglist (vhdl-insert-keyword "IN "))
+      (vhdl-template-field "type")
+      (if in-arglist
+	  (progn (insert ";")
+		 (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))
+	(let ((position (point)))
+	  (insert " := ")
+	  (unless (vhdl-template-field "[initialization]" nil t)
+	    (delete-region position (point)))
+	  (insert ";")
+	  (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-default ()
+  "Insert nothing."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert " ")
+  (unexpand-abbrev)
+  (backward-word 1)
+  (vhdl-case-word 1)
+  (forward-char 1))
+(defun vhdl-template-default-indent ()
+  "Insert nothing and indent."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert " ")
+  (unexpand-abbrev)
+  (backward-word 1)
+  (vhdl-case-word 1)
+  (forward-char 1)
+  (vhdl-indent-line))
+(defun vhdl-template-disconnect ()
+  "Insert a disconnect statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "DISCONNECT ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "signal names | OTHERS | ALL"
+			       " : " t start (point))
+      (vhdl-template-field "type")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " AFTER ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "time expression" ";"))))
+(defun vhdl-template-else ()
+  "Insert an else statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (margin)
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+     (vhdl-insert-keyword "ELSE")
+     (if (save-excursion
+	   (re-search-backward "\\(\\<when\\>\\|;\\)" nil t)
+	   (equal "WHEN" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+	 (insert " ")
+       (vhdl-indent-line)
+       (setq margin (current-indentation))
+       (insert "\n")
+       (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-elsif ()
+  "Insert an elsif statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point))
+	margin)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "ELSIF ")
+    (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "condition" nil t start (point))
+      (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+      (vhdl-indent-line)
+      (setq margin (current-indentation))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword
+       (concat " " (if (vhdl-sequential-statement-p) "THEN" "USE") "\n"))
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-entity ()
+  "Insert an entity."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	name end-column)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "ENTITY ")
+    (when (setq name (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS\n\n")
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END ")
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (vhdl-insert-keyword "ENTITY "))
+      (insert name ";")
+      (setq end-column (current-column))
+      (end-of-line -0)
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (when (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (insert "\n"))
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (when (vhdl-template-generic-list t)
+	(when (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (insert "\n")))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (when (vhdl-template-port-list t)
+	(when (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (insert "\n")))
+      (beginning-of-line 2)
+      (forward-char end-column))))
+(defun vhdl-template-exit ()
+  "Insert an exit statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "EXIT ")
+    (unless (vhdl-template-field "[loop label]" nil t)
+      (delete-char -1))
+    (let ((position (point)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " WHEN ")
+      (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+      (if (vhdl-template-field "[condition]" nil t)
+	  (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+	(delete-region position (point))))
+    (insert ";")))
+(defun vhdl-template-file ()
+  "Insert a file declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "FILE ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point))
+      (insert " : ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "type")
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87)
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword " OPEN ")
+	(unless (vhdl-template-field "[READ_MODE | WRITE_MODE | APPEND_MODE]"
+				     nil t)
+	  (delete-backward-char 6)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS ")
+      (when (vhdl-standard-p '87)
+	(vhdl-template-field "[IN | OUT]" " " t))
+      (vhdl-template-field "filename-string" nil nil nil nil t)
+      (insert ";")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))
+(defun vhdl-template-for ()
+  "Insert a block or component configuration if within a configuration
+declaration, a configuration specification if within an architecture
+declarative part (and not within a subprogram), a for-loop if within a
+sequential statement part (subprogram or process), and a for-generate
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+   (cond
+    ((vhdl-sequential-statement-p)	; sequential statement
+     (vhdl-template-for-loop))
+    ((and (save-excursion		; configuration declaration
+	    (re-search-backward "^\\(configuration\\|end\\)\\>" nil t))
+	  (equal "CONFIGURATION" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+     (if (eq (vhdl-decision-query
+	      "for" "(b)lock or (c)omponent configuration?" t) ?c)
+	 (vhdl-template-component-conf)
+       (vhdl-template-block-configuration)))
+    ((and (save-excursion
+	    (re-search-backward		; architecture declarative part
+	     "^\\(architecture\\|entity\\|begin\\|end\\)\\>" nil t))
+	  (equal "ARCHITECTURE" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+     (vhdl-template-configuration-spec))
+    (t (vhdl-template-for-generate))))) ; concurrent statement
+(defun vhdl-template-for-generate ()
+  "Insert a for-generate."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	label position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword ": FOR ")
+    (setq position (point-marker))
+    (goto-char start)
+    (when (setq label (vhdl-template-field "label" nil t start position))
+      (goto-char position)
+      (vhdl-template-field "loop variable")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IN ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "range")
+      (vhdl-template-generate-body margin label))))
+(defun vhdl-template-for-loop ()
+  "Insert a for loop."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	label index)
+    (if (not (eq vhdl-optional-labels 'all))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "FOR ")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword ": FOR ")
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq label (vhdl-template-field "[label]" nil t))
+      (unless label (delete-char 2))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (forward-char 1))
+    (when (setq index (vhdl-template-field "loop variable"
+					   nil t start (point)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IN ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "range")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " LOOP\n\n")
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END LOOP")
+      (if label
+	  (insert " " label ";")
+	(insert ";")
+	(when vhdl-self-insert-comments (insert "  -- " index)))
+      (forward-line -1)
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-footer ()
+  "Insert a VHDL file footer."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless (equal vhdl-file-footer "")
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (vhdl-insert-string-or-file vhdl-file-footer))))
+(defun vhdl-template-function (&optional kind)
+  "Insert a function declaration or body."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	name)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "FUNCTION ")
+    (when (setq name (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point)))
+      (vhdl-template-argument-list t)
+      (when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1))
+      (end-of-line)
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "RETURN ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "type")
+      (if (if kind (eq kind 'body)
+	    (eq (vhdl-decision-query nil "(d)eclaration or (b)ody?") ?b))
+	  (progn (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS")
+		 (vhdl-template-begin-end
+		  (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) "FUNCTION") name margin)
+		 (vhdl-comment-block))
+	(insert ";")))))
+(defun vhdl-template-function-decl ()
+  "Insert a function declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-function 'decl))
+(defun vhdl-template-function-body ()
+  "Insert a function declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-function 'body))
+(defun vhdl-template-generate ()
+  "Insert a generation scheme."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (eq (vhdl-decision-query nil "(f)or or (i)f?" t) ?i)
+      (vhdl-template-if-generate)
+    (vhdl-template-for-generate)))
+(defun vhdl-template-generic ()
+  "Insert generic declaration, or generic map in instantiation statements."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+     (cond
+      ((and (save-excursion		; entity declaration
+	      (re-search-backward "^\\(entity\\|end\\)\\>" nil t))
+	    (equal "ENTITY" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+       (vhdl-template-generic-list nil))
+      ((or (save-excursion
+	     (or (beginning-of-line)
+		 (looking-at "^\\s-*\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*\\w+")))
+	   (equal 'statement-cont (car (car (vhdl-get-syntactic-context)))))
+       (vhdl-insert-keyword "GENERIC ")
+       (vhdl-template-map start))
+      (t (vhdl-template-generic-list nil t))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-group ()
+  "Insert group or group template declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (if (eq (vhdl-decision-query
+	     "group" "(d)eclaration or (t)emplate declaration?" t) ?t)
+	(vhdl-template-group-template)
+      (vhdl-template-group-decl))))
+(defun vhdl-template-group-decl ()
+  "Insert group declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "GROUP ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "name" " : " t start (point))
+      (vhdl-template-field "template name" " (")
+      (vhdl-template-field "constituent list" ");")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))
+(defun vhdl-template-group-template ()
+  "Insert group template declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "GROUP ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "template name" nil t start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS (")
+      (vhdl-template-field "entity class list" ");")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))
+(defun vhdl-template-header ()
+  "Insert a VHDL file header."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless (equal vhdl-file-header "")
+    (let ((project-name (or (nth 0 (aget vhdl-project-alist vhdl-project)) ""))
+	  (project-desc (or (nth 2 (aget vhdl-project-alist vhdl-project)) ""))
+	  eot)
+      (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+       (save-excursion
+	 (save-restriction
+	   (widen)
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (vhdl-insert-string-or-file vhdl-file-header)
+	   (setq eot (point))
+	   (narrow-to-region (point-min) eot)
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<projectdesc>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match project-desc t t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<filename>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match (buffer-name) t t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<copyright>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match vhdl-copyright-string t t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<author>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match "" t t)
+	     (insert (user-full-name))
+	     (when user-mail-address (insert "  <" user-mail-address ">")))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<login>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match (user-login-name) t t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<project>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match project-name t t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<company>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match vhdl-company-name t t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<platform>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match vhdl-platform-spec t t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   ;; Replace <RCS> with $, so that RCS for the source is
+	   ;; not over-enthusiastic with replacements
+	   (while (search-forward "<RCS>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match "$" nil t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<date>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match "" t t)
+	     (vhdl-template-insert-date))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (while (search-forward "<year>" nil t)
+	     (replace-match (format-time-string "%Y" nil) t t))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (let (string)
+	     (while
+		 (re-search-forward "<\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)*\\) string>" nil t)
+	       (setq string (read-string (concat (match-string 1) ": ")))
+	       (replace-match string t t)))))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (when (search-forward "<cursor>" nil t)
+	 (replace-match "" t t))
+       (when (or (not project-name) (equal project-name ""))
+	 (message "You can specify a project title in custom variable `vhdl-project-alist'"))
+       (when (or (not project-desc) (equal project-desc ""))
+	 (message "You can specify a project description in custom variable `vhdl-project-alist'"))
+       (when (equal vhdl-platform-spec "")
+	 (message "You can specify a platform in custom variable `vhdl-platform-spec'"))
+       (when (equal vhdl-company-name "")
+	 (message "You can specify a company name in custom variable `vhdl-company-name'"))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-if ()
+  "Insert a sequential if statement or an if-generate statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (vhdl-sequential-statement-p)
+      (vhdl-template-if-then)
+    (if (and (vhdl-standard-p 'ams)
+	     (eq (vhdl-decision-query "if" "(g)enerate or (u)se?" t) ?u))
+	(vhdl-template-if-use)
+      (vhdl-template-if-generate))))
+(defun vhdl-template-if-generate ()
+  "Insert an if-generate."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	label position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword ": IF ")
+    (setq position (point-marker))
+    (goto-char start)
+    (when (setq label (vhdl-template-field "label" nil t start position))
+      (goto-char position)
+      (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+      (vhdl-template-field "condition")
+      (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+      (vhdl-template-generate-body margin label))))
+(defun vhdl-template-if-then-use (kind)
+  "Insert a sequential if statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	label)
+    (if (or (not (eq vhdl-optional-labels 'all)) (vhdl-standard-p '87))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "IF ")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword ": IF ")
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq label (vhdl-template-field "[label]" nil t))
+      (unless label (delete-char 2))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (forward-char 1))
+    (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "condition" nil t start (point))
+      (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword
+       (concat " " (if (eq kind 'then) "THEN" "USE") "\n\n"))
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END IF")
+      (when label (insert " " label))
+      (insert ";")
+      (forward-line -1)
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-if-then ()
+  "Insert a sequential if statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-if-then-use 'then))
+(defun vhdl-template-if-use ()
+  "Insert a simultaneous if statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-if-then-use 'use))
+(defun vhdl-template-instance ()
+  "Insert a component instantiation statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-component-inst))
+(defun vhdl-template-library ()
+  "Insert a library specification."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	name end-pos)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "LIBRARY ")
+    (when (setq name (vhdl-template-field "names" nil t start (point)))
+      (insert ";")
+      (unless (string-match "," name)
+	(setq end-pos (point))
+	(insert "\n")
+	(indent-to margin)
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "USE ")
+	(insert name)
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "..ALL;")
+	(backward-char 5)
+	(if (vhdl-template-field "package name")
+	    (forward-char 5)
+	  (delete-region end-pos (+ (point) 5)))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-limit ()
+  "Insert a limit."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "LIMIT ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "quantity names | OTHERS | ALL" " : "
+			       t start (point))
+      (vhdl-template-field "type")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " WITH ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "real expression" ";"))))
+(defun vhdl-template-loop ()
+  "Insert a loop."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((char (vhdl-decision-query nil "(w)hile, (f)or, or (b)are?" t)))
+    (cond ((eq char ?w)
+	   (vhdl-template-while-loop))
+	  ((eq char ?f)
+	   (vhdl-template-for-loop))
+	  (t (vhdl-template-bare-loop)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-bare-loop ()
+  "Insert a loop."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	label)
+    (if (not (eq vhdl-optional-labels 'all))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "LOOP ")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword ": LOOP ")
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq label (vhdl-template-field "[label]" nil t))
+      (unless label (delete-char 2))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (delete-char 1))
+    (insert "\n\n")
+    (indent-to margin)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "END LOOP")
+    (insert (if label (concat " " label ";") ";"))
+    (forward-line -1)
+    (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))))
+(defun vhdl-template-map (&optional start optional secondary)
+  "Insert a map specification with association list."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (or start (point)))
+	margin end-pos)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "MAP (")
+    (if (not vhdl-association-list-with-formals)
+	(if (vhdl-template-field
+	     (concat (and optional "[") "association list" (and optional "]"))
+	     ")" (or (not secondary) optional)
+	     (and (not secondary) start) (point))
+	    t
+	  (if (and optional secondary) (delete-region start (point)))
+	  nil)
+      (if vhdl-argument-list-indent
+	  (setq margin (current-column))
+	(setq margin (+ (current-indentation) vhdl-basic-offset))
+	(insert "\n")
+	(indent-to margin))
+      (if (vhdl-template-field
+	   (concat (and optional "[") "formal" (and optional "]"))
+	   " => " (or (not secondary) optional)
+	   (and (not secondary) start) (point))
+	  (progn
+	    (vhdl-template-field "actual" ",")
+	    (setq end-pos (point))
+	    (insert "\n")
+	    (indent-to margin)
+	    (while (vhdl-template-field "[formal]" " => " t)
+	      (vhdl-template-field "actual" ",")
+	      (setq end-pos (point))
+	      (insert "\n")
+	      (indent-to margin))
+	    (delete-region end-pos (point))
+	    (delete-backward-char 1)
+	    (insert ")")
+	    (when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1))
+	    t)
+	(when (and optional secondary) (delete-region start (point)))
+	nil))))
+(defun vhdl-template-modify (&optional noerror)
+  "Actualize modification date."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (if (re-search-forward vhdl-modify-date-prefix-string nil t)
+	 (progn (kill-line)
+		(vhdl-template-insert-date))
+       (unless noerror
+	 (error (concat "Modification date prefix string \""
+			vhdl-modify-date-prefix-string "\" not found")))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-modify-noerror ()
+  "Call `vhdl-template-modify' with NOERROR non-nil."
+  (vhdl-template-modify t))
+(defun vhdl-template-nature ()
+  "Insert a nature declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point))
+	name mid-pos end-pos)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "NATURE ")
+    (when (setq name (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS ")
+      (let ((definition
+	      (upcase
+	       (or (vhdl-template-field
+		    "across type | ARRAY | RECORD")
+		   ""))))
+	(cond ((equal definition "")
+	       (insert ";"))
+	      ((equal definition "ARRAY")
+	       (kill-word -1)
+	       (vhdl-template-array 'nature t))
+	      ((equal definition "RECORD")
+	       (setq mid-pos (point-marker))
+	       (kill-word -1)
+	       (vhdl-template-record 'nature name t))
+	      (t
+	       (vhdl-insert-keyword " ACROSS ")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "through type")
+	       (vhdl-insert-keyword " THROUGH ")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "reference name")
+	       (vhdl-insert-keyword " REFERENCE;")))
+	(when mid-pos
+	  (setq end-pos (point-marker))
+	  (goto-char mid-pos)
+	  (end-of-line))
+	(vhdl-comment-insert-inline)
+	(when end-pos (goto-char end-pos))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-next ()
+  "Insert a next statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-insert-keyword "NEXT ")
+  (unless (vhdl-template-field "[loop label]" nil t)
+    (delete-char -1))
+  (let ((position (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword " WHEN ")
+    (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+    (if (vhdl-template-field "[condition]" nil t)
+	(when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+      (delete-region position (point)))
+    (insert ";")))
+(defun vhdl-template-others ()
+  "Insert an others aggregate."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-insert-keyword "(OTHERS => '')")
+  (backward-char 2))
+(defun vhdl-template-package (&optional kind)
+  "Insert a package specification or body."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	name body position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "PACKAGE ")
+    (setq body (if kind (eq kind 'body)
+		 (eq (vhdl-decision-query nil "(d)eclaration or (b)ody?") ?b)))
+    (when body
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "BODY ")
+      (when (save-excursion
+	      (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+	       (re-search-backward "\\<package \\(\\w+\\) is\\>" nil t)))
+	(insert (setq name (match-string 1)))))
+    (when (or name
+	      (setq name (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point))))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS\n")
+      (when (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (insert "\n"))
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (setq position (point))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (when (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (insert "\n"))
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END ")
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87)
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword (concat "PACKAGE " (and body "BODY "))))
+      (insert (or name "") ";")
+      (goto-char position))))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-decl ()
+  "Insert a package specification."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-package 'decl))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-body ()
+  "Insert a package body."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-package 'body))
+(defun vhdl-template-port ()
+  "Insert a port declaration, or port map in instantiation statements."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+     (cond
+      ((and (save-excursion		; entity declaration
+	      (re-search-backward "^\\(entity\\|end\\)\\>" nil t))
+	    (equal "ENTITY" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+       (vhdl-template-port-list nil))
+      ((or (save-excursion
+	     (or (beginning-of-line)
+		 (looking-at "^\\s-*\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*\\w+")))
+	   (equal 'statement-cont (car (car (vhdl-get-syntactic-context)))))
+       (vhdl-insert-keyword "PORT ")
+       (vhdl-template-map start))
+      (t (vhdl-template-port-list nil))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-procedural ()
+  "Insert a procedural."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	(case-fold-search t)
+	label)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "PROCEDURAL ")
+    (when (memq vhdl-optional-labels '(process all))
+      (goto-char start)
+      (insert ": ")
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq label (vhdl-template-field "[label]" nil t))
+      (unless label (delete-char 2))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (forward-char 1))
+    (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (vhdl-insert-keyword "IS"))
+    (vhdl-template-begin-end "PROCEDURAL" label margin)
+    (vhdl-comment-block)))
+(defun vhdl-template-procedure (&optional kind)
+  "Insert a procedure declaration or body."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	name)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "PROCEDURE ")
+    (when (setq name (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point)))
+      (vhdl-template-argument-list)
+      (if (if kind (eq kind 'body)
+	    (eq (vhdl-decision-query nil "(d)eclaration or (b)ody?") ?b))
+	  (progn (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS")
+		 (when vhdl-auto-align
+		   (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1))
+		 (end-of-line)
+		 (vhdl-template-begin-end
+		  (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) "PROCEDURE")
+		  name margin)
+		 (vhdl-comment-block))
+	(insert ";")
+	(when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1))
+	(end-of-line)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-procedure-decl ()
+  "Insert a procedure declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-procedure 'decl))
+(defun vhdl-template-procedure-body ()
+  "Insert a procedure body."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-procedure 'body))
+(defun vhdl-template-process (&optional kind)
+  "Insert a process."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	label seq input-signals clock reset final-pos)
+    (setq seq (if kind (eq kind 'seq)
+		(eq (vhdl-decision-query
+		     "process" "(c)ombinational or (s)equential?" t) ?s)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "PROCESS ")
+    (when (memq vhdl-optional-labels '(process all))
+      (goto-char start)
+      (insert ": ")
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq label (vhdl-template-field "[label]" nil t))
+      (unless label (delete-char 2))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (forward-char 1))
+    (insert "(")
+    (if (not seq)
+	(unless (setq input-signals
+		      (vhdl-template-field "[sensitivity list]" ")" t))
+	  (setq input-signals "")
+	  (delete-char -2))
+      (setq clock (or (and (not (equal "" vhdl-clock-name))
+			   (progn (insert vhdl-clock-name) vhdl-clock-name))
+		      (vhdl-template-field "clock name") "<clock>"))
+      (when (eq vhdl-reset-kind 'async)
+	(insert ", ")
+	(setq reset (or (and (not (equal "" vhdl-reset-name))
+			     (progn (insert vhdl-reset-name) vhdl-reset-name))
+			(vhdl-template-field "reset name") "<reset>")))
+      (insert ")"))
+    (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS"))
+    (vhdl-template-begin-end "PROCESS" label margin)
+    (when seq (setq reset (vhdl-template-seq-process clock reset)))
+    (when vhdl-prompt-for-comments
+      (setq final-pos (point-marker))
+      (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+       (when (and (re-search-backward "\\<begin\\>" nil t)
+		  (re-search-backward "\\<process\\>" nil t))
+	 (end-of-line -0)
+	 (if (bobp)
+	     (progn (insert "\n") (forward-line -1))
+	   (insert "\n"))
+	 (indent-to margin)
+	 (insert "-- purpose: ")
+	 (if (not (vhdl-template-field "[description]" nil t))
+	     (vhdl-line-kill-entire)
+	   (insert "\n")
+	   (indent-to margin)
+	   (insert "-- type   : ")
+	   (insert (if seq "sequential" "combinational") "\n")
+	   (indent-to margin)
+	   (insert "-- inputs : ")
+	   (if (not seq)
+	       (insert input-signals)
+	     (insert clock ", ")
+	     (when reset (insert reset ", "))
+	     (unless (vhdl-template-field "[signal names]" nil t)
+	       (delete-char -2)))
+	   (insert "\n")
+	   (indent-to margin)
+	   (insert "-- outputs: ")
+	   (vhdl-template-field "[signal names]" nil t))))
+      (goto-char final-pos))))
+(defun vhdl-template-process-comb ()
+  "Insert a combinational process."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-process 'comb))
+(defun vhdl-template-process-seq ()
+  "Insert a sequential process."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-process 'seq))
+(defun vhdl-template-quantity ()
+  "Insert a quantity declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (vhdl-in-argument-list-p)
+      (let ((start (point)))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "QUANTITY ")
+	(when (vhdl-template-field "names" nil t start (point))
+	  (insert " : ")
+	  (vhdl-template-field "[IN | OUT]" " " t)
+	  (vhdl-template-field "type")
+	  (insert ";")
+	  (vhdl-comment-insert-inline)))
+    (let ((char (vhdl-decision-query
+		 "quantity" "(f)ree, (b)ranch, or (s)ource quantity?" t)))
+      (cond ((eq char ?f) (vhdl-template-quantity-free))
+	    ((eq char ?b) (vhdl-template-quantity-branch))
+	    ((eq char ?s) (vhdl-template-quantity-source))
+	    (t (vhdl-template-undo (point) (point)))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-quantity-free ()
+  "Insert a free quantity declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-insert-keyword "QUANTITY ")
+  (vhdl-template-field "names")
+  (insert " : ")
+  (vhdl-template-field "type")
+  (let ((position (point)))
+    (insert " := ")
+    (unless (vhdl-template-field "[initialization]" nil t)
+      (delete-region position (point)))
+    (insert ";")
+    (vhdl-comment-insert-inline)))
+(defun vhdl-template-quantity-branch ()
+  "Insert a branch quantity declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "QUANTITY ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "[across names]" " " t)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "ACROSS "))
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "[through names]" " " t)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "THROUGH "))
+    (vhdl-template-field "plus terminal name")
+    (setq position (point))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword " TO ")
+    (unless (vhdl-template-field "[minus terminal name]" nil t)
+      (delete-region position (point)))
+    (insert ";")
+    (vhdl-comment-insert-inline)))
+(defun vhdl-template-quantity-source ()
+  "Insert a source quantity declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-insert-keyword "QUANTITY ")
+  (vhdl-template-field "names")
+  (insert " : ")
+  (vhdl-template-field "type" " ")
+  (if (eq (vhdl-decision-query nil "(s)pectrum or (n)oise?") ?n)
+      (progn (vhdl-insert-keyword "NOISE ")
+	     (vhdl-template-field "power expression"))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "SPECTRUM ")
+    (vhdl-template-field "magnitude expression" ", ")
+    (vhdl-template-field "phase expression"))
+  (insert ";")
+  (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))
+(defun vhdl-template-record (kind &optional name secondary)
+  "Insert a record type declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-column))
+	(start (point))
+	(first t))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "RECORD\n")
+    (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+    (when (or (vhdl-template-field "element names"
+				   nil (not secondary) start (point))
+	      secondary)
+      (while (or first (vhdl-template-field "[element names]" nil t))
+	(insert " : ")
+	(vhdl-template-field (if (eq kind 'type) "type" "nature") ";")
+	(vhdl-comment-insert-inline)
+	(insert "\n")
+	(indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+	(setq first nil))
+      (kill-line -0)
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END RECORD")
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (and name (insert " " name)))
+      (insert ";")
+      (when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-report ()
+  "Insert a report statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "REPORT ")
+    (if (equal "\"\"" (vhdl-template-field
+		       "string expression" nil t start (point) t))
+	(delete-backward-char 2)
+      (setq start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " SEVERITY ")
+      (unless (vhdl-template-field "[NOTE | WARNING | ERROR | FAILURE]" nil t)
+	(delete-region start (point)))
+      (insert ";"))))
+(defun vhdl-template-return ()
+  "Insert a return statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-insert-keyword "RETURN ")
+  (unless (vhdl-template-field "[expression]" nil t)
+    (delete-char -1))
+  (insert ";"))
+(defun vhdl-template-selected-signal-asst ()
+  "Insert a selected signal assignment."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(start (point))
+	(choices t))
+    (let ((position (point)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " SELECT ")
+      (goto-char position))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "WITH ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "selector expression"
+			       nil t start (+ (point) 7))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (delete-char 1)
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-template-field "target signal" " <= ")
+;      (vhdl-template-field "[GUARDED] [TRANSPORT]")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-template-field "waveform")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " WHEN ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "choices" ",")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (while (and choices (vhdl-template-field "[waveform]" nil t))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword " WHEN ")
+	(if (setq choices (vhdl-template-field "[choices]" "," t))
+	    (progn (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))
+	  (vhdl-insert-keyword "OTHERS")))
+      (when choices
+	(fixup-whitespace)
+	(delete-char -2))
+      (insert ";")
+      (when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-signal ()
+  "Insert a signal declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point))
+	(in-arglist (vhdl-in-argument-list-p)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "SIGNAL ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "names" nil t start (point))
+      (insert " : ")
+      (when in-arglist (vhdl-template-field "[IN | OUT | INOUT]" " " t))
+      (vhdl-template-field "type")
+      (if in-arglist
+	  (progn (insert ";")
+		 (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))
+	(let ((position (point)))
+	  (insert " := ")
+	  (unless (vhdl-template-field "[initialization]" nil t)
+	    (delete-region position (point)))
+	  (insert ";")
+	  (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-subnature ()
+  "Insert a subnature declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point))
+	position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "SUBNATURE ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "nature" " (")
+      (if (vhdl-template-field "[index range]" nil t)
+	  (insert ")")
+	(delete-char -2))
+      (setq position (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " TOLERANCE ")
+      (if (equal "\"\"" (vhdl-template-field "[string expression]"
+					     nil t nil nil t))
+	  (delete-region position (point))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword " ACROSS ")
+	(vhdl-template-field "string expression" nil nil nil nil t)
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword " THROUGH"))
+      (insert ";")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))
+(defun vhdl-template-subprogram-body ()
+  "Insert a subprogram body."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (eq (vhdl-decision-query nil "(p)rocedure or (f)unction?" t) ?f)
+      (vhdl-template-function-body)
+    (vhdl-template-procedure-body)))
+(defun vhdl-template-subprogram-decl ()
+  "Insert a subprogram declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (eq (vhdl-decision-query nil "(p)rocedure or (f)unction?" t) ?f)
+      (vhdl-template-function-decl)
+    (vhdl-template-procedure-decl)))
+(defun vhdl-template-subtype ()
+  "Insert a subtype declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "SUBTYPE ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "type" " ")
+      (unless
+	  (vhdl-template-field "[RANGE value range | ( index range )]" nil t)
+	(delete-char -1))
+      (insert ";")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))
+(defun vhdl-template-terminal ()
+  "Insert a terminal declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "TERMINAL ")
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "names" nil t start (point))
+      (insert " : ")
+      (vhdl-template-field "nature")
+      (insert ";")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))
+(defun vhdl-template-type ()
+  "Insert a type declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point))
+	name mid-pos end-pos)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "TYPE ")
+    (when (setq name (vhdl-template-field "name" nil t start (point)))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS ")
+      (let ((definition
+	      (upcase
+	       (or (vhdl-template-field
+		    "[scalar type | ARRAY | RECORD | ACCESS | FILE]" nil t)
+		   ""))))
+	(cond ((equal definition "")
+	       (delete-backward-char 4)
+	       (insert ";"))
+	      ((equal definition "ARRAY")
+	       (kill-word -1)
+	       (vhdl-template-array 'type t))
+	      ((equal definition "RECORD")
+	       (setq mid-pos (point-marker))
+	       (kill-word -1)
+	       (vhdl-template-record 'type name t))
+	      ((equal definition "ACCESS")
+	       (insert " ")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "type" ";"))
+	      ((equal definition "FILE")
+	       (vhdl-insert-keyword " OF ")
+	       (vhdl-template-field "type" ";"))
+	      (t (insert ";")))
+	(when mid-pos
+	  (setq end-pos (point-marker))
+	  (goto-char mid-pos)
+	  (end-of-line))
+	(vhdl-comment-insert-inline)
+	(when end-pos (goto-char end-pos))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-use ()
+  "Insert a use clause."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+     (vhdl-insert-keyword "USE ")
+     (when (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "^\\s-*use\\>"))
+       (vhdl-insert-keyword "..ALL;")
+       (backward-char 6)
+       (when (vhdl-template-field "library name" nil t start (+ (point) 6))
+	 (forward-char 1)
+	 (vhdl-template-field "package name")
+	 (forward-char 5))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-variable ()
+  "Insert a variable declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point))
+	(in-arglist (vhdl-in-argument-list-p)))
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (if (or (save-excursion
+	       (and (re-search-backward
+		     "\\<function\\|procedure\\|process\\|procedural\\|end\\>"
+		     nil t)
+		    (not (progn (backward-word 1) (looking-at "\\<end\\>")))))
+	     (save-excursion (backward-word 1) (looking-at "\\<shared\\>")))
+	 (vhdl-insert-keyword "VARIABLE ")
+       (vhdl-insert-keyword "SHARED VARIABLE ")))
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "names" nil t start (point))
+      (insert " : ")
+      (when in-arglist (vhdl-template-field "[IN | OUT | INOUT]" " " t))
+      (vhdl-template-field "type")
+      (if in-arglist
+	  (progn (insert ";")
+		 (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))
+	(let ((position (point)))
+	  (insert " := ")
+	  (unless (vhdl-template-field "[initialization]" nil t)
+	    (delete-region position (point)))
+	  (insert ";")
+	  (vhdl-comment-insert-inline))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-wait ()
+  "Insert a wait statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-insert-keyword "WAIT ")
+  (unless (vhdl-template-field
+	   "[ON sensitivity list] [UNTIL condition] [FOR time expression]"
+	   nil t)
+    (delete-char -1))
+  (insert ";"))
+(defun vhdl-template-when ()
+  "Indent correctly if within a case statement."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((position (point))
+	margin)
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (if (and (= (current-column) (current-indentation))
+	      (re-search-forward "\\<end\\>" nil t)
+	      (looking-at "\\s-*\\<case\\>"))
+	 (progn
+	   (setq margin (current-indentation))
+	   (goto-char position)
+	   (delete-horizontal-space)
+	   (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))
+       (goto-char position)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "WHEN ")))
+(defun vhdl-template-while-loop ()
+  "Insert a while loop."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((margin (current-indentation))
+	 (start (point))
+	 label)
+    (if (not (eq vhdl-optional-labels 'all))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "WHILE ")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword ": WHILE ")
+      (goto-char start)
+      (setq label (vhdl-template-field "[label]" nil t))
+      (unless label (delete-char 2))
+      (forward-word 1)
+      (forward-char 1))
+    (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert "("))
+    (when (vhdl-template-field "condition" nil t start (point))
+      (when vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis (insert ")"))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " LOOP\n\n")
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END LOOP")
+      (insert (if label (concat " " label ";") ";"))
+      (forward-line -1)
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-with ()
+  "Insert a with statement (i.e. selected signal assignment)."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+   (if (save-excursion
+	 (re-search-backward "\\(\\<limit\\>\\|;\\)")
+	 (equal ";" (match-string 1)))
+       (vhdl-template-selected-signal-asst)
+     (vhdl-insert-keyword "WITH "))))
+;; Special templates
+(defun vhdl-template-clocked-wait ()
+  "Insert a wait statement for rising/falling clock edge."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((start (point))
+	clock)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "WAIT UNTIL ")
+    (when (setq clock
+		(or (and (not (equal "" vhdl-clock-name))
+			 (progn (insert vhdl-clock-name) vhdl-clock-name))
+		    (vhdl-template-field "clock name" nil t start (point))))
+      (insert "'event")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " AND ")
+      (insert clock)
+      (insert
+       " = " (if vhdl-clock-rising-edge vhdl-one-string vhdl-zero-string) ";")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline
+       (concat (if vhdl-clock-rising-edge "rising" "falling")
+	       " clock edge")))))
+(defun vhdl-template-seq-process (clock reset)
+  "Insert a template for the body of a sequential process."
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	position)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "IF ")
+    (when (eq vhdl-reset-kind 'async)
+      (insert reset " = "
+	      (if vhdl-reset-active-high vhdl-one-string vhdl-zero-string))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " THEN")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline
+       (concat "asynchronous reset (active "
+	       (if vhdl-reset-active-high "high" "low") ")"))
+      (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (setq position (point))
+      (insert "\n") (indent-to margin)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "ELSIF "))
+    (if (eq vhdl-clock-edge-condition 'function)
+	(insert (if vhdl-clock-rising-edge "rising" "falling")
+		"_edge(" clock ")")
+      (insert clock "'event")
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " AND ")
+      (insert clock " = "
+	      (if vhdl-clock-rising-edge vhdl-one-string vhdl-zero-string)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword " THEN")
+    (vhdl-comment-insert-inline
+     (concat (if vhdl-clock-rising-edge "rising" "falling") " clock edge"))
+    (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+    (when (eq vhdl-reset-kind 'sync)
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "IF ")
+      (setq reset (or (and (not (equal "" vhdl-reset-name))
+			   (progn (insert vhdl-reset-name) vhdl-reset-name))
+		      (vhdl-template-field "reset name") "<reset>"))
+      (insert " = "
+	      (if vhdl-reset-active-high vhdl-one-string vhdl-zero-string))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " THEN")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline
+       (concat "synchronous reset (active "
+	       (if vhdl-reset-active-high "high" "low") ")"))
+      (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin (* 2 vhdl-basic-offset)))
+      (setq position (point))
+      (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "ELSE")
+      (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin (* 2 vhdl-basic-offset)))
+      (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "END IF;"))
+    (when (eq vhdl-reset-kind 'none)
+      (setq position (point)))
+    (insert "\n") (indent-to margin)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "END IF;")
+    (goto-char position)
+    reset))
+(defun vhdl-template-standard-package (library package)
+  "Insert specification of a standard package.  Include a library
+specification, if not already there."
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation)))
+    (unless (equal library "std")
+      (save-excursion
+	(vhdl-prepare-search-1
+	 (and (not (bobp))
+	      (re-search-backward
+	       (concat "^\\s-*\\(library\\s-+\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+,\\s-+\\)*"
+		       library "\\|end\\)\\>") nil t))))
+      (unless (and (match-string 1) (string-match "library" (match-string 1)))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "LIBRARY ")
+	(insert library ";\n")
+	(indent-to margin)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "USE ")
+    (insert library "." package)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword ".ALL;")))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-math-complex ()
+  "Insert specification of `math_complex' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "math_complex"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-math-real ()
+  "Insert specification of `math_real' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "math_real"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-numeric-bit ()
+  "Insert specification of `numeric_bit' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "numeric_bit"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-numeric-std ()
+  "Insert specification of `numeric_std' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "numeric_std"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-std-logic-1164 ()
+  "Insert specification of `std_logic_1164' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "std_logic_1164"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-std-logic-arith ()
+  "Insert specification of `std_logic_arith' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "std_logic_arith"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-std-logic-misc ()
+  "Insert specification of `std_logic_misc' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "std_logic_misc"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-std-logic-signed ()
+  "Insert specification of `std_logic_signed' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "std_logic_signed"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-std-logic-textio ()
+  "Insert specification of `std_logic_textio' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "std_logic_textio"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-std-logic-unsigned ()
+  "Insert specification of `std_logic_unsigned' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "ieee" "std_logic_unsigned"))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-textio ()
+  "Insert specification of `textio' package."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-standard-package "std" "textio"))
+(defun vhdl-template-directive (directive)
+  "Insert directive."
+  (unless (= (current-indentation) (current-column))
+    (delete-horizontal-space)
+    (insert "  "))
+  (insert "-- pragma " directive))
+(defun vhdl-template-directive-translate-on ()
+  "Insert directive 'translate_on'."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-directive "translate_on"))
+(defun vhdl-template-directive-translate-off ()
+  "Insert directive 'translate_off'."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-directive "translate_off"))
+(defun vhdl-template-directive-synthesis-on ()
+  "Insert directive 'synthesis_on'."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-directive "synthesis_on"))
+(defun vhdl-template-directive-synthesis-off ()
+  "Insert directive 'synthesis_off'."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-template-directive "synthesis_off"))
+;; Comment templates and functions
+(defun vhdl-comment-indent ()
+  "Indent comments."
+  (let* ((position (point))
+	 (col
+	  (progn
+	    (forward-line -1)
+	    (if (re-search-forward "--" position t)
+		(- (current-column) 2)	; existing comment at bol stays there
+	      (goto-char position)
+	      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+	      (max comment-column	; else indent to comment column
+		   (1+ (current-column))))))) ; except leave at least one space
+    (goto-char position)
+    col))
+(defun vhdl-comment-insert ()
+  "Start a comment at the end of the line.
+If on line with code, indent at least `comment-column'.
+If starting after end-comment-column, start a new line."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (> (current-column) end-comment-column) (newline-and-indent))
+  (if (or (looking-at "\\s-*$") ; end of line
+	  (and (not unread-command-events) ; called with key binding or menu
+	       (not (end-of-line))))
+      (let (margin)
+	(while (= (preceding-char) ?-) (delete-char -1))
+	(setq margin (current-column))
+	(delete-horizontal-space)
+	(if (bolp)
+	    (progn (indent-to margin) (insert "--"))
+	  (insert "  ")
+	  (indent-to comment-column)
+	  (insert "--"))
+	(if (not unread-command-events) (insert " ")))
+    ;; else code following current point implies commenting out code
+    (let (next-input code)
+      (while (= (preceding-char) ?-) (delete-char -2))
+      (while (= (setq next-input (read-char)) 13) ; CR
+	(insert "--") ; or have a space after it?
+	(forward-char -2)
+	(forward-line 1)
+	(message "Enter CR if commenting out a line of code.")
+	(setq code t))
+      (when (not code)
+	(insert "--")) ; hardwire to 1 space or use vhdl-basic-offset?
+      (setq unread-command-events
+	    (list (vhdl-character-to-event next-input)))))) ; pushback the char
+(defun vhdl-comment-display (&optional line-exists)
+  "Add 2 comment lines at the current indent, making a display comment."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation)))
+    (when (not line-exists) (vhdl-comment-display-line))
+    (insert "\n") (indent-to margin)
+    (insert "\n") (indent-to margin)
+    (vhdl-comment-display-line)
+    (end-of-line -0)
+    (insert "-- ")))
+(defun vhdl-comment-display-line ()
+  "Displays one line of dashes."
+  (interactive)
+  (while (= (preceding-char) ?-) (delete-char -2))
+  (let* ((col (current-column))
+	 (len (- end-comment-column col)))
+    (insert-char ?- len)))
+(defun vhdl-comment-append-inline ()
+  "Append empty inline comment to current line."
+  (interactive)
+  (end-of-line)
+  (delete-horizontal-space)
+  (insert "  ")
+  (indent-to comment-column)
+  (insert "-- "))
+(defun vhdl-comment-insert-inline (&optional string always-insert)
+  "Insert inline comment."
+  (when (or (and string (or vhdl-self-insert-comments always-insert))
+	    (and (not string) vhdl-prompt-for-comments))
+    (let ((position (point)))
+      (insert "  ")
+      (indent-to comment-column)
+      (insert "-- ")
+      (if (not (or (and string (progn (insert string) t))
+		   (vhdl-template-field "[comment]" nil t)))
+	  (delete-region position (point))
+	(while (= (preceding-char) ? ) (delete-backward-char 1))
+	(when (> (current-column) end-comment-column)
+	  (setq position (point-marker))
+	  (re-search-backward "-- ")
+	  (insert "\n")
+	  (indent-to comment-column)
+	  (goto-char position))))))
+(defun vhdl-comment-block ()
+  "Insert comment for code block."
+  (when vhdl-prompt-for-comments
+    (let ((final-pos (point-marker)))
+      (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+       (when (and (re-search-backward "^\\s-*begin\\>" nil t)
+		  (re-search-backward "\\<\\(architecture\\|block\\|function\\|procedure\\|process\\|procedural\\)\\>" nil t))
+	 (let (margin)
+	   (back-to-indentation)
+	   (setq margin (current-column))
+	   (end-of-line -0)
+	   (if (bobp)
+	       (progn (insert "\n") (forward-line -1))
+	     (insert "\n"))
+	   (indent-to margin)
+	   (insert "-- purpose: ")
+	   (unless (vhdl-template-field "[description]" nil t)
+	     (vhdl-line-kill-entire)))))
+      (goto-char final-pos))))
+(defun vhdl-comment-uncomment-region (beg end &optional arg)
+  "Comment out region if not commented out, uncomment otherwise."
+  (interactive "r\nP")
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (1- end))
+    (end-of-line)
+    (setq end (point-marker))
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (setq beg (point))
+    (if (looking-at comment-start)
+	(comment-region beg end -1)
+      (comment-region beg end))))
+(defun vhdl-comment-uncomment-line (&optional arg)
+  "Comment out line if not commented out, uncomment otherwise."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (let ((position (point)))
+      (forward-line (or arg 1))
+      (vhdl-comment-uncomment-region position (point)))))
+(defun vhdl-comment-kill-region (beg end)
+  "Kill comments in region."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char end)
+    (setq end (point-marker))
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (while (< (point) end)
+      (if (looking-at "^\\(\\s-*--.*\n\\)")
+	  (progn (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+	(beginning-of-line 2)))))
+(defun vhdl-comment-kill-inline-region (beg end)
+  "Kill inline comments in region."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char end)
+    (setq end (point-marker))
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (while (< (point) end)
+      (when (looking-at "^.*[^ \t\n-]+\\(\\s-*--.*\\)$")
+	(delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+      (beginning-of-line 2))))
+;; Subtemplates
+(defun vhdl-template-begin-end (construct name margin &optional empty-lines)
+  "Insert a begin ... end pair with optional name after the end.
+Point is left between them."
+  (let (position)
+    (insert "\n")
+    (when (or empty-lines (eq vhdl-insert-empty-lines 'all)) (insert "\n"))
+    (indent-to margin)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "BEGIN")
+    (when (and (or construct name) vhdl-self-insert-comments)
+      (insert "  --")
+      (when construct (insert " ") (vhdl-insert-keyword construct))
+      (when name (insert " " name)))
+    (insert "\n")
+    (when (or empty-lines (eq vhdl-insert-empty-lines 'all)) (insert "\n"))
+    (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+    (setq position (point))
+    (insert "\n")
+    (when (or empty-lines (eq vhdl-insert-empty-lines 'all)) (insert "\n"))
+    (indent-to margin)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "END")
+    (when construct (insert " ") (vhdl-insert-keyword construct))
+    (insert (if name (concat " " name) "") ";")
+    (goto-char position)))
+(defun vhdl-template-argument-list (&optional is-function)
+  "Read from user a procedure or function argument list."
+  (insert " (")
+  (let ((margin (current-column))
+	(start (point))
+	(end-pos (point))
+	not-empty interface semicolon-pos)
+    (when (not vhdl-argument-list-indent)
+      (setq margin (+ (current-indentation) vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to margin))
+    (setq interface (vhdl-template-field
+		     (concat "[CONSTANT | SIGNAL"
+			     (unless is-function " | VARIABLE") "]") " " t))
+    (while (vhdl-template-field "[names]" nil t)
+      (setq not-empty t)
+      (insert " : ")
+      (when (not is-function)
+	(if (and interface (equal (upcase interface) "CONSTANT"))
+	    (vhdl-insert-keyword "IN ")
+	  (vhdl-template-field "[IN | OUT | INOUT]" " " t)))
+      (vhdl-template-field "type")
+      (setq semicolon-pos (point))
+      (insert ";")
+      (vhdl-comment-insert-inline)
+      (setq end-pos (point))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (indent-to margin)
+      (setq interface (vhdl-template-field
+		       (concat "[CONSTANT | SIGNAL"
+			       (unless is-function " | VARIABLE") "]") " " t)))
+    (delete-region end-pos (point))
+    (when semicolon-pos (goto-char semicolon-pos))
+    (if not-empty
+	(progn (delete-char 1) (insert ")"))
+      (delete-backward-char 2))))
+(defun vhdl-template-generic-list (optional &optional no-value)
+  "Read from user a generic spec argument list."
+  (let (margin
+	(start (point)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "GENERIC (")
+    (setq margin (current-column))
+    (when (not vhdl-argument-list-indent)
+      (let ((position (point)))
+	(back-to-indentation)
+	(setq margin (+ (current-column) vhdl-basic-offset))
+	(goto-char position)
+	(insert "\n")
+	(indent-to margin)))
+    (let ((vhdl-generics (vhdl-template-field
+			  (concat (and optional "[") "name"
+				  (and no-value "s") (and optional "]"))
+			  nil optional)))
+      (if (not vhdl-generics)
+	  (if optional
+	      (progn (vhdl-line-kill-entire) (end-of-line -0)
+		     (when (not vhdl-argument-list-indent)
+		       (vhdl-line-kill-entire) (end-of-line -0)))
+	    (vhdl-template-undo start (point))
+	    nil )
+	(insert " : ")
+	(let (semicolon-pos end-pos)
+	  (while vhdl-generics
+	    (vhdl-template-field "type")
+	    (if no-value
+		(progn (setq semicolon-pos (point))
+		       (insert ";"))
+	      (insert " := ")
+	      (unless (vhdl-template-field "[value]" nil t)
+		(delete-char -4))
+	      (setq semicolon-pos (point))
+	      (insert ";"))
+	    (vhdl-comment-insert-inline)
+	    (setq end-pos (point))
+ 	    (insert "\n")
+	    (indent-to margin)
+	    (setq vhdl-generics (vhdl-template-field
+				 (concat "[name" (and no-value "s") "]")
+				 " : " t)))
+	  (delete-region end-pos (point))
+	  (goto-char semicolon-pos)
+	  (insert ")")
+	  (end-of-line)
+	  (when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1))
+	  t)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-port-list (optional)
+  "Read from user a port spec argument list."
+  (let ((start (point))
+	margin vhdl-ports object)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "PORT (")
+    (setq margin (current-column))
+    (when (not vhdl-argument-list-indent)
+      (let ((position (point)))
+	(back-to-indentation)
+	(setq margin (+ (current-column) vhdl-basic-offset))
+	(goto-char position)
+	(insert "\n")
+	(indent-to margin)))
+    (when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams)
+      (setq object (vhdl-template-field "[SIGNAL | TERMINAL | QUANTITY]"
+					" " t)))
+    (setq vhdl-ports (vhdl-template-field
+		      (concat (and optional "[") "names" (and optional "]"))
+		      nil optional))
+    (if (not vhdl-ports)
+	(if optional
+	    (progn (vhdl-line-kill-entire) (end-of-line -0)
+		   (when (not vhdl-argument-list-indent)
+		     (vhdl-line-kill-entire) (end-of-line -0)))
+	  (vhdl-template-undo start (point))
+	  nil)
+      (insert " : ")
+      (let (semicolon-pos end-pos)
+	(while vhdl-ports
+	  (cond ((or (null object) (equal "SIGNAL" (upcase object)))
+		 (vhdl-template-field "IN | OUT | INOUT" " "))
+		((equal "QUANTITY" (upcase object))
+		 (vhdl-template-field "[IN | OUT]" " " t)))
+	  (vhdl-template-field
+	   (if (and object (equal "TERMINAL" (upcase object)))
+		    "nature" "type"))
+	  (setq semicolon-pos (point))
+	  (insert ";")
+	  (vhdl-comment-insert-inline)
+	  (setq end-pos (point))
+	  (insert "\n")
+	  (indent-to margin)
+	  (when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams)
+	    (setq object (vhdl-template-field "[SIGNAL | TERMINAL | QUANTITY]"
+					      " " t)))
+	  (setq vhdl-ports (vhdl-template-field "[names]" " : " t)))
+	(delete-region end-pos (point))
+	(goto-char semicolon-pos)
+	(insert ")")
+	(end-of-line)
+	(when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start end-pos 1))
+	t))))
+(defun vhdl-template-generate-body (margin label)
+  "Insert body for generate template."
+  (vhdl-insert-keyword " GENERATE")
+  (if (not (vhdl-standard-p '87))
+      (vhdl-template-begin-end "GENERATE" label margin)
+    (insert "\n\n")
+    (indent-to margin)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "END GENERATE ")
+    (insert label ";")
+    (end-of-line 0)
+    (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))))
+(defun vhdl-template-insert-date ()
+  "Insert date in appropriate format."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert
+   (cond
+    ;; 'american, 'european, 'scientific kept for backward compatibility
+    ((eq vhdl-date-format 'american) (format-time-string "%m/%d/%Y" nil))
+    ((eq vhdl-date-format 'european) (format-time-string "%d.%m.%Y" nil))
+    ((eq vhdl-date-format 'scientific) (format-time-string "%Y/%m/%d" nil))
+    (t (format-time-string vhdl-date-format nil)))))
+;; Help functions
+(defun vhdl-electric-space (count)
+  "Expand abbreviations and self-insert space(s), do indent-new-comment-line
+if in comment and past end-comment-column."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (cond ((vhdl-in-comment-p)
+	 (self-insert-command count)
+	 (cond ((>= (current-column) (+ 2 end-comment-column))
+		(backward-char 1)
+		(skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n")
+		(indent-new-comment-line)
+		(skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
+		(forward-char 1))
+	       ((>= (current-column) end-comment-column)
+		(indent-new-comment-line))
+	       (t nil)))
+	((or (and (>= (preceding-char) ?a) (<= (preceding-char) ?z))
+	     (and (>= (preceding-char) ?A) (<= (preceding-char) ?Z)))
+	 (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+	  (expand-abbrev))
+	 (self-insert-command count))
+	(t (self-insert-command count))))
+(defun vhdl-template-field (prompt &optional follow-string optional
+				   begin end is-string default)
+  "Prompt for string and insert it in buffer with optional FOLLOW-STRING.
+If OPTIONAL is nil, the prompt is left if an empty string is inserted.  If
+an empty string is inserted, return nil and call `vhdl-template-undo' for
+the region between BEGIN and END.  IS-STRING indicates whether a string
+with double-quotes is to be inserted.  DEFAULT specifies a default string."
+  (let ((position (point))
+	string)
+    (insert "<" prompt ">")
+    (setq string
+	  (condition-case ()
+	      (read-from-minibuffer (concat prompt ": ")
+				    (or (and is-string '("\"\"" . 2)) default)
+				    vhdl-minibuffer-local-map)
+	    (quit (if (and optional begin end)
+		      (progn (beep) "")
+		    (keyboard-quit)))))
+    (when (or (not (equal string "")) optional)
+      (delete-region position (point)))
+    (when (and (equal string "") optional begin end)
+      (vhdl-template-undo begin end)
+      (message "Template aborted"))
+    (when (not (equal string ""))
+      (insert string)
+      (vhdl-fix-case-region-1 position (point) vhdl-upper-case-keywords
+			      vhdl-keywords-regexp))
+    (when (or (not (equal string "")) (not optional))
+      (insert (or follow-string "")))
+    (if (equal string "") nil string)))
+(defun vhdl-decision-query (string prompt &optional optional)
+  "Query a decision from the user."
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (when string (vhdl-insert-keyword (concat string " ")))
+    (message prompt)
+    (let ((char (read-char)))
+      (delete-region start (point))
+      (if (and optional (eq char ?\r))
+	  (progn (insert " ")
+		 (unexpand-abbrev)
+		 (throw 'abort "Template aborted"))
+	char))))
+(defun vhdl-insert-keyword (keyword)
+  "Insert KEYWORD and adjust case."
+  (insert (if vhdl-upper-case-keywords (upcase keyword) (downcase keyword))))
+(defun vhdl-case-keyword (keyword)
+  "Adjust case of KEYWORD."
+  (if vhdl-upper-case-keywords (upcase keyword) (downcase keyword)))
+(defun vhdl-case-word (num)
+  "Adjust case or following NUM words."
+  (if vhdl-upper-case-keywords (upcase-word num) (downcase-word num)))
+(defun vhdl-minibuffer-tab (&optional prefix-arg)
+  "If preceeding character is part of a word or a paren then hippie-expand,
+else if right of non whitespace on line then tab-to-tab-stop,
+else indent line in proper way for current major mode (used for word
+completion in VHDL minibuffer)."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (cond ((= (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?w)
+	 (let ((case-fold-search (not vhdl-word-completion-case-sensitive))
+	       (case-replace nil))
+	   (vhdl-expand-abbrev prefix-arg)))
+	((or (= (preceding-char) ?\() (= (preceding-char) ?\)))
+	 (let ((case-fold-search (not vhdl-word-completion-case-sensitive))
+	       (case-replace nil))
+	   (vhdl-expand-paren prefix-arg)))
+	((> (current-column) (current-indentation))
+ 	 (tab-to-tab-stop))
+	(t (if (eq indent-line-function 'indent-to-left-margin)
+	       (insert-tab prefix-arg)
+	     (if prefix-arg
+		 (funcall indent-line-function prefix-arg)
+	       (funcall indent-line-function))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-search-prompt ()
+  "Search for left out template prompts and query again."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+   (when (or (re-search-forward
+	      (concat "<\\(" vhdl-template-prompt-syntax "\\)>") nil t)
+	     (re-search-backward
+	      (concat "<\\(" vhdl-template-prompt-syntax "\\)>") nil t))
+     (let ((string (match-string 1)))
+       (replace-match "")
+       (vhdl-template-field string)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-undo (begin end)
+  "Undo aborted template by deleting region and unexpanding the keyword."
+  (cond (vhdl-template-invoked-by-hook
+	 (goto-char end)
+	 (insert " ")
+	 (delete-region begin end)
+	 (unexpand-abbrev))
+	(t (delete-region begin end))))
+(defun vhdl-insert-string-or-file (string)
+  "Insert STRING or file contents if STRING is an existing file name."
+  (unless (equal string "")
+    (cond ((file-exists-p (progn (string-match "^\\([^\n]+\\)"string)
+				 (match-string 1 string)))
+	   (forward-char (cadr (insert-file-contents string))))
+	  (t (insert string)))))
+(defun vhdl-sequential-statement-p ()
+  "Check if point is within sequential statement part."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((start (point)))
+      (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+       (set-match-data nil)
+       (while (and (re-search-backward "^\\s-*\\(begin\\|end\\(\\s-*\\(case\\|if\\|loop\\)\\)?\\)\\>"
+				       nil t)
+		   (match-string 2)))
+       (and (match-data)
+	    (equal "BEGIN" (upcase (match-string 1)))
+	    (re-search-backward "^\\s-*\\(\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*\\)?\\(\\w+\\s-+\\)?\\(function\\|procedure\\|process\\|procedural\\|end\\)\\>"
+				nil t)
+	    (not (equal "END" (upcase (match-string 3)))))))))
+(defun vhdl-in-argument-list-p ()
+  "Check if within an argument list."
+  (save-excursion
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (or (string-match "arglist"
+		       (format "%s" (car (car (vhdl-get-syntactic-context)))))
+	 (progn (beginning-of-line)
+		(looking-at "^\\s-*\\(generic\\|port\\|\\(\\(impure\\|pure\\)\\s-+\\|\\)function\\|procedure\\)\\>\\s-*\\(\\w+\\s-*\\)?(")
+		)))))
+;; Abbrev hooks
+(defun vhdl-hooked-abbrev (func)
+  "Do function, if syntax says abbrev is a keyword, invoked by hooked abbrev,
+but not if inside a comment or quote)."
+  (if (or (vhdl-in-comment-p)
+	  (vhdl-in-string-p)
+	  (save-excursion
+	    (forward-word -1)
+	    (and (looking-at "\\<end\\>") (not (looking-at "\\<end;")))))
+      (progn
+	(insert " ")
+	(unexpand-abbrev)
+	(delete-char -1))
+    (if (not vhdl-electric-mode)
+	(progn
+	  (insert " ")
+	  (unexpand-abbrev)
+	  (backward-word 1)
+	  (vhdl-case-word 1)
+	  (delete-char 1))
+      (let ((invoke-char last-command-char)
+	    (abbrev-mode -1)
+	    (vhdl-template-invoked-by-hook t))
+	(let ((caught (catch 'abort
+			(funcall func))))
+	  (when (stringp caught) (message caught)))
+	(when (= invoke-char ?-) (setq abbrev-start-location (point)))
+	;; delete CR which is still in event queue
+	(if vhdl-xemacs
+	    (enqueue-eval-event 'delete-char -1)
+	  (setq unread-command-events	; push back a delete char
+		(list (vhdl-character-to-event ?\177))))))))
+(defun vhdl-template-alias-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-alias))
+(defun vhdl-template-architecture-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-architecture))
+(defun vhdl-template-assert-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-assert))
+(defun vhdl-template-attribute-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-attribute))
+(defun vhdl-template-block-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-block))
+(defun vhdl-template-break-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-break))
+(defun vhdl-template-case-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-case))
+(defun vhdl-template-component-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-component))
+(defun vhdl-template-instance-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-instance))
+(defun vhdl-template-conditional-signal-asst-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-conditional-signal-asst))
+(defun vhdl-template-configuration-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-configuration))
+(defun vhdl-template-constant-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-constant))
+(defun vhdl-template-disconnect-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-disconnect))
+(defun vhdl-template-display-comment-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-comment-display))
+(defun vhdl-template-else-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-else))
+(defun vhdl-template-elsif-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-elsif))
+(defun vhdl-template-entity-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-entity))
+(defun vhdl-template-exit-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-exit))
+(defun vhdl-template-file-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-file))
+(defun vhdl-template-for-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-for))
+(defun vhdl-template-function-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-function))
+(defun vhdl-template-generic-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-generic))
+(defun vhdl-template-group-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-group))
+(defun vhdl-template-library-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-library))
+(defun vhdl-template-limit-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-limit))
+(defun vhdl-template-if-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-if))
+(defun vhdl-template-bare-loop-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-bare-loop))
+(defun vhdl-template-map-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-map))
+(defun vhdl-template-nature-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-nature))
+(defun vhdl-template-next-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-next))
+(defun vhdl-template-package-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-package))
+(defun vhdl-template-port-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-port))
+(defun vhdl-template-procedural-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-procedural))
+(defun vhdl-template-procedure-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-procedure))
+(defun vhdl-template-process-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-process))
+(defun vhdl-template-quantity-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-quantity))
+(defun vhdl-template-report-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-report))
+(defun vhdl-template-return-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-return))
+(defun vhdl-template-selected-signal-asst-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-selected-signal-asst))
+(defun vhdl-template-signal-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-signal))
+(defun vhdl-template-subnature-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-subnature))
+(defun vhdl-template-subtype-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-subtype))
+(defun vhdl-template-terminal-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-terminal))
+(defun vhdl-template-type-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-type))
+(defun vhdl-template-use-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-use))
+(defun vhdl-template-variable-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-variable))
+(defun vhdl-template-wait-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-wait))
+(defun vhdl-template-when-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-when))
+(defun vhdl-template-while-loop-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-while-loop))
+(defun vhdl-template-with-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-with))
+(defun vhdl-template-and-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-and))
+(defun vhdl-template-or-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-or))
+(defun vhdl-template-nand-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-nand))
+(defun vhdl-template-nor-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-nor))
+(defun vhdl-template-xor-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-xor))
+(defun vhdl-template-xnor-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-xnor))
+(defun vhdl-template-not-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-not))
+(defun vhdl-template-default-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-default))
+(defun vhdl-template-default-indent-hook ()
+  (vhdl-hooked-abbrev 'vhdl-template-default-indent))
+;; Template insertion from completion list
+(defun vhdl-template-insert-construct (name)
+  "Insert the built-in construct template with NAME."
+  (interactive
+   (list (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
+	   (completing-read "Construct name: "
+			    vhdl-template-construct-alist nil t))))
+  (vhdl-template-insert-fun
+   (car (cdr (assoc name vhdl-template-construct-alist)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-insert-package (name)
+  "Insert the built-in package template with NAME."
+  (interactive
+   (list (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
+	   (completing-read "Package name: "
+			    vhdl-template-package-alist nil t))))
+  (vhdl-template-insert-fun
+   (car (cdr (assoc name vhdl-template-package-alist)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-insert-directive (name)
+  "Insert the built-in directive template with NAME."
+  (interactive
+   (list (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
+	   (completing-read "Directive name: "
+			    vhdl-template-directive-alist nil t))))
+  (vhdl-template-insert-fun
+   (car (cdr (assoc name vhdl-template-directive-alist)))))
+(defun vhdl-template-insert-fun (fun)
+  "Call FUN to insert a built-in template."
+  (let ((caught (catch 'abort (when fun (funcall fun)))))
+    (when (stringp caught) (message caught))))
+;;; Models
+(defun vhdl-model-insert (model-name)
+  "Insert the user model with name MODEL-NAME."
+  (interactive
+   (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
+     (list (completing-read "Model name: " vhdl-model-alist))))
+  (vhdl-indent-line)
+  (let ((start (point-marker))
+	(margin (current-indentation))
+	model position prompt string end)
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (when (setq model (assoc model-name vhdl-model-alist))
+       ;; insert model
+       (beginning-of-line)
+       (delete-horizontal-space)
+       (goto-char start)
+       (vhdl-insert-string-or-file (nth 1 model))
+       (setq end (point-marker))
+       ;; indent code
+       (goto-char start)
+       (beginning-of-line)
+       (while (< (point) end)
+	 (unless (looking-at "^$")
+	   (insert-char ?  margin))
+	 (beginning-of-line 2))
+       (goto-char start)
+       ;; insert clock
+       (unless (equal "" vhdl-clock-name)
+	 (while (re-search-forward "<clock>" end t)
+	   (replace-match vhdl-clock-name)))
+       (goto-char start)
+       ;; insert reset
+       (unless (equal "" vhdl-reset-name)
+	 (while (re-search-forward "<reset>" end t)
+	   (replace-match vhdl-reset-name)))
+       (goto-char start)
+       ;; query prompts
+       (while (re-search-forward
+	       (concat "<\\(" vhdl-template-prompt-syntax "\\)>") end t)
+	 (unless (equal "cursor" (match-string 1))
+	   (setq position (match-beginning 1))
+	   (setq prompt (match-string 1))
+	   (replace-match "")
+	   (setq string (vhdl-template-field prompt nil t))
+	   ;; replace occurrences of same prompt
+	   (while (re-search-forward (concat "<\\(" prompt "\\)>") end t)
+	     (replace-match (or string "")))
+	   (goto-char position)))
+       (goto-char start)
+       ;; goto final position
+       (if (re-search-forward "<cursor>" end t)
+	   (replace-match "")
+	 (goto-char end))))))
+(defun vhdl-model-defun ()
+  "Define help and hook functions for user models."
+  (let ((model-alist vhdl-model-alist)
+	model-name model-keyword)
+    (while model-alist
+      ;; define functions for user models that can be invoked from menu and key
+      ;; bindings and which themselves call `vhdl-model-insert' with the model
+      ;; name as argument
+      (setq model-name (nth 0 (car model-alist)))
+      (eval `(defun ,(vhdl-function-name "vhdl-model" model-name) ()
+	       ,(concat "Insert model for \"" model-name "\".")
+	       (interactive)
+	       (vhdl-model-insert ,model-name)))
+      ;; define hooks for user models that are invoked from keyword abbrevs
+      (setq model-keyword (nth 3 (car model-alist)))
+      (unless (equal model-keyword "")
+	(eval `(defun
+		 ,(vhdl-function-name
+		   "vhdl-model" model-name "hook") ()
+		 (vhdl-hooked-abbrev
+		  ',(vhdl-function-name "vhdl-model" model-name)))))
+      (setq model-alist (cdr model-alist)))))
+;;; Port translation
+(defvar vhdl-port-list nil
+  "Variable to hold last PORT map parsed.")
+;; structure: (parenthesised expression means list of such entries)
+;; ((generic-names) generic-type generic-init generic-comment group-comment)
+;; ((port-names) port-object port-direct port-type port-comment group-comment)
+(defun vhdl-parse-string (string &optional optional)
+  "Check that the text following point matches the regexp in STRING.
+END is the point beyond which matching/searching should not go."
+  (if (looking-at string)
+      (goto-char (match-end 0))
+    (unless optional
+      (throw 'parse (format "Syntax error near line %s" (vhdl-current-line))))
+    nil))
+(defun vhdl-replace-string (regexp-cons string)
+  "Replace STRING from car of REGEXP-CONS to cdr of REGEXP-CONS."
+  (vhdl-prepare-search-1
+   (if (string-match (car regexp-cons) string)
+       (replace-match (cdr regexp-cons) t nil string)
+     string)))
+(defun vhdl-port-parse-group-comment ()
+  "Parse comment and empty lines between groups of lines."
+  (let ((start (point))
+	string)
+    (forward-comment (point-max))
+    (setq string (buffer-substring start (point)))
+    ;; strip off leading blanks and first newline
+    (while (string-match "^\\(\\s-+\\)" string)
+      (setq string (concat (substring string 0 (match-beginning 1))
+			   (substring string (match-end 1)))))
+    (if (and (not (equal string "")) (equal (substring string 0 1) "\n"))
+	(substring string 1)
+      string)))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-group-comment (string indent)
+  "Paste comment and empty lines from STRING between groups of lines
+with INDENT."
+  (when (> indent 0)
+    (while (string-match "^\\(--\\)" string)
+      (setq string (concat (substring string 0 (match-beginning 1))
+			   (make-string indent ? )
+			   (substring string (match-beginning 1))))))
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (insert string)
+  (end-of-line))
+(defun vhdl-port-flatten ()
+  "Flatten port list so that only one generic/port exists per line."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not vhdl-port-list)
+      (error "No port read")
+    (message "Flattening port...")
+    (let ((new-vhdl-port-list (list (car vhdl-port-list)))
+	  (old-vhdl-port-list (cdr vhdl-port-list))
+	  old-port-list new-port-list old-port new-port names)
+      ;; traverse port list and flatten entries
+      (while old-vhdl-port-list
+	(setq old-port-list (car old-vhdl-port-list))
+	(setq new-port-list nil)
+	(while old-port-list
+	  (setq old-port (car old-port-list))
+	  (setq names (car old-port))
+	  (while names
+	    (setq new-port (cons (list (car names)) (cdr old-port)))
+	    (setq new-port-list (append new-port-list (list new-port)))
+	    (setq names (cdr names)))
+	  (setq old-port-list (cdr old-port-list)))
+	(setq old-vhdl-port-list (cdr old-vhdl-port-list))
+	(setq new-vhdl-port-list (append new-vhdl-port-list
+					 (list new-port-list))))
+      (setq vhdl-port-list new-vhdl-port-list)
+      (message "Flattening port...done"))))
+(defun vhdl-port-copy ()
+  "Get generic and port information from an entity or component declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (message "Reading port...")
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (parse-error end-of-list
+	  name generics ports
+	  object names direct type init comment group-comment)
+      (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+       (setq
+	parse-error
+	(catch 'parse
+	  ;; check if within entity or component declaration
+	  (when (or (not (re-search-backward
+			  "^\\s-*\\(component\\|entity\\|end\\)\\>" nil t))
+		    (equal "END" (upcase (match-string 1))))
+	    (throw 'parse "Not within entity or component declaration"))
+	  (forward-word 1)
+	  (vhdl-parse-string "\\s-*\\(\\w+\\)\\s-*\\(is\\)?\\s-*$")
+	  (setq name (match-string 1))
+	  (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)
+	  ;; parse generic clause
+	  (when (vhdl-parse-string "generic[ \t\n]*(" t)
+	    ;; parse group comment and spacing
+	    (setq group-comment (vhdl-port-parse-group-comment))
+	    (setq end-of-list (looking-at ")"))
+	    (while (not end-of-list)
+	      ;; parse names
+	      (vhdl-parse-string "\\(\\w+\\)[ \t\n]*")
+	      (setq names (list (match-string 1)))
+	      (while (vhdl-parse-string ",[ \t\n]*\\(\\w+\\)[ \t\n]*" t)
+		(setq names (append names (list (match-string 1)))))
+	      ;; parse type
+	      (vhdl-parse-string ":[ \t\n]*\\([^():;\n]+\\)")
+	      (setq type (match-string 1))
+	      (setq comment nil)
+	      (while (looking-at "(")
+		(setq type
+		      (concat type
+			      (buffer-substring
+			       (point) (progn (forward-sexp) (point)))
+			      (and (vhdl-parse-string "\\([^():;\n]*\\)" t)
+				   (match-string 1)))))
+	      ;; special case: closing parenthesis is on separate line
+	      (when (and type (string-match "\\(\\s-*--\\s-*\\)\\(.*\\)" type))
+		(setq comment (substring type (match-beginning 2)))
+		(setq type (substring type 0 (match-beginning 1))))
+	      ;; strip of trailing group-comment
+	      (string-match "\\(\\(\\s-*\\S-+\\)+\\)\\s-*" type)
+	      (setq type (substring type 0 (match-end 1)))
+	      ;; parse initialization expression
+	      (setq init nil)
+	      (when (vhdl-parse-string ":=[ \t\n]*" t)
+		(vhdl-parse-string "\\([^();\n]*\\)")
+		(setq init (match-string 1))
+		(while (looking-at "(")
+		  (setq init
+			(concat init
+				(buffer-substring
+				 (point) (progn (forward-sexp) (point)))
+				(and (vhdl-parse-string "\\([^();\n]*\\)" t)
+				     (match-string 1))))))
+	      ;; special case: closing parenthesis is on separate line
+	      (when (and init (string-match "\\(\\s-*--\\s-*\\)\\(.*\\)" init))
+		(setq comment (substring init (match-beginning 2)))
+		(setq init (substring init 0 (match-beginning 1)))
+		(vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws))
+	      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+	      ;; parse inline comment, special case: as above, no initial.
+	      (unless comment
+		(setq comment (and (vhdl-parse-string "--\\s-*\\([^\n]*\\)" t)
+				   (match-string 1))))
+	      (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)
+	      (setq end-of-list (vhdl-parse-string ")" t))
+	      (vhdl-parse-string "\\s-*;\\s-*")
+	      ;; parse inline comment
+	      (unless comment
+		(setq comment (and (vhdl-parse-string "--\\s-*\\([^\n]*\\)" t)
+				   (match-string 1))))
+	      ;; save everything in list
+	      (setq generics (append generics
+				     (list (list names type init
+						 comment group-comment))))
+	      ;; parse group comment and spacing
+	      (setq group-comment (vhdl-port-parse-group-comment))))
+	  ;; parse port clause
+	  (when (vhdl-parse-string "port[ \t\n]*(" t)
+	    ;; parse group comment and spacing
+	    (setq group-comment (vhdl-port-parse-group-comment))
+	    (setq end-of-list (looking-at ")"))
+	    (while (not end-of-list)
+	      ;; parse object
+	      (setq object
+		    (and (vhdl-parse-string
+			  "\\(signal\\|quantity\\|terminal\\)[ \t\n]*" t)
+			 (match-string 1)))
+	      ;; parse names
+	      (vhdl-parse-string "\\(\\w+\\)[ \t\n]*")
+	      (setq names (list (match-string 1)))
+	      (while (vhdl-parse-string ",[ \t\n]*\\(\\w+\\)[ \t\n]*" t)
+		(setq names (append names (list (match-string 1)))))
+	      ;; parse direction
+	      (vhdl-parse-string ":[ \t\n]*")
+	      (setq direct
+		    (and (vhdl-parse-string "\\(IN\\|OUT\\|INOUT\\)[ \t\n]+" t)
+			 (match-string 1)))
+	      ;; parse type
+	      (vhdl-parse-string "\\([^();\n]+\\)")
+	      (setq type (match-string 1))
+	      (setq comment nil)
+	      (while (looking-at "(")
+		(setq type (concat type
+				   (buffer-substring
+				    (point) (progn (forward-sexp) (point)))
+				   (and (vhdl-parse-string "\\([^();\n]*\\)" t)
+					(match-string 1)))))
+	      ;; special case: closing parenthesis is on separate line
+	      (when (string-match "\\(\\s-*--\\s-*\\)\\(.*\\)" type)
+		(setq comment (substring type (match-beginning 2)))
+		(setq type (substring type 0 (match-beginning 1))))
+	      ;; strip of trailing group-comment
+	      (string-match "\\(\\(\\s-*\\S-+\\)+\\)\\s-*" type)
+	      (setq type (substring type 0 (match-end 1)))
+	      (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)
+	      (setq end-of-list (vhdl-parse-string ")" t))
+	      (vhdl-parse-string "\\s-*;\\s-*")
+	      ;; parse inline comment
+	      (unless comment
+		(setq comment (and (vhdl-parse-string "--\\s-*\\([^\n]*\\)" t)
+				   (match-string 1))))
+	      ;; save everything in list
+	      (setq ports (append ports (list (list names object direct
+						    type comment group-comment))))
+	      ;; parse group comment and spacing
+	      (setq group-comment (vhdl-port-parse-group-comment))))
+	  nil)))
+      ;; finish parsing
+      (if parse-error
+	  (error parse-error)
+	(setq vhdl-port-list (list name generics ports))
+	(message "Reading port...done")))))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-generic (&optional no-init)
+  "Paste a generic clause."
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	list-margin start names generic
+	(generics-list (nth 1 vhdl-port-list)))
+    ;; paste generic clause
+    (when generics-list
+      (setq start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "GENERIC (")
+      (unless vhdl-argument-list-indent
+	(insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))
+      (setq list-margin (current-column))
+      (while generics-list
+	(setq generic (car generics-list))
+	;; paste group comment and spacing
+	(when (memq vhdl-include-group-comments '(decl always))
+	  (vhdl-port-paste-group-comment (nth 4 generic) list-margin))
+	;; paste names
+	(setq names (nth 0 generic))
+	(while names
+	  (insert (car names))
+	  (setq names (cdr names))
+	  (when names (insert ", ")))
+	;; paste type
+	(insert " : " (nth 1 generic))
+	;; paste initialization
+	(when (and (not no-init) (nth 2 generic))
+	  (insert " := " (nth 2 generic)))
+	(unless (cdr generics-list) (insert ")"))
+	(insert ";")
+	;; paste comment
+	(when (and vhdl-include-port-comments (nth 3 generic))
+	  (vhdl-comment-insert-inline (nth 3 generic) t))
+	(setq generics-list (cdr generics-list))
+	(when generics-list (insert "\n") (indent-to list-margin)))
+      ;; align generic clause
+      (when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1 t)))))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-port ()
+  "Paste a port clause."
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	list-margin start names port
+	(ports-list (nth 2 vhdl-port-list)))
+    ;; paste port clause
+    (when ports-list
+      (setq start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "PORT (")
+      (unless vhdl-argument-list-indent
+	(insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))
+      (setq list-margin (current-column))
+      (while ports-list
+	(setq port (car ports-list))
+	;; paste group comment and spacing
+	(when (memq vhdl-include-group-comments '(decl always))
+	  (vhdl-port-paste-group-comment (nth 5 port) list-margin))
+	;; paste object
+	(when (nth 1 port) (insert (nth 1 port) " "))
+	;; paste names
+	(setq names (nth 0 port))
+	(while names
+	  (insert (car names))
+	  (setq names (cdr names))
+	  (when names (insert ", ")))
+	;; paste direction
+	(insert " : ")
+	(when (nth 2 port) (insert (nth 2 port) " "))
+	;; paste type
+	(insert (nth 3 port))
+	(unless (cdr ports-list) (insert ")"))
+	(insert ";")
+	;; paste comment
+	(when (and vhdl-include-port-comments (nth 4 port))
+	  (vhdl-comment-insert-inline (nth 4 port) t))
+	(setq ports-list (cdr ports-list))
+	(when ports-list (insert "\n") (indent-to list-margin)))
+      ;; align port clause
+      (when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1)))))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-declaration (kind)
+  "Paste as an entity or component declaration."
+  (vhdl-indent-line)
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	(name (nth 0 vhdl-port-list)))
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword (if (eq kind 'entity) "ENTITY " "COMPONENT "))
+    (insert name)
+    (when (or (eq kind 'entity) (not (vhdl-standard-p '87)))
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword " IS"))
+    ;; paste generic and port clause
+    (when (nth 1 vhdl-port-list)
+      (insert "\n")
+      (when (and (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (eq kind 'entity))
+	(insert "\n"))
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+      (vhdl-port-paste-generic (eq kind 'component)))
+    (when (nth 2 vhdl-port-list)
+      (insert "\n")
+      (when (and (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all))
+		 (eq kind 'entity))
+	(insert "\n"))
+      (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))
+    (vhdl-port-paste-port)
+    (insert "\n")
+    (when (and (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (eq kind 'entity))
+      (insert "\n"))
+    (indent-to margin)
+    (vhdl-insert-keyword "END")
+    (if (eq kind 'entity)
+	(progn
+	  (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (vhdl-insert-keyword " ENTITY"))
+	  (insert " " name))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword " COMPONENT")
+      (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (insert " " name)))
+    (insert ";")))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-entity ()
+  "Paste as an entity declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not vhdl-port-list)
+      (error "No port read")
+    (message "Pasting port as entity...")
+    (vhdl-port-paste-declaration 'entity)
+    (message "Pasting port as entity...done")))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-component ()
+  "Paste as a component declaration."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not vhdl-port-list)
+      (error "No port read")
+    (message "Pasting port as component...")
+    (vhdl-port-paste-declaration 'component)
+    (message "Pasting port as component...done")))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-generic-map (&optional secondary no-constants)
+  "Paste as a generic map."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless secondary (vhdl-indent-line))
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	list-margin start generic
+	(generics-list (nth 1 vhdl-port-list)))
+    (when generics-list
+      (setq start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "GENERIC MAP (")
+      (if (not vhdl-association-list-with-formals)
+	  ;; paste list of actual generics
+	  (while generics-list
+	    (insert (if no-constants
+		      (car (nth 0 (car generics-list)))
+		    (or (nth 2 (car generics-list)) " ")))
+	    (setq generics-list (cdr generics-list))
+	    (insert (if generics-list ", " ")")))
+	(unless vhdl-argument-list-indent
+	  (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))
+	(setq list-margin (current-column))
+	(while generics-list
+	  (setq generic (car generics-list))
+	  ;; paste group comment and spacing
+	  (when (eq vhdl-include-group-comments 'always)
+	    (vhdl-port-paste-group-comment (nth 4 generic) list-margin))
+	  ;; paste formal and actual generic
+	  (insert (car (nth 0 generic)) " => "
+		  (if no-constants
+		      (car (nth 0 generic))
+		    (or (nth 2 generic) "")))
+	  (setq generics-list (cdr generics-list))
+	  (insert (if generics-list "," ")"))
+	  ;; paste comment
+	  (when (or vhdl-include-type-comments
+		    (and vhdl-include-port-comments (nth 3 generic)))
+	    (vhdl-comment-insert-inline
+	     (concat
+	      (when vhdl-include-type-comments
+		(concat "[" (nth 1 generic) "] "))
+	      (when vhdl-include-port-comments (nth 3 generic))) t))
+	  (when generics-list (insert "\n") (indent-to list-margin)))
+	;; align generic map
+	(when vhdl-auto-align
+	  (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1 t))))))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-port-map ()
+  "Paste as a port map."
+  (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	list-margin start port
+	(ports-list (nth 2 vhdl-port-list)))
+    (when ports-list
+      (setq start (point))
+      (vhdl-insert-keyword "PORT MAP (")
+      (if (not vhdl-association-list-with-formals)
+	  ;; paste list of actual ports
+	  (while ports-list
+	    (insert (vhdl-replace-string vhdl-actual-port-name
+					 (car (nth 0 (car ports-list)))))
+	    (setq ports-list (cdr ports-list))
+	    (insert (if ports-list ", " ");")))
+	(unless vhdl-argument-list-indent
+	  (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset)))
+	(setq list-margin (current-column))
+	(while ports-list
+	  (setq port (car ports-list))
+	  ;; paste group comment and spacing
+	  (when (eq vhdl-include-group-comments 'always)
+	    (vhdl-port-paste-group-comment (nth 5 port) list-margin))
+	  ;; paste formal and actual port
+	  (insert (car (nth 0 port)) " => ")
+	  (insert (vhdl-replace-string vhdl-actual-port-name
+				       (car (nth 0 port))))
+	  (setq ports-list (cdr ports-list))
+	  (insert (if ports-list "," ");"))
+	  ;; paste comment
+	  (when (or vhdl-include-direction-comments
+		    vhdl-include-type-comments
+		    (and vhdl-include-port-comments (nth 4 port)))
+	    (vhdl-comment-insert-inline
+	     (concat
+	      (cond ((and vhdl-include-direction-comments
+			  vhdl-include-type-comments)
+		     (concat "[" (format "%-4s" (concat (nth 2 port) " "))
+			     (nth 3 port) "] "))
+		    ((and vhdl-include-direction-comments (nth 2 port))
+		     (format "%-6s" (concat "[" (nth 2 port) "] ")))
+		    (vhdl-include-direction-comments "      ")
+		    (vhdl-include-type-comments
+		     (concat "[" (nth 3 port) "] ")))
+	      (when vhdl-include-port-comments (nth 4 port))) t))
+	  (when ports-list (insert "\n") (indent-to list-margin)))
+	;; align port clause
+	(when vhdl-auto-align
+	  (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1))))))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-instance (&optional name)
+  "Paste as an instantiation."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not vhdl-port-list)
+      (error "No port read")
+    (let ((orig-vhdl-port-list vhdl-port-list))
+      ;; flatten local copy of port list (must be flat for port mapping)
+      (vhdl-port-flatten)
+      (vhdl-indent-line)
+      (let ((margin (current-indentation)))
+	;; paste instantiation
+	(if name
+	    (insert name ": ")
+	  (if (equal (cdr vhdl-instance-name) "")
+	      (vhdl-template-field "instance name" ": ")
+	    (insert (vhdl-replace-string vhdl-instance-name
+					 (nth 0 vhdl-port-list)) ": ")))
+	(message "Pasting port as instantiation...")
+	(if (vhdl-standard-p '87)
+	    (insert (nth 0 vhdl-port-list))
+	  (vhdl-insert-keyword "ENTITY ")
+	  (insert "work." (nth 0 vhdl-port-list)))
+	(when (nth 1 vhdl-port-list)
+	  (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+	  (vhdl-port-paste-generic-map t t))
+	(when (nth 2 vhdl-port-list)
+	  (insert "\n") (indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+	  (vhdl-port-paste-port-map))
+	(message "Pasting port as instantiation...done"))
+      (setq vhdl-port-list orig-vhdl-port-list))))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-constants ()
+  "Paste generics as constants."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not vhdl-port-list)
+      (error "No port read")
+    (let ((orig-vhdl-port-list vhdl-port-list))
+      (message "Pasting port as constants...")
+      ;; flatten local copy of port list (must be flat for constant initial.)
+      (vhdl-port-flatten)
+      (vhdl-indent-line)
+      (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	    start generic name
+	    (generics-list (nth 1 vhdl-port-list)))
+	(when generics-list
+	  (setq start (point))
+	  (while generics-list
+	    (setq generic (car generics-list))
+	    ;; paste group comment and spacing
+	    (when (memq vhdl-include-group-comments '(decl always))
+	      (vhdl-port-paste-group-comment (nth 4 generic) margin))
+	    (vhdl-insert-keyword "CONSTANT ")
+	    ;; paste generic constants
+	    (setq name (nth 0 generic))
+	    (when name
+	      (insert (car name))
+	      ;; paste type
+	      (insert " : " (nth 1 generic))
+	      ;; paste initialization
+	      (when (nth 2 generic)
+		(insert " := " (nth 2 generic)))
+	      (insert ";")
+	      ;; paste comment
+	      (when (and vhdl-include-port-comments (nth 3 generic))
+		(vhdl-comment-insert-inline (nth 3 generic) t))
+	      (setq generics-list (cdr generics-list))
+	      (when generics-list (insert "\n") (indent-to margin))))
+	    ;; align signal list
+	  (when vhdl-auto-align
+	    (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1))))
+      (message "Pasting port as constants...done")
+      (setq vhdl-port-list orig-vhdl-port-list))))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-signals (&optional initialize)
+  "Paste ports as internal signals."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not vhdl-port-list)
+      (error "No port read")
+    (message "Pasting port as signals...")
+    (vhdl-indent-line)
+    (let ((margin (current-indentation))
+	  start port names
+	  (ports-list (nth 2 vhdl-port-list)))
+      (when ports-list
+	(setq start (point))
+	(while ports-list
+	  (setq port (car ports-list))
+	  ;; paste group comment and spacing
+	  (when (memq vhdl-include-group-comments '(decl always))
+	    (vhdl-port-paste-group-comment (nth 5 port) margin))
+	  ;; paste object
+	  (if (nth 1 port)
+	      (insert (nth 1 port) " ")
+	    (vhdl-insert-keyword "SIGNAL "))
+	  ;; paste actual port signals
+	  (setq names (nth 0 port))
+	  (while names
+	    (insert (vhdl-replace-string vhdl-actual-port-name (car names)))
+	    (setq names (cdr names))
+	    (when names (insert ", ")))
+	  ;; paste type
+	  (insert " : " (nth 3 port))
+	  ;; paste initialization (inputs only)
+	  (when (and initialize (equal "IN" (upcase (nth 2 port))))
+	    (insert
+	     " := "
+	     (if (string-match "(.+)" (nth 3 port)) "(others => '0')" "'0'")))
+	  (insert ";")
+	  ;; paste comment
+	  (when (and vhdl-include-port-comments (nth 4 port))
+	    (vhdl-comment-insert-inline (nth 4 port) t))
+	  (setq ports-list (cdr ports-list))
+	  (when ports-list (insert "\n") (indent-to margin)))
+	;; align signal list
+	(when vhdl-auto-align (vhdl-align-noindent-region start (point) 1))))
+    (message "Pasting port as signals...done")))
+(defun vhdl-port-paste-testbench ()
+  "Paste as a bare-bones test bench."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not vhdl-port-list)
+      (error "No port read")
+    (message "Pasting port as test bench...")
+    (let ((case-fold-search t)
+	  (ent-name (vhdl-replace-string vhdl-testbench-entity-name
+					 (nth 0 vhdl-port-list)))
+	  (source-buffer (current-buffer))
+	  arch-name ent-file-name arch-file-name no-entity position)
+      ;; open entity file
+      (when (not (eq vhdl-testbench-create-files 'none))
+	(string-match "\\.[^.]*\\'" (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
+	(setq ent-file-name
+	      (concat ent-name
+		      (substring (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))
+				 (match-beginning 0))))
+	(when (file-exists-p ent-file-name)
+	  (if (y-or-n-p
+	       (concat "File `" ent-file-name "' exists; overwrite? "))
+	      (progn (delete-file ent-file-name)
+		     (when (get-file-buffer ent-file-name)
+		       (set-buffer ent-file-name)
+                       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+                       (kill-buffer ent-file-name)))
+	    (if (eq vhdl-testbench-create-files 'separate)
+		(setq no-entity t)
+	      (error "Pasting port as test bench...aborted"))))
+	(unless no-entity
+	  (set-buffer source-buffer)
+	  (find-file ent-file-name)))
+      (let ((margin 0))
+	(unless (and (eq vhdl-testbench-create-files 'separate) no-entity)
+	  ;; paste entity header
+	  (unless (equal "" vhdl-testbench-entity-header)
+	    (vhdl-insert-string-or-file vhdl-testbench-entity-header))
+	  (vhdl-comment-display-line) (insert "\n\n") (indent-to margin)
+	  ;; paste std_logic_1164 package
+	  (vhdl-insert-keyword "LIBRARY ")
+	  (insert "ieee;\n") (indent-to margin)
+	  (vhdl-insert-keyword "USE ")
+	  (insert "ieee.std_logic_1164.")
+	  (vhdl-insert-keyword "ALL;")
+	  (insert "\n\n") (indent-to margin) (vhdl-comment-display-line)
+	  (insert "\n\n") (indent-to margin)
+	  ;; paste entity declaration
+	  (vhdl-insert-keyword "ENTITY ")
+	  (insert ent-name)
+	  (vhdl-insert-keyword " IS")
+	  (when (memq vhdl-insert-empty-lines '(unit all)) (insert "\n"))
+	  (insert "\n") (indent-to margin)
+	  (vhdl-insert-keyword "END ")
+	  (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) (vhdl-insert-keyword "ENTITY "))
+	  (insert ent-name ";")
+	  (insert "\n\n") (indent-to margin)
+	  (vhdl-comment-display-line) (insert "\n"))
+	;; get architecture name
+	(setq arch-name
+	      (if (equal (cdr vhdl-testbench-architecture-name) "")
+		  (read-from-minibuffer "architecture name: "
+					nil vhdl-minibuffer-local-map)
+		(vhdl-replace-string vhdl-testbench-architecture-name
+				     (nth 0 vhdl-port-list))))
+	;; open architecture file
+	(when (eq vhdl-testbench-create-files 'separate)
+	  (save-buffer)
+	  (string-match "\\.[^.]*\\'" (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
+	  (setq arch-file-name
+		(concat arch-name
+			(substring (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))
+				   (match-beginning 0))))
+	  (when (file-exists-p arch-file-name)
+	    (if (y-or-n-p
+		 (concat "File `" ent-file-name "' exists; overwrite? "))
+		(progn (delete-file arch-file-name)
+		       (when (get-file-buffer arch-file-name)
+			 (set-buffer (get-file-buffer arch-file-name))
+			 (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+			 (kill-buffer arch-file-name)))
+	      (error "Pasting port as test bench...aborted")))
+	  (set-buffer source-buffer)
+	  (find-file arch-file-name)
+	  ;; paste architecture header
+	  (unless (equal "" vhdl-testbench-architecture-header)
+	    (vhdl-insert-string-or-file vhdl-testbench-architecture-header))
+	  (vhdl-comment-display-line)
+	  (insert "\n"))
+	(insert "\n") (indent-to margin)
+	;; paste architecture body
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword "ARCHITECTURE ")
+	(insert arch-name)
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword " OF ")
+	(insert ent-name)
+	(vhdl-insert-keyword " IS")
+	(insert "\n\n") (indent-to margin)
+	;; paste component declaration
+	(when (vhdl-standard-p '87)
+	  (vhdl-port-paste-component)
+	  (insert "\n\n") (indent-to margin))
+	;; paste constants
+	(when (nth 1 vhdl-port-list)
+	  (vhdl-port-paste-constants)
+	  (insert "\n\n") (indent-to margin))
+	;; paste internal signals
+	(vhdl-port-paste-signals vhdl-testbench-initialize-signals)
+	;; paste custom declarations
+	(unless (equal "" vhdl-testbench-declarations)
+	  (insert "\n\n")
+	  (vhdl-insert-string-or-file vhdl-testbench-declarations)
+	  (delete-indentation))
+	(setq position (point))
+	(insert "\n\n") (indent-to margin)
+	(vhdl-comment-display-line) (insert "\n")
+	(goto-char position)
+	(vhdl-template-begin-end
+	 (unless (vhdl-standard-p '87) "ARCHITECTURE")
+	 arch-name margin t)
+	;; paste instantiation
+	(vhdl-port-paste-instance
+	 (vhdl-replace-string vhdl-testbench-dut-name
+			      (nth 0 vhdl-port-list)))
+	(insert "\n")
+	;; paste custom statements
+	(unless (equal "" vhdl-testbench-statements)
+	  (insert "\n")
+	  (vhdl-insert-string-or-file vhdl-testbench-statements))
+	(insert "\n")
+	(indent-to (+ margin vhdl-basic-offset))
+	(when (not (eq vhdl-testbench-create-files 'none))
+	  (save-buffer))
+	(message "Pasting port as test bench...done")))))
+;;; Miscellaneous
+;; Hippie expand customization
+(defvar vhdl-expand-upper-case nil)
+(defun vhdl-try-expand-abbrev (old)
+  "Try expanding abbreviations from `vhdl-abbrev-list'."
+  (unless old
+    (he-init-string (he-dabbrev-beg) (point))
+    (setq he-expand-list
+	  (let ((abbrev-list vhdl-abbrev-list)
+		(sel-abbrev-list '()))
+	    (while abbrev-list
+	      (when (or (not (stringp (car abbrev-list)))
+			(string-match
+			 (concat "^" he-search-string) (car abbrev-list)))
+		(setq sel-abbrev-list
+		      (cons (car abbrev-list) sel-abbrev-list)))
+	      (setq abbrev-list (cdr abbrev-list)))
+	    (nreverse sel-abbrev-list))))
+  (while (and he-expand-list
+	      (or (not (stringp (car he-expand-list)))
+		  (he-string-member (car he-expand-list) he-tried-table t)))
+;		  (equal (car he-expand-list) he-search-string)))
+    (unless (stringp (car he-expand-list))
+      (setq vhdl-expand-upper-case (car he-expand-list)))
+    (setq he-expand-list (cdr he-expand-list)))
+  (if (null he-expand-list)
+      (progn (when old (he-reset-string))
+	     nil)
+    (he-substitute-string
+     (if vhdl-expand-upper-case
+	 (upcase (car he-expand-list))
+       (car he-expand-list))
+     t)
+    (setq he-expand-list (cdr he-expand-list))
+    t))
+(defun vhdl-he-list-beg ()
+  "Also looks at the word before `(' in order to better match parenthesized
+expressions (e.g. for index ranges of types and signals)."
+  (save-excursion
+    (condition-case ()
+	(progn (backward-up-list 1)
+ 	       (skip-syntax-backward "w_")) ; crashes in `viper-mode'
+      (error ()))
+    (point)))
+;; override `he-list-beg' from `hippie-exp'
+(unless (and (boundp 'viper-mode) viper-mode)
+ (defalias 'he-list-beg 'vhdl-he-list-beg))
+;; function for expanding abbrevs and dabbrevs
+(defun vhdl-expand-abbrev (arg))
+(fset 'vhdl-expand-abbrev (make-hippie-expand-function
+			   '(try-expand-dabbrev
+			     try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers
+			     vhdl-try-expand-abbrev)))
+;; function for expanding parenthesis
+(defun vhdl-expand-paren (arg))
+(fset 'vhdl-expand-paren (make-hippie-expand-function
+			  '(try-expand-list
+			    try-expand-list-all-buffers)))
+;;  Case fixing
+(defun vhdl-fix-case-region-1 (beg end upper-case word-regexp &optional count)
+  "Convert all words matching word-regexp in region to lower or upper case,
+depending on parameter upper-case."
+  (let ((case-replace nil)
+	(last-update 0))
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (save-excursion
+       (goto-char end)
+       (setq end (point-marker))
+       (goto-char beg)
+       (while (re-search-forward word-regexp end t)
+	 (or (vhdl-in-comment-p)
+	     (vhdl-in-string-p)
+	     (if upper-case
+		 (upcase-word -1)
+	       (downcase-word -1)))
+	 (when (and count vhdl-progress-interval
+		    (< vhdl-progress-interval
+		       (- (nth 1 (current-time)) last-update)))
+	   (message "Fixing case... (%2d%s)"
+		    (+ (* count 25) (/ (* 25 (- (point) beg)) (- end beg)))
+		    "%")
+	   (setq last-update (nth 1 (current-time)))))
+       (goto-char end)))
+    (and count vhdl-progress-interval (message "Fixing case...done"))))
+(defun vhdl-fix-case-region (beg end &optional arg)
+  "Convert all VHDL words in region to lower or upper case, depending on
+variables vhdl-upper-case-{keywords,types,attributes,enum-values}."
+  (interactive "r\nP")
+  (vhdl-fix-case-region-1
+   beg end vhdl-upper-case-keywords vhdl-keywords-regexp 0)
+  (vhdl-fix-case-region-1
+   beg end vhdl-upper-case-types vhdl-types-regexp 1)
+  (vhdl-fix-case-region-1
+   beg end vhdl-upper-case-attributes (concat "'" vhdl-attributes-regexp) 2)
+  (vhdl-fix-case-region-1
+   beg end vhdl-upper-case-enum-values vhdl-enum-values-regexp 3))
+(defun vhdl-fix-case-buffer ()
+  "Convert all VHDL words in buffer to lower or upper case, depending on
+variables vhdl-upper-case-{keywords,types,attributes,enum-values}."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-fix-case-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+;; Line handling functions
+(defun vhdl-current-line ()
+  "Return the line number of the line containing point."
+  (save-restriction
+    (widen)
+    (save-excursion
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (1+ (count-lines 1 (point))))))
+(defun vhdl-line-kill-entire (&optional arg)
+  "Delete entire line."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (kill-line (or arg 1)))
+(defun vhdl-line-kill (&optional arg)
+  "Kill current line."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (vhdl-line-kill-entire arg))
+(defun vhdl-line-copy (&optional arg)
+  "Copy current line."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (let ((position (point)))
+      (forward-line (or arg 1))
+      (copy-region-as-kill position (point)))))
+(defun vhdl-line-yank ()
+  "Yank entire line."
+  (interactive)
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (yank))
+(defun vhdl-line-expand (&optional prefix-arg)
+  "Hippie-expand current line."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((case-fold-search t) (case-replace nil)
+	(hippie-expand-try-functions-list
+	 '(try-expand-line try-expand-line-all-buffers)))
+    (hippie-expand prefix-arg)))
+(defun vhdl-line-transpose-next (&optional arg)
+  "Interchange this line with next line."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (forward-line 1)
+  (transpose-lines (or arg 1))
+  (forward-line -1))
+(defun vhdl-line-transpose-previous (&optional arg)
+  "Interchange this line with previous line."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (forward-line 1)
+  (transpose-lines (- 0 (or arg 0)))
+  (forward-line -1))
+(defun vhdl-line-open ()
+  "Open a new line and indent."
+  (interactive)
+  (end-of-line -0)
+  (newline-and-indent))
+(defun vhdl-delete-indentation ()
+  "Join lines.  That is, call `delete-indentation' with `fill-prefix' so that
+it works within comments too."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((fill-prefix "-- "))
+    (delete-indentation)))
+;; Help functions
+(defun vhdl-re-search-forward (regexp &optional bound noerror count)
+  "Like `re-search-forward', but does not match within literals."
+  (let (pos)
+    (save-excursion
+      (setq pos (re-search-forward regexp bound noerror count))
+      (while (and (vhdl-in-literal)
+		  (setq pos (re-search-forward regexp bound noerror count)))))
+    (when pos (goto-char pos))
+    pos))
+(defun vhdl-visit-file (file-name body)
+  "Visit file FILE-NAME and execute BODY."
+  (if (null file-name)
+      (eval body)
+    (let ((source-buffer (current-buffer))
+	  file-opened)
+      (if (find-buffer-visiting file-name)
+	  (set-buffer (file-name-nondirectory file-name))
+	(unless (file-exists-p file-name)
+	  (vhdl-warning (concat "File not found: \"" file-name "\"") t))
+	(set-buffer (find-file-noselect file-name nil t))
+	(modify-syntax-entry ?\- ". 12" (syntax-table))
+	(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" (syntax-table))
+	(modify-syntax-entry ?\^M ">" (syntax-table))
+	(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" (syntax-table))
+	(setq file-opened t))
+      (condition-case info
+	  (eval body)
+	(error
+	 (when file-opened (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+	 (set-buffer source-buffer)
+	 (error (cadr info))))
+      (when file-opened (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+      (set-buffer source-buffer))))
+;;; Project
+(defun vhdl-project-switch (name)
+  "Switch to project NAME."
+  (setq vhdl-project name)
+  (when (and (boundp 'speedbar-frame) (frame-live-p speedbar-frame))
+    (speedbar-refresh)))
+;;; Compilation
+;; (using `compile.el')
+(defun vhdl-compile-init ()
+  "Initialize for compilation."
+  (unless compilation-error-regexp-alist
+    (setq compilation-error-regexp-alist
+	  (let ((commands-alist vhdl-compiler-alist)
+		regexp-alist sublist)
+	    (while commands-alist
+	      (setq sublist (nth 5 (car commands-alist)))
+	      (unless (equal "" (car sublist))
+		(setq regexp-alist
+		      (cons (list (nth 0 sublist)
+				  (if (= 0 (nth 1 sublist))
+				      (if vhdl-xemacs 9 nil)
+				    (nth 1 sublist))
+				  (nth 2 sublist))
+			    regexp-alist)))
+	      (setq commands-alist (cdr commands-alist)))
+	    regexp-alist)))
+  (unless compilation-file-regexp-alist
+    (setq compilation-file-regexp-alist
+	  (let ((commands-alist vhdl-compiler-alist)
+		regexp-alist)
+	    ;; matches vhdl-mode file name output
+	    (setq regexp-alist '(("^Compiling \"\\(.+\\)\"" 1)))
+	    (while commands-alist
+	      (unless (equal "" (car (nth 6 (car commands-alist))))
+		(setq regexp-alist
+		      (append regexp-alist
+			      (list (nth 6 (car commands-alist))))))
+	      (setq commands-alist (cdr commands-alist)))
+	    regexp-alist))))
+(defvar vhdl-compile-file-name nil
+  "Name of file to be compiled.")
+(defun vhdl-compile-print-file-name ()
+  "Function called within `compile' to print out file name for compilers that
+do not print any file names."
+  (insert "Compiling \"" vhdl-compile-file-name "\"\n"))
+(defun vhdl-compile ()
+  "Compile current buffer using the VHDL compiler specified in
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-compile-init)
+  (let* ((command-elem (assoc vhdl-compiler vhdl-compiler-alist))
+	 (command (nth 1 command-elem))
+	 (default-directory (expand-file-name (nth 4 command-elem)))
+	 (vhdl-compile-file-name (buffer-file-name))
+	 compilation-process-setup-function)
+    ;; print out file name if compiler does not
+    (when (and (= 0 (nth 1 (nth 5 command-elem)))
+	       (= 0 (nth 1 (nth 6 command-elem))))
+      (setq compilation-process-setup-function 'vhdl-compile-print-file-name))
+    ;; run compilation
+    (when command
+      (compile (concat command " " vhdl-compiler-options
+		       (unless (string-equal vhdl-compiler-options "") " ")
+		       (buffer-file-name))))))
+(defun vhdl-make ()
+  "Call make command for compilation of all updated source files (requires
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-compile-init)
+  (let* ((command-elem (assoc vhdl-compiler vhdl-compiler-alist))
+	 (command (nth 2 command-elem))
+	 (default-directory (expand-file-name (nth 4 command-elem))))
+    ;; run make
+    (if (equal command "")
+	(compile "make")
+      (compile command))))
+(defun vhdl-generate-makefile ()
+  "Generate new `Makefile'."
+  (interactive)
+  (vhdl-compile-init)
+  (let* ((command-elem (assoc vhdl-compiler vhdl-compiler-alist))
+	 (command (nth 3 command-elem))
+	 (default-directory (expand-file-name (nth 4 command-elem))))
+    ;; generate makefile
+    (if (not (equal command ""))
+	(compile command)
+      (error "No such command specified for `%s'" vhdl-compiler))))
+;;; Hideshow
+;; (using `hideshow.el')
+(defun vhdl-hs-forward-sexp-func (count)
+  "Find end of construct to hide (for hideshow). Only searches forward."
+  (let ((pos (point)))
+    (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+     (beginning-of-line)
+     (cond
+      ;; generic/port clause
+      ((looking-at "^\\s-*\\(generic\\|port\\)[ \t\n]*(")
+       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (backward-char)
+       (forward-sexp))
+      ;; component declaration
+      ((looking-at "^\\s-*component\\>")
+       (re-search-forward "^\\s-*end\\s-+component\\>" nil t))
+      ;; component instantiation
+      ((looking-at
+	(concat
+	 "^\\s-*\\w+\\s-*:[ \t\n]*"
+	 "\\(\\(component\\|configuration\\|entity\\)[ \t\n]+\\)?"
+	 "\\w+\\(\\s-*(\\w+)\\)?[ \t\n]*"
+	 "\\(generic\\|port\\)\\s-+map[ \t\n]*("))
+       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (backward-char)
+       (forward-sexp)
+       (setq pos (point))
+       (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)
+       (when (looking-at "port\\s-+map[ \t\n]*(")
+	 (goto-char (match-end 0))
+	 (backward-char)
+	 (forward-sexp)
+	 (setq pos (point)))
+       (goto-char pos))
+      ;; subprogram declaration/body
+      ((looking-at "^\\s-*\\(function\\|procedure\\)\\s-+\\(\\w+\\|\".+\"\\)")
+       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (vhdl-forward-syntactic-ws)
+       (when (looking-at "(")
+	 (forward-sexp))
+       (while (and (re-search-forward "\\(;\\)\\|\\(\\<is\\>\\)" nil t)
+		   (vhdl-in-literal)))
+       ;; subprogram body
+       (when (match-string 2)
+	 (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\<begin\\>" nil t)
+	 (backward-word 1)
+	 (vhdl-forward-sexp)))
+      ;; block (recursive)
+      ((looking-at "^\\s-*\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*block\\>")
+       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (while (and (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\(\\(\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*block\\>\\)\\|\\(end\\s-+block\\>\\)\\)" nil t)
+		   (match-beginning 2))
+	 (vhdl-hs-forward-sexp-func count)))
+      ;; process
+      ((looking-at "^\\s-*\\(\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*\\)?process\\>")
+       (re-search-forward "^\\s-*end\\s-+process\\>" nil t))
+      ;; configuration declaration
+      ((looking-at "^\\s-*configuration\\>")
+       (forward-word 4)
+       (vhdl-forward-sexp))
+      (t (goto-char pos))))))
+;; does not work well
+;; problem: `hs-already-hidden-p' if hiding more than start regexp matches
+; (defun vhdl-hs-adjust-block-beginning (pos)
+;   "Adjust the block beginning for hiding."
+;   (save-excursion
+;     (let ((case-fold-search t))
+;       (vhdl-prepare-search-2
+;        (goto-char pos)
+;        (backward-word 2)
+;        (if (looking-at "\\(generic\\|port\\)\\s-+map\\>")
+; 	   (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+; 		  (point))
+; 	 pos)))))
+;; add VHDL hideshow properties to `hs-special-modes-alist'
+(let ((start
+       (concat
+	"\\(^\\)\\s-*\\("
+	;; generic/port clause
+	"\\(generic\\|GENERIC\\|port\\|PORT\\)[ \t\n]*(\\|"
+	;; component
+	"\\(component\\|COMPONENT\\)\\>\\|"
+	;; component instantiation
+	"\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\s-*:[ \t\n]*"
+	"\\(\\(component\\|COMPONENT\\|configuration\\|CONFIGURATION\\|entity\\|ENTITY\\)\\s-+\\)?"
+	"\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\(\\s-*(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+)\\)?[ \t\n]*"
+	"\\(generic\\|GENERIC\\|port\\|PORT\\)\\s-+\\(map\\|MAP\\)[ \t\n]*(\\|"
+	;; subprogram
+	"\\(function\\|FUNCTION\\|procedure\\|PROCEDURE\\)\\>\\|"
+	;; process, block
+	"\\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\s-*:\\s-*\\)?\\(process\\|PROCESS\\|block\\|BLOCK\\)\\>\\|"
+	;; configuration declaration
+	"\\(configuration\\|CONFIGURATION\\)\\>"
+	"\\)"))
+      (end nil)
+      (comment-start "--\\( \\|$\\)")
+      (forward-sexp-func 'vhdl-hs-forward-sexp-func)
+      (adjust-beg-func nil))		;'vhdl-hs-adjust-block-beginning))
+  (setq hs-special-modes-alist
+	(cons (if (= 3 (length (car hs-special-modes-alist))) ; old package
+		  (list 'vhdl-mode start end forward-sexp-func)
+		(list 'vhdl-mode start end comment-start
+		      forward-sexp-func adjust-beg-func))
+	      hs-special-modes-alist)))
+(defun vhdl-hideshow-init ()
+  "Initialize `hideshow'."
+  (if vhdl-hide-all-init
+      (add-hook 'hs-minor-mode-hook 'hs-hide-all)
+    (remove-hook 'hs-minor-mode-hook 'hs-hide-all))
+  ;; override `hs-find-block-beginning'
+  (add-hook 'hs-minor-mode-hook
+	    '(lambda () (defalias 'hs-find-block-beginning
+			  'vhdl-hs-find-block-beginning)))
+  (if vhdl-hideshow-menu
+      (hs-minor-mode 1)
+    (when (boundp 'hs-minor-mode) (hs-minor-mode 0))))
+(defun vhdl-hs-minor-mode (&optional arg)
+  "Toggle hideshow minor mode and update menu bar."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (hs-minor-mode arg)
+  (run-hooks 'hs-minor-mode-hook)
+  (vhdl-mode-line-update)) ; hack to update menu bar
+;; used to override `hs-find-block-beginning' in `hideshow.el':
+;; - implements different search strategy:
+;;   - hideshow:  search backward for block beginnings or ends; within block
+;;                if beginning found
+;;   - vhdl-mode: search backward for block beginning, goto block end; within
+;;                block if cursor before block end
+;; - allows hiding of blocks with no unique block ending (e.g. closing
+;;   parenthesis of generic/port clauses and component instantiations)
+(defun vhdl-hs-find-block-beginning ()
+  "Reposition point at block-start. Return point, or nil if top-level.
+Overrides existing `hs-find-block-beginning' function."
+  (let (done
+	(here (point)))
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      ;; look if current line is block start
+      (if (looking-at hs-block-start-regexp)
+	  (point)
+	;; look backward for the start of a block that contains the cursor
+	(while (and (re-search-backward hs-block-start-regexp nil t)
+		    (not (setq done (<= here (save-excursion
+					       (funcall hs-forward-sexp-func 1)
+					       (end-of-line)
+					       (point)))))))
+	(if done
+	    (point)
+	  (goto-char here)
+	  nil))))
+;;; Font locking
+;; (using `font-lock.el')
+;; Help functions for translate-off region highlighting
+(defun vhdl-within-translate-off ()
+  "Return point if within translate-off region, else nil."
+  (and (save-excursion
+	 (re-search-backward
+	  "^\\s-*--\\s-*pragma\\s-*translate_\\(on\\|off\\)\\s-*\n" nil t))
+       (equal "off" (match-string 1))
+       (point)))
+(defun vhdl-start-translate-off (limit)
+  "Return point before translate-off pragma if before LIMIT, else nil."
+  (when (re-search-forward
+	 "^\\s-*--\\s-*pragma\\s-*translate_off\\s-*\n" limit t)
+    (match-beginning 0)))
+(defun vhdl-end-translate-off (limit)
+  "Return point after translate-on pragma if before LIMIT, else nil."
+  (re-search-forward "^\\s-*--\\s-*pragma\\s-*translate_on\\s-*\n" limit t))
+(defun vhdl-match-translate-off (limit)
+  "Match a translate-off block, setting match-data and returning t, else nil."
+  (when (< (point) limit)
+    (let ((start (or (vhdl-within-translate-off)
+		     (vhdl-start-translate-off limit)))
+	  (case-fold-search t))
+      (when start
+	(let ((end (or (vhdl-end-translate-off limit) limit)))
+	  (set-match-data (list start end))
+	  (goto-char end))))))
+(defun vhdl-font-lock-match-item (limit)
+  "Match, and move over, any declaration item after point. Adapted from
+  (condition-case nil
+      (save-restriction
+	(narrow-to-region (point-min) limit)
+	;; match item
+	(when (looking-at "\\s-*\\([a-zA-Z]\\w*\\)")
+	  (save-match-data
+	    (goto-char (match-end 1))
+	    ;; move to next item
+	    (if (looking-at "\\(\\s-*,\\)")
+		(goto-char (match-end 1))
+	      (end-of-line) t))))
+    (error t)))
+;; Syntax definitions
+(defconst vhdl-font-lock-syntactic-keywords
+  '(("\\(\'\\).\\(\'\\)" (1 (7 . ?\')) (2 (7 . ?\'))))
+  "Mark single quotes as having string quote syntax in 'c' instances.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-keywords nil
+  "Regular expressions to highlight in VHDL Mode.")
+(defconst vhdl-font-lock-keywords-0
+  (list
+   ;; highlight template prompts
+   (list (concat "\\(^\\|[ \t(.]\\)\\(<" vhdl-template-prompt-syntax ">\\)")
+	 2 'vhdl-font-lock-prompt-face t)
+   ;; highlight directives
+   '("--\\s-*pragma\\s-+\\(.*\\)$" 1 vhdl-font-lock-directive-face t)
+   )
+  "For consideration as a value of `vhdl-font-lock-keywords'.
+This does highlighting of template prompts and directives (pragmas).")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-keywords-1 nil
+  ;; set in `vhdl-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
+  "For consideration as a value of `vhdl-font-lock-keywords'.
+This does highlighting of keywords and standard identifiers.")
+(defconst vhdl-font-lock-keywords-2
+  (list
+   ;; highlight names of units, subprograms, and components when declared
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*\\("
+     "architecture\\|configuration\\|entity\\|package\\(\\s-+body\\)?\\|"
+     "\\(\\(impure\\|pure\\)\\s-+\\)?function\\|procedure\\|component"
+     "\\)\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)")
+    5 'font-lock-function-name-face)
+   ;; highlight entity names of architectures and configurations
+   (list
+    "^\\s-*\\(architecture\\|configuration\\)\\s-+\\w+\\s-+of\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)"
+    2 'font-lock-function-name-face)
+   ;; highlight labels of common constructs
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*\\(\\w+\\)\\s-*:[ \t\n]*\\(\\("
+     "assert\\|block\\|case\\|exit\\|for\\|if\\|loop\\|next\\|null\\|"
+     "postponed\\|process\\|"
+     (when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams) "procedural\\|")
+     "with\\|while"
+     "\\)\\>\\|[^\n]*<=\\)")
+    1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
+   ;; highlight label and component name of component instantiations
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*\\(\\w+\\)\\s-*:[ \t\n]*"
+     "\\(\\(component\\|configuration\\|entity\\)\\s-+\\)?"
+     "\\(\\w+\\)\\(.\\(\\w+\\)\\)?\\(\\s-*(\\(\\w+\\))\\)?"
+     "[ \t\n]+\\(generic\\|port\\)\\s-+map\\>")
+    '(1 font-lock-function-name-face) '(4 font-lock-function-name-face)
+    '(6 font-lock-function-name-face nil t)
+    '(8 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
+   ;; highlight names and labels at end of constructs
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*end\\s-+\\(\\("
+     "architecture\\|block\\|case\\|component\\|configuration\\|entity\\|"
+     "for\\|function\\|generate\\|if\\|loop\\|package\\(\\s-+body\\)?\\|"
+     "procedure\\|\\(postponed\\s-+\\)?process\\|"
+     (when (vhdl-standard-p 'ams) "procedural\\|")
+     "units"
+     "\\)\\s-+\\)?\\(\\w*\\)")
+    5 'font-lock-function-name-face)
+   ;; highlight labels in exit and next statements
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*\\(\\w+\\s-*:\\s-*\\)?\\(exit\\|next\\)\\s-+\\(\\w*\\)")
+    3 'font-lock-function-name-face)
+   ;; highlight entity name in attribute specifications
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*attribute\\s-+\\w+\\s-+of\\s-+\\(\\w+\\(,\\s-*\\w+\\)*\\)\\s-*:")
+    1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
+   ;; highlight labels in block and component specifications
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*for\\s-+\\(\\w+\\(,\\s-*\\w+\\)*\\)\\>\\s-*"
+     "\\(:[ \t\n]*\\(\\w+\\)\\|[^i \t]\\)")
+    '(1 font-lock-function-name-face) '(4 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
+   ;; highlight names in library clauses
+   (list "^\\s-*library\\>"
+	 '(vhdl-font-lock-match-item nil nil (1 font-lock-function-name-face)))
+   ;; highlight names in use clauses
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "\\<use\\s-+\\(\\(entity\\|configuration\\)\\s-+\\)?"
+     "\\(\\w+\\)\\.\\(\\w+\\)\\((\\(\\w+\\))\\)?")
+    '(3 font-lock-function-name-face) '(4 font-lock-function-name-face)
+    '(6 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
+   ;; highlight attribute name in attribute declarations/specifications
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*attribute\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)")
+    1 'vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face)
+   ;; highlight type/nature name in (sub)type/(sub)nature declarations
+   (list
+    (concat
+     "^\\s-*\\(sub\\)?\\(nature\\|type\\)\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)")
+    3 'font-lock-type-face)
+   ;; highlight signal/variable/constant declaration names
+   (list "\\(:[^=]\\)"
+	 '(vhdl-font-lock-match-item
+	   (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+		  (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+		  (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
+		  (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+		  (while (= (preceding-char) ?,)
+		    (backward-char 1)
+		    (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+		    (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
+		    (skip-syntax-backward " ")))
+;  		  (skip-chars-backward "^-(\n\";")
+	   (goto-char (match-end 1)) (1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+   ;; highlight formal parameters in component instantiations and subprogram
+   ;; calls
+   (list "\\(=>\\)"
+	 '(vhdl-font-lock-match-item
+	   (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+		  (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+		  (while (= (preceding-char) ?\)) (backward-sexp))
+		  (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
+		  (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+		  (when (memq (preceding-char) '(?n ?N))
+		    (goto-char (point-max))))
+	   (goto-char (match-end 1)) (1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+   ;; highlight alias/group/quantity declaration names and for-loop/-generate
+   ;; variables
+   (list "\\<\\(alias\\|for\\|group\\|quantity\\)\\s-+\\w+\\s-+\\(across\\|in\\|is\\)\\>"
+	 '(vhdl-font-lock-match-item
+	   (progn (goto-char (match-end 1)) (match-beginning 2))
+	   nil (1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+   )
+  "For consideration as a value of `vhdl-font-lock-keywords'.
+This does context sensitive highlighting of names and labels.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-keywords-3 nil
+  ;; set in `vhdl-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
+  "For consideration as a value of `vhdl-font-lock-keywords'.
+This does highlighting of words with special syntax.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-keywords-4 nil
+  ;; set in `vhdl-font-lock-init' because dependent on custom variables
+  "For consideration as a value of `vhdl-font-lock-keywords'.
+This does highlighting of additional reserved words.")
+(defconst vhdl-font-lock-keywords-5
+  ;; background highlight translate-off regions
+  '((vhdl-match-translate-off (0 vhdl-font-lock-translate-off-face append)))
+  "For consideration as a value of `vhdl-font-lock-keywords'.
+This does background highlighting of translate-off regions.")
+;; Font and color definitions
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-prompt-face         'vhdl-font-lock-prompt-face
+  "Face name to use for prompts.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face      'vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face
+  "Face name to use for standardized attributes.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-enumvalue-face      'vhdl-font-lock-enumvalue-face
+  "Face name to use for standardized enumeration values.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-function-face       'vhdl-font-lock-function-face
+  "Face name to use for standardized functions and packages.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-directive-face      'vhdl-font-lock-directive-face
+  "Face name to use for directives.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-reserved-words-face 'vhdl-font-lock-reserved-words-face
+  "Face name to use for additional reserved words.")
+(defvar vhdl-font-lock-translate-off-face  'vhdl-font-lock-translate-off-face
+  "Face name to use for translate-off regions.")
+;; face names to use for words with special syntax.
+(let ((syntax-alist vhdl-special-syntax-alist)
+      name)
+  (while syntax-alist
+    (setq name (vhdl-function-name
+		"vhdl-font-lock" (nth 0 (car syntax-alist)) "face"))
+    (eval `(defvar ,name ',name
+	     ,(concat "Face name to use for "
+		      (nth 0 (car syntax-alist)) ".")))
+    (setq syntax-alist (cdr syntax-alist))))
+(defgroup vhdl-highlight-faces nil
+  "Faces for highlighting."
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight)
+;; add faces used from `font-lock'
+ 'vhdl-highlight-faces 'font-lock-comment-face 'custom-face)
+ 'vhdl-highlight-faces 'font-lock-string-face 'custom-face)
+ 'vhdl-highlight-faces 'font-lock-keyword-face 'custom-face)
+ 'vhdl-highlight-faces 'font-lock-type-face 'custom-face)
+ 'vhdl-highlight-faces 'font-lock-function-name-face 'custom-face)
+ 'vhdl-highlight-faces 'font-lock-variable-name-face 'custom-face)
+(defface vhdl-font-lock-prompt-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Red" :bold t))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Pink" :bold t))
+    (t (:inverse-video t)))
+  "Font lock mode face used to highlight prompts."
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight-faces
+  :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defface vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Orchid"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightSteelBlue"))
+    (t (:italic t :bold t)))
+  "Font lock mode face used to highlight standardized attributes."
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight-faces
+  :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defface vhdl-font-lock-enumvalue-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "SaddleBrown"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "BurlyWood"))
+    (t (:italic t :bold t)))
+  "Font lock mode face used to highlight standardized enumeration values."
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight-faces
+  :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defface vhdl-font-lock-function-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "DarkCyan"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Orchid1"))
+    (t (:italic t :bold t)))
+  "Font lock mode face used to highlight standardized functions and packages."
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight-faces
+  :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defface vhdl-font-lock-directive-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "CadetBlue"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Aquamarine"))
+    (t (:italic t :bold t)))
+  "Font lock mode face used to highlight directives."
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight-faces
+  :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defface vhdl-font-lock-reserved-words-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Orange" :bold t))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Yellow" :bold t))
+    (t ()))
+  "Font lock mode face used to highlight additional reserved words."
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight-faces
+  :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defface vhdl-font-lock-translate-off-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:background "LightGray"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:background "DimGray"))
+    (t ()))
+  "Font lock mode face used to background highlight translate-off regions."
+  :group 'vhdl-highlight-faces
+  :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+;; font lock mode faces used to highlight words with special syntax.
+(let ((syntax-alist vhdl-special-syntax-alist))
+  (while syntax-alist
+    (eval `(defface ,(vhdl-function-name
+		      "vhdl-font-lock" (caar syntax-alist) "face")
+	     '((((class color) (background light))
+		(:foreground ,(nth 2 (car syntax-alist))))
+	       (((class color) (background dark))
+		(:foreground ,(nth 3 (car syntax-alist))))
+	       (t ()))
+	     ,(concat "Font lock mode face used to highlight "
+		      (nth 0 (car syntax-alist)) ".")
+	     :group 'vhdl-highlight-faces
+	     :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces))
+    (setq syntax-alist (cdr syntax-alist))))
+;; Font lock initialization
+(defun vhdl-font-lock-init ()
+  "Initialize fontification."
+  ;; highlight keywords and standardized types, attributes, enumeration
+  ;; values, and subprograms
+  (setq vhdl-font-lock-keywords-1
+	(list
+	 (list (concat "'" vhdl-attributes-regexp)
+	       1 'vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face)
+	 (list vhdl-types-regexp       1 'font-lock-type-face)
+	 (list vhdl-functions-regexp   1 'vhdl-font-lock-function-face)
+	 (list vhdl-packages-regexp    1 'vhdl-font-lock-function-face)
+	 (list vhdl-enum-values-regexp 1 'vhdl-font-lock-enumvalue-face)
+	 (list vhdl-keywords-regexp    1 'font-lock-keyword-face)))
+  ;; highlight words with special syntax.
+  (setq vhdl-font-lock-keywords-3
+	(let ((syntax-alist vhdl-special-syntax-alist)
+	      keywords)
+	  (while syntax-alist
+	    (setq keywords
+		  (cons
+		   (cons (concat "\\<\\(" (nth 1 (car syntax-alist)) "\\)\\>")
+			 (vhdl-function-name
+			  "vhdl-font-lock" (nth 0 (car syntax-alist)) "face"))
+		   keywords))
+	    (setq syntax-alist (cdr syntax-alist)))
+	  keywords))
+  ;; highlight additional reserved words
+  (setq vhdl-font-lock-keywords-4
+	(list (list vhdl-reserved-words-regexp 1
+		    'vhdl-font-lock-reserved-words-face)))
+  ;; highlight everything together
+  (setq vhdl-font-lock-keywords
+	(append
+	 vhdl-font-lock-keywords-0
+	 (when vhdl-highlight-keywords vhdl-font-lock-keywords-1)
+	 (when (or vhdl-highlight-forbidden-words
+		   vhdl-highlight-verilog-keywords) vhdl-font-lock-keywords-4)
+	 (when vhdl-highlight-special-words vhdl-font-lock-keywords-3)
+	 (when vhdl-highlight-names vhdl-font-lock-keywords-2)
+	 (when vhdl-highlight-translate-off vhdl-font-lock-keywords-5))))
+;; initialize fontification for VHDL Mode
+(defun vhdl-fontify-buffer ()
+  "Re-initialize fontification and fontify buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq font-lock-defaults
+	(list
+	 'vhdl-font-lock-keywords nil
+	 (not vhdl-highlight-case-sensitive) '((?\_ . "w")) 'beginning-of-line
+	 '(font-lock-syntactic-keywords . vhdl-font-lock-syntactic-keywords)))
+  (when (fboundp 'font-lock-unset-defaults)
+    (font-lock-unset-defaults))		; not implemented in XEmacs
+  (font-lock-set-defaults)
+  (font-lock-fontify-buffer))
+;; Initialization for postscript printing
+(defun vhdl-ps-print-settings ()
+  "Initialize custom face and page settings for postscript printing."
+  ;; define custom face settings
+  (unless (or (not vhdl-print-customize-faces)
+	      ps-print-color-p)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-bold-faces)
+	 '(font-lock-keyword-face
+	   font-lock-type-face
+	   vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face
+	   vhdl-font-lock-enumvalue-face
+	   vhdl-font-lock-directive-face))
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-italic-faces)
+	 '(font-lock-comment-face
+	   font-lock-function-name-face
+	   font-lock-type-face
+	   vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face
+	   vhdl-font-lock-enumvalue-face
+	   vhdl-font-lock-directive-face))
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-underlined-faces)
+	 '(font-lock-string-face))
+    (setq ps-always-build-face-reference t))
+  ;; define page settings, so that a line containing 79 characters (default)
+  ;; fits into one column
+  (when vhdl-print-two-column
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-landscape-mode) t)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-number-of-columns) 2)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-font-size) 7.0)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-header-title-font-size) 10.0)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-header-font-size) 9.0)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ps-header-offset) 12.0)
+    (when (eq ps-paper-type 'letter)
+      (set (make-local-variable 'ps-inter-column) 40.0)
+      (set (make-local-variable 'ps-left-margin) 40.0)
+      (set (make-local-variable 'ps-right-margin) 40.0))))
+(defun vhdl-ps-print-init ()
+  "Initialize postscript printing."
+  (if vhdl-xemacs
+      (when (boundp 'ps-print-color-p)
+	(vhdl-ps-print-settings))
+    (make-local-variable 'ps-print-hook)
+    (add-hook 'ps-print-hook 'vhdl-ps-print-settings)))
+;;; Hierarchy browser (using `speedbar.el')
+;; Allows displaying the hierarchy of all VHDL design units contained in a
+;; directory by using the speedbar.
+;; Variables
+(defvar vhdl-entity-alist nil
+  "Cache with entities and corresponding architectures and configurations for
+each visited directory.")
+;; structure: (parenthesised expression means list of such entries)
+;; (directory-name
+;;   (ent-name ent-file ent-line
+;;     (arch-name arch-file arch-line
+;;       (inst-name inst-file inst-line inst-ent-name inst-arch-name))
+;;     (conf-name conf-file conf-line))
+(defvar vhdl-package-alist nil
+  "Cache with packages for each visited directory.")
+;; structure: (parenthesised expression means list of such entries)
+;; (directory-name
+;;   (pack-name pack-file pack-line pack-body-file pack-body-line))
+(defvar vhdl-ent-inst-alist nil
+  "Cache with instantiated entities for each visited directory.")
+;; structure: (parenthesised expression means list of such entries)
+;; (directory-name (inst-ent-name))
+(defvar vhdl-project-entity-alist nil
+  "Cache with entities and corresponding architectures and configurations for
+each visited project.")
+;; same structure as `vhdl-entity-alist'
+(defvar vhdl-project-package-alist nil
+  "Cache with packages for each visited directory.")
+;; same structure as `vhdl-package-alist'
+(defvar vhdl-project-ent-inst-list nil
+  "Cache with instantiated entities for each visited directory.")
+;; same structure as `vhdl-ent-inst-alist'
+(defvar vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist nil
+  "Alist of design units simultaneously open in the current speedbar for each
+directory and project.")
+(defvar vhdl-speedbar-last-file-name nil
+  "Last file for which design units were highlighted.")
+(defvar vhdl-file-alist nil
+  "Cache with design units in each file.")
+;; structure (parenthesised expression means list of such entries)
+;; (file-name (ent-list) (arch-list) (conf-list) (pack-list) (inst-list))
+;; help function
+(defsubst vhdl-speedbar-project-p ()
+  "Return non-nil if a project is displayed, i.e. directories or files are
+  (nth 1 (aget vhdl-project-alist vhdl-project)))
+;; Scan functions
+(defun vhdl-scan-file-contents (name &optional num-string)
+  "Scan contents of VHDL files in directory or file pattern NAME."
+  (string-match "\\(.*[/\\]\\)\\(.*\\)" name)
+;   (unless (file-directory-p (match-string 1 name))
+;     (message "No such directory: \"%s\"" (match-string 1 name)))
+  (let* ((is-directory (= (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
+	 (file-list
+	  (if is-directory
+	      (nreverse (vhdl-get-source-files t name))
+	    (vhdl-directory-files (match-string 1 name) t
+				  (wildcard-to-regexp (match-string 2 name)))))
+	 (source-buffer (current-buffer))
+	 ent-alist pack-alist ent-inst-list no-files big-files)
+    (when (and (not is-directory) (null file-list))
+      (message "No such file: \"%s\"" name))
+    (save-excursion
+      (when file-list
+	(setq no-files (length file-list))
+	;; do for all files
+	(while file-list
+	  (message "Scanning %s %s\"%s\"... (%2d%s)"
+		   (if is-directory "directory" "files")
+		   (or num-string "") name
+ 		   (/ (* 100 (- no-files (length file-list))) no-files) "%")
+	  (let ((file-name (abbreviate-file-name (car file-list)))
+		opened arch-name ent-name
+		ent-list arch-list conf-list pack-list inst-list inst-no
+		(limit-design-file-size (nth 0 vhdl-speedbar-scan-limit))
+		(limit-hier-file-size (nth 0 (nth 1 vhdl-speedbar-scan-limit)))
+		(limit-hier-inst-no (nth 1 (nth 1 vhdl-speedbar-scan-limit))))
+	    ;; open file
+	    (if (find-buffer-visiting file-name)
+		(set-buffer (find-buffer-visiting file-name))
+	      (set-buffer (find-file-noselect file-name nil t))
+	      (setq opened t))
+	    (let ((case-fold-search t))
+	      (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" (syntax-table))
+	      ;; scan for design units
+	      (if (and limit-design-file-size
+		       (< limit-design-file-size (buffer-size)))
+		  (progn (message "WARNING:  Scan limit (design units: file size) reached in file:\n  \"%s\"" file-name)
+			 (setq big-files t))
+		;; scan for entities
+		(goto-char (point-min))
+		(while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*entity\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)" nil t)
+		  (let* ((ent-entry (aget ent-alist (match-string 1)))
+			 (arch-alist (nth 2 ent-entry))
+			 (conf-alist (nth 3 ent-entry)))
+		    (setq ent-list (cons (match-string 1) ent-list))
+		    (aput 'ent-alist (match-string 1)
+			  (list file-name (vhdl-current-line)
+				arch-alist conf-alist nil))))
+		;; scan for architectures
+		(goto-char (point-min))
+		(while (re-search-forward
+			"^\\s-*architecture\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)\\s-+of\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)"
+			nil t)
+		  (let* ((ent-entry (aget ent-alist (match-string 2)))
+			 (arch-alist (nth 2 ent-entry))
+			 (conf-alist (nth 3 ent-entry)))
+		    (setq arch-name (match-string 1))
+		    (setq ent-name (match-string 2))
+		    (setq arch-list (cons arch-name arch-list))
+		    (vhdl-aappend 'arch-alist arch-name
+				  (list file-name (vhdl-current-line) nil))
+		    (setq ent-entry
+			  (list (nth 0 ent-entry) (nth 1 ent-entry)
+				arch-alist conf-alist nil))
+		    (aput 'ent-alist ent-name ent-entry)))
+		;; scan for configurations
+		(goto-char (point-min))
+		(while (re-search-forward
+			"^\\s-*configuration\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)\\s-+of\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)"
+			nil t)
+		  (let* ((ent-entry (aget ent-alist (match-string 2)))
+			 (arch-alist (nth 2 ent-entry))
+			 (conf-alist (nth 3 ent-entry)))
+		    (setq conf-list (cons (match-string 1) conf-list))
+		    (vhdl-aappend 'conf-alist (match-string 1)
+				  (list file-name (vhdl-current-line)))
+		    (setq ent-entry (list (nth 0 ent-entry) (nth 1 ent-entry)
+					  arch-alist conf-alist nil))
+		    (aput 'ent-alist (match-string 2) ent-entry)))
+		;; scan for packages
+		(goto-char (point-min))
+		(while (re-search-forward
+			"^\\s-*package\\s-+\\(body\\s-+\\)?\\(\\w+\\)" nil t)
+		  (let ((pack-entry (aget pack-alist (match-string 2))))
+		    (setq pack-list (cons (match-string 2) pack-list))
+		    (aput 'pack-alist (match-string 2)
+			  (if (not (match-string 1))
+			      (list file-name (vhdl-current-line)
+				    (nth 2 pack-entry) (nth 3 pack-entry))
+			    (list (nth 0 pack-entry) (nth 1 pack-entry)
+				  file-name (vhdl-current-line)))))))
+	      ;; scan for hierarchy
+	      (if (and limit-hier-file-size
+		       (< limit-hier-file-size (buffer-size)))
+		  (progn (message "WARNING:  Scan limit (hierarchy: file size) reached in file:\n  \"%s\"" file-name)
+			 (setq big-files t))
+		;; scan for instantiations and the enclosing architecture
+		(goto-char (point-min))
+		(setq inst-no 0)
+		(while (and (or (null limit-hier-inst-no)
+				(< inst-no limit-hier-inst-no))
+			    (re-search-forward
+			     (concat
+			      "^\\s-*\\(architecture\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)\\s-+of\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)\\|"
+			      "\\(\\w+\\)\\s-*:\\(\\s-\\|\n\\)*\\(entity\\s-+\\w+\\.\\)?"
+			      "\\(\\w+\\)\\(\\s-*(\\(\\w+\\))\\)?\\(\\s-\\|\n\\|--.*\n\\)*"
+			      "\\(generic\\|port\\)\\s-+map\\>\\)") nil t))
+		  (if (match-string 2)
+		      ;; architecture found
+		      (progn (setq arch-name (match-string 2))
+			     (setq ent-name (match-string 3)))
+		    ;; instantiation found
+		    (let* ((ent-entry (aget ent-alist ent-name))
+			   (arch-alist (nth 2 ent-entry))
+			   (arch-entry (aget arch-alist arch-name))
+			   (inst-alist (nth 2 arch-entry))
+			   (inst-name (match-string 4))
+			   (inst-ent-name (match-string 7))
+			   (inst-arch-name (match-string 9))
+			   (conf-alist (nth 3 ent-entry)))
+		      (re-search-backward ":" nil t)
+		      (setq inst-list (cons inst-name inst-list))
+		      (vhdl-aappend 'inst-alist inst-name
+				    (list file-name (vhdl-current-line)
+					  inst-ent-name inst-arch-name))
+		      (setq arch-entry
+			    (list (nth 0 arch-entry) (nth 1 arch-entry)
+				  inst-alist))
+		      (vhdl-aappend 'arch-alist arch-name arch-entry)
+		      (setq ent-entry (list (nth 0 ent-entry) (nth 1 ent-entry)
+					    arch-alist conf-alist nil))
+		      (aput 'ent-alist ent-name ent-entry)
+		      (unless (member inst-ent-name ent-inst-list)
+			(setq ent-inst-list
+			      (cons inst-ent-name ent-inst-list)))
+		      (setq inst-no (1+ inst-no)))))
+		(when (and limit-hier-inst-no (<= limit-hier-inst-no inst-no))
+		  (message "WARNING:  Scan limit (hierarchy: instances per file) reached in file:\n  \"%s\"" file-name)
+		  (setq big-files t))
+		;; add design units to variable `vhdl-file-alist'
+		(aput 'vhdl-file-alist file-name
+		      (list
+		       ent-list arch-list conf-list pack-list inst-list))))
+	    (setq file-list (cdr file-list))
+	    ;; close file
+	    (if opened
+		(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+	      (when (not vhdl-underscore-is-part-of-word)
+		(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" vhdl-mode-syntax-table)))
+	    (set-buffer source-buffer)))
+	;; sort entities and packages
+	(setq ent-alist
+	      (sort ent-alist
+		    (function (lambda (a b) (string-lessp (car a) (car b))))))
+	(setq pack-alist
+	      (sort pack-alist
+		    (function (lambda (a b) (string-lessp (car a) (car b))))))
+	;; put directory contents into cache
+	(when ent-alist
+	  (aput 'vhdl-entity-alist name ent-alist))
+	(when pack-alist
+	  (aput 'vhdl-package-alist name pack-alist))
+	(when ent-inst-list
+	  (aput 'vhdl-ent-inst-alist name (list ent-inst-list)))
+	(message "Scanning %s %s\"%s\"...done"
+		 (if is-directory "directory" "files") (or num-string "") name)
+	(when big-files
+	  (message "  --> see custom variable `vhdl-speedbar-scan-limit'")
+	  (vhdl-warning-when-idle "Scanning is incomplete (see *Messages* buffer)"))
+	t))))
+(defun vhdl-scan-project-contents (project &optional rescan)
+  "Scan the contents of all VHDL files found in the directories and files
+  (let ((dir-list-tmp (nth 1 (aget vhdl-project-alist project)))
+	dir-list pro-ent-alist pro-pack-alist pro-ent-inst-list
+	dir name num-dir act-dir)
+    ;; resolve environment variables and path wildcards
+    (setq dir-list-tmp (vhdl-resolve-paths dir-list-tmp))
+    ;; expand directories
+    (while dir-list-tmp
+      (setq dir (car dir-list-tmp))
+      ;; get subdirectories
+      (if (string-match "-r \\(.*/\\)" dir)
+	  (setq dir-list (append dir-list (vhdl-get-subdirs
+					   (match-string 1 dir))))
+	(setq dir-list (append dir-list (list dir))))
+      (setq dir-list-tmp (cdr dir-list-tmp)))
+    ;; get entities and packages of each directory in DIR-LIST
+    (setq num-dir (length dir-list)
+	  act-dir 1)
+    (while dir-list
+      (setq name (abbreviate-file-name (car dir-list)))
+      (or (and (not rescan)
+	       (or (assoc name vhdl-entity-alist)
+		   (assoc name vhdl-package-alist)))
+	  (vhdl-scan-file-contents name (format "(%s/%s) " act-dir num-dir)))
+      ;; merge entities and corresponding architectures and configurations
+      (let ((ent-alist (aget vhdl-entity-alist name)))
+	(while ent-alist
+	  (let* ((ent-name (car (car ent-alist)))
+		 (ent-entry (cdr (car ent-alist)))
+		 (pro-ent-entry (aget pro-ent-alist ent-name)))
+	    (aput 'pro-ent-alist ent-name
+		  (list (or (nth 0 pro-ent-entry) (nth 0 ent-entry))
+			(or (nth 1 pro-ent-entry) (nth 1 ent-entry))
+			(append (nth 2 pro-ent-entry) (nth 2 ent-entry))
+			(append (nth 3 pro-ent-entry) (nth 3 ent-entry)))))
+	  (setq ent-alist (cdr ent-alist))))
+      ;; merge packages and corresponding package bodies
+      (let ((pack-alist (aget vhdl-package-alist name)))
+	(while pack-alist
+	  (let* ((pack-name (car (car pack-alist)))
+		 (pack-entry (cdr (car pack-alist)))
+		 (pro-pack-entry (aget pro-pack-alist pack-name)))
+	    (aput 'pro-pack-alist pack-name
+		  (list (or (nth 0 pro-pack-entry) (nth 0 pack-entry))
+			(or (nth 1 pro-pack-entry) (nth 1 pack-entry))
+			(or (nth 2 pro-pack-entry) (nth 2 pack-entry))
+			(or (nth 3 pro-pack-entry) (nth 3 pack-entry)))))
+	  (setq pack-alist (cdr pack-alist))))
+      ;; merge list of instantiated entities
+      (setq pro-ent-inst-list
+	    (append pro-ent-inst-list
+		    (copy-alist
+		     (car (aget vhdl-ent-inst-alist name)))))
+      (setq dir-list (cdr dir-list)
+	    act-dir (1+ act-dir)))
+    ;; sort lists and put them into the caches
+    (when pro-ent-alist
+      (aput 'vhdl-project-entity-alist project
+	    (sort pro-ent-alist
+		  (function (lambda (a b) (string-lessp (car a) (car b)))))))
+    (when pro-pack-alist
+      (aput 'vhdl-project-package-alist project
+	    (sort pro-pack-alist
+		  (function (lambda (a b) (string-lessp (car a) (car b)))))))
+    (when pro-ent-inst-list
+      (aput 'vhdl-project-ent-inst-list project pro-ent-inst-list))))
+(defun vhdl-get-hierarchy (ent-name arch-name level indent &optional ent-hier)
+  "Get instantiation hierarchy beginning in architecture ARCH-NAME of
+entity ENT-NAME."
+  (let* ((ent-alist (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+			(aget vhdl-project-entity-alist vhdl-project)
+		      (aget vhdl-entity-alist
+			    (abbreviate-file-name
+			     (file-name-as-directory
+			      (speedbar-line-path (1- indent)))))))
+	 (ent-entry (aget ent-alist ent-name))
+	 (arch-entry (if arch-name (aget (nth 2 ent-entry) arch-name)
+		       (cdr (car (last (nth 2 ent-entry))))))
+	 (inst-list (nth 2 arch-entry))
+	 inst-entry inst-ent-entry inst-arch-entry hier-list)
+    (when (= level 0) (message "Extract design hierarchy..."))
+    (when (member ent-name ent-hier)
+      (error (format "Instantiation loop detected; component \"%s\" instantiates itself"
+		     ent-name)))
+    (while inst-list
+      (setq inst-entry (car inst-list))
+      (setq inst-ent-entry (aget ent-alist (nth 3 inst-entry)))
+      (setq inst-arch-entry
+	    (if (nth 4 inst-entry)
+		(cons (nth 4 inst-entry)
+		      (aget (nth 2 inst-ent-entry) (nth 4 inst-entry)))
+	      (car (last (nth 2 inst-ent-entry)))))
+      (setq hier-list
+	    (append
+	     hier-list
+	     (cons (list (nth 0 inst-entry)
+			 (cons (nth 1 inst-entry) (nth 2 inst-entry))
+			 (nth 3 inst-entry)
+			 (cons (nth 0 inst-ent-entry) (nth 1 inst-ent-entry))
+			 (nth 0 inst-arch-entry)
+			 (cons (nth 1 inst-arch-entry) (nth 2 inst-arch-entry))
+			 level)
+		   (vhdl-get-hierarchy (nth 3 inst-entry) (nth 4 inst-entry)
+				       (1+ level) indent
+				       (cons ent-name ent-hier)))))
+      (setq inst-list (cdr inst-list)))
+    (when (= level 0) (message "Extract design hierarchy...done"))
+    hier-list))
+(defun vhdl-get-instantiations (ent-name indent)
+  "Get all instantiations of entity ENT-NAME."
+  (let ((ent-alist (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+		       (aget vhdl-project-entity-alist vhdl-project)
+		     (aget vhdl-entity-alist
+			   (abbreviate-file-name
+			    (file-name-as-directory
+			     (speedbar-line-path indent))))))
+	arch-alist inst-alist ent-inst-list
+	ent-entry arch-entry inst-entry)
+    (while ent-alist
+      (setq ent-entry (car ent-alist))
+      (setq arch-alist (nth 3 ent-entry))
+      (while arch-alist
+	(setq arch-entry (car arch-alist))
+	(setq inst-alist (nth 3 arch-entry))
+	(while inst-alist
+	  (setq inst-entry (car inst-alist))
+	  (when (equal ent-name (nth 3 inst-entry))
+	    (setq ent-inst-list
+		  (cons (list (nth 0 inst-entry)
+			      (cons (nth 1 inst-entry) (nth 2 inst-entry))
+			      (nth 0 ent-entry)
+			      (cons (nth 1 ent-entry) (nth 2 ent-entry))
+			      (nth 0 arch-entry)
+			      (cons (nth 1 arch-entry) (nth 2 arch-entry)))
+			      ent-inst-list)))
+	  (setq inst-alist (cdr inst-alist)))
+	(setq arch-alist (cdr arch-alist)))
+      (setq ent-alist (cdr ent-alist)))
+    (nreverse ent-inst-list)))
+;; Add hierarchy browser functionality to speedbar.
+(defvar vhdl-speedbar-key-map nil
+  "Keymap used when in the VHDL hierarchy browser mode.")
+(defvar vhdl-speedbar-menu-items
+  '(["Edit Design Unit" speedbar-edit-line t]
+    ["Expand Hierarchy" speedbar-expand-line
+     (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[0-9]+: *.\\+. "))]
+    ["Contract Hierarchy" speedbar-contract-line
+     (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[0-9]+: *.-. "))]
+    ["Rescan Hierarchy" vhdl-speedbar-rescan-hierarchy t]
+    "--"
+    ["Copy Port" vhdl-speedbar-port-copy
+     (save-excursion
+       (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[0-9]+: *\\[[-+?]\\] "))])
+  "Additional menu-items to add to speedbar frame.")
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-initialize ()
+  "Initialize speedbar."
+  ;; general settings
+;  (set (make-local-variable 'speedbar-tag-hierarchy-method) nil)
+  ;; VHDL file extensions (extracted from `auto-mode-alist')
+  (let ((mode-alist auto-mode-alist))
+    (while mode-alist
+      (when (eq (cdr (car mode-alist)) 'vhdl-mode)
+	(speedbar-add-supported-extension (car (car mode-alist))))
+      (setq mode-alist (cdr mode-alist))))
+  ;; hierarchy browser settings
+  (when (boundp 'speedbar-mode-functions-list)
+    (speedbar-add-mode-functions-list
+     '("vhdl hierarchy"
+       (speedbar-item-info . vhdl-speedbar-item-info)
+       (speedbar-line-path . speedbar-files-line-path)))
+    (unless vhdl-speedbar-key-map
+      (setq vhdl-speedbar-key-map (speedbar-make-specialized-keymap))
+      (define-key vhdl-speedbar-key-map "e" 'speedbar-edit-line)
+      (define-key vhdl-speedbar-key-map "\C-m" 'speedbar-edit-line)
+      (define-key vhdl-speedbar-key-map "+" 'speedbar-expand-line)
+      (define-key vhdl-speedbar-key-map "-" 'speedbar-contract-line)
+      (define-key vhdl-speedbar-key-map "s" 'vhdl-speedbar-rescan-hierarchy)
+      (define-key vhdl-speedbar-key-map "c" 'vhdl-speedbar-port-copy))
+    (define-key speedbar-key-map "h"
+      (lambda () (interactive)
+	(speedbar-change-initial-expansion-list "vhdl hierarchy")))
+    (speedbar-add-expansion-list '("vhdl hierarchy" vhdl-speedbar-menu-items
+				   vhdl-speedbar-key-map
+				   vhdl-speedbar-display-hierarchy))
+    (setq speedbar-stealthy-function-list
+	  (cons '("vhdl hierarchy" vhdl-speedbar-update-current-unit)
+		speedbar-stealthy-function-list))
+    (when vhdl-speedbar-show-hierarchy
+      (setq speedbar-initial-expansion-list-name "vhdl hierarchy"))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar (&optional arg)
+  "Open/close speedbar."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (fboundp 'speedbar))
+      (error "WARNING:  Speedbar is not available or not installed")
+    (condition-case ()
+	(speedbar-frame-mode arg)
+      (error (error "WARNING:  An error occurred while opening speedbar")))))
+;; initialize speedbar for VHDL Mode
+(if (not (boundp 'speedbar-frame))
+    (add-hook 'speedbar-load-hook 'vhdl-speedbar-initialize)
+  (vhdl-speedbar-initialize)
+  (when speedbar-frame (speedbar-refresh)))
+;; Display functions
+;; macros must be defined in the file they are used (copied from `speedbar.el')
+(defmacro speedbar-with-writable (&rest forms)
+  "Allow the buffer to be writable and evaluate FORMS."
+  (list 'let '((inhibit-read-only t))
+	(cons 'progn forms)))
+(put 'speedbar-with-writable 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-display-hierarchy (directory depth &optional rescan)
+  "Display directory and hierarchy information in speedbar."
+  (setq directory (abbreviate-file-name (file-name-as-directory directory)))
+  (setq speedbar-last-selected-file nil)
+  (speedbar-with-writable
+   (save-excursion
+     (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+	 (progn
+	   ;; insert project title
+	   (vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line "Project:" 0)
+	   (let ((start (point)))
+	     (insert "p:")
+	     (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible t)
+	     (setq start (point))
+	     (insert vhdl-project)
+	     (put-text-property start (point) 'face 'speedbar-directory-face))
+	   (insert-char ?\n 1)
+	   ;; scan and insert hierarchy of project
+	   (vhdl-speedbar-insert-project-hierarchy vhdl-project
+						   speedbar-power-click))
+       ;; insert directory path
+       (speedbar-directory-buttons directory depth)
+       ;; insert subdirectories
+       (vhdl-speedbar-insert-dirs (speedbar-file-lists directory) depth)
+       ;; scan and insert hierarchy of current directory
+       (vhdl-speedbar-insert-dir-hierarchy directory depth
+					   speedbar-power-click)
+       ;; expand subdirectories
+       (when (= depth 0) (vhdl-speedbar-expand-dirs directory))))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-insert-hierarchy (ent-alist pack-alist
+						 ent-inst-list depth)
+  "Insert hierarchy of ENT-ALIST and PACK-ALIST."
+  (if (not (or ent-alist pack-alist))
+      (vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line "No design units!" depth)
+    (let (ent-entry pack-entry)
+      ;; insert entities
+      (when ent-alist (vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line "Entities:" depth))
+      (while ent-alist
+	(setq ent-entry (car ent-alist))
+	(speedbar-make-tag-line
+	 'bracket ?+ 'vhdl-speedbar-expand-entity (nth 0 ent-entry)
+	 (nth 0 ent-entry) 'vhdl-speedbar-find-file
+	 (cons (nth 1 ent-entry) (nth 2 ent-entry))
+	 'vhdl-speedbar-entity-face depth)
+	(when (not (member (nth 0 ent-entry) ent-inst-list))
+	  (end-of-line 0) (insert " (top)") (forward-char 1))
+	(setq ent-alist (cdr ent-alist)))
+      ;; insert packages
+      (when pack-alist (vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line "Packages:" depth))
+      (while pack-alist
+	(setq pack-entry (car pack-alist))
+	(vhdl-speedbar-make-pack-line
+	 (nth 0 pack-entry)
+	 (cons (nth 1 pack-entry) (nth 2 pack-entry))
+	 (cons (nth 3 pack-entry) (nth 4 pack-entry))
+	 depth)
+	(setq pack-alist (cdr pack-alist))))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-insert-project-hierarchy (project &optional rescan)
+  "Insert hierarchy of project.  Rescan directories if RESCAN is non-nil,
+otherwise use cached data of directories."
+  (when (or rescan (and (not (assoc project vhdl-project-entity-alist))
+			(not (assoc project vhdl-project-package-alist))))
+    (vhdl-scan-project-contents project rescan))
+    ;; insert design hierarchy in speedbar
+  (vhdl-speedbar-insert-hierarchy
+   (aget vhdl-project-entity-alist project)
+   (aget vhdl-project-package-alist project)
+   (aget vhdl-project-ent-inst-list project) 0)
+    ;; expand design units
+  (vhdl-speedbar-expand-units project))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-insert-dir-hierarchy (directory depth &optional rescan)
+  "Insert hierarchy of DIRECTORY.  Rescan directory if RESCAN is non-nil,
+otherwise use cached data."
+  (when (or rescan (and (not (assoc directory vhdl-entity-alist))
+			(not (assoc directory vhdl-package-alist))))
+    (vhdl-scan-file-contents directory))
+  (vhdl-speedbar-insert-hierarchy
+   (aget vhdl-entity-alist directory)
+   (aget vhdl-package-alist directory)
+   (car (aget vhdl-ent-inst-alist directory))
+   depth)
+  (vhdl-speedbar-expand-units directory))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-rescan-hierarchy ()
+  "Rescan hierarchy for the directory under the cursor or the current project."
+  (interactive)
+  (cond
+   ;; the current project
+   ((vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+    (vhdl-scan-project-contents vhdl-project t)
+    (speedbar-refresh))
+   ;; the top-level directory
+   ((save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[^0-9]"))
+    (re-search-forward "[0-9]+:" nil t)
+    (vhdl-scan-file-contents (abbreviate-file-name (speedbar-line-path)))
+    (speedbar-refresh))
+   ;; the current directory
+   (t (let ((path (speedbar-line-path)))
+	(string-match "^\\(.+[/\\]\\)" path)
+	(vhdl-scan-file-contents (abbreviate-file-name (match-string 1 path)))
+	(speedbar-refresh)))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-expand-dirs (directory)
+  "Expand subdirectories in DIRECTORY according to
+ `speedbar-shown-directories'."
+  ;; (nicked from `speedbar-default-directory-list')
+  (let ((sf (cdr (reverse speedbar-shown-directories))))
+    (setq speedbar-shown-directories
+	  (list (expand-file-name default-directory)))
+    (while sf
+      (when (speedbar-goto-this-file (car sf))
+	(beginning-of-line)
+	(when (looking-at "[0-9]+:\\s-*<")
+	  (goto-char (match-end 0))
+	  (let* ((position (point))
+		 (directory (abbreviate-file-name
+			     (file-name-as-directory (speedbar-line-file)))))
+	    (speedbar-do-function-pointer))))
+      (setq sf (cdr sf)))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-expand-units (directory)
+  "Expand design units in DIRECTORY according to
+  (let ((ent-alist (aget vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory)))
+    (adelete 'vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory)
+    (while ent-alist			; expand entities
+      (vhdl-speedbar-goto-this-unit directory (car (car ent-alist)))
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (let ((arch-alist (nth 1 (car ent-alist)))
+	    position)
+	(when (looking-at "[0-9]+:\\s-*\\[")
+	  (goto-char (match-end 0))
+	  (setq position (point))
+	  (speedbar-do-function-pointer)
+	  (while arch-alist		; expand architectures
+	    (goto-char position)
+	    (when (re-search-forward
+		   (concat "[0-9]+:\\s-*\\(\\[\\|{.}\\s-+"
+			   (car arch-alist) "\\>\\)") nil t)
+	      (beginning-of-line)
+	      (when (looking-at "[0-9]+:\\s-*{")
+		(goto-char (match-end 0))
+		(speedbar-do-function-pointer)))
+	    (setq arch-alist (cdr arch-alist))))
+	(setq ent-alist (cdr ent-alist))))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-expand-entity (text token indent)
+  "Expand/contract the entity under the cursor."
+  (cond
+   ((string-match "+" text)		; expand entity
+    (let* ((ent-alist (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+			  (aget vhdl-project-entity-alist vhdl-project)
+			(aget vhdl-entity-alist
+			      (abbreviate-file-name
+			       (file-name-as-directory
+				(speedbar-line-path indent))))))
+	   (arch-alist (nth 2 (aget ent-alist token)))
+	   (conf-alist (nth 3 (aget ent-alist token)))
+	   (inst-alist (vhdl-get-instantiations token indent))
+	   arch-entry conf-entry inst-entry)
+      (if (not (or arch-alist conf-alist inst-alist))
+	  (speedbar-change-expand-button-char ??)
+	(speedbar-change-expand-button-char ?-)
+	;; add entity to `vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist'
+	(let* ((directory (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+			      vhdl-project
+			    (abbreviate-file-name
+			     (file-name-as-directory (speedbar-line-path)))))
+	       (ent-alist (aget vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory)))
+	  (aput 'ent-alist (speedbar-line-text) nil)
+	  (aput 'vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory ent-alist))
+	(speedbar-with-writable
+	  (save-excursion
+	    (end-of-line) (forward-char 1)
+	    ;; insert architectures
+	    (when arch-alist
+	      (vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line "Architectures:" (1+ indent)))
+	    (while arch-alist
+	      (setq arch-entry (car arch-alist))
+	      (speedbar-make-tag-line
+	       'curly ?+ 'vhdl-speedbar-expand-architecture
+	       (cons token (nth 0 arch-entry))
+	       (nth 0 arch-entry) 'vhdl-speedbar-find-file
+	       (cons (nth 1 arch-entry) (nth 2 arch-entry))
+	       'vhdl-speedbar-architecture-face (1+ indent))
+	      (setq arch-alist (cdr arch-alist)))
+	    ;; insert configurations
+	    (when conf-alist
+	      (vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line "Configurations:" (1+ indent)))
+	    (while conf-alist
+	      (setq conf-entry (car conf-alist))
+	      (speedbar-make-tag-line
+	       nil nil nil
+	       (cons token (nth 0 conf-entry))
+	       (nth 0 conf-entry) 'vhdl-speedbar-find-file
+	       (cons (nth 1 conf-entry) (nth 2 conf-entry))
+	       'vhdl-speedbar-configuration-face (1+ indent))
+	      (setq conf-alist (cdr conf-alist)))
+	    ;; insert instantiations
+	    (when inst-alist
+	      (vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line "Instantiations:" (1+ indent)))
+	    (while inst-alist
+	      (setq inst-entry (car inst-alist))
+	      (vhdl-speedbar-make-inst-line
+	       (nth 0 inst-entry) (nth 1 inst-entry)
+	       (nth 2 inst-entry) (nth 3 inst-entry)
+	       (nth 4 inst-entry) (nth 5 inst-entry) (1+ indent) 0)
+	      (setq inst-alist (cdr inst-alist)))))
+	(setq speedbar-last-selected-file nil)
+	(save-excursion (speedbar-stealthy-updates)))))
+   ((string-match "-" text)		; contract entity
+    (speedbar-change-expand-button-char ?+)
+    ;; remove entity from `vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist'
+    (let* ((directory (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+			  vhdl-project
+			(abbreviate-file-name
+			 (file-name-as-directory (speedbar-line-path)))))
+	   (ent-alist (aget vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory)))
+      (adelete 'ent-alist (speedbar-line-text))
+      (if ent-alist
+	  (aput 'vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory ent-alist)
+	(adelete 'vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory)))
+    (speedbar-delete-subblock indent))
+   (t (error "No architectures, configurations, nor instantiations exist for this entity")))
+  (speedbar-center-buffer-smartly))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-expand-architecture (text token indent)
+  "Expand/contract the architecture under the cursor."
+  (cond
+   ((string-match "+" text)		; expand architecture
+    (let ((hier-alist (vhdl-get-hierarchy (car token) (cdr token) 0 indent)))
+      (if (not hier-alist)
+	  (speedbar-change-expand-button-char ??)
+	(speedbar-change-expand-button-char ?-)
+	;; add architecture to `vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist'
+	(let* ((path (speedbar-line-path))
+	       (dummy (string-match "^\\(.+[/\\]\\)\\([^/\\ ]+\\)" path))
+	       (ent-name (match-string 2 path))
+	       (directory (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+			      vhdl-project
+			    (abbreviate-file-name (match-string 1 path))))
+	       (ent-alist (aget vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory))
+	       (arch-alist (nth 0 (aget ent-alist ent-name t))))
+	  (aput 'ent-alist ent-name
+		(list (cons (speedbar-line-text) arch-alist)))
+	  (aput 'vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory ent-alist))
+	(speedbar-with-writable
+	 (save-excursion
+	   (end-of-line) (forward-char 1)
+	   ;; insert instance hierarchy
+	   (when hier-alist
+	     (vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line "Subcomponents:" (1+ indent)))
+	   (while hier-alist
+	     (let ((entry (car hier-alist)))
+	       (vhdl-speedbar-make-inst-line
+		(nth 0 entry) (nth 1 entry)
+		(nth 2 entry) (nth 3 entry)
+		(nth 4 entry) (nth 5 entry)
+		(1+ indent) (nth 6 entry))
+	       (setq hier-alist (cdr hier-alist))))))
+	(setq speedbar-last-selected-file nil)
+	(save-excursion (speedbar-stealthy-updates)))))
+   ((string-match "-" text)		; contract architecture
+    (speedbar-change-expand-button-char ?+)
+    ;; remove architecture from `vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist'
+    (let* ((path (speedbar-line-path))
+	   (dummy (string-match "^\\(.+[/\\]\\)\\([^/\\ ]+\\)" path))
+	   (ent-name (match-string 2 path))
+	   (directory (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+			  vhdl-project
+			(abbreviate-file-name (match-string 1 path))))
+	   (ent-alist (aget vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory))
+	   (arch-alist (nth 0 (aget ent-alist ent-name t))))
+      (aput 'ent-alist ent-name
+	    (list (delete (speedbar-line-text) arch-alist)))
+      (aput 'vhdl-speedbar-shown-units-alist directory ent-alist))
+    (speedbar-delete-subblock indent))
+   (t (error "No component instantiations contained in this architecture")))
+  (speedbar-center-buffer-smartly))
+;; Display help functions
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-update-current-unit (&optional no-position)
+  "Highlight all design units that are contained in the current file.
+NO-POSITION non-nil means do not re-position cursor."
+  (let ((last-frame (selected-frame))
+	file-name position)
+    ;; get current file name
+    (select-frame speedbar-attached-frame)
+    (setq file-name (abbreviate-file-name (or (buffer-file-name) "")))
+    (unless (equal file-name speedbar-last-selected-file)
+      (select-frame speedbar-frame)
+      (set-buffer speedbar-buffer)
+      (speedbar-with-writable
+	(save-excursion
+	  ;; unhighlight last units
+	  (let* ((file-entry
+		  (aget vhdl-file-alist speedbar-last-selected-file)))
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     "\\[.\\]" (nth 0 file-entry)
+	     speedbar-last-selected-file 'vhdl-speedbar-entity-face)
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     "{.}" (nth 1 file-entry)
+	     speedbar-last-selected-file 'vhdl-speedbar-architecture-face)
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     ">" (nth 2 file-entry)
+	     speedbar-last-selected-file 'vhdl-speedbar-configuration-face)
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     ">" (nth 3 file-entry)
+	     speedbar-last-selected-file 'vhdl-speedbar-package-face)
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     ">" (nth 4 file-entry)
+	     speedbar-last-selected-file 'vhdl-speedbar-instantiation-face))
+	  ;; highlight current units
+	  (let* ((file-entry (aget vhdl-file-alist file-name)))
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     "\\[.\\]" (nth 0 file-entry)
+	     file-name 'vhdl-speedbar-entity-selected-face)
+	    (setq position (or position (point-marker)))
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     "{.}" (nth 1 file-entry)
+	     file-name 'vhdl-speedbar-architecture-selected-face)
+	    (setq position (or position (point-marker)))
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     ">" (nth 2 file-entry)
+	     file-name 'vhdl-speedbar-configuration-selected-face)
+	    (setq position (or position (point-marker)))
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     ">" (nth 3 file-entry)
+	     file-name 'vhdl-speedbar-package-selected-face)
+	    (setq position (or position (point-marker)))
+	    (vhdl-speedbar-update-units
+	     ">" (nth 4 file-entry)
+	     file-name 'vhdl-speedbar-instantiation-selected-face))))
+	    (setq position (or position (point-marker)))
+      ;; move speedbar so the first highlighted unit is visible
+      (when (and position (not no-position))
+	(goto-char position)
+	(speedbar-center-buffer-smartly)
+	(speedbar-position-cursor-on-line))
+      (setq speedbar-last-selected-file file-name))
+    (select-frame last-frame)
+    t))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-update-units (text unit-list file-name face)
+  "Help function to highlight design units."
+  (let (position)
+    (while unit-list
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward
+	      (concat text " \\(" (car unit-list) "\\)\\>") nil t)
+	(when (equal file-name (car (get-text-property
+				     (match-beginning 1) 'speedbar-token)))
+	  (setq position (or position (point-marker)))
+	  (put-text-property (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) 'face face)))
+      (setq unit-list (cdr unit-list)))
+    (when position (goto-char position))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-make-inst-line (inst-name inst-file-marker
+				    ent-name ent-file-marker
+				    arch-name arch-file-marker
+				    depth offset)
+  "Insert instantiation entry."
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (insert (int-to-string depth) ":")
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible t)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (insert-char ?  (+ depth (* offset vhdl-speedbar-hierarchy-indent)))
+    (insert "> ")
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (insert inst-name)
+    (speedbar-make-button
+     start (point) 'vhdl-speedbar-instantiation-face 'speedbar-highlight-face
+     'vhdl-speedbar-find-file inst-file-marker)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (insert ": ")
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (insert ent-name)
+    (speedbar-make-button
+     start (point) 'vhdl-speedbar-entity-face 'speedbar-highlight-face
+     'vhdl-speedbar-find-file ent-file-marker)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (when arch-name
+      (insert " (")
+      (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil)
+      (setq start (point))
+      (insert arch-name)
+      (speedbar-make-button
+       start (point) 'vhdl-speedbar-architecture-face 'speedbar-highlight-face
+       'vhdl-speedbar-find-file arch-file-marker)
+      (setq start (point))
+      (insert ")"))
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil)
+    (insert-char ?\n 1)
+    (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'invisible nil)))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-make-pack-line (pack-name pack-file-marker
+					       body-file-marker depth)
+  "Insert package entry."
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (insert (int-to-string depth) ":")
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible t)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (insert-char ?  depth)
+    (insert "> ")
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (insert pack-name)
+    (speedbar-make-button
+     start (point) 'vhdl-speedbar-package-face 'speedbar-highlight-face
+     'vhdl-speedbar-find-file pack-file-marker)
+    (when (car body-file-marker)
+      (setq start (point))
+      (insert " (")
+      (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil)
+      (setq start (point))
+      (insert "body")
+      (speedbar-make-button
+       start (point) 'vhdl-speedbar-package-face 'speedbar-highlight-face
+       'vhdl-speedbar-find-file body-file-marker)
+      (setq start (point))
+      (insert ")")
+      (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil))
+    (insert-char ?\n 1)
+    (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'invisible nil)))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-make-title-line (text depth)
+  "Insert design unit title entry."
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (insert (int-to-string depth) ":")
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible t)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (insert-char ?  depth)
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil)
+    (setq start (point))
+    (insert text)
+    (speedbar-make-button start (point) nil nil nil nil)
+    (insert-char ?\n 1)
+    (put-text-property start (point) 'invisible nil)))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-insert-dirs (files level)
+  "Insert subdirectories."
+  (let ((dirs (car files)))
+    (while dirs
+      (speedbar-make-tag-line 'angle ?+ 'vhdl-speedbar-dired (car dirs)
+			      (car dirs) 'speedbar-dir-follow nil
+			      'speedbar-directory-face level)
+      (setq dirs (cdr dirs)))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-dired (text token indent)
+  "Speedbar click handler for directory expand button in hierarchy mode."
+  (cond ((string-match "+" text)	; we have to expand this dir
+	 (setq speedbar-shown-directories
+	       (cons (expand-file-name
+		      (concat (speedbar-line-path indent) token "/"))
+		     speedbar-shown-directories))
+  	 (speedbar-change-expand-button-char ?-)
+	 (speedbar-reset-scanners)
+	 (speedbar-with-writable
+	   (save-excursion
+	     (end-of-line) (forward-char 1)
+	     (vhdl-speedbar-insert-dirs
+	      (speedbar-file-lists
+	       (concat (speedbar-line-path indent) token "/"))
+	      (1+ indent))
+	     (speedbar-reset-scanners)
+	     (vhdl-speedbar-insert-dir-hierarchy
+	      (abbreviate-file-name
+	       (concat (speedbar-line-path indent) token "/"))
+	      (1+ indent) speedbar-power-click)))
+	 (setq speedbar-last-selected-file nil)
+	 (save-excursion (speedbar-stealthy-updates)))
+	((string-match "-" text)	; we have to contract this node
+	 (speedbar-reset-scanners)
+	 (let ((oldl speedbar-shown-directories)
+	       (newl nil)
+	       (td (expand-file-name
+		    (concat (speedbar-line-path indent) token))))
+	   (while oldl
+	     (if (not (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote td)) (car oldl)))
+		 (setq newl (cons (car oldl) newl)))
+	     (setq oldl (cdr oldl)))
+	   (setq speedbar-shown-directories (nreverse newl)))
+	 (speedbar-change-expand-button-char ?+)
+	 (speedbar-delete-subblock indent))
+	(t (error "Ooops...  not sure what to do")))
+  (speedbar-center-buffer-smartly))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-item-info ()
+  "Derive and display information about this line item."
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    ;; skip invisible number info
+    (when (looking-at "[0-9]+:") (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+    (when (looking-at "p:")
+      (message "Project \"%s\""
+	       (nth 0 (aget vhdl-project-alist vhdl-project))))
+    (cond
+     ;; directory entry
+     ((looking-at "\\s-*<[-+?]> ") (speedbar-files-item-info))
+     ;; design unit entry
+     ((looking-at "\\s-*\\([[{][-+?][]}]\\|>\\) ")
+      (goto-char (match-end 0))
+      (let ((face (get-text-property (point) 'face)))
+	(message
+	 "%s \"%s\" in \"%s\""
+	 ;; design unit kind
+	 (cond ((or (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-entity-face)
+		    (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-entity-selected-face))
+		"Entity")
+	       ((or (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-architecture-face)
+		    (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-architecture-selected-face))
+		"Architecture")
+	       ((or (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-configuration-face)
+		    (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-configuration-selected-face))
+		"Configuration")
+	       ((or (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-package-face)
+		    (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-package-selected-face))
+		"Package")
+	       ((or (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-instantiation-face)
+		    (eq face 'vhdl-speedbar-instantiation-selected-face))
+		"Instantiation")
+	       (t ""))
+	 ;; design unit name
+	 (buffer-substring-no-properties
+	  (point) (progn (looking-at"\\(\\w\\|_\\)+") (match-end 0)))
+	 ;; file name
+	 (abbreviate-file-name
+	  (or (car (get-text-property (point) 'speedbar-token)) "?"))))))))
+;; Help functions
+(defun vhdl-get-subdirs (directory)
+  "Recursively get subdirectories of DIRECTORY."
+  (let ((dir-list (list (file-name-as-directory directory)))
+	subdir-list file-list)
+    (setq file-list (vhdl-directory-files directory t "\\w.*"))
+    (while file-list
+      (when (file-directory-p (car file-list))
+	(setq dir-list (append dir-list (vhdl-get-subdirs (car file-list)))))
+      (setq file-list (cdr file-list)))
+    dir-list))
+(defun vhdl-resolve-paths (path-list)
+  "Resolve environment variables and path wildcards in PATH-LIST."
+  (let (path-list-1 path-list-2 path-list-3 path-beg path-end dir)
+    ;; resolve environment variables
+    (while path-list
+      (setq dir (car path-list))
+      (while (string-match "\\(.*\\)${?\\(\\(\\w\\|_\\)+\\)}?\\(.*\\)" dir)
+	(setq dir (concat (match-string 1 dir) (getenv (match-string 2 dir))
+			  (match-string 4 dir))))
+      (setq path-list-1 (cons dir path-list-1))
+      (setq path-list (cdr path-list)))
+    ;; eliminate non-existent directories
+    (while path-list-1
+      (setq dir (car path-list-1))
+      (string-match "\\(-r \\)?\\(\\([^?*]*[/\\]\\)*\\)" dir)
+      (if (file-directory-p (match-string 2 dir))
+	  (setq path-list-2 (cons dir path-list-2))
+	(message "No such directory: \"%s\"" (match-string 2 dir)))
+      (setq path-list-1 (cdr path-list-1)))
+    ;; resolve path wildcards
+    (while path-list-2
+      (setq dir (car path-list-2))
+      (if (string-match
+	   "\\(-r \\)?\\(\\([^?*]*[/\\]\\)*\\)\\([^/\\]*[?*][^/\\]*\\)\\([/\\].*\\)" dir)
+	  (progn
+	    (setq path-beg (match-string 1 dir)
+		  path-end (match-string 5 dir))
+	    (setq path-list-2
+		  (append
+		   (mapcar
+		    (function
+		     (lambda (var) (concat path-beg var path-end)))
+		    (let ((all-list (vhdl-directory-files
+				     (match-string 2 dir) t
+				     (concat "\\<" (wildcard-to-regexp
+						    (match-string 4 dir)))))
+			  dir-list)
+		      (while all-list
+			(when (file-directory-p (car all-list))
+			  (setq dir-list (cons (car all-list) dir-list)))
+			(setq all-list (cdr all-list)))
+		      dir-list))
+		   (cdr path-list-2))))
+	(string-match "\\(-r \\)?\\(.*\\)[/\\].*" dir)
+	(when (file-directory-p (match-string 2 dir))
+	  (setq path-list-3 (cons dir path-list-3)))
+	(setq path-list-2 (cdr path-list-2))))
+    path-list-3))
+(defun vhdl-aappend (alist-symbol key value)
+  "Append a key-value pair to an alist.
+Similar to `aput' but moves the key-value pair to the tail of the alist."
+  (let ((elem (aelement key value))
+	(alist (adelete alist-symbol key)))
+    (set alist-symbol (append alist elem))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-goto-this-unit (directory unit)
+  "If UNIT is displayed in DIRECTORY, goto this line and return t, else nil."
+  (let ((dest (point)))
+    (if (and (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+		 (progn (goto-char (point-min)) t)
+	       (speedbar-goto-this-file directory))
+	     (re-search-forward (concat "[]}] " unit "\\>") nil t))
+	(progn (speedbar-position-cursor-on-line)
+	       t)
+      (goto-char dest)
+      nil)))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-find-file (text token indent)
+  "When user clicks on TEXT, load file with name and position in TOKEN."
+  (if (not (car token))
+      (error "Design unit does not exist")
+    (speedbar-find-file-in-frame (car token))
+    (when vhdl-speedbar-jump-to-unit
+      (goto-line (cdr token))
+      (recenter))
+    (vhdl-speedbar-update-current-unit t)
+    (speedbar-set-timer speedbar-update-speed)
+    (speedbar-maybee-jump-to-attached-frame)))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-toggle-hierarchy ()
+  "Toggle between hierarchy and file browsing mode."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (boundp 'speedbar-mode-functions-list))
+      (error "WARNING:  Install included `speedbar.el' patch first")
+    (if (equal speedbar-initial-expansion-list-name "vhdl hierarchy")
+	(speedbar-change-initial-expansion-list "files")
+      (speedbar-change-initial-expansion-list "vhdl hierarchy"))))
+(defun vhdl-speedbar-port-copy ()
+  "Copy the port of the entity under the cursor."
+  (interactive)
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (if (re-search-forward "\\([0-9]\\)+:\\s-*\\[[-+?]\\] \\(\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"
+			 (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t)
+    (condition-case ()
+	(let* ((indent (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+	       (ent-name (match-string 2))
+	       (ent-alist (if (vhdl-speedbar-project-p)
+			      (aget vhdl-project-entity-alist vhdl-project)
+			    (aget vhdl-entity-alist
+				  (abbreviate-file-name
+				   (file-name-as-directory
+				    (speedbar-line-path indent))))))
+	       (ent-entry (aget ent-alist ent-name))
+	       (file-name (nth 0 ent-entry)))
+	  ;; visit file and scan port
+	  (vhdl-visit-file file-name '(progn (goto-line (nth 1 ent-entry))
+					     (end-of-line)
+					     (vhdl-port-copy))))
+      (error (error "Port not scanned successfully")))
+    (error "No entity on current line")))
+;; Fontification
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-entity-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "ForestGreen"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "PaleGreen")))
+  "Face used for displaying entity names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-architecture-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Blue"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightSkyBlue")))
+  "Face used for displaying architecture names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-configuration-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Salmon")))
+  "Face used for displaying configuration names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-package-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Grey50"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Grey80")))
+  "Face used for displaying package names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-instantiation-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Brown"))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Yellow")))
+  "Face used for displaying instantiation names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-entity-selected-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "ForestGreen" :underline t))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "PaleGreen" :underline t)))
+  "Face used for displaying entity names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-architecture-selected-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Blue" :underline t))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightSkyBlue" :underline t)))
+  "Face used for displaying architecture names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-configuration-selected-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod" :underline t))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Salmon" :underline t)))
+  "Face used for displaying configuration names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-package-selected-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Grey50" :underline t))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Grey80" :underline t)))
+  "Face used for displaying package names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+(defface vhdl-speedbar-instantiation-selected-face
+  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Brown" :underline t))
+    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Yellow" :underline t)))
+  "Face used for displaying instantiation names."
+  :group 'speedbar-faces)
+;;; Bug reports
+;; (using `reporter.el')
+(defconst vhdl-mode-help-address "vhdl-mode@emacs.org"
+  "Address for VHDL Mode bug reports.")
 (defun vhdl-version ()
-  "Echo the current version of vhdl-mode in the minibuffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (message "Using vhdl-mode %s" vhdl-version)
+  "Echo the current version of VHDL Mode in the minibuffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (message "Using VHDL Mode version %s" vhdl-version)
-;; get reporter-submit-bug-report when byte-compiling
-;; (and (fboundp 'eval-when-compile)
-;;      (eval-when-compile
-;;       (require 'reporter)))
 (defun vhdl-submit-bug-report ()
-  "Submit via mail a bug report on vhdl-mode."
+  "Submit via mail a bug report on VHDL Mode."
   ;; load in reporter
-   (y-or-n-p "Do you want to submit a report on vhdl-mode? ")
-   (require 'reporter)
+   (y-or-n-p "Do you want to submit a report on VHDL Mode? ")
-    (concat "vhdl-mode " vhdl-version)
+    (concat "VHDL Mode " vhdl-version)
-     ;; report only the vars that affect indentation
-     'vhdl-basic-offset
+     ;; report all important variables
-     'vhdl-tab-always-indent
-     )
+     'vhdl-electric-mode
+     'vhdl-stutter-mode
+     'vhdl-indent-tabs-mode
+     'vhdl-project-alist
+     'vhdl-project
+     'vhdl-compiler-alist
+     'vhdl-compiler
+     'vhdl-compiler-options
+     'vhdl-standard
+     'vhdl-basic-offset
+     'vhdl-upper-case-keywords
+     'vhdl-upper-case-types
+     'vhdl-upper-case-attributes
+     'vhdl-upper-case-enum-values
+     'vhdl-upper-case-constants
+     'vhdl-entity-file-name
+     'vhdl-electric-keywords
+     'vhdl-optional-labels
+     'vhdl-insert-empty-lines
+     'vhdl-argument-list-indent
+     'vhdl-association-list-with-formals
+     'vhdl-conditions-in-parenthesis
+     'vhdl-zero-string
+     'vhdl-one-string
+     'vhdl-file-header
+     'vhdl-file-footer
+     'vhdl-company-name
+     'vhdl-copyright-string
+     'vhdl-platform-spec
+     'vhdl-date-format
+     'vhdl-modify-date-prefix-string
+     'vhdl-modify-date-on-saving
+     'vhdl-reset-kind
+     'vhdl-reset-active-high
+     'vhdl-clock-rising-edge
+     'vhdl-clock-edge-condition
+     'vhdl-clock-name
+     'vhdl-reset-name
+     'vhdl-model-alist
+     'vhdl-include-port-comments
+     'vhdl-include-direction-comments
+     'vhdl-include-type-comments
+     'vhdl-include-group-comments
+     'vhdl-actual-port-name
+     'vhdl-instance-name
+     'vhdl-testbench-entity-name
+     'vhdl-testbench-architecture-name
+     'vhdl-testbench-dut-name
+     'vhdl-testbench-entity-header
+     'vhdl-testbench-architecture-header
+     'vhdl-testbench-declarations
+     'vhdl-testbench-statements
+     'vhdl-testbench-initialize-signals
+     'vhdl-testbench-create-files
+     'vhdl-self-insert-comments
+     'vhdl-prompt-for-comments
+     'vhdl-inline-comment-column
+     'vhdl-end-comment-column
+     'vhdl-auto-align
+     'vhdl-align-groups
+     'vhdl-highlight-keywords
+     'vhdl-highlight-names
+     'vhdl-highlight-special-words
+     'vhdl-highlight-forbidden-words
+     'vhdl-highlight-verilog-keywords
+     'vhdl-highlight-translate-off
+     'vhdl-highlight-case-sensitive
+     'vhdl-special-syntax-alist
+     'vhdl-forbidden-words
+     'vhdl-forbidden-syntax
+     'vhdl-speedbar-auto-open
+     'vhdl-speedbar-show-hierarchy
+     'vhdl-speedbar-hierarchy-indent
+     'vhdl-speedbar-scan-limit
+     'vhdl-speedbar-jump-to-unit
+     'vhdl-index-menu
+     'vhdl-source-file-menu
+     'vhdl-hideshow-menu
+     'vhdl-hide-all-init
+     'vhdl-print-two-column
+     'vhdl-print-customize-faces
+     'vhdl-intelligent-tab
+     'vhdl-word-completion-case-sensitive
+     'vhdl-word-completion-in-minibuffer
+     'vhdl-underscore-is-part-of-word
+     'vhdl-mode-hook
+     'vhdl-startup-warnings)
      (lambda ()
@@ -2695,12 +11705,145 @@
 		    (format "%s" vhdl-special-indent-hook)
 		    ".\nPerhaps this is your problem?\n"
-	  "\n")
-	(format "vhdl-emacs-features: %s\n" vhdl-emacs-features)
-	)))
+	  "\n"))))
-    "Dear Rod,"
-    )))
+    "Dear VHDL Mode maintainers,")))
+;;; Documentation
+(defvar vhdl-doc-release-notes nil
+  "\
+Release Notes for VHDL Mode 3.30
+New features
+- Hide/Show:  Massively enhanced usage of `hideshow.el'.
+    Allows hiding of blocks, processes, subprograms, component declarations
+    and instantiations, generic/port clauses, and configurations declarations.
+    Limited functionality available in XEmacs (old `hideshow.el' package).
+- Code updating:  Automatically update the sensitivity list of processes.
+- Code fixing:  Fix closing parenthesis of generic/port clauses.
+- Port pasting:  Include group comments, empty lines and type (instantiations).
+- Hierarchy scanning:  Size limits to prevent scanning of large netlist files.
+- Alignment:  Additional alignment functions, changed key bindings.
+- Moving:  Functions to move to line with same indent.
+- Highlighting:  Formal parameters and names in library/use clauses added.
+Custom variables
+`vhdl-copyright-string' (new):
+    Copyright string to be inserted in file header.
+`vhdl-entity-file-name' (new):
+    Name of entity file (used for sensitivity list updating).
+`vhdl-include-group-comments' (new):
+    Include group comments in port pasting.
+`vhdl-include-type-comments' (new):
+    Include type in comments of instance pastings.
+`vhdl-speedbar-auto-open' (changed from `vhdl-speedbar'):
+    Automatically open speedbar at startup.
+`vhdl-speedbar-jump-to-unit' (new):
+    Disable jumping to design unit when opening buffer from speedbar.
+`vhdl-speedbar-scan-limit' (new):
+    Limit file size and number of instances for hierarchy scanning.")
+(defvar vhdl-doc-keywords nil
+  "\
+Reserved words in VHDL:
+VHDL'93 (IEEE Std 1076-1993):
+  `vhdl-93-keywords'      : keywords
+  `vhdl-93-types'         : standardized types
+  `vhdl-93-attributes'    : standardized attributes
+  `vhdl-93-enum-values'   : standardized enumeration values
+  `vhdl-93-functions'     : standardized functions
+  `vhdl-93-packages'      : standardized packages and libraries
+VHDL-AMS (IEEE Std 1076.1):
+  `vhdl-ams-keywords'     : keywords
+  `vhdl-ams-types'        : standardized types
+  `vhdl-ams-attributes'   : standardized attributes
+  `vhdl-ams-enum-values'  : standardized enumeration values
+  `vhdl-ams-functions'    : standardized functions
+Math Packages (IEEE Std 1076.2):
+  `vhdl-math-types'       : standardized types
+  `vhdl-math-constants'   : standardized constants
+  `vhdl-math-functions'   : standardized functions
+  `vhdl-math-packages'    : standardized packages
+Forbidden words:
+  `vhdl-verilog-keywords' : Verilog reserved words
+NOTE: click `mouse-2' on variable names above (not in XEmacs).")
+(defvar vhdl-doc-coding-style nil
+  "\
+For VHDL coding style and naming convention guidelines, see the following
+\[1] Ben Cohen.
+    \"VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies\".
+    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
+    http://members.aol.com/vhdlcohen/vhdl/
+\[2] Michael Keating and Pierre Bricaud.
+    \"Reuse Methodology Manual, Second Edition\".
+    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
+    http://www.synopsys.com/products/reuse/rmm.html
+\[3] European Space Agency.
+    \"VHDL Modelling Guidelines\".
+    ftp://ftp.estec.esa.nl/pub/vhdl/doc/ModelGuide.{pdf,ps}
+Use variables `vhdl-highlight-special-words' and `vhdl-special-syntax-alist'
+to visually support naming conventions.")
+(defun vhdl-doc-variable (variable)
+  "Display VARIABLE's documentation in *Help* buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+    (princ (documentation-property variable 'variable-documentation))
+    (unless vhdl-xemacs
+      (help-setup-xref (list #'vhdl-doc-variable variable) (interactive-p)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer standard-output)
+      (help-mode))
+    (print-help-return-message)))
+(defun vhdl-doc-mode ()
+  "Display VHDL mode documentation in *Help* buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+    (princ mode-name)
+    (princ " mode:\n")
+    (princ (documentation 'vhdl-mode))
+    (unless vhdl-xemacs
+      (help-setup-xref (list #'vhdl-doc-mode) (interactive-p)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer standard-output)
+      (help-mode))
+    (print-help-return-message)))
 (provide 'vhdl-mode)
 ;;; vhdl-mode.el ends here
diff --git a/vhdl-mode.texi b/vhdl-mode.texi
--- a/vhdl-mode.texi
+++ b/vhdl-mode.texi
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @setfilename  vhdl-mode.info
-@settitle     VHDL-MODE Version 2 Documentation
-* Vhdl-Mode::          Emacs mode for editing VHDL code
-@end direntry
+@settitle     VHDL Mode Version 3 Documentation
 @footnotestyle end
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@ -19,9 +16,11 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@comment texinfo manual for @file{vhdl-mode.el} version 2
-@comment manual version: 2.1
-@comment adapted from the cc-mode texinfo manual by Barry A. Warsaw
+@comment texinfo manual for @file{vhdl-mode.el} version 3
+@comment manual version: 3.1
+@comment adapted from the VHDL Mode texinfo manual version 2 by
+@comment Rodney J. Whitby <rwhitby@geocities.com>
+@comment adapted from the CC Mode texinfo manual by Barry A. Warsaw
 @comment <bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us>
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@ -33,6 +32,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Copyright @copyright{} 1997 Reto Zimmermann <Reto.Zimmermann@@iaeth.ch>
 Copyright @copyright{} 1995 - 1997 Rodney J. Whitby <rwhitby@@geocities.com>
 @end ifinfo
@@ -48,11 +48,13 @@
 @comment The title is printed in a large font.
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@center @titlefont{VHDL-MODE Version 2}
+@center @titlefont{VHDL Mode Version 3}
 @sp 2
 @center A GNU Emacs mode for editing VHDL code.
-@center (manual revision: 2.2)
+@center (manual revision: 3.1)
 @sp 2
+@center Reto Zimmermann
+@center @code{Reto.Zimmermann@@iaeth.ch}
 @center Rod Whitby
 @center @code{rwhitby@@geocities.com}
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+Copyright @copyright{} 1997 Reto Zimmermann <Reto.Zimmermann@@iaeth.ch>
 Copyright @copyright{} 1995 - 1997 Rodney J. Whitby <rwhitby@@geocities.com>
 @end titlepage
@@ -73,8 +76,8 @@
 @comment This appears only in the Info file, not the printed manual.
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@node    Top,       Introduction, (dir),    (dir)
-@comment node-name, next,          previous, up
+@node    Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir)
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@
 * Syntactic Symbols::
 * Indentation Commands::
 * Frequently Asked Questions::
-* Getting the latest vhdl-mode release::
+* Getting the latest VHDL Mode release::
 * Sample .emacs File::
 * Requirements::                
 * Limitations and Known Bugs::  
@@ -102,55 +105,62 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@node     Introduction, Getting Connected, Top,      Top
-@comment  node-name,    next,            previous, up
+@node     Introduction, Getting Connected, Top, Top
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Introduction
 @cindex   Introduction
-Welcome to @code{vhdl-mode}, version 2.  This is a GNU Emacs mode for
-editing files containing VHDL code.  
+Welcome to VHDL Mode version 3. This is a GNU Emacs mode for editing
+files containing VHDL code.
 This manual will describe the following:
 @itemize @bullet
-How to get started using @code{vhdl-mode}.
+How to get started using VHDL Mode.
-How the new indentation engine works.
+How the indentation engine works.
-How to customize the new indentation engine.
+How to customize the indentation engine.
 @end itemize
 @findex vhdl-version
-The major version number was incremented to 2 with the addition of the
-new indentation engine. To find the minor revision number of this
-release, use @kbd{M-x vhdl-version RET}.
+The major version number was incremented to 3 with the addition of
+many new features for editing VHDL code to the new indentation engine,
+which was introduced in major version 2. To find the minor revision
+number of this release, use @kbd{M-x vhdl-version RET}.
-A special word of thanks goes to Barry Warsaw, who wrote the
-@code{cc-mode} indentation engine that formed the basis of the
-@code{vhdl-mode} indentation engine.  This manual is also based upon the
-manual for @code{cc-mode}.
+A special word of thanks goes to Rod Whitby, who wrote the
+VHDL Mode indentation engine, and to Barry Warsaw, who wrote
+the CC Mode indentation engine that formed the basis
+thereof. Their manuals were also the basis for this manual.
+This manual is not very up-to-date. It basically contains the
+indentation machine documentation by Rod Whitby with only minor
+adaptions. A short documentation of the entire VHDL Mode is available
+within the mode itself by typing @kbd{C-c C-h}. Also, all commands and
+customization of most variables is available through the menu, which
+makes everything highly self-explaining.
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@node     Getting Connected, New Indentation Engine, Introduction,      Top
-@comment  node-name,       next,                   previous,          up
+@node     Getting Connected, New Indentation Engine, Introduction, Top
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Getting Connected
 @cindex   Getting Connected
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@file{vhdl-mode.el} works well with the 3 main branches of Emacs 19:
-XEmacs, Win-Emacs (which has the same heritage as XEmacs) and the Emacs
-19 maintained by the FSF.  FSF's Emacs 19 users will want to use Emacs
-version 19.21 or better, Win-Emacs users will want 1.35 or better, and
-XEmacs users will want 19.6 or better.  Earlier versions of these
-Emacsen have deficiencies and/or bugs which will adversely affect the
-performance and usability of @code{vhdl-mode}.
+VHDL Mode works well under FSF Emacs 20 and XEmacs 19.15 and higher.
+FSF Emacs 19 is not supported anymore since several new features of
+Emacs 20 are used in this VHDL Mode version (you can download VHDL
+Mode version 1.10 for Emacs 19). Also, Win-Emacs is currently not
+supported, simply because I am not able to test and maintain the code
+on this platform.
 @cindex .emacs file
 The first thing you will want to do is put @file{vhdl-mode.el} somewhere
@@ -203,7 +213,7 @@
 @end example
-Alternatively, if you want to make sure @code{vhdl-mode} is loaded when
+Alternatively, if you want to make sure VHDL Mode is loaded when
 Emacs starts up, you could use this line instead of the autoload above:
@@ -212,7 +222,7 @@
 @end example
 Next, you will want to set up Emacs so that it edits VHDL files in
-@code{vhdl-mode}. All users should add the following to their
+VHDL Mode. All users should add the following to their
 @file{.emacs} file.  Note that this assumes you'll be editing @code{.vhd}
 and files as VHDL. YMMV:
@@ -229,38 +239,38 @@
 That's all you need -- I know, I know, it sounds like a lot @code{:-)},
 but after you've done all this, you should only need to quit and restart
 Emacs.  The next time you visit a VHDL file you should be using
-@code{vhdl-mode}.  You can check this easily by hitting @kbd{M-x
-vhdl-version RET} in the @code{vhdl-mode} buffer.  You should see this
+VHDL Mode.  You can check this easily by hitting @kbd{M-x
+vhdl-version RET} in the VHDL Mode buffer.  You should see this
 message in the echo area:
-Using @code{vhdl-mode} version 2.@var{XXX}
+Using VHDL Mode version 3.@var{XX}
 @end example
-where @var{XXX} will be some minor revision number.
+where @var{XX} will be some minor revision number.
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     New Indentation Engine, Indentation Commands, Getting Connected, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  New Indentation Engine
 @cindex   New Indentation Engine
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@code{vhdl-mode} has a new indentation engine, providing a simplified, yet
+VHDL Mode has a new indentation engine, providing a simplified, yet
 flexible and general mechanism for customizing indentation. It breaks
 indentation calculation into two steps. First for the line of code being
-indented, @code{vhdl-mode} analyzes what kind of language construct it's
+indented, VHDL Mode analyzes what kind of language construct it's
 looking at, then it applies user defined offsets to the current line
 based on this analysis.
 This section will briefly cover how indentation is calculated in
-@code{vhdl-mode}. It is important to understand the indentation model
-being used so that you will know how to customize @code{vhdl-mode} for
+VHDL Mode. It is important to understand the indentation model
+being used so that you will know how to customize VHDL Mode for
 your personal coding style.
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@ -272,7 +282,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node  Syntactic Analysis, Indentation Calculation, , New Indentation Engine
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @section  Syntactic Analysis
 @cindex   Syntactic Analysis
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@ -284,7 +294,7 @@
 @cindex syntactic component
 @cindex syntactic component list
 @cindex relative buffer position
-The first thing @code{vhdl-mode} does when indenting a line of code, is
+The first thing VHDL Mode does when indenting a line of code, is
 to analyze the line, determining the @dfn{syntactic component list} of
 the construct on that line.  A @dfn{syntactic component} consists of a
 pair of information (in lisp parlance, a @emph{cons cell}), where the
@@ -301,7 +311,7 @@
 by the relative buffer position in the syntactic component.
 It might help to see an example. Suppose we had the following code as
-the only thing in a @code{vhdl-mode} buffer @footnote{The line numbers
+the only thing in a VHDL Mode buffer @footnote{The line numbers
 in this and future examples don't actually appear in the buffer.}:
@@ -315,10 +325,10 @@
 @end group
 @end example
-@kindex C-c C-s
+@kindex C-c C-x
 @findex vhdl-show-syntactic-information
 @findex show-syntactic-information (vhdl-)
-We can use the command @kbd{C-c C-s}
+We can use the command @kbd{C-c C-x}
 (@code{vhdl-show-syntactic-information}) to simply report what the
 syntactic analysis is for the current line.  Running this command on
 line 4 of example 1, we'd see in the echo area:
@@ -330,7 +340,7 @@
 This tells us that the line is a statement and it is indented relative
 to buffer position 28, which happens to be the @samp{q} on line 3.  If
-you were to move point to line 3 and hit @kbd{C-c C-s}, you would see:
+you were to move point to line 3 and hit @kbd{C-c C-x}, you would see:
 ((statement-block-intro . 20))
@@ -355,7 +365,7 @@
 @end example
-Hitting @kbd{C-c C-s} on line 3 of the example gives us:
+Hitting @kbd{C-c C-x} on line 3 of the example gives us:
 ((comment-intro) (block-intro . 46))
@@ -369,7 +379,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node  Indentation Calculation, , Syntactic Analysis, New Indentation Engine
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @section  Indentation Calculation
 @cindex   Indentation Calculation
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@ -386,7 +396,7 @@
 offsets to apply for those symbols.  These offsets are added to the
 running total.
-Second, if the component has a relative buffer position, @code{vhdl-mode}
+Second, if the component has a relative buffer position, VHDL Mode
 adds the column number of that position to the running total.  By adding
 up the offsets and columns for every syntactic component on the list,
 the final total indentation for the current line is computed.
@@ -416,12 +426,12 @@
 @end example
-@code{vhdl-mode} looks up @code{statement-block-intro} in the
+VHDL Mode looks up @code{statement-block-intro} in the
 @code{vhdl-offsets-alist} variable.  Let's say it finds the value @samp{2};
 it adds this to the running total (initialized to zero), yielding a
 running total indentation of 2 spaces.
-Next @code{vhdl-mode} goes to buffer position 20 and asks for the
+Next VHDL Mode goes to buffer position 20 and asks for the
 current column.  Since the @code{begin} keyword at buffer position 20 is
 in column zero, it adds @samp{0} to the running total.  Since there is
 only one syntactic component on the list for this line, indentation
@@ -437,7 +447,7 @@
 @vindex vhdl-echo-syntactic-information-p
 @vindex echo-syntactic-information-p (vhdl-)
 @cindex TAB
-To help you configure @code{vhdl-mode}, you can set the variable
+To help you configure VHDL Mode, you can set the variable
 @code{vhdl-echo-syntactic-information-p} to non-@code{nil} so that the
 syntactic component list and calculated offset will always be echoed in
 the minibuffer when you hit @kbd{TAB}.
@@ -445,7 +455,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node  Indentation Commands, Customizing Indentation, New Indentation Engine, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Indentation Commands
 @cindex   Indentation Commands
@@ -455,7 +465,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Customizing Indentation, Syntactic Symbols, Indentation Commands, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Customizing Indentation
 @cindex   Customizing Indentation
@@ -466,7 +476,7 @@
 The @code{vhdl-offsets-alist} variable is where you customize all your
 indentations.  You simply need to decide what additional offset you want
 to add for every syntactic symbol.  You can use the command @kbd{C-c
-C-o} (@code{vhdl-set-offset}) as the way to set offsets, both
+O} (@code{vhdl-set-offset}) as the way to set offsets, both
 interactively and from your mode hook.  Also, you can set up
 @emph{styles} of indentation.  Most likely, you'll find one of the
 pre-defined styles will suit your needs, but if not, this section will
@@ -526,7 +536,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Interactive Customization, Permanent Customization, , Customizing Indentation
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @section  Interactive Customization
 @cindex   Interactive Customization
@@ -563,7 +573,7 @@
 inside the inverter process.  Notice that the construct we want to
 change starts on line 3.  To change the indentation of a line, we need
 to see which syntactic component affect the offset calculations for that
-line.  Hitting @kbd{C-c C-s} on line 3 yields:
+line.  Hitting @kbd{C-c C-x} on line 3 yields:
 ((statement-block-intro . 20))
@@ -572,17 +582,17 @@
 @findex vhdl-set-offset
 @findex set-offset (vhdl-)
-@kindex C-c C-o
+@kindex C-c O
 So we know that to change the offset of the first signal assignment, we need to
 change the indentation for the @code{statement-block-intro} syntactic
-symbol.  To do this interactively, just hit @kbd{C-c C-o}
+symbol.  To do this interactively, just hit @kbd{C-c O}
 (@code{vhdl-set-offset}).  This prompts you for the syntactic symbol to
 change, providing a reasonable default.  In this case, the default is
 @code{statement-block-intro}, which is just the syntactic symbol we want to
-After you hit return, @code{vhdl-mode} will then prompt you for the new
+After you hit return, VHDL Mode will then prompt you for the new
 offset value, with the old value as the default.  The default in this
 case is @samp{+}, so hit backspace to delete the @samp{+}, then hit
 @samp{++} and @kbd{RET}.  This will associate an offset of twice the
@@ -591,10 +601,8 @@
 @findex vhdl-indent-defun
 @findex indent-defun (vhdl-)
-@kindex C-c C-q
-To check your changes quickly, just hit @kbd{C-c C-q}
-(@code{vhdl-indent-defun}) to reindent the entire function.  The example
-should now look like:
+To check your changes quickly, just enter @kbd{M-x vhdl-indent-defun} to
+reindent the entire function.  The example should now look like:
@@ -616,7 +624,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Permanent Customization, Styles, Interactive Customization, Customizing Indentation
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @section  Permanent Indentation
 @cindex   Permanent Indentation
@@ -625,9 +633,9 @@
 @vindex vhdl-mode-hook
 @cindex hooks
 To make this change permanent, you need to add some lisp code to your
-@file{.emacs} file.  @code{vhdl-mode} provides a @code{vhdl-mode-hook}
+@file{.emacs} file.  VHDL Mode provides a @code{vhdl-mode-hook}
 that you can use to customize your language editing styles.  This hook
-gets run as the last thing when you enter @code{vhdl-mode}.
+gets run as the last thing when you enter VHDL Mode.
 Here's a simplified example of what you can add to your @file{.emacs}
 file to make the changes described in the previous section
@@ -661,7 +669,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Styles, Advanced Customizations, Permanent Customization, Customizing Indentation
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @section  Styles
 @cindex   Styles
@@ -673,7 +681,7 @@
 people who work on GNU software will have to use the GNU coding style on
 C code.  Some shops are more lenient, allowing some variety of coding
 styles, and as programmers come and go, there could be a number of
-styles in use.  For this reason, @code{vhdl-mode} makes it convenient for
+styles in use.  For this reason, VHDL Mode makes it convenient for
 you to set up logical groupings of customizations called @dfn{styles},
 associate a single name for any particular style, and pretty easily
 start editing new or existing code using these styles.  This chapter
@@ -688,13 +696,13 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Built-in Styles, Adding Styles, , Styles
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @subsection  Built-in Styles
 @cindex   Built-in Styles
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-If you're lucky, one of @code{vhdl-mode}'s built-in styles might be just
+If you're lucky, one of VHDL Mode's built-in styles might be just
 what you're looking for.  Some of the most common VHDL styles are
 already built-in.  These include:
@@ -708,7 +716,7 @@
 @findex vhdl-set-style
 @findex set-style (vhdl-)
 If you'd like to experiment with these built-in styles you can simply
-type the following in a @code{vhdl-mode} buffer:
+type the following in a VHDL Mode buffer:
@@ -745,7 +753,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Adding Styles, File Styles, Built-in Styles, Styles
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @subsection  Adding Styles
 @cindex   Adding Styles
@@ -758,7 +766,7 @@
 If none of the built-in styles is appropriate, you'll probably want to
 add a new style definition.  Styles are kept in the @code{vhdl-style-alist}
 variable, but you probably won't want to modify this variable directly.
-@code{vhdl-mode} provides a function, called @code{vhdl-add-style}, that you
+VHDL Mode provides a function, called @code{vhdl-add-style}, that you
 can use to easily add new styles or update existing styles.  This
 function takes two arguments, a @var{stylename} string, and an
 association list @var{description} of style customizations.  If
@@ -773,7 +781,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     File Styles, ,  Adding Styles, Styles
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @subsection  File Styles
 @cindex   File Styles
@@ -783,8 +791,8 @@
 The Emacs manual describes how you can customize certain variables on a
 per-file basis by including a @dfn{Local Variable} block at the end of
 the file.  So far, you've only seen a functional interface to
-@code{vhdl-mode}, which is highly inconvenient for use in a Local Variable
-block.  @code{vhdl-mode} provides two variables that make it easier for
+VHDL Mode, which is highly inconvenient for use in a Local Variable
+block.  VHDL Mode provides two variables that make it easier for
 you to customize your style on a per-file basis.
 @vindex vhdl-file-style
@@ -794,7 +802,7 @@
 The variable @code{vhdl-file-style} can be set to a style name string as
 described in @ref{Built-in Styles}.  When the file is visited,
-@code{vhdl-mode} will automatically set the file's style to this style
+VHDL Mode will automatically set the file's style to this style
 using @code{vhdl-set-style}.
 @vindex vhdl-offsets-alist
@@ -803,7 +811,7 @@
 @findex set-offset (vhdl-)
 Another variable, @code{vhdl-file-offsets}, takes an association list
 similar to what is allowed in @code{vhdl-offsets-alist}.  When the file is
-visited, @code{vhdl-mode} will automatically institute these offets using
+visited, VHDL Mode will automatically institute these offets using
 @code{vhdl-set-offset}.  @xref{Customizing Indentation}.
 Note that file style settings (i.e. @code{vhdl-file-style}) are applied
@@ -812,7 +820,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Advanced Customizations, , Styles, Customizing Indentation
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @section  Advanced Customizations
 @cindex   Advanced Customizations
@@ -822,13 +830,13 @@
 @vindex style-alist (vhdl-)
 @vindex vhdl-basic-offset
 @vindex basic-offset (vhdl-)
-For most users, @code{vhdl-mode} will support their coding styles with
+For most users, VHDL Mode will support their coding styles with
 very little need for customizations.  Usually, one of the standard
 styles defined in @code{vhdl-style-alist} will do the trick.  Sometimes,
 one of the syntactic symbol offsets will need to be tweeked slightly, or
 perhaps @code{vhdl-basic-offset} will need to be changed.  However, some
 styles require a more advanced ability for customization, and one of the
-real strengths of @code{vhdl-mode} is that the syntactic analysis model
+real strengths of VHDL Mode is that the syntactic analysis model
 provides a very flexible framework for customizing indentation. This
 allows you to perform special indentation calculations for situations
 not handled by the mode directly.
@@ -840,16 +848,16 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Custom Indentation Functions, Other Special Indentations, , Advanced Customizations
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @subsection  Custom Indentation Functions
 @cindex   Custom Indentation Functions
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @cindex custom indentation functions
-One of the most common ways to customize @code{vhdl-mode} is by writing
+One of the most common ways to customize VHDL Mode is by writing
 @dfn{custom indentation functions} and associating them with specific
-syntactic symbols (see @ref{Syntactic Symbols}).  @code{vhdl-mode} itself
+syntactic symbols (see @ref{Syntactic Symbols}).  VHDL Mode itself
 uses custom indentation functions to provide more sophisticated
 indentation, for example when lining up selected signal assignments:
@@ -863,7 +871,7 @@
 In this example, the @code{statement-cont} syntactic symbol has an
 offset of @code{+}, and @code{vhdl-basic-offset} is 2, so lines 4
 through 6 are simply indented two spaces to the right of line 3.  But
-perhaps we'd like @code{vhdl-mode} to be a little more intelligent so
+perhaps we'd like VHDL Mode to be a little more intelligent so
 that it offsets the waveform descriptions relative to the signal
 assignment operator in line 3.  To do this, we have to write a custom
 indentation function which finds the column of signal assignment
@@ -918,7 +926,7 @@
 running total indentation for the lne.  Note that what actually gets
 returned is the difference between the column that the signal assignment
 operator is on, and the column of the buffer relative position passed in
-the function's argument.  Remember that @code{vhdl-mode} automatically
+the function's argument.  Remember that VHDL Mode automatically
 adds in the column of the component's relative buffer position and we
 don't want that value added into the final total twice.
@@ -934,9 +942,9 @@
 @end example
-@kindex C-c C-q
-Now the function looks like this after re-indenting (using @kbd{C-c
+@findex vhdl-indent-defun
+Now the function looks like this after re-indenting (using @kbd{M-x
@@ -951,11 +959,11 @@
 and any syntactic symbol that appears in @code{vhdl-offsets-alist} can have
 a custom indentation function associated with it.  Note however that
 using many custom indentation functions may have a performance impact on
+VHDL Mode.
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node     Other Special Indentations, , Custom Indentation Functions, Advanced Customizations
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @subsection  Other Special Indentations
 @cindex   Other Special Indentations
@@ -963,9 +971,9 @@
 @vindex vhdl-special-indent-hook
 @vindex special-indent-hook (vhdl-)
-One other variable is available for you to customize @code{vhdl-mode}:
+One other variable is available for you to customize VHDL Mode:
 @code{vhdl-special-indent-hook}.  This is a standard hook variable that
-is called after every line is indented by @code{vhdl-mode}.  You can use
+is called after every line is indented by VHDL Mode.  You can use
 it to do any special indentation or line adjustments your style
 dictates, such as adding extra indentation to the port map clause in a
 component instantiation, etc.  Note however, that you should not change
@@ -975,7 +983,7 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node  Syntactic Symbols, Frequently Asked Questions, Customizing Indentation, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Syntactic Symbols
 @cindex   Syntactic Symbols
@@ -1007,8 +1015,8 @@
 symbol currently recognized}
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@node  Frequently Asked Questions, Getting the latest vhdl-mode release, Syntactic Symbols, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@node  Frequently Asked Questions, Getting the latest VHDL Mode release, Syntactic Symbols, Top
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Frequently Asked Questions
 @cindex   Frequently Asked Questions
@@ -1016,7 +1024,6 @@
 @kindex C-x h
 @kindex ESC C-\
-@kindex C-c C-q
 @kindex ESC C-q
 @kindex ESC C-u
 @kindex RET
@@ -1028,7 +1035,7 @@
 @strong{A.} Visit the file and hit @kbd{C-x h} to mark the whole
 buffer. Then hit @kbd{@key{ESC} C-\} to re-indent the entire region
-which you've just marked.
+which you've just marked. Or just enter @kbd{M-x vhdl-indent-buffer}.
 @sp 2
 @strong{Q.} @emph{How do I re-indent the entire function?}
@@ -1074,9 +1081,9 @@
 in my @file{.emacs} file but I get an error saying that
 @code{vhdl-set-offset}'s function definition is void.}
-@strong{A.} This means that @code{vhdl-mode} wasn't loaded into your
+@strong{A.} This means that VHDL Mode wasn't loaded into your
 Emacs session by the time the @code{vhdl-set-offset} call was reached,
-mostly likely because @code{vhdl-mode} is being autoloaded.  Instead
+mostly likely because VHDL Mode is being autoloaded.  Instead
 of putting the @code{vhdl-set-offset} line in your top-level
 @file{.emacs} file, put it in your @code{vhdl-mode-hook}, or
 simply add the following to the top of your @file{.emacs} file:
@@ -1093,31 +1100,35 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@node  Getting the latest vhdl-mode release, Sample .emacs File, Frequently Asked Questions, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@node  Getting the latest VHDL Mode release, Sample .emacs File, Frequently Asked Questions, Top
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter  Getting the latest @code{vhdl-mode} release
-@cindex   Getting the latest @code{vhdl-mode} release
+@chapter  Getting the latest VHDL Mode release
+@cindex   Getting the latest VHDL Mode release
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-The best way to be sure you always have the latest @code{vhdl-mode}
-release is to join the @code{vhdl-mode-announce} mailing list.  If you
-are a brave soul, and wish to participate in beta testing of new
-releases of @code{vhdl-mode}, you may also join the
-@code{vhdl-mode-victims} mailing list.  Send email to the author to join
+The best way to be sure you always have the latest VHDL Mode release
+is to join the @code{vhdl-mode-announce} mailing list.  If you are a
+brave soul, and wish to participate in beta testing of new releases of
+VHDL Mode, you may also join the @code{vhdl-mode-victims} mailing
+list.  Send email to the maintainers <vhdl-mode@@geocities.com> to join
 either of these lists.
-The Official @code{VHDL-Mode} Home Page can be found at
+The official Emacs VHDL Mode Home Page can be found at
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@node  Sample .emacs File, Requirements, Getting the latest vhdl-mode release, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@node  Sample .emacs File, Requirements, Getting the latest VHDL Mode release, Top
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Sample @file{.emacs} file
 @cindex   Sample @file{.emacs} file
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Most customizations can be done using the `Customize' entry in the
+VHDL Mode menu, which requires no editing of the .emacs file.
+If you want to customize indentation, here you go:
 ;; Here's a sample .emacs file that might help you along the way.  Just
 ;; copy this region and paste it into your .emacs file.  You may want to
@@ -1155,34 +1166,17 @@
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node  Requirements, Limitations and Known Bugs, Sample .emacs File, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Requirements
 @cindex   Requirements
 @comment * Requirements
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-@cindex reporter.el
-@file{vhdl-mode.el} requires @file{reporter.el} for submission of bug
-reports.  @file{reporter.el} is distributed with the latest FSF and
-XEmacs 19's.  Here is the Emacs Lisp Archive anonymous ftp'ing
-record for those of you who are using older Emacsen.
-@comment * Here's the Emacs Lisp Archive information for @file{reporter.el}:
-         GNU Emacs Lisp Code Directory Apropos -- "reporter"
-"~/" refers to archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/
-reporter (2.12)       06-Jul-1994
-     Barry A. Warsaw, <bwarsaw@@cen.com>
-     ~/misc/reporter.el.Z
-     Customizable bug reporting of lisp programs.
-@end example
+All required files are distributed with FSF Emacs 20 and XEmacs 19.15.
 @comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node  Limitations and Known Bugs, Mailing Lists and Submitting Bug Reports, Requirements, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Limitations and Known Bugs
 @cindex   Limitations and Known Bugs
 @comment * Limitations and Known Bugs
@@ -1193,13 +1187,12 @@
 Re-indenting large regions or expressions can be slow.
-Use with Emacs 18 can be slow and annoying. You should seriously
-consider upgrading to Emacs 19.
+The index menu does not work on my XEmacs installation (don't know why).
 @end itemize
 @node  Mailing Lists and Submitting Bug Reports, Concept Index, Limitations and Known Bugs, Top
-@comment  node-name,              next,                    previous,up
+@comment  node-name, next, previous, up
 @chapter  Mailing Lists and Submitting Bug Reports
 @cindex   Mailing Lists and Submitting Bug Reports
 @comment * Mailing Lists and Submitting Bug Reports
@@ -1218,20 +1211,20 @@
 @emph{before} your bug example.
 For other help or suggestions, send a message to
-Send an add message to @code{rwhitby@@geocities.com} to get on the
+Send an add message to <vhdl-mode@@geocities.com> to get on the
 @code{vhdl-mode-victims} beta testers list where beta releases of
-@code{vhdl-mode} are posted.  Note that you shouldn't expect beta
+VHDL Mode are posted.  Note that you shouldn't expect beta
 releases to be as stable as public releases.
-There is also an announce only list where the latest public releases of
-@code{vhdl-mode} are posted.  Send an add message to
-@code{rwhitby@@geocities.com} to be added to this list.
+There is also an announce only list where the latest public releases
+of VHDL Mode are posted.  Send an add message to
+<vhdl-mode@@geocities.com> to be added to this list.
 @c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node    Concept Index, Command Index,  Mailing Lists and Submitting Bug Reports, Top
-@comment node-name,    next,  previous,      up
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
 @unnumbered Concept Index
 @c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@ -1240,14 +1233,14 @@
 @c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node    Command Index, Key Index,  Concept Index, Top
-@comment node-name,    next,  previous,      up
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
 @unnumbered Command Index
 @c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @end ifinfo
-Since all @code{vhdl-mode} commands are prepended with the string
+Since all VHDL Mode commands are prepended with the string
 @samp{vhdl-}, each appears under its @code{vhdl-<thing>} name and its
 @code{<thing> (vhdl-)} name.
@@ -1258,7 +1251,7 @@
 @c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node    Key Index, Variable Index,  Command Index, Top
-@comment node-name,    next,  previous,      up
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
 @unnumbered Key Index
 @c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@ -1267,14 +1260,14 @@
 @c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @node    Variable Index,    ,  Key Index, Top
-@comment node-name,    next,  previous,      up
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
 @unnumbered Variable Index
 @c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 @end ifinfo
-Since all @code{vhdl-mode} variables are prepended with the string
+Since all VHDL Mode variables are prepended with the string
 @samp{vhdl-}, each appears under its @code{vhdl-<thing>} name and its
 @code{<thing> (vhdl-)} name.