diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_Q2hhbmdlTG9n
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+2004-02-15  Zajcev Evgeny  <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+	* XWEM: Many improvements, window configurations, keyboard macros,
+	etc.  I think we are ready for beta or even for pre-release.
+	* addons/xwem-register.el (new): Registers for XWEM added.
+	* addons/xwem-framei.el (new): Frame indicator added.
+	* xwem-sound.el (new): Sound support added.
+2004-01-23 Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+	* addons/xwem-osd.el (Bugs): Some bug fixes.
+	* addons/xwem-holer.el (interactive): More interactive support
+	added, now it is possible to create/move/resize/delete holers
+	interactively.
+	* addons/xwem-edmacro.el (xwem-edmacro-can-edit-unbinded): Now it
+	is possible to edit(create) even unbinded keyboard macros.
+	* xwem-keymacro.el (xwem-keymacro-show-macro): Added new
+	customizable variable.
+	* xwem-macros.el (xwem-cursor-shape-choice): Added new shapes. 
+	* xwem-misc.el (xwem-make-cursor): Moved here from xwem-macros.el.
+	* xwem-minibuffer.el (xwem-minibuffer-init): Work around
+	`menubar-visible-p' specifier problem.
+2004-01-21 Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+	* xwem-keyboard.el (xwem-kbd-process-after-lookup): Bug fix. check
+	for `xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq' added when lkm is nil.
+2004-01-21 Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+	* ChangeLog (Revision): ChangeLog in new XWEM layout created.
+;; $Id$
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_TWFrZWZpbGU=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Makefile for xwem lisp code
+# This file is part of XEmacs.
+# XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+VERSION = 1.00
+MAINTAINER = Zajcev Evgeny
+PACKAGE = xwem
+PKG_TYPE = regular
+REQUIRES = xemacs-base xlib strokes edit-utils text-modes time slider
+CATEGORY = standard
+ELCS =  lisp/xwem-compat.elc lisp/xwem-clients.elc lisp/xwem-events.elc lisp/xwem-frame.elc \
+        lisp/xwem-faces.elc lisp/xwem-help.elc lisp/xwem-focus.elc lisp/xwem-keyboard.elc \
+        lisp/xwem-keymacro.elc lisp/xwem-keydefs.elc \
+        lisp/xwem-launcher.elc lisp/xwem-main.elc lisp/xwem-manage.elc lisp/xwem-minibuffer.elc \
+        lisp/xwem-misc.elc lisp/xwem-mouse.elc lisp/xwem-interactive.elc lisp/xwem-root.elc \
+        lisp/xwem-special.elc lisp/xwem-strokes.elc lisp/xwem-tray.elc lisp/xwem-win.elc \
+        lisp/xwem-icons.elc lisp/xwem-tabbing.elc lisp/xwem-sound.elc lisp/xwem-load.elc
+ELCS_1 = lisp/addons/xwem-edmacro.elc lisp/addons/xwem-clswi.elc lisp/addons/xwem-time.elc \
+        lisp/addons/xwem-osd.elc lisp/addons/xwem-holer.elc lisp/addons/xwem-framei.elc \
+        lisp/addons/xwem-register.elc lisp/addons/xwem-gamma.elc
+ELCS_1_DEST = $(PACKAGE)/addons
+ELCS_1_FILES = $(ELCS_1) $(ELCS_1:.elc=.el)
+DATA_FILES = $(wildcard icons/*.x[bp]m) logo.xpm
+PRELOADS = -eval '(progn (push "./lisp" load-path) (push "./lisp/addons" load-path) (push (concat (package-name-to-directory "xlib") "/ext") load-path))' -l lisp/auto-autoloads.el
+include ../../XEmacs.rules
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_VE9ETw==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Thu Feb 19 09:16:05 MSK 2004:
+     - Focusing manage (according to ICCCM)! very needed. (mostly done)
+     - More ICCCM stuff to support, like WM_PROTOCOL, DELETE_WINDOW,
+       etc. (mostly done)
+     - Write some documentation.
+     - Configuration file handling. (I think it is done).
+     - More hookenization.
+     - Session management. save-window-configuration,
+       set-window-configuration, save-frame-configuration,
+       set-frame-configuration, etc. (window configurations done)
+     - kbd macros. i.e. save keypress sequence and then play it with
+       XSendEvent. (Done, using xtest extension)
+     - Strokes:
+         * Support for dymanic strokes types. i.e. you can register
+           new types of strokes.
+         * Kanji strokes database
+     - CL switcher, something like `iswitchb' or `buqis'.(Done mostly)
+     - Programs launcher.(done)
+     - Summarize mode. i.e. make buffer with xwem information like
+       frames setup, clients online, etc.(Done `xwem-help')
+     - Multiple visible frames(partly done), frame should reguard his
+       properties changes on fly, i.e. resize x window, when frame-width
+       and such changes.
+     - Extensions support:
+          * Xinerama
+	  * Record (may be clones could be done with it?)
+	  * MiscKbd
+	  * XTrap (may be play with it to implement X window clones).
+     - Ubering. i.e. you can run other window manager in xwem frame.
+       Maybe implement using Xnest's -parent feature?
+# $Id$
diff --git a/icons/README b/icons/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvUkVBRE1F
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/README
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+   If you are going to add icon in this directory please check your
+   icon to correspond next xpm format:
+    Required:
+      * icon filename must begin with 'mini-' if size of icon < 32 in
+        both directions.
+      * icon filename must begin with 'miniWxH-'(where W and H is
+        width and height of icon), when one of size is great or equal
+        to 32, but less then 48.
+      * icon filename must have no beggining if it's on of its size is
+        greater or equal to 48.
+      * icon name(pointer variable name) must be the same as filename,
+        but substitute '-' and '.' with '_'.  For example if icon's
+        filename is "mini-apm.xpm" then variable name must be
+        "mini_apm_xpm".
+      * mini icons(W and H < 32) must have no more then 32 colors.
+      * 16x16 icons must have no more then 18 colors.
+      * After variable name icon must have comment:
+	      /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+	And after colors declation icon must have comment:
+	      /* pixels */
+      * Chars per pixel value must be 1.
+      * "};" must be on its own line at the end of file.
+      * ' ' must be used for None color.
+    Recommended, but not required:
+      * Use only 'c' in colors specification.
+      * Use 'None' instead of 'none' in colors specifications.
+      * Use '#' for black color.
+      * Use '.' for white color.
+      * Use 'r' for red color.
+      * Use 'g' for green color.
+      * use 'b' for blue color.
diff --git a/icons/mini-acroread.xpm b/icons/mini-acroread.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1hY3JvcmVhZC54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-acroread.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_acroread_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 7 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+".	c #6b100f",
+"X	c #b21b1c",
+"o	c #e40512",
+"O	c #e8738f",
+"+	c #e08b98",
+/* pixels */
+"     X.         ",
+"    +o X        ",
+"    Oo o##      ",
+"    O. .##      ",
+" ##  . o    ##  ",
+" ##  Ooo    ##  ",
+"      oX+       ",
+"      . XO  +O+ ",
+" ##  oO. oooXXoX",
+" ##  XOooXo    o",
+"  +XoX.O  OooXXo",
+" O. oO     ##   ",
+"+. OX      ##   ",
+".  X##  ##      ",
+"X .O##  ##      ",
+"o.O             "
diff --git a/icons/mini-bitchx.xpm b/icons/mini-bitchx.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1iaXRjaHgueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-bitchx.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_bitchx_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c blue",
+/* pixels */
+".. . . .  .  .  ",
+".  . . . .  . . ",
+".  ... ..   ... ",
+".    . . .  . . ",
+".. ... .  . . . ",
+"                ",
+"  ...       .   ",
+"   ...     .    ",
+"    ...   .     ",
+"     ... .      ",
+"      . .       ",
+"     . ...      ",
+"    .   ...     ",
+"   .     ...    ",
+"  .       ...   ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-calc.xpm b/icons/mini-calc.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1jYWxjLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-calc.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_calc_xpm[] = {
+"15 14 5 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c gray50",
+"X	c White",
+"o	c Black",
+"O	c gray85",
+" ..............",
+" ooooooooooooo "
diff --git a/icons/mini-cd.xpm b/icons/mini-cd.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1jZC54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-cd.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_cd_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 8 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c #808080",
+"X	c #FFFF00",
+"o	c #c0c0c0",
+"+	c #00FFFF",
+"@	c #00FF00",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"     *****      ",
+"   **XXooo##    ",
+"  *+XXXooooo#   ",
+" *@++XXoooo.o#  ",
+" *@@+XXooo.oo#  ",
+"*oo@@+Xoo.oooo# ",
+"*ooo@+*#*ooooo# ",
+"*oooo@# #ooooo# ",
+"*oooo.*#*+oooo# ",
+"*ooo.oo.@X+ooo# ",
+" *o.oooo@X++o#  ",
+" *.ooooo@XX++#  ",
+"  *ooooo@@XX#   ",
+"   **ooo@@##    ",
+"     **###      ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-clock.xpm b/icons/mini-clock.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1jbG9jay54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-clock.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_clock_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"13 13 4 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None s None",
+"#	c Black",
+".	c White",
+"*	c gray85",
+/* pixels */
+"    #####    ",
+"  ##.....##  ",
+" #*...#...*# ",
+" #....#....# ",
+" #.........# ",
+" #*.......*# ",
+"  ##.....##  ",
+"    #####    "
diff --git a/icons/mini-colors.xpm b/icons/mini-colors.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1jb2xvcnMueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-colors.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_colors_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 7 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c gray50",
+"X	c red",
+"o	c yellow",
+"O	c blue",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+" ************** ",
+" *XXXXooooOOOO*#",
+" *XXXXooooOOOO*#",
+" *XXXXooooOOOO*#",
+" *XXXXooooOOOO*#",
+" *....****####*#",
+" *....****####*#",
+" *....****####*#",
+" *....****####*#",
+" **************#",
+"  ##############",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-cross.xpm b/icons/mini-cross.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1jcm9zcy54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-cross.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_cross_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 4 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"r	c red",
+"X	c gray50",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"           r    ",
+"   rrX    rrr   ",
+"    rrX  rrrrr  ",
+"     rrrrrrr##  ",
+"      rrrrr#    ",
+"      rrrr#     ",
+"     rrrrrr     ",
+"     rr# rrr    ",
+"    rr#   rrr   ",
+"    r#     rrX  ",
+"   r#       r#  ",
+"   #         #  ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-daemon.xpm b/icons/mini-daemon.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1kYWVtb24ueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-daemon.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_daemon_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 15 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #2f141e",
+"X	c #293041",
+"o	c #384f6f",
+"O	c #551c26",
+"+	c #503948",
+"@	c #63555b",
+"#	c #728fa3",
+"$	c #831e28",
+"%	c #8e5961",
+"&	c #907b81",
+"*	c #a1979c",
+"-	c #d0a6a6",
+";	c #607060",
+":	c #c9c700",
+/* pixels */   
+"          -;    ",
+"     *  ***+    ",
+"     O%@.$%%-   ",
+"     &.OO-:;;   ",
+"      %.O-*X%   ",
+"      ;.O%%O$:: ",
+"       @.OOO**::",
+"        OO+*@*::",
+"       ;.O$..:  ",
+"       ;.O$O-   ",
+"       ;...%    ",
+"       &...-    ",
+"      *@.OO*    ",
+"   *@+@@X.o###; ",
+" #+***+.XXo##:  ",
+" *++@-          "
diff --git a/icons/mini-diskete.xpm b/icons/mini-diskete.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1kaXNrZXRlLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-diskete.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_diskete_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"16 16 6 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c #00007b",
+"o	c #0000ff",
+"O	c #bdbdbd",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+" ############## ",
+" #o#OOOOOOO#oo# ",
+" #o#.......#oo# ",
+" #o#.......#oo# ",
+" #o#.......#oo# ",
+" #o#.......#oo# ",
+" #oo#######ooo# ",
+" #oooooooooooo# ",
+" #ooo******ooo# ",
+" #oo*OOOOOO*oo# ",
+" #oo*OooOOO*oo# ",
+" #oo*OooOOO*oo# ",
+" #oo*OooOOO*oo# ",
+" O############# ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-diskete2.xpm b/icons/mini-diskete2.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1kaXNrZXRlMi54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-diskete2.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_diskete2_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"16 16 6 1",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c #0000ff",
+"o	c #7b7b7b",
+"O	c #bdbdbd",
+"c	c #ff0000",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
diff --git a/icons/mini-diskette.xpm b/icons/mini-diskette.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1kaXNrZXR0ZS54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-diskette.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_diskette_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 7 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None",
+"*	c #000080",
+"#	c black",
+"o	c yellow",
+"O	c #e0e0e0",
+"@	c #C0C0C0",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"**###########** ",
+" ***@@@@@@@****#",
+"  ##############"
diff --git a/icons/mini-display.xpm b/icons/mini-display.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1kaXNwbGF5LnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-display.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_display_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 6 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c gray50",
+"X	c white",
+"o	c black",
+"O	c blue",
+"+	c gray85",
+/* pixels */
+"                  ",
+"   ............   ",
+"  .Xooooooooo.Xo  ",
+"  .XoOOOOOOOO.Xo  ",
+"  .XoOXOOOOOO.Xo  ",
+"  .XoOOOOOOOO.Xo  ",
+"  .XoOOOOOOOO.Xo  ",
+"  .XoOOOOOOOO.Xo  ",
+"  .XoOOOOOOOO.Xo  ",
+"  .Xo.........Xo  ",
+"   oooooooooooo   ",
+"     .XXXX+.o     ",
+"   oooooooooooo   ",
+"                  "
diff --git a/icons/mini-doc1.xpm b/icons/mini-doc1.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1kb2MxLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-doc1.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_doc_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 4 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+".	c white",
+"o	c #808080",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"   #######      ",
+"   #.....##     ",
+"   #.ooo.#.#    ",
+"   #.....####   ",
+"   #.oooo.oo#o  ",
+"   #........#o  ",
+"   #.oooooo.#o  ",
+"   #........#o  ",
+"   #.oooooo.#o  ",
+"   #........#o  ",
+"   #.oooooo.#o  ",
+"   #........#o  ",
+"   ##########o  ",
+"    oooooooooo  ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-ethereal.xpm b/icons/mini-ethereal.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1ldGhlcmVhbC54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-ethereal.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_ethereal_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 16 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #221c17",
+"X	c #2c252d",
+"o	c #59534f",
+"O	c #635a5d",
+"+	c #717370",
+"@	c #7e827e",
+"#	c #83857e",
+"$	c #909189",
+"%	c #a29e97",
+"&	c #aea99a",
+"*	c #b8b1a8",
+"=	c #c4bcb4",
+"-	c #cdc4bd",
+";	c #d8d2d1",
+":	c #e7e1de",
+/* pixels */
+"     @@@@@+     ",
+"   $%$%%%$++@   ",
+"  @%*;:=*-*@O@  ",
+" @%-:@XXX.%*%O@ ",
+" $*:oo;;;**=&@O ",
+" +#&oX$*&#%%$#O ",
+" ++$&O....+$#o@ ",
+"  +O@%$##$$$+@  ",
+"   +OO+@@++O@   ",
+"     +++O++     "
diff --git a/icons/mini-font.xpm b/icons/mini-font.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1mb250LnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-font.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * mini_font_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"10 11 3 1",
+/* colors */
+"       c None s None",
+"#      c black",
+"X      c #808080",
+/* pixels */
+"       ## ",
+"      ###X",
+"     ####X",
+"    ##X##X",
+"   ##XX##X",
+"  ##XX ##X",
+"  #######X",
+" ##XXXX##X",
+"##XX   ##X",
+"##X    ##X",
+" XX     XX",
diff --git a/icons/mini-freedesk.xpm b/icons/mini-freedesk.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1mcmVlZGVzay54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-freedesk.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_freedesk_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 12 1",
+"  c #3b80ae",
+". c #508db6",
+"X c #6199be",
+"o c #6a9ec1",
+"O c #74a5c5",
+"+ c gray73",
+"@ c #93b9d2",
+"# c #a7c6db",
+"$ c #bad3e2",
+"% c #d5e4ee",
+"& c #fcfdfe",
+"* c None",
+/* pixels */
+"+              +",
+"+              +",
+"+   .       .XO+",
+"+.o#%X    .#&&&+",
+"+&&&&# ....%&&&+",
+"+&&&&&X    X#o.+",
+"+&&%$O.    O.  +",
+"+OX. oX   o.   +",
+"+     OX .o    +",
+"+      .@%X    +",
+"+      @&&O    +",
+"+      X$O.    +",
+"+       .      +",
diff --git a/icons/mini-ftp.xpm b/icons/mini-ftp.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1mdHAueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-ftp.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_ftp_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"16 16 5 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c #0000ff",
+"o	c #7b7b7b",
+"Q	c #ffffff",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"Q**QQ Q**QQ*QQ*Q",
+"Q***Q Q**QQ****Q",
+"Q***Q Q**QQ****Q",
+"Q**QQ Q**QQ**QQQ",
+"Q**Q  Q**QQ**Q  ",
+"Q**Q  Q**QQ**Q  ",
+"                ",
diff --git a/icons/mini-gnus.xpm b/icons/mini-gnus.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1nbnVzLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-gnus.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_gnus_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"16 12 2 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None",
+"*	c cyan",
+/* pixels */
+"     **  **     ",
+"    ********    ",
+"*  *  **  ***   ",
+"***    *   *** *",
+"**   *      ****",
+"    *        ** ",
+"          *     ",
+"   *   * **     ",
+"     **   *     ",
+"  ****    *     ",
+"  **      *     ",
+"          *     "
diff --git a/icons/mini-graph.xpm b/icons/mini-graph.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1ncmFwaC54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-graph.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_graph_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 7 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"m	c magenta",
+"b	c blue",
+"g	c green",
+"r	c red",
+"@	c #808080",
+/* pixels */
+"         ###    ",
+"         mm#    ",
+"         mm#    ",
+"     ### mm#    ",
+"     bb# mm#    ",
+"     bb# mm#    ",
+"     bb# mm#    ",
+" ### bb# mm#    ",
+" gg# bb# mm#    ",
+" gg# bb# mm# ###",
+" gg# bb# mm# rr#",
+" gg# bb# mm# rr#",
+" gg# bb# mm# rr#",
+" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",
+"                "
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/icons/mini-gv.xpm b/icons/mini-gv.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1ndi54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-gv.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_gv_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 3 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"     ####       ",
+"    #....#      ",
+"   #......#     ",
+"   #......#     ",
+"  ##.#..#.###   ",
+" #...#..#.#..#  ",
+" #...........#  ",
+"  #.........#   ",
+"   #.......#    ",
+"   #.......#    ",
+"   #.......#    ",
+"  #.........#   ",
+" #...#...#...#  ",
+"  #### ### ##   ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-info.xpm b/icons/mini-info.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1pbmZvLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-info.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_info_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"12 14 3 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None",
+".	c #cccc00",
+"#	c #dddd00",
+/* pixels */
+"  .#.       ",
+"  ###       ",
+"  .#.       ",
+"            ",
+"  ...       ",
+".###.       ",
+"..##.       ",
+" .##.       ",
+".###        ",
+".##.  .# .# ",
+".##.  ######",
+"###..  #. #.",
+"####. ####. ",
+".#..  .# ##."
diff --git a/icons/mini-keyboard.xpm b/icons/mini-keyboard.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1rZXlib2FyZC54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-keyboard.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_keyboard_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 5 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+".	c white",
+"r	c #808080",
+"O	c #C0C0C0",
+/* pixels */
+" rrrrrrrrrrrrrr ",
+" ############## ",
+"                ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-lower.xpm b/icons/mini-lower.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1sb3dlci54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-lower.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_lower_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c red",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"     . . .      ",
+"     .          ",
+"      . ..      ",
+"     . .        ",
+"     .. ..      ",
+"     . ...      ",
+"     ... .      ",
+"     .....      ",
+"     .....      ",
+"   .........    ",
+"    .......     ",
+"     .....      ",
+"      ...       ",
+"       .        ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-measure.xpm b/icons/mini-measure.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1tZWFzdXJlLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-measure.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_measure_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"15 16 9 1",	
+/* colors */	
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c #800000",
+"a	c #008000",
+"b	c #c0c0c0",
+"c	c #808080",
+"d	c #ff0000",
+"e	c #00ff00",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */	
+"  cccccccccccc#",
+" cbbbbbbbbbbbc#",
+"c.b........bc# ",
+"#############  "
diff --git a/icons/mini-mozilla.xpm b/icons/mini-mozilla.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1tb3ppbGxhLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-mozilla.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_mozilla_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 14 1",
+" 	c None",
+"M	c #020205",
+".	c #240e00",
+"X	c #272727",
+"o	c #490000",
+"O	c #710000",
+"+	c #663333",
+"@	c #676767",
+"#	c #8b0000",
+"$	c #991919",
+"%	c #ad0000",
+"&	c #d40000",
+"*	c #d6280a",
+"=	c #f90000",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"     XoX        ",
+"   Xo&%=ooo     ",
+"  Mo%oO*OoXM    ",
+" MMo=%*%O&@X%   ",
+"M M%==#o*%&&%O  ",
+" Mo*=#===O%&==%X",
+"M #==O===.M@==&+",
+" X.%=o#==Ooo@+$O",
+"M M#=&=##=&#O@M@",
+" MM%===*X.@@$.  ",
+"M  o#==&.@      ",
+"  @o==#$X       ",
+"   X%=&o+       ",
+"     #OM@       ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-mozilla1.xpm b/icons/mini-mozilla1.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1tb3ppbGxhMS54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-mozilla1.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_mozilla1_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 6 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+".	c gray50",
+"X	c #fe2a04",
+"o	c gray74",
+"O	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"#####           ",
+"X#O###          ",
+"X###O##         ",
+"XX###X###       ",
+"X#XXXXXX###     ",
+"XX##XXXXXX###   ",
+"X###XXXXX###### "
diff --git a/icons/mini-mozilla2.xpm b/icons/mini-mozilla2.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1tb3ppbGxhMi54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-mozilla2.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_mozilla2_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c DarkRed",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+" ..         ..  ",
+" ...       ...  ",
+" ....     ....  ",
+" .. ..   .. ..  ",
+" ..  .. ..  ..  ",
+" ..   ...   ..  ",
+" ..    .    ..  ",
+" ..         ..  ",
+" ..         ..  ",
+" ..         ..  ",
+" ..         ..  ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-mozilla3.xpm b/icons/mini-mozilla3.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1tb3ppbGxhMy54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-mozilla3.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_mozilla3_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c DarkRed",
+/* pixels */
+"       ..       ",
+"       ..       ",
+"       ..       ",
+"       ..       ",
+"       ..       ",
+".......  .......",
+".......  .......",
+"      .  .      ",
+"     ......     ",
+"    ...  ...    ",
+"   ...    ...   ",
+"  ...      ...  ",
+" ...        ... ",
+"...          ...",
+"                ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-netscape.xpm b/icons/mini-netscape.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1uZXRzY2FwZS54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-netscape.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_netscape_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 5 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c gray50",
+"O	c blue",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"  ***     ****# ",
+"  *..*    *...# ",
+"   *..*    *.#  ",
+"   *...*   *.#  ",
+"   *.#..*  *.#  ",
+"   *.#*..* *.#  ",
+"   *.# *..**.#  ",
+"   *.#  *..*.#  ",
+"   *.#   *...#  ",
+"   *.#OOOO#..#  ",
+"  O#.#########O ",
+" O#...#########O",
+" ###############",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-netscape1.xpm b/icons/mini-netscape1.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1uZXRzY2FwZTEueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-netscape1.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_netscape1_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 16 1",
+" 	c None",
+"M	c #171616",
+".	c #173834",
+"X	c #4a4e41",
+"o	c #646b65",
+"O	c #047d84",
+"+	c #198188",
+"@	c #4c9699",
+"#	c #6daeb1",
+"%	c #8e816f",
+"&	c #85b4b2",
+"*	c #aeafae",
+"=	c #add0d3",
+"-	c #cbcece",
+";	c #d7e8e7",
+":	c #f9fafa",
+/* pixels */
+"     .....M     ",
+"   Mo=;;;=&oM   ",
+"  .*=#@OOO#=XM  ",
+" M=@@@OOOOOO#*M ",
+" o=#::+OO&:;@*o ",
+" *:-::*MMMMMX-% ",
+"  .**%XMMX%*XM  ",
+"   M%-;-;-*oM   ",
+"     MM.MMM     "
diff --git a/icons/mini-netscape2.xpm b/icons/mini-netscape2.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1uZXRzY2FwZTIueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-netscape2.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_netscape2_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c blue",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+" ..         ... ",
+" ...        ... ",
+" ....       ... ",
+" .....      ... ",
+" ......     ... ",
+" ... ...    ... ",
+" ...  ...   ... ",
+" ...   ...  ... ",
+" ...    ... ... ",
+" ...     ...... ",
+" ...      ..... ",
+" ...       .... ",
+" ...        ... ",
+" ...         .. ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-pager.xpm b/icons/mini-pager.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1wYWdlci54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-pager.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_pager_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"     #    #     ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-penguin.xpm b/icons/mini-penguin.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1wZW5ndWluLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-penguin.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * mini_penguin_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"18 18 7 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c #808080",
+"o	c #c0c0c0",
+"O	c #101010",
+"r	c #e0a008",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"       *##*       ",
+"      *####*      ",
+"      #o#o##      ",
+"      #O##.#      ",
+"      #rrro#      ",
+"      #rrro#*     ",
+"      #rr..##     ",
+"     #*.....#*    ",
+"    *#......*#*   ",
+"    #...o....##   ",
+"    #..oo....##*  ",
+"   #o..o.....###  ",
+"   ro..o.....###  ",
+"  rrr.......r##r  ",
+" rrrrr.....orrrrr ",
+" rrrrr.....#rrrrr ",
+"  rrrrr..###rrrr  ",
+"   rrr*#####*rr   "
diff --git a/icons/mini-raise.xpm b/icons/mini-raise.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1yYWlzZS54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-raise.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_raise_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c red",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"       .        ",
+"      ...       ",
+"     .....      ",
+"    .......     ",
+"   .........    ",
+"     .....      ",
+"     .....      ",
+"     ... .      ",
+"     . ...      ",
+"     .. ..      ",
+"     . .        ",
+"      . ..      ",
+"     .          ",
+"     . . .      ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-ray.xpm b/icons/mini-ray.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1yYXkueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-ray.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_ray_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 4 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c black",
+"X	c yellow",
+"o	c gray50",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"     .........  ",
+"     .XXXXXX.o  ",
+"    .XXXXXX.o   ",
+"    .XXXXX.o    ",
+"   .XXXXX.o     ",
+"   .XXXX.....   ",
+"  .XXXXXXXX.o   ",
+"  .....XXX.o    ",
+"   oo.XXX.o     ",
+"     .XX.o      ",
+"    .XX.o       ",
+"    .X.o        ",
+"   .X.o         ",
+"   ..o          ",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-redhat.xpm b/icons/mini-redhat.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1yZWRoYXQueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-redhat.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_redhat_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"24 24 15 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None",
+"#	c white",
+"a	c #c60021",
+"b	c #4a0008",
+"c	c #840018",
+"e	c #adadad",
+"f	c #636363",
+"g	c #424242",
+"h	c #101010",
+"i	c #848484",
+"j	c #180000",
+"k	c #ad0021",
+"l	c #525252",
+"m	c #84525a",
+"n	c #b52139",
+/* pixels */
+"                        ",
+"         elhhhggf       ",
+"       ei########ge     ",
+"      eh##jb##jb###l    ",
+"     f###aaaaaa#ja##ge  ",
+"    i####ccaaaacaa###h  ",
+"   h#####b   caaaa####g ",
+"   ##jbbjaaaaaaaaak####g",
+"  h#baaabbcaaaaaaaa####h",
+"  h#caaab   caaaaaa#####",
+"  i##caaaacj  kaaaccakj#",
+"  i###aaaaaabjbaaaaaaab#",
+"  i###baaaaaaaaaaaaaaab#",
+"  i###f  caaaaaaaaaaac##",
+"  e###i  imcaaaaaaaaa###",
+"   fif#e   gbccaaaacb###",
+"       ee         h#### ",
+"              e   ##### ",
+"              ge  ####  ",
+"                 he     ",
+"                lg      ",
+"                i       ",
+"                        ",
+"                        "
diff --git a/icons/mini-sh1.xpm b/icons/mini-sh1.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1zaDEueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-sh1.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_sh1_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 5 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"X	c blue",
+"o	c gray50",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"############### ",
+" ooooooooooooooo",
+"                "
diff --git a/icons/mini-stroke.xpm b/icons/mini-stroke.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS1zdHJva2UueHBt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-stroke.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_stroke_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"16 16 3 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None",
+".	c #000000",
+"a	c #ff0000",
+/* pixels */
+"            aa  ",
+"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ",
+" ......a........",
+"       a.       ",
+" a  aaaaaaa  a  ",
+" a. a..a..a. a. ",
+" a. a. a. a. a. ",
+" a. aaaaaaa. a. ",
+" a. a..a..a. a. ",
+" a. a. a. a. a. ",
+" a. aaaaaaa. a. ",
+" a. a.....a. a. ",
+" a.          a. ",
+" aaaaaaaaaaaaa. ",
+" a...........a. ",
+" a.          a. "
diff --git a/icons/mini-term.xpm b/icons/mini-term.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS10ZXJtLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-term.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_term_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"16 16 6 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c gray50",
+"a	c blue",
+"c	c gray85",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"     *********  ",
+"    *cccccccc*# ",
+"   *........**# ",
+"   *.######.**# ",
+"   *.#aaaaa.**# ",
+"   *.#aaaaa.**# ",
+"   *.#aaaaa.**# ",
+"   *........*#**",
+"   *#########*c#",
+"  *.........*c*#",
+"  **#*#*#*#*#**#",
+" *c#c#c#c#c#c## ",
+"*...........c#  ",
+"#############   ",
+"                "
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS10ZXgueHBt
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *tex.xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 12 3 1",	 
+" 	c None", 
+".	c white",
+"#	c black",
+/* pixels */
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS10dXJuLnhwbQ==
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* XPM */
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+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 3 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"*	c gray50",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"     **###*     ",
+"    *#######    ",
+"   *##*    *#   ",
+"   ##*          ",
+"  ###       #   ",
+"#######    ###  ",
+" #####    ##### ",
+"  ###    #######",
+"   #       ###  ",
+"          *##   ",
+"   #*    *##*   ",
+"    #######*    ",
+"     *###**     ",
+"                ",
+"                "
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_x_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c red",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+" ....        .  ",
+"  ....      .   ",
+"   ....    .    ",
+"    ....  .     ",
+"     ... .      ",
+"      . ..      ",
+"     . ....     ",
+"    .   ....    ",
+"   .     ....   ",
+"  .       ....  ",
+" .         .... ",
+"                ",
+"                "
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS14Mi54cG0=
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_x2_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c red",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+" .....       .  ",
+"  .....     .   ",
+"   .....   .    ",
+"    ..... .     ",
+"     ... .      ",
+"      . ...     ",
+"     . .....    ",
+"    .   .....   ",
+"   .     .....  ",
+"  .       ..... ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                "
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS14Y2hhdC54cG0=
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xchat1_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 16 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #2f2116",
+"X	c #5c2a11",
+"o	c #795803",
+"O	c #676664",
+"+	c #932f02",
+"@	c #947202",
+"#	c #976745",
+"$	c #e33b00",
+"%	c #eb5707",
+"&	c #ab8d77",
+"*	c #c79839",
+"=	c #f0a104",
+"-	c #fdd600",
+";	c #a6a19d",
+":	c #decec3",
+/* pixels */
+"  ...      ...  ",
+" ..o..    ..o.. ",
+"..*-@..  ..@-@..",
+" ..=-=-+o-===.. ",
+"  ..@======%..  ",
+"  ...:==%=*...O ",
+"O:;OO:&:*:;;OO: ",
+"O;..&:%:&:%#:O: ",
+" ;;&*&%&*:;%&O; ",
+" ..%%%+..+$$$.. ",
+"..$$+..  ..+$$..",
+" ..X..    ..X.. ",
+"  ...      ...  "
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS14Y2hhdDEueHBt
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xchat_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c DarkGreen",
+/* pixels */
+"  ...       .   ",
+"   ...     .    ",
+"    ...   .     ",
+"     ... .      ",
+"      . .       ",
+"     . ...      ",
+"    .   ...     ",
+"   .     ...    ",
+"  .       ...   ",
+"                ",
+" ... . .  . ... ",
+" .   . . . . .  ",
+" .   ... ... .  ",
+" .   . . . . .  ",
+" ... . . . . .  ",
+"                "
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xdvi_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 16 1",
+" 	c None",
+"M	c #030303",
+".	c #382205",
+"o	c #7e4c00",
+"O	c #7a5920",
+"+	c #5b6477",
+"@	c #6c6c6e",
+"#	c #906823",
+"$	c #987c51",
+"%	c #ad8948",
+"&	c #e0a536",
+"*	c #cea55c",
+"=	c #f7bb44",
+"-      c #fecf47",
+";      c #d0c5ba",
+":      c #f2efed",
+/* pixels */
+"@M.M@        +M@",
+" @.MM+--  & ;M@ ",
+"  @M.MO#&-O&MO; ",
+"   @MM;:&#&-&-##",
+"    +M;M::*=O=# ",
+"  *%&*-o:M*&=O=O",
+" *-$---=*#*=&&O=",
+" -$-%====-==O==O",
+" &.#&%===#=O=O=$",
+" -#%====#==&O=O=",
+"  -%###%=====O=O",
+"   -----==O.--O=",
+"  @M+   *+MMM-O$",
+" @M@      @MMM+ ",
+"@M@        @M.M@",
+"M@          +MM."
diff --git a/icons/mini-xemacs.xpm b/icons/mini-xemacs.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS14ZW1hY3MueHBt
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xemacs_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 14 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #b76229",
+"X	c #9a6f6f",
+"o	c #a65151",
+"O	c #de1e1e",
+"+	c #fd0303",
+"@	c #f17272",
+"#	c #e2e22a",
+"$	c #dada69",
+"%	c #939393",
+"&	c #acacac",
+"=	c #dfdf98",
+"-	c #d3d3d3",
+":	c #f2f2f2",
+/* pixels */
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/icons/mini-xemacs1.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xemacs_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	s None c None",
+".	c #ff2200",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"...      .      ",
+" ...    .   ....",
+"  ...  .   .    ",
+"   .. .    .    ",
+"   . ..    .... ",
+"  .  ...   .    ",
+" .    ...  .    ",
+".      ...  ....",
+"                ",
+".   .  .  .. ...",
+".. .. . . .  .  ",
+". . . ... .  ...",
+".   . . . .    .",
+".   . . . .. ...",
+"                "
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xemacsC_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 17 1",
+"       c None",
+".      c #b76229",
+"X      c #9a6f6f",
+"o      c #a65151",
+"O      c #de1e1e",
+"+      c #fd0303",
+"@      c #f17272",
+"#      c #e2e22a",
+"$      c #dada69",
+"%      c #939393",
+"&      c #acacac",
+"=      c #dfdf98",
+"-      c #d3d3d3",
+";      c #f3d7d7",
+":      c #f2f2f2",
+"c      c #555555",
+"C      c black",
+/* pixels */
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */     
+static char *mini_xemacsgnus_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 16 1",
+"       c None",
+".      c #b76229",
+"X      c #9a6f6f",
+"o      c #a65151",
+"O      c #de1e1e",
+"+      c #fd0303",
+"@      c #f17272",
+"#      c #e2e22a",
+"$      c #dada69",
+"%      c #939393",
+"&      c #acacac",
+"=      c #dfdf98",
+"-      c #d3d3d3",
+";      c #f3d7d7",
+":      c #f2f2f2",
+"*      c blue",
+/* pixels */
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* XPM */     
+static char *mini_xemacsinfo_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 16 1", 
+"       c None", 
+".      c #b76229",
+"X      c #9a6f6f",
+"o      c #a65151",
+"O      c #de1e1e",
+"+      c #fd0303",
+"@      c #f17272",
+"#      c #e2e22a",
+"$      c #dada69",
+"%      c #939393",
+"&      c #acacac",
+"=      c #dfdf98",
+"-      c #d3d3d3",
+":      c #f2f2f2",
+"i	c #000055",
+"I      c blue",
+/* pixels */  
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xemacspy_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 16 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #b76229",
+"X	c #9a6f6f",
+"o	c #a65151",
+"O	c #de1e1e",
+"+	c #fd0303",
+"@	c #f17272",
+"#	c #e2e22a",
+"$	c #dada69",
+"%	c #939393",
+"&	c #acacac",
+"=	c #dfdf98",
+"-	c #d3d3d3",
+":	c #f2f2f2",
+"p	c #003300",
+"P	c #00cc00",
+/* pixels */
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xemacstex_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 16 1",
+"       c None", 
+".      c #b76229",
+"X      c #9a6f6f",
+"o      c #a65151",
+"O      c #de1e1e",
+"+      c #fd0303",
+"@      c #f17272",
+"#      c #e2e22a",
+"$      c #dada69",
+"%      c #939393",
+"&      c #acacac",
+"=      c #dfdf98",
+"-      c #d3d3d3",
+":      c #f2f2f2",
+"t      c #555555",
+"T      c black",
+/* pixels */
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xfig_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 4 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"o	c #808080",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"            ##  ",
+"           #.#  ",
+"          #..#  ",
+"         #.o.#  ",
+"        #.o#.#  ",
+"       #.o##.#  ",
+"      #.o# #.#  ",
+" o## #.o#  #.#  ",
+" #o##.o#####.#  ",
+" #.#.........#  ",
+" #.#            ",
+" #o#            ",
+" o##            "
diff --git a/icons/mini-xkeycaps.xpm b/icons/mini-xkeycaps.xpm
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS14a2V5Y2Fwcy54cG0=
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xkeycaps_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 6 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None",
+".	c red",
+"X	c black",
+"o	c white",
+"O	c #C0C0C0",
+"+	c #808080",
+/* pixels */
+"    ...     .   ",
+"     ...   .    ",
+"      ... .     ",
+"       . .      ",
+"      . ...     ",
+"     .   ...    ",
+"    .     ...   ",
+"                ",
+"  XoOXoOXoOXoOX ",
+"  XO+XO+XO+XO+X ",
+"                "
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xterm_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c red",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"  ###       #   ",
+"   ###     #    ",
+"    ###   #     ",
+"     ### #      ",
+"      # #       ",
+"     # ###      ",
+"    #   ###     ",
+"   #     ###    ",
+"  #       ###   ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                "
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xterm1_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+" #####       #  ",
+"  #####     #   ",
+"   #####   #    ",
+"    ##### #     ",
+"     ### #      ",
+"      # ###     ",
+"     # #####    ",
+"    #   #####   ",
+"   #     #####  ",
+"  #       ##### ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                "
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_aWNvbnMvbWluaS14di54cG0=
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xv_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"16 16 4 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+"r	c red",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"       ###      ",
+"  rrrrrr#       ",
+"rrr..rrrrrrr  # ",
+"rrrrrrrrrrrrr## ",
+" rrr##rrrrrrrr# ",
+"   rr#rrrrrrr## ",
+"       ##    ## ",
+"        #     # ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                "
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xv1_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 2 1",
+" 	s None c None",
+"#	c black",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"###       #     ",
+" ###     #      ",
+"  ###   #      #",
+"   ### #      ##",
+"    # #      ## ",
+"   # ###    ##  ",
+"  #   ###  ##   ",
+" #     #####    ",
+"#       ###     ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"                "
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *mini_xwem_xpm[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"34 13 7 1",
+/* colors */
+" 	c None",
+".	c black",
+"W	c red",
+"E	c green",
+"M	c blue",
+"o	c yellow",
+"c	c cyan",
+/* pixels */
+".....       W .   WEWEWcMM     M M",
+" .....     W .   WEWEWccMMM   M M ",
+"  .....   W .   WEWoWccEcMMM M M  ",
+"   ..... W .   WEWoWMMEEEcMMM M   ",
+"    ..... .   WEWEWMM  EEEcM M    ",
+"     ... .   WEWEWcc    EEEEM     ",
+"     W. ... WEWoWccEE    EEM      ",
+"    W. .....EWoWMMEEEE    M       ",
+"   W. W .....EWMM  EEEE  M        ",
+"  W. WWW .....EM    EEEEM         ",
+" W. WWWWWE.....E     EEM          ",
+"W. W  WWWWE.....E     M           ",
+".WW    WWWWE.....E   M            "};
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+/* XPM */
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+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 3 1",
+" 	c None",
+"#	c black",
+".	c white",
+/* pixels */
+"                ",
+"                ",
+"    ####        ",
+"   #    #       ",
+"  #  .   #      ",
+"  # .    #      ",
+"  #      #      ",
+"  #      #      ",
+"   #    ##      ",
+"    #######     ",
+"         ###    ",
+"          ###   ",
+"           ###  ",
+"            ##  ",
+"                ",
+"                "
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+/* XPM */
+static char *mini32x32_help_xpm[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"32 32 8 1",
+" 	c None s None",
+".	c #800080",
+"X	c #000000",
+"o	c #808080",
+"O	c #808000",
+"+	c #FFFF00",
+"@	c #C0C0C0",
+"#	c #FFFFFF",
+/* pixels */
+"                                ",
+"                                ",
+"                                ",
+"                                ",
+"                                ",
+"               ..X              ",
+"              .o..XX            ",
+"             .o.....XX          ",
+"            .o........XX        ",
+"           .o....O++O...XX      ",
+"          .o....++++++....XX    ",
+"         .o......O..++O....X    ",
+"        .o.........O++O...X     ",
+"       .o.......O++++O...XX     ",
+"      .o.......O++OO....XoX     ",
+"     .o.........OO.....Xo@X     ",
+"    .XXX.....O+O......Xo@@X     ",
+"    .XooXX...O+O.....Xo@@@XX    ",
+"    .X@@ooXX........Xo@@@o.X    ",
+"    .X@###ooXX.....Xo@@@o.X     ",
+"    .X@#####ooXX..Xo@@@o.X      ",
+"    ...oo#####ooXXo@@@o.X       ",
+"     XX..oo#####oo@@@o.X        ",
+"       XX..oo#####@@o.X         ",
+"         XX..oo###@o.X          ",
+"           XX..oo#o.X           ",
+"             XX..o.X            ",
+"               XX.X             ",
+"                 X              ",
+"                                ",
+"                                ",
+"                                "
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-clswi.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-clswi.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1jbHN3aS5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-clswi.el
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+;;; xwem-clswi.el --- Client switching package.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is NOT part of XEmacs.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; To use this package add something like:
+;;     (autoload 'xwem-clswi-enable "xwem-clswi" "Enable client switching." t)
+;;     (add-hook 'xwem-load-hook 'xwem-clswi-enable)
+;; to your xwemrc.el.  It will install new bindings `H-]' for
+;; switching to next client and `H-[' for switching to previous
+;; client.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup xwem-clswi nil
+  "Group to customize clients switcher."
+  :prefix "xwem-clswi-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-clswi-beep-on-error nil
+  "*Non-nil mean beep on any error."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-clswi)
+(defcustom xwem-clswi-show-info nil
+  "*Non-nil mean show info about client in xwem minibuffer after switch."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-clswi)
+(defvar xwem-clswi-enabled nil 
+  "Non-nil means that xwem-clswi is enabled.
+Do not change this value directly, use `xwem-clswi-enable',
+`xwem-clswi-disable' or `xwem-clswi-toggle' instead.")
+(define-xwem-command xwem-clswi-enable ()
+  "Enables xwem-clswi."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (unless xwem-clswi-enabled
+    (if xwem-started
+	(progn
+	  (xwem-global-set-key (xwem-kbd "H-]") 'xwem-clswi-next)
+	  (xwem-global-set-key (xwem-kbd "H-[") 'xwem-clswi-prev))
+      (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-]") 'xwem-clswi-next)
+      (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-[") 'xwem-clswi-prev))
+    (setq xwem-clswi-enabled t)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-clswi-disable ()
+  "Disables xwem-clswi, uninstalls default keybindings."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (when xwem-clswi-enabled
+    (if xwem-started
+	(progn
+	  (xwem-global-set-key (xwem-kbd "H-]") nil)
+	  (xwem-global-set-key (xwem-kbd "H-[") nil))
+      (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-]") nil)
+      (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-[") nil))
+    (setq xwem-clswi-enabled nil)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-clswi-toggle ()
+  "Toggle xwem-clswi."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (if xwem-clswi-enabled
+      (xwem-clswi-enable)
+    (xwem-clswi-disable)
+  ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-clswi-next (arg &optional win)
+  "Switch to ARG next client in WIN.
+If WIN is ommited then in selected window."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let* ((swin (or win (xwem-win-selected)))
+	 (ccl (xwem-win-cl swin))	;currently selected client
+	 (cls (xwem-win-make-cl-list swin))
+	 cclinx num scl)
+    (if cls
+	(progn
+	  (setq cclinx (- (length cls) (length (memq ccl cls))))
+	  (setq num (% (+ cclinx arg) (length cls)))
+	  (setq scl (nth (if (natnump num) num (+ (length cls) num)) cls))
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda scl) 'manage scl)
+	  (when xwem-clswi-show-info
+	    (xwem-client-info scl)))
+      (xwem-message (if xwem-clswi-beep-on-error 'warn 'warn-nobeep)
+		    "No clients to switch."))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-clswi-prev (arg &optional win)
+  "Switch to ARG previous client in WIN.
+If WIN is ommited then in selected window."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-clswi-next (- arg) win))
+(provide 'xwem-clswi)
+;;; xwem-clswi.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-edmacro.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-edmacro.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1lZG1hY3JvLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-edmacro.el
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+;;; xwem-edmacro.el --- Keyboard macro editor for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Fri Dec 12 11:19:50 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Macro editing package.  Allow you to edit XWEM keyboard macros like
+;; `edmacro' allow you to edit Emacs keyboard macros.  Uses xwem
+;; special frame, so you can edit keyboard macro from any point.
+;; You might change `xwem-edmacro-can-edit-unbinded' to non-nil to
+;; allow edition of non-macro keys.
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'edmacro))
+(defgroup xwem-edmacro nil
+  "Group to customize `xwem-edmacro' addon."
+  :prefix "xwem-edmacro-"
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-edmacro-can-edit-unbinded t
+  "*Non-nil mean that `xwem-edmacro' allows edit unbinded keys."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-edmacro)
+(defcustom xwem-edmacro-can-edit-nonmacro nil
+  "*Non-nil allow you to edit keys binded to non-macro commands.
+USE WITH CAUTION, if this variable is non-nil you can override any
+binding in `xwem-global-map'!"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-edmacro)
+;; Variables
+(defvar xwem-edmacro-prefix-arg nil
+  "Value of prefix argument.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-edmacro-store-place nil
+  "Place where to store new keyboard macro after editing.
+Internal variable, do not use.")
+;; Functions
+(defun xwem-edmacro-store (mac)
+  "Store new keyboard macro MAC."
+  (setq mac (key-sequence-list-description mac))
+  (cond ((eq xwem-edmacro-store-place 'xwem-keymacro-last-kbd-macro)
+	 (setq xwem-keymacro-last-kbd-macro mac)
+	 (xwem-message 'info "New keymacro stored to `%S'" xwem-edmacro-store-place))
+	(t
+	 ;; redefine key in user macros map
+	 (define-key xwem-global-map xwem-edmacro-store-place mac)))
+  (setq xwem-edmacro-store-place nil)
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-edmacro-edit-kbd-macro (xwem-keys &optional arg)
+  "Edit XWEM keyboard macro specified by XWEM-KEYS.
+With a prefix ARG, format the macro in a more concise way."
+  (xwem-interactive
+   (list
+    (xwem-read-key-sequence
+     (substitute-command-keys
+      (concat "Enter \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-keymacro-play-last] "
+	      "or one of \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-user-keymacros-prefix] XXX: ")))
+    (prefix-numeric-value xwem-prefix-arg)))
+  (xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing)
+  (let ((xwem-cmd (xwem-kbd-key-binding xwem-keys))
+	xwem-evs)
+    (setq xwem-evs (cond ((eq xwem-cmd 'xwem-keymacro-play-last)
+			  (setq xwem-edmacro-store-place 'xwem-keymacro-last-kbd-macro)
+			  xwem-keymacro-last-kbd-macro)
+			 ((vectorp xwem-cmd)
+			  (setq xwem-edmacro-store-place xwem-keys)
+			  xwem-cmd)
+			 ((and xwem-edmacro-can-edit-unbinded (null xwem-cmd))
+			  (setq xwem-edmacro-store-place xwem-keys)
+			  [])
+			 (xwem-edmacro-can-edit-nonmacro
+			  (setq xwem-edmacro-store-place xwem-keys)
+			  [])
+			 (t nil)))
+    (if (null xwem-evs)
+	(cond ((and (null xwem-edmacro-can-edit-unbinded) (null xwem-cmd))
+	       (xwem-message 'warn (concat "Dissalowed to edit unbinded key "
+					   (key-description xwem-keys)
+					   " by `xwem-edmacro-can-edit-unbinded'")))
+	      ((null xwem-edmacro-can-edit-nonmacro)
+	       (xwem-message 'warn (concat "Dissalowed to edit non-macro key "
+					   (key-description xwem-keys)
+					   " by `xwem-edmacro-can-edit-nonmacro'.")))
+	      (t (xwem-message 'warn "Invalid keyboard macro given.")))
+      ;; XXX
+      (when xwem-edmacro-store-place
+	(xwem-special-popup-frame (get-buffer-create "*Edit Macro*") t)
+	;; Add some info in *Edit Macro* buffer
+	(let ((edmacro-format-hook
+	       (lambda ()
+		 (save-excursion
+		   (re-search-backward "Macro:")
+		   (previous-line 1)
+		   (insert (format "\n;; Key: %s\n" (key-description xwem-keys)))
+		   (insert (format ";; Type: %s\n" (if xwem-cmd
+						       (if (vectorp xwem-cmd)
+							   "binded macro"
+							 "binded command")
+						     "unbinded")))
+		   (when (not (vectorp xwem-cmd))
+		     (insert (format ";; Cmd: %S\n" xwem-cmd)))))))
+	  (edit-kbd-macro xwem-evs arg 'xwem-special-revert-focus 'xwem-edmacro-store)))
+      )))
+(provide 'xwem-edmacro)
+;;; xwem-edmacro.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-framei.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-framei.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1mcmFtZWkuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-framei.el
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+;;; xwem-framei.el --- Frame indicator.
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Tue Jan 27 08:01:43 MSK 2004
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; When switching frames indicate frame number using xwem-osd.
+;; Add something like this to your xwemrc.el to start using frame
+;; indicator:
+;;   (autoload 'xwem-framei-init "xwem-framei")
+;;   (add-hook 'xwem-after-init-hook 'xwem-framei-init)
+;;; Code:
+(require 'xwem-osd)
+(defgroup xwem-framei nil
+  "*Group to customize xwem frame indicator."
+  :prefix "xwem-framei-"
+  :group 'xwem-frame)
+(defcustom xwem-framei-showtime 1
+  "Period of time in second while xwem framei is shown."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-framei)
+(defcustom xwem-framei-xoffset 20
+  "*X Offset from top left frame corner in pixels, where to show framei."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-framei)
+(defcustom xwem-framei-yoffset 20
+  "*Y Offset from top left frame corner in pixels, where to show framei."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-framei)
+(defface xwem-framei-face
+  `((t (:foreground "green2" :size 128 :family "helvetica")))
+  "*Face used to draw frame number."
+  :group 'xwem-framei)
+;;; Internal variables
+(defvar xwem-framei-osd nil
+  "Osd")
+(defvar xwem-framei-itimer nil
+  "Hidder itimer.")
+(defun xwem-framei-hidder ()
+  (xwem-osd-hide xwem-framei-osd))
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-framei-handle-switch (ofr nfr)
+  "Handle frame switching."
+  (let ((frgeom (xwem-frame-xgeom nfr)))
+    (xwem-osd-move xwem-framei-osd (+ xwem-framei-xoffset (X-Geom-x frgeom))
+		   (+ xwem-framei-yoffset (X-Geom-y frgeom)))
+    (xwem-osd-text xwem-framei-osd (format "%d" (xwem-frame-num nfr)))
+    (xwem-osd-show xwem-framei-osd)
+    (delete-itimer xwem-framei-itimer)
+    (set-itimer-value xwem-framei-itimer xwem-framei-showtime)
+    (activate-itimer xwem-framei-itimer)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-framei-init (&optional xdpy)
+  "Initialize xwem frame indicator on display XDPY."
+  (unless xdpy
+    (setq xdpy (xwem-dpy)))
+  (let (xwem-osd-always-ontop)
+    (setq xwem-framei-osd (xwem-osd-create xdpy 0 0 400 200)))
+  (setq xwem-framei-itimer (list "xwem-framei-timer" xwem-framei-showtime
+				 nil 'xwem-framei-hidder nil nil nil
+				 (list 0 0 0)))
+  (xwem-osd-set-color xwem-framei-osd (face-foreground-name 'xwem-framei-face))
+  (xwem-osd-set-font xwem-framei-osd (face-font-name 'xwem-framei-face))
+  (add-hook 'xwem-frame-switch-hook 'xwem-framei-handle-switch))
+(provide 'xwem-framei)
+;;; xwem-framei.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-gamma.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-gamma.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1nYW1tYS5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-gamma.el
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+;;; xwem-gamma.el --- XWEM addon used to adjust gamma.
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Tue Jan 20 13:10:28 MSK 2004
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; `xwem-gamma' uses uses `xlib-vidmode' Xlib extension and
+;; `color-selector' package.
+;; To use it do something like:
+;;     (xwem-gamma-widget (xwem-dpy))
+;;; Code:
+(require 'xlib-vidmode)
+(require 'color-selector)
+(defface xwem-gamma-face
+  `((t (:foreground "#1a1a1a" :background "black")))
+  "Face used to adjust gamma.")
+(defvar xwem-gamma-display nil
+  "X Display.")
+(defvar xwem-gamma-screen 0
+  "Screen number.")
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-gamma-corector (selector)
+  "Using SELECTOR adjust gamma."
+  (let* ((k (/ 9.9 256))
+	 (clist (color-selector-get-color selector))
+	 (rg (+ 0.1 (* k (car clist))))
+	 (gg (+ 0.1 (* k (cadr clist))))
+	 (bg (+ 0.1 (* k (caddr clist)))))
+    (X-XF86VidModeSetGamma xwem-gamma-display rg gg bg xwem-gamma-screen)
+    (xwem-message 'nolog "New gamma: r=%f g=%f b=%f" rg gg bg)))
+(defun xwem-gamma-widget (xdpy &optional screen-num)
+  "Start correcting gama on display XDPY and screen SCREEN-NUM."
+  (setq xwem-gamma-display xdpy)
+  (setq xwem-gamma-screen (or (and (numberp screen-num) screen-num) 0))
+  (color-selector-make-selector 'xwem-gamma-face 'foreground
+				'xwem-gamma-corector))
+(provide 'xwem-gamma)
+;;; xwem-gamma.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-holer.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-holer.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1ob2xlci5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-holer.el
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+;;; xwem-holer.el --- Making holes in xwem frames.
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Thu Jan 15 12:39:04 MSK 2004
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This XWEM addon allow you to create/manipulate holes in XWEM
+;; frames.
+;; Add something following to your ~/.xwem/xwemrc.el to start using
+;; holer:
+;;   (autoload 'xwem-holer-imove-or-create "xwem-holer"
+;;     "Interactively move or create holer." t)
+;;   (autoload 'xwem-holer-idestroy "xwem-holer"
+;;     "Interactively destroy holer." t)
+;;   (autoload 'xwem-holer-iresize "xwem-holer"
+;;     "Interactively resize holer." t)
+;;   (define-key xwem-global-map [(hyper ?x) ?h button1]
+;;     'xwem-holer-imove-or-create)
+;;   (define-key xwem-global-map [(hyper ?x) ?h button2]
+;;     'xwem-holer-idestroy)
+;;   (define-key xwem-global-map [(hyper ?x) ?h button3]
+;;     'xwem-holer-iresize)
+;;; BUGS:
+;; - You can create/manipulate holes only on selected frame.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'xlib-xshape)
+(defgroup xwem-holer nil
+  "Group to customize xwem holer."
+  :prefix "xwem-holer-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-holer-outline-width 3
+  "Width of outliner."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-holer)
+(defcustom xwem-holer-outline-color "blue2"
+  "*Color of holer outliner."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-holer)
+(defcustom xwem-holer-move-cursor-shape 'X-XC-fleur
+  "*Shape of cursor when moving holer."
+  :type (xwem-cursor-shape-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-holer)
+(defcustom xwem-holer-move-cursor-foreground "#0000AA"
+  "*Cursor's foreground when moving holer."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-holer)
+(defcustom xwem-holer-move-cursor-background "#000088"
+  "*Cursor's background when moving holer."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-holer)
+(defcustom xwem-holer-resize-cursor-foreground "#0000AA"
+  "*Cursor's foreground when resizing holer."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-holer)
+(defcustom xwem-holer-resize-cursor-background "#000088"
+  "*Cursor's background when resizing holer."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-holer)
+(defcustom xwem-holer-min-pixels 10
+  "*Minimum pixels to change holer geometry.
+Set it higher value to speed up moving/resizing."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-holer)
+;;; Define holer prefix map
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-holer-prefix t)
+(defvar xwem-holer-map (symbol-function 'xwem-holer-prefix)
+  "Keymap for holer (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-holer-prefix]) commands.
+(define-key xwem-holer-map [button1] 'xwem-holer-imove-or-create)
+(define-key xwem-holer-map [button2] 'xwem-holer-idestroy)
+(define-key xwem-holer-map [button3] 'xwem-holer-iresize)
+(define-key xwem-holer-map (xwem-kbd "h") 'xwem-holer-ihide)
+(define-key xwem-holer-map (xwem-kbd "s") 'xwem-holer-ishow)
+(defvar xwem-holers-list nil "List of all holers.")
+(defstruct xwem-holer
+  frame
+  x y width height
+  click-xoff click-yoff			; offset within holer where click occured
+  outliner-win				;
+  xmask xmask-gc xmask-bgc
+  mode					; nil, 'move, 'resize-bl,
+					; 'resize-br, 'resize-tl or
+					; 'resize-tr, 'hidden
+  ;; cursors
+  move-cursor
+  resize-bl-cursor resize-br-cursor
+  resize-tl-cursor resize-tr-cursor
+  )
+(defmacro xwem-holer-xdpy (holer)
+  "Return HOLER's display."
+  `(X-Win-dpy (xwem-frame-xwin (xwem-holer-frame holer))))
+(defsubst xwem-holer-add (holer)
+  "Add HOLER to the `xwem-holers-list'."
+  (pushnew holer xwem-holers-list))
+(defsubst xwem-holer-del (holer)
+  "Remove HOLER from `xwem-holers-list'."
+  (setq xwem-holers-list (delete holer xwem-holers-list)))
+(defsubst xwem-holer-find-by-frame (frame)
+  "Find holer by FRAME.
+Return list of holers for FRAME."
+  (let (holers)
+    (mapc (lambda (h)
+            (when (eq (xwem-holer-frame h) frame)
+              (setq holers (cons h holers))))
+          xwem-holers-list)
+    holers))
+(defun xwem-holer-clear (holer)
+  "Clear HOLER's xmask."
+  (let* ((xgeom (xwem-frame-xgeom (xwem-holer-frame holer)))
+	 (width (X-Geom-width xgeom))
+	 (height (X-Geom-height xgeom)))
+    (XFillRectangle (xwem-holer-xdpy holer) (xwem-holer-xmask holer)
+		    (xwem-holer-xmask-gc holer) 0 0 width height)))
+(defun xwem-holer-create (frame x y width height)
+  "Create new holer for FRAME with geometry +X+Y+WIDTHxHEIGHT."
+  (let* ((holer (make-xwem-holer :frame frame :x x :y y :width width :height height))
+	 (xdpy (xwem-holer-xdpy holer))
+	 (xgeom (xwem-frame-xgeom frame)))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-xmask holer)
+	  (XCreatePixmap xdpy
+			 (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+			 (xwem-frame-xwin frame) 1
+			 (X-Geom-width xgeom) (X-Geom-height xgeom)))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-xmask-gc holer)
+	  (XCreateGC xdpy (xwem-holer-xmask holer)
+		     (make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+				:foreground 1.0
+				:background 0.0)))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-xmask-bgc holer)
+	  (XCreateGC xdpy (xwem-holer-xmask holer)
+		     (make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+				:foreground 0.0
+				:background 1.0)))
+    (xwem-holer-clear holer)
+    (XFillRectangle xdpy (xwem-holer-xmask holer) (xwem-holer-xmask-bgc holer)
+		    x y width height)
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-holer-xmask holer))
+    ;; Create cursors
+    (setf (xwem-holer-move-cursor holer)
+	  (xwem-make-cursor (eval xwem-holer-move-cursor-shape)
+			    xwem-holer-move-cursor-foreground
+			    xwem-holer-move-cursor-background))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-resize-bl-cursor holer)
+	  (xwem-make-cursor X-XC-bottom_left_corner
+			    xwem-holer-resize-cursor-foreground
+			    xwem-holer-resize-cursor-background))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-resize-br-cursor holer)
+	  (xwem-make-cursor X-XC-bottom_right_corner
+			    xwem-holer-resize-cursor-foreground
+			    xwem-holer-resize-cursor-background))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-resize-tl-cursor holer)
+	  (xwem-make-cursor X-XC-top_left_corner
+			    xwem-holer-resize-cursor-foreground
+			    xwem-holer-resize-cursor-background))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-resize-tr-cursor holer)
+	  (xwem-make-cursor X-XC-top_right_corner
+			    xwem-holer-resize-cursor-foreground
+			    xwem-holer-resize-cursor-background))
+    ;; Outline holer
+    (setf (xwem-holer-outliner-win holer)
+	  (XCreateWindow xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+			 (- x xwem-holer-outline-width)
+			 (- y xwem-holer-outline-width)
+			 width height xwem-holer-outline-width
+			 nil nil nil (make-X-Attr :override-redirect t
+						  :border-pixel (XAllocNamedColor xdpy (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+										  xwem-holer-outline-color (make-X-Color)))))
+    (X-Win-put-prop (xwem-holer-outliner-win holer) 'xwem-holer holer)
+    (XMapWindow xdpy (xwem-holer-outliner-win holer))
+    ;; Finally add to `xwem-holers-list'
+    (xwem-holer-add holer)
+    holer))
+(defun xwem-holer-move (holer x y)
+  "Move HOLER to X Y."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-holer-xdpy holer)))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-x holer) x)
+    (setf (xwem-holer-y holer) y)
+    (xwem-holer-clear holer)
+    (XFillRectangle xdpy (xwem-holer-xmask holer) (xwem-holer-xmask-bgc holer)
+		    (xwem-holer-x holer) (xwem-holer-y holer)
+		    (xwem-holer-width holer) (xwem-holer-height holer))
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin (xwem-holer-frame holer))
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-holer-xmask holer))
+    (XMoveWindow xdpy (xwem-holer-outliner-win holer)
+		 (- x xwem-holer-outline-width)
+		 (- y xwem-holer-outline-width))))
+(defun xwem-holer-resize (holer width height)
+  "Resize HOLER to WIDTH HEIGHT."
+  )
+(defun xwem-holer-move-resize (holer x y width height)
+  "Move and resize HOLER to X Y WIDTH HEIGHT geometry."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-holer-xdpy holer)))
+    (setf (xwem-holer-x holer) x)
+    (setf (xwem-holer-y holer) y)
+    (setf (xwem-holer-width holer) width)
+    (setf (xwem-holer-height holer) height)
+    (xwem-holer-clear holer)
+    (XFillRectangle xdpy (xwem-holer-xmask holer) (xwem-holer-xmask-bgc holer)
+		    (xwem-holer-x holer) (xwem-holer-y holer)
+		    (xwem-holer-width holer) (xwem-holer-height holer))
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin (xwem-holer-frame holer))
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-holer-xmask holer))
+    (XMoveResizeWindow xdpy (xwem-holer-outliner-win holer)
+		       (- x xwem-holer-outline-width)
+		       (- y xwem-holer-outline-width)
+		       (xwem-holer-width holer)
+		       (xwem-holer-height holer))))
+(defun xwem-holer-destroy (holer)
+  "Destroy HOLER."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-holer-xdpy holer)))
+    (xwem-holer-del holer)              ; remove from `xwem-holers-list'
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin (xwem-holer-frame holer))
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 nil)
+    (XFreePixmap xdpy (xwem-holer-xmask holer))
+    (XFreeGC xdpy (xwem-holer-xmask-gc holer))
+    (XFreeGC xdpy (xwem-holer-xmask-bgc holer))
+    ;; Finally destroy outliner window
+    (X-Win-rem-prop (xwem-holer-outliner-win holer) 'xwem-holer)
+    (XDestroyWindow xdpy (xwem-holer-outliner-win holer))))
+;;; Subroutines using when resizing
+(defun xwem-holer-change-mode-to-opposite (holer &optional width-p)
+  "Change HOLER's resize mode to opposite when resizing."
+  (let ((ww '(resize-tr resize-br resize-tl resize-bl))
+	(hh '(resize-bl resize-tl resize-br resize-tr))
+	(c (member (xwem-holer-mode holer) '(resize-tl resize-bl resize-tr resize-br))))
+    (when c
+      (setf (xwem-holer-mode holer) (nth (- 4 (length c)) (if width-p ww hh))))))
+(defun xwem-holer-calculate-new-geom (hl frx fry)
+  "Return list '(x y width height) represented new geometry for holer HL."
+  (let ((mode (xwem-holer-mode hl))
+	x y w h)
+    (cond ((eq mode 'resize-tl)
+	   (setq x frx
+		 y fry
+		 w (+ (- (xwem-holer-x hl) x) (xwem-holer-width hl))
+		 h (+ (- (xwem-holer-y hl) y) (xwem-holer-height hl))))
+	  ((eq mode 'resize-bl)
+	   (setq x frx
+		 y (xwem-holer-y hl)	; didnt affected
+		 h (- fry (xwem-holer-y hl))
+		 w (+ (- (xwem-holer-x hl) x) (xwem-holer-width hl))))
+	  ((eq mode 'resize-tr)
+	   (setq x (xwem-holer-x hl)
+		 y fry
+		 w (- frx x)
+		 h (+ (- (xwem-holer-y hl) y) (xwem-holer-height hl))))
+	  ((eq mode 'resize-br)
+	   (setq x (xwem-holer-x hl)
+		 y (xwem-holer-y hl)
+		 w (- frx (xwem-holer-x hl))
+		 h (- fry (xwem-holer-y hl))))
+	  )
+    (list x y w h)))
+(defun xwem-holer-event-handler (xdpy win xev)
+  "Handle events come from root window."
+  (X-Event-CASE xev
+    (:X-MotionNotify
+     (let ((hl (X-Win-get-prop win 'xwem-holer))
+	   frxgeom frx fry)
+       (when (xwem-holer-p hl)
+	 (setq frxgeom (xwem-frame-xgeom (xwem-holer-frame hl)))
+	 (setq frx (- (X-Event-xmotion-root-x xev) (X-Geom-x frxgeom)))
+	 (setq fry (- (X-Event-xmotion-root-y xev) (X-Geom-y frxgeom)))
+	 (cond ((eq (xwem-holer-mode hl) 'move)
+		;; Translate root coordinates to frame coordinates.
+		;; Using XTranslateCoordinates will slow down.
+		(let ((x (- frx (xwem-holer-click-xoff hl)))
+		      (y (- fry (xwem-holer-click-yoff hl))))
+		  (when (or (>= (abs (- x (xwem-holer-x hl))) xwem-holer-min-pixels)
+			    (>= (abs (- y (xwem-holer-y hl))) xwem-holer-min-pixels))
+		    (xwem-holer-move hl x y))))
+	       ;; Interactively resize holer
+	       ((member (xwem-holer-mode hl) '(resize-bl resize-br resize-tl resize-tr))
+		;; Calculate new geometry
+		(let* ((ngeom (xwem-holer-calculate-new-geom hl frx fry))
+		       (x (nth 0 ngeom))
+		       (y (nth 1 ngeom))
+		       (w (nth 2 ngeom))
+		       (h (nth 3 ngeom)))
+		  ;; When width or height is less then zero check is
+		  ;; there need to change resize mode.
+		  (when (or (< w 0) (< h 0))
+		    (when (< w 0)
+		      (xwem-holer-change-mode-to-opposite hl t))
+		    (when (< h 0)
+		      (xwem-holer-change-mode-to-opposite hl))
+		    (setq ngeom (xwem-holer-calculate-new-geom hl frx fry)
+			  x (nth 0 ngeom)
+			  y (nth 1 ngeom)
+			  w (nth 2 ngeom)
+			  h (nth 3 ngeom)))
+		  (when (and x y (> w 0) (> h 0)
+			     (or (>= (abs (- w (xwem-holer-width hl)))
+				     xwem-holer-min-pixels)
+				 (>= (abs (- h (xwem-holer-height hl)))
+				     xwem-holer-min-pixels)))
+		    (xwem-holer-move-resize hl x y w h))
+		  ))
+	       ))))
+    (:X-ButtonRelease
+     (XUngrabPointer xdpy)
+     (X-Win-EventHandler-rem (X-Event-xmotion-event xev) 'xwem-holer-event-handler)
+     (let ((hl (X-Win-get-prop win 'xwem-holer)))
+       (when (xwem-holer-p hl)
+	 (setf (xwem-holer-mode hl) nil)))
+     )
+    (:X-Expose
+     (let ((hl (X-Win-get-prop win 'xwem-holer)))
+       (when (xwem-holer-p hl)
+	 (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin (xwem-holer-frame hl))
+		       X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-holer-xmask hl)))))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-holer-find-frame (xev)
+  "Using ButtonPress XEV find out xwem frame."
+  ;; XXX
+  (xwem-frame-selected))
+(defun xwem-holer-find-holer (xev)
+  "Using ButtonPress XEV find out holer under pointer."
+  (when (= (X-Event-type xev) X-ButtonPress)
+    (let* ((xdpy (X-Event-dpy xev))
+	   (frame (xwem-holer-find-frame xev))
+	   (xt (and (xwem-frame-p frame)
+		    (XTranslateCoordinates xdpy (XDefaultRootWindow xdpy)
+					   (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+					   (X-Event-xbutton-root-x xev)
+					   (X-Event-xbutton-root-y xev))))
+	   (chw (nth 3 xt))
+	   (hl (and (X-Win-p chw) (X-Win-get-prop chw 'xwem-holer))))
+      (when (xwem-holer-p hl)
+	(let ((hlxt (XTranslateCoordinates
+		     xdpy (XDefaultRootWindow xdpy)
+		     (xwem-holer-outliner-win hl)
+		     (X-Event-xbutton-root-x xev) (X-Event-xbutton-root-y xev))))
+	  (setf (xwem-holer-click-xoff hl) (nth 4 hlxt))
+	  (setf (xwem-holer-click-yoff hl) (nth 5 hlxt))
+	  hl)))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-holer-imove ()
+  "Move holer."
+  (xwem-interactive "_")
+  (let* ((xev xwem-last-xevent)
+	 (hl (xwem-holer-find-holer xev)))
+    (when (xwem-holer-p hl)
+      (setf (xwem-holer-mode hl) 'move)
+      (XGrabPointer (X-Event-dpy xev)
+		    (xwem-holer-outliner-win hl)
+		    (truncate (Xmask-or XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease XM-ButtonMotion))
+		    (xwem-holer-move-cursor hl))
+      (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (xwem-holer-outliner-win hl) 'xwem-holer-event-handler)
+      )))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-holer-imove-or-create ()
+  "Move already existing holer or create new."
+  (xwem-interactive "_")
+  (let* ((xev xwem-last-xevent)
+	 (hl (xwem-holer-find-holer xev)))
+    (if (xwem-holer-p hl)
+	(call-interactively 'xwem-holer-imove)
+      ;; Create new holer
+      (let ((frame (xwem-holer-find-frame xev))
+	    frxgeom frx fry)
+	(when (xwem-frame-p frame)
+	  (setq frxgeom (xwem-frame-xgeom frame))
+	  (setq frx (- (X-Event-xmotion-root-x xev) (X-Geom-x frxgeom)))
+	  (setq fry (- (X-Event-xmotion-root-y xev) (X-Geom-y frxgeom)))
+	  (xwem-holer-create frame (- frx 1) (- fry 1) 1 1)
+	  ;; After this resizing should appear in 'resize-br mode
+	  (call-interactively 'xwem-holer-iresize))))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-holer-iresize ()
+  "Resize holer."
+  (xwem-interactive "_")
+  (let* ((xev xwem-last-xevent)
+	 (hl (xwem-holer-find-holer xev)))
+    (when (xwem-holer-p hl)
+      (let ((cx (xwem-holer-click-xoff hl))
+	    (cy (xwem-holer-click-yoff hl))
+	    (hw (/ (xwem-holer-width hl) 2)) ; half of width
+	    (hh (/ (xwem-holer-height hl) 2)) ; half of height
+	    cursor)
+	(cond ((and (> cx hw) (> cy hh))
+	       (setf (xwem-holer-mode hl) 'resize-br)
+	       (setq cursor (xwem-holer-resize-br-cursor hl)))
+	      ((> cx hw)
+	       (setf (xwem-holer-mode hl) 'resize-tr)
+	       (setq cursor (xwem-holer-resize-tr-cursor hl)))
+	      ((and (<= cx hw) (> cy hh))
+	       (setf (xwem-holer-mode hl) 'resize-bl)
+	       (setq cursor (xwem-holer-resize-bl-cursor hl)))
+	      ((<= cx hw)
+	       (setf (xwem-holer-mode hl) 'resize-tl)
+	       (setq cursor (xwem-holer-resize-tl-cursor hl))))
+	(XGrabPointer (X-Event-dpy xev)
+		      (xwem-holer-outliner-win hl)
+		      (truncate (Xmask-or XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease XM-ButtonMotion))
+		      cursor)
+	(X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (xwem-holer-outliner-win hl) 'xwem-holer-event-handler)
+	))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-holer-idestroy ()
+  "Destroy holer."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (let* ((xev xwem-last-xevent)
+	 (hl (xwem-holer-find-holer xev)))
+    (when (xwem-holer-p hl)
+      (xwem-holer-destroy hl)
+      (xwem-message 'info "Holler at %dx%d destroyed."
+		    (X-Event-xbutton-root-x xev)
+		    (X-Event-xbutton-root-y xev)))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-holer-ihide (frame)
+  "Hide all holers for FRAME.
+If FRAME is ommited - `xwem-frame-selected' assumed."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-frame-selected)))
+  (let* ((xwin (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+         (xdpy (X-Win-dpy xwin)))
+    (mapc (lambda (h)
+            (XUnmapWindow xdpy (xwem-holer-outliner-win h)))
+          (xwem-holer-find-by-frame frame))
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy xwin X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 nil)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-holer-ishow (frame)
+  "Show all holers for FRAME.
+If FRAME is ommited - `xwem-frame-selected' assumed."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-frame-selected)))
+  (let* ((xwin (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+         (xdpy (X-Win-dpy xwin)))
+    (mapc (lambda (h)
+            (XMapWindow xdpy (xwem-holer-outliner-win h))
+            (X-XShapeMask xdpy xwin
+                          X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-holer-xmask h)))
+          (xwem-holer-find-by-frame frame))))
+(provide 'xwem-holer)
+;;; xwem-holer.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-keytt.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-keytt.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1rZXl0dC5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-keytt.el
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+;;; xwem-keytt.el --- Keypress translation table.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Fri Dec 12 19:33:35 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+;; Translation table
+(defcustom xwem-key-tt-alist nil
+  "*Keypresses translation table.
+Alist in where keys is source keypress and value is destination keypress.
+Each keypresses is in form returned from `kbd'."
+  :type 'alist
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+;; Functions
+(define-xwem-command xwem-key-tt-command ()
+  "Command to perform keypress translation."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (let* ((prk xwem-this-command-keys)
+	 (tte (assoc prk xwem-key-tt-alist)))
+    (if tte
+	(X-Dpy-send-excursion (xwem-dpy)
+	  (xwem-key-send-ekeys (cdr tte)))
+      (xwem-message 'warn "Can't find tt entry for: %S" prk))))
+(defun xwem-key-tt-init ()
+  "Initialize translation table.
+Translation table is alist with elements in form:
+  (issued-key . send-key)
+i.e. tt substitutes pressed key ISSUED-KEY with SEND-KEY actually it
+will looks like you press SEND-KEY."
+  (mapcar (lambda (el)
+	    (xwem-define-key (car el) 'xwem-key-tt-command))
+	  xwem-key-tt-alist))
+(provide 'xwem-keytt)
+;;; xwem-keytt.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-osd.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-osd.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1vc2QuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-osd.el
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+;;; xwem-osd.el --- On Screen Display implementation for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Mon Jan 12 13:14:32 MSK 2004
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Support for on screen display in XWEM.  xwem-osd can display text,
+;; processing bar, other stuff using shaped window.  The main feature
+;; of this OSD implementation that it uses OSD instances to display
+;; stuff, so it does not need to handle expose events.
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'cl))
+(require 'xlib-xshape)
+(defconst xwem-osd-instance-types '(text line arc rect)
+  "List of valid types of osd instance.")
+(defstruct xwem-osd-instance
+  type					; instance type, see `xwem-osd-instance-types'
+  osd					; back reference to osd
+  (depth 0)				; depth
+  xwin xmask
+  color)				; instance background color
+(defmacro xwem-osd-instance-xdpy (osin)
+  "Return display of OSIN osd instance."
+  `(xwem-osd-xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-osd osin)))
+(defstruct xwem-osd
+  state					; 'destroyed, 'hided or 'shown
+  x y
+  width height
+  xdpy
+  xwin
+  xmask
+  gc					; GC used to draw
+  mask-gc				; GC used to draw mask
+  instances				; list of xwem-osd-instance structs sorted by depth
+  plist)				; User defined plist
+(defcustom xwem-osd-default-font "fixed"
+  "Default font for text drawed in osd.")
+(defcustom xwem-osd-default-color "black"
+  "Default color used to draw.")
+(defcustom xwem-osd-always-ontop t
+  "*Non-nil mean that OSD's winow will be always on top.")
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-osd-event-handler (xdpy xwin xev)
+  "On X display XDPY and window XWIN handle X Event XEV."
+  (let ((osd (xwem-osd-get-osd xwin)))
+    (when (xwem-osd-p osd)
+      (X-Event-CASE xev
+	(:X-DestroyNotify
+	 (xwem-osd-destroy osd t))
+	))))
+(defun xwem-osd-root-event-handler (xdpy xwin xev)
+  "Root window event handler for OSD."
+  (X-Event-CASE xev
+    (:X-ConfigureNotify
+     (let ((osd (xwem-osd-get-osd (X-Event-xconfigure-above-sibling xev))))
+       (when (xwem-osd-p osd)
+	 ;; OSD's window is above sibling for some other window, so it
+	 ;; is (osd's window) obscured and we need to pop it back.
+	 (xwem-osd-show osd)
+	 )))
+    ))
+;;; Instances operations
+(defun xwem-osd-instance-destroy (osin)
+  "Destroy osd instance OSIN."
+  (XDestroyWindow (xwem-osd-instance-xdpy osin) (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin))
+  (XFreePixmap (xwem-osd-instance-xdpy osin) (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin))
+  )
+(defun xwem-osd-add-instance (osd depth color)
+  "In OSD add osd instance with background COLOR.
+Return newly created osd instance."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+	(osin (make-xwem-osd-instance :osd osd :depth depth
+				      :color color)))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin)
+	  (XCreateWindow xdpy (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+			 0 0 (xwem-osd-width osd) (xwem-osd-height osd)
+			 0 nil nil nil
+			 (make-X-Attr :override-redirect t
+				      :background-pixel (XAllocNamedColor xdpy (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+									  color (make-X-Color)))))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin)
+	  (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+			 (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin) 1
+			 (xwem-osd-width osd) (xwem-osd-height osd)))
+    (xwem-osd-instance-clear osin)
+    (push osin (xwem-osd-instances osd))
+    ;; TODO: - sort instances according to depth
+    osin))
+(defun xwem-osd-instance-clear (osin)
+  "Clear mask area of OSD instance."
+  (let ((osd (xwem-osd-instance-osd osin)))
+    (xwem-osd-mask-fgbg osd)
+    (XFillRectangle (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+		    0 0 (xwem-osd-width osd) (xwem-osd-height osd))
+    (xwem-osd-mask-fgbg osd)))
+(defun xwem-osd-instance-show (osin)
+  "Show osd instance OSIN."
+  (XMapWindow (xwem-osd-instance-xdpy osin) (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin)))
+(defun xwem-osd-instance-set-color (osin new-color)
+  "Set new color."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xdpy osin)))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-instance-color osin) new-color)
+    (XSetWindowBackground xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin)
+			  (XAllocNamedColor xdpy (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+					    new-color (make-X-Color)))
+    (XClearArea xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin)
+		0 0 (xwem-osd-width (xwem-osd-instance-osd osin))
+		(xwem-osd-height (xwem-osd-instance-osd osin)) nil)))
+;;; OSD functions
+(defun xwem-osd-create (xdpy x y width height &optional x-parent)
+  "On X display XDPY create new xwem osd context with +X+Y/WIDTHxHEIGHT geometry on X-PARENT."
+  (let ((osd (make-xwem-osd :xdpy xdpy :x x :y y :width width :height height)))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+	  (XCreateWindow xdpy (or x-parent (XDefaultRootWindow xdpy))
+			 x y width height 0 nil nil nil
+			 (make-X-Attr :override-redirect t
+				      :background-pixel (XBlackPixel xdpy)
+				      :event-mask (Xmask-or XM-StructureNotify))))
+    ;; Create gc
+    (setf (xwem-osd-gc osd)
+	  (XCreateGC xdpy (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		     (make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+				:foreground (XAllocNamedColor xdpy (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+							      xwem-osd-default-color (make-X-Color))
+				:font (X-Font-get xdpy xwem-osd-default-font))))
+    (X-Win-put-prop (xwem-osd-xwin osd) 'osd-ctx osd)
+    (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (xwem-osd-xwin osd) 'xwem-osd-event-handler)
+    (when xwem-osd-always-ontop
+      (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (XDefaultRootWindow xdpy) 'xwem-osd-root-event-handler))
+    (xwem-osd-create-mask osd)
+    osd))
+(defun xwem-osd-get-osd (xwin)
+  "Get osd context associated with XWIN."
+  (and (X-Win-p xwin) (X-Win-get-prop xwin 'osd-ctx)))
+(defun xwem-osd-mask-fgbg (osd)
+  "Exchange foreground and background colors in OSD's mask gc."
+  (let* ((mgc (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd))
+	 (fg (X-Gc-foreground mgc))
+	 (bg (X-Gc-background mgc)))
+    (setf (X-Gc-foreground mgc) bg)
+    (setf (X-Gc-background mgc) fg)
+    (XChangeGC (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) mgc)))
+(defun xwem-osd-clear-mask (osd)
+  "Clear mask area of OSD context."
+  (xwem-osd-mask-fgbg osd)
+  (XFillRectangle (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xmask osd) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+		  0 0 (xwem-osd-width osd) (xwem-osd-height osd))
+  (xwem-osd-mask-fgbg osd))
+(defun xwem-osd-create-mask (osd)
+  "For xwem osd context OSD create mask pixmap."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd)))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-xmask osd)
+	  (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+			 (xwem-osd-xwin osd) 1 (xwem-osd-width osd)
+			 (xwem-osd-height osd)))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+	  (XCreateGC xdpy (xwem-osd-xmask osd)
+		     (make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+				:foreground 1.0
+				:background 0.0
+				:font (X-Font-get xdpy xwem-osd-default-font))))
+    (xwem-osd-clear-mask osd)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-osd-set-height (osd new-height)
+  "Set OSD's window height to NEW-HEIGHT."
+  (setf (xwem-osd-height osd) new-height)
+  (XResizeWindow (xwem-osd-xdpy osd)
+		 (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		 (xwem-osd-width osd)
+		 (xwem-osd-height osd))
+  (XFreePixmap (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+  (xwem-osd-create-mask osd))
+(defun xwem-osd-set-width (osd new-width)
+  "Set OSD's window width to NEW-WIDTH."
+  (setf (xwem-osd-width osd) new-width)
+  (XResizeWindow (xwem-osd-xdpy osd)
+		 (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		 (xwem-osd-width osd)
+		 (xwem-osd-height osd))
+  (XFreePixmap (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+  (xwem-osd-create-mask osd))
+(defun xwem-osd-move (osd new-x new-y)
+  "Change OSD's window position to NEW-X, NEW-Y."
+  (XMoveWindow (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+	       new-x new-y))
+(defun xwem-osd-set-xwin-color (osd color-name)
+  "Set background for OSD's window to COLOR-NAME."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd)))
+    (XSetWindowBackground xdpy (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+			  (XAllocNamedColor xdpy (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+					    color-name (make-X-Color)))))
+(defun xwem-osd-set-gc-color (osd color-name)
+  "Set OSD's gc foreground color to COLOR-NAME."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd)))
+    (setf (X-Gc-foreground (xwem-osd-gc osd))
+	  (XAllocNamedColor xdpy (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+			    color-name (make-X-Color)))
+    (XChangeGC xdpy (xwem-osd-gc osd))))
+(defun xwem-osd-set-color (osd color-name)
+  "Set both OSD's background and OSD's gc foreground color to COLOR-NAME."
+  (let* ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+	 (col (XAllocNamedColor xdpy (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+				color-name (make-X-Color))))
+    (XSetWindowBackground xdpy (xwem-osd-xwin osd) col)
+    (xwem-osd-clear-xwin osd)
+    (setf (X-Gc-foreground (xwem-osd-gc osd)) col)
+    (XChangeGC xdpy (xwem-osd-gc osd))))
+(defun xwem-osd-show (osd)
+  "Show OSD's window."
+  (X-XShapeMask (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd) X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+  (XMapWindow (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd))
+  (XRaiseWindow (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd)))
+(defun xwem-osd-hide (osd)
+  "Hide OSD's window."
+  (XUnmapWindow (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd)))
+(defun xwem-osd-destroy-instances (osd)
+  "Destroy all instances in OSD."
+  (mapcar (lambda (osin)
+	    (xwem-osd-instance-destroy osin))
+	  (xwem-osd-instances osd))
+  (setf (xwem-osd-instances osd) nil))
+(defun xwem-osd-destroy (osd &optional already-destroyed)
+  "Destroy OSD context."
+  (xwem-osd-destroy-instances osd)
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-rem (xwem-osd-xwin osd) 'xwem-osd-event-handler)
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-rem (XDefaultRootWindow (xwem-osd-xdpy osd)) 'xwem-osd-root-event-handler)
+  (unless already-destroyed
+    (XDestroyWindow (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd)))
+  (XFreePixmap (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xmask osd)))
+(defun xwem-osd-set-font (osd font-name)
+  "In OSD's context set font to be FONT-NAME."
+  (let* ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+	 (gc (xwem-osd-gc osd))
+	 (mgc (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd))
+	 (font (X-Font-get xdpy font-name)))
+    (setf (X-Gc-font mgc) font)
+    (XChangeGC xdpy mgc)
+    (setf (X-Gc-font gc) font)
+    (XChangeGC xdpy gc)))
+(defun xwem-osd-char-width (osd)
+  "Return width of OSD's window in characters."
+  ;; XXX assumes that font is width fixed
+  (/ (xwem-osd-width osd)
+     (X-Text-width (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (X-Gc-font (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)) "_")))
+(defun xwem-osd-clear-xwin (osd)
+  "Clear contents of OSD's window."
+  (XClearArea (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd) 0 0
+	      (xwem-osd-width osd) (xwem-osd-height osd) nil))
+(defun xwem-osd-clear (osd)
+  "Clear OSD window."
+  (xwem-osd-destroy-instances osd)
+  (xwem-osd-clear-mask osd)
+  (X-XShapeMask (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-osd-xmask osd)))
+(defun xwem-osd-text (osd string)
+  "In OSD's context show string.
+When MASK-ONLY is non-nil, do not performe any real drawing."
+  (let* ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+	 (yoff (- (X-Text-height xdpy (X-Gc-font (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)) string)
+		  (X-Text-descent xdpy (X-Gc-font (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)) string))))
+    ;; Update window shape
+    (xwem-osd-clear-mask osd)
+    (XDrawString xdpy (xwem-osd-xmask osd) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+		 0 yoff string)
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-osd-color-text (osd strspec-list)
+  "In OSD's win draw colored text specified by STRSPEC-LIST."
+  (xwem-osd-clear osd)
+  (let ((curstr ""))
+    (X-Dpy-send-excursion (xwem-osd-xdpy osd)
+      (mapcar (lambda (strspec)
+		(let* ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+		       (str (concat curstr (car strspec)))
+		       (yoff (- (X-Text-height xdpy (X-Gc-font (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)) str)
+				(X-Text-descent xdpy (X-Gc-font (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)) str))))
+		  (xwem-osd-set-xwin-color osd (cdr strspec))
+		  (XDrawString xdpy (xwem-osd-xmask osd) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+			       0 yoff str)
+		  (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+				X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+		  (setq curstr (concat curstr (car strspec)))))
+	      strspec-list))))
+(defun xwem-osd-text-add (osd x y string &optional color)
+  "In OSD's context at X Y coordinates add STRING colored with COLOR."
+  (let* ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+	 (yoff (- (X-Text-height xdpy (X-Gc-font (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)) string)
+		  (X-Text-descent xdpy (X-Gc-font (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)) string)))
+	 osin)
+    ;; Setup OSD instance
+    (setq osin (xwem-osd-add-instance osd 0 color))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-instance-type osin) 'text)
+    (XDrawString xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+		 x (+ y yoff) string)
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin))
+    (xwem-osd-instance-show osin)
+    ;; Update window shape
+    (XDrawString xdpy (xwem-osd-xmask osd) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+		 x (+ y yoff) string)
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeUnion 0 0 (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-osd-set-line-width (osd new-line-width)
+  "Set OSD's gc line width to NEW-LINE-WIDTH."
+  (setf (X-Gc-line-width (xwem-osd-gc osd)) new-line-width)
+  (XChangeGC (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-gc osd))
+  (setf (X-Gc-line-width (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)) new-line-width)
+  (XChangeGC (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd))
+  )
+(defun xwem-osd-line-add (osd x0 y0 x1 y1 &optional color)
+  "In OSD's window add line."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+	osin)
+    ;; Create OSD line instance
+    (setq osin (xwem-osd-add-instance osd 0 color))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-instance-type osin) 'line)
+    (XDrawLine xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+	       x0 y0 x1 y1)
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin))
+    (xwem-osd-instance-show osin)
+    ;; Update OSD window shape
+    (XDrawLine xdpy (xwem-osd-xmask osd) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+	       x0 y0 x1 y1)
+    (X-XShapeMask (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeUnion 0 0 (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+    ))
+(defun xwemw-osd-arc-add (osd xarc &optional color)
+  "In OSD's window draw arc specified by XARC."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+	osin)
+    ;; Create OSD arc instance
+    (setq osin (xwem-osd-add-instance osd 0 color))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-instance-type osin) 'arc)
+    (XDrawArcs xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+	       (list xarc))
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin))
+    ;; Update OSD shape
+    (XDrawArcs xdpy (xwem-osd-xmask osd) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+	       (list xarc))
+    (X-XShapeMask (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeUnion 0 0 (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-osd-rect-add (osd x y width height &optional color)
+  "In OSD's window add rectangle specified by X Y WIDTH and HEIGHT."
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-osd-xdpy osd))
+	osin)
+    ;; Created OSD rect instance
+    (setq osin (xwem-osd-add-instance osd 0 color))
+    (setf (xwem-osd-instance-type osin) 'rect)
+    (XDrawRectangle xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+		    x y width height)
+    (X-XShapeMask xdpy (xwem-osd-instance-xwin osin)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 (xwem-osd-instance-xmask osin))
+    ;; Update OSD shape
+    (XDrawRectangle xdpy (xwem-osd-xmask osd) (xwem-osd-mask-gc osd)
+		    x y width height)
+    (X-XShapeMask (xwem-osd-xdpy osd) (xwem-osd-xwin osd)
+		  X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeUnion 0 0 (xwem-osd-xmask osd))
+    ))
+;;; You might consider more powerfull `working' package, which is part
+;;; of CEDET.
+(defun xwem-osd-working-bar-display (tot-len percents)
+  "Return a string with a bar-graph end percentile showing percentage.
+TOT-LEN is the total length of bar.  PERCENTS is percentage state."
+  (let* ((prstr (int-to-string percents))
+	 (len (- tot-len (+ 10 (length prstr))))
+	 (dcs (truncate (* len (/ percents 100.0))))
+	 (tlen (- len dcs)))
+    (concat ": ["
+	    (make-string (if (> dcs 0) dcs 0) ?#)
+	    (make-string (if (> tlen 0) tlen 0) ?.)
+	    "] ... " prstr "%")))
+(defun xwem-osd-working-percent-bar (osd prompt percents)
+  "Display percentage with PERCENTS done bar prompting PROMPT."
+  (require 'working)
+  (let ((osdcw (xwem-osd-char-width osd)))
+    (xwem-osd-text osd (concat prompt (xwem-osd-working-bar-display (- osdcw (length prompt)) percents)))))
+;;; Testing:
+;;(setq mosd (xwem-osd-create (xwem-dpy) 10 20 400 200))
+;;(xwem-osd-set-color mosd "green4")
+;;(xwem-osd-set-font mosd "10x20")
+;;(xwem-osd-text mosd "test")
+;;(xwem-osd-show mosd)
+;;  (setq i 0)
+;;  (xwem-osd-show mosd)
+;;  (xwem-osd-set-color mosd "red4")
+;;  (while (< i 100)
+;;    (cond ((= i 60) (xwem-osd-set-color mosd "green4"))
+;;	  ((= i 30) (xwem-osd-set-color mosd "yellow4")))
+;;    (xwem-osd-working-percent-bar mosd "Processing" i)
+;;    (sleep-for 0.01)
+;;    (incf i 1))
+;;  (xwem-osd-set-color mosd "red4")
+;;  (xwem-osd-text mosd "Processing done."))
+;;(xwem-osd-destroy mosd)
+(provide 'xwem-osd)
+;;; xwem-osd.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-register.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-register.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1yZWdpc3Rlci5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-register.el
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+;;; xwem-register.el --- Registers support for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Fri Feb  6 08:04:24 MSK 2004
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Just like `register' packege for Emacs, but for XWEM.
+;; To start using it add:
+;;    (require 'xwem-register)
+;;    (xwem-register-install-bindings)
+;; to your xwemrc.  That will add bonus bindings to `xwem-global-map',
+;; such as `H-6' to store current window configuration to register,
+;; `H-x /' to store current client to register and `H-x j' to jump to
+;; register, i.e. set saved window config or pop to saved client
+;;; Code:
+(defvar xwem-registers nil
+  "XWEM registers alist.
+Each element in form \(NAME . VALUE\), one for each register.
+NAME is a character. VALUE is a string, number, client or a list.
+A list in form (XWEM-WIN-CONFIG CONFIG) represent a window
+(defun xwem-register-set (register value)
+  "Set contents of XWEM register named REGISTER to VALUE.
+Return VALUE, see documentation for `xwem-registers' for possible VALUE."
+  (let ((aelt (assq register xwem-registers)))
+    (if aelt
+	(setcdr aelt value)
+      (setq aelt (cons register value))
+      (setq xwem-registers (cons aelt xwem-registers)))
+    value))
+(defun xwem-register-get (reg)
+  "Return contents of XWEM register named REG, or nil if none."
+  (cdr (assq reg xwem-registers)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-register-client (register)
+  "Store selected client to REGISTER."
+  (xwem-interactive "kClient to register: ")
+  (let ((reg (event-key register)))
+    (xwem-register-set reg (xwem-cl-selected))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-register-win-config (register)
+  "Store window configuration in REGISTER."
+  (xwem-interactive "kWindow Configuration to register: ")
+  (let ((reg (event-key register)))
+    (xwem-register-set reg (list 'XWEM-WIN-CONFIG
+				 (xwem-window-configuration)))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-register-jump (register)
+  "Jump to REGISTER.
+If prefix ARG is supplied remove REGISTER from `xwem-registers' alist."
+  (xwem-interactive "kJump to register: ")
+  (let* ((reg (event-key register))
+	 (rval (xwem-register-get reg)))
+    (cond ((xwem-cl-p rval)
+	   (xwem-cl-pop-to-client rval))
+	  ((and (listp rval) (eq 'XWEM-WIN-CONFIG (car rval)))
+	   (xwem-set-window-configuration (cadr rval)))
+	  (t (xwem-message 'todo "Hanle register value: %S" rval)))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-register-install-bindings ()
+  "Install default register bindings in `xwem-global-map'."
+  (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-6") 'xwem-register-win-config)
+  (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x /") 'xwem-register-client)
+  (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x j") 'xwem-register-jump))
+(provide 'xwem-register)
+;;; xwem-register.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-smartmods.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-smartmods.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS1zbWFydG1vZHMuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-smartmods.el
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+;;; xwem-smartmods.el --- Smart modifiers for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Fri Dec 12 18:42:05 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+;; Smart modifiers:
+;;  smart modifiers is modifiers which can work as normal modifier and
+;;  as key if it is not used with some other key(when you just
+;;  click[press and release modifier]).
+(defcustom xwem-use-smart-modifiers nil
+  "*Non-nil mean use smart modifiers feature."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-kbd-smart-modifiers
+  (list (vector XK-Control-L XK-Space nil nil))
+  "Smart modifiers list in form [mod-sym key-sym mod-code key-code].
+mod-code and key-code will be filled in `xwem-kbd-grab-smartmods'."
+  :type 'list
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+;; Variables
+(defvar xwem-key-curr-smamod nil
+  "Modifier that waits release.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-kbd-sm-install-grab ()
+  "Begin to grab smart modifiers."
+  (mapcar (lambda (el)
+	    (aset el 2 (car (xwem-xksym2kcode (aref el 0))))
+	    (aset el 3 (car (xwem-xksym2kcode (aref el 1))))
+	    (XGrabKey (xwem-dpy) (aref el 2) 0 (xwem-rootwin)))
+	  xwem-kbd-smart-modifiers)
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-kbd-sm-uninstall-grab ()
+  "Stop grabbing smart modifiers."
+  (mapcar (lambda (el)
+	    (XUngrabKey (xwem-dpy) (aref el 2) 0 (xwem-rootwin)))
+	  xwem-kbd-smart-modifiers)
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-kbd-sm-init ()
+  "Initialize smart modifiers."
+  (xwem-kbd-sm-install-grab)
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (xwem-rootwin) 'xwem-kbd-sm-keypress 0 (list X-KeyPress))
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (xwem-rootwin) 'xwem-kbd-sm-keyrelease 0 (list X-KeyRelease)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-sm-fini ()
+  "Finialize smart modifiers."
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-rem (xwem-rootwin) 'xwem-kbd-sm-keypress)
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-rem (xwem-rootwin) 'xwem-kbd-sm-keyrelease)
+  (xwem-kbd-sm-uninstall-grab))
+(defun xwem-kbd-sm-smartmodifier-p (kcode)
+  "Return non-nil if key code KCODE is actually smart modifier.
+I.e. if KCODE is in `xwem-kbd-smart-modifiers' list."
+  (xwem-message 'error "`xwem-kbd-sm-smartmodifier-p' not implemented yet")
+  nil)
+;; Event handlers
+(defun xwem-kbd-sm-keyrelease (xdpy win xev)
+  "On XDPY and window WIN handle KeyRelease event XEV."
+  ;; check for smart modifier
+  (when (and xwem-key-curr-smamod
+	     (= (X-Event-xkey-keycode xev) xwem-key-curr-smamod))
+    (let ((smml xwem-kbd-smart-modifiers))
+      (while smml
+	(if (= xwem-key-curr-smamod (aref (car smml) 2))
+	    (progn
+	      ;; TODO:
+	      ;;   * Grab keyboard in sync mode than XAllowEvent
+	      ;;     with repeat keyboard.
+	      (xwem-key-sendseq (list (cons X-Xtest-KeyPress (aref (car smml) 3))
+				      (cons X-Xtest-KeyRelease (aref (car smml) 3))))
+	      (setq xwem-key-curr-smamod nil)
+	      (setq smml nil))
+	  (setq smml (cdr smml))))))
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-kbd-sm-keypress (xdpy win xev)
+  "Handle keypress of smart modifier."
+  (if (and (xwem-kbd-sm-smartmodifier-p (X-Event-xkey-keycode xev))
+	   (not xwem-kbd-now-grabbing))
+      (setq xwem-key-curr-smamod kobcode)
+    (setq xwem-key-curr-smamod nil)))
+(provide 'xwem-smartmods)
+;;; xwem-smartmods.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/addons/xwem-time.el b/lisp/addons/xwem-time.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC9hZGRvbnMveHdlbS10aW1lLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/addons/xwem-time.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@
+;;; xwem-time.el --- Time Date Load and Mail display in tray.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Mon Dec  8 09:53:42 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; `display-time' like application, which starts in system tray and
+;; shows current time, load average and mail status.
+;; To start using it, add:
+;;    (autoload 'xwem-time "xwem-time" "Start `display-time' like app in system tray.")
+;;    (add-hook 'xwem-after-init-hook 'xwem-time)
+;; to your xwemrc.
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'itimer))
+(require 'time)
+(require 'xlib-xshape)
+(require 'xlib-xpm)
+(require 'xlib-img)
+(require 'xlib-tray)
+(defgroup xwem-time nil
+  "Group to customize XWEM time display."
+  :prefix "xwem-time-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-time-display-time t
+  "*Non-nil mean display current time."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-time)
+(defcustom xwem-time-display-load t
+  "*Non-nil mean display current CPU load."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-time)
+(defcustom xwem-time-display-mail t
+  "*Non-nil mean display current mail box status."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-time)
+(defcustom xwem-time-time-color "#CA1E1C"
+  "Foreground color to display time."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-time)
+(defcustom xwem-time-load-list
+  (list 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.8 2.6)
+  "*A list giving six thresholds for the load
+which correspond to the six different icons to be displayed
+as a load indicator."
+  :type '(list (number :tag "Threshold 1")
+	       (number :tag "Threshold 2")
+	       (number :tag "Threshold 3")
+	       (number :tag "Threshold 4")
+	       (number :tag "Threshold 5")
+	       (number :tag "Threshold 6"))
+  :group 'xwem-time)
+(defcustom xwem-time-interval 20
+  "*Seconds between updates of xwem time window."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'xwem-time)
+;;; Internal variables
+(defconst xwem-time-window-mask (list XM-Exposure XM-StructureNotify XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease))
+(defvar xwem-time-window "Window of to show time, load and mail.")
+(defvar xwem-time-mask-gc "GC used to operate with mask pixmap.")
+(defvar xwem-time-gc "GC used to operate with pixmaps.")
+;;; Icons
+(defvar xwem-time-xpm-time0 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				     "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				     "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				     "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				     "/* colors */\n"
+				     "\"`	c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				     "\"a	c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				     "/* pixels */\n"
+				     "\"`````````\",\n"
+				     "\"````aaaaa\",\n"
+				     "\"```a````a\",\n"
+				     "\"```a````a\",\n"
+				     "\"``a````a`\",\n"
+				     "\"``a````a`\",\n"
+				     "\"`````````\",\n"
+				     "\"`a````a``\",\n"
+				     "\"`a````a``\",\n"
+				     "\"a````a```\",\n"
+				     "\"a````a```\",\n"
+				     "\"aaaaa````\",\n"
+				     "\"`````````\"\n"
+				     "};\n"))
+(defvar xwem-time-xpm-time1 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				     "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				     "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				     "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				     "/* colors */\n"
+				     "\"`	c None s ledbg\",\n"
+				     "\"a	c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				     "/* pixels */\n"
+				     "\"`````````\",\n"
+				     "\"`````````\",\n"
+				     "\"````````a\",\n"
+				     "\"````````a\",\n"
+				     "\"```````a`\",\n"
+				     "\"```````a`\",\n"
+				     "\"`````````\",\n"
+				     "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				     "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				     "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				     "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				     "\"`````````\",\n"
+				     "\"`````````\"\n"
+				     "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-time2 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				       "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"````aaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"````````a\",\n"
+				       "\"````````a\",\n"
+				       "\"```````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"```````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaa``\",\n"
+				       "\"`a```````\",\n"
+				       "\"`a```````\",\n"
+				       "\"a````````\",\n"
+				       "\"a````````\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-time3 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				       "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"````aaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"````````a\",\n"
+				       "\"````````a\",\n"
+				       "\"```````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"```````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaa``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-time4 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				       "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"```a````a\",\n"
+				       "\"```a````a\",\n"
+				       "\"``a````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"``a````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaa``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-time5 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				       "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"````aaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"```a`````\",\n"
+				       "\"```a`````\",\n"
+				       "\"``a``````\",\n"
+				       "\"``a``````\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaa``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-time6 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				       "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"````aaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"```a`````\",\n"
+				       "\"```a`````\",\n"
+				       "\"``a``````\",\n"
+				       "\"``a``````\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaa``\",\n"
+				       "\"`a````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"`a````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"a````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"a````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-time7 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				       "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"````aaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"````````a\",\n"
+				       "\"````````a\",\n"
+				       "\"```````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"```````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-time8 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				       "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"````aaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"```a````a\",\n"
+				       "\"```a````a\",\n"
+				       "\"``a````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"``a````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaa``\",\n"
+				       "\"`a````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"`a````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"a````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"a````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-time9 '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				       "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"`````````\",\n"
+				       "\"````aaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"```a````a\",\n"
+				       "\"```a````a\",\n"
+				       "\"``a````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"``a````a`\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaa``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"``````a``\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"`````a```\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa````\",\n"
+				       "\"`````````\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-am '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				    "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				    "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				    "\"4 13 2 1\",\n"
+				    "/* colors */\n"
+				    "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				    "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				    "/* pixels */\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"``aa\",\n"
+				    "\"``aa\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\"\n"
+				    "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-dp '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				    "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				    "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				    "\"9 13 2 1\",\n"
+				    "/* colors */\n"
+				    "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				    "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				    "/* pixels */\n"
+				    "\"`````````\",\n"
+				    "\"`````````\",\n"
+				    "\"`````````\",\n"
+				    "\"`````````\",\n"
+				    "\"````a````\",\n"
+				    "\"````a````\",\n"
+				    "\"`````````\",\n"
+				    "\"```a`````\",\n"
+				    "\"```a`````\",\n"
+				    "\"`````````\",\n"
+				    "\"`````````\",\n"
+				    "\"`````````\",\n"
+				    "\"`````````\"\n"
+				    "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-pm '(concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				    "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				    "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				    "\"4 13 2 1\",\n"
+				    "/* colors */\n"
+				    "\"` c None    s ledbg\",\n"
+				    "\"a c " xwem-time-time-color " s ledfg\",\n"
+				    "/* pixels */\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"````\",\n"
+				    "\"aa``\",\n"
+				    "\"aa``\",\n"
+				    "\"````\"\n"
+				    "};\n"))
+;; load icons
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-load00 (concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"10 13 2 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` s None c None\",\n"
+				       "\". s pad-color c #606060\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"```.......\",\n"
+				       "\"```.......\",\n"
+				       "\"``........\",\n"
+				       "\"``........\",\n"
+				       "\"`.........\",\n"
+				       "\"`.........\",\n"
+				       "\"..........\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-load05 (concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"10 13 3 1,\"\n"
+				       "\/* colors \*/\n"
+				       "\"` s None c None\",\n"
+				       "\"a c #0AB224\",\n"
+				       "\". s pad-color c #606060\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"```.......\",\n"
+				       "\"```.......\",\n"
+				       "\"``........\",\n"
+				       "\"``........\",\n"
+				       "\"`.........\",\n"
+				       "\"`aaaaaaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"..........\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-load10 (concat "/* XPM */"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"10 13 3 1\",\n"
+				       "\/* colors \*/\n"
+				       "\"` s None c None\",\n"
+				       "\"a c #0AB224\",\n"
+				       "\". s pad-color c #606060\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"```.......\",\n"
+				       "\"```.......\",\n"
+				       "\"``........\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"`.........\",\n"
+				       "\"`aaaaaaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"..........\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-load15 (concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"10 13 4 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` s None c None\",\n"
+				       "\"a c #2AD244\",\n"
+				       "\"b c #DEE614\",\n"
+				       "\". s pad-color c #606060\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"```.......\",\n"
+				       "\"```bbbbbbb\",\n"
+				       "\"``........\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"`.........\",\n"
+				       "\"`aaaaaaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"..........\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-load20 (concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"10 13 4 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"` s None c None\",\n"
+				       "\"a c #0AB224\",\n"
+				       "\"b c #DEE614\",\n"
+				       "\". s pad-color c #606060\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"``````....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"`````.....\",\n"
+				       "\"````......\",\n"
+				       "\"````bbbbbb\",\n"
+				       "\"```.......\",\n"
+				       "\"```bbbbbbb\",\n"
+				       "\"``........\",\n"
+				       "\"``aaaaaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"`.........\",\n"
+				       "\"`aaaaaaaaa\",\n"
+				       "\"..........\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-load25 (concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"10 13 5 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"a s None c None\",\n"
+				       "\"` c #FE0204\",\n"
+				       "\"b c #0AB224\",\n"
+				       "\"c c #DEE614\",\n"
+				       "\". s pad-color c #606060\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"aaaaaa....\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaaa....\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa.....\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa`````\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaa......\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaacccccc\",\n"
+				       "\"aaa.......\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaccccccc\",\n"
+				       "\"aa........\",\n"
+				       "\"aabbbbbbbb\",\n"
+				       "\"a.........\",\n"
+				       "\"abbbbbbbbb\",\n"
+				       "\"..........\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-load30 (concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char *noname[] = {\n"
+				       "/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n"
+				       "\"10 13 5 1\",\n"
+				       "/* colors */\n"
+				       "\"a s None c None\",\n"
+				       "\"` c #FE0204\",\n"
+				       "\"b c #0AB224\",\n"
+				       "\"c c #DEE614\",\n"
+				       "\". s pad-color c #606060\",\n"
+				       "/* pixels */\n"
+				       "\"aaaaaa....\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaaa````\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa.....\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaaa`````\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaa......\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaacccccc\",\n"
+				       "\"aaa.......\",\n"
+				       "\"aaaccccccc\",\n"
+				       "\"aa........\",\n"
+				       "\"aabbbbbbbb\",\n"
+				       "\"a.........\",\n"
+				       "\"abbbbbbbbb\",\n"
+				       "\"..........\"\n"
+				       "};\n"))
+;; Mail icons
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-letter (concat "/* XPM */\n"
+				       "static char * jmail_xpm[] = {\n"
+				       "\"18 13 4 1\",\n"
+				       "\" 	s None c None\",\n"
+				       "\".	c gray85\",\n"
+				       "\"X	c yellow\",\n"
+				       "\"o	c black\",\n"
+				       "\"                  \",\n"
+				       "\"                  \",\n"
+				       "\"   .XXXXXXXXXXX.  \",\n"
+				       "\"   XoXXXXXXXXXoXoo\",\n"
+				       "\"   XXoXXXXXXXoXXoo\",\n"
+				       "\"   XXXoXXXXXoXXXoo\",\n"
+				       "\"   XXX.oXXXo.XXXoo\",\n"
+				       "\"   XXXo.oXo.oXXXoo\",\n"
+				       "\"   XXoXXXoXXXoXXoo\",\n"
+				       "\"   XoXXXXXXXXXoXoo\",\n"
+				       "\"   .XXXXXXXXXXX.oo\",\n"
+				       "\"     ooooooooooooo\",\n"
+				       "\"     ooooooooooooo\"};\n"))
+(defconst xwem-time-xpm-no-letter (concat "/* XPM */\n"
+					  "static char * jmail_xpm[] = {\n"
+					  "\"18 13 4 1\",\n"
+					  "\" 	s None	c None\",\n"
+					  "\".	c gray55\",\n"
+					  "\"o	c black\",\n"
+					  "\"x	c gray95\",\n"
+					  "\"                  \",\n"
+					  "\"                  \",\n"
+					  "\"   ooooooooooooox \",\n"
+					  "\"   o.xxxxxxxxx.ox \",\n"
+					  "\"   oxox      oxox \",\n"
+					  "\"   ox ox    ox ox \",\n"
+					  "\"   ox  ox  ox  ox \",\n"
+					  "\"   ox oxoxoxox ox \",\n"
+					  "\"   oxox  ox  oxox \",\n"
+					  "\"   o.x        .ox \",\n"
+					  "\"   ooooooooooooox \",\n"
+					  "\"   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \",\n"
+					  "\"                  \"};\n"))
+;;; Functions
+(defsubst xwem-time-get-image (win img-type img-name)
+  "In WIN's list of IMG-TYPE images get image with name IMG-NAME."
+  (plist-get (X-Win-get-prop win img-type) img-name))
+(defsubst xwem-time-get-mask (win mask-type mask-name)
+  "In WIN's list of MASK-TYPE masks get mask with name MASK-NAME."
+  (plist-get (X-Win-get-prop win mask-type) mask-name))
+(defsubst xwem-time-get-time-image (win name)
+  "In WIN's time images list get image with NAME."
+  (xwem-time-get-image win 'xwem-time-images name))
+(defsubst xwem-time-get-time-mask (win name)
+  "In WIN's time masks list get mask with NAME."
+  (xwem-time-get-mask win 'xwem-time-masks name))
+(defsubst xwem-time-get-load-image (win name)
+  "In WIN's load images list get image with NAME."
+  (xwem-time-get-image win 'xwem-load-images name))
+(defsubst xwem-time-get-load-mask (win name)
+  "In WIN's load masks list get mask with NAME."
+  (xwem-time-get-mask win 'xwem-load-masks name))
+(defsubst xwem-time-get-mail-image (win name)
+  "In WIN's mail images list get image with NAME."
+  (xwem-time-get-image win 'xwem-mail-images name))
+(defsubst xwem-time-get-mail-mask (win name)
+  "In WIN's mail masks list get mask with NAME."
+  (xwem-time-get-mask win 'xwem-mail-masks name))
+(defsubst xwem-time-put-image (win img-type img-name img-data)
+  (X-Win-put-prop win img-type
+		  (plist-put (X-Win-get-prop win img-type) img-name img-data)))
+(defsubst xwem-time-put-time-image (win name img)
+  "In WIN's images list put parsed image with NAME.
+Parsed image is IMG."
+  (xwem-time-put-image win 'xwem-time-images name img))
+(defsubst xwem-time-put-load-image (win name img)
+  "In WIN's images list put parsed image with NAME.
+Parsed image is IMG."
+  (xwem-time-put-image win 'xwem-load-images name img))
+(defsubst xwem-time-put-mail-image (win name img)
+  "In WIN's images list put parsed image with NAME.
+Parsed image is IMG."
+  (xwem-time-put-image win 'xwem-mail-images name img))
+(defun xwem-time-clear-mask (win)
+  "Get WIN's mask pixmap and clear it's area."
+  (let ((xdpy (X-Win-dpy win))
+	(mask-pix (X-Win-get-prop win 'mask-pixmap))
+	mgc)
+    (setq mgc (XCreateGC xdpy mask-pix
+			 (make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+				    :foreground 0.0
+				    :background 1.0)))
+    (XFillRectangle xdpy mask-pix mgc 0 0 88 15)
+    (XFreeGC xdpy mgc)))
+(defun xwem-time-init (xdpy)
+  (let ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)	; inhibit gcing
+	win time-images load-images mail-images
+	time-masks load-masks mail-masks
+	mask-pix)
+    (setq win (XCreateWindow xdpy (XDefaultRootWindow xdpy)
+			     0 0 88 15 0 nil nil nil
+			     (make-X-Attr :background-pixel (XWhitePixel xdpy)
+					  :border-pixel (XBlackPixel xdpy)
+					  :override-redirect t
+					  )))
+    (setq time-images (list 'time0 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time0))
+			    'time1 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time1))
+			    'time2 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time2))
+			    'time3 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time3))
+			    'time4 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time4))
+			    'time5 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time5))
+			    'time6 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time6))
+			    'time7 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time7))
+			    'time8 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time8))
+			    'time9 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time9))
+			    'time-am (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-am))
+			    'time-pm (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-pm))
+			    'time-dp (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-dp))))
+    (setq load-images (list 'load00 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load00)
+			    'load05 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load05)
+			    'load10 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load10)
+			    'load15 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load15)
+			    'load20 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load20)
+			    'load25 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load25)
+			    'load30 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load30)))
+    (setq mail-images (list 'letter (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-letter)
+			    'no-letter (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-no-letter)))
+    (X-Win-put-prop win 'xwem-time-images time-images)
+    (X-Win-put-prop win 'xwem-load-images load-images)
+    (X-Win-put-prop win 'xwem-mail-images mail-images)
+    ;; Create masks
+    (setq time-masks (list 'time0 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time0) t)
+			   'time1 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time1) t)
+			   'time2 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time2) t)
+			   'time3 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time3) t)
+			   'time4 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time4) t)
+			   'time5 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time5) t)
+			   'time6 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time6) t)
+			   'time7 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time7) t)
+			   'time8 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time8) t)
+			   'time9 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-time9) t)
+			   'time-am (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-am) t)
+			   'time-pm (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-pm) t)
+			   'time-dp (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy (eval xwem-time-xpm-dp) t)))
+    (setq load-masks (list 'load00 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load00 t)
+			   'load05 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load05 t)
+			   'load10 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load10 t)
+			   'load15 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load15 t)
+			   'load20 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load20 t)
+			   'load25 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load25 t)
+			   'load30 (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-load30 t)))
+    (setq mail-masks (list 'letter (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-letter t)
+			   'no-letter (X:xpm-img-from-data xdpy xwem-time-xpm-no-letter t)))
+    (X-Win-put-prop win 'xwem-time-masks time-masks)
+    (X-Win-put-prop win 'xwem-load-masks load-masks)
+    (X-Win-put-prop win 'xwem-mail-masks mail-masks)
+    (setq mask-pix (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+				  win 1 88 15))
+    (setq xwem-time-mask-gc (XCreateGC xdpy mask-pix
+				       (make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+						  :function X-GXCopy
+						  :foreground 1.0
+						  :background 0.0)))
+    (X-Win-put-prop win 'mask-pixmap mask-pix)
+    (xwem-time-clear-mask win)
+    ;; Now create pixmaps
+    (let (depth gc mgc time-pix load-pix mail-pix)
+      (setq depth (XDefaultDepth xdpy))
+      (setq xwem-time-gc (XCreateGC xdpy win
+				    (make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+					       :function X-GXCopy)))
+      (setq gc xwem-time-gc)
+      (setq mgc xwem-time-mask-gc)
+      ;; Time
+      (setq time-pix (cons (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+					  win depth 107 13)
+			   (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+					  win 1 107 13)))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	0 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time0))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	9 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time1))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	18 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time2))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	27 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time3))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	36 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time4))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	45 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time5))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	54 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time6))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	63 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time7))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	72 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time8))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	81 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time9))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	90 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time-dp))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	99 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time-am)) ; 4 pixels width
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car time-pix)	103 0 (xwem-time-get-time-image win 'time-pm)) ; 4 pixels width
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 0 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time0))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 9 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time1))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 18 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time2))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 27 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time3))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 36 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time4))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 45 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time5))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 54 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time6))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 63 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time7))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 72 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time8))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 81 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time9))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 90 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time-dp))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 99 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time-am)) ; 4 pixels width
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr time-pix) 103 0 (xwem-time-get-time-mask win 'time-pm)) ; 4 pixels width
+      (X-Win-put-prop win 'time-pixmap time-pix)
+      ;; Load
+      (setq load-pix (cons (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+					  win depth 70 13)
+			   (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+					  win 1 70 13)))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car load-pix)	0 0 (xwem-time-get-load-image win 'load00))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car load-pix)	10 0 (xwem-time-get-load-image win 'load05))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car load-pix)	20 0 (xwem-time-get-load-image win 'load10))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car load-pix)	30 0 (xwem-time-get-load-image win 'load15))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car load-pix)	40 0 (xwem-time-get-load-image win 'load20))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car load-pix)	50 0 (xwem-time-get-load-image win 'load25))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car load-pix)	60 0 (xwem-time-get-load-image win 'load30))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr load-pix)	0 0 (xwem-time-get-load-mask win 'load00))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr load-pix)	10 0 (xwem-time-get-load-mask win 'load05))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr load-pix)	20 0 (xwem-time-get-load-mask win 'load10))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr load-pix)	30 0 (xwem-time-get-load-mask win 'load15))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr load-pix)	40 0 (xwem-time-get-load-mask win 'load20))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr load-pix)	50 0 (xwem-time-get-load-mask win 'load25))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr load-pix)	60 0 (xwem-time-get-load-mask win 'load30))
+      (X-Win-put-prop win 'load-pixmap load-pix)
+      ;; Mail
+      (setq mail-pix (cons (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+					  win depth 36 13)
+			   (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+					  win 1 36 13)))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car mail-pix) 0 0 (xwem-time-get-mail-image win 'letter))
+      (XImagePut xdpy gc (car mail-pix) 18 0 (xwem-time-get-mail-image win 'no-letter))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr mail-pix) 0 0 (xwem-time-get-mail-mask win 'letter))
+      (XImagePut xdpy mgc (cdr mail-pix) 18 0 (xwem-time-get-mail-mask win 'no-letter))
+      (X-Win-put-prop win 'mail-pixmap mail-pix)
+      )
+    win))
+;; Offsets calculators
+(defsubst xwem-time-time-offset (num)
+  (* num 9))
+(defsubst xwem-time-timeam-offset ()
+  (* 10 9))
+(defsubst xwem-time-timepm-offset ()
+  (+ (* 10 9) 4))
+(defsubst xwem-time-load-offset (load)
+  (truncate (* load 20)))
+(defsubst xwem-time-mail-offset (letter-p)
+  (if letter-p 0 18))
+;; Showers
+(defun xwem-time-show (win x y type x-off y-off width height)
+  (let ((pixmap (X-Win-get-prop win type))
+	(mask-pixmap (X-Win-get-prop win 'mask-pixmap)))
+    (let* ((xdpy (X-Pixmap-dpy mask-pixmap)))
+      (XSelectInput xdpy win (apply 'Xmask-or (delete XM-Exposure xwem-time-window-mask)))
+      (XCopyArea xdpy (cdr pixmap) mask-pixmap xwem-time-mask-gc
+		 x-off y-off width height x y)
+      (X-XShapeMask xdpy win X-XShape-Bounding X-XShapeSet 0 0 mask-pixmap)
+      (XCopyArea (X-Win-dpy win) (car pixmap) win xwem-time-gc
+		 x-off y-off width height x y)
+      (XSelectInput xdpy win (apply 'Xmask-or xwem-time-window-mask))
+      )))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time0 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 0 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time1 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 9 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time2 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 18 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time3 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 27 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time4 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 36 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time5 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 45 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time6 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 54 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time7 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 63 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time8 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 72 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time9 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 81 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time-dp (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 90 0 9 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time-am (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 99 0 4 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-time-pm (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'time-pixmap 103 0 4 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-load-00 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'load-pixmap 0 0 10 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-load-05 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'load-pixmap 10 0 10 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-load-10 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'load-pixmap 20 0 10 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-load-15 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'load-pixmap 30 0 10 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-load-20 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'load-pixmap 40 0 10 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-load-25 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'load-pixmap 50 0 10 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-load-30 (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'load-pixmap 60 0 10 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-letter (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'mail-pixmap 00 0 18 13))
+(defsubst xwem-time-show-no-letter (win x y)
+  "Show 0 at WIN's X Y."
+  (xwem-time-show win x y 'mail-pixmap 18 0 18 13))
+(defun xwem-time-show-load (win x y load-string)
+  "In WIN at X Y show load average represented by LOAD-STRING.
+Return how many pixels used."
+  (let ((load-number (string-to-number load-string))
+	(alist (list (cons "00" 0.0)
+		     (cons "05" (car xwem-time-load-list))
+		     (cons "10" (cadr xwem-time-load-list))
+		     (cons "15" (caddr xwem-time-load-list))
+		     (cons "20" (cadddr xwem-time-load-list))
+		     (cons "25" (cadr (cdddr xwem-time-load-list)))
+		     (cons "30" (caddr (cdddr xwem-time-load-list)))
+		     (cons "100000" 100000)))
+	elem load-elem)
+    (while (>= load-number (cdr (setq elem (pop alist))))
+      (setq load-elem elem))
+    (funcall (intern-soft (concat "xwem-time-show-load-" (car load-elem))) win x y))
+  10)
+(defun xwem-time-show-time (win x y time-string)
+  "In WIN at X Y show time represented by TIME-STRING.
+Return how may pixels used."
+  (let ((off 0)
+	el)
+    (while (> (length time-string) 0)
+      (setq el (substring time-string 0 1))
+      (cond ((string= el ":")
+	     (xwem-time-show-time-dp win (+ x off) y)
+	     (setq off (+ off 9)))
+	    ((string= el "a")
+	     (xwem-time-show-time-am win (+ x off) y)
+	     (setq off (+ off 4)))
+	    ((string= el "p")
+	     (xwem-time-show-time-pm win (+ x off) y)
+	     (setq off (+ off 4)))
+	    ((string= el " ")
+	     (setq off (+ off 9)))
+	    (t (funcall (intern-soft (concat "xwem-time-show-time" el)) win (+ x off) y)
+	       (setq off (+ off 9))))
+      (setq time-string (substring time-string 1)))
+    off))
+(defun xwem-time-show-mail (win x y mail)
+  "In WIN at X Y show current mail status.
+Return how many pixels used."
+  (if mail
+      (xwem-time-show-letter win x y)
+    (xwem-time-show-no-letter win x y))
+  18)
+(defun xwem-time-win-update (win)
+  "Show current time at X Y."
+  (let* ((now (current-time))
+	 (nowhigh (* (- (nth 0 now) (* (/ (nth 0 now) 10) 10)) 65536))
+	 (time (substring (current-time-string now) 11 16))
+         (load (condition-case ()
+                   (if (zerop (car (load-average))) ""
+                     (let ((str (format " %03d" (car (load-average)))))
+                       (concat (substring str 0 -2) "." (substring str -2))))
+                 (error "")))
+         (mail-spool-file (or display-time-mail-file
+                              (getenv "MAIL")
+                              (concat rmail-spool-directory
+                                      (user-login-name))))
+	 (mail (and (stringp mail-spool-file)
+		    (or (null display-time-server-down-time)
+			;; If have been down for 20 min, try again.
+			(> (- (+ (nth 1 now) nowhigh)
+			      display-time-server-down-time)
+			   1200))
+		    (let ((start-time (current-time)))
+		      (prog1
+			  (display-time-file-nonempty-p mail-spool-file)
+			(setq now (current-time)
+			      nowhigh (* (- (nth 0 now) (* (/ (nth 0 now) 10) 10)) 65536))
+			(if (> (- (+ (nth 1 now) nowhigh)
+				  (+ (nth 1 start-time)
+				     (* (- (nth 0 start-time) (* (/ (nth 0 start-time) 10) 10)) 65536)))
+			       20)
+			    ;; Record that mail file is not accessible.
+			    (setq display-time-server-down-time 
+				  (+ (nth 1 now) nowhigh))
+			  ;; Record that mail file is accessible.
+			  (setq display-time-server-down-time nil))))))
+	 off)
+    (X-Dpy-send-excursion (X-Win-dpy win)
+      (xwem-time-clear-mask win)
+      (setq off (+ 5 (xwem-time-show-time win 0 0 time)))
+      (setq off (+ off 5 (xwem-time-show-load win off 0 load)))
+      (xwem-time-show-mail win off 0 mail))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-time-event-handler (xdpy win xev)
+  "On display XDPY and window WIN handle event XEV."
+  (X-Event-CASE xev
+    (:X-Expose
+     (xwem-time-win-update win))
+    (:X-DestroyNotify
+     (xwem-message 'info "xwem-time: destroy-notify")
+     (delete-itimer "xwem-time"))
+    (:X-ButtonPress
+     (xwem-message 'info "xwem-time: ButtonPress"))
+    (:X-ButtonRelease
+     (xwem-message 'info "xwem-time: ButtonRelease"))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-time (&optional dpyname)
+  "Start xwem time window in system tray."
+  (let ((xdpy (XOpenDisplay (or dpyname (getenv "DISPLAY")))))
+    (unless (X-Dpy-p xdpy)
+      (error "Can't open display"))
+    (setq xwem-time-window
+	  (xwem-time-init xdpy))
+    (unless (X-Win-p xwem-time-window)
+      (error "Can't create xwem time window"))
+    (XSelectInput xdpy xwem-time-window (apply 'Xmask-or xwem-time-window-mask))
+    (X-Win-EventHandler-add xwem-time-window 'xwem-time-event-handler nil
+			    (list X-Expose X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease
+				  X-DestroyNotify))
+    (XTrayInit xdpy xwem-time-window)
+    ;; Wait for Exposure event
+    (while (not (X-Event-p
+		 (XIfEvent xdpy (lambda (xev)
+				  (and (equal (X-Event-win xev) xwem-time-window)
+				       (= (X-Event-type xev) X-Expose)))))))
+    (xwem-time-win-update xwem-time-window)
+    (start-itimer "xwem-time" 'xwem-time-win-update
+		  xwem-time-interval xwem-time-interval nil t xwem-time-window)
+    ))
+(provide 'xwem-time)
+;;; xwem-time.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-clients.el b/lisp/xwem-clients.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWNsaWVudHMuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-clients.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1464 @@
+;;; xwem-clients.el --- Clients manage.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 2 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file used to manage X clients windows(move/resize/configure).
+;; Client window is vector in form:
+;; 	[XWEM-Client (win) (xwem-win) (mw-hints-list) (cfg)
+;; 	(graphical contexts) manda-element state (transients-list)]
+;; STATE is one of: 'managed 'demanaged or 'unknown
+;;; Code
+  ;; Shutup compiler
+  (require 'xwem-macros)
+  (defvar iswitchb-buflist nil)
+  (autoload 'subtract-time "time-date")
+  (autoload 'iswitchb-read-buffer "iswitchb")
+  )
+;;; Variables
+(defgroup xwem-cl nil
+  "Group to customize XWEM Clients handling."
+  :prefix "xwem-cl-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-other-strategy 'samewin
+  "*Strategy to be used to select other CL.
+One of 'any 'samewin 'sameframe.
+TODO: add more strategies."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Same Window" samewin)
+		 (const :tag "Same Frame" sameframe)
+		 (const :tag "Any" any))
+  :group 'xwem-cl)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-other-on-split t
+  "Non-nil mean manage other client when split occurs in new window.
+Minor mode."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-cl)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-use-set-focus t
+  "*Non-nil mean that managed clients takes focus.
+NOTE: installs hook into `xwem-cl-manage-hook'."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-cl)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-use-recent-cl-on-top nil
+  "*Non-nil mean that most recent client is on top in `xwem-clients' list."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-cl)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-new-client-hook nil
+  "Hook to call when managing new client."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-cl)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-mark-ring-max 16
+  "*Maximum size of `xwem-cl-mark-ring'.
+Start discarding off end if gets this big."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-cl)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-manage-hook nil
+  "*Hooks to be called with just setuped CL as argument."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-demanage-hook nil
+  "*Hooks to be called with just desetuped CL as argument."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-state-change-hook nil
+  "*Hooks to run when state of client changes.
+Every hook called with three args - CL OLD-STATE NEW-STATE."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+(defvar xwem-clients nil "Clients Windows list")
+(defvar xwem-cl-mark-ring nil
+  "The list of marked clients.")
+(defstruct xwem-hints
+  ;; TODO: add more
+  wm-normal-hints
+  wm-hints
+  wm-class
+  wm-command
+  wm-name
+  wm-transient-for
+  wm-protocols)
+(defconst xwem-client-ev-mask (Xmask-or XM-ColormapChange
+					XM-PropertyChange
+					XM-FocusChange
+                                        XM-EnterWindow
+                                        XM-LeaveWindow
+					XM-StructureNotify
+					XM-ResizeRedirect)
+  "Event mask for xwem's client.")
+(defstruct (xwem-cl (:predicate xwem-iscl-p))
+  xwin					; X-Win
+  saved-name				; saved WM_NAME
+  xgeom					; X-Geom etry for cl
+  xattrs				; X-Attr ibutes
+  win					; xwem-win dow
+  hints					; xwem-hints
+  manda					; xwem-manda entry
+  transient-for				; non-nil if client is transient for window
+  (ev-mask xwem-client-ev-mask)		; event mask for certain client
+  (state 'unknown)			; state of client, 'managed, 'iconified, 'unknown, etc
+  start-time				; start-time
+  recency				; last time when CL was active
+  translist				; list of transient-for windows for this client
+  tabitem				; reference to tab item
+  plist					; user defined plist
+  )
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-cl-p (cl &optional sig)
+  "Returns t if CL is XWEM client window."
+  (let ((iscl (xwem-iscl-p cl)))
+    (if (and (not iscl) sig)
+	(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list sig 'xwem-cl-p cl))
+      iscl)))
+(defun xwem-cl-marked-p (cl)
+  "Return non-nil if client CL is marked, i.e. in `xwem-cl-mark-ring' list."
+  (member cl xwem-cl-mark-ring))
+(defsubst xwem-cl-put-prop (cl prop val)
+  "In CL's property list put property PROP with value VAL."
+  (setf (xwem-cl-plist cl) (plist-put (xwem-cl-plist cl) prop val)))
+(defsubst xwem-cl-get-prop (cl prop)
+  "From CL's property list get property PROP."
+  (plist-get (xwem-cl-plist cl) prop))
+(defsubst xwem-cl-rem-prop (cl prop)
+  "From CL's property list remove property PROP."
+  (setf (xwem-cl-plist cl) (plist-remprop (xwem-cl-plist cl) prop)))
+(defun xwem-client-name (cl &optional clist)
+  "Returns unique name for CL.
+If CLIST is ommited, `xwem-clients' will be used.
+If CL is string, return it."
+  (if (stringp cl)
+      cl
+    (let ((cll (or clist xwem-clients))
+	  (cln (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+	  (cnt 0))
+      (while cll
+	(cond ((string= (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints (car cll))) cln)
+	       (if (eq cl (car cll))
+		   (setq cll nil)
+		 (setq cnt (1+ cnt))))
+	      (t nil))
+	(setq cll (cdr cll)))
+      (if (> cnt 0)
+	  (format "%s<%d>" cln cnt)
+	cln))))
+(defun xwem-find-client (win-or-id)
+  "Find WIN-OR-ID in client windows list.
+WIN-OR-ID can be X-Win or id of window."
+  (let ((winid (if (X-Win-p win-or-id) (X-Win-id win-or-id) win-or-id))
+	(cl xwem-clients)
+	(rc nil))
+    (while cl
+      (if (= (X-Win-id (xwem-cl-xwin (car cl))) winid)
+	  (progn
+	    (setq rc (car cl))
+	    (setq cl nil))
+	(setq cl (cdr cl))))
+    rc))
+(defun xwem-remove-client (cl)
+  "Delete WIN from clients list."
+;  (when (X-Win-p (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+;    (X-Win-invalidate (xwem-cl-xwin cl)))
+  (setq xwem-clients (delete cl xwem-clients)))
+(defun xwem-cl-do-gravity (cl step)
+  "Gravity changing."
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-send-config (cl)
+  "Send config info to window."
+  (xwem-cl-p cl 'xwem-cl-send-config)
+  (let ((clgeom (xwem-cl-xgeom cl))
+	(win (xwem-cl-xwin cl)))
+    (XSendEvent (xwem-dpy) win nil XM-StructureNotify
+		(X-Create-message
+		 (list [1 X-ConfigureNotify] ;type
+		       [1 nil]		;detail
+		       [2 2806]		;seq
+		       [4 (X-Win-id win)] ;event
+		       [4 (X-Win-id win)] ;window
+		       [4 X-None]	;above sibling
+		       (vector 2 (X-Geom-x clgeom)) ; shutup compiler
+		       [2 (X-Geom-y clgeom)]
+		       [2 (X-Geom-width clgeom)]
+		       [2 (X-Geom-height clgeom)]
+		       [2 (X-Geom-border-width clgeom)] ;XXX
+		       [1 nil]		;pad override
+		       [1 nil]		;pad
+		       )))
+    ))
+;; cl predicates
+(defun xwem-cl-inwin-p (cl)
+  "Return non-nil if CL is currently displayed in some xwem's window."
+  (xwem-cl-p cl 'xwem-cl-inwin-p)
+  (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-cl-win cl))
+       (eq cl (xwem-win-cl (xwem-cl-win cl)))))
+(defun xwem-cl-alive-p (cl)
+  "Return non-nil if CL is alive i.e. in `xwem-clients' list."
+  (memq cl xwem-clients))
+(defun xwem-cl-exclude-p (cl)
+  "Return non-nil if CL should be excluded from clients list."
+  (and (xwem-cl-manda cl) (xwem-manda-exclude-p (xwem-cl-manda cl))))
+(defun xwem-cl-normal-list (clients &optional predic)
+  "Return list of normal clients.
+CLIENTS is list of xwem clients frome which we should exclude.
+If PREDIC given it will be called on each client and should return nil to exclude client."
+  (let ((cls nil))
+    (while clients
+      (when (and (not (xwem-cl-exclude-p (car clients)))
+		 (if predic (funcall predic (car clients)) t))
+	(setq cls (nconc cls (list (car clients)))))
+      (setq clients (cdr clients)))
+    cls))
+(defun xwem-cl-other (cl &optional visible)
+  "Return other xwem's client from list of clients where is CL.
+Clients not visible in window are preferred to visible, unless VISIBLE
+is non-nil. Special clients excluded.
+If CL is not actually xwem client, nil returned."
+  (if (xwem-cl-p cl)
+      (let ((cll (cond ((eq xwem-cl-other-strategy 'any) xwem-clients)
+		       ((eq xwem-cl-other-strategy 'samewin)
+			(xwem-win-make-cl-list-sort-by-recency (xwem-cl-win cl)))
+		       ((eq xwem-cl-other-strategy 'sameframe)
+			(xwem-frame-make-cl-list (xwem-cl-frame cl)))
+		       (t xwem-clients)))
+	    (rcl nil)
+	    (notgoodcl nil))		;not so good candidate as rcl
+	(while cll
+	  (when (not (eq (car cll) cl))	;skip ourself
+	    (if (and (not (xwem-cl-exclude-p (car cll)))
+		     (or visible (not (xwem-cl-inwin-p (car cll)))))
+		(progn
+		  (setq rcl (car cll))
+		  (setq cll nil))
+	      (when (and visible (null notgoodcl))
+		(setq notgoodcl (car cll)))))
+	  (setq cll (cdr cll)))
+	(or rcl notgoodcl))
+    ;; [else] invalid CL
+    nil))
+(defun xwem-cl-bury (cl)
+  "Put CL to the and of clients list.
+Maybe used in `xwem-cl-manage-hook' or `xwem-cl-demanage-hook'."
+  (setq xwem-clients
+	(nconc (delete cl xwem-clients) (list cl)))
+  nil)					; continue hooks processing
+;;; Manda functions begin
+(defun xwem-cl-correct-size-for-size (cl new-geom &optional x-type y-type)
+  "Make CL's geometry as close to NEW-GEOM as possible.
+X-TYPE is one of 'center 'left or 'right, default is 'center.
+Y-TYPE is one of 'center 'top or 'bottom, default is 'center."
+  (let* ((hthi (X-Geom-border-width new-geom))
+	 (clgmt (xwem-cl-xgeom cl))
+	 (wi-rmd 0)
+	 (he-rmd 0)
+	 wmnh bw bh wi-st he-st wi he)
+    (setq he (- (X-Geom-height new-geom) (* 2 hthi)))
+    (setq wi (- (X-Geom-width new-geom) (* 2 hthi)))
+    (setq wmnh (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+    (when wmnh
+      (setq bw (X-WMSize-width wmnh))
+      (setq bh (X-WMSize-height wmnh))
+      (when (X-WMSize-presizeinc-p wmnh)
+	(setq wi-st (X-WMSize-width-inc wmnh)) ;width step
+	(setq he-st (X-WMSize-height-inc wmnh)) ;height step
+	)
+      ;; - Calculate size reminders
+      ;; - Adjust wi-rmd and he-rmd if needed
+      (when wi-st
+	(setq wi-rmd (% (abs (- wi bw)) wi-st))
+	(when (> bw wi)
+	  (setq wi-rmd (- wi-st wi-rmd))))
+      (when he-st
+	(setq he-rmd (% (abs (- he bh)) he-st))
+	(when (> bh he)
+	  (setq he-rmd (- he-st he-rmd)))))
+    (unless (X-Geom-p clgmt)
+      (setf (xwem-cl-xgeom cl) (make-X-Geom))
+      (setq clgmt (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)))
+    ;; Now adjust geometry according to X-TYPE and Y-TYPE layout
+    (cond ((eq x-type 'left)
+	   (setf (X-Geom-x clgmt) (X-Geom-x new-geom)))
+	  ((eq x-type 'right)
+	   (setf (X-Geom-x clgmt) (+ (X-Geom-x new-geom) hthi wi-rmd)))
+	  (t				; 'center or any other
+	   (setf (X-Geom-x clgmt) (+ (X-Geom-x new-geom) hthi (/ wi-rmd 2)))))
+    (cond ((eq y-type 'top)
+	   (setf (X-Geom-y clgmt) (X-Geom-y new-geom)))
+	  ((eq y-type 'bottom)
+	   (setf (X-Geom-y clgmt) (+ (X-Geom-y new-geom) hthi he-rmd)))
+	  (t
+	   (setf (X-Geom-y clgmt) (+ (X-Geom-y new-geom) hthi (/ he-rmd 2)))))
+    (setf (X-Geom-width clgmt) (- wi wi-rmd))
+    (setf (X-Geom-height clgmt) (- he he-rmd))))
+(defun xwem-cl-correct-size (cl)
+  "Corect CL's xgeom according to WM_NORMAL_HINTS and other stuff."
+  (let ((wmnh (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+	(clgeom (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)))
+    (when (xwem-cl-transient-for cl)
+      ;; Program specified size
+      (when (X-WMSize-ussize-p wmnh)
+	(setf (X-Geom-width clgeom) (X-WMSize-width wmnh))
+	(setf (X-Geom-height clgeom) (X-WMSize-height wmnh)))
+      ;; Program specified position
+      (when (X-WMSize-uspos-p wmnh)
+	(setf (X-Geom-x clgeom) (X-WMSize-x wmnh))
+	(setf (X-Geom-y clgeom) (X-WMSize-y wmnh)))
+      )))
+(defun xwem-cl-manage (cl &optional sfwin)
+  "Setup CL to be used in SFWIN.
+If SFWIWN is ommited `xwem-win-selected' will be used.
+TODO: Handle special clients in different way."
+  (xwem-cl-p cl 'xwem-cl-manage)
+  (when sfwin
+    (xwem-win-p sfwin 'xwem-cl-manage))
+  (let ((old-win (xwem-cl-win cl))
+	(xwem-win (or sfwin (xwem-win-selected))))
+    ;; XXX -- should we check is window already setuped?
+    (if (eq (xwem-win-cl xwem-win) cl)
+	;; CL already in XWEM-WIN - only refiting needed
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'refit cl)
+      ;; else CL in some other window
+      (let ((old-cl (xwem-win-cl xwem-win)))
+	;; When client moves from frame to other frame, state should
+	;; be unknown
+	(when (not (eq (xwem-cl-frame cl)
+		       (xwem-win-frame xwem-win)))
+	  (xwem-client-change-state cl 'unknown))
+	;; First of all demanage client CL
+	(unless (eq old-win xwem-win)
+	  (let ((xwem-cl-demanage-hook nil))
+	    (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'demanage cl)))
+	(setf (xwem-cl-win cl) xwem-win)
+	(setf (xwem-win-cl (xwem-cl-win cl)) cl)
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'refit cl t)
+	(xwem-client-show cl)
+	;; Demanage client which is currently in XWEM-WIN
+	(when (xwem-cl-p old-cl)
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda old-cl) 'demanage old-cl))
+	;; Regeom tabbers if client moves from other window
+	(unless (eq old-win xwem-win)
+	  (when (xwem-win-p old-win)
+	    (xwem-tabber-regeom-window old-win (xwem-win-selected-p old-win (xwem-win-frame old-win))))
+	  (when (xwem-win-p xwem-win)
+	    (xwem-tabber-regeom-window xwem-win (xwem-win-selected-p xwem-win (xwem-win-frame xwem-win)))))
+      ))
+    ;; Update recency field
+    (setf (xwem-cl-recency cl) (current-time))
+    ;; Finally run hooks
+    (run-hook-with-args 'xwem-cl-manage-hook cl)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-cl-demanage (cl &optional winclr clclr)
+  "Desetup CL from xwem win.
+Used when deleting window or frame.
+When CLEAR is non-nil then xwem window client for CL will be setted to nil."
+  (xwem-client-hide cl 'managed)
+  (when (and winclr (xwem-cl-win cl))
+    (setf (xwem-win-cl (xwem-cl-win cl)) nil))
+  (when (and clclr (xwem-cl-p cl))
+    (setf (xwem-cl-win cl) nil))
+  ;; Try to manage other xwem-client
+  (let* ((vis-p (xwem-cl-inwin-p cl))
+	 (old-win (if vis-p (xwem-cl-win cl) nil))
+	 (oth-cl (if vis-p (xwem-cl-other cl) nil)))
+    ;; Switch to other client in old CL's window
+    (when (xwem-win-p old-win)
+      (setf (xwem-win-cl old-win) nil)
+      (if (xwem-cl-p oth-cl)
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda oth-cl) 'manage oth-cl old-win)
+	(setf (xwem-win-cl old-win) nil))
+    ))
+  ;; Now run hooks
+  (run-hook-with-args 'xwem-cl-demanage-hook cl)
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-refit (cl &optional need-reparent)
+  "Refit CL in its window frame.
+If NEED-REPARENT is non-nil than also reparent it to some frame."
+  (xwem-win-p (xwem-cl-win cl) 'xwem-cl-refit)
+  (let* ((frame (xwem-cl-frame cl))
+	 (xwem-win (xwem-cl-win cl))
+	 (swwidth (xwem-face-tag 'xwem-face-frame-selected-win-selected :line-width))
+	 (nwwidth (xwem-face-tag 'xwem-face-frame-selected-win-nonselected :line-width))
+	 (hthi (max (if (numberp swwidth) swwidth 0)
+		    (if (numberp nwwidth) nwwidth 0)))
+	 (clgmt (xwem-cl-xgeom cl))
+	 (wi-rmd 0)
+	 (he-rmd 0)
+	 wmnh bw bh wi-st he-st wi he)
+    (setq he (- (xwem-win-height xwem-win) (* 2 hthi)))
+    (setq wi (- (xwem-win-width xwem-win) (* 2 hthi)))
+    (setq wmnh (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "Get wmnh = %S\n" 'wmnh)
+    (when wmnh
+      (setq bw (X-WMSize-width wmnh))
+      (setq bh (X-WMSize-height wmnh))
+      (when (X-WMSize-presizeinc-p wmnh)
+	(setq wi-st (X-WMSize-width-inc wmnh)) ;width step
+	(setq he-st (X-WMSize-height-inc wmnh)) ;height step
+	)
+      ;; - Calculate size reminders
+      ;; - Adjust wi-rmd and he-rmd if needed
+      (when wi-st
+	(setq wi-rmd (% (abs (- wi bw)) wi-st))
+	(when (> bw wi)
+	  (setq wi-rmd (- wi-st wi-rmd))))
+      (when he-st
+	(setq he-rmd (% (abs (- he bh)) he-st))
+	(when (> bh he)
+	  (setq he-rmd (- he-st he-rmd)))))
+    (unless (X-Geom-p clgmt)
+      (setf (xwem-cl-xgeom cl) (make-X-Geom))
+      (setq clgmt (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)))
+    (setf (X-Geom-x clgmt) (+ (xwem-win-x xwem-win) hthi (/ wi-rmd 2)))
+    (setf (X-Geom-y clgmt) (+ (xwem-win-y xwem-win) hthi (/ he-rmd 2)))
+    (setf (X-Geom-width clgmt) (- wi wi-rmd))
+    (setf (X-Geom-height clgmt) (- he he-rmd))
+    (if need-reparent
+      (XReparentWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl) 
+		       (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+		       (X-Geom-x clgmt) (X-Geom-y clgmt))
+      (XMoveWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl) (X-Geom-x clgmt) (X-Geom-y clgmt)))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "Get size: wi=%d,%d he=%d,%d\n" 'wi '(X-Geom-width clgmt) 'he '(X-Geom-height clgmt))
+    (XResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl)
+		   (X-Geom-width clgmt) (X-Geom-height clgmt))
+    (xwem-cl-send-config cl)
+  ))
+;; I think special CLs should be handled in very different way then
+;; normals. It is the one of things TODO.
+(defun xwem-cl-iconify (cl &optional clear)
+  "Iconify CL. Used to handle Iconify ClientMessage from special CL."
+  ;; XXX
+  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'demanage cl clear)
+  (xwem-client-change-state cl 'iconified)
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-iconify (cl)
+  "Iconifies selected client."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-cl-selected)))
+  (if (xwem-cl-p cl)
+      (let ((win (xwem-cl-win cl)))
+	(xwem-cl-iconify cl nil)
+	(setf (xwem-cl-win cl) nil)
+	(xwem-tabber-regeom-window win (xwem-win-selected-p win (xwem-win-frame win))))
+    (xwem-message 'warn "No client in selected window.")))
+;;; Manda functions ends here
+(defun xwem-cl-query-cl (prompt &optional predic)
+  "Query for CL, using XWEM's minibuffer.
+PREDIC is function, wich passed with cl as argument and must return
+non-nil to make cl be in listing."
+  (xwem-under-minib-focus
+   (let* ((rcl nil)
+	  (clsnl (xwem-cl-normal-list xwem-clients predic))
+	  (clns (mapcar
+		 (lambda (cl)
+		   (cons (xwem-client-name cl clsnl) cl))
+		 clsnl))
+	  (name (flet ((iswitchb-make-buflist
+			(default)
+			(setq iswitchb-buflist (mapcar (lambda (cl) (car cl)) clns))))
+		  (iswitchb-read-buffer prompt))))
+     (while clns
+       (when (string= (caar clns) name)
+	 (setq rcl (cdar clns))
+	 (setq clns nil))
+       (setq clns (cdr clns)))
+     rcl)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-cl-switch (arg)
+  "Interactively switch to some client window, using 'iswitchb.
+When used with prefix ARG, then filter clients to selected widow only."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let* ((pred (when arg
+		 (lambda (cl)
+		   (eq (xwem-cl-win cl) (xwem-win-selected)))))
+	 (cl (xwem-read-client (if arg "XWEM-CL win: "
+				 "XWEM-CL: ")
+			       pred)))
+    (when cl
+      (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'manage cl))
+  ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-cl-switch-other-win (cl &optional arg)
+  "Switch to CL in other window.
+When used with prefix ARG, then focuse to that other window."
+  (xwem-interactive "cXWEM-CL Other: \nP")
+  (let ((wn (xwem-win-next (xwem-win-selected)))
+	(xwem-cl-manage-hook nil))	; skip setup hooks
+    (when cl
+      (when (xwem-win-only-one-p (xwem-win-selected))
+	(xwem-frame-split-vert nil)
+	(setq wn (xwem-win-next (xwem-win-selected))))
+      (when wn
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'manage cl wn)
+	(when arg
+	  (xwem-window-select wn)))
+      )))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-cl-switch-other-frame (cl &optional arg)
+  "Switch to CL in other XWEM frame.
+When used with prefix ARG, then create embedded frame, if creation is
+needed at all."
+  (xwem-interactive "cXWEM-CL Other frame: \nP")
+  (let ((ofr (or (xwem-frame-other (xwem-frame-selected))
+		 (xwem-make-frame-1 arg nil nil t))))
+    (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'manage cl (xwem-frame-selwin ofr))
+    (xwem-frame-select ofr))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-cl-switch-to-other (n &optional window)
+  "Switch to other client."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let* ((win (or window (xwem-win-selected)))
+	 (ocl (xwem-win-cl win)))
+    (while (> n 0)
+      (setq ocl (xwem-cl-other ocl))
+      (setq n (- n 1)))
+    (if (xwem-cl-p ocl)
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda ocl) 'manage ocl win)
+      (xwem-message 'note "No other client available."))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-cl-switch-to-other-in-other-win (n)
+  "Like `xwem-cl-switch-to-other', but in other window."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-cl-switch-to-other n (xwem-window-other 1)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-kill-cl-and-window (arg)
+  "Kill selected client and window.
+If used with prefix ARG then kill client in other window and other
+window (not implemented)."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let* ((win (if arg (xwem-window-other 1) (xwem-win-selected)))
+	 (cl (xwem-win-cl win)))
+    (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+      ;; Deassociate CL from WIN so no client will be managed when we
+      ;; kill CL.
+      (setf (xwem-cl-win cl) nil)
+      (setf (xwem-win-cl win) nil)
+      (xwem-client-kill t cl)
+      ;; Make sure CL is removed from clients list
+      (xwem-remove-client cl))
+    (xwem-window-delete win)
+    (xwem-frame-redraw (xwem-win-frame win))
+  ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-cl-transpose (arg &optional win)
+  "Transpose client with client at right in WIN.
+If ARG is non-nil transpose with left client.
+If WIN is ommited than selected window will be used."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let* ((sw (or win (xwem-win-selected)))
+	 (cl (xwem-win-cl sw))
+	 (tai (cadr (member cl (funcall (if arg 'reverse 'identity)
+					(xwem-win-make-cl-list sw))))))
+    (when (not (xwem-cl-p tai))
+      (setq tai (cadr (member cl (funcall (if arg 'identity 'reverse)
+					  (xwem-win-make-cl-list sw))))))
+    (when (and (xwem-cl-p cl) (xwem-cl-p tai))
+      (xwem-list-exchange-els xwem-clients cl tai))
+    (xwem-tabber-regeom-window sw (xwem-win-selected-p sw (xwem-win-frame sw)))))
+(defun xwem-client-rearrange-top (cl)
+  "Move CL on top of `xwem-clients'."
+  (when (xwem-win-selected-p (xwem-cl-win cl))
+    (setq xwem-clients (cons cl (delete cl xwem-clients))))
+  nil)					;continue hooks processing
+(defun xwem-init-clients ()
+  "Clients part initializer"
+  (xwem-message 'msg "Initializing clients ... wait")
+  (setq xwem-clients nil)
+  (add-hook 'xwem-cl-manage-hook
+	    (lambda (cl)
+	      (when (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-cl-win cl))
+			 (xwem-win-selected-p (xwem-cl-win cl)))
+		(xwem-tab-item-draw-format (xwem-cl-tabitem cl)))))
+  (add-hook 'xwem-cl-demanage-hook
+	    (lambda (cl)
+	      (when (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-cl-win cl))
+			 (xwem-win-selected-p (xwem-cl-win cl)))
+		(xwem-tab-item-draw-format (xwem-cl-tabitem cl)))))
+  (when xwem-cl-use-set-focus
+    (add-hook 'xwem-cl-manage-hook 'xwem-client-focus))
+  (when xwem-cl-use-recent-cl-on-top
+    (add-hook 'xwem-cl-manage-hook 'xwem-client-rearrange-top))
+;    (add-hook 'xwem-cl-demanage-hook 'xwem-cl-bury))
+  ;; Gentle handling of window splitting
+  (add-hook 'xwem-win-after-split-hook 'xwem-cl-other-on-split)
+  )
+(defun xwem-client-sendmsg-atom (cl atom &optional time)
+  "Send Client message to client CL."
+  (XSendEvent (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl) nil 0
+	      (X-Create-message
+	       (list [1 X-ClientMessage] ;type
+		     [1 32]		;format
+		     [2 1000]		;XXX seq
+		     [4 (X-Win-id (xwem-cl-xwin cl))] ; window
+		     [4 (X-Atom-id (X-Atom-find-by-name (xwem-dpy) "WM_PROTOCOLS"))]
+		     [4 (X-Atom-id atom)]
+		     [4 (or time X-CurrentTime)]
+		     [4 nil]))))
+(defun xwem-client-close (cl)
+  "Close xwem client CL in safe manner.
+Return non-nil, if CL supports WM_DELETE_WINDOW."
+  (when (XWMProtocol-set-p (xwem-dpy) (xwem-hints-wm-protocols (xwem-cl-hints cl)) "WM_DELETE_WINDOW")
+    (xwem-client-sendmsg-atom cl (X-Atom-find-by-name (xwem-dpy) "WM_DELETE_WINDOW"))
+    t))
+(defun xwem-client-focus (cl &optional revto force)
+  "Focus xwem client's CL window.
+By default this function does useful things only if CL is selected CL
+or FORCE is non-nil.
+Return non-nil, if CL supports WM_TAKE_FOCUS."
+  (when (or force
+	    (and (xwem-cl-p cl) (eq cl (xwem-cl-selected))))
+    (xwem-focus-set (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+    ;; TODO: - we can't use WM_TAKE_FOCUS here because X-CurrentTime
+    ;; disalowed as timestamp, we need some real event
+    ;; (xwem-last-xevent?) to get timestamp from.
+;    (when (XWMProtocol-set-p (xwem-dpy) (xwem-hints-wm-protocols (xwem-cl-hints cl)) "WM_TAKE_FOCUS")
+;      (xwem-client-sendmsg-atom cl (X-Atom-find-by-name (xwem-dpy) "WM_TAKE_FOCUS")))))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-client-change-state (cl state)
+  "Change WM_STATE for CL, STATE is one of 'managed, 'iconified, 'withdrawn, etc."
+  (let ((old-state (xwem-cl-state cl)))
+    (setf (xwem-cl-state cl) state)
+    (XSetWMState (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl)
+                 (cond ((eq state 'managed) X-NormalState)
+                       ((eq state 'normal) X-NormalState)
+                       ((eq state 'iconified) X-IconicState)
+                       (t X-WithdrawnState)))
+    (run-hook-with-args 'xwem-cl-state-change-hook cl old-state state)
+    ))
+(defsubst xwem-cl-managed-p (cl)
+  "Return non-nil if client CL is managed, i.e. has 'managed or 'normal state."
+  (or (eq (xwem-cl-state cl) 'managed)
+      (eq (xwem-cl-state cl) 'normal)))
+;;; Creating new client
+(defun xwem-cl-presetup (cl)
+  "Reparent client CL. CL should be already setuped.
+NOTE: specials clients presetuped as any other."
+  (let ((xwin (xwem-cl-xwin cl)))
+    (if (not (xwem-frame-p (xwem-frame-find 'xwin xwin)))
+	;; Not an embedded frame
+	(XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) xwin (xwem-cl-ev-mask cl))
+      ;; Embedded frame
+      (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) xwin (Xmask-or xwem-frame-ev-mask
+					      (xwem-cl-ev-mask cl))))
+    ;; Add event handlers
+    (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new xwin 'xwem-cl-events-handler 100)
+    (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new xwin 'xwem-ev-property 0 (list X-PropertyNotify))
+    (XSetWindowBorderWidth (xwem-dpy) xwin 0)
+    ;; Fetch some window properties
+    (setf (xwem-cl-hints cl)
+	  (make-xwem-hints :wm-normal-hints (XGetWMNormalHints (xwem-dpy) xwin)
+			   :wm-hints (XGetWMHints (xwem-dpy) xwin)
+			   :wm-class (XGetWMClass (xwem-dpy) xwin)
+			   :wm-command (XGetWMCommand (xwem-dpy) xwin)
+			   :wm-name (XGetWMName (xwem-dpy) xwin)
+			   :wm-transient-for (XGetWMTransientFor (xwem-dpy) xwin)
+			   :wm-protocols (XGetWMProtocols (xwem-dpy) xwin)))
+    (when (zerop (length (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+      ;; WMNAME is empty
+      (setf (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints cl)) "<noname>"))
+    (setf (xwem-cl-transient-for cl)
+	  (xwem-hints-wm-transient-for (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-make-client (win attrs &optional xwem-win)
+  "Make new client window."
+  (when (XGetWindowAttributes (xwem-dpy) win) ; just to check that window not destroyed
+    (let ((new-cl (make-xwem-cl)))
+      (setf (xwem-cl-xwin new-cl) win)
+      (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "New Client making name=%s\n" '(XGetWMName (xwem-dpy) win))
+      (xwem-cl-presetup new-cl)
+      (when (null attrs)
+	(setq attrs (XGetWindowAttributes (xwem-dpy) win)))
+      (setf (xwem-cl-xattrs new-cl) attrs)
+      (setf (xwem-cl-xgeom new-cl) (XGetGeometry (xwem-dpy) win))
+      (setf (xwem-cl-start-time new-cl) (current-time))
+      ;; Add to clients list, because manage function from manda may use
+      ;; it.
+      (setq xwem-clients (cons new-cl xwem-clients))
+      ;; Make tab item for client
+      (setf (xwem-cl-tabitem new-cl)
+	    (make-xwem-tab-item :type 'client
+				:state 'unmapped :rect (make-X-Rect :y 0 :x 0 :width 0 :height 0)
+				:cl new-cl :format xwem-tab-default-format))
+      ;; Walk manage database to find how to deal with this client
+      (let ((mdis (xwem-manda-find-inst new-cl)))
+	(if (not mdis)
+	    (progn
+	      (xwem-message 'err "Client not in manage database")
+	      (error "Client not described in manage database"))
+	  (setf (xwem-cl-manda new-cl) mdis)
+	  ;; Check for Win's expectations
+	  (let ((wmcmd (xwem-hints-wm-command (xwem-cl-hints new-cl)))
+		(dwin nil))		;destination win
+	    ;; Find a window who expects NEW-CL
+	    (setq dwin
+		  (catch 'dwin
+		    (mapc (lambda (fr)
+			    (xwem-win-map
+			     (lambda (win)
+			       (when (> (xwem-win-get-expt win wmcmd) 0)
+				 (xwem-win-expt-dec win wmcmd)
+				 (throw 'dwin win)))
+			     (xwem-frame-selwin fr)))
+			  xwem-frames-list)))
+	    ;; Setup focus mode
+            (xwem-focus-mode-set new-cl xwem-default-focus-mode)
+	    ;; Run new client hook
+	    (run-hook-with-args 'xwem-cl-new-client-hook new-cl)
+	    (if (xwem-win-p dwin)
+		(xwem-manda-fun-run mdis 'manage new-cl dwin)
+	      (xwem-manda-fun-run mdis 'manage new-cl)))
+	  )))
+    ))
+;; Operations on other clients
+(defun xwem-cl-manage-other-cl (cl &optional win)
+  "Manage other client to CL in WIN."
+  (let ((ocl (xwem-cl-other cl)))
+    (when (xwem-cl-p ocl)
+      (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda ocl) 'manage ocl win))))
+(defun xwem-cl-other-on-split (win how new-size)
+  "Manage current WIN's cl in othen window.
+To be used in `xwem-win-after-split-hook'.
+HOW is split type.
+NEW-SIZE is size of newly created window."
+  (when xwem-cl-other-on-split
+    (xwem-cl-manage-other-cl (xwem-win-cl win) (xwem-win-next win))))
+;; Commands
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-turn-on-other-on-split ()
+  "Turn on `xwem-cl-other-on-split' minor mode."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (setq xwem-cl-other-on-split t)
+  (xwem-message 'info "Other on split minor mode is ON."))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-turn-off-other-on-split ()
+  "Turn off `xwem-cl-other-on-split' minor mode."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (setq xwem-cl-other-on-split nil)
+  (xwem-message 'info "Other on split minor mode is OFF."))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-toggle-other-on-split (arg)
+  "Toggle `xwem-cl-other-on-split' minor mode.
+Negative ARG turns it off, positive turns it on."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (if (numberp arg)
+      (if (> arg 0)
+	  (setq xwem-cl-other-on-split nil)
+	(setq xwem-cl-other-on-split t)))
+  (if xwem-cl-other-on-split
+      (xwem-client-turn-off-other-on-split)
+    (xwem-client-turn-on-other-on-split)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-kill (arg &optional cl)
+  "Kill xwem client CL. Also destroys CL's X window.
+If used with prefix ARG is given, force CL to die, by default WM_DELETE_WINDOW will be probed.
+If CL is `nil' than client in `xwem-win-selected' assumed."
+  ;; TODO: - take icccm stuff(like WM_DELETE_WINDOW) into account
+  ;;       - switch to other client
+  (xwem-interactive (list xwem-prefix-arg (xwem-cl-selected)))
+  (let ((client (or cl (xwem-cl-selected))))
+    (if (xwem-cl-p client)
+	(if arg
+	    (progn
+;	      (xwem-remove-client client)
+	      (XDestroyWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin client)))
+	  (or (xwem-client-close client) (xwem-client-kill t client)))
+      (xwem-message 'warn "No Active client found."))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-query-kill (arg client)
+  "Kill CLIENT.
+Prefix ARG directly passed to `xwem-client-kill'."
+  (xwem-interactive (list
+                    xwem-prefix-arg
+                    ;; Sort clients, so selected client will be first
+                    (let* ((csel (xwem-cl-selected))
+                           (xwem-clients (sort (copy-list xwem-clients)
+                                               (lambda (cl1 cl2)
+                                                 (eq cl1 csel)))))
+                      (xwem-read-client "Kill client: "))))
+  (when (xwem-cl-p client)
+    (xwem-client-kill arg client))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-demanage-others (arg)
+  "Demanage others then selected client in selected window.
+If ARG given, remain ARG most recent clients."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let ((rcls (nthcdr arg (xwem-win-make-cl-list-sort-by-recency (xwem-win-selected)))))
+    ;; cls in RCLS already demanaged
+    (mapc (lambda (cl)
+	    (setf (xwem-cl-win cl) nil))
+	  rcls)
+    ;; Redraw frame's tabber
+    (xwem-tabber-safe-regeom (xwem-frame-tabber (xwem-frame-selected)) t)
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-run-copy (arg)
+  "Run the same command as selected CL.
+With prefix arg run it in other window.
+With double prefix arg run in other window and select.
+With numeric prefix arg run ARG copies."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let* ((nw (xwem-win-selected))
+	 (cl (xwem-win-cl nw)))
+    (if (not (xwem-cl-p cl))
+	(xwem-message 'warn "No client selected to copy.")
+      (let ((cmd (xwem-hints-wm-command (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+	    (cnt (if (numberp arg) arg 1)) ;how many clients to start
+	    (i 0))
+	(if (or (not (stringp cmd)) (string= cmd ""))
+	    (xwem-message 'warn "Invalid cmd: \"%s\"" cmd)
+	  (when (and (listp arg) (not (null arg)))
+	    (setq nw (xwem-win-next nw))
+	    (when (not (xwem-win-p nw))
+	      ;; Create window
+	      (xwem-frame-split-vert nil)
+	      (setq nw (xwem-win-next (xwem-win-selected))))
+	    (when (xwem-win-p nw)
+	      (when (= (prefix-numeric-value arg) 4)
+		(xwem-win-expt-inc nw cmd cnt))
+	      (when (= (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16)
+		(xwem-window-select nw))))
+	  (when (xwem-win-p nw)
+	    (while (< i cnt)
+	      (xwem-execute-program cmd)
+	      (setq i (1+ i))))
+    )))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-run-copy-other-win (arg)
+  "Run copy of selected client in other window.
+With prefix ARG, make horizontal split instead of vertical if split
+really needed."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let ((cmd (xwem-hints-wm-command (xwem-cl-hints (xwem-cl-selected))))
+	(own (xwem-window-other 1))
+	(xwem-win-after-split-hook nil)) ; prevent hooks processing
+    (when cmd
+      ;; Check is there split needed
+      (when (eq own (xwem-win-selected))
+	(if arg
+	    (xwem-frame-split-horiz 0)
+	  (xwem-frame-split-vert 0))
+	(setq own (xwem-win-next (xwem-win-selected))))
+      ;; Install expectance
+      (xwem-win-expt-inc own cmd)
+      ;; Finnaly run command
+      (xwem-execute-program cmd))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-run-copy-other-frame (arg)
+  "Run copy of selected client in other frame.
+If prefix ARG is specified, create embedded frame, if creation is
+needed at all."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let ((cmd (xwem-hints-wm-command (xwem-cl-hints (xwem-cl-selected))))
+	(ofr (xwem-frame-other (xwem-frame-selected))))
+    (unless (xwem-frame-p ofr)
+      (setq ofr (xwem-make-frame-1 arg nil nil t)))
+    ;; Setup expectance
+    (xwem-win-expt-inc (xwem-frame-selwin ofr) cmd)
+    (xwem-frame-select ofr)
+    ;; Finnaly run command
+    (xwem-execute-program cmd)))
+(defun xwem-cl-prog-geom (cl)
+  "Get program specified geometry for CL."
+  (let ((wmnh (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+    (if (and wmnh (X-WMSize-psize-p wmnh))
+	(cons (X-WMSize-width wmnh)	;program specified width
+	      (X-WMSize-height wmnh))	;program specified height
+      nil)))
+(defun xwem-cl-base-geom (cl)
+  "Return base width and height for CL."
+  (let ((wmnh (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+    (if (and wmnh (X-WMSize-pbasesize-p wmnh))
+	(cons (X-WMSize-base-width wmnh)	;base width
+	      (X-WMSize-base-height wmnh))	;base height
+      nil)))
+(defun xwem-cl-min-geom (cl)
+  "Returns minimal geometry for CL."
+  (let ((wmnh (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+    (if (and wmnh (X-WMSize-pminsize-p wmnh))
+	(cons (X-WMSize-min-width wmnh)
+	      (X-WMSize-min-height wmnh))
+      nil)))
+(defun xwem-cl-step-geom (cl)
+  "Returns vertical and horisontal step's width for CL."
+  (let ((wmnh (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+    (if (and wmnh (X-WMSize-presizeinc-p wmnh))
+	(cons (X-WMSize-width-inc wmnh)
+	      (X-WMSize-height-inc wmnh))
+      nil)))
+(defun xwem-cl-get-usize (cl)
+  "Returns cons cell (uwi . uhe) - CL's size in steps."
+  (let* ((clgmt (xwem-cl-xgeom cl))
+	 (wmnh (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+	 (steps (xwem-cl-step-geom cl))
+	 (base (xwem-cl-base-geom cl))
+	 (minsize (xwem-cl-min-geom cl))
+	 (uwi (X-Geom-width clgmt))
+	 (uhe (X-Geom-height clgmt)))
+    (if (and steps
+	     (not (= (car steps) 0))
+	     (not (= (cdr steps) 0)))
+	(when (or base minsize)
+	  (progn
+	    (setq uwi (- uwi (if (X-WMSize-pbasesize-p wmnh)
+				 (car base)
+			       (car minsize))))
+	    (setq uhe (- uhe (if (X-WMSize-pbasesize-p wmnh)
+				 (cdr base)
+			       (cdr minsize))))))
+      (setq steps '(1 . 1)))
+    (cons (/ uwi (car steps))
+	  (/ uhe (cdr steps)))))
+(defun xwem-cl-get-psize (cl)
+  "Return pixel size of CL (pwi . phe)."
+  (let ((gmt (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)))
+    (cons (X-Geom-width gmt) (X-Geom-height gmt))))
+(unless (fboundp 'subtract-time)
+  (defun subtract-time (t1 t2)
+    "Subtract two internal times."
+    (let ((borrow (< (cadr t1) (cadr t2))))
+      (list (- (car t1) (car t2) (if borrow 1 0))
+	    (- (+ (if borrow 65536 0) (cadr t1)) (cadr t2))))))
+(defun xwem-cl-get-uptime (cl &optional format)
+  "Return CL's uptime.
+FORMAT can contain %-sequences to substitute parts of the uptime.
+%d is replaced by the days
+%h is replaced by the hours
+%m is replaced by the minutes
+%s is replaced by the seconds
+%A is replaced by autogenerated format."
+  (let ((upt (nth 1 (subtract-time (current-time) (xwem-cl-start-time cl))))
+	(fmt (or format "%A"))
+	(days 0)
+	(hours 0)
+	(minutes 0)
+	(seconds 0)
+	(rup ""))
+    (when (> upt (* 60 60 24))
+      (setq days (/ upt (* 60 60 24))))
+    (when (> upt (* 60 60))
+      (setq hours (% (/ upt (* 60 60)) 24)))
+    (when (> upt 60)
+      (setq minutes (% (/ upt 60) 60)))
+    (setq seconds (% upt 60))
+    (let ((flst (string-to-list fmt))
+	  chr)
+      (while flst
+	(setq chr (car flst))
+	(cond ((= chr ?%)
+	       (setq flst (cdr flst))
+	       (setq chr (car flst))
+	       (cond ((= chr ?d)
+		      (setq rup (concat rup (format "%d" days))))
+		     ((= chr ?h)
+		      (setq rup (concat rup (format "%d" hours))))
+		     ((= chr ?m)
+		      (setq rup (concat rup (format "%d" minutes))))
+		     ((= chr ?s)
+		      (setq rup (concat rup (format "%d" seconds))))
+		     ((= chr ?A)
+		      (setq rup (concat
+				 (cond ((> days 0) (format "%d days %d hours" days hours))
+				       ((> hours 0) (format "%d hours %d minutes" hours minutes))
+				       ((> minutes 0) (format "%d minutes %d seconds" minutes seconds))
+				       ((> seconds 0) (format "%d seconds" seconds))
+				       (t "")))))
+		     (t (error "Invalid format"))))
+	      (t (setq rup (concat rup (char-to-string chr)))))
+	(setq flst (cdr flst))))
+    rup))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-info (&optional cl)
+  "Display info about xwem client CL."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (let ((client (or cl (xwem-cl-selected))))
+    (if (xwem-cl-p client)
+	(let ((usz (xwem-cl-get-usize client))
+	      (psz (xwem-cl-get-psize client)))
+	  (xwem-message 'info "id: 0x%d, usize: %dx%d, psize: %dx%d, uptime: %s, name: `%s'"
+			(X-Win-id (xwem-cl-xwin client))
+			(car usz) (cdr usz)
+			(car psz) (car psz)
+			(xwem-cl-get-uptime client "%d days")
+			(xwem-client-name client)))
+      (xwem-message 'warn "No active clients found.")))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-cl-pop-to-client (cl &optional warp)
+  "Pop to client CL, i.e. switch to its frame and manage it.
+If CL have no frame, popup it in current frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "cXWEM-CL Pop: ")
+  (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+    (let ((fr (or (xwem-cl-frame cl) (xwem-frame-selected)))
+	  (clw (or (xwem-cl-win cl) (xwem-win-selected))))
+      (when (not (xwem-frame-selected-p fr))
+	(xwem-frame-select fr))
+      (when (not (xwem-win-selected-p clw))
+	(xwem-window-select-maybe-redraw clw))
+      (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'manage cl clw)
+      (when warp
+	(XWarpPointer (xwem-dpy) X-None (xwem-cl-xwin cl) 0 0 0 0 10 10))
+      )))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-cl-set-title (title &optional cl)
+  "Set new TITLE for client CL."
+  (xwem-interactive "sNet title: ")
+  (let ((ccl (xwem-win-cl (or cl (xwem-win-selected)))))
+    (if (not (xwem-cl-p ccl))
+	(error "No currently selected client.")
+      (XSetWMName (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin ccl) title))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-unset-mark (&optional cl)
+  "Uset mark on CL."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-cl-selected)))
+  (when (member cl xwem-cl-mark-ring)
+    (setq xwem-cl-mark-ring (delete cl xwem-cl-mark-ring))
+    ;; Tab maybe affected, so redraw it
+    (xwem-tab-item-draw-format (xwem-cl-tabitem cl))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-client-set-mark (arg &optional cl)
+  "Mark selected client CL.
+If CL is ommited or `xwem-client-set-mark' called interactively then
+selected client assumed.
+With no prefix ARG push selected client to `xwem-cl-mark-ring'.
+With ARG, jump to last marked client, pop value from `xwem-cl-mark-ring'."
+  (xwem-interactive (list xwem-prefix-arg
+			  (if xwem-prefix-arg
+			      (pop xwem-cl-mark-ring)
+			    (xwem-cl-selected))))
+  (unless (xwem-cl-p cl)
+    (if arg
+	(error "Empty `xwem-cl-mark-ring'.")
+      (error "No selected client.")))
+  (if arg
+      (progn
+	;; Put client at the end of `xwem-cl-mark-ring'
+	(if xwem-cl-mark-ring
+	    (setcdr (last xwem-cl-mark-ring) (cons cl nil))
+	  (setq xwem-cl-mark-ring (cons cl nil)))
+	(xwem-cl-pop-to-client cl))
+    ;; Push cl and adjust `xwem-cl-mark-ring' according to
+    ;; `xwem-cl-mark-ring-max' value if needed.
+    (when (= (length xwem-cl-mark-ring) xwem-cl-mark-ring-max)
+      ;; Remove last item
+      (let ((rcl (car (last xwem-cl-mark-ring))))
+	(setq xwem-cl-mark-ring (butlast xwem-cl-mark-ring))
+	;; Tab maybe affected, so redraw it
+	(xwem-tab-item-draw-format (xwem-cl-tabitem rcl))))
+    (push cl xwem-cl-mark-ring)
+    ;; Tab maybe affected, so redraw it
+    (xwem-tab-item-draw-format (xwem-cl-tabitem cl))
+    (xwem-message 'info "Marking selected client, total ring size %d"
+		  (length xwem-cl-mark-ring))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-fini-clients ()
+  "Fini all clients."
+  (while xwem-clients
+    ;; TODO: finalize client in (car xwem-clients)
+    (setq xwem-clients (cdr xwem-clients))))
+;;; New stuff
+(defun xwem-client-hide (cl &optional new-state)
+  "Hide CL's window. Optionally you may specify NEW-STATE."
+  ;; Just move off the screen
+  (XMoveWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl)
+               (X-Geom-width (xwem-rootgeom))
+               (X-Geom-height (xwem-rootgeom)))
+  (XUnmapWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+  (xwem-client-change-state cl (or new-state 'iconified))
+  )
+(defun xwem-client-show (cl)
+  "Show xwem client CL."
+  (if (xwem-cl-transient-for cl)
+      (XRaiseWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+    ;; Must be lowered
+    (XLowerWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl)))
+  (XMoveWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl)
+               (X-Geom-x (xwem-cl-xgeom cl))
+               (X-Geom-y (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)))
+  (XMapWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+  (xwem-client-change-state cl 'normal)
+  )
+;;; Events handling for client windows
+(defun xwem-cl-hkeybutton (cl xev)
+  "KeyPress, ButtonPress or ButtonRelease event XEV."
+  (xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton xev)
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-hproperty (cl xev)
+  "PropertyNotify."
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-hconfigure-request (cl xev)
+  "ConfigureRequest event XEV."
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-hdestroy-notify (cl xev)
+  "DestroyNotify event XEV."
+  (let ((ocl (xwem-cl-other cl))
+	(owin (xwem-cl-win cl)))
+;    (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'demanage cl)
+    (xwem-remove-client cl)
+    (if (xwem-cl-transient-for cl)
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'demanage cl)
+      ;; Try to switch to other client
+      (when (xwem-cl-inwin-p cl)
+	(when (xwem-win-p owin)
+	  (setf (xwem-win-cl owin) nil)
+	  (when (xwem-cl-p ocl)
+	    (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda ocl) 'manage ocl owin))))
+      (when (xwem-win-p owin)
+	(xwem-tabber-regeom-window owin (xwem-win-selected-p owin)))
+      )
+    ))
+(defun xwem-cl-hunmap-notify (cl xev)
+  "UnmapNotify event XEV."
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-hmap-notify (cl xev)
+  "MapNotify event XEV."
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-hmap-request (cl xev)
+  "MapRequest event XEV."
+  (X-Dpy-log (X-Event-dpy xev) "XWEM-ROOT-HMAP-REQUEST: win=%S\n" (X-Event-win xev))
+  (let ((cl (xwem-find-client (X-Event-win xev))))
+    (if (xwem-cl-p cl)
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'manage cl)
+      (xwem-make-client (X-Event-win xev) nil)))
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-hclient-message (cl xev)
+  "ClientMessage event XEV."
+  )
+(defun xwem-cl-events-handler (xdpy xwin xev)
+  "Events handler for root window."
+  (X-Dpy-log xdpy "CLIENT HANDLER: xev type=%S, win=%S\n" '(X-Event-name xev) '(X-Win-id (X-Event-win xev)))
+  (let ((cl (xwem-find-client xwin)))
+    (X-Event-CASE xev
+      ((:X-KeyPress :X-ButtonPress :X-ButtonRelease)
+       (xwem-cl-hkeybutton cl xev))
+      ;; Focusing mode
+      (:X-FocusIn
+       (xwem-focus-mode-invoke cl 'focus-in xev))
+      (:X-FocusOut
+       (xwem-focus-mode-invoke cl 'focus-out xev))
+      (:X-EnterNotify
+       (xwem-focus-mode-invoke cl 'enter xev))
+      (:X-LeaveNotify
+       (xwem-focus-mode-invoke cl 'leave xev))
+      (:X-PropertyNotify
+       (xwem-cl-hproperty cl xev))
+      (:X-ConfigureRequest
+       (xwem-cl-hconfigure-request cl xev))
+      (:X-DestroyNotify
+       (setq cl (xwem-find-client (X-Event-xdestroywindow-window xev)))
+       (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+         (xwem-cl-hdestroy-notify cl xev)))
+      (:X-UnmapNotify
+       ;; Someone issued XUnmapWindow
+       (xwem-cl-hunmap-notify cl xev))
+      (:X-MapNotify
+       ;; Someone issued XMapWindow
+       (xwem-cl-hmap-notify cl xev))
+      (:X-MapRequest
+       (xwem-cl-hmap-request cl xev))
+      (:X-ClientMessage
+       (xwem-cl-hclient-message cl xev))
+      )))
+(provide 'xwem-clients)
+;;; xwem-clients.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-compat.el b/lisp/xwem-compat.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWNvbXBhdC5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-compat.el
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+;;; xwem-compat.el --- GNU Emacs compatibility layer.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Fri Dec 12 15:51:10 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defvar xwem-gnuemacs-p nil "Non-nil when running under GNU Emacs.")
+  (setq xwem-gnuemacs-p (string-match "GNU Emacs" emacs-version)))
+(defun xwem-define-prefix-command (name &optional mapvar)
+  "Compat version for `define-prefix-command'."
+  (if xwem-gnuemacs-p
+      (define-prefix-command name)
+    (define-prefix-command name t)))
+(unless (fboundp 'set-keymap-default-binding)
+  (fset 'set-keymap-default-binding
+	(lambda (keym cmd) (define-key keym [t] cmd))))
+(unless (fboundp 'events-to-keys)
+  (defalias 'events-to-keys 'identity))
+(provide 'xwem-compat)
+;;; xwem-compat.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-custom-load.el b/lisp/xwem-custom-load.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWN1c3RvbS1sb2FkLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-custom-load.el
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+;;; custom-load.el --- automatically extracted custom dependencies
+;;; Code:
+(messsage "Loading xwem custom load")
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem '("xwem-main" "xwem-clients" "xwem-faces" "xwem-frame" "xwem-keyboard" "xwem-launcher" "xwem-minibuffer" "xwem-misc" "xwem-special" "xwem-strokes" "xwem-tabbing" "xwem-tray" "xwem-win"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-cursor '("xwem-misc"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-special '("xwem-special"))
+(custom-add-loads 'applications '("xwem-main"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-minibuffer '("xwem-minibuffer"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-faces '("xwem-faces" "xwem-frame" "xwem-strokes" "xwem-tabbing"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-launcher '("xwem-launcher"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-keys '("xwem-keyboard"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-cl '("xwem-clients" "xwem-manage"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-frame '("xwem-frame"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-keyboard '("xwem-keyboard" "xwem-keymacro"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-win '("xwem-win"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-tray '("xwem-tray"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-strokes '("xwem-strokes"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-tab '("xwem-tabbing"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-storkes '("xwem-strokes"))
+(custom-add-loads 'xwem-misc '("xwem-misc"))
+;;; custom-load.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-events.el b/lisp/xwem-events.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWV2ZW50cy5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-events.el
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+;;; xwem-events.el --- Events handlers.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file used to work with X events, also includes some events
+;; handlers.
+;;; Code
+;; Property change hooks
+(defvar xwem-wmnh-change-hooks nil "Hooks to be called when WM_NORMAL_HINTS changes.")
+(defvar xwem-wmname-change-hooks nil "Hooks to be called when WM_NAME changes.")
+(defvar xwem-wmcommand-chage-hooks nil "Hooks to be called when WM_COMMAND changes.")
+(defvar xwem-wmclass-change-hooks nil "Hooks to be called when WM_CLASS changes.")
+(defvar xwem-wmh-change-hooks nil "Hooks to be called when WM_HINTS changes.")
+(defun xwem-ev-defhnd (xdpy win xev)
+  "Default X-Events handler."
+  (X-Event-CASE
+   xev
+   (:X-ClientMessage
+    (xwem-ev-clnmsg xdpy win xev))
+   (:X-ConfigureRequest
+    (xwem-ev-reconfig xdpy win xev))
+   (:X-MapRequest
+    (xwem-ev-remap xdpy win xev))
+   (:X-DestroyNotify
+    (xwem-ev-destroy xdpy win xev))
+   (:X-PropertyNotify
+    (xwem-ev-property xdpy win xev))
+   (:X-ResizeRequest
+    (xwem-ev-reresize xdpy win xev)))
+  )
+(defun xwem-ev-clnmsg (xdpy win xev)
+  "Handle ClientMessage event."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XWEM-EVENTS: ClientMessage event: win=%s msg=%s\n"
+	     '(X-Win-id win) '(X-Event-xclient-msg xev))
+  (let ((cl (xwem-find-client win))
+	(type (length (X-Event-xclient-msg xev))))	; 5 -> 32, 10 -> 16, 20 -> 8
+    (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+      (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XWEM-EVENTS: in ClientMessage: type=%S (car (nth 0 (X-Event-xclient-msg xev)))=%S\n"
+		 'type  '(car (nth 0 (X-Event-xclient-msg xev))))
+      (if (and (= type 5)
+	       (= (car (nth 0 (X-Event-xclient-msg xev)))
+		  X-IconicState))
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'iconify cl))
+      )
+    nil))
+(defun xwem-ev-reconfig (xdpy win xev)
+  "Common ConfigureRequest handler."
+  (let* ((win (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-window xev))
+	 (cl (xwem-find-client win))
+;	 (clgeom (if (xwem-cl-p cl) (xwem-cl-xgeom cl) nil))
+	 (vmask (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-value-mask xev)))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XWEM-EVENTS: ConfigureRequest event for win=%s vmask=%s, x=%S, y=%S, width=%S, height=%S\n"
+	       '(X-Win-id win) 'vmask '(X-Event-xconfigurerequest-x xev) '(X-Event-xconfigurerequest-y xev)
+	       '(X-Event-xconfigurerequest-width xev) '(X-Event-xconfigurerequest-height xev))
+    (if (not (xwem-cl-p cl))
+	(XConfigureWindow (xwem-dpy) win
+			  (make-X-Conf :dpy (X-Win-dpy win)
+				       :x (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-x xev)
+				       :y (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-y xev)
+				       :width (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-width xev)
+				       :height (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-height xev)
+				       :border-width (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-border-width xev)))
+      ;; [else] Client window already in air
+      (progn
+	(if (not (= 0 (Xmask-and vmask (Xmask-or X-CWWidth X-CWHeight X-CWBorderWidth))))
+	    (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'refit cl)
+	  (xwem-cl-send-config cl))))
+    nil))
+(defun xwem-ev-remap (xdpy win xev)
+  "MapRequest handler."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XWEM-EVENTS: MapRequest event handled for win=%s\n"
+	     '(X-Win-id win))
+  (let ((cl (xwem-find-client win)))
+    (if (xwem-cl-p cl)
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'manage cl)
+      (xwem-make-client win nil)))
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-ev-destroy (xdpy win xev)
+  "DestroyNotify handler."
+  ;; TODO: - May this stuff should be moved to `xwem-xdestrnot-hooks'?
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XWEM-EVENTS: DestroyNotify event handled for win=%s, evwin=%S\n"
+	     '(X-Win-id win) '(X-Win-id (X-Event-xdestroywindow-event xev)))
+  (let* ((cl (xwem-find-client win))
+	 (owin (and (xwem-cl-p cl) (xwem-cl-win cl))))
+    (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'demanage cl)
+	(xwem-remove-client cl)
+	(when (xwem-cl-inwin-p cl)
+	  (when (xwem-win-p owin)
+	    (setf (xwem-win-cl owin) nil)))
+	(when (xwem-win-p owin)
+	  (xwem-tabber-regeom-window owin (xwem-win-selected-p owin (xwem-win-frame owin))))
+	))
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-ev-property (xdpy win xev)
+  "PropertyNotify handler."
+  ;; TODO: write me
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XWEM-EVENTS: PropertyNotify event win=%S, atom=%S, state=%S\n"
+	     '(X-Win-id (X-Event-win xev)) '(X-Atom-id (X-Event-xproperty-atom xev))
+	     '(X-Event-xproperty-state xev))
+  (let ((cl (xwem-find-client win))
+	(atom-id (X-Atom-id (X-Event-xproperty-atom xev)))
+	(state (X-Event-xproperty-state xev))
+	(rhook nil))			;hook to be runned after processing
+    (if (null cl)
+	;; hmm -- no such client
+	nil
+      (cond 
+       ((= atom-id (X-Atom-id XA-wm-normal-hints))
+	(setf (xwem-hints-wm-normal-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl))
+	      (if (= state X-PropertyNewValue)
+		  (XGetWMNormalHints (xwem-dpy) win)
+		nil))
+	(setq rhook 'xwem-wmnh-change-hooks))
+       ((= atom-id (X-Atom-id XA-wm-hints))
+	(setf (xwem-hints-wm-hints (xwem-cl-hints cl))
+	      (if (= state X-PropertyNewValue)
+		  (XGetWMHints (xwem-dpy) win)
+		nil))
+	(setq rhook 'xwem-wmh-change-hooks))
+       ((= atom-id (X-Atom-id XA-wm-class))
+	(setf (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints cl))
+	      (if (= state X-PropertyNewValue)
+		  (XGetWMClass (xwem-dpy) win)
+		nil))
+	(setq rhook 'xwem-wmclass-change-hooks))
+       ((= atom-id (X-Atom-id XA-wm-command))
+	(setf (xwem-hints-wm-command (xwem-cl-hints cl))
+	      (if (= state X-PropertyNewValue)
+		  (XGetWMCommand (xwem-dpy) win)
+		nil))
+	(setq rhook 'xwem-wmcommand-chage-hooks))
+       ((= atom-id (X-Atom-id XA-wm-name))
+	(setf (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints cl))
+	      (if (= state X-PropertyNewValue)
+		  (XGetWMName (xwem-dpy) win)
+		nil))
+	(setq rhook 'xwem-wmname-change-hooks))
+       (t (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "PropertyNotify: Atom-id = %d\n" 'atom-id)))
+      (when rhook
+	(run-hook-with-args rhook cl)))
+    nil))
+(defun xwem-ev-reresize (xdpy win xev)
+  "On display XDPY handler ResizeRequest for WIN."
+  (X-Dpy-log xdpy "XWEM-EVENTS: ResizeRequest: win=%S, width=%S, height=%S\n"
+	     '(X-Win-id (X-Event-xresizerequest-window xev)) '(X-Event-xresizerequest-width xev)
+	     '(X-Event-xresizerequest-height xev))
+  )
+;;; Unusesd events
+(defun xwem-ev-focusin (xdpy win xev)
+  "Handle FocusIn event."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "FocusIn event: win=%s mode=%s\n" '(X-Win-id win) '(X-Event-xfocus-mode xev))
+  )
+(defun xwem-ev-focusout (xdpy win xev)
+  "Handle FocusOut event."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "FocusOut event: win=%s mode=%s\n" '(X-Win-id win) '(X-Event-xfocus-mode xev))
+  )
+(defun xwem-ev-config (xdpy win xev)
+  "ConfigureNotify handler."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "ConfigureNotify event handled for win=%s\n" '(X-Win-id win))
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-ev-map (xdpy win xev)
+  "MapNotify handler."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "MapNotify event handled for win=%s\n" '(X-Win-id win))
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-ev-unmap (xdpy win xev)
+  "UnmapNotify handler."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "UnmapNotify event handled for win=%s\n" '(X-Win-id win))
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-ev-create (xdpy win xev)
+  "CreateNotify handler."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "CreateNotify event handled for win=%s\n" '(X-Win-id win))
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-ev-enter (xdpy win xev)
+  "EnterNotify handler."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "EnterNotify event handled for win=%s\n" '(X-Win-id win))
+  (let ((cl (xwem-find-client win)))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "ev-enter: win-id=%f\n" '(X-Win-id win))
+    (when cl
+      (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "CL founded\n"))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-ev-expose (xdpy win xev)
+  "ExposureNotify handler."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "ExposureNotify event handled for win=%s\n" '(X-Win-id win))
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-init-events ()
+  "Init part rot events. Installs events dispatcher on `xwem-dpy'."
+;  (X-Dpy-EventHandler-add (xwem-dpy) 'xwem-ev-defhnd 100)
+  )
+(defun xwem-fini-events ()
+  )
+(provide 'xwem-events)
+;;; xwem-events.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-faces.el b/lisp/xwem-faces.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWZhY2VzLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-faces.el
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+;;; xwem-faces.el --- XWEM can handle Emacs faces.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Mon Dec 29 12:04:19 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Faces support.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cus-face)			; for `custom-face-get-spec'
+(defgroup xwem-faces nil
+  "*Group to customize faces used by XWEM."
+  :prefix "xwem-face-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defface xwem-face-white
+  `((t (:foreground "white" :background "black")))
+  "White color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-black
+  `((t (:foreground "black" :background "black")))
+  "Black color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-red
+  `((t (:foreground "red" :background "black")))
+  "Red color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-green
+  `((t (:foreground "green" :background "black")))
+  "Green color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-blue
+  `((t (:foreground "blue" :background "black")))
+  "Blue color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-yellow
+  `((t (:foreground "yellow" :background "black")))
+  "Yellow color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-cyan
+  `((t (:foreground "cyan" :background "black")))
+  "Cyan color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-magenta
+  `((t (:foreground "magenta" :background "black")))
+  "Magenta color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-darkgray
+  `((t (:foreground "gray20" :background "black")))
+  "DarkGray color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-lightgray
+  `((t (:foreground "gray80" :background "black")))
+  "LightGray color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-gray
+  `((t (:foreground "gray50" :background "black")))
+  "Gray color face."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-outline1
+  `((t (:foreground "red" :background "black")))
+  "Face used to outline something."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-outline2
+  `((t (:foreground "blue" :background "black")))
+  "Face used to outline something."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-outline3
+  `((t (:foreground "cyan" :background "black")))
+  "Face used to outline something."
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-eface-to-gc (xdpy face &optional d)
+  "On display XDPY convert Emacs FACE to X graphical context.
+Drawable D.
+TOOD: - maybe add support for domains?."
+  (let* ((cmap (XDefaultColormap xdpy))
+	 (fgcol (xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector-safe (face-foreground-name face) [0 0 0]))
+	 (bgcol (xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector-safe (face-background-name face) [0 0 0]))
+	 (gc (XCreateGC
+	      xdpy (or (and (X-Drawable-p d) d)
+		       (XDefaultRootWindow xdpy))
+	      (make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+			 :line-style (xwem-face-tag face :line-style)
+			 :line-width (xwem-face-tag face :line-width)
+			 :cap-style (xwem-face-tag face :cap-style)
+			 :join-style (xwem-face-tag face :join-style)
+			 :function (xwem-face-tag face :function)
+			 :subwindow-mode (xwem-face-tag face :subwindow-mode)
+			 :graphics-exposures (xwem-face-tag face :graphics-exposures)
+			 :foreground (XAllocColor xdpy cmap
+						  (make-X-Color :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+								:cmap cmap
+								:red (aref fgcol 0)
+								:green (aref fgcol 1)
+								:blue (aref fgcol 2)))
+			 :background (XAllocColor xdpy cmap
+						  (make-X-Color :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+								:cmap cmap
+								:red (aref bgcol 0)
+								:green (aref bgcol 1)
+								:blue (aref bgcol 2)))
+			 :font (X-Font-get xdpy (face-font-name face))))))
+    (put face 'xwem-face-gc gc)
+    gc))
+(defun xwem-init-faces ()
+  "Initialize faces."
+  (xwem-message 'info "Initializing faces ...")
+  ;; NOTE:
+  ;;  - Faces initialization now dynamic.
+  )
+(defun xwem-face-tag (face tag)
+  "Get FACE's TAG value.
+For example \\(xwem-face-tag 'xwem-face-win-selected :line-width\\)."
+  (let ((spec (custom-face-get-spec face)))
+    (while (and spec
+		(not (eq (car (car spec)) t)))
+      (setq spec (cdr spec)))
+    (when (car spec)
+      (plist-get (cadr (car spec)) tag))))
+(defun xwem-face-get-gc (name &optional xdpy d)
+  "Return X-Gc with NAME.
+Name can be symbol or string."
+  (let ((gc (get name 'xwem-face-gc)))
+    (unless (X-Gc-p gc)
+      (xwem-eface-to-gc (or xdpy (xwem-dpy)) name d)
+      (setq gc (get name 'xwem-face-gc)))
+    gc))
+(defun xwem-face-set-foreground (face fg)
+  "Set FACE's foreground color to FG."
+  (set-face-foreground face fg)
+  (let ((xdpy (xwem-dpy))
+	(gc (xwem-face-get-gc face))
+	(fgcol (xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector-safe (face-foreground-name face) [0 0 0])))
+    (setf (X-Gc-foreground (XAllocColor xdpy (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+					(make-X-Color :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+						      :cmap (XDefaultColormap xdpy)
+						      :red (aref fgcol 0)
+						      :green (aref fgcol 1)
+						      :blue (aref fgcol 2)))))
+    (XChangeGC xdpy gc)))
+(provide 'xwem-faces)
+;;; xwem-faces.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-focus.el b/lisp/xwem-focus.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWZvY3VzLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-focus.el
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+;;; xwem-focus.el --- Controling focus under XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Fri Dec 19 13:25:30 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Various focus operations.
+;;; Code:
+(defvar xwem-focus-stack nil
+  "Last thing that has focus.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defun xwem-focus-xcurrent ()
+  "Return current focus."
+  (let ((cf (XGetInputFocus (xwem-dpy))))
+    cf))
+(defun xwem-focus-push (&optional xwin)
+  "Push current focus or XWIN to `xwem-focus-stack'."
+  (push (or xwin (xwem-focus-xcurrent)) xwem-focus-stack))
+(defun xwem-focus-pop ()
+  "Pop value from `xwem-focus-stack'."
+  (pop xwem-focus-stack))
+(defun xwem-focus-push-set (xwin)
+  "Push current focus to `xwem-focus-stack' and set focus to XWIN."
+  (xwem-focus-push)
+  (XSetInputFocus (X-Win-dpy xwin) xwin X-RevertToParent))
+(defun xwem-focus-pop-set ()
+  "Pop from `xwem-focus-stack' and set focus."
+  (let ((xwin (xwem-focus-pop)))
+    (when (X-Win-p xwin)
+      (XSetInputFocus (X-Win-dpy xwin) xwin X-RevertToParent))))
+(defun xwem-focus-set (thing)
+  "Set input focus to THING.
+THING is one of X-Win, xwem-frame, or xwem-client."
+  (cond ((or (X-Win-p thing) (numberp thing)) ; X11 window
+	 (xwem-focus-push-set thing))
+	;; xwem client
+	((xwem-cl-p thing)
+	 (xwem-focus-set (xwem-cl-xwin thing))
+	 (when (XWMProtocol-set-p (xwem-dpy)
+		 (xwem-hints-wm-protocols (xwem-cl-hints thing))
+	   (xwem-client-sendmsg-atom thing
+             (X-Atom-find-by-name (xwem-dpy) "WM_TAKE_FOCUS"))))
+	;; xwem window
+	((xwem-win-p thing)
+	 (xwem-focus-set (xwem-win-frame thing)))
+	;; xwem-frame
+	((xwem-frame-p thing)
+	 (let* ((cl (xwem-win-cl (xwem-frame-selwin thing)))
+		(embf (and (xwem-cl-p cl)
+			   (xwem-frame-find 'xwin (xwem-cl-xwin cl))))) ; maybe cl is embedded frame
+	   (if (xwem-frame-p embf)
+	       ;; embedded frame
+	       (xwem-focus-set embf)
+	     (if (xwem-cl-p cl)
+		 ;; Current client active
+		 (xwem-focus-set cl)
+	       (xwem-focus-set (xwem-frame-xwin thing))))))
+	;; Normally should not happen
+	(t (xwem-message 'warn "Strange thing to focus: %S" thing))))
+(defmacro xwem-focus-excursion (xwin &rest forms)
+  "Do FORMS, saving current input focus and under XWIN focus."
+  `(prog2
+     (xwem-focus-push-set xwin)
+     ,@forms
+     (xwem-focus-pop-set)))
+;;; Focus modes support
+(defcustom xwem-default-focus-mode 'generic
+  "*Default CL's focus mode."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Generic mode" generic)
+		 (const :tag "Click to focus" click-focus)
+		 (const :tag "Follow mouse" follow-mouse))
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defvar xwem-focus-modes nil
+  "Alist of focus modes, car is mode name, cdr is function.")
+(defun xwem-focus-mode-define (name fun)
+  "Define new focus mode named by NAME.
+FUN specifies function to call when focus changes."
+  (add-to-list 'xwem-focus-modes (cons name fun))
+  (put name 'xwem-focus-mode fun))
+(defun xwem-focus-mode-invoke (cl &rest args)
+  "Invoke CL's focus mode function with ARGS."
+  (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+    (let* ((mode (xwem-cl-get-prop cl 'xwem-focus-mode))
+	   (fun (get mode 'xwem-focus-mode)))
+      (when fun
+	(apply fun cl args)))))
+(defun xwem-focus-mode-set (cl mode)
+  "For CL window set focus mode to MODE."
+  (unless (eq (xwem-cl-get-prop cl 'xwem-focus-mode) mode)
+    (xwem-focus-mode-invoke cl 'before-mode-change)
+    (xwem-cl-put-prop cl 'xwem-focus-mode mode)
+    (xwem-focus-mode-invoke cl 'after-mode-change)))
+;; Some built-in focus modes
+(xwem-focus-mode-define 'generic
+  (lambda (cl action &optional xev)
+    nil))
+(xwem-focus-mode-define 'follow-mouse
+  (lambda (cl action &optional xev)
+    (cond ((and (eq action 'enter)
+		(eq (X-Event-xcrossing-mode xev) X-NotifyNormal))
+	   (xwem-cl-pop-to-client cl))
+	  )))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-focus-click-on ()
+  "Command used by `click-focus' focus mode."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (let* ((xev xwem-last-xevent)
+	 (cl (xwem-find-client (X-Event-win xev))))
+    (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+      (xwem-cl-pop-to-client cl))))
+(xwem-focus-mode-define 'click-focus
+  (lambda (cl action &optional xev)
+    (cond ((and (eq action 'focus-in)
+		(or (eq (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) X-NotifyNormal)
+		    (eq (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) X-NotifyWhileGrabbed)))
+	   ;; Remove button1 from local keymap and ungrab it
+	   (xwem-message 'info "focus in"))
+	  ((and (eq action 'focus-out)
+		(or (eq (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) X-NotifyNormal)
+		    (eq (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) X-NotifyWhileGrabbed)))
+	   ;; Add button1 to local keymap and grab for it
+	   (xwem-local-set-key [button1] 'xwem-focus-click-on cl)
+	   (xwem-message 'info "focus out"))
+	  ((eq action 'before-mode-change)
+	   ;; Remove button1 from local keymap and ungrab it
+	   )
+	  )))
+(put 'xwem-focus-mode-define 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(provide 'xwem-focus)
+;;; xwem-focus.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-frame.el b/lisp/xwem-frame.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWZyYW1lLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-frame.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1383 @@
+;;; xwem-frame.el -- Frames ops for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary
+;; This file contain operations on XWEM frames.
+;;; Code
+(autoload 'X-XIneramaQueryScreens "xlib-xinerama")
+;;; Variables
+(defgroup xwem-frame nil
+  "Group to customize xwem frames."
+  :prefix "xwem-frame-"
+  :prefix "xwem-face-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-frame-background "gray60"
+  "*Frame background color."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-frame)
+(defcustom xwem-frame-cursor-shape 'X-XC-left_ptr
+  "*Cursors shape which will be used when pointer is over xwem frame."
+  :type (xwem-cursor-shape-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-frame)
+(defcustom xwem-frame-cursor-foreground-color "#002800"
+  "*Cursor's foreground color used when pointer is on xwem's frame."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-frame)
+(defcustom xwem-frame-cursor-background-color "#000000"
+  "*Cursor's background color used when pointer is on xwem's frame."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-frame)
+(defcustom xwem-frame-defprops
+  (list 'inner-border-width 0		;internal border of xwem's frame
+	'otter-border-width 0		;
+	'title-height 17		; TODO: maybe create 'auto to fit font height?
+	'title-thickness 2		;
+	)
+  "*Default PLIST for frame"
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (valid-plist-p))
+  :group 'xwem-frame)
+(defface xwem-face-frame-selected-win-selected
+  `((t (:foreground "green" :background "green4" :line-width 3)))
+  "Face to outline selected window in selected frame."
+  :group 'xwem-frame
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-frame-selected-win-nonselected
+  `((t (:foreground "blue4" :background "blue4" :line-style X-LineDoubleDash)))
+  "Face to outline nonselected window in selected frame."
+  :group 'xwem-frame
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-frame-nonselected-win-selected
+  `((t (:foreground "green4" :background "green4" :line-width 2)))
+  "Face to outline selected window in nonselected frame."
+  :group 'xwem-frame
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-frame-nonselected-win-nonselected
+  `((t (:foreground "blue4" :background "blue" :line-style X-LineDoubleDash)))
+  "Face to outline nonselected window in nonselected frame."
+  :group 'xwem-frame
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-win-delimeter
+  `((t (:foreground "gray80" :background "black")))
+  "Face to draw window delimeter."
+  :group 'xwem-frame
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-win-delimeter-shadow
+  `((t (:foreground "gray50" :background "black")))
+  "Face to draw shadow of window delimeter."
+  :group 'xwem-frame
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defcustom xwem-frame-rolling-switch t
+  "*Non-nil mean that \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-frame-next] and
+\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-frame-previous] will always switch, even if
+there no next or previous frame."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-frame)
+(defcustom xwem-frame-switch-hook nil
+  "Hooks to be called when frame switching occurs (i.e. `xwem-current-frame' changes).
+ Function will receive two arguments OLD-FRAME and NEW-FRAME."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+;; Variables
+(defconst xwem-frame-ev-mask (Xmask-or XM-Exposure
+				       XM-StructureNotify
+				       XM-SubstructureRedirect
+				       XM-SubstructureNotify
+				       XM-EnterWindow XM-LeaveWindow
+				       XM-KeyPress XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease
+				       XM-FocusChange
+				       XM-ResizeRedirect)
+  "Events mask for xwem's frame.")
+(defvar xwem-frame-keymap
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map [button1] 'xwem-frame-on-delim-resize)
+    (define-key map [button3] 'xwem-frame-on-delim-menu)
+    (set-keymap-parent map xwem-global-map)
+    map)
+  "Keymap used in frames.")
+(defvar xwem-frame-cursor nil "Cursor used for xwem frame.")
+(defvar xwem-frames-list nil "All frames xwem owns.")
+(defvar xwem-current-frame nil "Current frame.")
+(defstruct (xwem-frame (:predicate xwem-isframe-p))
+  (name "default")                      ; frame name
+  xgeom					; frame geometry
+  xwin					; X window 
+  rootwin				; XWEM's root window for frame
+  selwin				; XWEM's selected window
+  link-next				; Link to next xwem's frame in linkage
+  link-prev				; Link to prev xwem's frame in linkage
+  embedded-p				; Non-nil when frame is embedded
+  state					; 'mapped, 'unmapped, 'destroyed
+  tabber				; xwem-tabber
+  props)				; Properties list
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-frame-p (frame &optional sig)
+  "Return t if FRAME is XWEM frame."
+  (let ((isfr (xwem-isframe-p frame)))
+    (if (and sig (not isfr) )
+	(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list sig 'xwem-frame-p frame))
+      isfr)))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-x (frame)
+  `(X-Geom-x (xwem-frame-xgeom ,frame)))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-y (frame)
+  `(X-Geom-y (xwem-frame-xgeom ,frame)))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-width (frame)
+  `(X-Geom-width (xwem-frame-xgeom ,frame)))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-height (frame)
+  `(X-Geom-height (xwem-frame-xgeom ,frame)))
+(defsetf xwem-frame-x (frame) (x)
+  `(setf (X-Geom-x (xwem-frame-xgeom ,frame)) ,x))
+(defsetf xwem-frame-y (frame) (y)
+  `(setf (X-Geom-y (xwem-frame-xgeom ,frame)) ,y))
+(defsetf xwem-frame-width (frame) (width)
+  `(let ((tabber (xwem-frame-tabber ,frame)))
+     (when (xwem-tabber-p tabber)
+       (setf (X-Geom-width (xwem-tabber-xgeom tabber)) ,width))
+     (setf (X-Geom-width (xwem-frame-xgeom ,frame)) ,width)))
+(defsetf xwem-frame-height (frame) (height)
+  `(setf (X-Geom-height (xwem-frame-xgeom ,frame)) ,height))
+(defsubst xwem-frame-alive-p (frame)
+  "Return non-nil if FRAME is alive XWEM frame, i.e. which is in `xwem-frames-list'."
+  (member frame xwem-frames-list))
+(defsubst xwem-frame-mapped-p (frame)
+  "Return non-nil if xwem FRAME is mapped."
+  (and (xwem-frame-p frame)
+       (eq (xwem-frame-state frame) 'mapped)))
+(defun xwem-frame-unmap (frame)
+  "Unmap frame FRAME."
+  (when (xwem-frame-mapped-p frame)
+    (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame) 0)
+    (XUnmapWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+    (setf (xwem-frame-state frame) 'unmapped)))
+(defun xwem-frame-map (frame)
+  "Map frame FRAME."
+  (unless (xwem-frame-mapped-p frame)
+    (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame) xwem-frame-ev-mask)
+    (XMapWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+    (setf (xwem-frame-state frame) 'mapped)))
+(defun xwem-frame-selected ()
+  "Return selected frame."
+  xwem-current-frame)
+(defun xwem-frame-selected-p (frame)
+  "Return non-nil if FRAME is selected."
+  (eq frame (xwem-frame-selected)))
+(defun xwem-frame-embedded-for-frame (frame)
+  "Return XWEM frame for which FRAME is embedded."
+  (let* ((cl (and (xwem-frame-p frame)
+		  (xwem-find-client (xwem-frame-xwin frame))))
+	 (rv (and (xwem-cl-p cl)
+		  (xwem-cl-frame cl))))
+    rv))
+(defun xwem-frame-embedded-pop (frame)
+  "Pop embedded FRAME, see also `xwem-cl-pop-to-client'."
+  (let* ((cl (xwem-find-client (xwem-frame-xwin frame)))
+	 (clfr (and (xwem-cl-p cl) (xwem-cl-frame cl)))
+	 (clw (and (xwem-cl-p cl) (xwem-cl-win cl))))
+    (when (null clfr)
+      (setq clfr (xwem-frame-selected)))
+    (when (null clw)
+      (setq clw (xwem-win-selected)))
+    ;; Raise frame in which we are embedded.
+    (when (not (xwem-frame-selected-p clfr))
+      (if (xwem-frame-embedded-p clfr)
+	  (xwem-frame-embedded-pop clfr)
+	(xwem-frame-raise clfr)))
+    (when (not (xwem-win-selected-p clw))
+      (xwem-window-select clw))
+    (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'manage cl clw)))
+(defun xwem-frame-select (frame &optional dnr-hooks)
+  "Set FRAME as selected frame.
+If DNR-HOOKS is non-nil, than do not run hooks."
+  ;; If FRAME is embedded frame we should raise frame in whose
+  ;; window FRAME is embedded.
+  (when (xwem-frame-embedded-p frame)
+    (xwem-frame-embedded-pop frame))
+  (let ((ofr (xwem-frame-selected))
+	(nfr frame))
+    (setq xwem-current-frame frame)
+    ;; Now raise and set input focus to FRAME
+    (xwem-frame-raise nfr)
+    (xwem-focus-set frame)
+    (when (not dnr-hooks)
+      (run-hook-with-args 'xwem-frame-switch-hook ofr nfr))))
+(defun xwem-frame-select-defhook (ofr nfr)
+  "Default hook for `xwem-frame-switch-hook'.
+  ;; Here is OFR may be invisible, but we redraw it in case it is
+  ;; visible.
+  (X-Dpy-send-excursion (xwem-dpy)
+    (when (and (xwem-frame-p ofr)
+	       (xwem-frame-alive-p ofr))
+      (xwem-tabber-draw (xwem-frame-tabber ofr))
+      (xwem-frame-redraw ofr))
+    (when (and (xwem-frame-p nfr)
+	       (xwem-frame-alive-p nfr))
+      (xwem-tabber-draw (xwem-frame-tabber nfr))
+      (xwem-frame-redraw nfr))
+    nil))				; continue hooks processing
+(defun xwem-make-frame-1 (&optional embedded-p params props non-select)
+  "Create new frame with optional frame properties PROPS.
+If EMBEDDED-p is non-nil than create embedded frame.
+If NON-SELECT is non-nil then do not select newly created frame to be
+  (let* ((fplist (copy-sequence xwem-frame-defprops))
+	 (frame (apply 'make-xwem-frame params)))
+    (setf (xwem-frame-embedded-p frame) embedded-p)
+    ;; setup properties
+    (while props
+      (setq fplist (plist-put fplist (car props) (cadr props)))
+      (setq props (cddr props)))
+    (setf (xwem-frame-props frame) fplist)
+    (unless (xwem-frame-xgeom frame)
+      (setf (xwem-frame-xgeom frame) (make-X-Geom)))
+    (unless (xwem-frame-x frame)
+      (setf (xwem-frame-x frame) 0))
+    (unless (xwem-frame-y frame)
+      (setf (xwem-frame-y frame) 0))
+    (unless (xwem-frame-width frame)
+      (setf (xwem-frame-width frame) (X-Geom-width (xwem-rootgeom))))
+    (unless (xwem-frame-height frame)
+      (setf (xwem-frame-height frame)
+	    (- (X-Geom-height (xwem-rootgeom))
+	       (if (X-Geom-p (xwem-minib-xgeom xwem-minibuffer))
+		   (X-Geom-height (xwem-minib-xgeom xwem-minibuffer))
+		 0))))
+    ;; We should not process events before frame's window events
+    ;; handler installed
+    (setf (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+	  (XCreateWindow
+	   (xwem-dpy) nil
+	   (xwem-frame-x frame)
+	   (xwem-frame-y frame)
+	   (xwem-frame-width frame)
+	   (xwem-frame-height frame)
+	   (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'inner-border-width)
+	   nil				;DefaultDepth
+	   nil				;CopyFromParent
+	   nil				;CopyFromParent
+	   (make-X-Attr :override-redirect 0
+			:background-pixel (XAllocNamedColor
+					   (xwem-dpy) (XDefaultColormap (xwem-dpy))
+					   xwem-frame-background
+					   (make-X-Color :dpy (xwem-dpy)))
+			:border-pixel (XBlackPixel (xwem-dpy))
+			:cursor xwem-frame-cursor
+			:event-mask xwem-frame-ev-mask)))
+    ;; Create tabber
+    (setf (xwem-frame-tabber frame)
+	  (xwem-tabber-create frame (make-X-Geom :x 0 :y 0 :width (xwem-frame-width frame)
+						 :height (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'title-height))
+			      'unknown))
+    (let ((fwin (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+	  parwin)
+      (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new fwin 'xwem-frame-events-handler 200)
+      (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new fwin 'xwem-ev-reconfig 90 (list X-ConfigureRequest))
+      ;; XXX XXX XXX Setup various hints
+      (XSetWMClass (xwem-dpy) fwin
+		   '("xwem-frame" "xwem-frame"))
+      (XSetWMName (xwem-dpy) fwin
+		  (format "xwem-frame[%d]" (length xwem-frames-list)))
+      ;; Initialize root window
+      (setq parwin (xwem-win-new (list :frame frame) nil))
+      (setf (xwem-win-x parwin)
+	    (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'otter-border-width))
+      (setf (xwem-win-y parwin)
+	    (+ (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'title-height)
+	       (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'otter-border-width)))
+      (setf (xwem-win-width parwin)
+	    (- (xwem-frame-width frame)
+	       (* 2 (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'otter-border-width))))
+      (setf (xwem-win-height parwin)
+	    (- (xwem-frame-height frame)
+	       (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'title-height)
+	       (* 2 (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'otter-border-width))))
+      (setf (xwem-frame-selwin frame) parwin)
+      (setf (xwem-frame-rootwin frame) parwin)
+      ;; Add to the end of frames list
+      (if xwem-frames-list
+	  (setcdr (last xwem-frames-list) (list frame))
+	(setq xwem-frames-list (list frame)))
+      ;; Handle as client, i.e. make frame to be embedded
+      (when embedded-p
+	(xwem-make-client (xwem-frame-xwin frame) nil))
+      ;; Finally map and maybe select newly created frame
+      (xwem-frame-map frame)
+      ;; TODO:
+      ;;   Actually here we should wait for an Expose event, according to
+      ;;   some standard.
+;      (unless embedded-p
+;	;; Not for embedded frames
+;	(XIfEvent (xwem-dpy)
+;		  (lambda (xev)
+;		    (and (= (X-Event-type xev) X-Expose)
+;			 (= (X-Win-id (X-Event-win xev)) (X-Win-id fwin))))))
+      ;; Install grabbing
+      (unless embedded-p
+	(xwem-kbd-install-grab xwem-global-map fwin))
+      (unless non-select
+	(xwem-frame-select frame))
+      ;; Now draw frames contents.
+;      (unless embedded-p
+;	(xwem-frame-draw frame nil))
+      )
+    frame))
+(defun xwem-frame-track-wmname-change (cl)
+  "Called when WM_NAME of CL changes.
+Used in `xwem-wmname-change-hooks'."
+  (let ((new-name (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+	frame win)
+  (unless (string= (xwem-cl-saved-name cl) new-name)
+    (setf (xwem-cl-saved-name cl) new-name)
+    (setq frame (xwem-frame-find 'cl cl))
+    (when (xwem-frame-p frame)
+      (setq win (xwem-cl-win cl))
+      (when (and (xwem-win-p win)
+		 (xwem-win-selected-p win (xwem-win-frame win)))
+	(xwem-tab-item-draw-format (xwem-cl-tabitem cl)))))))
+(defun xwem-init-frame-at-rect (xrect)
+  "Create frame to fit in XRECT rectangle."
+  (let ((xmrect (make-X-Rect :x 0 :y 0 :width (X-Geom-width (xwem-rootgeom))
+			     :height
+			     (if (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)
+				 (frame-pixel-height (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer))
+			       0))))
+    (when (X-Rect-intersect-p xmrect xrect)
+      ;; Take into account this intersection
+      (setf (X-Rect-height xrect)
+	    (- (X-Rect-height xrect)
+	       (X-Rect-height xmrect))))
+    (xwem-make-frame-1 nil (list :xgeom (X-Rect-to-X-Geom xrect)) nil t)))
+(defun xwem-frame-adjust-geom (frame new-rect)
+  "Adjust FRAME geom according to NEW-RECT and xwem-minibuffer geom."
+  (let ((mrect (X-Geom-to-X-Rect (xwem-minib-xgeom xwem-minibuffer)))
+	ngeom)
+    (when (X-Rect-intersect-p new-rect mrect)
+      (setf (X-Rect-height new-rect)
+	    (- (X-Rect-height new-rect)
+	       (X-Rect-height mrect))))
+    (setq ngeom (X-Rect-to-X-Geom new-rect))
+    (setf (X-Geom-border-width ngeom)
+	  (X-Geom-border-width (xwem-frame-xgeom frame)))
+    (setf (xwem-frame-xgeom frame) ngeom)))
+(defun xwem-init-frames ()
+  "xwem frames initializer."
+  (xwem-message 'msg "Initializing frames ... wait")
+  (setq xwem-frames-list nil)
+  (setq xwem-current-frame nil)
+  ;; Create cursor used while pointer is over xwem frame
+  (setq  xwem-frame-cursor (xwem-make-cursor (eval xwem-frame-cursor-shape)
+					     xwem-frame-cursor-foreground-color
+					     xwem-frame-cursor-background-color))
+  ;; Initialize tabbing stuff
+  (xwem-init-tabber)
+  ;; Add WM_XXX trackers
+  (add-hook 'xwem-wmname-change-hooks 'xwem-frame-track-wmname-change)
+  ;; Xinerama stuff
+  (let ((xin (X-XIneramaQueryScreens (xwem-dpy))))
+    (if (car xin)
+	;; XInerama enabled
+	(while (setq xin (cdr xin))
+	  (xwem-init-frame-at-rect (car xin)))
+;      (xwem-init-frame-at-rect (make-X-Rect :x 300 :y 300 :width 200 :height 200))))
+      (xwem-init-frame-at-rect (X-Geom-to-X-Rect (xwem-rootgeom)))))
+  ;; Select very first frame
+  (xwem-frame-select (car xwem-frames-list))
+  )
+(defun xwem-fini-frames ()
+  "Finialize frames."
+  (mapc (lambda (frame)
+	  (xwem-frame-destroy frame))
+	xwem-frames-list))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-make-frame (arg)
+  "Create new XWEM frame.
+If ARG is non-nil then create embedded frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (xwem-make-frame-1 arg))
+(defun xwem-frame-cl (frame)
+  "Return currently active xwem client in FRAME."
+  (xwem-win-cl (xwem-frame-selwin frame)))
+(defun xwem-find-frame (win)
+  ;;XXX rewrite me
+  (let ((flist xwem-frames-list)
+	(rf nil))
+    (while flist
+      (if (= (X-Win-id win)
+	     (X-Win-id (xwem-frame-xwin (car flist))))
+	  (progn
+	    (setq rf (car flist))
+	    (setq flist nil))
+	(setq flist (cdr flist))))
+    rf))
+(defun xwem-frame-find (how arg)
+  "Find frame by ARG. HOW is search type, one of 'xwin 'win 'cl."
+  (let ((flist xwem-frames-list)
+	(rf nil))
+    (while flist
+      (if (cond ((and (eq how 'xwin)
+		      (X-Win-p arg)
+		      (= (X-Win-id arg) (X-Win-id (xwem-frame-xwin (car flist)))))
+		 t)
+		((and (eq how 'win)
+		      (eq (xwem-win-frame arg) (car flist)))
+		 t)
+		((and (eq how 'cl)
+		      (eq (xwem-cl-frame arg) (car flist)))
+		 t)
+		(t nil))
+	  (progn
+	    (setq rf (car flist))
+	    (setq flist nil))
+	(setq flist (cdr flist))))
+    rf))
+(defun xwem-frame-other-frame (frame)
+  "Return other frame for FRAME.
+NOTE: not yet implemented"
+  ;; Try linkage, and then try closest frame
+  (let ((oframe (xwem-frame-link-next frame)))
+    (unless (xwem-frame-p oframe)
+      (setq oframe (xwem-frame-link-prev frame)))
+    (unless (xwem-frame-p oframe)
+      (setq oframe (nth 0 xwem-frames-list)))
+    oframe))
+(defun xwem-frame-other (frame &optional type)
+  "Same as `xwem-frame-other-frame', but return nil, if no good other frame found.
+TYPE is ane of 'any, 'linkage"
+  (unless type
+    (setq type 'any))
+  ;; First try linkaged frames
+  (let ((allframes xwem-frames-list)
+	(oframe (xwem-frame-link-next frame)))
+    (unless (xwem-frame-mapped-p oframe)
+      (setq oframe (xwem-frame-link-prev frame)))
+    ;; Now try parent in case when FRAME is embedded frame.
+    (unless (xwem-frame-mapped-p oframe)
+      (when (xwem-frame-embedded-p frame)
+	(let ((cl (xwem-find-client (xwem-frame-xwin frame))))
+	  (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+	    (setq oframe (xwem-cl-frame cl))))))
+    (when (and (not (xwem-frame-mapped-p oframe))
+	       (eq type 'any))
+      ;; Scan frames list only for 'any TYPE
+      (while (and allframes (not (xwem-frame-mapped-p oframe)))
+	(when (and (xwem-frame-mapped-p (car allframes))
+		   (not (eq frame (car allframes))))
+	  (setq oframe (car allframes))
+	  (setq allframes nil))
+	(setq allframes (cdr allframes))))
+    oframe))
+(defun xwem-frame-num (frame)
+  "Return FRAME index in `xwem-frames-list'."
+  (xwem-frame-p frame 'xwem-frame-num)
+  (let ((fl xwem-frames-list)
+	(num 0))
+    (while fl
+      (if (eq frame (car fl))
+	  (setq fl nil)
+	(setq num (+ 1 num))
+	(setq fl (cdr fl))))
+  num))
+(defun xwem-frame-xy-in-p (x y frame)
+  "Return non-nil if point at X Y is in FRAME."
+  (and (>= x (xwem-frame-x frame))
+       (<= x (+ (xwem-frame-x frame) (xwem-frame-width frame)))
+       (>= y (xwem-frame-y frame))
+       (<= y (+ (xwem-frame-y frame) (xwem-frame-width frame)))))
+(defun xwem-frame-at (x y)
+  "Return frame which contain point at X Y."
+  (let ((fl xwem-frames-list))
+    (while (and fl (not (xwem-frame-xy-in-p x y (car fl))))
+      (setq fl (cdr fl)))
+    (car fl)))
+(defun xwem-frame-set-pos (frame new-x new-y)
+  "Set FRAME position at NEW-X and NEW-Y."
+  (setf (xwem-frame-x frame) new-x)
+  (setf (xwem-frame-y frame) new-y)
+  (XMoveWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame) new-x new-y))
+(defun xwem-frame-set-size (frame new-width new-height)
+  "Resize FRAME to NEW-WIDTH and NEW-HEIGHT."
+  (setf (xwem-frame-width frame) new-width)
+  (setf (xwem-frame-height frame) new-height)
+  (xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frame)
+			   (xwem-frame-width frame) t nil)
+  (xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frame)
+			   (- (xwem-frame-height frame)
+			      (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'title-height)) t t)
+  (XResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame) new-width new-height)
+  ;; Also resize tabber
+  (XResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-tabber-xwin (xwem-frame-tabber frame))
+		 (xwem-frame-width frame)
+		 (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'title-height))
+  (xwem-tabber-safe-regeom (xwem-frame-tabber frame) t)
+  )
+;;; Frame Events handling
+(defvar xwem-frame-exposes-counter 0 "xwem-frame exposes counter.")
+(defun xwem-frame-hexpose (frame xev)
+  "Expose event handler."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "xwem-frame-expose: Exposure event count: %S\n"
+	     '(X-Event-xexpose-count xev))
+  (let ((cnt (X-Event-xexpose-count xev))) ; exposures counter
+    (if (> xwem-frame-exposes-counter 0)
+	;; frame already exposed, and we flush other expose events
+	;; according to counter.
+	(setq xwem-frame-exposes-counter (1- xwem-frame-exposes-counter))
+      (setq xwem-frame-exposes-counter cnt)
+      ;; It may be case(when frame is not founded) when frame already
+      ;; removed from `xwem-frames-list' but window is not destroed yet.
+      (when (xwem-frame-p frame)
+	(xwem-frame-draw frame nil)))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-frame-hfocus-in (frame xev)
+  "FRAME received FocusIn x event XEV."
+  ;; TODO:
+  ;;   * More acurate FocusIn handiling
+  ;;   * Take in account embedded frames
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "!!!!!!!!!!!!!+++++++++!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  [%d]     FRAME FOCUS IN: mode=%S, detail=%S\n"
+	     '(xwem-frame-num frame)
+	     '(X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) '(X-Event-detail xev))
+  (when (and (member (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) (list X-NotifyNormal X-NotifyWhileGrabbed))
+	     (member (X-Event-detail xev) (list X-NotifyNonlinearVirtual X-NotifyNonlinear)))
+    ;; * Focus moves from client in other frame to client in FRAME.
+    ;; * Or Focus moves from normal frame to embedded frame
+    (xwem-tabber-draw (xwem-frame-tabber frame))
+    (xwem-frame-draw frame nil)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-frame-hfocus-out (frame xev)
+  "FocusOut event XEV."
+  ;;   * More acurate FocusOut handiling
+  ;;   * Take in account embedded frames
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "!!!!!!!!!!!!!----------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  [%d]     FRAME FOCUS OUT: mode=%S, detail=%S\n"
+	     '(xwem-frame-num frame)
+	     '(X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) '(X-Event-detail xev))
+  (when (and (member (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) (list X-NotifyNormal X-NotifyWhileGrabbed))
+	     (member (X-Event-detail xev) (list X-NotifyNonlinearVirtual X-NotifyNonlinear)))
+    ;; * Focus moves from client in FRAME to client in other frame.
+    ;; * Or Focus moves from embedded frame to normal frame.
+;    (when (eq frame (xwem-frame-selected))
+;      (setq xwem-current-frame nil))
+    (xwem-tabber-draw (xwem-frame-tabber frame))
+    (xwem-frame-draw frame nil)))
+(defun xwem-frame-hdestroy (frame xev)
+  "FRAME have got DestroyNotify event XEV."
+  (let ((oframe (xwem-frame-other frame 'any))) ; other frame
+    ;; Remove FRAME from linkage if any
+    (xwem-frame-link-remove frame)
+    ;; Now Remove FRAME from frame list
+    (setq xwem-frames-list (delete frame xwem-frames-list))
+    ;; If frame is not selected it mean that it was embedded
+    (when (xwem-frame-p oframe)
+      (xwem-frame-select oframe))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-frame-hconfigure (frame xev)
+  "FRAME just received ConfigureNotify event XEV."
+  (let ((owid (xwem-frame-width frame))
+	(ohei (xwem-frame-height frame))
+	(nwid (X-Event-xconfigure-width xev)) ;new width
+	(nhei (X-Event-xconfigure-height xev)) ;new height
+	rwwid rwhei)
+    (when (not (= owid nwid))
+      (setf (xwem-frame-width frame) nwid)
+      (setq rwwid nwid)
+      (xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frame) rwwid t nil))
+    (when (not (= ohei nhei))
+      (setf (xwem-frame-height frame) nhei)
+      (setq rwhei (- nhei (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'title-height)))
+      (xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frame) rwhei t t))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-frame-hcirculate (frame xev)
+  "Handle CirculateRequest."
+  )
+(defun xwem-frame-hkeybutton (frame xev)
+  "On FRAME handle KeyPress, ButtonPress or ButtonRelease event XEV."
+  (when (eq (xwem-kbd-current-map) xwem-global-map)
+    (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap xwem-frame-keymap))
+  (xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton xev))
+(defun xwem-frame-events-handler (xdpy win xev)
+  "Event handler for frame."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XWEM-FRAME-EVENTS-HANDLER: ev=%S, win=%S\n"
+	     '(X-Event-name xev) '(X-Win-id win))
+  (let ((frame (xwem-frame-find 'xwin win)))
+    (when (xwem-frame-mapped-p frame)
+      (X-Event-CASE xev
+	(:X-Expose
+	 (xwem-frame-hexpose frame xev))
+	(:X-FocusIn
+	 (xwem-frame-hfocus-in frame xev))
+	(:X-FocusOut
+	 (xwem-frame-hfocus-out frame xev))
+	(:X-DestroyNotify
+	 ;; Somebody kill us, or one of clients die
+	 (setq frame (xwem-frame-find 'xwin (X-Event-xdestroywindow-window xev)))
+	 (when (xwem-frame-p frame)
+	   (xwem-frame-hdestroy frame xev))
+	 )
+	(:X-ConfigureNotify
+	 ;; Seems that we are embedded frame
+	 (setq frame (xwem-frame-find 'xwin (X-Event-xconfigure-window xev)))
+	 (when (xwem-frame-p frame)
+	   (xwem-frame-hconfigure frame xev)))
+	((:X-KeyPress :X-ButtonPress :X-ButtonRelease)
+	 (xwem-frame-hkeybutton frame xev))
+        (:X-CirculateRequest
+         (xwem-frame-hcirculate frame xev))
+        ))))
+;;;; Frame Events handling ends here
+(defun xwem-frame-redraw (frame)
+  "Redraw FRAMEs windows outlines."
+  (let* ((sw-gc (xwem-face-get-gc
+                 (if (xwem-frame-selected-p frame)
+                     'xwem-face-frame-selected-win-nonselected
+                   'xwem-face-frame-nonselected-win-nonselected)))
+         (cw-gc (xwem-face-get-gc
+                 (if (xwem-frame-selected-p frame)
+                     'xwem-face-frame-selected-win-selected
+                   'xwem-face-frame-nonselected-win-selected))))
+    (xwem-win-map
+     (lambda (win)
+       (let* ((cgc (if (xwem-win-selected-p win frame) cw-gc sw-gc))
+              (hthi (X-Gc-line-width cgc)))
+         (unless (numberp hthi)
+	   (setq hthi 1))
+;	 (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "Get cgc=%s hthi=%d\n" 'cgc 'hthi)
+	 ;; XXX is Clearing window area is really needed?
+	 (XClearArea (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin (xwem-win-frame win))
+		     (+ (xwem-win-x win) hthi)
+		     (+ (xwem-win-y win) hthi)
+		     (- (xwem-win-width win) hthi)
+		     (- (xwem-win-height win) hthi)
+		     nil)
+	 (XDrawRectangle (xwem-dpy)
+			 (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+			 cgc
+			 (+ (xwem-win-x win) (/ hthi 2))
+			 (+ (xwem-win-y win) (/ hthi 2))
+			 (- (xwem-win-width win) hthi)
+			 (- (xwem-win-height win) hthi))))
+     (xwem-frame-selwin frame))
+    ;; Draw delimetrs (ARGUSED!)
+;    (xwem-win-draw-delims (xwem-frame-rootwin frame))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-frame-draw (frame full)
+  "Draw FRAME. If FULL is t then fully redraw it, i.e. ClearWindow first."
+  (let ((win (xwem-frame-xwin frame)))
+    (X-Dpy-send-excursion (xwem-dpy)
+      (when full
+	(XClearArea (xwem-dpy) win 0 0
+		    (xwem-frame-width frame)
+		    (xwem-frame-height frame) nil))
+      ;; Outile windows
+      (xwem-frame-redraw frame)
+      ;; Delims
+      (xwem-win-draw-delims (xwem-frame-rootwin frame))
+      )))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-lower (frame)
+  "Lower FRAME's window."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-frame-selected)))
+  (XLowerWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-raise (frame)
+  "Raise FRAME's window."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-frame-selected)))
+  (xwem-frame-map frame)
+  (XRaiseWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-next (arg)
+  "Switch to ARG next frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let ((frame (nth arg (member (xwem-frame-selected)
+                               xwem-frames-list))))
+    (when (and xwem-frame-rolling-switch
+              (not (xwem-frame-p frame)))
+      ;; Assume first frame if there no next
+      (setq frame (car xwem-frames-list)))
+    (if (xwem-frame-p frame)
+       (xwem-frame-select frame)
+      (xwem-message 'warn "Can't switch to `%S' frame" frame))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-previous (arg)
+  "Switch to ARG previous frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let ((frame (nth arg (member (xwem-frame-selected)
+                               (reverse xwem-frames-list)))))
+    (when (and xwem-frame-rolling-switch
+              (not (xwem-frame-p frame)))
+      ;; Assume last frame if there no previous
+      (setq frame (car (last xwem-frames-list))))
+    (if (xwem-frame-p frame)
+       (xwem-frame-select frame)
+      (xwem-message 'warn "Can't switch to `%S' frame" frame))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-switch-nth (arg)
+  "Switch xwem frame.
+If ARG is numeric prefix, then switch to ARG frame.
+If ARG ommited, 0 as ARG value will be used.
+If ARG is list and selected frame is embedded, than unembedd it."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (when (null arg)
+    (setq arg 0))
+  (if (numberp arg)
+      (let ((frame (nth (abs arg) xwem-frames-list)))
+	(if (xwem-frame-p frame)
+	    (xwem-frame-select frame)
+	  (xwem-message 'warn "No such %S frame." (abs arg))))
+    ;; TODO: unembed selected frame
+    (let ((frame (xwem-frame-selected)))
+      (when (xwem-frame-embedded-p frame)
+	(let* ((cl (xwem-find-client (xwem-frame-xwin frame)))
+	       (rtgeom (xwem-rootgeom))
+	       (nwi (X-Geom-width rtgeom))
+	       (nhe (X-Geom-height rtgeom)))
+	  (setf (xwem-frame-embedded-p frame) nil)
+	  (setq nhe (- nhe
+		       (if (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)
+			   (frame-pixel-height (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer))
+			 0)))		;XXX frame's height calculation
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'demanage cl t)
+	  (setf (xwem-cl-win cl) nil)
+	  (setf (xwem-frame-width frame) nwi)
+	  (setf (xwem-frame-height frame) nhe)
+;	(xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frame) nwi t nil)
+;	(xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frame) nhe t t)
+	  (XResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame) nwi nhe)
+	  (XReparentWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame) (xwem-rootwin) 0 0)
+	  (xwem-frame-select frame t)
+	  )))
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-switch-nth-linkage (arg)
+  "Raise all frames that in linkage of frame with number NUM."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (when (null arg) (setq arg 0))
+  (if (numberp arg)
+      (let ((frame (nth (abs arg) xwem-frames-list)))
+	(if (not (xwem-frame-p frame))
+	  (xwem-message 'warn "No such %S frame." (abs arg))
+	  ;; Select linkage
+	  (xwem-frame-linkage-map
+	   frame
+	   (lambda (fr)
+	     (xwem-frame-raise fr)))
+	  (xwem-frame-select frame)))
+    (xwem-message 'warn "Strange arg value: %S" arg))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-destroy (frame)
+  "Destroy FRAME. If FRAME is not given selected frame assumed."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-frame-selected)))
+  ;; Desetup all clients
+  (let ((xwem-cl-manage-hook nil)
+	(xwem-cl-demanage-hook nil))
+    (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame) 0)
+    (setf (xwem-frame-state frame) 'destroed)
+    ;; Em
+    (xwem-frame-hdestroy frame nil)
+    (xwem-win-map
+     (lambda (win)
+       (let ((cl (xwem-win-cl win)))
+	 (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+	   (XReparentWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl) (xwem-rootwin)
+			    (X-Geom-width (xwem-rootgeom)) (X-Geom-height (xwem-rootgeom)))
+	   (setf (xwem-cl-win cl) nil)
+	   (xwem-client-change-state cl 'iconified)
+;	   (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'iconify (xwem-win-cl win))
+	   )))
+     (xwem-frame-rootwin frame)))
+  (XDestroySubwindows (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+  (XDestroyWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-del-win (&optional window)
+  "Removes WINDOW from FRAME.
+If FRAME ommited then selected frame assumed.
+If WINDOW ommitted selected window will be used."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (let* ((del-frame (or (and window (xwem-win-frame window)) (xwem-frame-selected)))
+	 (del-win (or window (xwem-frame-selwin del-frame))))
+    (if (xwem-win-only-one-p del-win)
+	(xwem-message 'warn "Can't delete window, because it is only one.")
+      (xwem-window-delete del-win)
+      (xwem-frame-redraw del-frame))
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-del-others (&optional window)
+  "Remove all xwem windows other then WINDOW."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (let* ((del-frame (or (and window (xwem-win-frame window)) (xwem-frame-selected)))
+	 (del-win (or window (xwem-frame-selwin del-frame)))
+	 (cl (xwem-win-cl del-win)))
+    (xwem-window-delete-others del-win)
+    (xwem-frame-redraw del-frame)
+    ;; If there was client I think it need refitting
+    (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+      (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'refit cl))
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-split-horiz (arg &optional frame)
+  "Split FRAME horizontally.
+Prefix argument specifies how many pixels splitted window will be after split."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let* ((sp-frame (or frame (xwem-frame-selected))))
+    (xwem-win-split (xwem-frame-selwin sp-frame) 'horizontal arg)
+    (xwem-frame-redraw sp-frame)
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-split-vert (arg &optional frame)
+  "Split FRAME vertically.
+Prefix argument specifies how many pixels splitted window will be after split."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let* ((sp-frame (or frame (xwem-frame-selected))))
+    (xwem-win-split (xwem-frame-selwin sp-frame) 'vertical arg)
+    (xwem-frame-redraw sp-frame)
+    ))
+;; XXX experimental things
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-win-enlarge-hor (n &optional win)
+  "Enlarge WIN or selected window N pixels horizontaly."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-window-enlarge n nil (or win (xwem-win-selected)))
+  (xwem-frame-draw (xwem-win-frame (or win (xwem-win-selected))) nil))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-win-enlarge-ver (n &optional win)
+  "Enlarge WIN or selected window N pixels horizontaly."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-window-enlarge n t (or win (xwem-win-selected)))
+  (xwem-frame-draw (xwem-win-frame (or win (xwem-win-selected))) nil))
+(defun xwem-frame-goto (n direction &optional frame)
+  "Goto window at DIRECTION on FRAME N times.
+DIRECTION is one of 'next, 'prev, 'next-vert, ..."
+  (let* ((gframe (if frame frame (xwem-frame-selected)))
+	 (cwin (xwem-frame-selwin gframe))
+	 (bwin nil))
+    (while (> n 0)
+      (cond ((eq direction 'next)
+	     (setq bwin (xwem-window-next cwin)))
+	    ((eq direction 'prev)
+	     (setq bwin (xwem-window-prev cwin)))
+	    ((eq direction 'next-vert)
+	     (setq bwin (xwem-window-next-vertical cwin)))
+	    (t (error "Bad DIRECTION in xwem-frame-goto, should be one of 'next or 'prev")))
+      (setq n (1- n)))
+    (xwem-window-select bwin)
+    (xwem-frame-redraw gframe))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-goto-next (arg)
+  "Goto ARG next window in selected frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-frame-goto arg 'next))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-goto-prev (arg)
+  "Goto ARG previous window in selected frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-frame-goto arg 'prev))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-goto-next-vert (arg)
+  "Goto ARG next window in vertical direction in selected frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-frame-goto arg 'next-vert))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-goto-next-hor (arg)
+  "Goto ARG next window in horizontal direction in selected frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-frame-goto arg 'next-hor))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-goto-prev-vert (arg)
+  "Goto ARG previous window in vertical direction in selected frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-frame-goto arg 'priv-vert))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-goto-prev-hor (arg)
+  "Goto ARG previous window in horizontal direction in selected frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-frame-goto arg 'prev-hor))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-split-sbs (n &optional frame side)
+  "Makes N frames side by size of FRAME.
+SIDE is one of 'vertical or 'horizontal, if ommited or not one of
+above - 'horizontal will be used.
+SIDE is 'horiz
++--------+                             +----+----+--...--+----+
++--------+                             +----+----+--...--+----+
+| 1      | `xwem-frame-split-sbs' |--> | 1  | 2  |       | N  |
+|        |                             |    |    |       |    |
++--------+                             +----+----+--...--+----+
+Widths sum of all N frames after sbs split is equal to width of frame
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let* ((vertp (eq side 'vertical))
+	 (frm (or frame (xwem-frame-selected)))
+	 (wi (xwem-frame-width frm))
+	 (he (xwem-frame-height frm))
+	 (nwi wi)
+	 (nhe he)
+	 (wost 0)
+	 (host 0)
+	 xoff yoff)
+    (if vertp
+	(progn
+	  (setq nhe (/ he (1+ n)))
+	  (setq host (% he (1+ n))))
+      (setq nwi (/ wi (1+ n)))
+      (setq wost (% wi (1+ n))))
+    (setq xoff (+ nwi wost))
+    (setq yoff (+ nhe host))
+    ;; setup frame's properties
+    (setf (xwem-frame-width frm) xoff)
+    (setf (xwem-frame-height frm) yoff)
+    ;; setup sizes for root window
+    (xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frm) xoff t nil)
+    (xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frm)
+			     (+ nhe host (- (xwem-frame-get-prop frm 'title-height))) t t)
+    (XResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frm)
+		   (xwem-frame-width frm)
+		   (xwem-frame-height frm))
+    ;; Also resize tabber
+    (XResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-tabber-xwin (xwem-frame-tabber frm))
+		   (xwem-frame-width frm)
+		   (xwem-frame-get-prop frm 'title-height))
+    (xwem-tabber-safe-regeom (xwem-frame-tabber frm) t)
+    ;; TODO: - inherit same parent in case FRM is embedded
+    ;;       - install frames linkage
+    (let ((oframe frm)
+	  (nframe nil)
+	  (samex (xwem-frame-x frm))
+	  (samey (xwem-frame-y frm)))
+      (while (> n 0)
+	(setq nframe
+	      (xwem-make-frame-1 nil
+				 (list :xgeom
+				       (make-X-Geom :x (if vertp samex (+ samex xoff))
+						    :y (if vertp (+ samey yoff) samey)
+						    :width nwi
+						    :height nhe))
+				 nil
+				 t))
+	;; Now setup linkage
+	(xwem-frame-link-insert-after oframe nframe)
+	(setq oframe nframe)
+	(if vertp
+	    (setq yoff (+ yoff nhe))
+	  (setq xoff (+ xoff nwi)))
+	(setq n (1- n))))
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-sbs-hor-split (n)
+  "Make horizontal sbs split N times for selected frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-frame-split-sbs n))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-sbs-vert-split (n)
+  "Make vertical sbs split N times for selected frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (xwem-frame-split-sbs n nil 'vertical))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-fit-screen (frame)
+  "Fit FRAME to screen sizes."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-frame-selected)))
+  ;; Take into acount XInerama layout
+  (let ((frect (X-Geom-to-X-Rect (xwem-frame-xgeom frame)))
+	(xin (X-XIneramaQueryScreens (xwem-dpy))))
+    (if (car xin)
+	(progn
+	  ;; XInerama enabled
+	  (while (and (setq xin (cdr xin))
+		      (not (X-Rect-intersect-p (car xin) frect))))
+	  (setq xin (car xin)))
+      ;; No XInerama, so use root geometry
+      (setq xin (X-Geom-to-X-Rect (xwem-rootgeom))))
+    (xwem-frame-adjust-geom frame xin)
+    (xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frame)
+			     (xwem-frame-width frame) t nil)
+    (xwem-window-set-pixsize (xwem-frame-rootwin frame)
+			     (- (xwem-frame-height frame)
+				(xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'title-height)) t t)
+    (XMoveResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+		       (xwem-frame-x frame)
+		       (xwem-frame-y frame)
+		       (xwem-frame-width frame)
+		       (xwem-frame-height frame))
+    (XRaiseWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin frame))
+    ;; Also resize tabber
+    (XResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-tabber-xwin (xwem-frame-tabber frame))
+		   (xwem-frame-width frame)
+		   (xwem-frame-get-prop frame 'title-height))
+    ;; XXX uninstall linkage if any
+    (xwem-frame-link-remove frame)
+    ;; Redraw frame
+    (xwem-tabber-safe-regeom (xwem-frame-tabber frame) t)
+    (xwem-frame-redraw frame)
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-transpose (arg)
+  "Transpose frames ARG times."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (error "`xwem-frame-transpose' not implemented yet."))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-showroot ()
+  "Show root window, i.e. unmap all xwem frames."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (mapc 'xwem-frame-unmap xwem-frames-list))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-hide (frame &optional no-select)
+  "Hide FRAME.
+When called interactively, FRAME is selected frame.
+With prefix ARG, do not select new frame."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-frame-selected)
+			  xwem-prefix-arg))
+  (let ((oframe (xwem-frame-other frame)))
+    (when (xwem-frame-mapped-p frame)
+      ;; We are about to hide FRAME, so select other frame
+      (when (and (not no-select)
+                 (xwem-frame-p oframe))
+        (xwem-frame-select oframe))
+      (xwem-frame-unmap frame)
+      )))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-transpose-frames (arg)
+  "Transpose selected frame with ARG other frame."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let* ((sfr (xwem-frame-selected))
+	 (ofr (xwem-frame-other sfr))
+	 sg og)
+    (when (xwem-frame-p ofr)
+      (setq sg (copy-sequence (xwem-frame-xgeom sfr))
+	    og (copy-sequence (xwem-frame-xgeom ofr)))
+      (xwem-frame-set-pos sfr (X-Geom-x og) (X-Geom-y og))
+      (xwem-frame-set-pos ofr (X-Geom-x sg) (X-Geom-y sg))
+      (xwem-frame-set-size sfr (X-Geom-width og) (X-Geom-height og))
+      (xwem-frame-set-size ofr (X-Geom-width sg) (X-Geom-height sg))
+      ;; Finally exchange positions (aka frame number) in
+      ;; `xwem-frames' list
+      (xwem-list-exchange-els xwem-frames-list sfr ofr)
+      )))
+;; XXX: what this?
+(defun xwem-frame-in-delim-p (win x y)
+  "Return non-nil if X Y is inside some delimeter."
+  (catch 'found
+    (let ((hc (xwem-win-hchild win))
+          (vc (xwem-win-vchild win)))
+      (while (xwem-win-p hc)
+	;; For horizontal split
+	(when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next hc))
+          (when (and (> x (+ (xwem-win-x hc) (xwem-win-width hc)))
+                     (< x (+ (xwem-win-x hc) (xwem-win-width hc) xwem-win-delim-width))
+                     (> y (xwem-win-y hc))
+                     (< y (+ (xwem-win-y hc) (xwem-win-height hc))))
+            (throw 'found t))
+          (when (xwem-frame-in-delim-p hc x y)
+            (throw 'found t)))
+        (setq hc (xwem-win-next hc)))
+      (while (xwem-win-p vc)
+	;; For vertical split
+	(when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next vc))
+          (when (and (> x (xwem-win-x vc))
+                     (< x (+ (xwem-win-x vc) (xwem-win-width vc)))
+                     (> y (+ (xwem-win-y vc) (xwem-win-height vc)))
+                     (< y (+ (xwem-win-y vc) (xwem-win-height vc) xwem-win-delim-width)))
+            (throw 'found t))
+          (when (xwem-frame-in-delim-p vc x y)
+            (throw 'found t)))
+	(setq vc (xwem-win-next vc)))
+      nil)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-on-delim-resize ()
+  "Resize window dragging delimiter."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-frame-on-delim-menu ()
+  "Popup menu when delimiter clicked."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (let ((in-xy (xwem-frame-in-delim-p
+                (xwem-frame-rootwin (xwem-frame-selected))
+                (X-Event-xbutton-event-x xwem-last-xevent)
+                (X-Event-xbutton-event-y xwem-last-xevent))))
+    (when in-xy
+      (xwem-popup-function-menu nil))
+  ))
+(defun xwem-frame-make-cl-list (frame)
+  "Make list of all clients FRAME holds."
+  (let ((rcls nil))
+    (xwem-win-map (lambda (win)
+		    (setq rcls (nconc rcls (xwem-win-make-cl-list win))))
+		  (xwem-window-next (xwem-frame-selwin frame)))
+    rcls))
+(provide 'xwem-frame)
+;;; xwem-frame.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-help.el b/lisp/xwem-help.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWhlbHAuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-help.el
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+;;; xwem-help.el --- Getting help in XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 1 Sep 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Helping.
+;;; Code:
+;;; Some help stuff
+(defun xwem-logo-string ()
+  "Return textified XWEM's logo string."
+  (concat (xwem-str-with-faces "X" (list 'bold-italic))
+	  (xwem-str-with-faces "W" (list 'bold-italic 'red))
+	  (xwem-str-with-faces "E" (list 'bold-italic 'green))
+	  (xwem-str-with-faces "M" (list 'bold-italic 'blue))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help ()
+  "Display some help info."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (xwem-help-display
+     (progn
+       (insert "Hello, this is help for ")
+       (insert (xwem-logo-string))
+       (insert "\n\n"))
+     (progn
+       (insert "TODO: here is some description for ")
+       (insert (xwem-logo-string))
+       (insert " stuff.\n"))
+     (insert "\n")
+     ;; Frames config
+     (progn
+       (insert "---=== Frames Info ===---\n\n")
+       (insert (format "You have %d frames now and [%d] frame is selected.\n"
+		       (length xwem-frames-list) (xwem-frame-num (xwem-frame-selected))))
+       (insert "\n"))
+     ;; Clients
+     ;; Maybe use tree-widget package to display this info?
+     (let ((curr-classn "")
+	   (curr-classi ""))
+       (insert "---=== Clients Info ===---\n")
+       (mapc
+	(lambda (el)
+	  (let ((clclass (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints el)))
+		(clgeom (xwem-cl-xgeom el)))
+	    (when (not (string= curr-classn (cadr clclass)))
+	      (setq curr-classn (cadr clclass))
+	      (insert (format "\n= Begin for class name: <%s> =\n" curr-classn)))
+	    (when (not (string= curr-classi (car clclass)))
+	      (setq curr-classi (car clclass))
+	      (insert (format "\n- Class instance: <%s> -\n" curr-classi)))
+	    (insert (format "WM-NAME: <%s>, Geom: %dx%d+%d+%d\n"
+			    (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints el))
+			    (X-Geom-width clgeom)
+			    (X-Geom-height clgeom)
+			    (X-Geom-x clgeom)
+			    (X-Geom-y clgeom)))))
+	(sort (copy-list xwem-clients)
+	      (lambda (el1 el2) (let ((cl1-clas (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints el1)))
+				      (cl1-name (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints el1)))
+				      (cl2-clas (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints el2)))
+				      (cl2-name (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints el2))))
+				  ;; Sort by class name, than by class
+				  ;; instance, than by wm-name.
+				  (or (string-lessp (cadr cl1-clas) (cadr cl2-clas))
+				      (and (string= (cadr cl1-clas) (cadr cl2-clas))
+					   (string-lessp (car cl1-clas) (car cl2-clas)))
+				      (and (string= (car cl1-clas) (car cl2-clas))
+					   (string-lessp cl1-name cl2-name))))))
+	)
+       (insert "\n"))
+     (progn
+       (insert "---=== Bindings for `")
+       (insert (xwem-str-with-faces "xwem-global-map" 'font-lock-keyword-face))
+       (insert "' ===---\n"))
+     (describe-bindings-internal xwem-global-map)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help-for-help ()
+  "Help for XWEM's help system."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (xwem-help-display
+   (insert "Here should be Help-for-Help!\n\n")
+   (insert (format "Help prefix is %s, Keys are:\n"
+		   (substitute-command-keys "\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-help-prefix]")))
+   (describe-bindings-internal 'xwem-help-prefix)
+   ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-describe-prefix-bindings (keys)
+  "Describe the bindings of the prefix used to reach this command."
+  (xwem-interactive (list xwem-this-command-keys))
+  (xwem-help-display
+   (let ((prefix (make-vector (1- (length keys)) nil))
+	 (i 0))
+     (while (< i (length prefix))
+       (aset prefix i (aref keys i))
+       (setq i (1+ i)))
+     (insert (format "Key bindings for %s" (key-description prefix)))
+     (insert ":\n")
+     (describe-bindings-internal xwem-global-map nil nil prefix nil)
+     )))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help-describe-bindings ()
+  "Describe XWEM's bindings."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (xwem-help-display
+   (insert "XWEM global Keybindings:\n")
+   (describe-bindings-internal xwem-global-map)
+   ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help-describe-key1 (key)
+  "Describe KEY"
+  (xwem-interactive (list xwem-this-command-keys))
+  (let ((dfn (xwem-kbd-key-binding key xwem-global-map))
+	(keystr (key-description key)))
+    (if (or (null dfn) (integerp dfn))
+	(xwem-message 'info "%s is undefined." keystr)
+      (xwem-help-display
+       (insert keystr)
+       (insert " runs ")
+       (if (symbolp dfn)
+	   (insert (format "`%s'" dfn))
+	 (insert dfn))
+       (insert "\n\n")
+       (cond ((or (stringp dfn) (vectorp dfn))
+	      (let ((cmd (key-binding dfn)))
+		(if (not cmd)
+		    (insert "a keyboard macro")
+		  (insert "a keyboard macro which runs the command ")
+		  (insert cmd)
+		  (insert ":\n\n")
+		  (when (documentation cmd)
+		    (insert (documentation cmd))))))
+	     ((and (consp dfn) (not (eq 'lambda (car-safe dfn))))
+	      (let ((describe-function-show-arglist nil))
+		(describe-function-1 (car dfn))))
+	     ((symbolp dfn)
+	      (describe-function-1 dfn))
+	     ((documentation dfn)
+	      (insert (documentation dfn)))
+	     (t (insert "not documented"))))
+      )))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help-describe-key (keys)
+  "Describe keysequence."
+  (xwem-interactive "KDescribe key: ")
+  (xwem-help-describe-key1 keys))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help-frames ()
+  "Help for XWEM's frames."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  ;; TODO: write me
+  (xwem-message 'info "`xwem-help-frames' is not written yet.")
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help-wins ()
+  "Help for XWEM's windows."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  ;; TODO: write me
+  (xwem-message 'info "`xwem-help-wins' is not written yet.")
+  )
+;; TODO: we should write something similar to ibuffer or
+;; electric-buffer-list to operate on cliets, switching, getting stat,
+;; etc.
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help-clients ()
+  "Help for XWEM's clients."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  ;; TODO: write me
+  (xwem-message 'info "`xwem-help-clients' is not written yet.")
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-help-where-is (dfn &optional paste)
+  "Where-is for XWEM."
+  (xwem-interactive "CWhere is command: \nP")
+  (let ((keys (where-is-internal dfn (list xwem-global-map))))
+    (if keys
+	(if paste
+	    nil				;paste to selected client
+	  (xwem-message 'info "%s is on %s" dfn (sorted-key-descriptions keys)))
+      (if paste
+	  nil				;paste to selected client
+	(xwem-message 'info "%s is not on any keys" dfn))))
+  nil)
+(provide 'xwem-help)
+;;; xwem-help.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-icons.el b/lisp/xwem-icons.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWljb25zLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-icons.el
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+;;; xwem-icons.el --- Icons handling routines.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Sat Dec 27 15:38:24 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Icons support.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'xlib-xpm)
+(defvar xwem-icons-dir (locate-data-directory "xwem")
+  "Directory where icons for use by XWEM lies.")
+(defvar xwem-icons-list nil
+  "List of already loaded icons.")
+(defvar xwem-icons-alist
+  ;; [ wm-name wm-class-name wm-class-instance ] . icon-name
+  '(([".*" ".term" ".Term"] . "mini-term.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xclock" "XClock"] . "mini-clock.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xload" "XLoad"] . "mini-measure.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xcalc" "XCalc"] . "mini-calc.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xkeycaps" "XKeyCaps"] . "mini-xkeycaps.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xdvi" "XDvi"] . "mini-xdvi.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xv" "XV.*"] . "mini-xv.xpm")
+    ([".*" ".*" "AcroRead"] . "mini-acroread.xpm")
+    ([".*" ".*" "Xpdf"] . "mini-acroread.xpm")
+    ([".*" ".*" "Xman"] . "mini-info.xpm")
+    ([".*" "Mozilla" ".*"] . "mini-mozilla.xpm")
+    ([".*" "gv" "GV"] . "mini-gv.xpm")
+    ([".*" "ghostview" "Ghostview"] . "mini-gv.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xfig" "Fig"] . "mini-xfig.xpm")
+    ([".*" "ethereal" "Ethereal"] . "mini-ethereal.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xfd" "Xfd"] . "mini-font.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xfontsel" "XFontSel"] . "mini-font.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xconsole" "XConsole"] . "mini-sh1.xpm")
+    ([".*" "xcolors" "Xcolors"] . "mini-colors.xpm")
+    ([".*" ".*" "X-Chat"] . "mini-xchat.xpm")
+    ;; Match by WM_NAME since WM_CLASS is not setuped
+    (["Lupe" ".*" ".*"] . "mini-zoom.xpm")
+    (["xcmap" "" ".*"] . "mini-colors.xpm")
+    ;; EMACS
+    ([".*\\.tex.*" "emacs" "Emacs"] . "mini-xemacstex.xpm")
+    ([".*\\.c.*" "emacs" "Emacs"] . "mini-xemacsC.xpm")
+    ([".*\\.py.*" "emacs" "Emacs"] . "mini-xemacspy.xpm")
+    ([".*\\(Group\\|Summary\\|Article\\).*" "emacs" "Emacs"] . "mini-xemacsgnus.xpm")
+    ([".*\\*info\\*.*" "emacs" "Emacs"] . "mini-xemacsinfo.xpm")
+    ([".*" "emacs" "Emacs"] . "mini-xemacs.xpm")
+    ([".*" ".*" ".*"] . "mini-x2.xpm")))
+(defun xwem-icons-cl-icon-name (cl)
+  "Return icon name for CL."
+  (let* ((hints (xwem-cl-hints cl))
+	 (wm-name (xwem-hints-wm-name hints))
+	 (wm-class (xwem-hints-wm-class hints))
+	 (class-name (or (car wm-class) ""))
+	 (class-inst (or (cadr wm-class) ""))
+	 (ialist xwem-icons-alist))
+    (while (and ialist
+		(not (and (string-match (aref (car (car ialist)) 0) wm-name)
+			  (string-match (aref (car (car ialist)) 1) class-name)
+			  (string-match (aref (car (car ialist)) 2) class-inst))))
+      (setq ialist (cdr ialist)))
+    (cdr (car ialist))))
+(defun xwem-icons-cl-icon (cl)
+  "Get X-Image of CL's icon.
+Return cons cell where car is X-Pixmap of icon and cdr is X-Pixmap
+where mask for icon is stored."
+  (let ((iname (xwem-icons-cl-icon-name cl))
+	fname ximg ximg-mask-pixmap)
+    (when iname
+      (setq ximg (plist-get xwem-icons-list iname))
+      (unless ximg
+	(setq fname (concat xwem-icons-dir "/" iname))
+	(setq ximg (X:xpm-pixmap-from-file (xwem-dpy) (XDefaultRootWindow (xwem-dpy)) fname))
+	(setq ximg-mask-pixmap (X:xpm-pixmap-from-file (xwem-dpy) (XDefaultRootWindow (xwem-dpy)) fname t))
+	(setq xwem-icons-list (plist-put xwem-icons-list iname (cons ximg ximg-mask-pixmap)))
+	(setq ximg (plist-get xwem-icons-list iname)))
+      ximg)))
+(provide 'xwem-icons)
+;;; xwem-icons.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-interactive.el b/lisp/xwem-interactive.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWludGVyYWN0aXZlLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-interactive.el
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+;;; xwem-interactive.el --- XWEM interactive interface.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Thu Dec 18 05:49:52 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defvar xwem-interactively nil
+  "Non-nil when xwem in interactive mode.
+Internal variabel, do not modify.")
+(fset 'read-from-minibuffer-for-xwem (symbol-function 'read-from-minibuffer))
+(defun xwem-interactive-p ()
+  "Return non-nil when xwem in interactive mode."
+  xwem-interactively)
+(defun xwem-interactive-itimer ()
+  "Itimer used by `xwem-read-from-minibuffer'."
+  (when xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+    (xwem-key-send-ekeys
+     (vector (aref xwem-executing-kbd-macro (incf xwem-executing-kbd-macro-index))))
+    ))
+;;; Keymacros safe variant of `read-from-minibuffer', i.e. does not
+;;  block if we are executing keyboard macro.
+(defun xwem-read-from-minibuffer (prompt &optional initial-contents keymap readp history abbrev-table)
+  "Read data from xwem minibuffer.
+ABBREV-TABLE are same as for `read-from-minibuffer'."
+  (let (ret)
+    (xwem-under-minib-focus
+     (xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing)
+     (when xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+       (start-itimer "xwem-macro-itimer" 'xwem-interactive-itimer 0.01 0.01 t))
+     (unwind-protect
+         (setq ret (read-from-minibuffer-for-xwem prompt initial-contents keymap readp history abbrev-table))
+       (when xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+         (delete-itimer "xwem-macro-itimer")))
+     ret)))
+(defun xwem-completing-read (prompt table &optional predicate require-match initial-contents history)
+  "XWEM awared varian of `completing-read'."
+  (flet ((read-from-minibuffer (&rest args) nil))
+    (fset 'read-from-minibuffer (symbol-function 'xwem-read-from-minibuffer))
+    (completing-read prompt table predicate require-match initial-contents history)))
+(defun xwem-read-command (prompt)
+  "Just like `read-command', but for XWEM.
+Argument PROMPT is same as for `read-command'."
+  ;; Temporary redefine `read-from-minibuffer'
+  (flet ((read-from-minibuffer (&rest args) nil))
+    (fset 'read-from-minibuffer (symbol-function 'xwem-read-from-minibuffer))
+    (read-command prompt)))
+(defun xwem-read-filename (prompt &optional dir default must-match initial-contents history)
+  "Just like `read-file-name', but for XWEM.
+same as for `read-file-name'."
+  ;; Temporary redefine `read-from-minibuffer'
+  (flet ((read-from-minibuffer (&rest args) nil))
+    (fset 'read-from-minibuffer (symbol-function 'xwem-read-from-minibuffer))
+    (read-file-name prompt dir default must-match initial-contents history)))
+(defun xwem-read-shell-command (prompt &optional initial-input history)
+  "Just like `read-shell-command', but for XWEM.
+PROMPT, INITIAL-INPUT and HISTORY are same as for `read-shell-command'."
+  ;; Temporary redefine `read-from-minibuffer'
+  (flet ((read-from-minibuffer (&rest args) nil))
+    (fset 'read-from-minibuffer (symbol-function 'xwem-read-from-minibuffer))
+    (read-shell-command prompt initial-input history)))
+(defun xwem-read-external-command (prompt)
+  "Read for external command using PROMPT."
+  (xwem-launcher-query prompt))
+(defun xwem-read-client (prompt &optional predic)
+  "Read for client name prompting PROMPT and return xwem client.
+Additional argument PREDIC is passed right to `xwem-client-name'."
+  (flet ((read-from-minibuffer (&rest args) nil))
+    (fset 'read-from-minibuffer (symbol-function 'xwem-read-from-minibuffer))
+   (let* ((rcl nil)
+	  (clsnl (xwem-cl-normal-list xwem-clients predic))
+	  (clns (mapcar
+		 (lambda (cl)
+		   (cons (xwem-client-name cl clsnl) cl))
+		 clsnl))
+	  (name (flet ((iswitchb-make-buflist
+			(default)
+			(setq iswitchb-buflist (mapcar (lambda (cl) (car cl)) clns))))
+		  (iswitchb-read-buffer prompt))))
+     (while clns
+       (when (string= (caar clns) name)
+	 (setq rcl (cdar clns))
+	 (setq clns nil))
+       (setq clns (cdr clns)))
+     rcl)))
+(defun xwem-read-frame (prompt)
+  "Read for frame number prompting PROMPT and return xwem frame."
+  )
+;; For `xwem-interactive' take a look at xwem-macros.el
+(defun xwem-interactive-ilist (spec)
+  "Return list valid for `interactive'.
+SPEC is specification of list items."
+  (let ((xwem-interactively t))
+    (declare (special xwem-interactively))
+    ;; XXX if ?_ is first than command need to run with ungrabbed
+    ;; keyboard.
+    (when (and spec (eq (aref (car spec) 0) ?_))
+      (xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing)
+      ;; Remove ?_ from first element in SPEC
+      (if (= (length (car spec)) 1)
+	  (setq spec (cdr spec))
+	(setq spec (cons (substring (car spec) 1) (cdr spec)))))
+    (mapcar (lambda (el)
+	      (let ((code (aref el 0))
+		    (prompt (substring el 1)))
+		(cond ((eq code ?P) xwem-prefix-arg)
+		      ((eq code ?p) (prefix-numeric-value xwem-prefix-arg))
+		      ((eq code ?k) (xwem-read-key prompt))
+		      ((eq code ?K) (xwem-read-key-sequence prompt))
+		      ((eq code ?c) (xwem-read-client prompt))
+		      ((eq code ?f) (xwem-read-filename prompt nil nil t))
+		      ((eq code ?F) (xwem-read-filename prompt))
+		      ((eq code ?s) (xwem-read-from-minibuffer prompt))
+		      ((eq code ?C) (xwem-read-command prompt))
+		      ((eq code ?c) (xwem-read-client prompt))
+		      ((eq code ?e) (xwem-read-external-command prompt))
+		      )))
+	    spec)))
+(provide 'xwem-interactive)
+;;; xwem-interactive.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-keyboard.el b/lisp/xwem-keyboard.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWtleWJvYXJkLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-keyboard.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1324 @@
+;;; xwem-keyboard.el --- Keyboard support for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Authors: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;;	    Alex Ott <ottalex@narod.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; `xwem-global-map' is normal keymap used by xwem.
+;; Set `xwem-keyboard-echo-keystrokes' to t if you want echoing of
+;; incomplete commands in echo area.
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'xlib-xtest)
+  (require 'xwem-macros))
+(defun xwem-kbd (spec)
+  "Just like `kbd' but take into account values of `xwem-hyper-modifier' and `xwem-meta-modifier'."
+  (let ((keys (key-sequence-list-description (kbd spec))))
+    (mapvector (lambda (key)
+		 (let ((rkey (last key))
+		       (rmods (butlast key)))
+		   (when (member 'meta key)
+		     (setq rmods (delete 'meta rmods))
+		     (setq rkey (cons xwem-meta-modifier rkey)))
+		   (when (member 'hyper key)
+		     (setq rmods (delete 'hyper rmods))
+		     (setq rkey (cons xwem-hyper-modifier rkey)))
+		   (when rmods
+		     (setq rkey (nconc rmods rkey)))
+		   rkey))
+	       keys)))
+;;{{{ [-] Custamizable xwem-keyboard group
+;;; Customize variables
+(defgroup xwem-keyboard nil
+  "Group to customize keyboard in XWEM."
+  :prefix "xwem-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-post-command-hook nil
+  "*Hooks to run after command execution."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+(defcustom xwem-keyboard-echo-keystrokes t
+  "*If non-nil than echo unfinished commands in echo area."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-hyper-modifier 'hyper
+  "*This is a little trick of how ``H'' interpretted in `xwem-kbd' specification."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Meta" meta)
+		 (const :tag "Control" control)
+		 (const :tag "Super" super)
+		 (const :tag "Hyper" hyper))
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-meta-modifier 'meta
+  "*This is a little trick of how ``M'' interpretted in `xwem-kbd' specification."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Meta" meta)
+		 (const :tag "Control" control)
+		 (const :tag "Super" super)
+		 (const :tag "Hyper" hyper))
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-quit-key (xwem-kbd "H-g")
+  "Quit command key."
+  :type 'sexp
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-quit-command 'xwem-keyboard-quit
+  "Default command to be called when `xwem-quit-key' pressed."
+  :type 'function
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-help-key (xwem-kbd "H-h")
+  "Help command key."
+  :type 'sexp
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-prefix-help-command 'xwem-describe-prefix-bindings
+  "Default command to be called when `xwem-help-key' pressed."
+  :type 'function
+  :group 'xwem-keys)
+(defcustom xwem-universal-key (xwem-kbd "H-u")
+  "Key for universal argument commands."
+  :type 'sexp
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-kbd-quit-hook nil
+  "*Hooks to be runned when KBD exits.
+Runned only on \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-kbd-quit], but not on
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+;;{{{ [-] Internal variables
+(defvar xwem-override-map nil
+  "Keymap that overrides all other keymaps.
+If this variable is non-nil, it is used as a keymap instead of
+`xwem-global-map' or keymap returned by `xwem-kbd-current-map'.
+You should *bind* this, not set it.")
+(defvar xwem-kbd-now-grabbing nil
+  "Non-nil indicates that we now grabbing keyboard.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-xkeys-mapping nil
+  "X KeyMapping fetched from X server.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-kbd-private-modifiers (make-vector 6 nil)
+  "Private modifers [shift lock control meta hyper super].
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-xmods-mapping nil
+  "X ModifierMapping fetched from X server.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-event-window nil "Window that receive last keypress event.")
+(defvar xwem-last-event nil "Last keypress event.")
+(defvar xwem-last-xevent nil "Last keypress/buttonpress X Event.")
+(defvar xwem-this-command-keys [] "List of pressed keys to execute command.")
+;; Private variables
+(defvar xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map nil
+  "Private variable holds prefix keymap or symbol that holds keymap.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-kbd-last-prefix-map nil "Last value of `xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map'.")
+;; Special modes for reading key or keysequence
+(defvar xwem-kbd-reading-key nil
+  "Non-nil mean we are reading for key.
+Actually references symbol to which save readed key.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq nil
+ "Non-nil mean we are reading key sequence.
+Actually references symbol to which save readed key sequence.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+;;{{{ [-] Reading key and keysequence
+(defvar xwem-saved-this-command-keys nil
+  "Saved value of `xwem-this-command-keys'.")
+(defun xwem-read-keys-start (keyseq-p keyvar)
+  "Start reading key or key sequence.
+KEYSEQ-P is non-nil when staring reading key sequence.
+KEYVAR is place where to store readed key or key sequence."
+  (xwem-kbd-start-grabbing)
+  (setq xwem-saved-this-command-keys xwem-this-command-keys)
+  (setq xwem-this-command-keys [])
+  (if keyseq-p
+      (setq xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq keyvar)
+    (setq xwem-kbd-reading-key keyvar))
+  (xwem-recursive-edit))
+(defun xwem-read-keys-stop (keyseq-p)
+  "Stop reading key or key sequence.
+If KEYSEQ-P is non-nil than stop reading key sequence."
+  (set (if keyseq-p xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq xwem-kbd-reading-key)
+       xwem-this-command-keys)
+  (if keyseq-p
+    (setq xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq nil)
+    (setq xwem-kbd-reading-key nil))
+  (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap nil)
+  (setq xwem-this-command-keys xwem-saved-this-command-keys)
+  (xwem-exit-recursive-edit))
+;; Read key, install active grab
+(defun xwem-read-key (&optional prompt no-minib-focus-p)
+  "Read single key press, prompting PROMPT in `xwem-minibuffer'.
+If NO-MINIB-FOCUS-P is non-nil, focus `xwem-minibuffer' while reading."
+  (let ((xwem-keyboard-echo-keystrokes t)
+	key)
+    (when prompt
+      (xwem-message 'msg prompt))
+    (if no-minib-focus-p
+	(xwem-read-keys-start nil 'key)
+      (xwem-under-minib-focus
+       (xwem-read-keys-start nil 'key)))
+    (aref key 0)))
+;; Read keysequence which binds to command
+(defun xwem-read-key-sequence (&optional prompt)
+  "Read key sequence that call command prompting PROMPT."
+  (let ((xwem-keyboard-echo-keystrokes t)
+	keys)
+    (xwem-under-minib-focus
+     (when prompt
+       (xwem-message 'msg prompt))
+     (xwem-read-keys-start t 'keys))
+    keys))
+;;{{{ [-] Defining new key
+(defun xwem-define-key (win keymap key command)
+  "Add KEY to KEYMAP to execute COMMAND and grab KEY on WIN.
+When command is `nil', then undefine KEY in KEYMAP and ungrab KEY."
+  (define-key keymap key command)
+  (xwem-kbd-graugra-key key win (if command 'grab 'ungrab)))
+(defun xwem-global-set-key (key command)
+  "Define KEY to call COMMAND, when xwem is already run.
+If command is `nil' then undefine KEY in `xwem-global-map' and ungrab KEY."
+  (define-key xwem-global-map key command)
+  (mapc (lambda (frm)
+	  (xwem-kbd-graugra-key key (xwem-frame-xwin frm)
+				(if command 'grab 'ungrab)))
+	xwem-frames-list))
+;;{{{ [-] local keymap
+(defun xwem-local-map (cl)
+  "Return local map for CL."
+  (and (xwem-cl-p cl) (xwem-cl-get-prop cl 'xwem-local-keymap)))
+(defun xwem-local-set-key (key command &optional cl)
+  "Set KEY to call COMMAND in CL's local keymap.
+If COMMAND is `nil' then undefine KEY in CL's local map and ungrab KEY.
+If CL is ommited `xwem-cl-selected' assumed."
+  (let* ((ccl (or cl (xwem-cl-selected)))
+         (kmap (xwem-local-map ccl)))
+    (when (keymapp kmap)
+      (define-key kmap key command)
+      (xwem-kbd-graugra-key key (xwem-cl-xwin ccl)
+			    (if command 'grab 'ungrab)))))
+;;{{{ [-] Undefined command processing
+(define-xwem-command xwem-undefined-command ()
+  "Called when key is not binded."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (xwem-message 'warn "Command undefined for key %S." xwem-last-event))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-self-insert-or-undefined (arg)
+  "Self insert or undefined command.
+Prefix ARG specifies how many characters to insert."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let ((lev xwem-last-event))
+    ;; TODO:
+    ;;   * Check is LEV is actually self insertable event
+    (if arg
+	(xwem-key-send-ekeys (make-vector arg lev))
+      (xwem-message 'warn "%s is not defined, prefix arg is %S."
+		    (key-description xwem-this-command-keys) arg)
+    )))
+(put 'xwem-self-insert-or-undefined 'xwem-need-keyrelease t)
+(put 'xwem-self-insert-or-undefined 'xwem-need-ungrabed-kbd t)
+;;{{{ [-] Quiting keyboarding
+(define-xwem-command xwem-keyboard-quit ()
+  "Send quit signal."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (signal 'quit '(xwem))
+  (xwem-message 'info "quit."))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-kbd-quit ()
+  "Quit from keyboard haldling."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing)
+  (setq xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map nil)
+  (XSetInputFocus (xwem-dpy) X-PointerRoot X-RevertToPointerRoot X-CurrentTime)
+  (xwem-message 'note "[kbd-quit] InputFocus is PonterRoot, prfxmap is nil.")
+  (run-hooks 'xwem-kbd-quit-hook)
+  )
+;;{{{ [-] Initializators
+(defun xwem-kbd-initialize-private-modifiers ()
+  "Create internal modifier representation to speedup futher work."
+  (setq xwem-kbd-private-modifiers (make-vector 6 nil))
+  (let* ((modifs (car (last xwem-xmods-mapping)))
+	 (sh (nth 0 modifs))
+;	 (locks (nth 1 modifs))
+	 (ctrl (nth 2 modifs))
+	 (m1 (nth 3 modifs))
+	 (m2 (nth 4 modifs))
+	 (m3 (nth 5 modifs))
+	 (m4 (nth 6 modifs))
+	 (m5 (nth 7 modifs))
+	 (ctrls (list (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Control-L))
+		      (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Control-R))))
+	 (shifts (list (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Shift-L))
+		       (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Shift-R))))
+	 (metas (list (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Meta-L))
+		      (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Meta-R))))
+	 (hypers (list (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Hyper-L))
+		       (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Hyper-R))))
+	 (supers (list (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Super-L))
+		       (car (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode XK-Super-R))))
+	 (mlist (mapcar (lambda (m)
+			  (truncate m))
+			(list X-Shift X-Control X-Mod1 X-Mod2
+			      X-Mod3 X-Mod4 X-Mod5)))
+	 (slist (list sh ctrl m1 m2 m3 m4 m5)))
+    (while slist
+      ;; TODO: locks
+      (when (intersection (car slist) shifts)
+	(aset xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 0 (cons (car mlist) (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 0))))
+      (when (intersection (car slist) ctrls)
+	(aset xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 2 (cons (car mlist) (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 2))))
+      (when (intersection (car slist) metas)
+	(aset xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 3 (cons (car mlist) (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 3))))
+      (when (intersection (car slist) hypers)
+	(aset xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 4 (cons (car mlist) (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 4))))
+      (when (intersection (car slist) supers)
+	(aset xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 5 (cons (car mlist) (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 5))))
+      (setq slist (cdr slist))
+      (setq mlist (cdr mlist)))))
+(defun xwem-kbd-init ()
+  "Init part for keys.
+Fetches KeyboardMapping from the X server and stores it in
+  (xwem-message 'msg "Initializing keyboard ... wait")
+  (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap nil)
+  ;; Hmm FSFmacs issued "invalid instraction" in `XGetKeyboardMapping'
+  (setq xwem-xkeys-mapping
+ 	(XGetKeyboardMapping (xwem-dpy)
+ 			     (X-Dpy-min-keycode (xwem-dpy))
+ 			     (- (X-Dpy-max-keycode (xwem-dpy))
+				(X-Dpy-min-keycode (xwem-dpy)))))
+  (setq xwem-xmods-mapping
+	(XGetModifierMapping (xwem-dpy)))
+  ;; Initialize `xwem-kbd-private-modifiers'
+  (xwem-kbd-initialize-private-modifiers)
+  ;; Initialize keyboard macrosing
+  (xwem-keymacro-init)
+  ;; Initialize root window grabbing
+;  (xwem-kbd-install-grab xwem-root-map (xwem-rootwin))
+  )
+;;{{{ [-] Converters
+;; Convertors
+(defun xwem-kbd-xksym->emacs (ksym)
+  "Convert KSYM to Emacs key symbol."
+  (cond
+   ;; ksym is list for buttons
+   ((listp ksym)
+    (let ((kval (car ksym)))
+      (cond ((= kval 1) 'button1)
+	    ((= kval 2) 'button2)
+	    ((= kval 3) 'button3)
+	    ((= kval 4) 'button4)
+	    ((= kval 5) 'button5)
+	    (t nil))))			;can't be!!!
+   ((= ksym XK-BackSpace) 'backspace)
+   ((= ksym XK-Tab) 'tab)
+   ((= ksym XK-Linefeed) 'linefeed)
+   ((= ksym XK-Return) 'return)
+   ((= ksym XK-Escape) 'escape)
+   ((= ksym XK-Delete) 'delete)
+   ((= ksym XK-Home) 'home)
+   ((= ksym XK-End) 'end)
+   ((= ksym XK-Left) 'left)
+   ((= ksym XK-Right) 'right)
+   ((= ksym XK-Up) 'up)
+   ((= ksym XK-Down) 'down)
+   ((= ksym XK-Insert) 'insert)
+   ((= ksym XK-Pause) 'pause)
+   ((= ksym XK-Space) 'space)
+   ;; TODO: add more
+   ((= ksym XK-F1) 'f1)
+   ((= ksym XK-F2) 'f2)
+   ((= ksym XK-F3) 'f3)
+   ((= ksym XK-F4) 'f4)
+   ((= ksym XK-F5) 'f5)
+   ((= ksym XK-F6) 'f6)
+   ((= ksym XK-F7) 'f7)
+   ((= ksym XK-F8) 'f8)
+   ((= ksym XK-F9) 'f9)
+   ((= ksym XK-F10) 'f10)
+   ((= ksym XK-F11) 'f11)
+   ((= ksym XK-F12) 'f12)
+   ((= ksym 0) nil)
+   (t (XCharacter ksym))))		;nil or proper character
+(defun xwem-kbd-emacs->xksym (ksym)
+  "Convert back from Emacs key symbol KSYM to proper X key symbol."
+  (cond ((null ksym) 0)			;hmm
+	((symbolp ksym)
+	 (let ((osymname (symbol-name ksym))
+	       (symname (downcase (symbol-name ksym))))
+	   (cond ((string= symname "backspace") XK-BackSpace)
+		 ((string= symname "tab") XK-Tab)
+		 ((string= symname "linefeed") XK-Return) ;XXX
+		 ((string= symname "linefeed") XK-Linefeed)
+		 ((string= symname "return") XK-Return)
+		 ((string= symname "escape") XK-Escape)
+		 ((string= symname "delete") XK-Delete)
+		 ((string= symname "space") XK-Space)
+		 ((string= symname "home") XK-Home)
+		 ((string= symname "end") XK-End)
+		 ((string= symname "left") XK-Left)
+		 ((string= symname "right") XK-Right)
+		 ((string= symname "up") XK-Up)
+		 ((string= symname "down") XK-Down)
+		 ((string= symname "insert") XK-Insert)
+		 ((string= symname "pause") XK-Pause)
+		 ;; Mouse buttons
+		 ((string= symname "button1") (list X-XButton1))
+		 ((string= symname "button2") (list X-XButton2))
+		 ((string= symname "button3") (list X-XButton3))
+		 ((string= symname "button4") (list X-XButton4))
+		 ((string= symname "button5") (list X-XButton5))
+		 ;; Functional keys
+		 ((string-match "[fF]\\([0-9]+\\)" symname)
+		  (symbol-value
+		   (intern
+		    (concat "XK-F"
+			    (substring symname (match-beginning 1)
+				       (match-end 1))))))
+		 (t (Xforcenum (string-to-char osymname))))))
+	((characterp ksym) (Xforcenum ksym)) ;Should not be there
+	(t 0)))				;HMM!
+(defun xwem-kbd-emods->xmodmask (emods)
+  "Convert Emacs modifiers list EMODS to X modifer Mask."
+  (Xmask-or
+   (if (member 'control emods) (xwem-kbd-controlmask) 0)
+   (if (member 'shift emods) (xwem-kbd-shiftmask) 0)
+   (if (member 'meta emods) (xwem-kbd-metamask) 0)
+   (if (member 'hyper emods) (xwem-kbd-hypermask) 0)
+   (if (member 'super emods) (xwem-kbd-supermask) 0)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-xmodmask->emods (mmask)
+  "Convert X modifier mask MMASK to Emacs modifiers list."
+  (let (rmods)
+    (when (Xtest mmask (xwem-kbd-controlmask))
+      (push 'control rmods))
+    (when (Xtest mmask (xwem-kbd-shiftmask))
+      (push 'shift rmods))
+    (when (Xtest mmask (xwem-kbd-hypermask))
+      (push 'hyper rmods))
+    (when (Xtest mmask (xwem-kbd-metamask))
+      (push 'meta rmods))
+    (when (Xtest mmask (xwem-kbd-supermask))
+      (push 'super rmods))
+    rmods))
+;; keysyms and keycodes converters
+(defun xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode (ksym)
+  "Convert keysym KSYM to keycode.
+Convert keysym to cons cell where car is keycode and cdr is modifiers
+list, using `xwem-xkeys-mapping' list.
+NOTE: only 'shift modifier supported."
+  (setq ksym (float ksym))		; for sure
+  (let ((kslist (car (last xwem-xkeys-mapping)))
+	(kcode (X-Dpy-min-keycode (xwem-dpy)))
+	(kmods nil)
+	kel)
+    (while kslist
+      (setq kel (car kslist))
+      (if (member ksym kel)
+	  (progn
+	    (cond ((= ksym (nth 0 kel)) nil)
+		  ((= ksym (nth 1 kel))
+		   (setq kmods (cons 'shift kmods)))
+		  (t nil))
+	    (setq kslist nil))
+	(setq kslist (cdr kslist))
+	(setq kcode (1+ kcode))
+	))
+    (cons kcode kmods)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-xkcode->xksym (kcode)
+  "Convert key code KCODE to keysym.
+KeyCode -> KeySyms list in form (base shift caps ShiftCaps)."
+  (nth (- kcode (X-Dpy-min-keycode (xwem-dpy))) (car (last xwem-xkeys-mapping)))
+  )
+;;; Various subroutines
+(defun xwem-kbd-emod->kcode (emod &optional any)
+  "Convert Emacs modifier EMOD to X keycode.
+Behaviour is undefined If ANY argument is supplied.
+  (let* ((mods (car (last xwem-xmods-mapping)))
+	 (rmod (cond ((eq emod 'shift) (nth 0 mods))
+		     ;; locks skiped
+		     ((eq emod 'control) (nth 2 mods))
+		     ((eq emod 'meta) (nth 3 mods))
+		     ;; numlock skiped
+		     ((eq emod 'hyper) (nth 5 mods))
+		     ((eq emod 'super) (nth 6 mods))
+		     (t (error (format "Bad modifier `%S'" emod))))))
+    (if any
+	rmod
+      (car rmod))))
+(defun xwem-kbd-kcode->emod (kcode)
+  "Convert key code KCODE to Emacs modifier, if KCODE is actually a modifier.
+See also `xwem-kbd-kcode-modifier-p'."
+  (let* ((mods (car (last xwem-xmods-mapping)))
+	 (rmod (cond ((member kcode (nth 0 mods)) 'shift)
+		     ;; locks skiped
+		     ((member kcode (nth 2 mods)) 'control)
+		     ((member kcode (nth 3 mods)) 'meta)
+		     ;; numlock skiped
+		     ((member kcode (nth 5 mods)) 'hyper)
+		     ((member kcode (nth 6 mods)) 'super)
+		     (t nil))))
+    rmod))
+(defun xwem-kbd-kcode-modifier-p (kcode)
+  "Return non-nil if key code KCODE is modifier."
+  (let ((mods (car (last xwem-xmods-mapping))))
+    (while (and mods
+		(not (member kcode (car mods))))
+      (setq mods (cdr mods)))
+    (car mods)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-adjust-keycode (keycode modifiers)
+  "Convert KEYCODE to keysym according to MODIFIERS."
+  ;; XXX only 'shift modifier supported
+  (if (and (member 'shift modifiers)
+	   (> (cadr (xwem-kbd-xkcode->xksym keycode)) 0))
+      (cadr (xwem-kbd-xkcode->xksym keycode))
+    (car (xwem-kbd-xkcode->xksym keycode))))
+(defun xwem-kbd-adjust-modifiers (keycode modifiers)
+  "According to KEYCODE adjust MODIFIERS, i.e. remove 'shift."
+  (if (and (member 'shift modifiers)
+	   (> (cadr (xwem-kbd-xkcode->xksym keycode)) 0))
+      ;; 'shift in modifiers and keysym is valid, so we remove 'shift
+      (remove 'shift modifiers)
+    modifiers))
+(defun xwem-kbd-xevents->emacs-events (xevs &optional trust-modbits)
+  "Convert X-Events XEVS to Emacs events.
+If TRUST-MODBITS is non-nil than we can trust modifier bits in
+X-Event, otherwise we are trying to keep track of modifiers presses
+and releases.  This is needed because core X events obtained from
+RECORD extension does not have valid inforamtion about modifiers
+  ;; NOTE: events garbbed using RECORD extension does not have correct
+  ;; state field.
+  (let ((rxevs (cond ((listp xevs) (vconcat xevs))
+		     ((vectorp xevs) xevs)
+		     (t xevs)))
+	eevs xevtype kcode mbutton current-modifiers)
+    ;; TODO:
+    ;;   - Change `mapcar' to `mapvector'
+    (setq eevs
+	  (mapcar (lambda (xev)
+		    (setq xevtype (X-Event-type xev))
+		    (unless (member xevtype (list X-KeyPress X-KeyRelease X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease X-MotionNotify))
+		      (error "Invalid event type: %s" (X-Event-name xev)))
+		    (setq kcode nil
+			  mbutton nil)
+		    (cond ((member xevtype (list X-KeyPress X-KeyRelease))
+			   (setq kcode (X-Event-xkey-keycode xev)))
+			  ((member xevtype (list X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease))
+			   (setq mbutton (X-Event-xbutton-button xev))))
+		    (if (xwem-kbd-kcode-modifier-p kcode)
+			;; KCODE is actually modifier
+			(if (= (X-Event-type xev) X-KeyPress)
+			    (setq current-modifiers (cons (xwem-kbd-kcode->emod kcode) current-modifiers))
+			  (setq current-modifiers (delete (xwem-kbd-kcode->emod kcode) current-modifiers)))
+		      ;; Skip normal key realese events
+		      (unless (eq xevtype X-KeyRelease)
+			;; If we can trust modifier bits, get information about
+			;; modifiers currently pressed from state field.
+			(when trust-modbits
+			  (setq current-modifiers
+				(xwem-kbd-xmodmask->emods
+				 (cond ((eq xevtype X-KeyPress) (X-Event-xkey-state xev))
+				       ((member xevtype (list X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease))
+					(X-Event-xbutton-state xev))
+				       ((eq xevtype X-MotionNotify) (X-Event-xmotion-state xev))))))
+			(make-event (cond ((eq xevtype X-KeyPress) 'key-press)
+					  ((eq xevtype X-ButtonPress) 'button-press)
+					  ((eq xevtype X-ButtonRelease) 'button-release)
+					  ((eq xevtype X-MotionNotify) 'motion)
+					  (t (error "Unknown event: %s" (X-Event-name xev))))
+				    (nconc (when (member xevtype (list X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease X-MotionNotify))
+					     (list 'x (cond ((member xevtype (list X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease))
+							     (X-Event-xbutton-root-x xev))
+							    (t (X-Event-xmotion-root-x xev)))
+						   'y (cond ((member xevtype (list X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease))
+							     (X-Event-xbutton-root-y xev))
+							    (t (X-Event-xmotion-root-y xev)))))
+					   (list 'modifiers (xwem-kbd-adjust-modifiers kcode current-modifiers))
+					   (when (eq xevtype X-KeyPress)
+					     (list 'key (xwem-kbd-xksym->emacs
+							 (xwem-kbd-adjust-keycode kcode current-modifiers))))
+					   (when (member xevtype (list X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease))
+					     (list 'button mbutton)))))
+		      ))
+		  rxevs))
+    ;; Remove non-events from list
+    (delete* nil eevs :test (lambda (el1 el2) (not (eventp el2))))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-kbd-emacs-events->xevents (events)
+  "Convert Emacs EVENTS list to X events list."
+  )
+(defun xwem-kbd-ekeys->eevents (ekeys)
+  "Convert Emacs keys sequence EKEYS to Emacs events vector."
+  (mapvector (lambda (key)
+	       (let (mods keychar)
+		 (if (listp key)
+		     (progn
+		       (setq keychar (car (last key)))
+		       (setq mods (butlast key)))
+		   (setq keychar key))
+		 (make-event 'key-press (list 'modifiers mods
+					      'key keychar))))
+	     ekeys))
+;;{{{ [-] Sending
+;; Sending(using XTEST)
+(defun xwem-key-sendseq (keycode-seq)
+  "Emulate KEYCODE-SEQ.
+KEYCODE-SEQ is list of cons cells where car is event type and cdr is keycode.
+Supported event types are `X-Xtest-KeyPress' and `X-Xtest-KeyRelease'."
+  (mapc (lambda (ksel)
+	  (let ((ktype (car ksel))
+		(kcode nil)
+		(ktime nil))
+	    (cond ((vectorp (cdr ksel))
+		   (setq kcode (aref (cdr ksel) 0))
+		   (setq ktime (aref (cdr ksel) 1)))
+		  (t
+		   (setq kcode (cdr ksel))
+		   (setq ktime X-CurrentTime)))
+	    (X-XTest-FakeInput (xwem-dpy) ktype kcode X-None 0 0 ktime)))
+	keycode-seq))
+(defun xwem-key-send-ekeys (keys)
+  "Send Emacs key sequence KEYS using XTEST extension."
+  (let (lseq)
+    (mapc (lambda (key)
+	    (let (mods code)
+	      (setq mods (mapcar (lambda (mm)
+				   (xwem-kbd-emod->kcode mm))
+				 (butlast key)))
+		;; Now calculade key CODE maybe add shift modifier
+		(setq code (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode
+			    (xwem-kbd-emacs->xksym (car (last key)))))
+		(setq mods (nconc mods (mapcar (lambda (mm)
+						 (xwem-kbd-emod->kcode mm))
+					       (cdr code))))
+		(setq code (car code))
+		(mapc (lambda (mod)
+			(setq lseq (cons (cons X-Xtest-KeyPress mod) lseq)))
+		      mods)
+		(setq lseq (cons (cons X-Xtest-KeyPress code) lseq))
+		(setq lseq (cons (cons X-Xtest-KeyRelease code) lseq))
+		(mapc (lambda (mod)
+			(setq lseq (cons (cons X-Xtest-KeyRelease mod) lseq)))
+		      mods)
+		))
+	  (key-sequence-list-description keys))
+    (setq lseq (nreverse lseq))
+    (xwem-key-sendseq lseq)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-wait-key-release (keycode)
+  "Wait for key with KEYCODE for release."
+  (unless xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+    ;; Increase events queue protecs so no events will be
+    ;; processed inside `XIfEvent'.
+    (incf (X-Dpy-evq-protects (xwem-dpy)))
+    ;; Wait for a keyrelease
+    (unwind-protect
+	(XIfEvent (xwem-dpy)
+		  (lambda (xev)
+		    (and (= (X-Event-type xev) X-KeyRelease)
+			 (= (X-Event-xkey-keycode xev) keycode))))
+      ;; Allow later events processing
+      (decf (X-Dpy-evq-protects (xwem-dpy))))))
+(defun xwem-kbd-force-mods-release ()
+  "Force release of some modifiers."
+  (let* ((xmods (car (last xwem-xmods-mapping)))
+	 (mods (list (car (nth 0 xmods))        ; shift
+		     (car (nth 2 xmods))	; control
+		     (car (nth 3 xmods))	; meta
+		     (car (nth 5 xmods))	; hyper
+		     (car (nth 6 xmods)))))	; super
+    (mapc (lambda (mod)
+	    (X-XTest-FakeInput (xwem-dpy) X-Xtest-KeyRelease mod (xwem-rootwin) 0 0))
+	  (delete 0 mods))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-kbd-wait-button-release (button)
+  "Wait for BUTTON for release."
+  )
+;;{{{ [-] keypress/KeyRelease processing
+(defun xwem-kbd-echolastkey ()
+  "Echo key sequence already pressed in xwem minibuffer."
+  (when xwem-keyboard-echo-keystrokes
+    ;; XXX if there message from XWEM in minibuffer than add, otherwise
+    (if (xwem-interactive-p)
+	(append-message 'command (concat (single-key-description xwem-last-event) " "))
+      (xwem-clear-message)
+      (display-message 'command (key-description xwem-this-command-keys)))))
+(defun xwem-kbd-current-map ()
+  "Return current prefix map."
+  (let ((cm (or xwem-override-map xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map xwem-global-map)))
+    (when (symbolp cm)
+      (setq cm (symbol-function cm)))
+    cm))
+(defun xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap (newkeymap)
+  "Set current keymap to NEWKEYMAP.
+Use (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap nil) to set current keymap
+to `xwem-global-keymap' instead of
+(xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap xwem-global-map)."
+  (setq xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map newkeymap))
+(defun xwem-kbd-handle-keyrelease (xdpy win xev)
+  "On XDPY and window WIN handle KeyRelease event XEV."
+  ;; TODO:
+  ;;  - modifiers tracker
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-kbd-key-binding (keys &optional keymap accept-default)
+  "Return key binding corresponding to KEYS in KEYMAP.
+If KEYMAP is ommited, `xwem-global-map' will be used.
+`xwem-kbd-key-binding' omits default KEYMAP binding unless
+ACCEPT-DEFAULT is non-nil."
+  (lookup-key (or keymap (xwem-kbd-current-map)) keys accept-default))
+(defun xwem-kbd-key-binding-evs (evs &optional keymap accept-default)
+  "Return key binding corresponding to Emacs events EVS in KEYMAP.
+If KEYMAP is ommited, `xwem-global-map' will be used.
+ACCEPT-DEFAULT is the same as for `xwem-kbd-key-binding'."
+  (xwem-kbd-key-binding (events-to-keys evs) keymap accept-default))
+(defun xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton (xev)
+  "On display XDPY and window WIN handle KeyPress or ButtonPress event XEV."
+  (if (and (= (X-Event-type xev) X-KeyPress)
+	   (xwem-kbd-kcode-modifier-p (X-Event-xkey-keycode xev)))
+      ;; Seems that we are grabbing keyboard now and modifier
+      ;; pressed or it is case when some smart modifier pressed.
+      nil
+    (xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton-from-emacs
+     (car (xwem-kbd-xevents->emacs-events (list xev) t)) xev)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton-from-emacs (eev &optional xev)
+  "Handle Emacs event EEV originated from XWEM.
+Optional X-Event XEV, if passed to obtain X specific information."
+  (let (lkm)
+    ;; Remember some information about XEV event.
+    (when (X-Event-p xev)
+      (setq xwem-event-window (X-Event-win xev))
+      (setq xwem-last-xevent xev))
+    (setq xwem-last-event eev)
+    (setq xwem-this-command-keys
+	  (vconcat xwem-this-command-keys (vector xwem-last-event)))
+    (setq lkm (xwem-kbd-key-binding-evs (vector xwem-last-event)))
+    ;; XXX -- maybe echoing should be done in `xwem-kbd-process-after-lookup'?
+    (xwem-kbd-echolastkey)
+    (xwem-kbd-process-after-lookup lkm)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-process-after-lookup (lkm)
+  "Process keymap or command entry LKM after `lookup-key'."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "lkm = %S\n" 'lkm)
+  (let ((slkm lkm)			;save lkm
+	(prfx-plist (when (and xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map
+			       (symbolp xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map))
+		      (symbol-plist xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map)))
+	(splist (when (symbolp lkm) (symbol-plist lkm))))
+    (when (and (symbolp lkm)
+	       (functionp lkm)
+	       (keymapp (symbol-function lkm)))
+      (setq lkm (symbol-function lkm)))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "PRFX-PLIST = %S, SPLIST = %S\n" 'prfx-plist 'splist)
+    ;; Check for special mode, when we just reading single keystroke
+    (when xwem-kbd-reading-key
+      (xwem-read-keys-stop nil))
+    ;; Last chance to try default command
+    (when (null lkm)
+      (setq lkm (keymap-default-binding (xwem-kbd-current-map)))
+      (setq splist (and (symbolp lkm) (symbol-plist lkm))))
+    ;; Check is there need for prefix help or quit command
+    (when (and (null lkm)
+	       xwem-kbd-now-grabbing)
+      (setq lkm
+	    (let ((etk (events-to-keys (vector xwem-last-event))))
+	      (cond ((equal etk xwem-help-key) xwem-prefix-help-command)
+		    ((equal etk xwem-quit-key) xwem-quit-command)
+		    (t nil)))))
+    ;; Now take a look at lkm
+    (cond ((null lkm)
+	   ;; Check are we reading keysequence now
+	   (when xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq
+	     (xwem-read-keys-stop t))
+	   (xwem-play-sound 'undefined-key)
+	   (xwem-message 'info "%s not binded." (key-description xwem-this-command-keys))
+	   (xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing)
+	   (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap nil)
+	   (setq xwem-this-command-keys [])
+	   (setq xwem-kbd-reading-key nil)
+	   (setq xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq nil)
+	   (let ((ex-fun (plist-get prfx-plist 'exit-fun)))
+	     (when ex-fun (funcall ex-fun)))
+	   )
+	  ;; Prefix map
+	  ((keymapp lkm)
+	   (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap slkm)
+	   (let ((enter-fun (plist-get splist 'enter-fun)))
+	     (when enter-fun (funcall enter-fun)))
+	   (xwem-kbd-start-grabbing))
+	  ;; Binded command or something else
+	  (t
+	   ;; Check are we reading keysequence now
+	   (when xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq
+	     (xwem-read-keys-stop t))
+	   ;; Sometimes command requires keyrelease before execution
+	   (when (and (not xwem-executing-kbd-macro)
+		      (or (vectorp lkm)	; Keybord macro, always need release
+			  (and (symbolp lkm) ; LKM command need keyrelease
+			       (plist-get (symbol-plist lkm) 'xwem-need-keyrelease))))
+		 ;; LKM command need to wait keyrelease to run properly
+		 (let ((kpev xwem-last-xevent))
+		   (when (= (X-Event-type kpev) X-KeyPress)
+		     ;; Increase events queue protecs so no events will be
+		     ;; processed inside `XIfEvent'.
+		     (incf (X-Dpy-evq-protects (xwem-dpy)))
+		     ;; Wait for a keyrelease
+		     (XIfEvent (X-Event-dpy kpev)
+			       (lambda (cev) (and (= (X-Event-type cev) X-KeyRelease)
+						  (= (X-Event-xkey-keycode cev)
+						     (X-Event-xkey-keycode kpev)))))
+		     ;; Allow later events processing
+		     (decf (X-Dpy-evq-protects (xwem-dpy))))))
+	   ;; Some commands need to bee runned in ungrabed keyboard
+	   ;; mode
+	   (when (and (not xwem-executing-kbd-macro)
+		      (or (vectorp lkm)	; Keyboard macro, always need to run in ungrabbed keyboard
+			  (and (symbolp lkm) ; LKM command need to run in ungrabbed keyboard
+			       (plist-get (symbol-plist lkm) 'xwem-need-ungrabed-kbd))))
+	     (xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing))
+	   ;; Function in lkm should use `xwem-kbd-last-prefix-map'
+	   ;; instead of `xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map'
+	   (setq xwem-kbd-last-prefix-map xwem-kbd-private-prefix-map)
+	   (unless (or (plist-get prfx-plist 'congrab)
+		       (plist-get splist 'congrab))
+	     (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap nil)
+	     ;; TODO: may be do this after call-interactively?
+	     (let ((ex-fun (plist-get prfx-plist 'exit-fun)))
+	       (when ex-fun (funcall ex-fun))))
+	   ;; Now run command or keyboard macro
+	   (unwind-protect
+	       (condition-case err
+		   (cond ((vectorp lkm) (xwem-keymacro-internal-play
+					 lkm
+					 (prefix-numeric-value xwem-prefix-arg)))
+			 ((commandp lkm) (call-interactively lkm))
+			 (t (error "Unknown lkm %S" lkm)))
+		 (error
+		  (xwem-play-sound 'command-fail)
+		  (xwem-message 'err-nobeep "In cmd(%S): %s" lkm (error-message-string err)))
+		 (quit
+		  (if (and (boundp 'xwem-bypass-quit)
+			   (symbol-value 'xwem-bypass-quit))
+		      (signal 'quit (list 'xwem-bypass-quit (symbol-value 'xwem-bypass-quit)))
+		  (xwem-play-sound 'quit)
+		  (xwem-message 'info "Quit: %s" err))))
+	     ;; Release keyboard unless LKM command need to continue
+	     ;; grabbing.
+	     (unless (or (plist-get prfx-plist 'congrab)
+			 (plist-get splist 'congrab))
+	       (xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing)
+	       (setq xwem-this-command-keys [])
+	       (setq xwem-prefix-arg nil)))
+	   ;; Run post command hook
+	   (run-hooks 'xwem-post-command-hook)
+	   )
+	  (t (error
+	      (format "Hm .. strange lkm=%S" lkm))))))
+;;{{{ [-] Grabbing
+(defun xwem-kbd-graugra-key (key win mode &optional button-mask)
+  "Grab or Ungrab KEY on WIN.
+MODE is either 'grab or 'ungrab.
+BUTTON-MASK is mask passed to `XGrabButton' if MODE is 'grab and key
+is actually a mouse key."
+  (let* ((key (aref (key-sequence-list-description key) 0))
+	 (kmods (butlast key))
+	 (ksyko (xwem-kbd-emacs->xksym (car (last key))))
+	 mouse)
+    (if (listp ksyko)
+	(setq mouse (car ksyko))
+      (setq ksyko (xwem-kbd-xksym->xkcode ksyko))
+      (when (eq (cadr ksyko) 'shift)
+	(setq kmods (cons 'shift kmods)))
+      (setq ksyko (car ksyko)))
+    (setq kmods (xwem-kbd-emods->xmodmask kmods))
+    (if mouse
+	(if (eq mode 'grab)
+	    (XGrabButton (xwem-dpy) mouse kmods win
+			 (or button-mask (Xmask-or XM-ButtonPress)))
+	  (XUngrabButton (xwem-dpy) mouse kmods win))
+      (if (eq mode 'grab)
+	  (XGrabKey (xwem-dpy) ksyko kmods win t)
+	(XUngrabKey (xwem-dpy) ksyko kmods win)))))
+(defun xwem-kbd-grab-key (key win)
+  "Grab KEY on WIN."
+  (xwem-kbd-graugra-key key win 'grab))
+(defun xwem-kbd-ungrab-key (key win)
+  "Stop grabbing KEY on WIN."
+  (xwem-kbd-graugra-key key win 'ungrab))
+(defun xwem-kbd-install-grab (keymap win)
+  "Install KEYMAP grabs on X window WIN."
+  (map-keymap (lambda (key unused)
+		(xwem-kbd-grab-key key win))
+	      keymap))
+(defun xwem-kbd-uninstall-grab (keymap win)
+  "Uninstall KEYMAP grabs on X window WIN."
+  (map-keymap (lambda (key unused)
+		(xwem-kbd-ungrab-key key win))
+	      keymap))
+(defun xwem-kbd-start-grabbing (&optional cursor)
+  "Begin grabbing keyboard (some key-prefix is entered).
+Optionally you can specify CURSOR to be used, while grabbing."
+  (unless xwem-kbd-now-grabbing
+    (unless xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+      (XGrabKeyboard (xwem-dpy) (or (xwem-focus-xcurrent) (xwem-rootwin)) nil)
+      (xwem-mouse-grab (or cursor xwem-cursor-wait)))
+    (setq xwem-kbd-now-grabbing t)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-start-grabbing-sync (&optional cursor)
+  "Same as `xwem-kbd-start-grabbing', but initiate grabs in Sync mode.
+CURSOR argument is same is for `xwem-kbd-start-grabbing'."
+  (unless xwem-kbd-now-grabbing
+    (unless xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+      (XGrabKeyboard (xwem-dpy) (or (xwem-focus-xcurrent) (xwem-rootwin))
+                     nil X-GrabModeSync X-GrabModeSync)
+      (xwem-mouse-grab (or cursor xwem-cursor-wait))
+      )
+    (setq xwem-kbd-now-grabbing t)))
+(defun xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing ()
+  "Stop grabbing keyboard."
+  (when xwem-kbd-now-grabbing
+    (unless xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+      (XUngrabKeyboard (xwem-dpy))
+      (xwem-mouse-ungrab))
+    (setq xwem-kbd-now-grabbing nil)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-kbd-quote-command ()
+  "Pass event EV to currently active window."
+  (xwem-interactive "_")
+  (let ((xwin (xwem-focus-xcurrent)))
+    (when (X-Win-p xwin)
+      (XGrabKeyboard (xwem-dpy) xwin nil X-GrabModeAsync X-GrabModeSync)
+      (XGrabPointer (xwem-dpy) xwin (Xmask-or XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease)
+		    xwem-cursor-quote nil X-GrabModeSync)
+      (XAllowEvents (xwem-dpy) X-SyncBoth)
+      (xwem-message 'info "[Quote key]")
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (let ((done nil)
+		xev)
+	    (while (not done)
+	      (setq xev (XNextEvent (xwem-dpy)))
+	      (if (and (member (X-Event-type xev)
+			       (list X-KeyPress X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease))
+		       (xwem-kbd-xevents->emacs-events (list xev) t))
+		  (progn
+		    (XAllowEvents (xwem-dpy) X-ReplayKeyboard)
+		    (XAllowEvents (xwem-dpy) X-ReplayPointer)
+		    (xwem-clear-message)
+		    (setq done t))
+		(XAllowEvents (X-Event-dpy xev) X-SyncBoth))))
+	(XUngrabKeyboard (xwem-dpy))
+	(XUngrabPointer (xwem-dpy))
+	))))
+;;{{{ [-] Universal argument
+(defvar xwem-prefix-arg nil
+"The value of the prefix argument for this editing command.
+It may be a number, or the symbol `-' for just a minus sign as arg, or
+a list whose car is a number for just one or more
+\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument] or `nil' if no argument
+has been specified.  This is what `\\(xwem-interactive \"P\"\\)'
+(defconst xwem-universal-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (set-keymap-default-binding map 'xwem-universal-command)
+    (define-key map xwem-universal-key 'xwem-universal-more)
+    (define-key map [?-] 'xwem-universal-minus)
+    (define-key map [?0] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?1] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?2] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?3] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?4] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?5] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?6] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?7] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?8] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    (define-key map [?9] 'xwem-universal-digit)
+    map)
+  "Keymap used while processing \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument].")
+(define-xwem-command xwem-universal-argument ()
+  "Begin a numeric argument for the following command.
+Digits or minus sign following
+\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument] make up the numeric
+argument.  \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument] following the
+digits or minus sign ends the argument.
+\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument] without digits or minus
+sign provides 4 as argument.
+Repeating \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument] without digits or
+minus sign multiplies the argument by 4 each time."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (setq xwem-prefix-arg (list 4))
+  (when (not xwem-kbd-now-grabbing)
+    (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap xwem-universal-map)
+    (xwem-kbd-start-grabbing)))
+(put 'xwem-universal-argument 'congrab t)
+;; A subsequent H-u means to multiply the factor by 4 if we've typed
+;; nothing but H-u's; otherwise it means to terminate the prefix arg.
+(define-xwem-command xwem-universal-more (arg)
+  "A subsequent \\<xwem-universal-map>\\[xwem-universal-more] means to
+  multiply the factor by 4 if we've typed nothing but
+  \\<xwem-universal-map>\\[xwem-universal-more]'s; otherwise it means
+  to terminate the prefix arg."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (if (consp xwem-prefix-arg)
+      (setq xwem-prefix-arg (list (* 4 (car arg))))
+    (setq xwem-prefix-arg arg)
+    (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap nil)))
+(put 'xwem-universal-more 'congrab t)
+(define-xwem-command xwem-universal-minus (arg)
+  "Begin a negative numeric argument for the next command.
+\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument] following digits or
+minus sign ends the argument."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (setq xwem-prefix-arg (cond ((integerp arg) (- arg))
+			      ((eq arg '-) nil)
+			      (t '-)))
+  (when (not xwem-kbd-now-grabbing)
+    (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap xwem-universal-map)
+    (xwem-kbd-start-grabbing)))
+(put 'xwem-universal-minus 'congrab t)
+(define-xwem-command xwem-universal-digit (arg)
+  "Part of the numeric argument for the next command.
+\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument] following digits or
+minus sign ends the argument."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let* ((num (event-key xwem-last-event))
+	 (digit (- num ?0)))
+    (cond ((integerp arg)
+	   (setq xwem-prefix-arg (+ (* arg 10) (if (< arg 0) (-  digit) digit))))
+	  ((eq arg '-)
+	   ;; Treat -0 as just -, so that -01 will work.
+	   (setq xwem-prefix-arg (if (zerop digit) '- (- digit))))
+	  (t (setq xwem-prefix-arg digit)))
+    (when (not xwem-kbd-now-grabbing)
+      (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap xwem-universal-map)
+      (xwem-kbd-start-grabbing))))
+(put 'xwem-universal-digit 'congrab t)
+(defun xwem-reset-this-command-lengths ()
+  "For some documentation look at `reset-this-command-lengths'."
+  ;; This brokes some things, like H-1 H-2 H-3 will not be properly
+  ;; displayed in minibuffer, so i disabled it.
+  ;; Also there is notice in event-stream.c to
+  ;; `reset-this-command-lengths':
+  ;;
+  ;;   /* #### I don't understand this at all, so currently it does nothing.
+  ;;   If there is ever a problem, maybe someone should investigate. */
+  ; (setq xwem-this-command-keys (vector xwem-last-event))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-universal-command (arg)
+  "Handle universal argument functionality."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (setq xwem-prefix-arg arg)
+  (xwem-reset-this-command-lengths)
+  (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap nil)
+  (xwem-kbd-process-after-lookup
+   (xwem-kbd-key-binding-evs (vector xwem-last-event)))
+  )
+(put 'xwem-universal-command 'congrab t)
+(provide 'xwem-keyboard)
+;;; xwem-keyboard.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-keydefs.el b/lisp/xwem-keydefs.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWtleWRlZnMuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-keydefs.el
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+;;; xwem-keydefs.el --- Define standard XWEM keybindings.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Fri Dec 12 15:47:42 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defmacro xwem-keymap-put-prop (keymap prop value)
+  "In on of xwem KEYMAP put property PROP with VALUE."
+  `(setplist ,keymap (plist-put (symbol-plist ,keymap) ,prop ,value)))
+(put 'xwem-keymap-put-prop 'lisp-indent-function 2)
+(defvar xwem-global-map (make-sparse-keymap 'XWEM-global-map)
+  "XWEM's global keymap.
+;;; Prefixes
+;; XWEM keymap prefixes may have properties:
+;;   * 'congrab   - If non-nil then continue grabbing after command from
+;;                  that keymap issued. Prefix is unchanged.
+;;   * 'enter-fun - this function will be called when prefix installed
+;;   * 'exit-fun  - this function will be called when prefix deinstalled
+;; Extended commands
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-Hyper-X-prefix t)
+(defvar xwem-hyp-x-map (symbol-function 'xwem-Hyper-X-prefix)
+  "Keymap for extended (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-Hyper-X-prefix]) commands.
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x") 'xwem-Hyper-X-prefix)
+;; Help
+(defvar xwem-help-map (symbol-function (xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-help-prefix t))
+  "Keymap for help (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-help-prefix]) commands.
+(xwem-keymap-put-prop 'xwem-help-prefix 'enter-fun
+  (lambda ()
+    (xwem-kbd-start-grabbing xwem-cursor-help)
+    (xwem-message 'info (format (substitute-command-keys
+				 "Entering XWEM help, type \\<xwem-help-map>\\[xwem-help-for-help] for help.")))))
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h") 'xwem-help-prefix)
+;; Window commands
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-Hyper-X-4-prefix t)
+(defvar xwem-hyp-x-4-map (symbol-function 'xwem-Hyper-X-4-prefix)
+  "Keymap for subcommands of \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-Hyper-X-4-prefix].
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4") 'xwem-Hyper-X-4-prefix)
+;; Frame commads
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-Hyper-X-5-prefix t)
+(defvar xwem-hyp-x-5-map (symbol-function 'xwem-Hyper-X-5-prefix)
+  "Keymap for subcommands of \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-Hyper-X-5-prefix].
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5") 'xwem-Hyper-X-5-prefix)
+;; Client commands
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-Hyper-X-7-prefix t)
+(defvar xwem-hyp-x-7-map (symbol-function 'xwem-Hyper-X-7-prefix)
+  "Keymap for subcommands of \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-Hyper-X-7-prefix].
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7") 'xwem-Hyper-X-7-prefix)
+;; Launcher keymap
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-launcher-prefix t)
+(defvar xwem-launcher-map (symbol-function 'xwem-launcher-prefix)
+  "Keymap for xwem launcher (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-launcher-prefix]) commands.
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-a") 'xwem-launcher-prefix)
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-launcher-other-win-prefix)
+(defvar xwem-launcher-other-win-map (symbol-function 'xwem-launcher-other-win-prefix)
+  "Keymap for launcher in other window (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-launcher-other-win-prefix]) commands.
+(define-key xwem-hyp-x-4-map (xwem-kbd "H-a") 'xwem-launcher-other-win-prefix)
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-launcher-other-frame-prefix)
+(defvar xwem-launcher-other-frame-map (symbol-function 'xwem-launcher-other-frame-prefix)
+  "Keymap for launcher in other frame (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-launcher-other-frame-prefix]) commands.
+(define-key xwem-hyp-x-5-map (xwem-kbd "H-a") 'xwem-launcher-other-frame-prefix)
+;; Keyboard macros keymap
+(defvar xwem-user-macros-map (symbol-function (xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-user-macros-prefix t))
+  "Keymap of user defined keyboard macros (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-user-macros-prefix]) commands.
+(set-keymap-default-binding xwem-user-macros-map 'xwem-keymacro-undefined)
+(define-key xwem-user-macros-map (xwem-kbd "H-h") xwem-prefix-help-command)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-m") 'xwem-user-macros-prefix)
+;; Window Resizing keymap
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-resize-prefix t)
+(defvar xwem-hyp-resize-map (symbol-function 'xwem-resize-prefix)
+  "Keymap for window resize (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-resize-prefix]) commands.
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-R") 'xwem-resize-prefix)
+;; Mode specific commands
+(xwem-define-prefix-command 'xwem-mode-specific-prefix t)
+(defvar xwem-mode-specific-map (symbol-function 'xwem-mode-specific-prefix)
+  "Keymap for mode specific (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-mode-specific-prefix]) commands.
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-c") 'xwem-mode-specific-prefix)
+;;; Default bindings for `xwem-global-map'
+(set-keymap-default-binding xwem-global-map 'xwem-self-insert-or-undefined)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-g") xwem-quit-command)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-G") 'xwem-kbd-quit)
+;; Quoting keyboard
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-q") 'xwem-kbd-quote-command)
+;; help keys
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h H-h") 'xwem-help-for-help)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h b") 'xwem-help-describe-bindings)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h c") 'xwem-help-clients)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h f") 'xwem-help-frames)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h w") 'xwem-help-wins)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h k") 'xwem-help-describe-key)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h h") 'xwem-help)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h H-w") 'xwem-help-where-is)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h H-f") 'xwem-help-function)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h l") 'xwem-show-message-log)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-h s") 'xwem-strokes-list)
+;; Universal argument
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-u") 'xwem-universal-argument)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H--") 'xwem-universal-minus)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-0") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-1") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-2") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-3") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-4") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-5") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-6") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-7") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-8") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-9") 'xwem-universal-digit)
+;; Keyboard macros
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x (") 'xwem-keymacro-begin)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x )") 'xwem-keymacro-end)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x e") 'xwem-keymacro-play-last)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x q") 'xwem-keymacro-recursive-edit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-M-c") 'xwem-keymacro-exit-recursive-edit)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x H-k") 'xwem-edmacro-edit-kbd-macro)
+;; Moving across windows
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-n") 'xwem-frame-goto-next)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-p") 'xwem-frame-goto-prev)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-left") 'xwem-winmove-left)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-right") 'xwem-winmove-right)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-up") 'xwem-winmove-up)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-down") 'xwem-winmove-down)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x +") 'xwem-balance-windows)
+;; Frames operations
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 0") 'xwem-frame-destroy)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 1") 'xwem-frame-fit-screen)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 2") 'xwem-frame-sbs-vert-split)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 3") 'xwem-frame-sbs-hor-split)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 5") 'xwem-make-frame)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 b") 'xwem-cl-switch-other-frame)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 r") 'xwem-launch-program-other-frame)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 C-l") 'xwem-frame-lower)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 C-r") 'xwem-frame-raise)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 z") 'xwem-frame-hide)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 Z") 'xwem-frame-showroot)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 H-a x") 'xwem-launch-xterm-other-frame)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 H-a m") 'xwem-launch-lupe-other-frame)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x H-n") 'xwem-frame-next)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x H-p") 'xwem-frame-previous)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 5 H-t") 'xwem-transpose-frames)
+;; Window commands
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4 0") 'xwem-kill-cl-and-window)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4 b") 'xwem-cl-switch-other-win)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4 C-o") 'xwem-cl-switch-other-win)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4 r") 'xwem-launch-program-other-win)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4 H-M-l") 'xwem-cl-switch-to-other-in-other-win)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4 H-a x") 'xwem-launch-xterm-other-win)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4 H-a m") 'xwem-launch-lupe-other-win)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 4 H-t") 'xwem-transpose-windows)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-o") 'xwem-Hyper-X-4-prefix)
+;; Clients commands
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 z") 'xwem-client-iconify)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 0") 'xwem-client-kill)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 1") 'xwem-client-demanage-others)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 2") 'xwem-client-run-copy)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 4") 'xwem-client-run-copy-other-win)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 5") 'xwem-client-run-copy-other-frame)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 i") 'xwem-client-info)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 C-o") 'xwem-cl-switch-to-other)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 p") 'xwem-cl-pop-to-client)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 t") 'xwem-cl-set-title)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 7 H-t") 'xwem-cl-transpose)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-=") 'xwem-client-info)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-@") 'xwem-client-set-mark)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-SPC") 'xwem-client-set-mark)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x k") 'xwem-client-query-kill)
+;; Launcher commands
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-a H-s") 'xwem-launcher-toggle-split-type)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-a H-f") 'xwem-launcher-toggle-frame-type)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-a l") 'xwem-launch-xlock)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-a x") 'xwem-launch-xterm)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-a m") 'xwem-launch-lupe) ; Syn for 'm' is magnifier
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-a e") 'make-frame)
+;; Resizing
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-r h") 'xwem-frame-win-enlarge-hor)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-r v") 'xwem-frame-win-enlarge-ver)
+;; Various commands
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-s") 'xwem-frame-switch-nth)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-S") 'xwem-frame-switch-nth-linkage)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 0") 'xwem-frame-del-win)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 3") 'xwem-frame-split-horiz)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 2") 'xwem-frame-split-vert)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x 1") 'xwem-frame-del-others)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-M-l") 'xwem-cl-switch-to-other)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x H-o") 'xwem-client-toggle-other-on-split)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x b") 'xwem-cl-switch)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x H-b") 'xwem-ixwem)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-t") 'xwem-cl-transpose)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-o H-t") 'xwem-transpose-windows)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x H-t") 'xwem-transpose-frames)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-x r") 'xwem-launch-program)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-:") 'xwem-eval-expression)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-!") 'xwem-shell-command)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-M-x") 'xwem-execute-extended-command)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-#") 'xwem-mini-calc)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-<") 'xwem-beginning-of-cl)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H->") 'xwem-end-of-cl)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-f12") 'xwem-misc-make-screenshot)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-z") 'xwem-misc-pause)
+(define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-pause") 'xwem-misc-pause)
+;; Compat layer, must move to xwem-compat.el
+(if xwem-gnuemacs-p
+    (progn
+      (define-key xwem-global-map [s-mouse-1] 'xwem-strokes-begin)
+      (define-key xwem-global-map [h-mouse-1] 'xwem-strokes-cmplx-begin))
+  (progn
+    (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "M-button1") 'xwem-strokes-begin)
+    (define-key xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd "H-button1") 'xwem-strokes-cmplx-begin)))
+(provide 'xwem-keydefs)
+;;; xwem-keydefs.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-keymacro.el b/lisp/xwem-keymacro.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWtleW1hY3JvLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-keymacro.el
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+;;; xwem-keymacro.el --- Recording/playing keyboard macros.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Fri Dec 12 17:18:00 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; XWEM uses Record X extension to collect keypresses when saving
+;; keyboard macros, this method is tranparent to user and allow
+;; catching events without need of keyboard grabbing.
+;; XWEM keyboard macro is the same as Emacs keyboard macro.  It is a
+;; vector of Emacs events.  XWEM uses special keymap -
+;; `xwem-user-macros-map' to hold user defined macros.  This keymap
+;; used to save/restore keyboard macros across XWEM sessions.
+;; XWEM's support for keyboard macros is full-featured.  It includes
+;; H-x q command to start recursive edition, command which allow to
+;; change keyboard macro execution on fly.  It has workaround Emacs
+;; blocking, when Emacs enters minibuffer and block waiting for user
+;; input, keyboard macro execution stops (deadlock! Emacs can't send
+;; further input, because it waiting for this input), but when Emacs
+;; is about to block, i.e. enter `read-from-minibuffer' XWEM installs
+;; special itimer which track Emacs state and send next event if need.
+;; This feature allow you to create keyboard macros which requires
+;; interaction with user, for example 'H-x r xterm RET H-u H-z H-x b
+;; emac RET'.  When defining keyboard macro remember that XWEM can't
+;; track window operations such as map, configure, destroy and others,
+;; so please use `xwem-misc-pause' command(default binded to H-z to
+;; sleep for a while).  For example you need to define macro - 1)
+;; start new xterm 2) in newly managed xterm enter "test it" text.  It
+;; will be something like: H-x ( H-a x H-u H-z test it H-x ), because
+;; when you start new xterm application it does not appear on screen
+;; immediately, but when executing keyboard macro all keystrokes are
+;; sent to X server as fast as possible.
+;; To save keyboard macros on on exit add something like:
+;;    (add-hook 'xwem-exit-hook 'xwem-keymacro-save-macros)
+;; And to restore saved keyboard macros on start do next:
+;;    (add-hook 'xwem-after-init-hook 'xwem-keymacro-load-macros)
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'xlib-xtest)
+  (require 'xlib-xrecord))
+;; Macros customization
+(defcustom xwem-keymacro-minib-bg "gray60"
+  "*Background color for xwem's minibuffer while recording KBD macro.
+If nil - background will not change."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-keymacro-debug nil
+  "*Non-nil mean run keyboard macrosing stuff in debug mode."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-keymacro-show-macro t
+  "*Non-nil mean show keyboard macro in minibuffer, while executing."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+(defcustom xwem-keymacro-macrofile "xwem-macros.el"
+  "*Default filename where keyboard macros stores."
+  :type 'file
+  :group 'xwem-keyboard)
+;;; Macros recording/playing internal variables
+(defvar xwem-executing-kbd-macro nil
+  "Non-nil when executing keyboard macro.
+Actually Emacs keysequence(vector of keys) to be executed.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-executing-kbd-macro-index nil
+  "Indexes current key in `xwem-excuting-kbd-macro' vector.
+Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-last-kbd-macro nil "Last KBD macro.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-default-command 'xwem-keymacro-default
+  "Default command while recording/playing macro.
+NOTE: may be changed to play macro.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-prefix-arg nil
+  "Value of `xwem-prefix-arg' when entering macro recording.
+Internal variable, do not modify directly.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-minib-old-bg nil
+  "Variable used to hold old backgroup of xwem's minibuffer.
+Internal variable, do not modify directly.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-saving nil
+  "Non-nil mean that we saving macro now.
+Internal variable, do not modify it directly.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-dpy nil
+  "Display used as data connection.
+Internal variable, do not modify it directly.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-rcontext nil
+  "Record context used when keymacrosing.
+Internal variable, do not modify it directly.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-rclient nil
+  "Client used when keymacrosing.
+Internal variable, do not modify it directly.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-rranges nil
+  "Record ranges used when keymacrosing.
+Internal variable, do not modify it directly.")
+(defvar xwem-keymacro-initialized nil
+  "Non-nil when keyboard macrosing initialized.
+Internal variable, do not modify it directly.")
+(defun xwem-keymacro-init ()
+  "Initialize keyboard macrosing stuff."
+  ;; User xlib-xrecord extension to intercept KeyPress/KeyRelease
+  ;; events.
+  (let ((xrec-ext (X-XRecordQueryVersion (xwem-dpy)))
+	(xtest-ext (XQueryExtension (xwem-dpy) "XTEST")))
+    (if (or (null (car xrec-ext))
+	    (null (car xtest-ext)))
+	;; Not XRECORD or XTEST extension support
+	(xwem-message 'warn "No XRECORD or XTEST extension on dpy, you can't use keyboard macros saving.")
+      ;; Dpy supports XRECORD extension
+      (setq xwem-keymacro-rcontext (make-X-RecordContext :dpy (xwem-dpy) :id (X-Dpy-get-id (xwem-dpy))))
+      (setq xwem-keymacro-rranges
+	    ;; We are only interested in KeyPrees/KeyRelease events
+	    (list (make-X-RecordRange :device-events (cons X-KeyPress X-KeyRelease))))
+      (setq xwem-keymacro-rclient (float X-XRecordAllClients))
+      (setq xwem-keymacro-rcontext (X-XRecordCreateContext
+				    (xwem-dpy) xwem-keymacro-rcontext 0
+				    (list xwem-keymacro-rclient)
+				    xwem-keymacro-rranges))
+      (X-XRecordRegisterClients (xwem-dpy) xwem-keymacro-rcontext 0
+				(list xwem-keymacro-rclient)
+				xwem-keymacro-rranges)
+      (setq xwem-keymacro-dpy (XOpenDisplay
+			       (format "%s:%d" (X-Dpy-name (xwem-dpy))
+				       (X-Dpy-default-screen (xwem-dpy)))))
+      (when xwem-keymacro-debug
+	(setf (X-Dpy-log-buffer xwem-keymacro-dpy) "XREC.log"))
+      (setq xwem-keymacro-initialized t)
+      )))
+(defun xwem-keymacro-extract (xevs &optional cutlen)
+  "Extract keyboard macro from X-Events list XEVS.
+Return list of Emacs events.
+CUTLEN is how many events cut from the end (default is 1)."
+  (let ((evs (butlast (xwem-kbd-xevents->emacs-events xevs nil)
+		      (or cutlen 1))))
+    (key-sequence-list-description (vconcat evs))))
+(defun xwem-keymacro-execute-keys (keys)
+  "Execute keyboard macro KEYS."
+  (let ((xwem-executing-kbd-macro keys)
+	(xwem-executing-kbd-macro-index 0)
+	eev cmd)
+    (while (< xwem-executing-kbd-macro-index
+	      (length xwem-executing-kbd-macro))
+      ;; Construct Emacs event 
+      (setq eev (aref xwem-executing-kbd-macro xwem-executing-kbd-macro-index))
+      (setq eev (make-event 'key-press (list 'modifiers (butlast eev) 'key (car (last eev)))))
+      (setq cmd (xwem-kbd-key-binding-evs (vector eev)))
+      ;; If current map is `xwem-global-map' and command not found, it
+      ;; is most possible that this is normal input, i.e. not an XWEM
+      ;; command.
+      (if (or cmd (not (eq xwem-global-map (xwem-kbd-current-map))))
+	  (xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton-from-emacs eev)
+	;; Otherwise send fake event.  Should we have default command
+	;; in `xwem-global-map' to self-insert last command keys?
+	(xwem-key-send-ekeys eev))
+      (incf xwem-executing-kbd-macro-index))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-keymacro-begin (arg)
+  "Start to record keyboard macro.
+If used with prefix ARG, then query for bind after macro define."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (when (not xwem-keymacro-initialized)
+    (error "Keyboard macros not initialized, use `xwem-keymacro-init'"))
+  (if xwem-keymacro-saving
+      (xwem-message 'warn "Already defining macro...")
+    (xwem-message 'msg "Defining KBD macro ...")
+    ;; Clear events queue and enable context
+    (setf (X-Dpy-evq xwem-keymacro-dpy) nil)
+    (X-XRecordEnableContext xwem-keymacro-dpy xwem-keymacro-rcontext)
+    ;; Change xwem's minibuffer background
+    (when xwem-keymacro-minib-bg
+      (setq xwem-keymacro-minib-old-bg
+	    (face-background 'default (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)))
+      (set-face-property 'default 'background xwem-keymacro-minib-bg
+			 (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)))
+    (setq xwem-keymacro-prefix-arg arg)
+    (setq xwem-keymacro-saving t)
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-keymacro-end (arg &optional key)
+  "Stop recording keyboard macro.
+If recording done with prefix argument, then query for bind."
+  (xwem-interactive (list xwem-keymacro-prefix-arg
+			  (when xwem-keymacro-prefix-arg
+			    (xwem-read-key "Enter character to bind: "))))
+  (if (not xwem-keymacro-saving)
+      (xwem-message 'warn "Not recording KBD macro.")
+    (X-XRecordDisableContext (xwem-dpy) xwem-keymacro-rcontext)
+    (setq xwem-keymacro-saving nil)
+    ;; Change xwem's minibuffer background back
+    (when xwem-keymacro-minib-old-bg
+      (set-face-property 'default 'background xwem-keymacro-minib-old-bg
+			 (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)))
+    (let ((kmacro (xwem-keymacro-extract (X-Dpy-evq xwem-keymacro-dpy)
+					 (length xwem-this-command-keys))))
+      (if (not xwem-keymacro-prefix-arg)
+	  ;; Save last keyboard macro
+	  (setq xwem-keymacro-last-kbd-macro kmacro)
+	(define-key xwem-user-macros-map (events-to-keys (vector key)) kmacro)))
+    (xwem-message 'msg "KBD macro defined.")
+    ))
+(put 'xwem-keymacro-end 'xwem-need-keyrelease t)
+(defun xwem-keymacro-internal-play (keys &optional times)
+  "Play Emacs KEYS TIMES times."
+  (unless times
+    (setq times 1))
+  ;; Unset some variables
+  (setq xwem-this-command-keys [])
+  (setq xwem-kbd-now-grabbing nil)
+  (setq xwem-prefix-arg nil)
+  (when xwem-keymacro-show-macro
+    (xwem-message 'info "Executing macro: '%s'"
+		  (key-description keys)))
+  ;; Force release of modifiers
+  (xwem-kbd-force-mods-release)
+  (mapc (lambda (keyseq)
+	  (xwem-keymacro-execute-keys keyseq))
+	(make-list times keys)))
+;; Commands to be used in `xwem-keymacro-user-macros'
+(define-xwem-command xwem-keymacro-undefined ()
+  "Undefined macro command."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (xwem-message 'warn "Macro key `%s' is not defined" (key-description xwem-this-command-keys)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-keymacro-play-last (arg)
+  "Play last KBD macro ARG times."
+  (xwem-interactive "_p")
+  (if xwem-keymacro-saving
+      (xwem-message 'warn "Can't play macro while recording.")
+    (if (not xwem-keymacro-last-kbd-macro)
+	(xwem-message 'warn "No KBD macros have been saved.")
+      (xwem-keymacro-internal-play xwem-keymacro-last-kbd-macro arg))
+  ))
+(put 'xwem-keymacro-play-last 'xwem-need-keyrelease t)
+(define-xwem-command xwem-keymacro-recursive-edit (arg)
+  "Enter recursive edit.
+Using \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-keymacro-recursive-edit] you can
+change keyboard macro execution in different way, i.e. you can
+temporary suspend macro execution.  Use
+\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-exit-recursive-edit] to exit recursive
+  (xwem-interactive "_P")
+  (or xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+      xwem-keymacro-saving
+      (error "Not defining or executing keyboard macro"))
+  (let ((xwem-this-command-keys [])
+       (xwem-prefix-arg nil))
+    (unless xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+      (X-XRecordDisableContext (xwem-dpy) xwem-keymacro-rcontext))
+    (xwem-recursive-edit)
+    (unless xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+      (X-XRecordEnableContext xwem-keymacro-dpy xwem-keymacro-rcontext))
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-keymacro-exit-recursive-edit ()
+  "Exit recursive edition."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  ;; XXX
+  (when xwem-executing-kbd-macro
+    (xwem-kbd-force-mods-release))
+  (xwem-exit-recursive-edit))
+(put 'xwem-keymacro-exit-recursive-edit 'xwem-need-keyrelease t)
+(defun xwem-keymacro-save-macros (&optional file)
+  "Save all defined macros to FILE.
+Default value for FILE is ~/.xwem/xwem-macros.el."
+  (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " * temp keymacro buffer *")))
+    (with-current-buffer buf
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (map-keymap (lambda (kseq fbind)
+		    (when (vectorp fbind)
+		      (insert (format "(define-key xwem-user-macros-map '%S %S)\n" kseq fbind))))
+		  xwem-user-macros-map)
+      (write-file (or file (concat xwem-dir "/" xwem-keymacro-macrofile)))
+      (kill-buffer buf))))
+(defun xwem-keymacro-load-macros (&optional file)
+  "Load macros saved with `xwem-key-save-macros' from FILE.
+Default value for FILE is ~/.xwem/xwem-macros.el"
+  (load (or file (concat xwem-dir "/" xwem-keymacro-macrofile))))
+(provide 'xwem-keymacro)
+;;; xwem-keymacro.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-launcher.el b/lisp/xwem-launcher.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWxhdW5jaGVyLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-launcher.el
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+;;; xwem-launcher.el --- Program launcher for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Thu Dec  4 16:32:11 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; External programs launcher for XWEM.
+;;; TODO:
+;;    * Assume argument in quotas as single argument, i.e. do not make
+;;      splitting inside quotas.
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'comint))
+(autoload 'executable-find "executable")
+(defgroup xwem-launcher nil
+  "Group to customize XWEM's programs launcher."
+  :prefix "xwem-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-launcher-beep-done nil
+  "*Non-nil mean beep when execution of program done.
+Beep performed using \(xwem-play-sound 'ready\)."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-launcher-function 'xwem-execute-program
+  "Function to be used to execute external program."
+  :type 'function
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-launcher-abbrev-table nil
+  "Abbrev table used by `xwem-launcher-query'."
+  :type 'list
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-launcher-history nil
+  "History of `xwem-launcher-query'ies."
+  :type 'list
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-launcher-split-type 'xwem-execute-program-other-win-vertical
+  "Window split type, when launching program in other window."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Horizontal" xwem-execute-program-other-win-horizontal)
+		 (const :tag "Vertical" xwem-execute-program-other-win-vertical))
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-launcher-frame-type 'xwem-execute-program-other-frame
+  "Type of frame, when launching program in other frame."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Normal frame" xwem-execute-program-other-frame)
+		 (const :tag "Embedded frame" xwem-execute-program-embedded-frame))
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-xterm-program "xterm"
+  "Name of terminal emulator program."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-xterm-font-argument "-fn"
+  "Program key to specify in order to change font."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-xterm-font1 ""
+  "Default xterm font."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-xterm-font2 "10x20"
+  "Second xterm font."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-xterm-font3 "9x15"
+  "Third xterm font."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-xterm-font4 "fixed"
+  "Forth xterm font."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-lupe-program "lupe"
+  "Xmag like mignifier program."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-lupe-arguments "-noshape -nohud"
+  "Argument to pass to `xwem-lupe-program'."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-xlock-program "xlock"
+  "Program to run in order to lock X display."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defcustom xwem-xlock-arguments "-mode image"
+  "Arguments to supply `xwem-xlock-program'."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-launcher)
+(defun xwem-launcher-read-command (prompt &optional initial-input)
+  "Read command name prompting PROMPT.
+Just linke `read-shell-command', but installs
+`xwem-launcher-abbrev-table' as abbrev table, `xwem-launcher-history'
+as history of commands and `xwem-launcher-shell-completion-table' as table
+to performe completions.
+INITIAL-INPUT is self-described."
+  (let ((minibuffer-completion-table nil))
+      (xwem-read-from-minibuffer prompt initial-input read-shell-command-map
+                                 nil 'xwem-launcher-history xwem-launcher-abbrev-table)
+      (setq read-shell-command-map keymap)
+  ))
+(defun xwem-launcher-split-cmd (cmd-with-args)
+  "Split string CMD-WITH-ARGS into command and aguments strings.
+Also aplly `executable-find' to find out full path to command.
+Also remove explicit spaces in arguments string."
+  (let* ((scmd (split-string cmd-with-args " "))
+	 (cmd-str (car scmd))
+	 (arg-str (mapconcat 'identity (cdr scmd) " ")))
+    (cons (executable-find cmd-str) (replace-in-string arg-str " +" " "))))
+(defun xwem-launcher-join-cmd (cmd-cell)
+  "Construct final command from cons cell CMD-CELL.
+`car' of CMD-CELL is cmd and `cdr' is arguments string."
+  (when (car cmd-cell)
+    (concat (car cmd-cell)
+	    (if (and (stringp (cdr cmd-cell))
+		     (> (length (cdr cmd-cell)) 0))
+		(concat " " (cdr cmd-cell))
+	      ""))))
+(defun xwem-launcher-normalize-cmd (cmd)
+  "Normalize command CMD, i.e. performe `xwem-launcher-split-cmd' and `xwem-launcher-join-cmd'.
+If some errors encoureged, send signal"
+  (let ((ncmd (xwem-launcher-split-cmd cmd)))
+    (if (null (car ncmd))
+	(error "Can't normalize command: %S" cmd)
+      (xwem-launcher-join-cmd ncmd))))
+(defun xwem-launcher-query (&optional prompt)
+  "Query for command to launch using PROMPT."
+  (let ((cmd (xwem-launcher-read-command
+	      (if prompt (concat prompt "XWEM-Run: ") "XWEM-Run: "))))
+    (xwem-launcher-normalize-cmd cmd)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-run-program (command)
+  "Run COMMAND."
+  (xwem-interactive "eRun command: ")
+  (xwem-execute-program command))
+(defun xwem-execute-program (command &optional buffer-name)
+  "Execute COMMAND in buffer with BUFFER-NAME.
+Unlike `background' do not use shell."
+  (let* ((cmdargs (condition-case nil (split-string command " ") (t (list command)))) ; due to split-string args-out-of-range bug
+	 (prg (car cmdargs))
+	 (args (cdr cmdargs))
+	 (job-number 1)
+	 job-name)
+    (while (get-process (setq job-name (format "xwem-run-%d" job-number)))
+      (setq job-number (1+ job-number)))
+    (or buffer-name
+	(setq buffer-name (format " *%s*" job-name)))
+    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (insert "--- working directory: " default-directory
+	      "\n% " command ?\n)
+      (let ((proc (get-buffer-process
+		   (comint-exec buffer-name job-name prg nil args))))
+	(comint-mode)
+	;; COND because the proc may have died before the G-B-P is called.
+	(cond (proc (set-process-sentinel proc 'xwem-program-sentinel)
+		    (message "[%d] %d" job-number (process-id proc))))
+	(setq mode-name "XWEM-Run")
+	proc))))
+(defun xwem-program-sentinel (process msg)
+  "Called when PROCESS changed state to MSG."
+  (let ((ms (match-data))) ; barf
+    (unwind-protect
+	 (let ((msg (cond ((string= msg "finished\n") "Done")
+			  ((string-match "^exited" msg)
+			   (concat "Exit " (substring msg 28 -1)))
+			  ((zerop (length msg)) "Continuing")
+			  (t (concat (upcase (substring msg 0 1))
+				     (substring msg 1 -1))))))
+           (when xwem-launcher-beep-done
+             (xwem-play-sound 'ready))
+	   (xwem-message 'info "[%s] %s '%s'" (process-name process)
+			 msg
+			 (mapconcat 'identity (process-command process) " "))
+	   (if (null (buffer-name (process-buffer process)))
+	       (set-process-buffer process nil) ; WHY? Olin.
+	     (if (memq (process-status process) '(signal exit))
+		 (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
+		   (let ((at-end (eobp)))
+		     (save-excursion
+		       (goto-char (point-max))
+		       (insert ?\n msg ?\x20
+			       (substring (current-time-string) 11 19) ?\n))
+		     (if at-end (goto-char (point-max))))
+		   (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))
+      (store-match-data ms))))
+(defun xwem-execute-program-other-win (cmd type)
+  "Execute CMD in other XWEM window, making TYPE split if needed.
+TYPE is one of 'horizontal of 'vertical"
+  (setq cmd (xwem-launcher-normalize-cmd cmd))
+  (let ((own (xwem-window-other 1))
+	(xwem-win-after-split-hook nil)) ; prevent hooks processing
+    ;; Check is there split needed
+    (when (eq own (xwem-win-selected))
+      (if (eq type 'horizontal)
+	  (xwem-frame-split-horiz 0)
+	(xwem-frame-split-vert 0))
+      (setq own (xwem-win-next (xwem-win-selected))))
+    (when (xwem-win-p own)
+      (xwem-win-expt-inc own cmd))	;install expectation
+    (xwem-execute-program cmd)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-execute-program-other-win-horizontal (cmd)
+  "Execute CMD in other XWEM window, making horizontal split if needed."
+  (xwem-execute-program-other-win cmd 'horizontal))
+(defun xwem-execute-program-other-win-vertical (cmd)
+  "Execute CMD in other XWEM window, making vertical split if needed."
+  (xwem-execute-program-other-win cmd 'vertical))
+(defun xwem-execute-program-other-frame (cmd)
+  "Execute CMD in other XWEM frame."
+  (setq cmd (xwem-launcher-normalize-cmd cmd))
+  (let ((oframe (or (xwem-frame-other (xwem-frame-selected))
+		    (xwem-make-frame-1 nil nil nil t))))
+    (xwem-win-expt-inc (xwem-frame-selwin oframe) cmd)
+    (xwem-execute-program cmd)
+    (xwem-frame-select oframe)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-execute-program-embedded-frame (cmd)
+  "Execute CMD in linkaged frame or in embedded XWEM frame."
+  (setq cmd (xwem-launcher-normalize-cmd cmd))
+  (let ((oframe (or (xwem-frame-other (xwem-frame-selected) 'linkage)
+		    (xwem-make-frame-1 t nil nil t))))
+    (xwem-win-expt-inc (xwem-frame-selwin oframe) cmd)
+    (xwem-execute-program cmd)
+    (xwem-frame-select oframe)
+    ))
+;;;; XWEM commands.
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launcher-turn-on-horizontal-split-type ()
+  "Set `xwem-launcher-split-type' to `xwem-execute-program-other-win-horizontal'."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (setq xwem-launcher-split-type 'xwem-execute-program-other-win-horizontal)
+  (xwem-message 'info "Launcher split type HORIZONTAL on."))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launcher-turn-on-vertical-split-type ()
+  "Set `xwem-launcher-split-type' to `xwem-execute-program-other-win-vertical'."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (setq xwem-launcher-split-type 'xwem-execute-program-other-win-vertical)
+  (xwem-message 'info "Launcher split type VERTICAL on."))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launcher-toggle-split-type (arg)
+  "Toggle `xwem-launcher-split-type'.
+Without prefix ARG set it to vertical, with prefix ARG set it to horizontal."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (if arg
+      (xwem-launcher-turn-on-horizontal-split-type)
+    (xwem-launcher-turn-on-vertical-split-type)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launcher-turn-on-normal-frame-type ()
+  "Set `xwem-launcher-frame-type' to `xwem-execute-program-other-frame', aka normal frame type."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (setq xwem-launcher-frame-type 'xwem-execute-program-other-frame)
+  (xwem-message 'info "Other frame NORMAL type on."))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launcher-turn-on-embedded-frame-type ()
+  "Set `xwem-launcher-frame-type' to `xwem-execute-program-embedded-frame' aka embedded frame type."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (setq xwem-launcher-frame-type 'xwem-execute-program-embedded-frame)
+  (xwem-message 'info "Other frame EMBEDDED type on."))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launcher-toggle-frame-type (arg)
+  "Toggle `xwem-launcher-frame-type'.
+Without prefix ARG set it to normal, with prefix ARG set it to embedded."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (if arg
+      (xwem-launcher-turn-on-normal-frame-type)
+    (xwem-launcher-turn-on-embedded-frame-type)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-program (cmd &optional arg)
+  "Run CMD program in background.
+If used with prefix ARG (\\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument]), then instlall
+expectance on selected window (i.e. when client window performe
+MapWindow, it will be managed to window where expectance setuped
+regardless selected window at map moment.  It is usefull to do so when
+you start application with large start time, such as Mozilla or
+AcrobatReader, and you want continue doing things not wainting untill
+application window maps.
+If used with numeric prefix ARG, then that number specifies how many
+programs to run."
+  (xwem-interactive "eLaunch program: \nP")
+  (cond ((listp arg)
+         (xwem-win-expt-inc (xwem-win-selected) cmd)
+         (xwem-execute-program cmd))
+	((numberp arg)
+	 (while (> arg 0)
+	   (xwem-execute-program cmd)
+	   (setq arg (1- arg))))
+	(t (error "Invalid arg: %s" arg)))
+  )
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-program-other-win (cmd &optional arg)
+  "Run program in other window.
+If used with prefix ARG, then do horisontal split if needed."
+  (xwem-interactive "eLaunch Other Win: \nP")
+  (let ((own (xwem-window-other 1))
+	(xwem-win-after-split-hook nil)) ; prevent hooks processing
+    ;; Check is there split needed
+    (when (eq own (xwem-win-selected))
+      (if arg
+	  (xwem-frame-split-horiz 0)
+	(xwem-frame-split-vert 0))
+      (setq own (xwem-win-next (xwem-win-selected))))
+    (when (xwem-win-p own)
+      (xwem-win-expt-inc own cmd))	;install expectation
+    (xwem-execute-program cmd)
+    ))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-program-other-frame (cmd &optional arg)
+  "Run programm in other frame.
+ARG passed as first argument to `xwem-make-frame-1'."
+  (xwem-interactive "eLaunch Other Frame: \nP")
+  (let ((oframe (or (xwem-frame-other (xwem-frame-selected))
+		    (xwem-make-frame-1 arg nil nil t))))
+    (xwem-win-expt-inc (xwem-frame-selwin oframe) cmd)
+    (xwem-execute-program cmd)
+    (xwem-frame-select oframe))
+  )
+(defsubst xwem-launch (cmd)
+  "Execute CMD using `xwem-launcher'."
+  (funcall xwem-launcher-function cmd))
+(defun xwem-launch-generic-program (cmd sarg)
+  "Run generic program CMD with arguments SARG."
+  (xwem-launch (xwem-launcher-join-cmd (cons cmd sarg))))
+;; Executing xterm
+(defun xwem-xterm-construct-cmd (arg)
+  "Construct xterm command according to ARG."
+  (let ((fn (symbol-value (intern (concat "xwem-xterm-font" (int-to-string arg)))))
+	(cmd xwem-xterm-program))
+    (when (and (stringp fn) (> (length fn) 0))
+      (setq cmd (concat cmd " " xwem-xterm-font-argument " " fn)))
+    cmd))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-xterm (arg)
+  "Run xterm program `xwem-xterm-program' with ARG as font argument."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let ((cmd (xwem-xterm-construct-cmd arg)))
+    (xwem-launch cmd)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-xterm-other-win (arg)
+  "Execute xterm in other window, ARG have same meaning as in `xwem-launch-xterm'."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let ((xwem-launcher-function xwem-launcher-split-type))
+    (xwem-launch-xterm arg)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-xterm-other-frame (arg)
+  "Execute xterm in other frame, ARG have same meaning as in `xwem-launch-xterm'."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let ((xwem-launcher-function xwem-launcher-frame-type))
+    (xwem-launch-xterm arg)))
+;; Executing lupe
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-lupe (arg)
+  "Run lupe `xwem-lupe-program' with `xwem-lupe-arguments'.
+Prefix ARG is actually unused."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (xwem-launch-generic-program xwem-lupe-program xwem-lupe-arguments))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-lupe-other-win (arg)
+  "Run lupe in other window.
+Prefix ARG is actually unused."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let ((xwem-launcher-function xwem-launcher-split-type))
+    (xwem-launch-lupe arg)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-lupe-other-frame (arg)
+  "Run lupe in other frame.
+Prefix ARG is actually unused."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let ((xwem-launcher-function xwem-launcher-frame-type))
+    (xwem-launch-lupe arg)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-launch-xlock ()
+  "Launch `xwem-xlock-program' with `xwem-xlock-arguments'."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (xwem-launch-generic-program xwem-xlock-program xwem-xlock-arguments))
+(provide 'xwem-launcher)
+;;; xwem-launcher.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-load.el b/lisp/xwem-load.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLWxvYWQuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-load.el
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+;;; xwem-load.el --- Load everything we will need.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Authors: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;;	    Alex Ott <ottalex@narod.ru>
+;; Created: 1 Sep 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'cl))
+;; Compatibility layer
+(require 'xwem-compat)
+;; Macros
+(require 'xwem-macros)
+;; Autoload some xwem commands
+;; TODO:
+;;   * write tiny funcition which will recognize `define-xwem-command'
+;;     as autoloadable defun.
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-help" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-describe-prefix-bindings 'xwem-help-describe-bindings
+	    'xwem-help-describe-key 'xwem-help-frames 'xwem-help-wins
+	    'xwem-help-clients 'xwem-help-where-is))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-win" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-balance-windows 'xwem-transpose-windows))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-clients" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-cl-switch 'xwem-cl-switch-other-win 'xwem-cl-switch-other-frame
+	    'xwem-cl-switch-to-other 'xwem-cl-switch-to-other-in-other-win
+	    'xwem-kill-cl-and-window 'xwem-cl-transpose 'xwem-client-toggle-other-on-split
+	    'xwem-client-kill 'xwem-client-demanage-others 'xwem-client-run-copy
+	    'xwem-client-run-copy-other-win 'xwem-client-run-copy-other-frame
+	    'xwem-cl-pop-to-client 'xwem-cl-set-title 'xwem-client-iconify
+	    'xwem-client-turn-on-other-on-split 'xwem-client-turn-off-other-on-split
+	    'xwem-client-info 'xwem-client-set-mark))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-frame" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-make-frame 'xwem-frame-lower 'xwem-frame-raise 'xwem-frame-switch-nth
+	    'xwem-frame-switch-nth-linkage 'xwem-frame-destroy 'xwem-frame-del-win
+	    'xwem-frame-del-others 'xwem-frame-split-horiz 'xwem-frame-split-vert
+	    'xwem-frame-win-enlarge-hor 'xwem-frame-win-enlarge-ver
+	    'xwem-frame-goto-next 'xwem-frame-goto-prev 'xwem-frame-goto-next-vert
+	    'xwem-frame-goto-next-hor 'xwem-frame-goto-prev-vert 'xwem-frame-goto-prev-hor
+	    'xwem-frame-split-sbs 'xwem-frame-sbs-hor-split 'xwem-frame-sbs-vert-split
+	    'xwem-frame-fit-screen 'xwem-frame-transpose 'xwem-frame-showroot
+	    'xwem-frame-hide 'xwem-frame-next 'xwem-frame-previous 'xwem-transpose-frames))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-help" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-help 'xwem-help-for-help 'xwem-describe-prefix-bindings
+	    'xwem-help-describe-bindings 'xwem-help-describe-key1 'xwem-help-describe-key
+	    'xwem-help-frames 'xwem-help-wins 'xwem-help-clients 'xwem-help-where-is))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-keyboard" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-undefined-command 'xwem-keyboard-quit 'xwem-kbd-quit
+	    'xwem-kbd-quote-command 'xwem-universal-argument 'xwem-universal-digit
+	    'xwem-universal-minus 'xwem-universal-command))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-keymacro" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-keymacro-end 'xwem-keymacro-begin 'xwem-keymacro-undefined
+	    'xwem-keymacro-play-last 'xwem-keymacro-play 'xwem-keymacro-save-macros
+	    'xwem-keymacro-recursive-edit 'xwem-keymacro-exit-recursive-edit))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-launcher" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-run-program 'xwem-launcher-turn-on-horizontal-split-type
+	    'xwem-launcher-turn-on-vertical-split-type 'xwem-launcher-toggle-split-type
+	    'xwem-launcher-turn-on-normal-frame-type 'xwem-launcher-turn-on-embedded-frame-type
+	    'xwem-launcher-toggle-frame-type 'xwem-launch-program 'xwem-launch-program-other-win
+	    'xwem-launch-program-other-frame
+	    'xwem-launch-xterm 'xwem-launch-xterm-other-win 'xwem-launch-xterm-other-frame
+	    'xwem-launch-lupe 'xwem-launch-lupe-other-win 'xwem-launch-lupe-other-frame
+	    'xwem-launch-xlock))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-misc" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-eval-expression 'xwem-execute-extended-command 'xwem-mini-calc
+	    'xwem-misc-make-screenshot 'xwem-beginning-of-cl 'xwem-end-of-cl
+	    'xwem-show-message-log
+	    ))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-mouse" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-popup-function-menu 'xwem-popup-auto-menu))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-strokes" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-strokes-define 'xwem-strokes-descrcurr 'xwem-strokes-begin
+	    'xwem-strokes-cmplx-begin))
+(mapc (lambda (fun)
+	(autoload fun "xwem-edmacro" nil t))
+      (list 'xwem-edmacro-edit-kbd-macro))
+;; install default bindings
+(eval-when 'load
+  (load "xwem-keydefs")			; default keybindings
+  (run-hooks 'xwem-load-hook))
+(provide 'xwem-load)
+;;; xwem-load.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-macros.el b/lisp/xwem-macros.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLW1hY3Jvcy5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-macros.el
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+;;; xwem-macros.el --- Generic XWEM's macros.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 1 Sep 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aref0 (vec)
+  `(aref ,vec 0))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aref1 (vec)
+  `(aref ,vec 1))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aref2 (vec)
+  `(aref ,vec 2))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aref3 (vec)
+  `(aref ,vec 3))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aref4 (vec)
+  `(aref ,vec 4))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aref5 (vec)
+  `(aref ,vec 5))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aref6 (vec)
+  `(aref ,vec 6))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aref7 (vec)
+  `(aref ,vec 7))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aset0 (vec val)
+  `(aset ,vec 0 ,val))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aset1 (vec val)
+  `(aset ,vec 1 ,val))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aset2 (vec val)
+  `(aset ,vec 2 ,val))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aset3 (vec val)
+  `(aset ,vec 3 ,val))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aset4 (vec val)
+  `(aset ,vec 4 ,val))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aset5 (vec val)
+  `(aset ,vec 5 ,val))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aset6 (vec val)
+  `(aset ,vec 6 ,val))
+(defmacro xwem-misc-aset7 (vec val)
+  `(aset ,vec 7 ,val))
+(defmacro defmacro-alias (new old &optional doc-str)
+  "Define NEW macro as alias to OLD macro.
+It will look like (defmacro-alias new-macro 'old-macro)."
+  `(defmacro ,new (&rest args)
+     ,doc-str
+     `(,,old ,@args)))
+;;; CL macros
+(defmacro xwem-dpy-dummy ()
+  `(make-vector 3 nil))
+(defmacro xwem-dpy ()
+  `(aref xwem-root-screen 0))
+(defmacro xwem-minkeycode ()
+  `(aref (xwem-dpy) 12))
+(defmacro xwem-maxkeycode ()
+  `(aref (xwem-dpy) 13))
+(defmacro xwem-rootwin ()
+  `(aref xwem-root-screen 1))
+(defmacro xwem-rootgeom ()
+  `(aref xwem-root-screen 2))
+;;; Macros
+(defmacro xwem-cl-selected ()
+  "Return selected client."
+  `(xwem-win-cl (xwem-win-selected)))
+(defmacro xwem-cl-frame (cl)
+  "Return frame where CL."
+  `(let ((win (xwem-cl-win ,cl)))
+     (if (xwem-win-p win)
+	 (xwem-win-frame win)
+       nil)))
+(defmacro xwem-cl-tabber (cl)
+  "Return CL's tabber."
+  `(and (xwem-frame-p (xwem-cl-frame ,cl))
+	(xwem-frame-tabber (xwem-cl-frame ,cl))))
+(defmacro xwem-tab-item-tabber (tabi)
+  `(xwem-cl-tabber (xwem-tab-item-cl ,tabi)))
+(defmacro xwem-cl-win-geom (cl)
+  "Get geometry for client CL. Actually return xwem window geometry."
+  `(xwem-win-geom (xwem-cl-win ,cl)))
+;;; Window macros
+(defmacro xwem-win-put-prop (window prop val)
+  "Set property PROP of WINDOW to VAL."
+  `(when (xwem-win-p ,window)
+     (aset ,window 2 (plist-put (xwem-win-props ,window) ,prop ,val))))
+(defmacro xwem-win-get-prop (window prop)
+  "Get property PROP for WINDOW."
+  `(when (xwem-win-p ,window)
+     (plist-get (xwem-win-props ,window) ,prop)))
+(defmacro xwem-win-child (window)
+  "Return child of WINDOW, hchild checked first then if not set vchild
+  tested."
+  `(or (xwem-win-hchild ,window) (xwem-win-vchild ,window)))
+(defmacro xwem-win-mark-deleted (win)
+  "Mark WIN as deleted window."
+  `(setf (xwem-win-deleted ,win) t))
+;; -- Expectations macros
+(defmacro xwem-win-get-expt (win expt)
+  "Get value of EXPT from expectances plist of WIN.
+Returns 0 if EXPT is not in plist."
+  `(let ((exv (lax-plist-get (xwem-win-expectances ,win) ,expt)))
+     (if (null exv) 0 exv)))
+(defmacro xwem-win-set-expt (win expt expt-value)
+  "Set EXPT with value EXPT-VALUE in expectations plist for WIN."
+  `(setf (xwem-win-expectances ,win)
+	 (lax-plist-put (xwem-win-expectances ,win) ,expt ,expt-value)))
+(defmacro xwem-win-expt-inc (win expt &optional howmuch)
+  "Include by one EXPT in expectations plist for WIN.
+If there no such EXPT, new one will be created with count equal to one."
+  `(xwem-win-set-expt
+    ,win ,expt
+    (+ (xwem-win-get-expt ,win ,expt) (if ,howmuch ,howmuch 1))))
+(defmacro xwem-win-expt-dec (win expt &optional howmuch)
+  "Decrement by one value of EXPT in expectations plist for WIN."
+  `(let ((exv (xwem-win-get-expt ,win ,expt))
+	 (hm (if ,howmuch ,howmuch 1)))
+     (xwem-win-set-expt ,win ,expt
+			(if (> (- exv hm) 0) (- exv hm) 0))))
+;;; Frames macros
+(defmacro xwem-frame-get-prop (frame prop)
+  `(plist-get (xwem-frame-props ,frame) ,prop))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-set-prop (frame prop val)
+  "Puts PROP with VAL to FRAME's properties list."
+  `(let ((props (xwem-frame-props ,frame)))
+     (setq props (plist-put props ,prop ,val))
+     (setf (xwem-frame-props ,frame) props)))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-link-insert-after (frame1 frame2)
+  "Make FRAME2 to be after FRAME1."
+  `(let ((nf (xwem-frame-link-next ,frame1)))
+     (when (xwem-frame-p nf)
+       (setf (xwem-frame-link-prev nf) ,frame2))
+     (setf (xwem-frame-link-next ,frame1) ,frame2)
+     (setf (xwem-frame-link-prev ,frame2) ,frame1)
+     (setf (xwem-frame-link-next ,frame2) nf)))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-link-insert-before (frame1 frame2)
+  "Make FRAME2 to be before FRAME1."
+  `(let ((pf (xwem-frame-link-prev ,frame1)))
+     (when (xwem-frame-p pf)
+       (setf (xwem-frame-link-next pf) ,frame2))
+     (setf (xwem-frame-link-prev ,frame1) ,frame2)
+     (setf (xwem-frame-link-next ,frame2) ,frame1)
+     (setf (xwem-frame-link-prev ,frame2) pf)))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-link-remove (frame)
+  "Remove FRAME from linkage."
+  `(let ((nfr (xwem-frame-link-next ,frame))
+	 (pfr (xwem-frame-link-prev ,frame)))
+     (when (xwem-frame-p pfr)
+       (setf (xwem-frame-link-next pfr) nfr))
+     (when (xwem-frame-p nfr)
+       (setf (xwem-frame-link-prev nfr) pfr))))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-link-head (frame)
+  "Returns head frame of FRAME's linkage."
+  `(let ((fr ,frame))
+     (while (xwem-frame-p (xwem-frame-link-prev fr))
+       (setq fr (xwem-frame-link-prev fr)))
+     fr))
+(defmacro xwem-frame-linkage-map (frame fn)
+  "Call FN for each frame in FRAME's linkage.
+FN called with one argument - frame."
+  ;; TODO: avoid infinit recursion
+  `(let ((fr (xwem-frame-link-head ,frame)))
+     (while (xwem-frame-p fr)
+       (funcall ,fn fr)
+       (setq fr (xwem-frame-link-next fr)))))
+;;; Key macros
+(defmacro xwem-kbd-private-makemask (mlist)
+  `(apply 'Xmask-or (cons 0 ,mlist)))
+(defmacro xwem-kbd-shiftmask ()
+  `(xwem-kbd-private-makemask (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 0)))
+(defmacro xwem-kbd-lockmask ()
+  `(xwem-kbd-private-makemask (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 1)))
+(defmacro xwem-kbd-controlmask ()
+  `(xwem-kbd-private-makemask (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 2)))
+(defmacro xwem-kbd-metamask ()
+  `(xwem-kbd-private-makemask (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 3)))
+(defmacro xwem-kbd-hypermask ()
+  `(xwem-kbd-private-makemask (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 4)))
+(defmacro xwem-kbd-supermask ()
+  `(xwem-kbd-private-makemask (aref xwem-kbd-private-modifiers 5)))
+(defmacro xwem-help-display (&rest forms)
+  "Evaluate FORMS in special emacs frame and xwem help buffer."
+  `(let ((temp-buffer-show-function 'xwem-special-popup-frame))
+     (with-displaying-help-buffer
+      (lambda ()
+	(set-buffer standard-output)
+	(progn ,@forms))
+      )))
+(defmacro xwem-interactive (&rest ispec)
+  "Just like `interactive', but accepts xwem specific arguments.
+Code letters available are:
+s -- String.
+k -- Single key.
+K -- Key sequence that executes command.
+c -- Client.
+f -- Existing file.
+F -- Possible non-existing file.
+p -- Prefix argument as number.
+P -- Prefix argument in raw form.
+C -- Command.
+e -- External command."
+  (let ((is (cond ((and (= (length ispec) 1)
+			(stringp (car ispec)))
+		   (setq ispec (car ispec))
+		   (split-string ispec "\n"))
+		  (t ispec))))
+    (if (not (stringp ispec))
+	`(interactive (let ((xwem-interactively t))
+			,@ispec))
+      `(interactive (xwem-interactive-ilist (quote ,is))))))
+(defmacro define-xwem-command (funsym args docstring inter &rest body)
+  "Same as `xwem-defun', but make FUNSYM to be interactive command.
+INTER is actually a for of `xwem-interactive'."
+  `(defun ,funsym ,args
+     ,docstring
+     ,(macroexpand inter)
+     ;; Maybe run command without GCing at all
+     (let ((gc-cons-threshold (if xwem-commands-inhibit-gc
+				  most-positive-fixnum
+				gc-cons-threshold)))
+       ,@body)))
+(put 'xwem-command 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
+(defmacro xwem-under-minib-focus (&rest forms)
+  "Evaluate FORM under XWEM's minibuffer focus."
+  `(progn
+     (xwem-focus-set (xwem-minib-cl xwem-minibuffer))
+     (unwind-protect
+	 (progn ,@forms)
+       (xwem-focus-pop-set)
+       )))
+(defmacro xwem-cursor-shape-choice ()
+  "Return choice dialog to select cursor shape."
+  `(`(choice (const :tag "Left" X-XC-left_ptr)
+	     (const :tag "Right" X-XC-right_ptr )
+	     (const :tag "Cross" X-XC-cross)
+	     (const :tag "Reverse Cross" X-XC-cross_reverse)
+	     (const :tag "Crosshair" X-XC-crosshair)
+	     (const :tag "Daimond cross" X-XC-diamond_cross)
+	     ;; TODO: add more, take a look at Cursors section in
+	     ;; xlib-const.el
+	     (const :tag "Dot" X-XC-dot)
+	     (const :tag "Square Icon" X-XC-icon)
+	     (const :tag "Down Arrow" X-XC-sb_down_arrow)
+	     (const :tag "Question Arrow" X-XC-question_arrow)
+	     (const :tag "Fluer" X-XC-fleur)
+	     (const :tag "Bottom Left corner" X-XC-bottom_left_corner)
+	     (const :tag "Bottom Right corner" X-XC-bottom_right_corner)
+	     (const :tag "Top Left corner" X-XC-top_left_arrow)
+	     (const :tag "Top Right corner" X-XC-top_right_arrow)
+	     )))
+(defmacro xwem-gc-function-choice ()
+  "Return choice dialog to select GC function."
+  `(`(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
+	     (const :tag "Clear" X-GXClear)
+	     (const :tag "And" X-GXAnd)
+	     (const :tag "Reverse And" X-GXAndReverse)
+	     (const :tag "Inverted And" X-GXAndInverted)
+	     (const :tag "Xor" X-GXXor)
+	     (const :tag "Or" X-GXOr)
+	     (const :tag "Reverse Or" X-GXOrReverse)
+	     (const :tag "Inverted Or" X-GXOrInverted)
+	     (const :tag "Nor" X-GXNor)
+	     (const :tag "Equive" X-GXEquiv)
+	     (const :tag "Invert" X-GXInvert)
+	     (const :tag "Copy" X-GXCopy)
+	     (const :tag "Inverted Copy" X-GXCopyInverted)
+	     (const :tag "Set" X-GXSet))))
+(provide 'xwem-macros)
+;;; xwem-macros.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-main.el b/lisp/xwem-main.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLW1haW4uZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-main.el
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+;;; xwem-main.el --- Main part of xwem.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;; Commentary:
+;; This main part of XWEM.
+;; I strongly recommend you to raise max-lisp-eval-depth value to say
+;; 5000.
+;; 	(setq max-lisp-eval-depth 5000)
+;; Try to avoid to use such evil thing as `mouse-avoidance-mode', but
+;; if you really want it, than set it to either 'banish or 'jump.
+;; If you want develop some xwem addons or take in touch with xwem, it
+;; will be usefull to change `find-function-regexp', because xwem uses
+;; its own syntax to define interactive commands.
+;;     (setq find-function-regexp
+;;    	     (concat "^\\s-*(\\(def[^cgvW]\\w+\\*?"
+;;    		  "\\|define-function"
+;;    		  "\\|define-obsolete-function-alias"
+;;    		  "\\|define-compatible-function-alias"
+;;    		  "\\|define-derived-mode"
+;;    		  "\\|define-xwem-command"
+;;    		  "\\)\\s-+%s\\(\\s-\\|$\\)"))
+;;; Code
+  (require 'cl))			;last, intersection etc
+(defgroup xwem nil
+  "XWEM window manager."
+  :prefix "xwem-"
+  :group 'applications)
+(defgroup xwem-hooks nil
+  "Group to customize xwem hooks."
+  :prefix "xwem-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-dir "~/.xwem"
+  "Directory to store XWEM's files."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-debug nil
+  "*Non-nil mean run xlib and xwem in debugging mode."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-commands-inhibit-gc t
+  "*Non-nil mean that xwem interactive commands runs without GCing."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-custom-display nil ;""
+  "*Custom display, mostly for debugging purposes."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-load-hook nil
+  "*Hooks to call after xwem was load."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+(defcustom xwem-after-init-hook nil
+  "Hooks to be runned after xwem initialisation."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+(defcustom xwem-exit-hook nil
+  "Hooks called after xwem exit."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'xwem-hooks)
+;;; Variables
+(defvar xwem-started nil
+  "Non-nil when xwem started.
+Do not modify!")
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-init-wins ()
+  "Manage all mapped X windows."
+  (xwem-message 'msg "Initializing X windows ... wait")
+  (let ((wins (XQueryTree (xwem-dpy) (xwem-rootwin)))
+	(attrs nil)
+	(shcfgl nil))
+    (setq wins (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr wins)))))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "IN xwem-init-wins: wins length = %d\n" '(length wins))
+    (while wins
+      (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XGetWindowAttr BEGIN in xwem-init-wins\n")
+      (setq attrs (XGetWindowAttributes (xwem-dpy) (car wins)))
+      (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XGetWindowAttr END in xwem-init-wins, as=%s\n" 'attrs)
+      (when (and (not (X-Attr-override-redirect attrs))
+		 (= (X-Attr-mapstate attrs) X-Viewable)
+		 (not (xwem-find-frame (car wins))))
+	;; X window visible and not XWEM frame
+	(setq shcfgl (cons (cons (car wins) attrs) shcfgl))
+	)
+      (setq wins (cdr wins)))
+    ;; Manage all visible clients
+    (mapc (lambda (cl)
+	    (xwem-make-client (car cl) (cdr cl)))
+	  shcfgl)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-after-window-setup ()
+  "Function which will be added to `window-setup-hook' and called
+  after ~/.emacs file loaded and emacs X window subsystems
+  initialized."
+  ;; revert back `menubar-visible-p' specifier
+  (set-specifier menubar-visible-p xwem-saved-menubar-visible-p)
+  (let ((dfen (or xwem-custom-display (getenv "DISPLAY"))))
+    (xwem-init-root
+     (if (eq (aref dfen 0) ?\:)
+	 (concat "" dfen)
+       dfen)))
+  ;; Select input on root window
+  (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) (xwem-rootwin) xwem-root-ev-mask)
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (xwem-rootwin) 'xwem-root-events-handler 100)
+  ;; Create XWEM minibuffer
+  (xwem-minib-create)
+  (xwem-init-cursors)
+  (xwem-init-faces)
+  (xwem-init-events)
+  (xwem-kbd-init)
+  (xwem-init-frames)
+  (xwem-init-win)
+  (xwem-init-misc)
+  ;; Handle all X clients
+  (xwem-init-wins)
+  (when xwem-strokes-enabled
+    (xwem-strokes-init))
+  ;; Initialize xwem system tray
+  (when xwem-tray-enabled
+    (xwem-tray-startit (xwem-dpy)))
+  ;; Refit frames, so they will adjust sizes according to
+  ;; xwem-minibuffer size, after it was managed.
+  (mapc 'xwem-frame-fit-screen xwem-frames-list)
+  ;; Make sure all events are processes
+  (XSync (xwem-dpy))
+  (XSync (xwem-dpy) t)
+  (setq xwem-started t)
+  ;; Now xwem is fully intialized and it is time to run hooks
+  (run-hooks 'xwem-after-init-hook)
+  (xwem-message 'asis (concat (xwem-logo-string)
+			      " succesfully started. Start with `M-x xwem-help RET'."))
+  )
+(defun xwem-init ()
+  "Initialization of xwem subsystems."
+  (setq inhibit-startup-message t)
+  ;; read configuration
+  (let ((cfg (expand-file-name (concat xwem-dir "/xwemrc.el"))))
+    (if (file-exists-p cfg)
+	(load cfg)
+      (xwem-message 'warn "Configuration file `%s' does not exists" cfg)))
+  ;; Initialize various stuff that does not need display
+  (xwem-manda-init)
+  (add-hook 'window-setup-hook 'xwem-after-window-setup)
+  (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'xwem-fini t)
+  )
+(defun xwem-fini ()
+  "Fini all subsystems."
+  (xwem-kbd-quit)
+  (xwem-fini-events)
+  (xwem-fini-frames)
+  (xwem-fini-clients)
+  (when xwem-tray-enabled
+    (xwem-tray-fini))
+  (xwem-fini-root)
+  ;; Finally run exit hooks
+  (run-hooks 'xwem-exit-hook))
+(provide 'xwem-main)
+;;; xwem-main.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-manage.el b/lisp/xwem-manage.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLW1hbmFnZS5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-manage.el
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+;;; xwem-manage.el --- Manage stuff for xwem.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code
+;; Variables
+(defvar xwem-manda-list nil
+  "Manage database list, all manage instances should be there.")
+(defstruct xwem-manda
+  name                                  ; manda name
+  matcher-function
+  priority
+  exclude-p                             ; non-nil if such clients
+					; should be excluded from
+					; clients list
+  init-fun
+  manage-fun
+  demanage-fun
+  iconify-fun
+  refit-fun
+  )
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-manda-fun-run (manel fun &rest args)
+  "Run function FUN for MANEL.
+FUN is one of 'init, 'manage, 'demanage or 'refit
+NOTE: A little bit hackish, do not do so at home." 
+  (let* ((ifun (intern (format "xwem-manda-%s-fun" fun)))
+	 (val (funcall ifun manel)))
+    (when val
+      (apply val args))))
+(defun xwem-manda-find-inst (cl)
+  "Find instance for CL in manage database.
+NOTE: Find first match."
+  (let ((manls xwem-manda-list))
+    (while (and manls (not (funcall (xwem-manda-matcher-function (car manls)) cl)))
+      (setq manls (cdr manls)))
+    (car manls)))
+(defun define-xwem-manda (name matcher-function &optional priority exclude-p 
+                               init-fun manage-fun demanage-fun iconify-fun refit-fun)
+  "Define new entry in manage database."
+  (let ((man (make-xwem-manda :name name
+                              :priority priority
+                              :exclude-p exclude-p
+                              :matcher-function matcher-function
+                              :init-fun init-fun
+                              :manage-fun manage-fun
+                              :demanage-fun demanage-fun
+                              :iconify-fun iconify-fun
+                              :refit-fun refit-fun)))
+    (setq xwem-manda-list (cons man xwem-manda-list))
+    ;; Resort by priority
+    (setq xwem-manda-list (sort xwem-manda-list
+                                (lambda (el1 el2)
+                                  (> (xwem-manda-priority el1)
+                                     (xwem-manda-priority el2)))))
+    man))
+(defun xwem-manda-init ()
+  "Initialize manage database."
+  (setq xwem-manda-list nil)
+  ;; Generic manda entry
+  (define-xwem-manda 'generic (lambda (cl) t)
+    -100 nil
+    'xwem-init-clients 'xwem-cl-manage 'xwem-cl-demanage
+    'xwem-cl-iconify 'xwem-cl-refit)
+  ;; Manda entry to handle xwem minibuffer
+  (define-xwem-manda 'xwem-minibuffer
+    (lambda (cl)
+      (let ((class (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+        (and (nth 0 class) (string= (nth 0 class) xwem-minibuffer-name))))
+    0 t
+    'xwem-minibuffer-init 'xwem-minib-manage nil nil 'xwem-minib-refit)
+  ;; Manda entry to manage special Emacs frames
+  (define-xwem-manda 'xwem-special
+    (lambda (cl)
+      (let ((class (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+        (and (nth 0 class) (string= (nth 0 class) xwem-special-frame-name))))
+    0 t
+    'xwem-special-frame-init 'xwem-special-frame-manage
+    'xwem-special-frame-demanage 'xwem-special-frame-iconify)
+  ;; Manda entry to manage transient-for(dialogs) windows
+  (define-xwem-manda 'transient-for
+    (lambda (cl)
+      (xwem-hints-wm-transient-for (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+    0 t
+    nil 'xwem-trans-for-manage 'xwem-trans-for-demanage
+    'xwem-trans-for-demanage)
+  ;; run init functions
+  (mapc (lambda (manel)
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run manel 'init))
+	xwem-manda-list))
+;; Transient for clients handling
+(defcustom xwem-cl-transient-border-color "blue4"
+  "Border color for transient for windows."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cl)
+(defcustom xwem-cl-transient-border-width 2
+  "Border width in pixels of transient for windows."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-cl)
+(defun xwem-trans-for-manage (cl &rest others)
+  "Manage CL that have transient-for flag."
+  ;; Map window for witch CL is transient and just map and raise CL
+  ;; over it
+  (let* ((xwin (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+	 (tfwin (xwem-cl-transient-for cl))
+	 (trc (xwem-find-client tfwin)))
+    (XChangeWindowAttributes (xwem-dpy) xwin
+			     (make-X-Attr :border-pixel (XAllocNamedColor
+							 (xwem-dpy) (XDefaultColormap (xwem-dpy))
+							 xwem-cl-transient-border-color
+							 (make-X-Color :dpy (xwem-dpy)))
+					  ))
+    (XSetWindowBorderWidth (xwem-dpy) xwin xwem-cl-transient-border-width)
+    (XMapWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+    (XRaiseWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+    (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl) (Xmask-or XM-StructureNotify))
+    (when (xwem-cl-p trc)
+      (setf (xwem-cl-translist trc) (cons cl (xwem-cl-translist trc))))
+    (xwem-focus-set cl)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-trans-for-demanage (cl &rest others)
+  "Demanage CL that have transient-for flag."
+  (let* ((tfwin (xwem-cl-transient-for cl))
+	 (trc (xwem-find-client tfwin)))
+    (when (xwem-cl-p trc)
+      (xwem-message 'info "here i trc=%d" (X-Win-id (xwem-cl-xwin trc)))
+      (setf (xwem-cl-translist trc) (delete cl (xwem-cl-translist trc))))
+    (xwem-focus-pop-set)))
+(provide 'xwem-manage)
+;;; xwem-manage.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-minibuffer.el b/lisp/xwem-minibuffer.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLW1pbmlidWZmZXIuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-minibuffer.el
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+;;; xwem-minibuffer.el --- XWEM minibuffer support.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Thu Dec  4 15:13:12 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defstruct xwem-minib
+  frame					; Emacs frame
+  (evmask 0.0)				; events to select
+  cl
+  plist					; User defined plist
+  )
+(defmacro xwem-minib-xgeom (minb)
+  "Get MINB xgeom."
+  `(xwem-cl-xgeom (xwem-minib-cl ,minb)))
+(defmacro xwem-minib-xwin (minb)
+  "Get MINB xwin."
+  `(xwem-cl-xwin (xwem-minib-cl ,minb)))
+(defsetf xwem-minib-xgeom (minb) (xgeom)
+  `(setf (xwem-cl-xgeom (xwem-minib-cl ,minb)) ,xgeom))
+(defsetf xwem-minib-xwin (minb) (xwin)
+  `(setf (xwem-cl-xwin (xwem-minib-cl ,minb)) ,xwin))
+;; Customization
+(defgroup xwem-minibuffer nil
+  "Group to customize XWEM minibuffer."
+  :prefix "xwem-minibuffer-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-name "xwem-minibuffer"
+  "*Minibuffer name to be used by XWEM."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-bgcol "gray80"
+  "*Background color to be used in `xwem-minib-frame'."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-font nil
+  "*Font to be used in `xwem-minib-frame'.  May be nil or string."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil try-font-name))
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-height 1
+  "Height of `xwem-minibuffer'."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-width 80
+  "*Usable width of `xwem-minibuffer' frame."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-border-width 3
+  "Border width for `xwem-minibuffer'."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-passive-border-color "blue3"
+  "Border color for `xwem-minibuffer'."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-active-border-color "blue"
+  "Border color for `xwem-minibuffer' when it focused."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+(defcustom xwem-minibuffer-hide-cursor-mode t
+  "*Non-nil value mean that cursor will be hided, when xwem-minibuffer
+loses focus, and unhides when it focused."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-minibuffer)
+;; Variables
+(defvar xwem-minibuffer nil
+  "Internal variable, holds `xwem-minibuffer' structure.")
+(defvar xwem-minib-after-creat-hooks nil
+  "Hooks to be called after xwem minibuffer created.")
+(defun xwem-minib-create ()
+  "Create minibuffer that will be used by xwem, or use existen."
+  (let ((mframe (xwem-misc-find-frame xwem-minibuffer-name)))
+    (when (null mframe)
+      ;; not yet created
+      (xwem-message 'info "here creating minibuffer. frames=%S" (frame-list))
+      (setq mframe (make-frame minibuffer-frame-plist)))
+    (setq default-minibuffer-frame mframe)
+    (setf (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer) mframe)
+    ;; XXX - maybe move it to `xwem-minib-after-creat-hooks'?
+    (when xwem-minibuffer-font
+      (set-face-property 'default 'font xwem-minibuffer-font (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)))
+    (when xwem-minibuffer-bgcol
+      (set-face-property 'default 'background xwem-minibuffer-bgcol
+			 (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)))
+    ;; TODO: run after create hooks
+    ))
+;; Manda functions
+(defun xwem-minib-refit (cl &rest args)
+  "Refit xwem minibuffer.
+CL is non-nil when `xwem-minib-refit' is called internally by xwem-minb-manage.
+ARGS is additional arguments."
+  ;; Adjust geometry a little
+  (xwem-cl-correct-size-for-size cl (xwem-cl-xgeom cl) 'left 'bottom)
+  (let ((mgeom (xwem-minib-xgeom xwem-minibuffer)))
+    (XMoveResizeWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-minib-xwin xwem-minibuffer)
+		       (X-Geom-x mgeom) (X-Geom-y mgeom) (X-Geom-width mgeom) (X-Geom-height mgeom)))
+  )
+(defun xwem-minib-manage (cl)
+  "Manage XWEM's minibuffer client CL."
+  (setf (xwem-minib-cl xwem-minibuffer) cl)
+  (setf (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)
+	(make-X-Geom :x 0 :y (- (X-Geom-height (xwem-rootgeom))
+				(X-Geom-height (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)))
+		     :width (X-Geom-width (xwem-rootgeom))
+		     :height (X-Geom-height (xwem-cl-xgeom cl))
+		     :border-width 0))
+  ;; Install event handler for xwem minibuffer window.
+  (setf (xwem-minib-evmask xwem-minibuffer)
+	(Xmask-or (xwem-minib-evmask xwem-minibuffer) XM-FocusChange))
+  (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) (xwem-minib-xwin xwem-minibuffer) (xwem-minib-evmask xwem-minibuffer))
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (xwem-minib-xwin xwem-minibuffer) 'xwem-minib-events-handler)
+  ;; Install grabs
+  (xwem-kbd-install-grab xwem-global-map (xwem-minib-xwin xwem-minibuffer))
+  (xwem-minib-refit cl))
+(defun xwem-minib-demanage (cl &rest args)
+  "Demage xwem minibuffer client CL.
+ARGS is additional arguments."
+  ;; Is this really needed?
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-minib-iconify (cl &rest args)
+  "Iconify xwem minibuffer client CL.
+ARGS is additional arguments."
+  ;; Is this really needed?
+  nil)
+;; Events handler
+(defun xwem-minib-events-handler (xdpy xwin xev)
+  "Events handler for minibuffer window.
+XDPY - X-Dpy .
+XWIN - X-Win for which event is generated.
+XEV  - X-Event to handle."
+  (X-Dpy-log (X-Event-dpy xev) "MINIBUFFER: %S event win = %S\n"
+	     '(X-Event-name xev) '(X-Win-id (X-Event-win xev)))
+  (X-Event-CASE xev
+    (:X-FocusIn
+     (when (and (not (eq (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) X-NotifyNonlinear))
+		(not (eq (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) X-NotifyNonlinearVirtual)))
+       ;; XWEM Minibuffer activates
+       (set-frame-property (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)
+			   'border-color xwem-minibuffer-active-border-color)
+       (when xwem-minibuffer-hide-cursor-mode
+	 (set-frame-property (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer) 'text-cursor-visible-p t))
+       ))
+    (:X-FocusOut
+     (when (and (not (eq (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) X-NotifyNonlinear))
+		(not (eq (X-Event-xfocus-mode xev) X-NotifyNonlinearVirtual)))
+       ;; XWEM Minibuffer deactivates
+       (set-frame-property (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer)
+			   'border-color xwem-minibuffer-passive-border-color)
+       (when xwem-minibuffer-hide-cursor-mode
+	 (set-frame-property (xwem-minib-frame xwem-minibuffer) 'text-cursor-visible-p nil))
+       ))
+    ;; TODO: add more?
+    (t nil)))
+(defvar xwem-saved-menubar-visible-p nil
+  "Saved value of `menubar-visible-p' specifier.")
+(defun xwem-minibuffer-init ()
+  "Initialize xwem minibuffer."
+  (xwem-message 'msg "Initializing minibuffer ... wait")
+  ;; Xt will wait ConfigureNotify event unless we specify to not do
+  ;; so. We can't send it because process already blocked.
+;  (modify-frame-parameters nil '((wait-for-wm . nil)))
+  (setq minibuffer-frame-plist
+	(list 'menubar-visible-p nil
+	      'default-toolbar-visible-p nil
+	      'name xwem-minibuffer-name
+	      'height xwem-minibuffer-height
+	      'border-width xwem-minibuffer-border-width
+	      'border-color xwem-minibuffer-passive-border-color
+	      'width xwem-minibuffer-width
+	      'wait-for-wm nil
+	      ))
+  (setq default-frame-plist
+	(plist-put default-frame-plist 'minibuffer nil))
+  (setq default-frame-plist
+	(plist-put default-frame-plist 'wait-for-wm nil))
+  (setq initial-frame-plist
+	(plist-put initial-frame-plist 'minibuffer nil))
+  (setq initial-frame-plist
+	(plist-put initial-frame-plist 'wait-for-wm nil))
+  ;; Some strange things happens with XEmacs, it skips
+  ;; `menubar-visible-p' property, so there is hack to set
+  ;; `menubar-visible-p' specifier temporary to nil and after XWEM
+  ;; minibuffer creating revert it back.
+  (setq xwem-saved-menubar-visible-p (specifier-instance menubar-visible-p))
+  (set-specifier menubar-visible-p nil)
+  (setq xwem-minibuffer (make-xwem-minib))
+  )
+(provide 'xwem-minibuffer)
+;;; xwem-minibuffer.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-misc.el b/lisp/xwem-misc.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLW1pc2MuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-misc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+;;; xwem-misc.el --- Misc stuff for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file used for misc purposes.
+;; If you have troubles with C-g key in Emacs, try to set eval:
+;;    (set-input-mode nil nil nil ?\xff)
+;; I dont know where is bug, but sometimes my XEmacs behaves very
+;; strange.  Especially after M-x C-h k.
+;;; Code:
+  (defvar elp-function-list nil)	; shut up compiler
+  (autoload 'elp-instrument-list "elp" nil t)
+  (autoload 'elp-results "elp" nil t)
+  (autoload 'calc-eval "calc"))
+(define-error 'xwem-internal-error
+  "Internal XWEM error.")
+(defgroup xwem-misc nil
+  "Group to customize miscellaneous options."
+  :prefix "xwem-misc-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-messages-buffer-name " *xwem-messages*"
+  "*Buffer name for xwem messages."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-messages-buffer-lines 1000
+  "*Maximum lines in xwem messages buffer."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-misc-functions-to-profile
+  '(X-Create-message
+    X-Dpy-parse-message
+    string->int
+    string4->int
+    X-Dpy-grab-bytes
+    X-Dpy-filter
+    X-Dpy-parse-message-guess
+    accept-process-output
+    X-Text-width
+    X-Text-height
+    XImagePut)
+  "List of functions to profile using xwem profiler."
+  :type '(repeat function)
+  :group 'xwem-misc)
+;;; Cursors
+(defgroup xwem-cursor nil
+  "Group to customize cursors in XWEM."
+  :prefix "xwem-cursor-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+;; Default cursor
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-default-shape 'X-XC-left_ptr
+  "*Shape of default xwem cursor."
+  :type (xwem-cursor-shape-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-default-foreground-color "#002800"
+  "*Default cursor's foreground color."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-default-background-color "#000000"
+  "*Default cursor's background color."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+;; wait cursor
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-wait-shape 'X-XC-icon
+  "*Shape of cursor, when XWEM wait for something."
+  :type (xwem-cursor-shape-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-wait-foreground-color "#ea0000"
+  "*Cursor's foreground color when XWEM wait for something."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-wait-background-color nil;"#280000"
+  "*Cursor's background color when XWEM waiit for something."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+;; quote cursor
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-quote-shape 'X-XC-sb_down_arrow
+  "*Shape of cursor, when XWEM quoting keyboard or mouse."
+  :type (xwem-cursor-shape-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-quote-foreground-color "#0000BB"
+  "*Cursor's foreground color when XWEM quoting keyboard/mouse."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-quote-background-color "#000099"
+  "*Cursor's background color when XWEM quoting keyboard/mouse."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+;; help cursor
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-help-shape 'X-XC-question_arrow
+  "*Shape of cursor, when getting help with XWEM."
+  :type (xwem-cursor-shape-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-help-foreground-color "#00BB00"
+  "*Cursor's foreground color when quering XWEM for help."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+(defcustom xwem-cursor-help-background-color "#009900"
+  "*Cursor's background color when quering XWEM for help."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-cursor)
+;; cursor storages
+(defvar xwem-cursor-fnt nil "Font for \"cursor\" series.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-default nil "Default cursor.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-left nil "Left cursor.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-right nil "Right cursor.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-wait nil "Cursor when we are wait.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-drag nil "Cursor when we drag.  Drug is a bad idea.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-move nil "Cursor when we move.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-resize nil "Cursor when we resize.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-quote nil "Cursor when quoting key.")
+(defvar xwem-cursor-help nil "Cursor when in help mode.")
+;;; Functions
+(defsubst xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector (colspec)
+  "Conver color specification COLSPEC to internal representation.
+COLSPEC maybe in form: #RRGGBB or name like 'green4'."
+  (vconcat (color-instance-rgb-components (make-color-instance colspec))))
+(defsubst xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector-safe (colspec &optional defret)
+  "Validate COLSPEC to be color specification in safe manner.
+Return DEFRET or [0 0 0] if there was error."
+  (condition-case nil
+      (xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector colspec)
+    (t (or defret [0 0 0]))))
+(defsubst xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p (colspec)
+  "Return non-nil if COLSPEC is valid color specification.
+Valid colorspecification is spec in form: #RRGGBB or name like 'green4'."
+  (condition-case nil
+      (xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector colspec)
+    (t nil)))
+(defun xwem-make-cursor (type &optional fgcol bgcol)
+  "Make new cursor of TYPE and store it in WHERE-STORE.
+BGCOL maybe nil, that mean masking will not be done."
+  (let ((fgc (xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector-safe fgcol [0 0 0]))
+	(bgc (xwem-misc-colorspec->rgb-vector-safe bgcol 'invalid-bgcol))
+	cursor)
+    (setq cursor (make-X-Cursor :dpy (xwem-dpy) :id (X-Dpy-get-id (xwem-dpy))
+				:source xwem-cursor-fnt
+				:mask xwem-cursor-fnt
+				:src-char type
+				:msk-char (+ (if (eq bgc 'invalid-bgcol) 0 1) type)
+				:fgred (aref fgc 0)
+				:fggreen (aref fgc 1)
+				:fgblue (aref fgc 2)))
+    (unless (eq bgc 'invalid-bgcol)
+      (setf (X-Cursor-bgred cursor) (aref bgc 0))
+      (setf (X-Cursor-bggreen cursor) (aref bgc 1))
+      (setf (X-Cursor-bgblue cursor) (aref bgc 2)))
+    (XCreateGlyphCursor (xwem-dpy) cursor)
+    cursor))
+(defun xwem-init-cursors ()
+  "Initialize cursors."
+  ;; Make cursors
+  (xwem-message 'msg "Initializing cursors ... wait")
+  (setq xwem-cursor-fnt (make-X-Font :dpy (xwem-dpy) :id (X-Dpy-get-id (xwem-dpy))
+				     :name "cursor"))
+  (XOpenFont (xwem-dpy) xwem-cursor-fnt)
+  (setq xwem-cursor-default (xwem-make-cursor (eval xwem-cursor-default-shape)
+					      xwem-cursor-default-foreground-color
+					      xwem-cursor-default-background-color)
+	xwem-cursor-left (xwem-make-cursor X-XC-left_ptr
+					   xwem-cursor-default-foreground-color
+					   xwem-cursor-default-background-color)
+	xwem-cursor-right (xwem-make-cursor X-XC-right_ptr
+					    xwem-cursor-default-foreground-color
+					    xwem-cursor-default-background-color)
+	xwem-cursor-wait (xwem-make-cursor (eval xwem-cursor-wait-shape)
+					   xwem-cursor-wait-foreground-color
+					   xwem-cursor-wait-background-color)
+	xwem-cursor-quote (xwem-make-cursor (eval xwem-cursor-quote-shape)
+					    xwem-cursor-quote-foreground-color
+					    xwem-cursor-quote-background-color)
+	xwem-cursor-help (xwem-make-cursor (eval xwem-cursor-help-shape)
+					   xwem-cursor-help-foreground-color
+					   xwem-cursor-help-background-color))
+  ;; TODO: add other cursors
+  )
+;;; Misc drawing
+(defun xwem-misc-draw-shadow (dpy win gc1 gc2 x y w h thick)
+  "Draw shadow."
+  (let ((offset 0))
+    (if (or (> (* thick 2) h) (> (* thick 2) w))
+	nil				; undrawable
+      (while (not (= thick offset))
+	(XDrawLine dpy win gc1
+		   (+ x offset) (+ y offset)
+		   (+ x offset) (- (+ y h) offset))
+	(XDrawLine dpy win gc1
+		   (+ x offset) (+ y offset)
+		   (- (+ x w) offset) (+ y offset))
+	(XDrawLine dpy win gc2
+		   (+ x offset 1) (- (+ y h) offset 1) ; XXX
+		   (- (+ x w) offset) (- (+ y h) offset 1))
+	(XDrawLine dpy win gc2
+		   (- (+ x w) offset 1) (+ y offset 1)
+		   (- (+ x w) offset 1) (- (+ y h) offset))
+	(setq offset (+ offset 1))
+	))))
+(defun xwem-misc-draw-bar (dpy win gc1 gc2 gc3 x y w h th)
+  "Draw shadowed bar.
+Bar filled with GC1.
+Shadow thickness is TH and it is drawed with GC2 and GC3."
+  (X-Dpy-log dpy "xwem-misc-draw .. x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d\n" 'x 'y 'w 'h)
+  (xwem-misc-draw-shadow dpy win gc2 gc3 x y w h th)
+  (XFillRectangle dpy win gc1 (+ x th) (+ y th) (- w (* th 2)) (- h (* th 2)))
+  )
+(defun xwem-misc-find-frame (name)
+  "Find Emacs frame by its NAME."
+  (let ((fl (if xwem-gnuemacs-p (frame-list) (device-frame-list)))
+	(rf nil))
+    (while fl
+      (when (string= (frame-name (car fl)) xwem-minibuffer-name)
+	;; Found
+	(setq rf (car fl))
+	(setq fl nil))
+      (setq fl (cdr fl)))
+    rf))
+;; Some hooks
+(defun xwem-misc-xerr-hook (xdpy xev)
+  "Display X errors in `xwem-minibuffer'.
+Error hook must not performe any interaction with X server!
+XDPY - X-Dpy.
+XEV  - X-Event of error type."
+  (let* ((err (X-Event-xerror-code xev))
+	 (badth (X-Event-xerror-resourceid xev))
+	 (seq (X-Event-seq xev))
+	 (maj (X-Event-xerror-maj-op xev))
+	 (min (X-Event-xerror-min-op xev))
+	 (bstr (cond ((= err 1) "Request")
+		     ((= err 2) "Value")
+		     ((= err 3) "Window")
+		     ((= err 4) "Pixmap")
+		     ((= err 5) "Atom")
+		     ((= err 6) "Cursor")
+		     ((= err 7) "Font")
+		     ((= err 8) "Match")
+		     ((= err 9) "Drawable")
+		     ((= err 10) "Access")
+		     ((= err 11) "Alloc")
+		     ((= err 12) "Color")
+		     ((= err 13) "GC")
+		     ((= err 14) "IDChoice")
+		     ((= err 15) "Name")
+		     ((= err 16) "Length")
+		     ((= err 17) "Implementation")
+		     ((= err 128) "FirstExtension")
+		     ((= err 255) "LastExtension")
+		     (t "Unknown"))))
+    (xwem-message 'err "X error - Bad %s %f seq=%f:%d ops=%d:%d"
+		bstr badth seq (X-Dpy-rseq-id (xwem-dpy)) maj min)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-init-misc ()
+  "Some misc initializetions."
+  (pushnew 'xwem-misc-xerr-hook (X-Dpy-error-hooks (xwem-dpy)))
+  )
+;;; Stuff for debugging
+(defun xwem-misc-str2hexstr (str)
+  "Convert STR to hexidecimal string representation."
+  (substring (mapconcat (lambda (el) (format "%x " el)) str "") 0 -1))
+;;; Messaging
+(defun xwem-str-with-faces (str face-list)
+  "Return STR with applied FACE-LIST."
+  (let ((ext (make-extent 0 (length str) str)))
+    (set-extent-property ext 'duplicable t)
+    (set-extent-property ext 'unique t)
+    (set-extent-property ext 'start-open t)
+    (set-extent-property ext 'end-open t)
+    (set-extent-property ext 'face face-list))
+  str)
+(defun xwem-format-faces (fmt def-face &rest args)
+  "Accepts format FMT and ARGS in form `((arg . face) ...)'.
+DEF-FACE is default face. Returns string with faces."
+  (let ((flst (string-to-list fmt))
+	(chr nil)
+	(rstr ""))
+    (while flst
+      (setq chr (car flst))
+      (cond ((= chr ?%)
+	     (setq flst (cdr flst))
+	     (setq chr (car flst))
+	     (let ((arg (if (consp (car args)) (caar args) (car args)))
+		   (fcs (if (consp (car args)) (cdr (car args)) nil)))
+	       (cond ((= chr ?s)
+		      (setq rstr (concat
+				  rstr
+				  (xwem-str-with-faces
+				   arg
+				   (if fcs (list fcs def-face) (list def-face)))))
+		    (setq args (cdr args)))
+		   ((= chr ?d)
+		    (setq rstr (concat
+				rstr
+				(xwem-str-with-faces
+				 (int-to-string arg)
+				 (if fcs (list fcs def-face) (list def-face)))))
+		    (setq args (cdr args)))
+		    (t nil))))
+	    (t
+	     (setq rstr (concat
+			 rstr
+			 (xwem-str-with-faces (char-to-string chr) (list def-face))))))
+      (setq flst (cdr flst)))
+    rstr))
+(defun xwem-message-insert (message)
+  "Insert MESSAGE in `xwem-messages-buffer-name' buffer."
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create xwem-messages-buffer-name)
+    (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+      ;; Remove all messages from buffer if it exided maximum value
+      (when (> (count-lines-buffer) xwem-messages-buffer-lines)
+	(delete-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (insert (format-time-string "%D %T: "))
+      (insert message)
+      (insert "\n"))))
+(defun xwem-message (type fmt &rest args)
+  "Display xwem message of TYPE using FMT format.
+Type is:
+'note -- For some xwem notes.
+'warn -- For xwem warnings (beeps).
+'warn-nobeep -- For xwem warnings (does not beeps).
+'err  -- For xwem warnings (beeps).
+'err-nobeep  -- For xwem warnings (does not beeps).
+'todo -- Things that xwem should have.
+'msg  -- Informatical message.
+'prompt -- XWEM's input prompt.
+'asis -- Such type is not passed through `format', ARGS should be nil,
+         used to message colorized text.
+ARGS are passed to `format' with FMT to generate final message."
+  (if (eq type 'asis)
+      (display-message 'message fmt)
+    (let ((str
+	   (cond ((eq type 'note) "-Note:")
+                 ((eq type 'warn)
+                  (concat "-" (xwem-str-with-faces "Warning:" (list 'red))))
+                 ((eq type 'warn-nobeep)
+                  (concat "-" (xwem-str-with-faces "Warning:" (list 'red))))
+                 ((eq type 'err)
+                  (concat "-" (xwem-str-with-faces "Error:" (list 'red 'bold))))
+                 ((eq type 'err-nobeep)
+                  (concat "-" (xwem-str-with-faces "Error:" (list 'red 'bold))))
+		 ((eq type 'todo) (concat "-" (xwem-str-with-faces "TODO:" (list 'bold))))
+		 ((eq type 'msg) "")
+		 ((eq type 'prompt) "")
+		 ((eq type 'progress) "")
+		 ((eq type 'nolog) "")
+		 (t "")))
+	  (msg (apply 'format fmt args)))
+      (unless (member type '(prompt progress nolog))
+	(xwem-message-insert msg))
+      ;; Beep if needed
+      (cond ((eq type 'warn) (xwem-play-sound 'msg-warn))
+            ((eq type 'err) (xwem-play-sound 'msg-err)))
+      (display-message 'message (concat "XWEM" str " " msg)))))
+(defun xwem-clear-message ()
+  "Just as `clear-message'."
+  (clear-message))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-show-message-log (arg)
+  "Show `xwem-messages-buffer-name'.
+If prefix ARG is given, than behaviour is undefined."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (let ((mbuf (get-buffer-create xwem-messages-buffer-name)))
+    (xwem-special-popup-frame mbuf)
+    (with-current-buffer mbuf
+      (setq mode-name "XWEM-log")
+      (local-set-key (kbd "q") 'delete-frame)
+      (message "Press `q' to eliminate buffer.")
+      )))
+(defun xwem-list-to-string (list len)
+  "Convert LIST of characterters to string with length LEN."
+  (let ((rstr ""))
+    (while (and list (> len 0))
+      (setq rstr (concat rstr (string (car list))))
+      (setq list (cdr list))
+      (setq len (1- len)))
+    rstr))
+;;;; Misc commands.
+(defvar xwem-read-expression-history nil
+  "*History of expressions evaled using `xwem-eval-expression'.")
+(define-xwem-command xwem-eval-expression (expr &optional arg)
+  "Eval Lisp expression interactively.
+When used with prefix ARG, then insert the result into selected client."
+  (xwem-interactive (list
+		     (xwem-read-from-minibuffer (if xwem-prefix-arg
+						    "XWEM (insert) Eval: "
+						  "XWEM Eval: ")
+						nil read-expression-map
+						t 'xwem-read-expression-history)
+		     xwem-prefix-arg))
+  (setq values (cons (eval expr) values))
+  (if arg
+      (xwem-key-send-ekeys (prin1-to-string (car values)))
+    (xwem-message 'info "%S => %S" expr (car values))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-execute-extended-command (arg)
+  "Execute Emacs command.
+If prefix ARG is given insert result to current client."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (flet ((read-from-minibuffer (&rest args) nil))
+    (fset 'read-from-minibuffer (symbol-function 'xwem-read-from-minibuffer))
+    (let ((retval (execute-extended-command arg)))
+      (when arg
+        (xwem-key-send-ekeys (pp retval))))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-shell-command (command arg)
+  "Execute shell command, just as `shell-command' do.
+If prefix ARG is given insert result to current client.
+If output of COMMAND fits to one string it is displayed in
+`xwem-minibuffer', if not Emacs special frame will be poped up with
+contents of COMMAND output.
+If double prefix ARG \(i.e. \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument] \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-universal-argument]\) supplied, then last
+'\\n' character will be cuted in output to current client."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-read-shell-command "XWEM Shell command: ")
+			  xwem-prefix-arg))
+  ;; Create temporary
+  (let ((tbuf (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *temp-buf*")))
+	dontkill)
+    (unwind-protect
+	(with-current-buffer tbuf
+	  (call-process shell-file-name nil tbuf nil
+			shell-command-switch command)
+          (if arg
+              (xwem-key-send-ekeys (buffer-substring (point-min)
+                 (- (point-max) (if (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 4) 1 0))))
+	    (if (= 1 (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
+		(xwem-message 'info (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+	      (xwem-special-popup-frame tbuf)
+	      (setq dontkill t))))
+      (unless dontkill
+	(kill-buffer tbuf)))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-mini-calc (expr &optional arg)
+  "Calculate expression EXPR.
+If prefix ARG is given, insert the result to current client."
+  (xwem-interactive
+   (list (xwem-read-from-minibuffer (if xwem-prefix-arg
+					"XWEM (insert) Calc: "
+				      "XWEM Calc: "))
+	 xwem-prefix-arg))
+  (let ((result (calc-eval expr)))
+    (if arg
+        (xwem-key-send-ekeys result)
+      (xwem-message 'info "%s = %s" expr result))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-beginning-of-cl ()
+  "Send Home key to selected client."
+  (xwem-interactive "_")
+  (xwem-kbd-force-mods-release)
+  (xwem-key-send-ekeys (vector 'home)))
+(put 'xwem-beginning-of-cl 'xwem-need-keyrelease t)
+(define-xwem-command xwem-end-of-cl ()
+  "Send End key to current client."
+  (xwem-interactive "_")
+  (xwem-kbd-force-mods-release)
+  (xwem-key-send-ekeys (vector 'end)))
+(put 'xwem-end-of-cl 'xwem-need-keyrelease t)
+(define-xwem-command xwem-misc-make-screenshot (file-name)
+  "Make screen screenshot and save it to file with NAME."
+  (xwem-interactive "FImport screen to file: ")
+   (flet ((message (fmt &rest args) nil))
+     ;; shut up messaging
+     (xwem-message 'msg
+		   (format "Importing screenshot to %s." file-name))
+     (xwem-execute-program (format "import -window root %s" file-name))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-misc-pause (arg)
+  "Pause for ARG decaseconds(0.1 sec).
+This command is usefull, when recording keyboard macro, and there need
+to wait for something, f.e. window mapping."
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (while (> arg 0)
+    (sleep-for 0.1)
+    ;; Try to accept some data, so incoming events would be processed
+    (accept-process-output (X-Dpy-proc (xwem-dpy)) 0.01)
+    (setq arg (1- arg))))
+;;; Some useful operations on lists
+(defun xwem-insert-after (list aft-el el)
+  "In LIST after AFT-EL insert EL."
+  (push el (cdr (member aft-el list)))
+  list)
+(defun xwem-insert-before (list bef-el el)
+  "In LIST before BEF-EL insert EL."
+  (nreverse (xwem-insert-after (nreverse list) bef-el el)))
+(defun xwem-list-set-element (list old-el new-el)
+  "In LIST set OLD-EL to NEW-EL."
+  (setcar (member old-el list) new-el)
+  list)
+(defun xwem-list-exchange-els (list el1 el2)
+  "In LIST exchange places of EL1 and EL2."
+  (when (or (null (member el1 list))
+	    (null (member el2 list)))
+    (error "El1 or el2 is not in list"))
+  (xwem-list-set-element list el1 'this-fake-name1-should-not-be-in-list)
+  (xwem-list-set-element list el2 el1)
+  (xwem-list-set-element list 'this-fake-name1-should-not-be-in-list el2))
+;;; Profiling support
+(defun xwem-misc-start-profiling ()
+  "Start profiling critical xlib/xwem functions."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq elp-function-list xwem-misc-functions-to-profile)
+  (elp-instrument-list))
+(defun xwem-misc-profiling-results ()
+  "Show xlib/xwem profiling results."
+  (interactive)
+  (elp-results))
+(defun xwem-recursive-edit ()
+  "Enter recursive edit."
+  (recursive-edit))
+(defun xwem-exit-recursive-edit ()
+  "Exit from recursive edit."
+  (if (> (recursion-depth) 0)
+      (throw 'exit nil))
+  (xwem-message 'warn "No recursive edit is in progress"))
+(provide 'xwem-misc)
+;;; xwem-misc.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-mouse.el b/lisp/xwem-mouse.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLW1vdXNlLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-mouse.el
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+;;; xwem-mouse.el --- Mouse support for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; TODO:
+;;   * Add item here.
+;;; Code:
+(defcustom xwem-popup-menu-function 'popup-menu
+  "*Function used to popup menus."
+  :type 'function
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defun xwem-mouse-change-cursor (cursor )
+  (XChangeActivePointerGrab (xwem-dpy) cursor
+			    (Xmask-or XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease)))
+(defun xwem-mouse-grab (cursor &optional win mask)
+  "Begin to grab mouse from root window with cursor typ CURSOR.."
+  ;; TODO: install custom events handlers?
+  (XGrabPointer (xwem-dpy)
+		(or win (xwem-rootwin))
+		(or mask (Xmask-or XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease))
+		cursor)
+  )
+(defun xwem-mouse-ungrab ()
+  "Stop grabing mouse."
+  (XUngrabPointer (xwem-dpy))
+  )
+;;; Menus
+(defvar xwem-applications-submenu
+  '("Applications"
+     ["XEmacs" (make-frame)]
+     ["xterm" (xwem-execute-program "xterm")]
+     ["gv" (xwem-execute-program "gv")]
+     ["xfontsel" (xwem-execute-program "xfontsel")]
+     )
+  "Submenu with applications.")
+(defvar xwem-menu
+  (list "XWEM Menu"
+	xwem-applications-submenu
+	'("Windows"
+	  ["Vertical Split" (xwem-frame-split-vert nil)]
+	  ["Horizontal Split" (xwem-frame-split-horiz nil)]
+	  ["Delete Window" (xwem-window-delete)]
+	  ["Delete Others" (xwem-window-delete-others)]
+	  ["Balance" (xwem-balance-windows (xwem-frame-selected))])
+	)
+  "Popup menu to be used by xwem."
+  )
+(defun xwem-menu-generate ()
+  "Generates xwem menu on fly."
+  (list "XWEM Menu"
+        '("xwem-frames" :filter
+          (lambda (not-used)
+            (mapcar (lambda (el)
+                      (let ((fn (xwem-frame-num el)))
+                        (vector 
+                         (concat "Frame " (int-to-string fn))
+                         `(xwem-frame-switch-nth ,fn))))
+                    xwem-frames-list)))
+        '("xwem-clients" :filter
+          (lambda (not-used)
+            (mapcar (lambda (el)
+                      (let ((nam (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints el))))
+                        (vector nam `(xwem-cl-pop-to-client ,el t)
+                                :active (if (xwem-cl-exclude-p el) nil t))))
+                    xwem-clients)))
+        "--"
+	xwem-applications-submenu
+        ;; XXX - it is just demo of popup menus
+        ))
+(defun xwem-popup-menu (menu &optional event)
+  "Popup MENU.
+MENU and EVENT is same as for `popup-menu'."
+  (funcall xwem-popup-menu-function menu event))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-popup-function-menu (arg)
+  "Just popup `xwem-menu'."
+  (xwem-interactive "_P")
+  ;; TODO:
+  ;;   * use ARG
+  (xwem-popup-menu xwem-menu))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-popup-auto-menu (arg)
+  "Popup menu generated by `xwem-menu-generate'."
+  (xwem-interactive "_P")
+  (xwem-popup-menu (xwem-menu-generate)))
+(provide 'xwem-mouse)
+;;; xwem-mouse.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-root.el b/lisp/xwem-root.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLXJvb3QuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-root.el
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+;;; xwem-root.el --- Root window and geom operations.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file used to manipulate and agragate information about root
+;; window. Also has macros to work with geometry.
+;;; Code
+;;; Variables
+(defconst xwem-root-ev-mask (Xmask-or XM-SubstructureNotify
+				      XM-SubstructureRedirect
+                                      XM-KeyPress XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease
+				      XM-PropertyChange
+				      XM-FocusChange
+				      XM-EnterWindow
+				      XM-ResizeRedirect)
+  "Event mask for X root window.")
+(defvar xwem-root-screen nil
+  "Description of root screen")
+(defvar xwem-root-keymap
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap 'XWEM-root-map)))
+    (set-keymap-parents map (list xwem-global-map))
+    map)
+  "Root window keymap.
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-init-root (host)
+  "Initialization part for root."
+  (setq xwem-root-screen (xwem-dpy-dummy))
+  (aset xwem-root-screen 0 (XOpenDisplay host))
+  (when xwem-debug
+    (setf (X-Dpy-log-buffer (xwem-dpy)) "*XWEM.Xlog*"))
+  (aset xwem-root-screen 1 (XDefaultRootWindow (xwem-dpy)))
+  (aset xwem-root-screen 2 (XGetGeometry (xwem-dpy) (xwem-rootwin))))
+(defun xwem-fini-root ()
+  (XCloseDisplay (xwem-dpy)))
+(defun xwem-root-refresh (x y width height)
+  "Refresh area WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y."
+  (let ((wn (XCreateWindow
+	     (xwem-dpy) nil
+	     x y width height 0
+	     nil                        ;DefaultDepth
+	     nil                        ;CopyFromParent
+	     nil                        ;CopyFromParent
+	     (make-X-Attr :override-redirect 0)
+	     )))
+    (XMapWindow (xwem-dpy) wn)
+    (XDestroyWindow (xwem-dpy) wn)))
+;;; Events handling for root window
+(defun xwem-root-hkeybutton (xev)
+  "KeyPress, ButtonPress or ButtonRelease event XEV."
+  (when (eq (xwem-kbd-current-map) xwem-global-map)
+    (xwem-kbd-set-current-prefix-keymap xwem-root-keymap))
+  (xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton xev))
+(defun xwem-root-hconfigure-request (xev)
+  "ConfigureRequest event XEV."
+  (let* ((win (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-window xev))
+	 (cl (xwem-find-client win))
+	 (vmask (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-value-mask xev)))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "ROOT: ConfigureRequest event for win=%s vmask=%s, x=%S, y=%S, width=%S, height=%S\n"
+	       '(X-Win-id win) 'vmask '(X-Event-xconfigurerequest-x xev) '(X-Event-xconfigurerequest-y xev)
+	       '(X-Event-xconfigurerequest-width xev) '(X-Event-xconfigurerequest-height xev))
+    (if (not (xwem-cl-p cl))
+	(XConfigureWindow (xwem-dpy) win
+			  (make-X-Conf :dpy (X-Win-dpy win)
+				       :x (when (Xtest vmask X-CWX) (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-x xev))
+				       :y (when (Xtest vmask X-CWY) (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-y xev))
+				       :width (when (Xtest vmask X-CWWidth)  (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-width xev))
+				       :height (when (Xtest vmask X-CWHeight)  (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-height xev))
+				       :border-width (when (Xtest vmask X-CWBorderWidth) (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-border-width xev))))
+      ;; [else] Client window already in air
+      (if (Xtest vmask (Xmask-or X-CWX X-CWY X-CWWidth X-CWHeight X-CWBorderWidth))
+	  (progn
+	    ;; TODO: Is this really needed?
+;	    (when (Xtest vmask X-CWWidth)
+;	      (setf (X-Geom-width (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)) (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-width xev)))
+;	    (when (Xtest vmask X-CWHeight)
+;	      (setf (X-Geom-height (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)) (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-height xev)))
+;	    (when (Xtest vmask X-CWX)
+;	      (setf (X-Geom-x (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)) (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-x xev)))
+;	    (when (Xtest vmask X-CWY)
+;	      (setf (X-Geom-y (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)) (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-y xev)))
+;	    (when (Xtest vmask X-CWBorderWidth)
+;	      (setf (X-Geom-border-width (xwem-cl-xgeom cl)) (X-Event-xconfigurerequest-border-width xev)))
+	    (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'refit cl))
+	(xwem-cl-send-config cl)))
+    nil))
+(defun xwem-root-hmap-request (xev)
+  "MapRequest event XEV."
+  (X-Dpy-log (X-Event-dpy xev) "XWEM-ROOT-HMAP-REQUEST: parent win=%S, window=%S\n"
+	     '(X-Win-id (X-Event-win xev)) '(X-Win-id (X-Event-xmaprequest-window xev)))
+  (let ((cl (xwem-find-client (X-Event-xmaprequest-window xev))))
+    (if (xwem-cl-p cl)
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cl) 'manage cl)
+      (xwem-make-client (X-Event-xmaprequest-window xev) nil)))
+  )
+(defun xwem-root-events-handler (xdpy xwin xev)
+  "Events handler for root window."
+  (X-Dpy-log xdpy "ROOT WIN: ev=%s win = %S\n" '(X-Event-name xev) '(X-Win-id (X-Event-win xev)))
+  (X-Event-CASE xev
+    ((:X-KeyPress :X-ButtonPress :X-ButtonRelease)
+     (xwem-root-hkeybutton xev))
+    (:X-ConfigureRequest
+     ;; Some of root win clients issued XConfigureWindow
+     (xwem-root-hconfigure-request xev)
+     )
+    (:X-MapRequest
+     (xwem-root-hmap-request xev))
+    ))
+(provide 'xwem-root)
+;;; xwem-root.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-sound.el b/lisp/xwem-sound.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLXNvdW5kLmVs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-sound.el
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+;;; xwem-sound.el --- Sound support.
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Wed Jan 28 22:25:44 MSK 2004
+;; Keywords: xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Sounds support for XWEM.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup xwem-sound nil
+  "Group to customize XWEM sounds."
+  :prefix "xwem-sound-"
+  :prefix "xwem-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-sound-default-alist
+  '((default		:sound bass)
+    (undefined-key	:sound drum)
+    (command-fail	:sound bass)
+    (quit		:sound quiet :volume 75)
+    (ready		:sound cuckoo)
+    (alarm		:sound cuckoo :volume 100)
+    (msg-warning	:sound clink :volume 70)
+    (msg-error		:sound bong :volume 100)
+    )
+  "The alist of sounds and associated error symbols.
+Used to set `xwem-sound-alist' in `xwem-sound-load-default'."
+  :group 'xwem-sound
+  :type '(repeat
+	  (group (symbol :tag "Name")
+		 (checklist :inline t
+			    :greedy t
+			    (group :inline t
+				   (const :format "" :value :sound)
+				   (symbol :tag "Sound"))
+			    (group :inline t
+				   (const :format "" :value :volume)
+				   (integer :tag "Volume"))
+			    (group :inline t
+				   (const :format "" :value :pitch)
+				   (integer :tag "Pitch"))
+			    (group :inline t
+				   (const :format "" :value :duration)
+				   (integer :tag "Duration"))))))
+(defcustom xwem-sound-beeping-alist
+  '((default :sound t :pitch 70 :duration 15 :volume 100)
+    (undefined-key :sound t :pitch 100 :duration 10 :volume 100)
+    (command-fail :sound t :pitch 1000 :duration 40 :volume 100)
+    ;; H-g
+    (quit :sound t :pitch 70 :duration 5 :volume 100)
+    ;; Ready: time cunsuming task has beed done .. compile, cvs,
+    ;; etc.
+    (ready :sound t :pitch 800 :duration 50 :volume 100)
+    ;; alarm: used by reminders
+    (alarm :sound t :pitch 2000 :duration 150 :volume 100)
+    ;; (xwem-message 'warn ..)
+    (msg-warning :sound t :pitch 50 :duration 10 :volume 100)
+    ;; (xwem-message 'err ..)
+    (msg-error :sound t :pitch 3000 :duration 50 :volume 100)
+    )
+  "X Bell oriented candidate for `xwem-sound-alist'.
+Format is identical as for `xwem-sound-default-alist'."
+  :group 'xwem-sound
+  :type '(repeat
+	  (group (symbol :tag "Name")
+		 (checklist :inline t
+			    :greedy t
+			    (group :inline t
+				   (const :format "" :value :sound)
+				   (symbol :tag "Sound"))
+			    (group :inline t
+				   (const :format "" :value :volume)
+				   (integer :tag "Volume"))
+			    (group :inline t
+				   (const :format "" :value :pitch)
+				   (integer :tag "Pitch"))
+			    (group :inline t
+				   (const :format "" :value :duration)
+				   (integer :tag "Duration"))))))
+(defcustom xwem-sound-directory (locate-data-directory "sounds")
+  "Default directory to load sound files."
+  :type 'directory
+  :group 'sound)
+(defcustom xwem-sound-directory-list (locate-data-directory-list "sounds")
+  "List of directories, which to search for sound files."
+  :type '(repeat directory)
+  :group 'xwem-sound)
+(defcustom xwem-sound-extension-list ".au:"
+  "Filename extensions to complete sound file name with. If more than one
+   extension is used, they should be separated by \":\". "
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-sound)
+(defcustom xwem-sound-list
+  '((xwem-sound-file-load "bass-snap" 'bass 100)
+    (xwem-sound-file-load "drum-beep" 'drum 100)
+    (xwem-sound-file-load "quiet-beep" 'quiet 100)
+    (xwem-sound-file-load "cuckoo" 'cuckoo 100)
+    (xwem-sound-file-load "clink" 'clink 100)
+    (xwem-sound-file-load "bong" 'bong 100)
+    (xwem-sound-file-load "say-beep" 'say-beep 100)
+    )
+  "A list of calls to `xwem-sound-file-load' to be processed by `xwem-sound-load-default'.
+Reference `xwem-sound-file-load' for detailed information."
+  :type '(repeat (sexp :tag "Sound"))
+  :group 'xwem-sound)
+(defcustom xwem-visible-bell nil
+  "If non-nil mean try to flash selected frame to represent a bell."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-sound)
+(defvar xwem-sound-alist nil
+  "Sound alist for use by XWEM.
+Format is identical as for `sound-alist'.
+Error symbols are:
+  default -- When nothing else matches.
+  quit -- After \\<xwem-global-map>\\[xwem-kbd-quit]
+  undefined-key -- Keybinding undefined.
+  command-fail -- When execution of command failed.
+  msg-warning -- Some one warnings you.
+  msg-error -- Some one reports you an error.
+  ready -- Time consumed task has been done.
+  alarm -- Used by reminders.")
+(defun xwem-sound-file-load (filename sound-name &optional volume)
+  "Read an audio FILE and return a valid node for use in `xwem-sound-alist'."
+  (unless (symbolp sound-name)
+    (error "SOUND-NAME not a symbol"))
+  (unless (or (null volume) (integerp volume))
+    (error "VOLUME not an integer or nil"))
+  (let ((file (locate-file filename xwem-sound-directory-list
+			   xwem-sound-extension-list))
+	buf data)
+    (unless file
+      (error "Couldn't locate sound file %s" filename))
+    (unwind-protect
+	(save-excursion
+	  (set-buffer (setq buf (get-buffer-create " *sound-tmp*")))
+	  (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
+	  (erase-buffer)
+	  (let ((coding-system-for-read 'binary))
+	    (setq coding-system-for-read coding-system-for-read) ; shut up compiler
+	    (insert-file-contents file))
+	  (setq data (buffer-string))
+	  (erase-buffer))
+      (and buf (kill-buffer buf)))
+    (nconc (list sound-name) (when volume (list :volume volume))
+	   (list :sound data))))
+(defun xwem-sound-do-visible-bell ()
+  "Visible bell."
+  (let* ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum) ; inhibit gcing
+	 (xdpy (xwem-dpy))
+	 (frame (xwem-frame-selected))
+	 (gc (XCreateGC xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+			(make-X-Gc :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy)
+				   :function X-GXInvert
+				   :subwindow-mode X-IncludeInferiors))))
+    (X-Dpy-events-excursion xdpy
+      (XGrabServer xdpy)
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (progn
+	    (XFillRectangle xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+			    gc 0 0 (xwem-frame-width frame)
+			    (xwem-frame-height frame))
+	    ;; XXX we need sleeping, so flashing will be visible
+	    (sleep-for 0.1)
+	    (XFillRectangle xdpy (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+			    gc 0 0 (xwem-frame-width frame)
+			    (xwem-frame-height frame)))
+	(XUngrabServer xdpy)
+	(XFreeGC xdpy gc))
+      )))
+(defun xwem-play-sound (sound &optional volume)
+  "Play a sound of provided SOUND type.
+If VOLUME is specified, it overrides the value specified in
+  (if xwem-visible-bell
+      (xwem-sound-do-visible-bell)
+    (let ((sound-alist xwem-sound-alist))
+      (play-sound sound volume))))
+(defun xwem-sound-load-default (&optional x-beep)
+  "Loads and install `xwem-sound-default-alist'.
+If X-BEEP is non-nil, `xwem-sound-beeping-alist' will be loaded."
+  (xwem-message 'info "Loading sounds ...")
+  (if x-beep
+      (setq xwem-sound-alist (append xwem-sound-beeping-alist
+				     xwem-sound-alist))
+    ;; Load sound files
+    (setq xwem-sound-alist (append xwem-sound-default-alist
+				   xwem-sound-alist
+				   (mapcar 'eval xwem-sound-list))))
+  (xwem-message 'info "Loading sounds ... done"))
+(provide 'xwem-sound)
+;;; xwem-sound.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-special.el b/lisp/xwem-special.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLXNwZWNpYWwuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-special.el
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+;;; xwem-special.el --- Special Emacs frames handling.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Thu Dec  4 15:01:21 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Special emacs uses by XWEM to accomplish various tasks.  Such as
+;; help system, and others.  Special frames are handled in different
+;; way, but remain normal XWEM client.  Usually special frame used by
+;; XWEM has dedicated window, i.e. removing window will remove frame,
+;; but optionally you can create normal frames.  Take a look at
+;; documentation for `xwem-special-popup-frame' function.
+;; XEmacs has a bug, when window is dedicated to buffer, after buffer
+;; deletion window will be deleted as well and if it is only window in
+;; frame frame will be also deleted.  But if there is no visible
+;; frames at the moment `replace-buffer-in-windows' will skip value of
+;; `allow-deletion-of-last-visible-frame' and does not deletes frame.
+;; So we can't use dedicated windows, because almost everywhere we
+;; will get such sitiation, for example runnig H-h H-h when there is
+;; no active emacs frame.  `xwem-special-popup-frame' will use
+;; dedicated frame to display buffer and here is advice for
+;; `kill-buffer':
+;;    (defadvice kill-buffer (before delete-dedicated-frame activate)
+;;      "Work around dedicated frame problem."
+;;      (let ((frame (buffer-dedicated-frame (ad-get-arg 0))))
+;;	(when (framep frame)
+;;	  (delete-frame frame))))
+;;; TODO:
+;;    - Models
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup xwem-special nil
+  "Group to customize special emacs frames handling."
+  :prefix "xwem-special-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-special-enabled t
+  "*Non-nil mean make xwem to understand emacs special frames."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-special)
+(defcustom xwem-special-frame-name "xwem-special-frame"
+  "*Name for special emacs frames"
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-special)
+(defcustom xwem-special-model-function 'xwem-special-at-center
+  "*Special frame handiling model function."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "At Center" xwem-special-at-center)
+		 (const :tag "At Pointer" xwem-special-at-pointer)
+		 (function :tag "User function"))
+  :group 'xwem-special)
+(defcustom xwem-special-border-width 2
+  "Border width of special Emacs frames."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-special)
+(defcustom xwem-special-border-color "red4"
+  "Border color of special Emacs frames."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-special)
+(defcustom xwem-special-menubar-visible-p nil
+  "Non-nil for menubar in special Emacs frames."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-special)
+(defcustom xwem-special-toolbar-visible-p nil
+  "Non-nil for toolbar in special Emacs frames."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-special)
+;; Internal variables
+(defvar xwem-special-frames-list nil "List of special frames.")
+;; Functions
+;; NOTE:
+;;   - setting initially-unmapped to t causes double MapRequest
+(defun xwem-special-make-frame ()
+  "Make special frame.
+NOTE: frame is initially unmapped, use `make-frame-visible' to map it."
+  (let ((props special-display-frame-plist))
+    (setq props (plist-put props 'name xwem-special-frame-name))
+;    (setq props (plist-put props 'initially-unmapped t))
+    (make-frame props)))
+(defun xwem-special-frame-p (thing)
+  "Check THING is acctually special emacs frame.
+THING may be X window or xwem clinet."
+  (cond ((X-Win-p thing) (string= (car (XGetWMClass (xwem-dpy) thing))
+				     xwem-special-frame-name))
+	((xwem-cl-p thing) (string= (car (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints thing)))
+				    xwem-special-frame-name))
+	(t nil))
+  )
+(defun xwem-special-display-popup-frame (buffer &optional args)
+  "Popup special frame with BUFFER."
+  (frame-selected-window (xwem-special-popup-frame buffer)))
+(defun xwem-special-popup-frame (buf &optional nondedicated-p args)
+  "As `special-display-popup-frame', but popup frame for sure.
+When NONDEDICATED-P is non-nil then frame will not be dedicated."
+  (let ((sfr (xwem-special-make-frame)))
+    (set-window-buffer (frame-selected-window sfr) buf)
+    (unless nondedicated-p
+      (set-window-dedicated-p (frame-selected-window sfr) t))
+    (set-buffer-dedicated-frame buf sfr) ; XXX
+    ;; Put special frame property, to know that this frame forced to
+    ;; be special.
+    (set-frame-property sfr 'xwem-forced-special t)
+;    (make-frame-visible sfr)
+    (raise-frame sfr)
+    (select-frame sfr)
+    sfr))
+(defun xwem-special-at-center (cl)
+  "Display special frame at center of selected xwem frame."
+  )
+(defun xwem-special-frame-manage (cl &rest not-used)
+  "Manage special xwem client CL."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "HERE in `xwem-special-frame-manage'.\n")
+  ;; Make it just above xwem-minibuffer
+  ;; TODO: * What is if xwem minibuffer is not managed yet, e.g. when
+  ;;         we processes after QueryTree and special frame is before
+  ;;         xwem minibuffer frame.
+  ;;
+  ;;       * Implement various special frame manage models
+  ;;          - center of selected frame
+  ;;          - just above xwem minibuffer
+  ;;          - pointer at the center
+  ;;          - other
+;  (funcall xwem-special-model-function cl)
+  (let* ((ming (xwem-minib-xgeom xwem-minibuffer))
+	 (win (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+	 (clgeo (xwem-cl-xgeom cl))
+	 (clhe (X-Geom-height clgeo))
+	 (clwi (X-Geom-width clgeo))
+	 (cfr (xwem-frame-selected))
+;	 (cfrwi (if cfr (xwem-frame-width cfr) (X-Geom-width (xwem-rootgeom))))
+	 (yoff 0)
+	 (xoff 0))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "HERE AGAIN: clgeo=%S\n" 'clgeo)
+    (setq yoff (- (X-Geom-y ming) clhe 4))
+;    (setq xoff (/ (- (X-Geom-width (xwem-rootgeom)) clwi) 2))
+    (setq xoff (+ (xwem-frame-x cfr) (/ (- (xwem-frame-width cfr) clwi) 2)))
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "HERE again: xoff=%d yoff=%d\n" 'xoff 'yoff)
+;    (XReparentWindow (xwem-dpy) win (xwem-rootwin) xoff yoff)
+    (XMoveWindow (xwem-dpy) win xoff yoff)
+    (XMapWindow (xwem-dpy) win)
+    (XRaiseWindow (xwem-dpy) win)
+    (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) win
+		  (Xmask-or XM-FocusChange
+			    XM-VisibilityChange
+			    XM-StructureNotify))
+    ;; Setup events handler for special frames
+    (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new win 'xwem-special-evhandler)
+    ;; TODO: hooking?
+    (xwem-focus-set win)
+    nil))
+(defun xwem-special-revert-focus ()
+  "Try to predict who has focus, before special and revert to it."
+  (xwem-focus-pop-set))
+(defun xwem-special-frame-demanage (cl &rest args)
+  "Demanage specal xwem client CL."
+  (XUnmapWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-cl-xwin cl))
+  (xwem-special-revert-focus)
+  )
+(defun xwem-special-frame-iconify (cl &rest args)
+  "Iconify handler for special frame."
+  (xwem-special-frame-demanage cl))
+;; Events handler
+(defun xwem-special-evhandler (xdpy win xev)
+  "Event handler for speical emacs frames."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "XWEM-SPECIAL-EVHANDLER: ev = %S, winid = %S\n"
+	     '(X-Event-name xev) '(aref win 2))
+  (X-Event-CASE xev
+    (:X-VisibilityNotify
+     (xwem-special-frame-demanage (xwem-find-client win)))
+    (:X-UnmapNotify
+     (when (X-Win-p win)
+       (X-Win-EventHandler-rem win 'xwem-special-evhandler))
+     (xwem-special-revert-focus))
+    (:X-DestroyNotify
+     (when (X-Win-p win)
+       (X-Win-EventHandler-rem win 'xwem-special-evhandler))
+     (xwem-special-revert-focus))
+    (:X-FocusOut
+     (xwem-special-frame-demanage (xwem-find-client win)))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-special-frame-init ()
+  "Initialize stuff to work with special emacs frames."
+  (setq special-display-frame-plist
+	(plist-put special-display-frame-plist 'minibuffer nil))
+  (setq special-display-frame-plist
+	(plist-put special-display-frame-plist 'name xwem-special-frame-name))
+  (setq special-display-frame-plist
+	(plist-put special-display-frame-plist 'border-width xwem-special-border-width))
+  (setq special-display-frame-plist
+	(plist-put special-display-frame-plist 'border-color xwem-special-border-color))
+  (setq special-display-frame-plist
+	(plist-put special-display-frame-plist 'menubar-visible-p xwem-special-menubar-visible-p))
+  (setq special-display-frame-plist
+	(plist-put special-display-frame-plist 'default-toolbar-visible-p xwem-special-toolbar-visible-p))
+  (setq special-display-frame-plist
+	(plist-put special-display-frame-plist 'wait-for-wm nil))
+  ;; XXX -- this should be in ~/.xwemrc.el
+;  (add-to-list 'special-display-regexps (cons "*Help" nil))
+;  (add-to-list 'special-display-regexps (cons "*Completions" nil))
+  )
+(provide 'xwem-special)
+;;; xwem-special.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-strokes.el b/lisp/xwem-strokes.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLXN0cm9rZXMuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-strokes.el
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+;;; xwem-strokes.el --- Strokes support by XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Thu Dec  4 17:42:12 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'strokes))
+(defgroup xwem-strokes nil
+  "Group to customize XWEM strokes."
+  :prefix "xwem-strokes-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-enabled t
+  "*Non-nil mean xwem-stroke is enabled."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-grid 25
+  "*XWEM strokes Grid resolution.
+Look at `strokes-grid-resolution' for details."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-minimum-match-score 2000
+  "*Take a look at `strokes-minimum-match-score'."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-file "xwem-strokes.el"
+  "*File contained strokes for xwem stroke mode."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-click-command
+  (lambda ()
+    (interactive)
+    (xwem-message 'info "Default `xwem-strokes-click-command'."))
+  "*Command to execute when stroke is actually a `click'."
+  :type 'function
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-cursor-type 'X-XC-dot
+  "*Type of cursor to use when XWEM enters strokes mode."
+  :type (xwem-cursor-shape-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-cursor-foreground-color "#00ea00"
+  "*Cursor's foreground color when XWEM in strokes mode."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-cursor-background-color "#002800"
+  "*Cursor's background color when XWEM in strokes mode."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ('nil xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-gc-function X-GXCopy
+  "Function applied to draw strokes."
+  :type (xwem-gc-function-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defcustom xwem-strokes-sleep 0.2
+  "*How many seconds sleep before executing stroke."
+  :type 'float
+  :group 'xwem-strokes)
+(defface xwem-face-strokes-begin
+  `((t (:foreground "red4" :background "black" :line-width 10
+		    :subwindow-mode X-IncludeInferiors
+		    :function xwem-strokes-gc-function)))
+  "Face used to begin stroke."
+  :group 'xwem-strokes
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-strokes
+  `((t (:foreground "magenta4" :background "black" :line-width 7
+		    :subwindow-mode X-IncludeInferiors
+		    :function xwem-strokes-gc-function
+		    :cap-style X-CapRound)))
+  "Face used to draw stroke."
+  :group 'xwem-strokes
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+;; Stroke variables
+(defvar xwem-strokes-keymap 
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (set-keymap-default-binding map 'xwem-strokes-nocmd)
+    (define-key map xwem-quit-key 'xwem-keyboard-quit)
+    (define-key map [button2] 'xwem-strokes-idescribe)
+    (define-key map [button1] 'xwem-strokes-ibutton1)
+    (define-key map [button1up] 'xwem-strokes-ibutton1up)
+    (define-key map [(meta button1up)] 'xwem-strokes-ibutton1up)
+    (define-key map [(control button1up)] 'xwem-strokes-ibutton1up)
+    (define-key map [(meta control button1up)] 'xwem-strokes-ibutton1up)
+    (define-key map [button3] 'xwem-strokes-ibutton3)
+    map)
+  "Keymap being used while in strokes event loop.")
+(defvar xwem-strokes-map nil "Stroke map for XWEM.")
+(defvar xwem-strokes-curr nil "Current events list, it passed to `stroke-' routines.")
+(defvar xwem-strokes-defining nil "Non-nil mean that we defining stroke now.")
+(defvar xwem-strokes-cursor nil "Cursor used while reading stroke.")
+;; Functions
+(defun xwem-strokes-save-strokes ()
+  "Save user defined strokes to file named by `xwem-strokes-file'.
+Modification to `strokes-prompt-user-save-strokes' to work with xwem's stuff."
+  (let ((strokes-global-map xwem-strokes-map)
+	(strokes-file (concat xwem-dir "/" xwem-strokes-file)))
+    (flet ((yes-or-no-p-maybe-dialog-box (prompt)
+	    (lambda () (xwem-under-minib-focus (yes-or-no-p prompt)))))
+      (funcall 'strokes-prompt-user-save-strokes))
+    ;; Fix stroke-file ..
+    (when (file-exists-p strokes-file)
+      (let ((b (find-file-noselect strokes-file)))
+	(with-current-buffer b
+	  (when (search-forward "strokes-global-map")
+	    (replace-match "xwem-strokes-map"))
+	  (save-buffer))
+	(kill-buffer b)))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-strokes-load-strokes ()
+  "Load user defined strokes from file named by `xwem-strokes-file'."
+  (if (file-exists-p (concat xwem-dir "/" xwem-strokes-file))
+;      (xwem-under-minib-focus
+;       (and (y-or-n-p
+;	     (format "XWEM: No strokes loaded.  Load `%s'? "
+;		     (concat xwem-dir "/" xwem-strokes-file)))
+      (let ((strokes-file (concat xwem-dir "/" xwem-strokes-file)))
+	(strokes-load-user-strokes))))
+(defun xwem-strokes-cmd-valid-p (cmd)
+  "Return non-nil if CMD is valid to be run after stroke."
+  ;; NOTE: string/keyboard macro/interactive function/interactive
+  ;; lambda are valid commands.
+  (commandp cmd))
+(defun xwem-strokes-cmd-type (cmd)
+  "Return type of strokes command CMD.
+Type is one of \"string\", \"kbd macro\", \"symbol\" or \"function\"."
+  (cond ((stringp cmd) "string")
+	((vectorp cmd) "kbd macro")
+	((symbolp cmd) "symbol")
+	((functionp cmd) "function")
+	(t "unknown")))
+(defun xwem-strokes-cmd-description (cmd)
+  "Return description of strokes command CMD."
+  (let ((ctype (xwem-strokes-cmd-type cmd)))
+    (cond ((string= ctype "string") (concat "\"" cmd "\""))
+	  ((string= ctype "kbd macro") (key-description cmd))
+	  ((string= ctype "symbol") (format "%S" cmd))
+	  ((string= ctype "function") (format "%S" cmd)))))
+(defun xwem-strokes-read-command (&optional prompt)
+  "Read command, prompting PROMPT.  Command may be interactive command or string."
+  ;; TODO: - write me
+  ;;   * Emacs command
+  ;;   * Emacs string
+  ;;   * XWEM binded keyboard macro
+  (condition-case nil
+      (let* ((type (xwem-completing-read "XWEM Stroke type: " '(("key") ("command") ("string")) nil t "command"))
+	     (cmd (cond ((string= type "command") (xwem-read-command "XWEM Stroke command: "))
+			((string= type "string") (xwem-read-from-minibuffer "XWEM Stroke string: "))
+			((string= type "key")
+			 (let ((xwem-interactively t))
+			   (prog1
+			       (xwem-kbd-key-binding
+				(xwem-read-key-sequence "XWEM Stroke key: "))
+			     (xwem-kbd-stop-grabbing))))
+			(t nil))))
+	cmd)
+    (t nil)))
+(defun xwem-strokes-execute-command (cmd)
+  "Execute CMD.  CMD is one of interactive command or keysequence."
+  (if (xwem-strokes-cmd-valid-p cmd)
+    (cond ((stringp cmd)
+	   (xwem-kbd-force-mods-release)
+	   (xwem-key-send-ekeys cmd))
+	  ((vectorp cmd)
+	   (xwem-kbd-force-mods-release)
+	   (xwem-keymacro-execute-keys cmd))
+	  (t (command-execute cmd)))
+    (xwem-message 'err "Invalid CMD in `xwem-strokes-execute-command'.")))
+(defun xwem-strokes-execute-stroke (stroke)
+  "Given STROKE, execute the command corresponds to it."
+  (let* ((match (strokes-match-stroke stroke xwem-strokes-map))
+	 (command (car match))
+	 (score (cdr match)))
+    (cond ((strokes-click-p stroke)
+	   (command-execute xwem-strokes-click-command))
+	  ((and match (<= score xwem-strokes-minimum-match-score))
+	   (xwem-message 'info "Executing stroke: '%s'" (xwem-strokes-cmd-description command))
+	   (xwem-strokes-execute-command command))
+	  ((null xwem-strokes-map)
+	   ;; First try loading strokes file
+	   (xwem-strokes-load-strokes)
+	   (if (null xwem-strokes-map)
+	       (xwem-message 'err "No strokes defined; use `xwem-strokes-global-set-stroke'")
+	     ;; Re-execute stroke in hope it will be founded in loaded
+	     ;; xwem-strokes-map.
+	     (xwem-strokes-execute-stroke stroke)))
+	  (t (xwem-message 'err "No stroke matches; see variable `xwem-strokes-minimum-match-score'")))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-strokes-define-or-execute (st)
+  "Bind stroke ST to command or execute."
+  (if (not xwem-strokes-defining)
+      ;; Execute stroke
+      (xwem-strokes-execute-stroke st)
+    ;; Attach command to stroke
+    (setq xwem-strokes-defining nil)
+    (let ((cmdorstr (xwem-strokes-read-command)))
+      (when (xwem-strokes-cmd-valid-p cmdorstr)
+	(strokes-define-stroke xwem-strokes-map st cmdorstr)
+	(xwem-message 'info "New stroke defined.")))))
+(defun xwem-strokes-start-new (x y)
+  "Start new stroke or new stick at X Y point."
+  (push (cons x y) xwem-strokes-curr)
+  (XDrawArc (xwem-dpy) (xwem-rootwin)
+	    (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-strokes-begin)
+	    x y 1 1 0 (* 360 64))
+  )
+(defun xwem-strokes-continue (x y)
+  "Continue stroke at X Y."
+  (let* ((xsc xwem-strokes-curr)
+	 (old-x (if (car xsc) (X-Point-x (car xsc)) x))
+	 (old-y (if (car xsc) (X-Point-y (car xsc)) y)))
+    (push (cons x y) xwem-strokes-curr)
+    (XDrawLine (xwem-dpy) (xwem-rootwin)
+	       (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-strokes)
+	       old-x old-y x y)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-define (arg)
+  "Define new stroke.
+If used with prefix ARG, then define new complex stroke.
+See also documentation for the `strokes-define-stroke' function."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (if arg
+      (xwem-strokes-cmplx-begin '(4))
+    (xwem-strokes-begin '(4))))
+(defun xwem-strokes-motion (xev)
+  "Handles motion notify events."
+  (if (strokes-lift-p (car xwem-strokes-curr))
+      ;; Before new stick in complex stroke, should not happen because
+      ;; we select for ButtonMotion, i.e. report motion events only
+      ;; when some button pressed.
+      nil
+    (xwem-strokes-continue (X-Event-xmotion-root-x xev) (X-Event-xmotion-root-y xev))))
+;;; Interactive commands
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-ibutton1 ()
+  "On button1 command."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (declare (special xwem-stroke-complexp))
+  (declare (special xwem-stroke-done))
+  (xwem-strokes-start-new (X-Event-xbutton-root-x xwem-last-xevent)
+			  (X-Event-xbutton-root-y xwem-last-xevent)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-idescribe ()
+  "Describe current stroke."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (declare (special xwem-stroke-complexp))
+  (declare (special xwem-stroke-done))
+  (xwem-strokes-describe-current))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-ibutton1up ()
+  "On button1 up command."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (declare (special xwem-stroke-complexp))
+  (declare (special xwem-stroke-done))
+  (if (not xwem-stroke-complexp)
+      (progn (setq xwem-strokes-curr (nreverse xwem-strokes-curr))
+	     (setq xwem-stroke-done t))
+    (push strokes-lift xwem-strokes-curr)))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-ibutton3 ()
+  "On button3 up command."
+  (xwem-interactive)
+  (declare (special xwem-stroke-complexp))
+  (declare (special xwem-stroke-done))
+  (setq xwem-strokes-curr (nreverse (cdr xwem-strokes-curr)))
+  (when (strokes-lift-p (car xwem-strokes-curr))
+    (setq xwem-strokes-curr (cdr xwem-strokes-curr)))
+  (setq xwem-stroke-done t))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-nocmd ()
+  "`nil' command."
+  (xwem-interactive))
+(defun xwem-strokes-go (complexp)
+  "Install stuff needed to handle stroke input.
+If COMPLEXP is non-nil than setup all for complex stroke input."
+  ;; TODO:
+  ;;   - Check whether there already button release event, so we wount
+  ;;     start stroke in that case
+  ;; Grab pointer
+  (xwem-mouse-grab xwem-strokes-cursor (xwem-rootwin)
+		   (Xmask-or XM-ButtonPress XM-ButtonRelease XM-ButtonMotion))
+  (setq xwem-strokes-curr nil)
+  (xwem-strokes-start-new (X-Event-xbutton-root-x xwem-last-xevent)
+			  (X-Event-xbutton-root-y xwem-last-xevent))
+  ;; Event loop
+  (unwind-protect
+      (let ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum) ; inhibit GC'ing
+	    (xwem-override-map xwem-strokes-keymap)
+	    (xwem-keyboard-echo-keystrokes) ; Do not show
+	    (xwem-bypass-quit t)	; Bypass quit signal in `xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton-from-emacs'
+	    (xwem-stroke-complexp complexp)
+	    (xwem-stroke-done nil)
+	    xev eev)
+	(declare (special xwem-stroke-done))
+	(declare (special xwem-stroke-complexp))
+	(setq xwem-bypass-quit xwem-bypass-quit) ;shutup compiler
+	(while (not xwem-stroke-done)
+	  (setq xev (XNextEvent (xwem-dpy)))
+	  (when (member (X-Event-type xev)
+			(list X-KeyPress X-ButtonPress X-ButtonRelease X-MotionNotify))
+	    (setq eev (car (xwem-kbd-xevents->emacs-events (list xev) t)))
+	    (if (eq (event-type eev) 'motion)
+		(xwem-strokes-motion xev)
+	      (xwem-kbd-handle-keybutton-from-emacs eev xev)))
+	  ))
+    (xwem-strokes-done))
+  ;; Execute or define stroke
+  (let* ((grid-locs (strokes-renormalize-to-grid xwem-strokes-curr xwem-strokes-grid))
+	 (st (strokes-fill-stroke (strokes-eliminate-consecutive-redundancies grid-locs))))
+    (xwem-strokes-define-or-execute st))
+  )
+(defun xwem-strokes-done (&optional xev)
+  "Uninstalls stuff installed by `xwem-strokes-go'.
+XEV is last processed X-Event."
+  (XUngrabPointer (xwem-dpy))
+  (let ((xsc (or xwem-strokes-curr
+		 (list (or (and xev (cons (X-Event-xbutton-root-x xev)
+					  (X-Event-xbutton-root-y xev)))
+			   (cons 0 0)))))
+	(x 10000000) (y 1000000) (xma 0) (yma 0)
+	(thi (* 2 (max (xwem-face-tag 'xwem-face-strokes-begin :line-width)
+		       (xwem-face-tag 'xwem-face-strokes :line-width)))))
+    (while xsc
+      (while (not (consp (car xsc)))
+	;; cut off lifts
+	(setq xsc (cdr xsc)))
+      (when (< (caar xsc) x)
+	(setq x (caar xsc)))
+      (when (> (caar xsc) xma)
+	(setq xma (caar xsc)))
+      (when (< (cdar xsc) y)
+	(setq y (cdar xsc)))
+      (when (> (cdar xsc) yma)
+	(setq yma (cdar xsc)))
+      (setq xsc (cdr xsc)))
+    (xwem-root-refresh (- x thi) (- y thi) (+ (- xma x) (* 2 thi)) (+ (- yma y) (* thi 2)))))
+(defun xwem-strokes-describe-current ()
+  "Describe current complex stroke."
+  (let ((pix-lock (copy-list xwem-strokes-curr))	; because of nreverse
+	(match nil))
+    (setq pix-lock (nreverse (cdr pix-lock)))
+    (when (strokes-lift-p (car pix-lock))
+      (setq pix-lock (cdr pix-lock)))
+    (setq match (strokes-match-stroke
+		 (strokes-fill-stroke
+		  (strokes-eliminate-consecutive-redundancies
+		   (strokes-renormalize-to-grid pix-lock xwem-strokes-grid)))
+		 xwem-strokes-map))
+    (xwem-message 'info "Current stroke stands for: %S" (car match))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-begin (arg)
+  "Begin to input simple stroke.
+If prefix ARG is given start to define simple stroke."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (when arg
+    (setq xwem-strokes-defining t))
+  (xwem-strokes-go nil))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-cmplx-begin (arg)
+  "Begin to input complex stroke(i.e. which has more than one strokes).
+If prefix ARG is given start to define new complex stroke."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (when arg
+    (setq xwem-strokes-defining t))
+  (xwem-strokes-go t))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-unset-last-stroke (arg)
+  "Removes last stroke from `xwem-strokes-map'.
+With prefix ARG do not require a confirmation"
+  (xwem-interactive
+   (list (or xwem-prefix-arg
+	     (y-or-n-p (format "XWEM: Really delete last stroke (%s)"
+			       (xwem-strokes-cmd-description (cdr (car xwem-strokes-map))))))))
+  (if arg
+      (progn
+	(setq xwem-strokes-map (cdr xwem-strokes-map))
+	(xwem-message 'info "Last stroke has been deleted."))
+    (xwem-message 'info "Nothing done.")))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-strokes-list (arg)
+  "List strokes defined for XWEM use.
+With prefix ARG sort strokes by command (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (unless xwem-strokes-map
+    (xwem-strokes-load-strokes))
+  (let ((stb (get-buffer-create "*XWEM Strokes*")))
+    (xwem-special-popup-frame stb)
+    (with-current-buffer  stb
+      (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (insert
+       "Command type     Command                                     Stroke\n"
+       "------------     -------                                     ------")
+      (mapc (lambda (stdef)
+	      (let ((stroke (car stdef))
+		    (stroke-cmd (cdr stdef)))
+		(when (xwem-strokes-cmd-valid-p stroke-cmd)
+		  (strokes-xpm-for-stroke stroke " *strokes-xpm*")
+		  (newline 1)
+		  (insert-char ?\x20 60)
+		  (beginning-of-line)
+		  (insert (xwem-strokes-cmd-type stroke-cmd))
+		  (beginning-of-line)
+		  (forward-char 18)
+		  (insert (xwem-strokes-cmd-description stroke-cmd))
+		  (beginning-of-line)
+		  (forward-char 61)
+		  (make-annotation (make-glyph
+				    (list
+				     (vector 'xpm
+					     :data (buffer-substring
+						    (point-min " *strokes-xpm*")
+						    (point-max " *strokes-xpm*")
+						    " *strokes-xpm*"))
+				     [string :data "[Image]"]))
+				   (point) 'text)
+		  (add-text-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) (list 'face 'underline))
+		  )))
+	    xwem-strokes-map)
+      (kill-region (1+ (point)) (point-max))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (view-mode)
+      (define-key view-minor-mode-map (kbd "q")
+	(lambda ()
+	  (interactive)
+	  (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+	  (define-key view-minor-mode-map (kbd "q") 'view-quit)))
+      )))
+(defun xwem-strokes-init ()
+  "Initialize strokes support."
+  (xwem-message 'info "Initializing strokes ...")
+  (setq xwem-strokes-curr nil)
+  (setq  xwem-strokes-cursor (xwem-make-cursor (eval xwem-strokes-cursor-type)
+					       xwem-strokes-cursor-foreground-color
+					       xwem-strokes-cursor-background-color))
+  )
+(provide 'xwem-strokes)
+;;; xwem-strokes.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-tabbing.el b/lisp/xwem-tabbing.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLXRhYmJpbmcuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-tabbing.el
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+;;; xwem-tabbing.el --- Tabs in XWEM frames.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: Sun Dec  7 18:35:15 MSK 2003
+;; Keywords: xwem, xlib
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Tab format may contain one of escape seqs:
+;;   %n - Client's name (WM_NAME)
+;;   %c - Client's class instance (WM_CLASS)
+;;   %C - Client's class name (WM_CLASS)
+;;   %i - Client's icon
+;;   %u - Client's uptime
+;;   %U - Cilent's Uptime
+;;   %s - Client's size in pixels
+;;   %S - Client's size in units
+;;   %f - Client's Frame number
+;;   %* - "*" when client marked and "-" when not.
+;;   %# - "#" when client support WM_DELETE and "-" when not.
+;;   %{ - starts emacs lisp
+;;   %} - ends emacs lisp
+;; Note that while running elisp within %{ and %} symbol `cl' refers
+;; to client.
+;; Also `X-use-queryfont' is highly recommended to be `t' if you are
+;; using this file.
+;;; Code:
+(defconst xwem-tab-states
+  '(xwem-face-tab-selected-active
+    xwem-face-tab-selected-passive
+    xwem-face-tab-nonselected-active 
+    xwem-face-tab-nonselected-passive)
+  "List of all tab items states. Actually face names.")
+(defgroup xwem-tab nil
+  "Group to customize tabs."
+  :prefix "xwem-tab-"
+  :prefix "xwem-face-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-tab-default-format " %i %*%# %n"
+  "*Default format for tab item."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-tab)
+(defcustom xwem-tab-formats-alist
+  '(([".*" ".*" ".*"] . "%i %n"))
+  "Alist of formats for tab items."
+  :type 'alist
+  :group 'xwem-tab)
+(defcustom xwem-tab-delim-interval 2
+  "*Number of client to group, will draw large delimeter."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-tab)
+(defcustom xwem-tab-empty-name "<empty>"
+  "What to show when there no client."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'xwem-tab)
+(defface xwem-face-tab-selected-active
+  `((t (:foreground "white" :background "green4" :bold t)))
+  "*Face used to draw active tab item in selected frame.."
+  :group 'xwem-tab
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-tab-selected-passive
+  `((t (:foreground "black" :background "gray60")))
+  "*Face used to draw passive tab item in selected frame."
+  :group 'xwem-tab
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-tab-nonselected-active
+  `((t (:foreground "gray80" :background "DarkGreen" :bold t)))
+  "*Face used to draw active tab item in non-selected frame."
+  :group 'xwem-tab
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+(defface xwem-face-tab-nonselected-passive
+  `((t (:foreground "black" :background "gray40")))
+  "*Face used to draw passibe tab item in non-selected frame."
+  :group 'xwem-tab
+  :group 'xwem-faces)
+;;; Structures
+(defstruct xwem-tab-item
+  type					; type of tab one of 'header, 'tailer, 'normal etc
+;  tabber				; xwem-tabber
+  state
+  rect					; X-Rect
+  (delim-width 0)			; Width of delimiter
+  cl					; xwem-cl
+  format)				; Tab item format
+(defstruct xwem-tabber
+  frame					; xwem-frame, our parent
+  xwin					; X-Win
+  xpreparer				; X-Pixmap to prepare tab items
+  xgeom
+  state					; Global state of all tab items in tab-items field
+  header-tabis				; Header tab items
+  tailer-tabis				; Tailing tab items
+  tab-items				; list of xwem-tab-item
+  )
+;;; Internal variables
+(defvar xwem-tabi-sa-gc nil "Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-tabi-sp-gc nil "Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-tabi-na-gc nil "Internal variable, do not modify.")
+(defvar xwem-tabi-np-gc nil "Internal variable, do not modify.")
+;; Additional GC's
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc1 nil "Additional GC.")
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc2 nil "Additional GC.")
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc3 nil "Additional GC.")
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc4 nil "Additional GC.")
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc5 nil "Additional GC.")
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc6 nil "Additional GC.")
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc7 nil "Additional GC.")
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc8 nil "Additional GC.")
+(defvar xwem-tabber-gc9 nil "Additional GC.")
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-init-tabber ()
+  "Initialize tabbing."
+  (xwem-message 'info "Initializing tabbing ...")
+  )
+(defun xwem-tabber-event-handler (xdpy xwin xev)
+  "On display XDPY and window XWIN handle event XEV."
+  (let ((tabber (X-Win-get-prop xwin 'xwem-tabber)))
+    (when (xwem-tabber-p tabber)
+      (X-Event-CASE xev
+	(:X-Expose
+	 (when (eq (xwem-frame-state (xwem-tabber-frame tabber)) 'mapped)
+	   (xwem-tabber-draw tabber))
+	 )
+	(:X-DestroyNotify
+	 (X-invalidate-cl-struct tabber))))))
+(defun xwem-tabber-create (frame geom initial-state)
+  "Create new tabber for FRAME with GEOM and INITIAL-STATE."
+  (let ((xft (make-xwem-tabber :frame frame
+			       :xgeom geom
+			       :state initial-state))
+	(xdpy (xwem-dpy))
+	w preparer)
+    (setq w (XCreateWindow xdpy
+			   (xwem-frame-xwin frame)
+			   (X-Geom-x geom) (X-Geom-y geom)
+			   (X-Geom-width geom) (X-Geom-height geom)
+			   (X-Geom-border-width geom)
+			   nil X-InputOutput nil
+			   (make-X-Attr :background-pixel (XWhitePixel (xwem-dpy)))))
+    (setf (xwem-tabber-xwin xft) w)
+    (X-Win-put-prop w 'xwem-tabber xft)
+    (XSelectInput xdpy w (Xmask-or XM-Exposure XM-StructureNotify))
+    (X-Win-EventHandler-add w 'xwem-tabber-event-handler 0 (list X-Expose X-DestroyNotify))
+    (setq preparer (XCreatePixmap xdpy (make-X-Pixmap :dpy xdpy :id (X-Dpy-get-id xdpy))
+				  w (XDefaultDepth xdpy) (X-Geom-width geom) (X-Geom-height geom)))
+    (setf (xwem-tabber-xpreparer xft) preparer)
+    (XMapWindow (X-Win-dpy w) w)
+    xft))
+(defun xwem-tabber-add-tab-item (tabber tab-item)
+  "Into TABBER tab items list add TAB-ITEM."
+  (pushnew tab-item (xwem-tabber-tab-items tabber)))
+(defun xwem-tabber-headers-width (xft)
+  "Return width of XFT's headers."
+  (apply (lambda (els)
+	   (if els (apply '+ els) 0))
+	 (mapcar (lambda (ti)
+		   (X-Rect-width (xwem-tab-item-rect ti)))
+		 (xwem-tabber-header-tabis xft))))
+(defun xwem-tabber-tailers-width (xft)
+  "Return width of XFT's tailers."
+  (apply (lambda (els)
+	   (if els (apply '+ els) 0))
+	 (mapcar (lambda (ti)
+		   (X-Rect-width (xwem-tab-item-rect ti)))
+		 (xwem-tabber-tailer-tabis xft))))
+(defun xwem-tabber-regeom-window (win &optional draw-p)
+  (let ((tabber (xwem-frame-tabber (xwem-win-frame win))))
+    (xwem-tabber-regeom tabber win draw-p)))
+(defun xwem-tabber-regeom (tabber window &optional draw-p)
+  "Adjust tabs geometries in TABBER."
+  ;; TODO:
+  ;;   - Take into account large delimeters
+  (let* ((frame (xwem-tabber-frame tabber))
+	 (hw 0);(xwem-tabber-headers-width tabber))
+	 (tw 0);(xwem-tabber-tailers-width tabber))
+	 (twidth (- (xwem-frame-width frame) hw tw))
+	 (off hw)
+	 (cls (xwem-win-make-cl-list (or window (xwem-frame-selwin (xwem-tabber-frame tabber)))))
+	 (clsn (length cls))		; number of clients
+	 (dw 2)				; XXX delimeter width
+	 (ldw 4)			; XXX large delimeter width
+	 tiw tabi rect)
+    (when cls
+      (setq tiw (/ (- twidth (* (- clsn 1) dw)
+		      (* ldw (/ clsn xwem-tab-delim-interval)))
+		   clsn))		; tab item width
+      (while cls
+	(setq tabi (xwem-cl-tabitem (car cls)))
+	(setq rect (xwem-tab-item-rect tabi))
+	(setf (X-Rect-x rect) off)
+	(setf (X-Rect-width rect) tiw)
+	;; XXX
+	(setf (X-Rect-height rect) (X-Geom-height (xwem-tabber-xgeom tabber)))
+	(if (zerop (% (length cls) xwem-tab-delim-interval))
+	    (progn
+	      (setf (xwem-tab-item-delim-width tabi) ldw)
+	      (setq off (+ off tiw ldw)))
+	  (setf (xwem-tab-item-delim-width tabi) dw)
+	  (setq off (+ off tiw dw)))
+	(setq cls (cdr cls))))
+    (when draw-p
+      (xwem-tabber-draw tabber))
+    ))
+(defsubst xwem-tabber-safe-regeom (tabber &optional draw-p)
+  "Saf variant of `xwem-tabber-regeom'."
+  (and (xwem-tabber-p tabber)
+       (xwem-tabber-regeom tabber nil draw-p)))
+(defun xwem-tabber-draw-empty (tabber)
+  "Draw empty."
+  (let* ((frame (xwem-tabber-frame tabber))
+	 (selected-p (xwem-frame-selected-p frame))
+	 (xgeom (xwem-tabber-xgeom tabber))
+	 tabi)
+    ;; Create fake CL and tabi
+    (setq tabi (make-xwem-tab-item :rect (make-X-Rect :x (X-Geom-x xgeom)
+						      :y (X-Geom-y xgeom)
+						      :width (X-Geom-width xgeom)
+						      :height(X-Geom-height xgeom))
+				   :state (if selected-p
+					      'xwem-face-tab-selected-active
+					    'xwem-face-tab-nonselected-active)
+				   :format xwem-tab-empty-name))
+    (xwem-tab-item-draw-format-1 tabi tabber)))
+(defun xwem-tabber-draw (tabber)
+  "Draw tabber."
+  (let* ((cls (xwem-win-make-cl-list (xwem-frame-selwin (xwem-tabber-frame tabber))))
+	 (tabis (mapcar 'xwem-cl-tabitem cls));(xwem-tabber-tab-items tabber))
+	 tab-item)
+    (if (not tabis)
+	(xwem-tabber-draw-empty tabber)
+      (while tabis
+	(setq tab-item (car tabis))
+	(xwem-tab-item-draw-format tab-item)
+	(setq tabis (cdr tabis))
+	))))
+(defun xwem-tab-item-get-fill-gc (tabi &optional tabber)
+  "Return GC associated with TABI."
+  ;; TODO: write me
+  (xwem-face-get-gc (xwem-tab-item-state tabi)))
+(defun xwem-tab-item-get-draw-gc (tabi &optional tabber)
+  "Return GC to draw TABI's text."
+  (xwem-face-get-gc (xwem-tab-item-state tabi)))
+;;; Drawers
+(defun xwem-tab-item-draw-format (tabi)
+  (when (and (xwem-cl-p (xwem-tab-item-cl tabi))
+	     (xwem-frame-p (xwem-cl-frame (xwem-tab-item-cl tabi))))
+    (xwem-tab-item-draw-format-1 tabi)))
+(defun xwem-tab-item-draw-format-1 (tabi &optional tabber)
+  "Draw TABI's format string."
+  (let* ((rect (xwem-tab-item-rect tabi))
+	 (tabxwin (xwem-tabber-xwin (or tabber (xwem-tab-item-tabber tabi))))
+	 (xprep (xwem-tabber-xpreparer (or tabber (xwem-tab-item-tabber tabi))))
+	 (cl (xwem-tab-item-cl tabi))
+	 (fmt (xwem-tab-item-format tabi))
+	 (xoff (X-Rect-x rect))
+	 (yoff (X-Rect-y rect))
+	 fill-gc currgc fi item fmt-index
+	 sfg)
+    ;; Update tabi's state
+    (when (xwem-cl-p cl)
+      (let ((frame (xwem-cl-frame cl)))
+	(when (xwem-frame-p frame)
+	  (if (xwem-frame-selected-p frame)
+	      (setf (xwem-tab-item-state tabi)
+		    (if (xwem-cl-inwin-p cl)
+			'xwem-face-tab-selected-active
+		      'xwem-face-tab-selected-passive))
+	    ;; XXX
+	    (setf (xwem-tab-item-state tabi)
+		  (if (xwem-cl-inwin-p cl)
+		      'xwem-face-tab-nonselected-active
+		    'xwem-face-tab-nonselected-passive))))))
+    (setq fill-gc (xwem-tab-item-get-fill-gc tabi tabber))
+    (setq currgc (xwem-tab-item-get-draw-gc tabi tabber))
+    (setq sfg (X-Gc-foreground fill-gc))
+    (unwind-protect
+	(progn
+	  (setf (X-Gc-foreground fill-gc) (X-Gc-background fill-gc))
+	  (XChangeGC (xwem-dpy) fill-gc)
+	  (XFillRectangles (xwem-dpy) xprep fill-gc (list rect)))
+      (setf (X-Gc-foreground fill-gc) sfg)
+      (XChangeGC (xwem-dpy) fill-gc))
+    (XSetClipRectangles (xwem-dpy) fill-gc 0 0 (list rect))
+    (XSetClipRectangles (xwem-dpy) currgc 0 0 (list rect))
+    ;; In case there no cl attached, skip format field
+    (unless (xwem-cl-p cl)
+      (setq fmt xwem-tab-empty-name))
+    (setq fmt-index 0)
+    (while (and (< xoff (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)))
+		(< fmt-index (length fmt)))
+      (setq fi (aref fmt fmt-index))
+      (incf fmt-index)
+      (if (eq fi ?%)
+	  (progn
+	    (setq fi (aref fmt fmt-index))
+	    (setq item (cond ((= fi ?n) (xwem-hints-wm-name (xwem-cl-hints cl)))
+			     ((= fi ?c) (car (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+			     ((= fi ?C) (cadr (xwem-hints-wm-class (xwem-cl-hints cl))))
+			     ((= fi ?i) (xwem-icons-cl-icon cl))
+			     ((= fi ?s) (xwem-cl-get-psize cl))
+			     ((= fi ?S) (xwem-cl-get-usize cl))
+			     ((= fi ?u) (xwem-cl-get-uptime cl))
+			     ((= fi ?U) (xwem-cl-get-uptime cl))
+			     ((= fi ?f) (int-to-string (xwem-frame-num (xwem-cl-frame cl))))
+			     ((= fi ?*) (if (xwem-cl-marked-p cl) "*" "-"))
+			     ((= fi ?#) (if (XWMProtocol-set-p (xwem-dpy)
+					     (xwem-hints-wm-protocols (xwem-cl-hints cl))
+					     "WM_DELETE_WINDOW")
+					    "#" "-"))
+			     ((= fi ?%) "%")
+			     ;; Emacs lisp
+			     ((= fi ?{)
+			      (let ((substr (substring fmt (1+ fmt-index)))
+				    elstr)
+				(unless (string-match "\\(\\([^%]\\|%[^}]\\)*\\)%}" substr)
+				  (signal 'search-failed fmt "%}"))
+				;; extract lisp code and update fmt indexer
+				(setq elstr (match-string 1 substr))
+				(incf fmt-index (match-end 0))
+				;; Now time to run emacs lisp.
+				;; NOTE:
+				;;
+				;;  - Due to dynamic scoping, emacs
+				;;    lisp code that is in ELSTR can
+				;;    access any locally bounded
+				;;    variable for example `cl'.
+				;;
+				;; - It should return string, cons
+				;;   cell(image) or nil.
+				(eval (read elstr))))
+			     ;; Ditig is number of aditional GC
+			     ((and (> (Xforcenum fi) 47) (< (Xforcenum fi) 57))
+			      (let* ((n (string-to-int (char-to-string fi)))
+				     (gc (if (= n 0)
+					     (xwem-tab-item-get-draw-gc tabi)
+					   (eval (intern-soft (concat "xwem-tabber-gc" (int-to-string n)))))))
+				(when (X-Gc-p gc)
+				  (setq currgc gc)
+				  (XSetClipRectangles (xwem-dpy) currgc 0 0 (list rect))))
+			      'skip)
+			     (t (error "Unknown token in tabi format"))))
+	    ;; size fix
+	    (when (and (consp item)
+		       (numberp (car item))
+		       (numberp (cdr item)))
+	      (setq item (concat (int-to-string (car item))
+				 "x"
+				 (int-to-string (cdr item)))))
+	    (incf fmt-index))
+	;; Not %
+	(setq item (char-to-string fi))
+	(while (and (< fmt-index (length fmt))
+		    (not (= (aref fmt fmt-index) ?%)))
+	  (setq item (concat item (char-to-string (aref fmt fmt-index))))
+	  (incf fmt-index)))
+      (cond ((stringp item)
+	     ;; Draw text
+	     (let* ((font (X-Gc-font currgc))
+		    (ta (X-Text-ascent (xwem-dpy) font item))
+		    (td (X-Text-descent (xwem-dpy) font item))
+		    (hei (X-Rect-height rect))
+		    (ty (+ yoff (/ (- hei (+ ta td)) 2) ta)))
+	       (XDrawString (xwem-dpy) xprep currgc xoff ty item)
+	       (setq xoff (+ xoff (X-Text-width (xwem-dpy) (X-Gc-font currgc) item)))
+	       ))
+	    ((and (consp item)
+		  (X-Pixmap-p (car item))
+		  (X-Pixmap-p (cdr item)))
+	     ;; Draw icon
+	     (let* ((ximg (X-Pixmap-get-prop (car item) 'ximg))
+		    (ty (/ (- (X-Rect-height rect) (X-Image-height ximg)) 2)))
+;		   (ximg-mask (X-Pixmap-get-prop (cdr item) 'ximg)))
+	       (unwind-protect
+		   (progn
+		     (setf (X-Gc-clip-mask currgc) (cdr item))
+		     (setf (X-Gc-clip-x-origin currgc) xoff)
+		     (setf (X-Gc-clip-y-origin currgc) (+ yoff ty))
+		     (XChangeGC (xwem-dpy) currgc)
+		     (XCopyArea (xwem-dpy) (car item) xprep currgc 0 0
+				(X-Image-width ximg) (X-Image-height ximg)
+				xoff (+ yoff ty)))
+		 (setf (X-Gc-clip-mask currgc) X-None)
+		 (setf (X-Gc-clip-x-origin currgc) 0)
+		 (setf (X-Gc-clip-y-origin currgc) 0)
+		 (XChangeGC (xwem-dpy) currgc)
+		 (XSetClipRectangles (xwem-dpy) currgc 0 0 (list rect)))
+	       (setq xoff (+ xoff (X-Image-width ximg)))))
+	    ((or (null item)
+		 (eq item 'skip)) nil)
+	    (t (error "Unknown Item" item)))
+      )
+    (when (> xoff (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)))
+      (setq xoff (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect))))
+    (X-Dpy-send-excursion (xwem-dpy)
+      (setq sfg (X-Gc-foreground fill-gc))
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (progn
+	    (setf (X-Gc-foreground fill-gc) (X-Gc-background fill-gc))
+	    (XChangeGC (xwem-dpy) fill-gc)
+	    (XFillRectangles (xwem-dpy) tabxwin fill-gc (list rect)))
+	(setf (X-Gc-foreground fill-gc) sfg)
+	(XChangeGC (xwem-dpy) fill-gc))
+      (XSetClipRectangles (xwem-dpy) fill-gc 0 0 (list rect))
+      (XSetClipRectangles (xwem-dpy) currgc 0 0 (list rect))
+      (XCopyArea (xwem-dpy) xprep tabxwin currgc
+		 (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-y rect) (X-Rect-width rect) (X-Rect-height rect)
+		 (+ (X-Rect-x rect)
+		    (/ (- (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) xoff) 2))
+		 (X-Rect-y rect))
+      ;; Draw a delimeter
+      (when (not (zerop (xwem-tab-item-delim-width tabi)))
+	(cond ((= (xwem-tab-item-delim-width tabi) 2)
+	       (XDrawLine (xwem-dpy) tabxwin
+			  (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-black)
+			  (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) (X-Rect-y rect)
+			  (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) (X-Rect-height rect))
+	       (XDrawLine (xwem-dpy) tabxwin
+			  (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-white)
+			  (+ (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) 1) (X-Rect-y rect)
+			  (+ (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) 1) (X-Rect-height rect)))
+	      ((= (xwem-tab-item-delim-width tabi) 4)
+	       (XDrawLine (xwem-dpy) tabxwin
+			  (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-black)
+			  (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) (X-Rect-y rect)
+			  (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) (X-Rect-height rect))
+	       (XDrawLine (xwem-dpy) tabxwin
+			  (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-darkgray)
+			  (+ (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) 1) (X-Rect-y rect)
+			  (+ (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) 1) (X-Rect-height rect))
+	       (XDrawLine (xwem-dpy) tabxwin
+			  (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-white)
+			  (+ (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) 2) (X-Rect-y rect)
+			  (+ (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) 2) (X-Rect-height rect))
+	       (XDrawLine (xwem-dpy) tabxwin
+			  (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-lightgray)
+			  (+ (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) 3) (X-Rect-y rect)
+			  (+ (+ (X-Rect-x rect) (X-Rect-width rect)) 3) (X-Rect-height rect)))))
+      )
+    ))
+(defsubst xwem-client-get-tab-item (cl)
+  "Get tab item associated with CL."
+  (xwem-cl-get-prop cl 'tab-item))
+(defsubst xwem-client-set-tab-item (tabi cl)
+  "Associate tab item TABI with client CL."
+  (xwem-cl-put-prop cl 'tab-item tabi))
+;;; Test:
+;(setq tb (xwem-tabber-create (car xwem-frames-list) (make-X-Geom :x 0 :y 0 :width 600 :height 20)
+;			     'normal))
+;(setq ti (make-xwem-tab-item :type 'test :tabber tb
+;			     :state 'tab-selected-active
+;			     :rect (make-X-Rect :x 10 :y 0 :width 500 :height 20)
+;			     :cl (xwem-cl-selected)
+;			     :format "test %n test1"))
+;(setf (xwem-tab-item-format ti) "Test %i test1")
+;(setf (xwem-tab-item-state ti) 'nonselected-passive)
+;(xwem-tab-item-draw-format ti)
+;(XClearArea (xwem-dpy) (xwem-tabber-xwin tb) 0 0 600 20 nil)
+;(XDestroyWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-tabber-xwin tb))
+(provide 'xwem-tabbing)
+;;; xwem-tabbing.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-tray.el b/lisp/xwem-tray.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLXRyYXkuZWw=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-tray.el
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+;;; xwem-tray.el --- Tray support for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 1 Sep 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary:
+;; We should implement something like dockapp handler(or system tray),
+;; that will be placed on free space of xwem-minibuffer or xwem-frame
+;; and handle external X applications. It may receive some
+;; ClientMessages and process them. Some of this ClientMessage should
+;; be used to run elisp code.
+;; See how mbdock from matchbox made.
+;; xwem tray creates fake window which is only used to hold selection
+;; needed for communicatio, xwem minibuffer window will be used for
+;; holding apps.
+;;; TODO:
+;;    - Proper possition in `xwem-minibuffer' calculation.
+;;    - Run elisp support(almost already done).
+;;; Code:
+;;; xwem tray constants
+(defconst xwem-tc-dock-req 0 "Dock place request.")
+(defconst xwem-tc-message 1 "Message from dock app.")
+(defconst xwem-tc-cancel-message 2 "Cancels message.")
+(defconst xwem-tc-run-lisp 3 "Evaluate emacs lisp string")
+(defvar xwem-tray-message-hook 'xwem-tray-message-defhook
+  "*Hook to be called whin new message from dock app.
+Function will be called with arg - dockapp.")
+(defcustom xwem-tray-id 0 "System tray identificator.")
+(defcustom xwem-tray-name "xwem-tray"
+  "X Name for xwem tray.")
+(defcustom xwem-tray-class '("xwem-tray" "xwem-tray")
+  "X Class for xwem tray")
+(defconst xwem-tray-evmask (Xmask-or XM-SubstructureNotify
+				     XM-Exposure
+				     XM-StructureNotify
+				     XM-SubstructureRedirect
+				     XM-PropertyChange
+				     XM-ButtonPress
+				     XM-ButtonRelease))
+;;; Configuration for xwem system tray
+(defgroup xwem-tray nil
+  "Group to customize XWEM system tray."
+  :prefix "xwem-tray-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-enabled t
+  "*Non-nil mean that xwem's system tray will be used."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-max-docks 6
+  "*Maximum number of docks."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-minib-position 'right
+  "*Position where dockapps will be placed in `xwem-minib-xwin'."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "At Right" right)
+		 (const :tag "At Left" left))
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-minib-posoffset 4
+  "*Offset in pixels from `xwem-tray-minib-position'."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-minib-docoffset 5
+  "*Offset in pixels between dockapps."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-cursor-shape 'X-XC-right_ptr
+  "*Cursor shape which will be used when pointer is over dock app."
+  :type (xwem-cursor-shape-choice)
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-cursor-foreground-color "#000075"
+  "*Cursor's foreground color used when poniter is on dock app."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-cursor-background-color "#000039"
+  "*Cursor's background color used when poniter is on dock app."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (xwem-misc-colorspec-valid-p))
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+;;; Internal variables
+(defvar xwem-tray nil
+  "XWEM system tray holder.")
+(defvar xwem-tray-cursor nil "Cursor used when pointer is over dock app.")
+(defvar xwem-tray-curroffset 0 "Current offset in pixels.")
+(defvar xwem-tray-dockapps 0 "Dockapps counter.")
+;;; Dock applications
+;; Dock is array in form:
+;;  [x-window geom-after-reparent]
+(defvar xwem-tray-dapp-list nil "List of dockapp X windows.")
+;; System tray
+(defstruct xwem-tray
+  xwin
+  props
+  atoms
+  curr-offset
+  dockapps)
+;; Dockapp structure
+(defstruct xwem-dapp
+  xwin
+  geom
+  mess-type
+  mess-waitlen
+  mess-currlen
+  mess)
+;; Message is vector in form:
+;;  [message-type message-waitlen message-currlen message-string]
+;; message-type is one of `xwem-tc-message', `xwem-tc-cancel-message'
+;; or `xwem-tc-run-lisp'.
+;;; Functions
+(defun xwem-tray-find-dapp (xwin)
+  "Finds dock application by X window XWIN."
+  (let ((dal xwem-tray-dapp-list)
+	(rdapp nil))
+    (while dal
+      (if (eq (xwem-dapp-xwin (car dal)) xwin)
+	  (progn
+	    (setq rdapp (car dal))
+	    (setq dal nil))
+	(setq dal (cdr dal))))
+    rdapp))
+(defun xwem-tray-message-defhook (dapp)
+  "Default function for message from dock apps handling."
+  (if xwem-special-enabled
+      ;; XXX
+      (xwem-help-display
+       (insert (xwem-dapp-mess dapp)))
+    (xwem-message 'err "message arrived from dock app, but special frames not enabled.")
+  ))
+(defun xwem-tray-remove-dapp (dapp)
+  "Remove dock application DAPP from xwem tray dockapps list."
+  (setq xwem-tray-dapp-list (delete dapp xwem-tray-dapp-list)))
+(defun xwem-tray-new-dapp (xwin)
+  "New dock application XWIN wants to be managed."
+  (let* (;(minb-wid (X-Geom-width (xwem-minib-xgeom xwem-minibuffer)))
+	 (minb-hei (X-Geom-height (xwem-minib-xgeom xwem-minibuffer)))
+	 (wgeom (XGetGeometry (xwem-dpy) xwin))
+	 (w-wid (X-Geom-width wgeom))
+	 (w-hei (X-Geom-height wgeom))
+	 (dapp-geom (make-X-Geom :x 0 :y 0 :width w-wid :height w-hei)))
+    (setf (X-Geom-x dapp-geom)
+	  (- xwem-tray-curroffset w-wid xwem-tray-minib-docoffset))
+    (setf (X-Geom-y dapp-geom) (/ (- minb-hei w-hei) 2))
+    (add-to-list 'xwem-tray-dapp-list (make-xwem-dapp :xwin xwin :geom dapp-geom))
+    (setq xwem-tray-curroffset (X-Geom-x dapp-geom)) ;update curroffset
+    (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new xwin 'xwem-dapp-evhandler 100)
+    (XReparentWindow (xwem-dpy) xwin (xwem-minib-xwin xwem-minibuffer)
+		     (X-Geom-x dapp-geom)
+		     (X-Geom-y dapp-geom))
+    (XMapWindow (xwem-dpy) xwin)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-tray-handle-client-message (win xev)
+  "Handles ClientMessage from dock application WIN."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "TRAY: ClientMessage, evinfo=%S\n" '(X-Event-evinfo xev))
+  (let* ((mes-type (X-Atom-id (X-Event-xclient-atom xev)))
+	 (mes-data (X-Event-xclient-msg xev))
+	 (mes-win (X-Win-find-or-make (xwem-dpy) (car (nth 2 mes-data))))
+	 (data-type (truncate (car (nth 1 mes-data)))))
+    (cond ((= mes-type (X-Atom-id (aref (xwem-tray-atoms xwem-tray) 3)))
+	   (cond ((= data-type xwem-tc-dock-req)
+		  (xwem-tray-new-dapp mes-win))
+		 (t (xwem-message 'warn "Unknown data-type %d in clientmessage." data-type))))
+	  (t (xwem-message 'warn "Unknown mes-type %d" mes-type)))
+  nil))
+(defun xwem-tray-handle-unmap-or-destroy-notify (xdpy win xev)
+  "Handles UnmapNotify event."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "TRAY: UnmapNotify, evwin=%S, win=%S\n"
+	     '(X-Win-id (X-Event-win xev)) '(X-Win-id (X-Event-xdestroywindow-window xev)))
+  (let ((dapp (xwem-tray-find-dapp (X-Event-xdestroywindow-window xev))))
+    (if dapp
+	(progn
+	  (xwem-message 'note "Removing dockapp from xwem tray.")
+	  (xwem-tray-remove-dapp dapp)
+	  ;; XXX: what if we removes not last dockapp?
+	  (setq xwem-tray-curroffset
+		(+ xwem-tray-curroffset
+		   xwem-tray-minib-docoffset
+		   (X-Geom-width (xwem-dapp-geom dapp))))
+	  t)				;stop unmapnotify event processing
+      nil)))				;continue processing
+(defun xwem-tray-handle-prop-notify (win xev)
+  "Handles PropertyNotify event."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "TRAY: PropertyNotify\n")
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-tray-handle-expose (win xev)
+  "Handles Exposure event."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "TRAY: Exposure\n")
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-tray-handle-config-notify (win xev)
+  "Handles ConfigureNotify event."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "TRAY: ConfigureNotify\n")
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-tray-evhandler (xdpy win xev)
+  "X Events handler for xwem system tray."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "TRAY: event %S, descr: %S\n" '(X-Event-name xev) '(X-Event-evinfo xev))
+  (let* ((evtype (X-Event-type xev))
+	 (fn (cond ((= evtype X-ClientMessage) 'xwem-tray-handle-client-message)
+;		  ((= evtype X-MapRequest) nil)
+;		  ((= evtype X-UnmapNotify) 'xwem-tray-handle-unmap-or-destroy-notify)
+;		  ((= evtype X-PropertyNotify) 'xwem-tray-handle-prop-notify)
+;		  ((= evtype X-Expose) 'xwem-tray-handle-expose)
+;		  ((= evtype X-DestroyNotify) 'xwem-tray-handle-unmap-or-destroy-notify)
+;		  ((= evtype X-ConfigureNotify) 'xwem-tray-handle-config-notify)
+		  (t nil))))
+    (when fn
+      (funcall fn win xev))
+  nil))
+(defun xwem-dapp-handle-client-message (win xev)
+  "Handle ClientMessage from dock application."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "DOCK APP: ClientMessage\n")
+  (let ((dapp (xwem-tray-find-dapp win))
+	(mes-type (X-Atom-id (X-Event-xclient-atom xev))))
+    (cond ((= mes-type (X-Atom-id (aref (xwem-tray-atoms xwem-tray) 9)))
+	   ;; part of some message arrived
+	   (let* ((len (- (xwem-dapp-mess-waitlen dapp)
+			  (xwem-dapp-mess-currlen dapp)))
+		  (ltgo (if (> len 20) 20 len)))	;length to go
+	     (setf (xwem-dapp-mess dapp)
+		   (concat (xwem-dapp-mess dapp)
+			   (xwem-list-to-string
+			    (mapcar (lambda (el) (car el)) (X-Event-xclient-msg xev)) ltgo)))
+	     (setf (xwem-dapp-mess-currlen dapp) (+ (xwem-dapp-mess-currlen dapp) ltgo)))
+	   (when (= (xwem-dapp-mess-currlen dapp) (xwem-dapp-mess-waitlen dapp))
+	     ;; message accomplished
+	     (let ((dtype (xwem-dapp-mess-type dapp)))
+	       (cond ((= dtype xwem-tc-message)
+		      ;; TODO: run hook?
+		      (when xwem-tray-message-hook
+			(funcall xwem-tray-message-hook dapp)))
+		     ((= dtype xwem-tc-run-lisp)
+		      (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "DOCK APP: ELISP: %s" (xwem-dapp-mess dapp))
+		      (with-temp-buffer
+			(insert (xwem-dapp-mess dapp))
+			(condition-case nil
+			    (progn
+			      (xwem-message 'info "evaling: %S" (xwem-dapp-mess dapp))
+			      (eval-buffer))
+			  (t nil))))
+		     )))
+	   )
+	  ((= mes-type (X-Atom-id (aref (xwem-tray-atoms xwem-tray) 3)))
+	   ;; opcode arrived
+	   (let ((opc (truncate (car (nth 1 (X-Event-xclient-msg xev))))))
+	     (cond ((= opc xwem-tc-dock-req) nil)
+		   (t
+		    (setf (xwem-dapp-mess dapp) "")
+		    (setf (xwem-dapp-mess-currlen dapp) 0)
+		    (setf (xwem-dapp-mess-waitlen dapp) (truncate (car (nth 3 (X-Event-xclient-msg xev)))))
+		    (setf (xwem-dapp-mess-type dapp) opc))
+	     )))
+	  (t (xwem-message 'warn "Unknown mes-type %d from dock app." mes-type)))
+  nil))
+(defun xwem-dapp-evhandler (xdpy win xev)
+  "X Events handler for xwem dock applications."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "DOCK APP: event %S,  info: %S\n" '(X-Event-name xev) '(X-Event-evinfo xev))
+  (let* ((evtype (X-Event-type xev))
+	 (fn (cond ((= evtype X-ClientMessage) 'xwem-dapp-handle-client-message)
+;		  ((= evtype X-MapRequest) nil)
+;		  ((= evtype X-UnmapNotify) 'xwem-tray-handle-unmap-or-destroy-notify)
+;		  ((= evtype X-PropertyNotify) 'xwem-tray-handle-prop-notify)
+;		  ((= evtype X-Expose) 'xwem-tray-handle-expose)
+;		  ((= evtype X-DestroyNotify) 'xwem-tray-handle-unmap-or-destroy-notify)
+;		  ((= evtype X-ConfigureNotify) 'xwem-tray-handle-config-notify)
+		  (t nil))))
+    (when fn
+      (funcall fn win xev))
+  nil))
+(defcustom xwem-tray-config nil
+  "*Config file for xwem-tray.
+It is list of vectors in form [TYPE VALUE], TYPE is one of XWEM-TRAY-DOCK where VALUE for it is a string, which will be runned with `background' or XWEM-TRAY-DILEM where VALUE is offset in pixels which should delim docks.
+For example:
+  '([XWEM-TRAY-DOCK \"/home/lg/prog/xwem/modules/xwem-minitime -f 004400 -b bbbbbb\"]
+    [XWEM-TRAY-DOCK \"/home/lg/prog/xwem/modules/xwem-miniapm\"]
+    [XWEM-TRAY-DOCK \"/home/lg/prog/xwem/modules/xwem-minilaunch /home/lg/prog/xwem/modules/icons/xterm_big.xpm xterm\"]"
+  :type 'list
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defcustom xwem-tray-sit-for-pause 0.1
+  "*Pause in seconds we should sit-for between launching XWEM-TRAY-DOCK.
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-tray)
+(defun xwem-tray-run-config (config)
+  "Parse and execute xwem tray CONFIG."
+  (while config
+    (let ((type (aref (car config) 0))
+	  (data (aref (car config) 1)))
+      (cond ((eq type 'XWEM-TRAY-DOCK)
+	     (xwem-execute-program data))
+	    ((eq type 'XWEM-TRAY-DELIM)
+	     (setq xwem-tray-curroffset (- xwem-tray-curroffset data)))
+	    (t nil)))
+    (setq config (cdr config))))
+(defun xwem-tray-create (dpy)
+  "Creates new XWEM system tray on DPY.
+Window is InputOnly to be transparent."
+  (let ((win nil))
+    (setq win (XCreateWindow
+	       dpy nil
+	       0 0 1 1
+	       0 0 X-InputOnly nil
+	       (make-X-Attr :override-redirect 1
+			    :event-mask xwem-tray-evmask)))
+    (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new win 'xwem-tray-evhandler 100)
+    ;; Setup various hints
+    (XSetWMClass dpy win xwem-tray-class)
+    (XSetWMName dpy win xwem-tray-name)
+    (setf (xwem-tray-xwin xwem-tray) win)
+    (setf (xwem-tray-props xwem-tray) nil)
+    ;; TODO: install Selections and properties we will need
+;    (XMapWindow dpy win)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-tray-init (dpy)
+  "Initialize xwem tray."
+  (setq xwem-tray
+	(make-xwem-tray :atoms (make-vector 40 nil)))
+  (let ((xwem-atoms (xwem-tray-atoms xwem-tray)))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 0 (XInternAtom dpy "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 1 (XInternAtom dpy "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 3 (XInternAtom dpy "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 4 (XInternAtom dpy "_XEMBED_INFO" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 5 (XInternAtom dpy "_XEMBED" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 6 (XInternAtom dpy "MANAGER" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 7 (XInternAtom dpy "_MB_DOCK_ALIGN" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 8 (XInternAtom dpy "_MB_DOCK_ALIGN_EAST" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 9 (XInternAtom dpy "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE_DATA" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 10 (XInternAtom dpy "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 11 (XInternAtom dpy "WM_PROTOCOLS" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 12 (XInternAtom dpy "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 13 (XInternAtom dpy "_MB_THEME" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 14 (XInternAtom dpy "_MB_PANEL_TIMESTAMP" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 15 (XInternAtom dpy "_NET_WM_STRUT" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 16 (XInternAtom dpy "_MB_PANEL_BG" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 17 (XInternAtom dpy "WM_CLIENT_LEADER" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 18 (XInternAtom dpy "_NET_WM_ICON" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 19 (XInternAtom dpy "_NET_WM_PID" nil))
+    (aset xwem-atoms 20 (XInternAtom dpy "_XROOTPMAP_ID" nil))
+    ;; Use emacs pid as tray identificator
+    (aset xwem-atoms 2
+	  (XInternAtom dpy (format "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S%i" xwem-tray-id) nil)))
+  (setenv "SYSTEM_TRAY_ID" (format "%i" xwem-tray-id))
+  ;; Must do:
+  ;;	- Calculate start possition.
+  ;;	- Add handler for UnmapNotify and DestroyNotify events.
+  (cond ((eq xwem-tray-minib-position 'right)
+	 (setq xwem-tray-curroffset
+	       (X-Geom-width (xwem-minib-xgeom xwem-minibuffer))))
+	(t (xwem-message "Unsupported `xwem-tray-minib-position': %S"
+			 xwem-tray-minib-position)))
+  ;; Subscribe on substructure change events for xwem minibuffer
+  ;; window.
+  (setf (xwem-minib-evmask xwem-minibuffer)
+	(Xmask-or (xwem-minib-evmask xwem-minibuffer) XM-SubstructureNotify))
+  (XSelectInput (xwem-dpy) (xwem-minib-xwin xwem-minibuffer)
+		(xwem-minib-evmask xwem-minibuffer))
+  (X-Win-EventHandler-add-new (xwem-minib-xwin xwem-minibuffer)
+			      'xwem-tray-handle-unmap-or-destroy-notify
+			      -1 (list X-UnmapNotify X-DestroyNotify))
+  ;; Configure systray cursor
+  (setq xwem-tray-cursor (xwem-make-cursor (eval xwem-tray-cursor-shape)
+					   xwem-tray-cursor-foreground-color
+					   xwem-tray-cursor-background-color))
+  (XChangeWindowAttributes (xwem-dpy) (xwem-minib-xwin xwem-minibuffer)
+			   (make-X-Attr :cursor xwem-tray-cursor))
+  )
+(defun xwem-tray-startit (dpy)
+  "Start xwew tray on display DPY."
+  (xwem-tray-init dpy)
+  (xwem-tray-create dpy)
+  (XSetSelectionOwner dpy (aref (xwem-tray-atoms xwem-tray) 2)
+		      (xwem-tray-xwin xwem-tray))
+  ;; TODO: err check
+  (XMapWindow dpy (xwem-tray-xwin xwem-tray))
+  )
+(defun xwem-tray-fini ()
+  "Finialize xwem-tray."
+  (mapc (lambda (dapp)
+	  (XDestroyWindow (xwem-dpy) (xwem-dapp-xwin dapp)))
+	xwem-tray-dapp-list)
+  (setq xwem-tray-dapp-list nil)
+  (setq xwem-tray-cursor nil)
+  (setq xwem-tray-curroffset 0)
+  (setq xwem-tray-dockapps 0)
+  )
+(provide 'xwem-tray)
+;;; xwem-tray.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/xwem-win.el b/lisp/xwem-win.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bGlzcC94d2VtLXdpbi5lbA==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/xwem-win.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@
+;;; xwem-win.el --- Windows ops for XWEM.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Zajcev Evgeny <zevlg@yandex.ru>
+;; Created: 21 Mar 2003
+;; Keywords: xlib, xwem
+;; X-CVS: $Id$
+;; This file is part of XWEM.
+;; XWEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XWEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+;;; Commentary
+;; This file contain operations on XWEM windows. Windows is part of
+;; Frame, windows holds client X windows.
+;; window is a vector in form:
+;;	 [XWEM-FrameWindow (clients-list) (window-plist) [geom] xwem-client]
+;;; Code
+;;; Customization
+(defgroup xwem-win nil
+  "Group to customize XWEM windows."
+  :prefix "xwem-win-"
+  :group 'xwem)
+(defcustom xwem-win-min-width 80
+  "*Minimal width for window"
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-win)
+(defcustom xwem-win-min-height 80
+  "*Minimal height for window"
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-win)
+(defcustom xwem-win-delim-width 3
+  "*Window delimeter width, including shadowness."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-win)
+(defcustom xwem-win-delim-shadow-thicksness 1
+  "*How thick to draw 3D shadows around window delims."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-win)
+(defcustom xwem-win-default-properties
+  (list	'attachable nil)
+  "*Default properties list for frame windows.
+dead       - window that referenced but not workable.
+deleted    - deleted window have this equal to t
+frame      - frame window attached to.
+next	   - next window in windows double linked list.
+prev	   - previous window.
+hchild     - child window after horizontal split.
+vchild     - child window after vertical split.
+parent	   - parent window (window in which we do split).
+client     - client currently active in window. (index in clients-list)
+attachable - if non-nil then frame may be attached to some frame's
+             window. (not yet implemented [is it will be usefull?])
+expectances - list of expectances for window.
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (valid-plist-p))
+  :group 'xwem-win)
+(defcustom xwem-win-winmove-allow-jupming t
+  "*Non-nil allows jumping to opposite edge, when no window founded."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-win)
+(defcustom xwem-win-collect-deleted-clients t
+  "*Non-nil mean clients managed in window that are deleting now, will
+be placed in `xwem-window-other' window."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'xwem-win)
+(defcustom xwem-win-max-clients 32
+  "*Maximum clients in window. NOT USED NOW."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'xwem-win)
+;; Variables
+(defvar xwem-win-switch-hook nil
+  "Hooks to be called when window switching occurs.
+Function will receive two arguments OLD-WIN and NEW-WIN.")
+(defstruct (xwem-win (:include X-Geom)
+		     (:predicate xwem-iswin-p))
+  clients				; xwem clients list
+  props					; property list aka plist
+  cl					; xwem client
+  frame					; xwem frame
+  dead
+  deleted
+  next
+  prev
+  hchild
+  vchild
+  parent
+  expectances)				; expectances list
+(defstruct (xwem-win-saved (:include X-Geom)
+			   (:predicate xwem-iswinsaved-p))
+  cl					; xwem client
+  props					; properties
+  expectances				; expectances list
+  currentp				; non-nil for selected window
+  first-hchild first-vchild
+  next prev)
+(defstruct (xwem-win-config (:predicate xwem-iswinconfig-p))
+  frame frame-width frame-height
+  current-cl				; cl in selected window
+  min-width min-height
+  saved-root-window)
+;; Functions
+(defun xwem-win-p (window &optional sig)
+  "Return t if WINDOW is XWEM frame's window."
+  (let ((iswin (xwem-iswin-p window)))
+    (if (and (not iswin) sig)
+	(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list sig 'xwem-win-p window))
+      iswin)))
+(defun xwem-win-make-list-by-next (window)
+  "Create list of WINDOW and all next windows."
+  (let ((wins window)
+	rlist)
+    (while (xwem-win-p wins)
+      (setq rlist (cons wins rlist))
+      (setq wins (xwem-win-next wins)))
+    (nreverse rlist)))
+(defun xwem-win-selected ()
+  "Return selected window in selected frame."
+  (xwem-frame-selwin (xwem-frame-selected)))
+(defun xwem-win-selected-p (win &optional frame)
+  "Return non-nil if WIN is selected window.
+If FRAME is given then check is WIN is selected in FRAME."
+  (eq win (if frame (xwem-frame-selwin frame) (xwem-win-selected))))
+(defun xwem-win-new (&optional params props)
+  "Create new window with properties PROPS."
+  (let ((nwin (apply 'make-xwem-win params))
+	(rplist (copy-sequence xwem-win-default-properties)))
+    ;; Prepare window properties
+    (while props
+      (setq rplist (plist-put rplist (car props) (cadr props)))
+      (setq props (cddr props)))
+    ;;TODO: * Window should have prop that allows window to have their
+    ;;        own(not shared clients)
+    (setf (xwem-win-clients nwin) nil)	; list of clients
+    (setf (xwem-win-props nwin) rplist)	; window properties
+    (setf (xwem-win-cl nwin) nil)	; no visible client yet
+    nwin))
+(defun xwem-win-replace (old new)
+  "Replace OLD window with contents of NEW window."
+  (when (not (and (xwem-win-p old) (xwem-win-p new)))
+    (error "Hmm .. one of OLD or NEW is not a xwem window."))
+  (when (eq (xwem-frame-rootwin (xwem-win-frame old)) old)
+    (setf (xwem-frame-rootwin (xwem-win-frame old)) new))
+  (setf (xwem-win-x new) (xwem-win-x old))
+  (setf (xwem-win-y new) (xwem-win-y old))
+  (setf (xwem-win-width new) (xwem-win-width old))
+  (setf (xwem-win-height new) (xwem-win-height old))
+  (let ((tem))
+    (setq tem (xwem-win-next old))
+    (setf (xwem-win-next new) tem)
+    (when (xwem-win-p tem)
+      (setf (xwem-win-prev tem) new))
+    (setq tem (xwem-win-prev old))
+    (setf (xwem-win-prev new) tem)
+    (when (xwem-win-p tem)
+      (setf (xwem-win-next tem) new))
+    (setq tem (xwem-win-parent old))
+    (setf (xwem-win-parent new) tem)
+    (when (xwem-win-p tem)
+      (when (eq (xwem-win-vchild tem) old)
+	(setf (xwem-win-vchild tem) new))
+      (when (eq (xwem-win-hchild tem) old)
+	(setf (xwem-win-hchild tem) new))
+      )))
+(defun xwem-win-make-parent (window)
+  "Make dummy parent for WINDOW."
+  (let ((pwin (xwem-win-new 
+	       (list :frame (xwem-win-frame window)
+		     :dead t		; XXX dead mean that window
+					; can't contain clients
+		     ))))
+    (xwem-win-replace window pwin)
+    (setf (xwem-win-next window) nil)
+    (setf (xwem-win-prev window) nil)
+    (setf (xwem-win-hchild window) nil)
+    (setf (xwem-win-vchild window) nil)
+    (setf (xwem-win-parent window) pwin)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-window-next (&optional window)
+  "Return next window after WINDOW in canonical ordering of windows.
+If omitted, WINDOW defaults to the `(xwem-win-selected)'."
+  (let ((win (if window window (xwem-win-selected)))
+	(while-exit nil)
+	tem)
+    (while (and (not while-exit)
+		(progn
+		  (setq tem (xwem-win-next win))
+		  (null tem)))
+      (if (progn
+	    (setq tem (xwem-win-parent win))
+	    (xwem-win-p tem))
+	  (setq win tem)
+	;;else
+	(progn
+	  (setq tem (xwem-frame-rootwin (xwem-win-frame win)))
+	  (setq while-exit t)		;break from loop
+	  )))
+    (setq win tem)
+    ;; now if we have a horizontal or vertical combination - find the
+    ;; first child
+    (while (cond ((xwem-win-p (xwem-win-child win))
+		  (progn (setq win (xwem-win-child win)) t))
+		 (t nil)))		;break
+    win))
+(defun xwem-window-next-vertical (&optional window)
+  "Return next window which is vertically after WINDOW.
+If WINDOW is not given `(xwem-win-selected)' will be used."
+  (let* ((win (if window window (xwem-win-selected)))
+	 (root-win (xwem-frame-rootwin (xwem-win-frame win)))
+	 (rwin nil))
+    (when (eq root-win win)
+      (while (cond ((xwem-win-p (xwem-win-hchild win))
+		    (progn (setq win (xwem-win-hchild win)) t))
+		   ((xwem-win-p (xwem-win-vchild win))
+		    (progn (setq win (xwem-win-vchild win)) t))
+		   (t (progn (setq rwin win) nil)))))
+    (if rwin
+	rwin
+      (progn
+	;; TODO: check for root window in frame
+	(while (progn
+		 (if (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-parent win))
+			  (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-vchild (xwem-win-parent win))))
+		     (if (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next win))
+			 (setq rwin (xwem-win-next win))
+		       (setq win (xwem-win-parent win)))
+		   (setq win (xwem-win-parent win)))
+		 (and (null rwin) (not (eq win root-win)))))
+	(if rwin
+	    rwin
+	  (progn
+	    (while (progn
+		     (if (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-hchild win))
+			 (setq win (xwem-win-hchild win))
+		       (if (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-vchild win))
+			   (setq win (xwem-win-vchild win))
+			 (setq rwin win)))
+		     (null rwin)))
+	    rwin))))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-window-prev (&optional window)
+  "Retrun previous window before WINDOW in canonical ordering of windows.
+If ommitted, WINDOW defaults to the `(xwem-win-selected)'."
+  (let* ((win (if window window (xwem-win-selected)))
+	 (while-exit nil)
+	 tem)
+    (while (and (not while-exit)
+		(progn
+		  (setq tem (xwem-win-prev win))
+		  (null tem)))
+      (if (progn
+	    (setq tem (xwem-win-parent win))
+	    (xwem-win-p tem))
+      (setq win tem)
+      ;;else
+      (progn
+	(setq tem (xwem-frame-rootwin (xwem-win-frame win)))
+	(setq while-exit t)		;break from loop
+	)))
+    (setq win tem)
+    ;; now if we have a horizontal or vertical combination find
+    ;; the first child
+    (while (and
+	    (cond ((xwem-win-p (xwem-win-child win))
+		   (progn (setq win (xwem-win-child win)) t))
+		  (t nil))		;break
+	    (progn
+	      (while (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next win))
+		(setq win (xwem-win-next win)))
+	      t)))
+    win))
+(defun xwem-window-other (cnt &optional window)
+  "Return CNT's next window for WINDOW if CNT is greater then zero and
+  previous if negative."
+  (let ((ofn (if (>= cnt 0) 'xwem-window-next 'xwem-window-prev))
+	(cnt (abs cnt))
+	(win (or window (xwem-win-selected))))
+    (while (> cnt 0)
+      (setq win (funcall ofn win))
+      (setq cnt (1- cnt)))
+    win))
+(defun xwem-win-xy-in-p (x y win &optional inc-gutter)
+  "Returns non-nil if X Y lies in WIN.
+If INC-GUTTER is non-nil, than include gutters width as WIN area."
+  (let ((edges (xwem-win-pixel-edges win))
+	(gw (if inc-gutter xwem-win-delim-width 0)))
+    (and (>= x (- (nth 0 edges) gw))
+	 (<= x (+ (nth 2 edges) gw))
+	 (>= y (- (nth 1 edges) gw))
+	 (<= y (+ (nth 3 edges) gw)))))
+(defun xwem-window-at (x y)
+  "Returns window where X and Y lies in it."
+  (catch 'found
+    (xwem-win-map (lambda (win)
+		    (when (xwem-win-xy-in-p x y win t)
+		      (throw 'found win))))
+    ))
+;;; -- Moving around windows --
+;; TODO: - implement (xwem-window-at X Y)
+(defun xwem-winmove-distance ()
+  "Returns distance between windows."
+  (+ xwem-win-delim-width 0))
+(defun xwem-winmove-refloc (&optional arg window)
+  "Calculates the reference location for directional window selection.
+Returns cons cell in form (hpos . vpos)."
+  (let* ((effarg (if (null arg) 0 (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+	 (edges (xwem-win-pixel-edges window))
+	 (top-left (cons (nth 0 edges) (nth 1 edges)))
+	 (bot-right (cons (1- (nth 2 edges)) (1- (nth 3 edges)))))
+    (cond ((> effarg 0) top-left)
+	  ((< effarg 0) bot-right)
+	  (t
+	   ;; As if point in center of WINDOW
+	   (cons (+ (nth 0 edges) (/ (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)) 2))
+		 (+ (nth 1 edges) (/ (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges)) 2)))))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-winmove-other-window (dir &optional arg window)
+  "Calculates location of window to be moved to.
+Returns cons cell (x . y)."
+  (let ((edges (xwem-win-pixel-edges window))
+	(refpoint (xwem-winmove-refloc arg window)))
+    (cond ((eq dir 'left)
+	   (cons (- (nth 0 edges)
+		    (xwem-winmove-distance))
+		 (cdr refpoint)))
+	  ((eq dir 'up)
+	   (cons (car refpoint)
+		 (- (nth 1 edges)
+		    (xwem-winmove-distance))))
+	  ((eq dir 'right)
+	   (cons (+ (nth 2 edges)
+		    (xwem-winmove-distance))
+		 (cdr refpoint)))
+	  ((eq dir 'down)
+	   (cons (car refpoint)
+		 (+ (nth 3 edges)
+		    (xwem-winmove-distance))))
+	  (t (error "`xwem-winmove-other-window': Invalid direction %s" dir)))))
+(defun xwem-winmove-select (dir &optional arg window)
+  "Moves to the window in DIR direction."
+  (let* ((owin-loc (xwem-winmove-other-window dir arg window))
+	 (x (car owin-loc))
+	 (y (cdr owin-loc))
+	 (owin (xwem-window-at x y)))
+    (when xwem-win-winmove-allow-jupming
+      (let ((rwin (xwem-frame-rootwin
+		   (xwem-win-frame
+		    (or window (xwem-win-selected))))))
+	(when (not (xwem-win-xy-in-p x y rwin))
+	  ;; we are outside root window
+	  (setq owin-loc
+		(cond ((eq dir 'left)
+		       (cons (- (nth 2 (xwem-win-pixel-edges rwin))
+				(abs x)) y))
+		      ((eq dir 'right)
+		       (cons (- x (nth 2 (xwem-win-pixel-edges rwin)))
+			     y))
+		      ((eq dir 'up)
+		       (cons x (- (nth 3 (xwem-win-pixel-edges rwin))
+				  (abs y))))
+		      ((eq dir 'down)
+		       (cons x (+ (- y (nth 3 (xwem-win-pixel-edges rwin))) (nth 1 (xwem-win-pixel-edges rwin)))))
+		      (t (error "invalid direction."))))
+	  (setq owin (xwem-window-at (car owin-loc) (cdr owin-loc))))))
+    (if (not (xwem-win-p owin))
+	(xwem-message 'err "No window at %s" dir)
+	(xwem-window-select owin)
+	(xwem-frame-redraw (xwem-win-frame owin)))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-winmove-up (arg)
+  "Selects window that up for selected."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (xwem-winmove-select 'up arg))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-winmove-down (arg)
+  "Selects window that down for selected."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (xwem-winmove-select 'down arg))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-winmove-left (arg)
+  "Selects window that left for selected."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (xwem-winmove-select 'left arg))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-winmove-right (arg)
+  "Selects window that right for selected."
+  (xwem-interactive "P")
+  (xwem-winmove-select 'right arg))
+(defun xwem-window-select (window)
+  "Select WINDOW as current for WINDOW's frame.
+Runs `xwem-win-switch-hook'."
+  (let* ((wframe (xwem-win-frame window))
+	 (ow (xwem-frame-selwin wframe)))
+    (setf (xwem-frame-selwin wframe) window)
+    (run-hook-with-args 'xwem-win-switch-hook ow window)))
+(defun xwem-window-select-maybe-redraw (window)
+  "Select window WINDOW and if maybe redraw WINDOW's frame."
+  (let* ((wframe (xwem-win-frame window))
+	 (ow (xwem-frame-selwin wframe)))
+    (xwem-window-select window)
+    (unless (eq ow window)
+      (xwem-frame-redraw wframe))))
+(defun xwem-window-set-pixsize (window nsize nodelete is-height)
+  "Set pixsize for WINDOW."
+  (let ((old-pixsize (if is-height 
+			 (xwem-win-height window)
+		       (xwem-win-width window)))
+	machild michild pos)
+    (if is-height
+	(progn
+	  (setf (xwem-win-height window) nsize)
+	  (setq machild (xwem-win-vchild window))
+	  (setq michild (xwem-win-hchild window)))
+      (progn
+	(setf (xwem-win-width window) nsize)
+	(setq machild (xwem-win-hchild window))
+	(setq michild (xwem-win-vchild window))))
+    ;; Also refit window's client
+    (when (xwem-cl-p (xwem-win-cl window))
+      (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda (xwem-win-cl window)) 'refit (xwem-win-cl window)))
+    (cond ((xwem-win-p michild)
+	   (mapc (lambda (child)
+		   (if is-height
+		       (setf (xwem-win-y child) (xwem-win-y window))
+		     (setf (xwem-win-x child) (xwem-win-x window)))
+		   (xwem-window-set-pixsize child nsize nodelete is-height))
+		 (xwem-win-make-list-by-next michild)))
+	  ((xwem-win-p machild)
+	   ;; TODO: adjust geom for major child
+	   (let* ((last-pos (if is-height
+				(xwem-win-y window)
+			      (xwem-win-x window)))
+		  (first last-pos)
+		  (last-old-pos 0)
+		  (delims-size 0)
+		  (old-pos nil)
+		  (mchils (xwem-win-make-list-by-next machild)))
+	     ;; Calculate width sum of all delimetrs
+	     (mapc (lambda (el)
+		     (when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next el))
+		       (setq delims-size (+ delims-size xwem-win-delim-width))))
+		   mchils)
+	     (mapc (lambda (child)
+		     (if is-height
+			 (progn
+			   (setq old-pos
+				 (+ last-old-pos
+				    (xwem-win-height child)))
+			   (setf (xwem-win-y child) last-pos))
+		       (progn
+			 (setq old-pos (+ last-old-pos
+					  (xwem-win-width child)))
+			 (setf (xwem-win-x child) last-pos)))
+		     (setq pos (/ (+ (* old-pos 
+					(if (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next child))
+					    (- nsize delims-size)
+					  nsize)
+					2)
+				     (- old-pixsize delims-size))
+				  (* 2 (- old-pixsize delims-size))))
+		     (xwem-window-set-pixsize child (- (+ pos first) last-pos) t is-height)
+		     (setq last-pos (+ pos first xwem-win-delim-width))
+		     (setq last-old-pos old-pos))
+		   mchils))
+	   ;; Now delete any children that became too small.
+	   (when (not nodelete)
+	     (mapc (lambda (child)
+		     (if is-height
+			 (xwem-window-set-pixsize
+			  child (xwem-win-height child) nil t)
+		       (xwem-window-set-pixsize
+			child (xwem-win-width child) nil nil)))
+		   (xwem-win-make-list-by-next machild)))
+	   ))))
+(defun xwem-window-delete (&optional window)
+  "Delete WINDOW. Default is `(xwem-win-selected)'."
+  (let ((win (or window (xwem-win-selected)))
+	dcl dclients owin par pwin)
+    (if (null (xwem-win-parent win))
+	(progn
+	  ;; win is top level window
+	  ;; TODO: should I delete frame?
+	  nil)
+      (progn
+	(setq par (xwem-win-parent win))
+	(setq pwin (xwem-win-selected))
+	(while (and (xwem-win-p pwin) (not (eq pwin win)))
+	  (setq pwin (xwem-win-parent pwin)))
+	;; If we're going to delete selected window then we should
+	;; update selected window and demanage client, and maybe
+	;; collect its clients to other window.
+	(setq dcl (xwem-win-cl win))
+	(setq dclients (xwem-win-make-cl-list win))
+	(setq owin (xwem-window-other 1 win))
+	(when (xwem-cl-p dcl)
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda dcl) 'demanage dcl t))
+	;; Try to manage clients in other window
+	(when xwem-win-collect-deleted-clients
+	  (mapc (lambda (cl)
+		  (setf (xwem-cl-win cl) owin))
+		dclients)
+	  (xwem-tabber-regeom-window owin (xwem-win-selected-p owin (xwem-win-frame owin))))
+	(when (eq pwin win)
+	  (xwem-window-select (xwem-window-next win)))
+	;; close that hole in list
+	;; XXX: check h v h split then delete right win ...
+	(when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next win))
+	  (setf (xwem-win-prev (xwem-win-next win)) (xwem-win-prev win)))
+	(when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-prev win))
+	  (setf (xwem-win-next (xwem-win-prev win)) (xwem-win-next win)))
+	(when (eq win (xwem-win-hchild par))
+	  (setf (xwem-win-hchild par) (xwem-win-next win)))
+	(when (eq win (xwem-win-vchild par))
+	  (setf (xwem-win-vchild par) (xwem-win-next win)))
+	;; TODO: adjust the geometry
+	(let ((sib (xwem-win-prev win)))
+	  (when (null sib)
+	    (setq sib (xwem-win-next win))
+	    (setf (xwem-win-x sib) (xwem-win-x win))
+	    (setf (xwem-win-y sib) (xwem-win-y win)))
+	  (when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-vchild par))
+	    (xwem-window-set-pixsize
+	     sib
+	     (+ (xwem-win-height sib)
+		(xwem-win-height win)
+		xwem-win-delim-width)
+	     t t))
+	  (when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-hchild par))
+	    (xwem-window-set-pixsize
+	     sib
+	     (+ (xwem-win-width sib)
+		(xwem-win-width win)
+		xwem-win-delim-width)
+	     t nil)))
+	;; If parent now has only one child put child into parent
+	;; place
+	(when (null (xwem-win-next (xwem-win-child par)))
+	  (xwem-win-replace par (xwem-win-child par))
+	  (xwem-win-mark-deleted par))
+	;; Since we deleting combination of windows we should delete
+	;; all childs
+	(when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-child win))
+	  (xwem-win-delete-subwindows (xwem-win-child win)))
+	(xwem-win-mark-deleted win))
+      )))
+(defun xwem-window-delete-others (&optional window)
+  "Delete all xwem windows other then WINDOW."
+  (let ((win (when window window (xwem-win-selected))))
+    (xwem-win-map 
+     (lambda (ww)
+       (when (not (eq ww win))
+	 (xwem-window-delete ww)))
+     win)))
+(defun xwem-win-delete-subwindows (win)
+  "Delete all childs of WIN."
+  (when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next win))
+    (xwem-win-delete-subwindows (xwem-win-next win)))
+  (when (xwem-win-child win)
+    (xwem-win-delete-subwindows (xwem-win-child win)))
+  (xwem-win-mark-deleted win))
+(defun xwem-win-map (fn &optional window)
+  "Apply FN to FRAME-WIN and each subwindow.
+FN will be called with a window as argument.
+If ommitted, WINDOW defaults to the `(xwem-win-selected)'."
+  (let* ((start-win (or window (xwem-win-selected)))
+	 cur-win)
+    (when start-win
+      (funcall fn start-win)
+      (setq cur-win (xwem-window-next start-win)))
+    (while (not (eq cur-win start-win))
+      (funcall fn cur-win)
+      (setq cur-win (xwem-window-next cur-win)))))
+(defun xwem-win-count (&optional window)
+  "Count windows."
+  (let ((cnt 0))
+    (xwem-win-map (lambda (win) (setq cnt (+ cnt 1))) window)
+    cnt))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-balance-windows (frame)
+  "Make all windows in FRAME the same height or width."
+  (xwem-interactive (list (xwem-frame-selected)))
+  (let* ((frootw (xwem-frame-rootwin frame))
+	 (height-p (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-vchild frootw)))
+	 (getsizefn (lambda (w)
+		      (if height-p (xwem-win-height w)
+			(xwem-win-width w))))
+	 (wins (xwem-win-make-list-by-next (xwem-win-child frootw)))
+	 size)
+    (when wins
+      (setq size (/ (funcall getsizefn frootw)
+		    (length wins)))
+      (mapc (lambda (w)
+	      (xwem-window-enlarge (- size (funcall getsizefn w)) height-p w))
+	    wins)
+      (xwem-frame-draw frame nil))))
+(define-xwem-command xwem-transpose-windows (arg)
+  "Transpose selected window with other window.
+Prefix ARG directly passed to `xwem-window-other' to findout other
+  (xwem-interactive "p")
+  (let ((cw (xwem-win-selected))
+	(ow (xwem-window-other arg)))
+    (if (eq cw ow)
+	(xwem-message 'warn "Can't transpose with self.")
+      (let ((cwcl (xwem-win-cl cw))
+	    (cwcls (xwem-win-make-cl-list cw))
+	    (owcl (xwem-win-cl ow))
+	    (owcls (xwem-win-make-cl-list ow)))
+	(setf (xwem-win-cl cw) nil)
+	(setf (xwem-win-cl ow) nil)
+	(mapc (lambda (cl)
+		(setf (xwem-cl-win cl) ow))
+	      (delete cwcl cwcls))
+	(mapc (lambda (cl)
+		(setf (xwem-cl-win cl) cw))
+	      (delete owcl owcls))
+	(when (xwem-cl-p cwcl)
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cwcl) 'manage cwcl ow))
+	(when (xwem-cl-p owcl)
+	  (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda owcl) 'manage owcl cw))
+	))
+    ))
+(defun xwem-win-only-one-p (&optional window)
+  "Return non-nil if WINDOW is only one in chain.
+If WINDOW ommitted `(xwem-win-selected)' used."
+  (let ((sl-win (if window window (xwem-win-selected))))
+    (= 1 (xwem-win-count sl-win))))
+(defun xwem-window-list (&optional frame)
+  "Return list of windows for FRAME.
+If FRAME ommitted then `xwem-current-frame' will be used."
+  (let* ((wlf (if frame frame (xwem-frame-selected)))
+	 (win (xwem-frame-rootwin wlf))
+	 (rlist nil))
+    (xwem-win-map
+     (function (lambda (win)
+		 (setq rlist (cons win rlist))))
+     win)
+    rlist))
+(defun xwem-win-pixel-edges (&optional window)
+  "Return a list of the pixel edge coordinates of WINDOW.
+\\(LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM\\), all relative to 0, 0 at top left corner of
+frame.  The frame title are considered to be outside of this area."
+  (let* ((win (if window window (xwem-win-selected))))
+  (list (xwem-win-x win)
+	(xwem-win-y win)
+	(+ (xwem-win-x win) (xwem-win-width win))
+	(+ (xwem-win-y win) (xwem-win-height win)))))
+(defun xwem-win-pixel-width (&optional window)
+  "Retrun width in pixels of WINDOW."
+  (xwem-win-width (if window window (xwem-win-selected))))
+(defun xwem-win-pixel-height (&optional window)
+  "Return height in pixels of WINDOW."
+  (xwem-win-height (if window window (xwem-win-selected))))
+(defun xwem-win-pixels-steps (&optional window)
+  "Convert size in pixels to size in steps for WINDOW."
+  (error "xwem-win-pixels-steps not yet implemented."))
+(defun xwem-win-steps-pixels (&optional window)
+  "Convert size in steps to size in pixels for WINDOW."
+  (error "xwem-win-steps-pixels not yet implemented."))
+;;; START: Window configurations section
+(defun xwem-window-configuration (&optional frame)
+  "Return an object representing the current window configuration of xwem FRAME.
+If FRAME is nil or ommited, use the sected frame."
+  (let ((frm (or frame (xwem-frame-selected))))
+    (make-xwem-win-config
+     :frame frm
+     :frame-width (xwem-frame-width frm)
+     :frame-height (xwem-frame-height frm)
+     :current-cl (xwem-win-cl (xwem-frame-selwin frm))
+     :min-width xwem-win-min-width :min-height xwem-win-min-height
+     :saved-root-window (xwem-win-root->saved-win (xwem-frame-rootwin frm)))))
+(defun xwem-win-root->saved-win (win)
+  "Convert an xwem root WIN into a tree of saved-window structures."
+  (let ((saved-win
+	 (make-xwem-win-saved
+	  :x (xwem-win-x win) :y (xwem-win-y win) :width (xwem-win-width win) :height (xwem-win-height win)
+	  :cl (xwem-win-cl win)
+	  :props (copy-sequence (xwem-win-props win))
+	  :expectances (copy-sequence (xwem-win-expectances win))
+	  :currentp (xwem-win-selected-p win (xwem-win-frame win))
+	  :first-hchild (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-hchild win))
+			     (xwem-win-root->saved-win (xwem-win-hchild win)))
+	  :first-vchild (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-vchild win))
+			     (xwem-win-root->saved-win (xwem-win-vchild win)))
+	  :next (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next win))
+		     (xwem-win-root->saved-win (xwem-win-next win)))
+	  )))
+    saved-win))
+(defun xwem-win-config-equal (win-cfg0 win-cfg1)
+  "Return non-nil if two window configurations WIN-CFG0 and WIN-CFG1 are equal."
+  (equal win-cfg0 win-cfg1))
+(defun xwem-set-window-configuration (config)
+  "Set window CONFIG."
+  (let ((frame (xwem-win-config-frame config)))
+    (when (and (xwem-frame-alive-p frame)
+	       (not (xwem-win-config-equal config (xwem-window-configuration))))
+      (xwem-frame-reduce-to-one-window frame)
+      (xwem-frame-set-win-config-frame-size config)
+      (let ((rwin (xwem-frame-rootwin frame))
+	    (xwem-win-config-current-window))
+	(declare (special xwem-win-config-current-window))
+	(xwem-win-restore-saved-win config rwin
+				    (xwem-win-config-saved-root-window config)
+				    'vertical)
+	(when xwem-win-config-current-window
+	  (xwem-window-select xwem-win-config-current-window)
+	  (xwem-frame-select (xwem-win-frame xwem-win-config-current-window)))
+	(setq xwem-win-min-width (xwem-win-config-min-width config))
+	(setq xwem-win-min-height (xwem-win-config-min-height config))
+	))))
+(defun xwem-frame-reduce-to-one-window (frame)
+  "Delete all windows except the one."
+  (xwem-window-delete-others (xwem-frame-selwin frame)))
+(defun xwem-frame-set-win-config-frame-size (config)
+  "Restore FRAME size of a window configuration CONFIG."
+  (xwem-frame-set-size (xwem-win-config-frame config)
+    (xwem-win-config-frame-width config)
+    (xwem-win-config-frame-height config)))
+(defun xwem-win-restore-saved-win (config win saved-win direction)
+  "Within CONFIG, restore WIN to the state of SAVED-WIN."
+  (and (xwem-win-saved-next saved-win)
+       (progn
+	 (xwem-win-split win direction)
+	 (xwem-win-restore-saved-win config (xwem-win-next win)
+				     (xwem-win-saved-next saved-win)
+				     direction)))
+  (when (xwem-win-saved-first-hchild saved-win)
+    (xwem-win-restore-saved-win config win
+				(xwem-win-saved-first-hchild saved-win)
+				'horizontal))
+  (when (xwem-win-saved-first-vchild saved-win)
+    (xwem-win-restore-saved-win config win
+				(xwem-win-saved-first-vchild saved-win)
+				'vertical))
+  (xwem-win-restore-win-params config win saved-win)
+  )
+(defun xwem-win-restore-win-params (config win saved-win)
+  "Restore the windown parameters stored in SAVED-WIN on WIN."
+  (declare (special xwem-win-config-current-window))
+  (let ((cln (xwem-win-saved-cl saved-win)))
+    (setf (xwem-win-props win) (copy-sequence (xwem-win-saved-props saved-win)))
+    (setf (xwem-win-expectances win) (copy-sequence (xwem-win-saved-expectances saved-win)))
+    (when (xwem-cl-p cln)
+      (xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda cln) 'manage cln win))
+    (when (and (not (xwem-win-saved-first-hchild saved-win))
+	       (not (xwem-win-saved-first-vchild saved-win)))
+      (when (not (eq win (xwem-frame-rootwin (xwem-win-frame win))))
+	(xwem-window-enlarge (- (xwem-win-saved-width saved-win)
+				(xwem-win-width win))
+			     nil
+			     win)
+	(xwem-window-enlarge (- (xwem-win-saved-height saved-win)
+				(xwem-win-height win))
+			     t
+			     win)))
+    (when (xwem-win-saved-currentp saved-win)
+      (setq xwem-win-config-current-window win))
+    ))
+;;; END:
+(define-xwem-command xwem-window-configuration-to-register (reg)
+  "Save current window configuration to register."
+  (xwem-interactive "rRegister: ")
+  (xwem-message 'todo "Save window configuration to `%S' register." reg))
+(defvar xwem-win-after-split-hook nil
+  "Hook to be called after split.
+Functions will be called with three arguments: WIN HOW and NEW-SIZE")
+(defun xwem-win-split (&optional window how new-size)
+  "Split WINDOW.
+When WINDOW is ommitted `(xwem-win-selected)' used.
+HOW is 'vertical of 'horizontal, default is 'horizontal.
+If NEW-SIZE is given make WINDOW NEW-SIZE pixels bigger after split."
+  (let* ((sp-win (if window window (xwem-win-selected)))
+	 (sp-how (if how how 'horizontal))
+	 (hor (equal sp-how 'horizontal))
+	 (nwin (xwem-win-new (list :frame (xwem-win-frame sp-win))))
+	 (nsiz (or new-size 0))
+	 psize psize1 psize2 remd)
+    (if hor
+	(progn
+	  (setq psize (/ (- (xwem-win-width sp-win)
+			    xwem-win-delim-width) 2))
+	  (setq remd (% (- (xwem-win-width sp-win)
+			   xwem-win-delim-width) 2)))
+      (progn
+	  (setq psize (/ (- (xwem-win-height sp-win)
+			    xwem-win-delim-width) 2))
+	  (setq remd (% (- (xwem-win-height sp-win)
+			   xwem-win-delim-width) 2))))
+    (setq psize1 (+ psize nsiz))
+    (setq psize2 (+ psize remd (- nsiz)))
+    ;; Check that minimal widht or height is not exceeded
+    (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "Doing split hor=%s psize=%d\n" 'hor 'psize)
+    (if hor
+	;; horizontal split
+	(if (or (< psize1 xwem-win-min-width)
+		(< psize2 xwem-win-min-width))
+	    (error "Can't do split.")
+	  ;; TODO:
+	  (when (or (null (xwem-win-parent sp-win))
+		    (null (xwem-win-hchild (xwem-win-parent sp-win))))
+	    (xwem-win-make-parent sp-win)
+	    (setf (xwem-win-hchild (xwem-win-parent sp-win)) sp-win)))
+      ;; vertical split
+      (if (or (< psize1 xwem-win-min-height)
+	      (< psize2 xwem-win-min-height))
+	  (error "Can't do split.")
+	;; TODO
+	(when (or (null (xwem-win-parent sp-win))
+		  (null (xwem-win-vchild (xwem-win-parent sp-win))))
+	  (xwem-win-make-parent sp-win)
+	  (setf (xwem-win-vchild (xwem-win-parent sp-win)) sp-win))))
+    (setf (xwem-win-frame nwin) (xwem-win-frame sp-win))
+    (setf (xwem-win-next nwin) (xwem-win-next sp-win))
+    (when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next nwin))
+      (setf (xwem-win-prev (xwem-win-next nwin)) nwin))
+    (setf (xwem-win-prev nwin) sp-win)
+    (setf (xwem-win-next sp-win) nwin)
+    (setf (xwem-win-parent nwin) (xwem-win-parent sp-win))
+    ;; TODO: adjust geometry
+    (if hor
+	(progn
+	  (setf (xwem-win-width sp-win) psize1)
+	  (setf (xwem-win-x nwin)
+		(+ xwem-win-delim-width
+		   (xwem-win-x sp-win)
+		   (xwem-win-width sp-win)))
+	  (setf (xwem-win-y nwin) (xwem-win-y sp-win))
+	  (setf (xwem-win-width  nwin) psize2)
+	  (setf (xwem-win-height nwin) (xwem-win-height sp-win)))
+      (progn
+	(setf (xwem-win-height sp-win) psize1)
+	(setf (xwem-win-x nwin) (xwem-win-x sp-win))
+	(setf (xwem-win-y nwin)
+	      (+ xwem-win-delim-width
+		 (xwem-win-y sp-win)
+		 (xwem-win-height sp-win)))
+	(setf (xwem-win-width nwin) (xwem-win-width sp-win))
+	(setf (xwem-win-height nwin) psize2)))
+    ;; Clients refitting if needed
+    (let ((spcl (xwem-win-cl sp-win)))
+      (when (xwem-cl-p spcl)
+	(xwem-manda-fun-run (xwem-cl-manda spcl) 'refit spcl)))
+    (xwem-win-draw-delims (xwem-win-parent nwin))
+    ;; NOTE: nwin is (xwem-win-next sp-win)
+    (run-hook-with-args 'xwem-win-after-split-hook sp-win how new-size)
+    ))
+(defun xwem-win-draw-delims (win)
+  "Draw delimetrs in window WIN."
+  (let ((wf (xwem-win-frame win))
+	(hc (xwem-win-hchild win))
+	(vc (xwem-win-vchild win)))
+    (X-Dpy-send-excursion (xwem-dpy)
+      (while (xwem-win-p hc)
+	;; For horizontal split
+	(when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next hc))
+	  (xwem-misc-draw-bar
+	   (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin wf)
+	   (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-win-delimeter)
+	   (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-white)
+	   (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-win-delimeter-shadow)
+	   (+ (xwem-win-x hc) (xwem-win-width hc))
+	   (xwem-win-y hc)
+	   xwem-win-delim-width
+	   (xwem-win-height hc)
+	   xwem-win-delim-shadow-thicksness))
+	(xwem-win-draw-delims hc)
+	(setq hc (xwem-win-next hc)))
+      (while (xwem-win-p vc)
+	;; For vertical split
+	(when (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next vc))
+	  (xwem-misc-draw-bar 
+	   (xwem-dpy) (xwem-frame-xwin wf)
+	   (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-win-delimeter)
+	   (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-white)
+	   (xwem-face-get-gc 'xwem-face-win-delimeter-shadow)
+	   (xwem-win-x vc)
+	   (+ (xwem-win-y vc) (xwem-win-height vc))
+	   (xwem-win-width vc)
+	   xwem-win-delim-width
+	   xwem-win-delim-shadow-thicksness))
+	(xwem-win-draw-delims vc)
+	(setq vc (xwem-win-next vc)))
+      )))
+(defun xwem-window-change-size (win delta height-p)
+  "Change WIN size to old-size plus DELTA."
+  (let ((getsizefn (lambda (www)
+		     (if height-p (xwem-win-height www)
+		       (xwem-win-width www))))
+	(setsizefn (lambda (www nsize)
+		     (xwem-window-set-pixsize www nsize nil height-p)))
+	(par nil)
+	wsize minsize maxdelta)
+    (if (eq win (xwem-frame-rootwin (xwem-win-frame win)))
+	(xwem-message 'warn "Can't change size of frame root window.")
+      (setq par (xwem-win-parent win))
+      (while (and par (not (if height-p
+			       (xwem-win-vchild par)
+			     (xwem-win-hchild par))))
+	(setq win par)
+	(setq par (xwem-win-parent win)))
+      (setq wsize (funcall getsizefn win))
+      (setq minsize (if height-p xwem-win-min-height xwem-win-min-width))
+      (if (< (+ wsize delta) minsize)
+	  (xwem-message 'warn "Minimum size exceeded while in `xwem-window-change-size'")
+	(setq maxdelta (if par (- (funcall getsizefn par) wsize)
+			 (if (xwem-win-next win) (- (funcall getsizefn (xwem-win-next win))
+						    minsize)
+			   (if (xwem-win-prev win) (- (funcall getsizefn (xwem-win-prev win))
+						      minsize)
+			     (setq delta 0)))))
+	(when (> delta maxdelta)
+	  (setq delta maxdelta))
+	(unless (= delta 0)
+	  (if (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-next win))
+		   (>= (- (funcall getsizefn (xwem-win-next win)) delta) minsize))
+	      (progn
+		(X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "HERE IN xwem-window-change-size: delta=%d\n" 'delta)
+		(if height-p
+		    (setf (xwem-win-y (xwem-win-next win))
+			  (+ (xwem-win-y (xwem-win-next win)) delta))
+		  (setf (xwem-win-x (xwem-win-next win))
+			(+ (xwem-win-x (xwem-win-next win)) delta)))
+		(funcall setsizefn (xwem-win-next win) 
+			 (- (funcall getsizefn (xwem-win-next win)) delta))
+		(funcall setsizefn win (+ (funcall getsizefn win) delta)))
+	    (if (and (xwem-win-p (xwem-win-prev win))
+		     (>= (- (funcall getsizefn (xwem-win-prev win)) delta) minsize))
+		(progn
+		  (funcall setsizefn (xwem-win-prev win)
+			   (- (funcall getsizefn (xwem-win-prev win)) delta))
+		  (if height-p
+		      (setf (xwem-win-y win) (- (xwem-win-y win) delta))
+		    (setf (xwem-win-x win) (- (xwem-win-x win) delta)))
+		  (funcall setsizefn win (+ (funcall getsizefn win) delta)))
+	      ;; If we are here than changing window size possible
+	      ;; causes changing parent size.
+	      (let ((opht (funcall getsizefn par))
+		    delta1)
+		(if (<= opht (+ delta wsize))
+		    (setq delta1 (* opht opht 2))
+		  (setq delta1 (/ (* delta opht 100) (* (- opht wsize delta) 100))))
+		(if height-p
+		    (setf (xwem-win-height par) (+ opht delta1))
+		  (setf (xwem-win-width par) (+ opht delta1)))
+		(funcall setsizefn win (+ wsize delta1))
+		(funcall setsizefn par opht)
+		))))
+	))))
+(defun xwem-window-enlarge (n &optional height-p window)
+  "Make WINDOW N pixels bigger.
+If HEIGHT-P is non-nil then enlarge vertically.
+If WINDOW is ommited then selected window will be used."
+  (xwem-window-change-size (if (xwem-win-p window) window (xwem-win-selected)) n height-p))
+(defun xwem-window-shrink (n &optional height-p window)
+  "Make WINDON N pixels smaller.
+If HEIGHT-P is non-nil then shrink vertically.
+If WINDOW is ommited then selected window will be used."
+  (xwem-window-change-size (if window window (xwem-win-selected)) (- n) height-p))
+(defun xwem-win-focus (owin nwin)
+  "Focus NWIN. To be used in `xwem-win-switch-hook'."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "xwem-win-focus\n")
+  (xwem-focus-set nwin)
+  nil)
+(defun xwem-win-title (owin nwin)
+  "Update NWIN's frame title when new focus. To be used in `xwem-win-switch-hook'."
+  (X-Dpy-log (xwem-dpy) "xwem-win-title\n")
+  (when (and (not (eq owin nwin))
+	     (xwem-frame-p (xwem-win-frame nwin)))
+    (xwem-tabber-draw (xwem-frame-tabber (xwem-win-frame nwin))))
+  nil)
+;; Shutup compiler
+(defvar xwem-clients nil)
+(defun xwem-win-make-cl-list (win)
+  "Makes list of CLs that belongs to WIN."
+  (let ((rcls nil))
+    (mapc (lambda (cl)
+	    (when (and (eq (xwem-cl-win cl) win)
+		       (xwem-cl-managed-p cl))
+	      (setq rcls (nconc rcls (list cl)))))
+	  xwem-clients)
+    rcls))
+(defun xwem-win-make-cl-list-sort-by-recency (win)
+  "Return list of clients managed in WIN, sorted by recency field."
+  (let ((cls (xwem-win-make-cl-list win)))
+    (sort cls (lambda (cl1 cl2)
+		(let ((rc1 (xwem-cl-recency cl1))
+		      (rc2 (xwem-cl-recency cl2)))
+		  (if (or (not rc1) (not rc2))
+		      (not (null rc1))
+		    (cond ((> (nth 0 rc1) (nth 0 rc2))
+			   t)
+			  ((< (nth 0 rc1) (nth 0 rc2))
+			   nil)
+			  (t (cond ((> (nth 1 rc1) (nth 1 rc2))
+				    t)
+				   ((< (nth 1 rc1) (nth 1 rc2))
+				    nil)
+				   (t (cond ((> (nth 2 rc1) (nth 2 rc2))
+					     t)
+					    ((< (nth 2 rc1) (nth 2 rc2))
+					     nil)
+					    (t t))))))))))))
+(defun xwem-init-win ()
+  "Initialize xwem windows. Now just installs `xwem-win-switch-hook'"
+  (add-hook 'xwem-win-switch-hook 'xwem-win-title)
+  (add-hook 'xwem-win-switch-hook 'xwem-win-focus)
+  )
+(provide 'xwem-win)
+;;; xwem-win.el ends here
diff --git a/logo.xpm b/logo.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aa1714735f9bd881449e6290a7a3244125782b8_bG9nby54cG0=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logo.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* XPM */
+/* xwem logo by lg */
+static char * xwem_xpm[] = {    
+"34 13 8 1",			     
+" 	s None	c None",	     
+".	c black",		     
+"W	c red",			     
+"E	c green",		     
+"M	c blue",		     
+"o	c yellow",		     
+"c	c cyan",		     
+"a	c magenta",		     
+".....       W .   WEWEacMM     M M",
+" .....     W .   WEWEWccMMM   M M ",
+"  .....   W .   WEWoWccEcMMM M M  ",
+"   ..... W .   WEWoWMMEEEcMMM M   ",
+"    ..... .   WEWEWMM  EEEcM M    ",
+"     ... .   WEWEWcc    EEEEM     ",
+"     W. ... WEWoWccEE    EEM      ",
+"    W. .....EWoWMMEEEE    M       ",
+"   W. W .....EWMM  EEEE  M        ",
+"  W. WWW .....EM    EEEEM         ",
+" W. WWWWWE.....E     EEM          ",
+"W. W  WWWWE.....E     M           ",
+".WW    WWWWE.....E   M            "};