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Reference development repository for the Mercurial project. Read more at https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Heptapod
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GitLab CE Rails application, converted to a Mercurial repository and modified for Mercurial support in a Mercurial branch called "Heptapod".
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A suite of functional / API tests written with Selenium and the Python requests library (for the API part)
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This is the development repository for the evolve extension.
Official repository at: https://mercurial-scm.org/repo/evolve/
Official bug tracker: https://bz.mercurial-scm.org/ (component, "evolution")
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To track the evolution of the FOSS public development instance. This is the place where FOSS projects can create Hosting Request issues, ask for specific settings. This is also where to report bugs that are believed to be specific to this instance.
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Fork of omnibus-gitlab providing Omnibus for Heptapod.
As with all forks, the default branch is upstream, and the main Heptapod development branch is heptapod
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Logiciel libre et communautaire pour la gestion des distilleries indépendantes
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Configuration and utilities to spawn multiple HDK workspaces.
Helps @gracinet to maintain consistency among several development computers.
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Main development repository for TortoiseHg
Send patches/questions to thg-dev@googlegroups.com | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/thg-dev
Downloads available at https://www.mercurial-scm.org
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An image with a precompiled Gitaly sitting in /opt/gitlab. Intended for HGitaly testing, can be problematic for Rails testing.