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heptapod / heptapod
MIT No AttributionGitLab CE Rails application, converted to a Mercurial repository and modified for Mercurial support in a Mercurial branch called "Heptapod".
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fluiddyn / fluidsim
CeCILL-B Free Software License AgreementAn extensible framework for studying fluid dynamics with numerical simulations using Python
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heptapod / py-heptapod
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThe Python side of Heptapod, including Mercurial extensions and hooks, server processes and utilities.
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mercurial / hg-website
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterWebsite of the Mercurial project, live at https://mercurial-scm.org
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heptapod / heptapod-runner
MIT No AttributionConversion to Mercurial and fork of upstream gitlab-runner.
As usual, the heptapod branch will be heptapod-runner proper, whereas the default branch is used to track upstream
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A suite of functional / API tests written with Selenium and the Python requests library (for the API part)
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heptapod / heptapod-shell
MIT No AttributionGitLab Shell, converted to a Mercurial repository and modified for Mercurial support in a Mercurial branch called "Heptapod".
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bsdutils / panopticum
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
mercurial / mercurial-jupyterbook
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalA version of the Mercurial book using Jupyter Book.
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heptapod / omnibus-heptapod
Solderpad Hardware License v0.5Fork of omnibus-gitlab providing Omnibus for Heptapod.
As with all forks, the default branch is upstream, and the main Heptapod development branch is heptapod
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Stephen Chappell / qtpipe
The UnlicenseUpdated -
Image to run omnibus-heptapod builds. Pushed to Docker Hub as heptapod/omnibus-builder.
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Stephen Chappell / csc-space-battle
The UnlicenseUpdated -
This project is deprecated in favour of Omnibus Heptapod Docker build capability, and will be archived once Heptapod 0.17 becomes the new stable series.