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ARCHIVED as of 25 Sep 2023 - project has moved to https://github.com/python-cffi/cffi/
A Foreign Function Interface package for calling C libraries from Python.
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Third party binaries used for building PyPy and RPython. Taken from the appropriate branches of https://github.com/python/cpython-bin-deps
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FluidLab is a framework for studying fluid dynamics by experiments using Python.
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This time, mirroring the hg Mercurial repo itself.
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Ignore this repo. It is used to figure out how to get the CI runner on Windows working
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Magic Lantern firmware add-on for Canon EOS cameras.
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Reference development repository for the Mercurial project. Read more at https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Heptapod
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Used internally by the contributors for pre submission review. Completely non publishing, and merge requests should stay open and get closed mechanically by pulling from the reference repo at mercurial-scm.org
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