|release| |docs|
.. |release| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/fluidsim.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/fluidsim/
:alt: Latest version
.. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/fluidsim/badge/?version=latest
:target: http://fluidsim.readthedocs.org
:alt: Documentation status
FluidSim is the numerically oriented package of the `FluidDyn project
`__. The project is still in a
testing stage so it is still pretty unstable and many of its planned
features have not yet been implemented.
It has first been developed by `Pierre Augier
`_ (CNRS
researcher at `LEGI `_, Grenoble) at
KTH (Stockholm) as a numerical code to solve fluid equations in a
periodic two-dimensional space with pseudo-spectral methods.
*Key words and ambitions*: fluid dynamics research with Python (2.7 or
>= 3.3); modular, object-oriented, collaborative, tested and
documented, free and open-source software.
FluidDyn is distributed under the CeCILL_ License, a GPL compatible
french license.
.. _CeCILL: http://www.cecill.info/index.en.html
You can get the source code from `Bitbucket
`__ or from `the Python
Package Index `__.
The development mode is often useful. From the root directory::
python setup.py develop
From the root directory::
make tests
make tests_mpi
Or, from the root directory or from any of the "test" directories::
python -m unittest discover