60D alpha10 today test
Created originally on Bitbucket by Anonymous
Hi folks, hi alex, first of all, thank you again for the great work. My tests today are not a complete test of all the features, but it's a real-life test, because i was filming all the day for a current doc-project using ML. (for safety i have a blank card without ML in my bag ;-)
I'll only talk about issues which i can name for sure, nothing of the sometimes-happening-things like the magenta-menu, where i do not have any idea how i did it. And at the moment my cam is taking a timelaps with the intervalometer and therefore i can not touch it to make further tests...
My today results are:
i could not figure out, how to switch disp-presets and i think it's worth to put this feature on a single button instead of a shortcut, because it's something, which i want to switch while filming, to have control over exposer, or focus, or framing without any disturbing stuff. so my proposal is the *-Button. But, what do you think?
i was totally confused about the ISO->Record-Button shortcut. I don't know, for what is it useful to leave LV in movie mode???
The situation was: I came in a dark room, cranking up the ISO fast, did not leave the iso-menu, cause usually hitting the record-button will exit any menu or other stuff, and thats great, if you are in a hurry. So now, i missed the shot, because i was in a kind of a different mode. I was in such a hurry and could not figure out what to do, so i did a reboot. =)
- as someone told in a different report, the ISOs in ML-menu are very strange, no 50, only 48 and 63. I think it's a good thing to have more shutter angle as in original firmware, f.e. for flickering lamps and screens and so on. but it's very important too to have a fast access to the ISOs with the standard iso-button and wheel, because of the situation above. so ISO-button within a shortcut, for me, no good idea....
( in my mind, the best thing ever, would be to have the iso constantly mapped to the thumbwheel, that would be great, having instant access and control over the complete exposure (with a manual lens of course). Yes, i know until today it's not possible to map to the wheel, but it's somthing i dream of....)
the using of the two wheels for navigation in menu is good (menu->delete) it fastens the stetup process, but i think it might go a little bit further, if the thumbwheel change the value instead, is it possible? And than, it might be a good thing to call the menu->delete only by pressing the delete once. And by leaving ML-menu again calling delete->menu (wheels work only in menu mode, right?) But it's only a idea, i don't know if anybody else will use this feature.
someone mentioned that he want's to have finer adjustments of the CBRe, i don't think so. The bitrate is changing so much even in this mode, that i personally went back to firmware default, because, there is no setting, which give me a better picture quality in a changing situation. Settings arround 60-80 go down to arround 20 in shots with focus in front and blurry background and settings around 100 and 120 overload my card (30MB/S sandisk) if a tree with leaves for example come into the frame or in focus.
The bitrate feature, in my eyes, is very good (like any variable rates) if you'd like to save space and want to have as less as possible data for a acceptable picture quality. thats good.But if anything which counts for you is picture quality and less compression you want to crank up the bitrate on a hard limit, which is as close as possible to your card and writing hardware capacity.So therefore i beg for any kind of CBR higher than FWdefault.
Guys, tell me, what can i do to help to establish it? Have anybody an idea how to build stuff like this?
Ok. so long. that all for today, thanks and greets,
P.S.: other things, which i have used today an which worked like a charm like in the previous builds are:
Audio Meters, Analog Gain, L/R-Digital Gain, Input(s), Histogram/Waveform, Zebras, False Color, Cropmarks (with sztubys rle-pics), Focus Peak, LiveViewZoom, Movie Restart, Time Indicator, HDR Bracketing, Intervallometer, WB