== TortoiseHg Developer Wiki ==
The developer wiki is where new TortoiseHG contributors learn the ropes and
where all contributors can keep track of ongoing work. For more user-centric
information, please visit the [[Home|main]] wiki. Bug reports and feature
requests should go in the repository's issue tracker.
=== [[developers/repositories|Repository Overview]] | [[developers/contributing|Submitting Patches]] | [[developers/installer|Building an Installer]] | [[developers/Debugging|Debugging]] | [[developers/Translation|Translation]] | [[developers/SourceInstall|Source Install]] ===
Contributors are encouraged to join the
[[http://groups.google.com/group/thg-dev/topics?hl=en|tortoisehg-develop]] and
mailing lists, and should also be aware of
[[http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/API_Changes|API changes]]
within Mercurial itself. |