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  • Martin von Zweigbergk's avatar
    templates: include all non-branch namespaces in default one-line summary · e9555305c5c6
    Martin von Zweigbergk authored
    I left out branches and custom namespaces on purpose from D9252
    because I figured that people like us (Google) who have custom
    namespaces can also have custom configs. However, I just realized that
    this makes everyone with the topic extension lose the topic they've
    had in rebase output for a long time (ever since someone was nice
    enough to add it in D741). Sorry about the churn.
    The more generic template couldn't easily keep the "log.bookmark"
    label in the template because the namespace is called "bookmarks"
    (plural). That means that we can't be compatible with users' existing
    configs for "log.bookmark", so I decided to change the labels to be in
    a brand-new "oneline-summary" namespace.
    Differential Revision: