Getting rows with values only in read only mode stopped working with release 3.0.1
Created originally on Bitbucket by Alex Betis
We use values attribute on a read only worksheet to get rows with values only.
3.0.1 has introduced this change in the code at line 118 of worksheet/
new_row[idx] = values_only and cell['value'] or ReadOnlyCell(self, **cell)
This creates chaos when looking for or checking the empty value of a cell in the values_only row. All this fails:
# If the cell is empty, this fails, saying 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'value'
row[2] == None
# This will work, but it will NOT work if the cell is not empty
row[2].value == None
The exception is raised from cell/ line 26. It is because the overloaded eq operator should not be called
This makes the library unusable in version 3.0.1. We have forced our tool to stay at 3.0.0.