Created originally on Bitbucket by paugier (Pierre Augier)
Was already merged in Bitbucket before import, marked as merged by the import user
Add dependencies.
ajout d'une fonction d'interpolation subpixel dans la classe BasePIVStep
Try debug find_peak with np.linalg.
First working version of subpix finder with np.linalg.
Try to describe some concepts that we can use.
First asynchronous flux.
Set the path of the sample data in the common project directory at LEGI.
Proposition of organization of the package fluidimage.
Try to organize the classes of the example.
add image_samples.
addition of a the centroid subpixel interpolation method
correction of somme indent error
add new feature to display correlation in
A first "topology".
Think how to limit the number of workers.
Add a page for_dev in the doc.
add description of xml files containing piv parameters for uvmat