Created originally on Bitbucket by paugier (Pierre Augier)
Was already merged in Bitbucket before import, marked as merged by the import user
Clean-up and start new fluidlab...
Change license to CeCILL-B.
Work on exp/
First buggy implementation of a class Driver.
Less buggy implementation of a class Driver.
Improve first implementation Driver; Add example and test.
Solve bug in fluidlab/instruments/
Cosmetic changes.
Add instrument features and an example.
Improve instruments package.
Improve fluidlab.instruments.
Clean-up instruments.
Add gpib interface
Clean-up and improve organization of fluidlab.instruments.
Improve documentation and add todo items.
Add a class QueryInterface.
Add 2 VISA instruments and a test with these instruments.
Add autoscale and get_curve functions for agilent, read_raw function for PyvisaInterface and update the test
Add files to the modbus package.
Update the warning system of the set method
Add an example (shorter version of the test_funcgen_scope)
Improve agilent_dsox2014a driver and add an example.
Update of the warning of the set method
First implementation of DataTable.
Improve session and examples in particular for error logging.
Add examples in the doc and wait_till_tick --> wait_tick.