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  • Leon Arnott's avatar
    Temp variables in custom macro calls are no longer listed in the Variables... · 765408ae6660
    Leon Arnott authored
    Temp variables in custom macro calls are no longer listed in the Variables panel in Debug Mode, due to the resulting clutter when many custom macros are used in a passage.
     * Fixed a bug where (p-not:) would not work correctly when given built-in datatypes like alnum or digit.
     * Fixed a bug where the startup error dialog box (that reports certain kinds of Javascript errors) wouldn't appear.
     * Fixed a bug where (line-style:), (enchant-in:), (link-style:) and (char-style:) did not work when used in an (enchant:) or (change:). (However, they currently still don't work when created by a via lambda given to those command macros).
     * Now, dataset data should be displayed correctly in the Variables panel in Debug Mode.
     * Fixed various documentation lines, and added an "Example Stories" section to the Introduction.
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