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  • Georges Racinet's avatar
    Repository files (multi_action): check publisher permission · e029134a44f0
    Georges Racinet authored
    This is a variant of #332 for multi_action.
    As with the case of merge requests, the check should also be
    performed at low level by Mercurial, but doing it at the model
    level makes for early failure, avoiding atomicity issues.
    A difference with MRs is that we don't have a simple way *not* to
    propose the action to the user yet, because higher layers are more
    complicated and don't involve checks, since they are meant to produce
    forks for users without write permission.
    This currently provides 500 errors, but at least it closes the
    security problem, and we can later on add the necessary catching.
    We didn't want to affect Wikis, because for them, allowing publication
    for Developers is pretty normal.