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  • Georges Racinet's avatar
    Merged and adapted upstream v14.2.0 · 6b4db912f516
    Georges Racinet authored
    Outstanding adaptation notes and things to be taken care of:
    - Workhorse: Golang package was renamed upstream from
      `.../gitlab-org/gitlab-workhorse` to `.../gitlab-org/gitlab/workhorse`.
      Had to follow suit in Heptapod specific code.
    - Remote mirrors: the `inmemory_remote` boolean argument an
      corresponding feature flag don't exist any more (the feature is already
      standard, was introduced in 14.0, see
      This is orthogonal to Mercurial mirroring, yet an API breaking change.
    - Adapted `Projects::ImportService` for disparition of
    - Renamed module `Gitlab::VCS` to `Gitlab::Vcs` to satisfy what seems
      to be new auto-loading rules.
    - HGitaly client-side adaptations:
      + worked around new `ListCommits` Gitaly method (not implemented in
      HGitaly) by ignoring feature flag been `true` in Mercurial case.
      See hgitaly#72 for more details and follow-ups.
      + adapted our changes to `Gitlab::Git::Tree` for
        `CommitService.tree_entries` now returning also a cursor (dumb
        adaptation, what these cursors do is to be investigated)