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  • Georges Racinet's avatar
    Project import: fixed Mercurial projects · 0245c3d6df73
    Georges Racinet authored
    The only obstacle was the proper initialization of `vcs_type`.
    We previously had to hardcode `git` in `GitLabProjectsImportService`
    and in `CreateService#vcs_type` for `gitlab_project` imports, in order
    for Git imports to work and RSpec tests to succeed, and obviously
    needed to remove that.
    Then we introduce a new restoration step, dedicated to reading
    `vcs_type` from the supplied JSON file. It needs to run first, in
    order for the repository restoration steps to do the right thing.
    To avoid duplication, we derive the JSON file location and parsing
    from the general step meant for other attributes, that
    we didn't dare put before the repository steps.
    Finally, if the information is absent, we take for granted that
    the export was done on a regular upstream GitLab instance, and hence
    use `git` as a default value, this time from the import itself.
    Closes #480