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Testing with or without RHGitaly

This replaces the previous quick hack that made the RSpec tests use HGitaly instead of RHGitaly, and introduces new tests depending on the value of the :rhgitaly feature flag.

A new job is introduced in pipelines prepare stage to fetch and build rhgitaly, which is then usable by the RSpec jobs.

Release branches and tags will use the new RHGITALY_SERVER_VERSION file while development builds will keep on fetching the head of the appropriate branch. In the release case, since hgitaly-release-prebuilds checks the GPG signature, it will also be able in the future to provide the SHA256 sum that Omnibus builds will need.

Another interesting effect is that hgitaly-dev-prebuilds will preclone the py-heptapod and hgitaly repositories

Edited by Georges Racinet

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