Updating GitLab installed with the Omnibus GitLab package
See the upgrade recommendations for suggestions on when to upgrade. If you are upgrading from a non-Omnibus installation to an Omnibus installation, check this guide.
Version specific changes
It's important to ensure that any background migrations have been fully completed
before upgrading to a new major version. To see the current size of the background_migration
check for background migrations before upgrading.
Updating to major versions might need some manual intervention. For more info, check the version your are updating to:
Mandatory upgrade paths for version upgrades
From version 10.8 onwards, upgrade paths are enforced for version upgrades by default. This restricts performing direct upgrades that skip major versions (for example 10.3 to 12.7 in one jump) which can result in breakage of the GitLab installations due to multiple reasons like deprecated or removed configuration settings, upgrade of internal tools and libraries etc. Users will have to follow the official upgrade recommendations while upgrading their GitLab instances.
Updating methods
There are two ways to update Omnibus GitLab:
- Using the official repositories
- Manually download the package
Both will automatically back up the GitLab database before installing a newer
GitLab version. You may skip this automatic backup by creating an empty file
at /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-backup
sudo touch /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-backup
NOTE: Note: For safety reasons, you should maintain an up-to-date backup on your own if you plan to use this flag.
NOTE: Note When upgrading to a new major version, remember to first check for background migrations.
Updating using the official repositories
If you have installed Omnibus GitLab Community Edition or Enterprise Edition, then the official GitLab repository should have already been set up for you.
To update to a newer GitLab version, all you have to do is:
# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce
# Centos/RHEL
sudo yum install gitlab-ce
If you are an Enterprise Edition user, replace gitlab-ce
with gitlab-ee
the above commands.
Updating using a manually downloaded package
If for some reason you don't use the official repositories, it is possible to download the package and install it manually.
Visit the Community Edition repository or the Enterprise Edition repository depending on the edition you already have installed.
Find the package version you wish to install and click on it.
Click the 'Download' button in the upper right corner to download the package.
Once the GitLab package is downloaded, install it using the following commands, replacing
with the Omnibus GitLab version you downloaded:# Debian/Ubuntu dpkg -i gitlab-ce-XXX.deb # CentOS/RHEL rpm -Uvh gitlab-ce-XXX.rpm
If you are an Enterprise Edition user, replace
in the above commands.
Updating Community Edition to Enterprise Edition
To upgrade an existing GitLab Community Edition (CE) server, installed using the Omnibus packages, to GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE), all you have to do is install the EE package on top of CE. While upgrading from the same version of CE to EE is not explicitly necessary, and any standard upgrade jump (i.e. 8.0 to 8.7) should work, in the following steps we assume that you are upgrading the same versions.
The steps can be summed up to:
Find the currently installed GitLab version:
For Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-cache policy gitlab-ce | grep Installed
The output should be similar to:
Installed: 8.6.7-ce.0
. In that case, the equivalent Enterprise Edition version will be:8.6.7-ee.0
. Write this value down.For CentOS/RHEL
sudo rpm -q gitlab-ce
The output should be similar to:
. In that case, the equivalent Enterprise Edition version will be:gitlab-ee-8.6.7-ee.0.el7.x86_64
. Write this value down. -
Add the
Apt or Yum repository:For Debian/Ubuntu
curl -s https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/gitlab-ee/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
curl -s https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/gitlab-ee/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash
The above command will find your OS version and automatically set up the repository. If you are not comfortable installing the repository through a piped script, you can first check its contents.
Next, install the
package. Note that this will automatically uninstall thegitlab-ce
package on your GitLab server.reconfigure
Omnibus right after thegitlab-ee
package is installed. Make sure that you install the exact same GitLab version:For Debian/Ubuntu
## Make sure the repositories are up-to-date sudo apt-get update ## Install the package using the version you wrote down from step 1 sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee=8.6.7-ee.0 ## Reconfigure GitLab sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
## Install the package using the version you wrote down from step 1 sudo yum install gitlab-ee-8.6.7-ee.0.el7.x86_64 ## Reconfigure GitLab sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
NOTE: Note: If you want to upgrade to EE and at the same time also update GitLab to the latest version, you can omit the version check in the above commands. For Debian/Ubuntu that would be
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee
and for CentOS/RHELsudo yum install gitlab-ee
. -
Now go to the GitLab admin panel of your server (
) and upload your license file. -
After you confirm that GitLab is working as expected, you may remove the old Community Edition repository:
For Debian/Ubuntu
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitlab_gitlab-ce.list
sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/gitlab_gitlab-ce.repo
That's it! You can now use GitLab Enterprise Edition! To update to a newer version follow the section on Updating using the official repositories.
NOTE: Note:
If you want to use dpkg
instead of apt-get
, go through the first
step to find the current GitLab version and then follow the steps in
Updating using a manually downloaded package.
Zero downtime updates
NOTE: Note:
This is only available in GitLab 9.1.0 or newer. Skipping restarts during reconfigure
with /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
was added in version 10.6. If running a version prior to 10.6, you will need to create /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-migrations
It's possible to upgrade to a newer version of GitLab without having to take your GitLab instance offline.
Verify that you can upgrade with no downtime by checking the Upgrading without downtime section of the update document.
If you meet all the requirements above, follow these instructions in order. There are three sets of steps, depending on your deployment type:
Deployment type | Description |
Single-node | GitLab CE/EE on a single node |
Multi-node / PG HA | GitLab CE/EE using HA architecture for PostgreSQL |
Multi-node / Redis HA | GitLab CE/EE using HA architecture for Redis |
Geo | GitLab EE with Geo enabled |
Multi-node / HA with Geo | GitLab CE/EE on multiple nodes |
Single-node deployment
CAUTION: Caution: While it is possible to minimize downtime on a single-node instance by following these instructions, it is not possible to always achieve true zero downtime updates. Users may see some connections timeout or be refused for a few minutes, depending on which services need to restart.
Create an empty file at
. During software installation only, this will prevent the upgrade from runninggitlab-ctl reconfigure
and automatically running database migrationssudo touch /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ce
If you are an Enterprise Edition user, replace
in the above command. -
To get the regular migrations and latest code in place, run
sudo SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS=true gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Once the node is updated and
finished successfully, complete the migrations withsudo gitlab-rake db:migrate
Hot reload
servicessudo gitlab-ctl hup unicorn sudo gitlab-ctl hup puma sudo gitlab-ctl restart sidekiq
NOTE: Note:
If you do not want to run zero downtime upgrades in the future, make
sure you remove /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
you've completed these steps.
Multi-node / HA deployment
Using PostgreSQL HA
Pick a node to be the Deploy Node
. It can be any node, but it must be the same
node throughout the process.
Deploy node
Create an empty file at
. During software installation only, this will prevent the upgrade from runninggitlab-ctl reconfigure
and automatically running database migrationssudo touch /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
All nodes (including the Deploy node)
- Ensure that
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
is set in/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
Gitaly only nodes
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ce
If you are an Enterprise Edition user, replace
in the above command. -
Ensure nodes are running the latest code
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Deploy node
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ce
If you are an Enterprise Edition user, replace
in the above command. -
If you're using PgBouncer:
You'll need to bypass PgBouncer and connect directly to the database master before running migrations.
Rails uses an advisory lock when attempting to run a migration to prevent concurrent migrations from running on the same database. These locks are not shared across transactions, resulting in
and other issues when running database migrations using PgBouncer in transaction pooling mode.To find the master node, run the following on a database node:
sudo gitlab-ctl repmgr cluster show
Then, in your
file on the deploy node, updategitlab_rails['db_host']
with the database master's host and port. -
To get the regular database migrations and latest code in place, run
sudo SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS=true gitlab-ctl reconfigure
All other nodes (not the Deploy node)
Update the GitLab package
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce
If you are an Enterprise Edition user, replace
in the above command. -
Ensure nodes are running the latest code
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Deploy node
Run post-deployment database migrations on deploy node to complete the migrations with
sudo gitlab-rake db:migrate
For nodes that run Unicorn, Puma or Sidekiq
Hot reload
servicessudo gitlab-ctl hup unicorn sudo gitlab-ctl hup puma sudo gitlab-ctl restart sidekiq
If you're using PgBouncer:
Change your
to point back to PgBouncer and run:sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
NOTE: Note:
If you do not want to run zero downtime upgrades in the future, make
sure you remove /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
and revert
setting gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
after you've completed these steps.
Using Redis HA (using Sentinel)
Package upgrades may involve version updates to the bundled Redis service. On instances using Redis HA, upgrades must follow a proper order to ensure minimum downtime, as specified below. This doc assumes the official guides are being followed to setup Redis HA.
In the application node
According to official Redis docs, the easiest way to update an HA instance using Sentinel is to upgrade the secondaries one after the other, performa a manual failover from current primary (running old version) to a recently upgraded secondary (running a new version), and then upgrade the original primary. For this, we need to know the address of the current Redis primary.
If your application node is running GitLab 12.7.0 or later, you can use the following command to get address of current Redis primary
sudo gitlab-ctl get-redis-master
If your application node is running a version older than GitLab 12.7.0, you will have to run the underlying
command (whichget-redis-master
command uses) to fetch information about the primary.-
Get the address of one of the sentinel nodes specified as
Get the Redis master name specified as
Run the following command
sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -h <sentinel host> -p <sentinel port> SENTINEL get-master-addr-by-name <redis master name>
In the Redis secondary nodes
Install package for new version.
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
, if a reconfigure is not run as part of installation (due to/etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
file being present). -
If reconfigure warns about a pending Redis/Sentinel restart, restart the corresponding service
sudo gitlab-ctl restart redis sudo gitlab-ctl restart sentinel
In the Redis primary node
Before upgrading the Redis primary node, we need to perform a failover so that one of the recently upgraded secondary nodes becomes the new primary. Once the failover is complete, we can go ahead and upgrade the original primary node.
Stop Redis service in Redis primary node so that it fails over to a secondary node
sudo gitlab-ctl stop redis
Wait for failover to be complete. You can verify it by periodically checking details of the current Redis primary node (as mentioned above). If it starts reporting a new IP, failover is complete.
Start Redis again in that node, so that it starts following the current primary node.
sudo gitlab-ctl start redis
Install package corresponding to new version.
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
, if a reconfigure is not run as part of installation (due to/etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
file being present). -
If reconfigure warns about a pending Redis/Sentinel restart, restart the corresponding service
sudo gitlab-ctl restart redis sudo gitlab-ctl restart sentinel
Update the application node
Install the package for new version and follow regular package upgrade procedure.
Geo deployment
NOTE: Note: The order of steps is important. While following these steps, make sure you follow them in the right order, on the correct node.
Log in to your primary node, executing the following:
Create an empty file at
. During software installation only, this will prevent the upgrade from runninggitlab-ctl reconfigure
and automatically running database migrationssudo touch /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ee
To get the database migrations and latest code in place, run
sudo SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS=true gitlab-ctl reconfigure
NOTE: Note: After this step you can get an outdated FDW remote schema on your secondary nodes. While it is not important to worry about at this point, you can check out the Geo troubleshooting documentation to resolve this.
Hot reload
servicessudo gitlab-ctl hup unicorn sudo gitlab-ctl hup puma sudo gitlab-ctl restart sidekiq
On each secondary node, executing the following:
Create an empty file at
. During software installation only, this will prevent the upgrade from runninggitlab-ctl reconfigure
and automatically running database migrationssudo touch /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ee
To get the database migrations and latest code in place, run
sudo SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS=true gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Hot reload
and restartgeo-logcursor
servicessudo gitlab-ctl hup unicorn sudo gitlab-ctl hup puma sudo gitlab-ctl restart sidekiq sudo gitlab-ctl restart geo-logcursor
Run post-deployment database migrations, specific to the Geo database
sudo gitlab-rake geo:db:migrate
After all secondary nodes are updated, finalize the update on the primary node:
Run post-deployment database migrations
sudo gitlab-rake db:migrate
On each secondary, ensure the FDW tables are up-to-date.
Wait for the primary migrations to finish.
Wait for the primary migrations to replicate. You can find "Data replication lag" for each node listed on
Admin Area > Geo
. -
Refresh Foreign Data Wrapper tables
sudo gitlab-rake geo:db:refresh_foreign_tables
After updating all nodes (both primary and all secondaries), check their status:
Verify Geo configuration and dependencies
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:geo:check
NOTE: Note:
If you do not want to run zero downtime upgrades in the future, make
sure you remove /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
and revert
setting gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
after you've completed these steps.
Multi-node / HA deployment with Geo
This section describes the steps required to upgrade a multi-node / HA deployment with Geo. Some steps must be performed on a particular node. This node will be known as the “deploy node” and is noted through the following instructions.
Updates must be performed in the following order:
- Update Geo primary multi-node deployment.
- Update Geo secondary multi-node deployments.
- Post-deployment migrations and checks.
Step 1: Choose a "deploy node" for each deployment
You now need to choose:
- One instance for use as the primary "deploy node" on the Geo primary multi-node deployment.
- One instance for use as the secondary "deploy node" on each Geo secondary multi-node deployment.
Deploy nodes must be configured to be running Unicorn or Sidekiq or the geo-logcursor
daemon. In order
to avoid any downtime, they must not be in use during the update:
If running Unicorn, remove the deploy node from the load balancer.
If running Sidekiq, ensure the deploy node is not processing jobs:
sudo gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq
If running
daemon, ensure the deploy node is not processing events:sudo gitlab-ctl stop geo-logcursor
For zero-downtime, Unicorn, Sidekiq, and geo-logcursor
must be running on other nodes during the update.
Step 2: Updating the Geo primary multi-node deployment
On all nodes including the primary "deploy node"
Create an empty file at /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
. During software
installation only, this will prevent the upgrade from running
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
and automatically running database migrations.
sudo touch /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
On all other nodes excluding the primary "deploy node"
Ensure that
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
is set in/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
. -
Ensure nodes are running the latest code
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
On primary Gitaly only nodes
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ee
Ensure nodes are running the latest code
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
On the primary "deploy node"
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ee
To get the regular database migrations and latest code in place, run
sudo SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS=true gitlab-ctl reconfigure
If this deploy node is normally used to serve requests or process jobs, then you may return it to service at this point.
To serve requests, add the deploy node to the load balancer.
To process Sidekiq jobs again, start Sidekiq:
sudo gitlab-ctl start sidekiq
On all other nodes excluding the primary "deploy node"
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ee
Ensure nodes are running the latest code
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
For all nodes that run Unicorn or Sidekiq
Hot reload unicorn
and sidekiq
sudo gitlab-ctl hup unicorn
sudo gitlab-ctl restart sidekiq
Step 3: Updating each Geo secondary multi-node deployment
NOTE: Note: Only proceed if you have successfully completed all steps on the Geo primary multi-node deployment.
On all nodes including the secondary "deploy node"
Create an empty file at /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
. During software
installation only, this will prevent the upgrade from running
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
and automatically running database migrations.
sudo touch /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-reconfigure
On all other nodes excluding the secondary "deploy node"
Ensure that
geo_secondary['auto_migrate'] = false
is set in/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
Ensure nodes are running the latest code
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
On secondary Gitaly only nodes
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ee
Ensure nodes are running the latest code
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
On the secondary "deploy node"
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ee
To get the regular database migrations and latest code in place, run
sudo SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS=true gitlab-ctl reconfigure
If this deploy node is normally used to serve requests or perform background processing, then you may return it to service at this point.
To serve requests, add the deploy node to the load balancer.
To process Sidekiq jobs again, start Sidekiq:
sudo gitlab-ctl start sidekiq
To process Geo events again, start the
daemon:sudo gitlab-ctl start geo-logcursor
On all nodes excluding the secondary "deploy node"
Update the GitLab package
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee # Centos/RHEL sudo yum install gitlab-ee
Ensure nodes are running the latest code
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
For all nodes that run Unicorn, Sidekiq, or the geo-logcursor
Hot reload unicorn
, sidekiq
and geo-logcursor
sudo gitlab-ctl hup unicorn
sudo gitlab-ctl restart sidekiq
sudo gitlab-ctl restart geo-logcursor
Step 4: Run post-deployment migrations and checks
On the primary "deploy node"
Run post-deployment database migrations:
sudo gitlab-rake db:migrate
Verify Geo configuration and dependencies
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:geo:check
On all secondary "deploy nodes"
Run post-deployment database migrations, specific to the Geo database:
sudo gitlab-rake geo:db:migrate
Wait for the primary migrations to finish.
Wait for the primary migrations to replicate. You can find "Data replication lag" for each node listed on
Admin Area > Geo
. These wait steps help ensure the FDW tables are up-to-date. -
Refresh Foreign Data Wrapper tables
sudo gitlab-rake geo:db:refresh_foreign_tables
Verify Geo configuration and dependencies
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:geo:check
Verify Geo status
sudo gitlab-rake geo:status
Upgrading Gitaly servers
Gitaly servers must be upgraded to the newer version prior to upgrading the application server. This prevents the gRPC client on the application server from sending RPCs that the old Gitaly version does not support.
This section contains general information on how to revert to an earlier version of a package.
NOTE: Note: This guide assumes that you have a backup archive created under the version you are reverting to.
These steps consist of:
- Stop GitLab
- Install the old package
- Reconfigure GitLab
- Restoring the backup
- Starting GitLab
Stop GitLab:
# Stop GitLab and remove its supervision process sudo gitlab-ctl stop unicorn sudo gitlab-ctl stop puma sudo gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq sudo systemctl stop gitlab-runsvdir sudo systemctl disable gitlab-runsvdir sudo rm /usr/lib/systemd/system/gitlab-runsvdir.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo gitlab-ctl uninstall
Identify the GitLab version you want to downgrade to:
# (Replace with gitlab-ce if you have GitLab FOSS installed) # Ubuntu sudo apt-cache madison gitlab-ee # CentOS: sudo yum --showduplicates list gitlab-ee
Downgrade GitLab to the desired version (for example, to downgrade to 12.0.0):
# (Replace with gitlab-ce if you have GitLab FOSS installed) # Ubuntu sudo apt remove gitlab-ee sudo apt install gitlab-ee=12.0.0-ee.0 # CentOS: sudo yum remove gitlab-ee sudo yum install gitlab-ee-12.0.0-ee.0.el7
Prepare GitLab for receiving the backup restore.
Reconfigure GitLab (includes database migrations):
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Restore your backup:
sudo gitlab-backup restore BACKUP=12345 # where 12345 is your backup timestamp
NOTE: Note For GitLab 12.1 and earlier, use
gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore
. -
Start GitLab:
sudo gitlab-ctl start
to version 7.14
via Omnibus GitLab
Updating GitLab CI from prior CAUTION: Warning: Omnibus GitLab 7.14 was the last version where CI was bundled in the package. Starting from GitLab 8.0, CI was merged into GitLab, thus it's no longer a separate application included in the Omnibus package.
In GitLab CI 5.4.0 we changed the way GitLab CI authorizes with GitLab.
In order to use GitLab CI 5.4.x, GitLab 7.7.x is required.
Make sure that GitLab 7.7.x is installed and running and then go to Admin section of GitLab.
Under Applications create a new a application which will generate the app_id
and app_secret
In /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
gitlab_ci['gitlab_server'] = { "url" => 'http://gitlab.example.com', "app_id" => '12345678', "app_secret" => 'QWERTY12345' }
Where url
is the url to the GitLab instance.
Make sure to run sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
after saving the configuration.
Getting the status of a GitLab installation
sudo gitlab-ctl status
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true
- Information on using
to perform maintenance tasks. - Information on using
to check the configuration.
RPM 'package is already installed' error
If you are using RPM and you are upgrading from GitLab Community Edition to GitLab Enterprise Edition you may get an error like this:
package gitlab-7.5.2_omnibus.5.2.1.ci-1.el7.x86_64 (which is newer than gitlab-7.5.2_ee.omnibus.5.2.1.ci-1.el7.x86_64) is already installed
You can override this version check with the --oldpackage
sudo rpm -Uvh --oldpackage gitlab-7.5.2_ee.omnibus.5.2.1.ci-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
Package obsoleted by installed package
CE and EE packages are marked as obsoleting and replacing each other so that both aren't installed and running at the same time.
If you are using local RPM files to switch from CE to EE or vice versa, use rpm
for installing the package rather than yum
. If you try to use yum, then you may get an error like this:
Cannot install package gitlab-ee-11.8.3-ee.0.el6.x86_64. It is obsoleted by installed package gitlab-ce-11.8.3-ce.0.el6.x86_64
To avoid this issue, either:
- Use the same instructions provided in the Updating using a manually downloaded package section.
- Temporarily disable obsoletion checking in yum by adding
to the options given to the command.