Omnibus Heptapod
This project is the Heptapod fork of Omnibus GitLab. It serves the same purposes as its upstream.
Heptapod Ubuntu packages
As of this writing, we're building exactly one Ubuntu package, for installation inside the Docker image. This package should be suitable for direct use in a regular system, and we would be happy to get feedback about it.
Building the Heptapod package
For a description of the Heptapod build process, and how to use it, see Heptapod Builds.
Configuring Heptapod with Omnibus.
For the time being, this is possible within the Docker container only, and doesn't have any Heptapod specifics yet.
Omnibus GitLab README
What follows is the GitLab upstream README, unchanged for now except for title levels.
This project creates full-stack platform-specific downloadable packages for GitLab. For other installation options please see the GitLab installation page.
Canonical source
The source of omnibus-gitlab is hosted on and there are mirrors to make contributing as easy as possible.
The documentation overview is in the readme in the doc directory.
Omnibus fork
Omnibus GitLab is using a fork of omnibus project. For additional information see the comments in the Gemfile.
Deprecated links
We left the links below in the readme to preserve old links, but please use the readme in the doc directory to browse the complete documentation.
Please see the contribution guidelines
Please follow the steps on the downloads page.
After installation
Your GitLab instance should be reachable over HTTP at the IP or hostname of your
server. You can login as an admin user with username root
and password 5iveL!fe
See doc/maintenance/ for useful commands to control/debug your GitLab instance.
Configuration options
See doc/settings/
Configuring the external URL for GitLab
See doc/settings/
Storing Git data in an alternative directory
See doc/settings/
Changing the name of the Git user / group
See doc/settings/
Setting up LDAP sign-in
See doc/settings/
Enable HTTPS
requests to HTTPS
Change the default port and the ssl certificate locations
Use non-packaged web-server
For using an existing Nginx, Passenger, or Apache webserver see doc/settings/
Using a non-packaged PostgreSQL database management server
To connect to an external PostgreSQL DBMS see doc/settings/
Using a non-packaged Redis instance
Adding ENV Vars to the Gitlab Runtime Environment
See doc/settings/
Changing gitlab.yml settings
See doc/settings/
Specify numeric user and group identifiers
See doc/settings/
Sending application email via SMTP
See doc/settings/
Omniauth (Google, Twitter, GitHub login)
Omniauth configuration is documented in
Adjusting Unicorn settings
Setting the NGINX listen address or addresses
Inserting custom NGINX settings into the GitLab server block
Inserting custom settings into the NGINX config
Only start omnibus-gitlab services after a given filesystem is mounted
See doc/settings/
Instructions for updating your Omnibus installation and upgrading from a manual installation are in the update doc.
Uninstalling omnibus-gitlab
To remove all users and groups created by Omnibus GitLab,
run sudo gitlab-ctl stop && sudo gitlab-ctl remove-accounts
before removing the gitlab package (with dpkg
or yum
If you have problems removing accounts or groups, run luserdel
or lgroupdel
to delete them. You might also want to manually remove the leftover user home directories
from /home/
To remove all omnibus-gitlab data use sudo gitlab-ctl cleanse && sudo rm -r /opt/gitlab
To uninstall omnibus-gitlab, preserving your data (repositories, database, configuration), run the following commands.
# Stop gitlab and remove its supervision process
sudo systemctl stop gitlab-runsvdir
sudo systemctl disable gitlab-runsvdir
sudo rm /usr/lib/systemd/system/gitlab-runsvdir.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo gitlab-ctl uninstall
# (Replace with gitlab-ce if you have GitLab FOSS installed)
# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt remove gitlab-ee
# Redhat/Centos
sudo yum remove gitlab-ee
Common installation problems
This section has been moved to the separate document doc/common_installation_problems/
Section below remains for historical reasons(mainly to not break existing links). Each section contains the link to the new location.
Apt error 'The requested URL returned error: 403'
See doc/common_installation_problems/
GitLab is unreachable in my browser
See doc/common_installation_problems/
Emails are not being delivered
See doc/common_installation_problems/
ruby_block[supervise_redis_sleep] action run
Reconfigure freezes at See doc/common_installation_problems/
TCP ports for GitLab services are already taken
See doc/common_installation_problems/
Git SSH access stops working on SELinux-enabled systems
See doc/common_installation_problems/
Postgres error 'FATAL: could not create shared memory segment: Cannot allocate memory'
See doc/common_installation_problems/
Reconfigure complains about the GLIBC version
See doc/common_installation_problems/
Reconfigure fails to create the git user
See doc/common_installation_problems/
Failed to modify kernel parameters with sysctl
See doc/common_installation_problems/
I am unable to install omnibus-gitlab without root access
See doc/common_installation_problems/
gitlab-rake assets:precompile fails with 'Permission denied'
See doc/common_installation_problems/
'Short read or OOM loading DB' error
See doc/common_installation_problems/
Backup and restore omnibus-gitlab configuration
Creating an application backup
Restoring an application backup
See backup restore documentation.
Backup and restore using non-packaged database
If you are using non-packaged database see documentation on using non-packaged database.
Upload backups to remote (cloud) storage
For details check backup restore document of GitLab CE.
Invoking Rake tasks
Directory structure
Omnibus-gitlab uses four different directories.
holds application code for GitLab and its dependencies. -
holds application data and configuration files thatgitlab-ctl reconfigure
writes to. -
holds configuration files for omnibus-gitlab. These are the only files that you should ever have to edit manually. -
contains all log data generated by components of omnibus-gitlab.
Omnibus-gitlab and SELinux
Although omnibus-gitlab runs on systems that have SELinux enabled, it does not use SELinux confinement features:
- omnibus-gitlab creates unconfined system users;
- omnibus-gitlab services run in an unconfined context.
The correct operation of Git access via SSH depends on the labeling of
. If needed you can restore this labeling by running
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Depending on your platform, gitlab-ctl reconfigure
will install SELinux
modules required to make GitLab work. These modules are listed in
NSA, if you're reading this, we'd really appreciate it if you could contribute back a SELinux profile for omnibus-gitlab :) Of course, if anyone else is reading this, you're welcome to contribute the SELinux profile too.
This section has been moved to separate document doc/settings/
Tail logs in a console on the server
See doc/settings/
Runit logs
See doc/settings/
See doc/settings/
UDP log shipping (GitLab Enterprise Edition only)
Create a user and database for GitLab
Configure omnibus-gitlab to connect to it
Seed the database (fresh installs only)
Building your own package
See the separate build documentation.
Running a custom GitLab version
It is not recommended to make changes to any of the files in /opt/gitlab
after installing omnibus-gitlab: they will either conflict with or be
overwritten by future updates. If you want to run a custom version of GitLab
you can build your own package or use another installation
This omnibus installer project is based on the awesome work done by Chef in omnibus-chef-server.