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Modules with embedded README page (experimental)

Alex requested to merge bitbucket/declined-pr-213 into branch/unified

Changesets for this Pull Request have not been imported, because it had been already declined on Bitbucket. Marked as closed by the import user.

Proposal for making the modules menu a little more friendly.

Each module has a README.rst file that:

The bitmap is just like cropmarks (8-bit RLE) and it's embedded in the .mo file (by simply concatenating the plain .mo with the .bmp). TCC is smart enough to ignore it and deallocate it after loading all the modules, so there's no extra RAM overhead while using the camera.

The modules with embedded BMP are forward and backward compatible (they will work just like before on the old core, and the new core will handle old modules just fine). No API increment needed.

Module strings / cbr / etc are still displayed (press SET), but they are static (you can't scroll through them).

Technically you can create the bitmap files with any other application (just needs makefile entries for converting to bmp).

Possible problems:

  • you need LaTeX (which is huge). If you don't have it, you can delete the README.rst file and the module will be compiled in the old way.
  • each module will be larger by around 50K (important?)
  • I don't know yet if the memory overhead at load time is 50K or 50K x num_modules.

Merge request reports
