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Dual ISO - Fix comments - Limit ISOs on 7D and 60D to useful limits.

Bitbucket Importer requested to merge bitbucket/declined-pr-229 into branch/unified

Created originally on Bitbucket by Audionut

Changesets for this Pull Request have not been imported, because it had been already declined on Bitbucket. Marked as closed by the import user.

Limit ISOs on these cameras where DR gains are still being made. Pointless having them using high ISOs just because they can.

Users who don't know any better ask why the digital ISOs don't get used anyway (so we'll get the same questions just worded differently), and we shouldn't be giving the false impression that ISOs above a certain point are in anyway actually useful.

On the 7D, you lose 0.2EV of DR by using ISO 1600 over ISO 800 :

On the 60D, you lose 0.1EV of DR by using ISO 3200 over ISO 1600 :

Dual ISO is for increasing DR, not reducing it!

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