adv_int module
Created originally on Bitbucket by dmilligan (David Milligan)
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This module is not really complete yet, but I want to get the few small changes I need into the core before syncing and conflicts become an issue with my fork. You may have another/better way you'd like to implement these things I need in the core, that's totally fine with me, I'm still getting to know the codebase and I'm not really sure if I did things "right", mostly I just made these changes to kind of demonstrate what I need.
As for the module itself: basically you can create keyframes with various settings (currently: tv, av, iso, focus, and interval period, there will be more to come such as modifying hdr, dual_iso, ettr settings, etc). The module will ramp the values from one keyframe to the next while the intervalometer is running. You will also be able to save and load keyframe sequences from files, currently I only have implemented the saving part. I will create a more detailed explanation on the forum tomorrow.