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Module API: Function to lookup config variable by name

Bitbucket Importer requested to merge bitbucket/declined-pr-253 into branch/unified

Created originally on Bitbucket by dmilligan (David Milligan)

Changesets for this Pull Request have not been imported, because it had been already declined on Bitbucket. Marked as closed by the import user.

This is to allow a module the ability to read/modify any ML setting (or another module's settings). I would like the ability to do this with my b/c there are various ML settings that I would like to be able to ramp (bulb timer, ettr settings, dual iso settings, etc.). For interval_time I created getter/setter functions, but I don't want to do that for every ML setting I want to control. This is a much simpler solution. Two simple functions give modules access to any ML setting.

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