# - rebasing feature for mercurial
# Copyright 2008 Stefano Tortarolo <stefano.tortarolo at gmail dot com>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
'''command to move sets of revisions to a different ancestor
This extension lets you rebase changesets in an existing Mercurial
from mercurial import hg, util, repair, merge, cmdutil, commands, bookmarks
from mercurial import extensions, patch, scmutil, phases, obsolete, error
from mercurial import copies, repoview, revset
from mercurial.node import nullrev, nullid, hex, short
from mercurial.lock import release
from mercurial.i18n import _
import os, errno
Stefano Tortarolo
nullmerge = -2
revignored = -3
revprecursor = -4
Stefano Tortarolo
cmdtable = {}
command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
# Note for extension authors: ONLY specify testedwith = 'internal' for
# extensions which SHIP WITH MERCURIAL. Non-mainline extensions should
# be specifying the version(s) of Mercurial they are tested with, or
# leave the attribute unspecified.
def _savegraft(ctx, extra):
s = ctx.extra().get('source', None)
if s is not None:
extra['source'] = s
def _savebranch(ctx, extra):
extra['branch'] = ctx.branch()
def _makeextrafn(copiers):
"""make an extrafn out of the given copy-functions.
A copy function takes a context and an extra dict, and mutates the
extra dict as needed based on the given context.
def extrafn(ctx, extra):
for c in copiers:
c(ctx, extra)
return extrafn
def _rebasedefaultdest(repo, subset, x):
# ``_rebasedefaultdest()``
# default destination for rebase.
# # XXX: Currently private because I expect the signature to change.
# # XXX: - taking rev as arguments,
# # XXX: - bailing out in case of ambiguity vs returning all data.
# # XXX: - probably merging with the merge destination.
# i18n: "_rebasedefaultdest" is a keyword
revset.getargs(x, 0, 0, _("_rebasedefaultdest takes no arguments"))
# Destination defaults to the latest revision in the
# current branch
branch = repo[None].branch()
return subset & revset.baseset([repo[branch].rev()])
[('s', 'source', '',
_('rebase the specified changeset and descendants'), _('REV')),
_('rebase everything from branching point of specified changeset'),
('r', 'rev', [],
_('rebase these revisions'),
('d', 'dest', '',
_('rebase onto the specified changeset'), _('REV')),
('', 'collapse', False, _('collapse the rebased changesets')),
('m', 'message', '',
_('use text as collapse commit message'), _('TEXT')),
('e', 'edit', False, _('invoke editor on commit messages')),
('l', 'logfile', '',
_('read collapse commit message from file'), _('FILE')),
('k', 'keep', False, _('keep original changesets')),
('', 'keepbranches', False, _('keep original branch names')),
Pierre-Yves David
('D', 'detach', False, _('(DEPRECATED)')),
('i', 'interactive', False, _('(DEPRECATED)')),
('t', 'tool', '', _('specify merge tool')),
('c', 'continue', False, _('continue an interrupted rebase')),
('a', 'abort', False, _('abort an interrupted rebase'))] +
_('[-s REV | -b REV] [-d REV] [OPTION]'))
def rebase(ui, repo, **opts):
"""move changeset (and descendants) to a different branch
Rebase uses repeated merging to graft changesets from one part of
history (the source) onto another (the destination). This can be
useful for linearizing *local* changes relative to a master
You should not rebase changesets that have already been shared
with others. Doing so will force everybody else to perform the
same rebase or they will end up with duplicated changesets after
pulling in your rebased changesets.
In its default configuration, Mercurial will prevent you from
rebasing published changes. See :hg:`help phases` for details.
If you don't specify a destination changeset (``-d/--dest``),
rebase uses the current branch tip as the destination. (The
destination changeset is not modified by rebasing, but new
changesets are added as its descendants.)
You can specify which changesets to rebase in two ways: as a
"source" changeset or as a "base" changeset. Both are shorthand
for a topologically related set of changesets (the "source
branch"). If you specify source (``-s/--source``), rebase will
rebase that changeset and all of its descendants onto dest. If you
specify base (``-b/--base``), rebase will select ancestors of base
back to but not including the common ancestor with dest. Thus,
``-b`` is less precise but more convenient than ``-s``: you can
specify any changeset in the source branch, and rebase will select
the whole branch. If you specify neither ``-s`` nor ``-b``, rebase
uses the parent of the working directory as the base.
For advanced usage, a third way is available through the ``--rev``
option. It allows you to specify an arbitrary set of changesets to
rebase. Descendants of revs you specify with this option are not
automatically included in the rebase.
By default, rebase recreates the changesets in the source branch
as descendants of dest and then destroys the originals. Use
``--keep`` to preserve the original source changesets. Some
changesets in the source branch (e.g. merges from the destination
branch) may be dropped if they no longer contribute any change.
One result of the rules for selecting the destination changeset
and source branch is that, unlike ``merge``, rebase will do
nothing if you are at the branch tip of a named branch
with two heads. You need to explicitly specify source and/or
destination (or ``update`` to the other head, if it's the head of
the intended source branch).
If a rebase is interrupted to manually resolve a merge, it can be
continued with --continue/-c or aborted with --abort/-a.
.. container:: verbose
- move "local changes" (current commit back to branching point)
to the current branch tip after a pull::
hg rebase
- move a single changeset to the stable branch::
hg rebase -r 5f493448 -d stable
- splice a commit and all its descendants onto another part of history::
hg rebase --source c0c3 --dest 4cf9
- rebase everything on a branch marked by a bookmark onto the
default branch::
hg rebase --base myfeature --dest default
- collapse a sequence of changes into a single commit::
hg rebase --collapse -r 1520:1525 -d .
- move a named branch while preserving its name::
hg rebase -r "branch(featureX)" -d 1.3 --keepbranches

Katsunori FUJIWARA
Returns 0 on success, 1 if nothing to rebase or there are
unresolved conflicts.
activebookmark = None
lock = repo.lock()
# Validate input and define rebasing points
destf = opts.get('dest', None)
srcf = opts.get('source', None)
basef = opts.get('base', None)
contf = opts.get('continue')
abortf = opts.get('abort')
collapsef = opts.get('collapse', False)
collapsemsg = cmdutil.logmessage(ui, opts)
e = opts.get('extrafn') # internal, used by e.g. hgsubversion
extrafns = [_savegraft]
if e:
extrafns = [e]
keepf = opts.get('keep', False)
keepbranchesf = opts.get('keepbranches', False)
# keepopen is not meant for use on the command line, but by
# other extensions
keepopen = opts.get('keepopen', False)
if opts.get('interactive'):
msg = _("interactive history editing is supported by the "
"'histedit' extension (see \"%s\")") % help
raise util.Abort(msg)
if collapsemsg and not collapsef:
raise util.Abort(
_('message can only be specified with collapse'))
raise util.Abort(_('cannot use both abort and continue'))
raise util.Abort(
_('cannot use collapse with continue or abort'))
if srcf or basef or destf:
raise util.Abort(
_('abort and continue do not allow specifying revisions'))
if abortf and opts.get('tool', False):
ui.warn(_('tool option will be ignored\n'))

Katsunori FUJIWARA
(originalwd, target, state, skipped, collapsef, keepf,
keepbranchesf, external, activebookmark) = restorestatus(repo)
except error.RepoLookupError:
if abortf:
repo.ui.warn(_('rebase aborted (no revision is removed,'
' only broken state is cleared)\n'))
return 0
msg = _('cannot continue inconsistent rebase')
hint = _('use "hg rebase --abort" to clear broken state')

Katsunori FUJIWARA
raise util.Abort(msg, hint=hint)
return abort(repo, originalwd, target, state,
raise util.Abort(_('cannot specify both a '
'source and a base'))
if revf and basef:
'revision and a base'))
Stefano Tortarolo
if not destf:
destf = '_rebasedefaultdest()'
dest = scmutil.revsingle(repo, destf)
rebaseset = scmutil.revrange(repo, revf)
ui.status(_('empty "rev" revision set - '
'nothing to rebase\n'))
return 1
Steven Brown
src = scmutil.revrange(repo, [srcf])
Mads Kiilerich
ui.status(_('empty "source" revision set - '
'nothing to rebase\n'))
return 1
Steven Brown
base = scmutil.revrange(repo, [basef or '.'])
if not base:
Mads Kiilerich
ui.status(_('empty "base" revision set - '
"can't compute rebase set\n"))
return 1
commonanc = repo.revs('ancestor(%ld, %d)', base, dest).first()
if commonanc is not None:
rebaseset = repo.revs('(%d::(%ld) - %d)::',
commonanc, base, commonanc)
rebaseset = []
if not rebaseset:
# transform to list because smartsets are not comparable to
# lists. This should be improved to honor laziness of
# smartset.
if list(base) == [dest.rev()]:
if basef:
ui.status(_('nothing to rebase - %s is both "base"'
' and destination\n') % dest)
ui.status(_('nothing to rebase - working directory '
'parent is also destination\n'))
elif not repo.revs('%ld - ::%d', base, dest):
if basef:
ui.status(_('nothing to rebase - "base" %s is '
'already an ancestor of destination '
'%s\n') %
('+'.join(str(repo[r]) for r in base),
ui.status(_('nothing to rebase - working '
'directory parent is already an '
'ancestor of destination %s\n') % dest)
else: # can it happen?
ui.status(_('nothing to rebase from %s to %s\n') %
('+'.join(str(repo[r]) for r in base), dest))
return 1
allowunstable = obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.allowunstableopt)
if (not (keepf or allowunstable)
and repo.revs('first(children(%ld) - %ld)',
rebaseset, rebaseset)):
raise util.Abort(
_("can't remove original changesets with"
" unrebased descendants"),
hint=_('use --keep to keep original changesets'))
obsoletenotrebased = {}
if ui.configbool('experimental', 'rebaseskipobsolete'):
rebasesetrevs = set(rebaseset)
obsoletenotrebased = _computeobsoletenotrebased(repo,
# - plain prune (no successor) changesets are rebased
# - split changesets are not rebased if at least one of the
# changeset resulting from the split is an ancestor of dest
rebaseset = rebasesetrevs - set(obsoletenotrebased)
result = buildstate(repo, dest, rebaseset, collapsef,
if not result:
# Empty state built, nothing to rebase
ui.status(_('nothing to rebase\n'))
root = min(rebaseset)
if not keepf and not repo[root].mutable():
raise util.Abort(_("can't rebase public changeset %s")
hint=_('see "hg help phases" for details'))
originalwd, target, state = result
if collapsef:
targetancestors = repo.changelog.ancestors([target],
external = externalparent(repo, state, targetancestors)
if dest.closesbranch() and not keepbranchesf:
ui.status(_('reopening closed branch head %s\n') % dest)
# insert _savebranch at the start of extrafns so if
# there's a user-provided extrafn it can clobber branch if
# desired
extrafns.insert(0, _savebranch)
Stefano Tortarolo
if collapsef:
branches = set()
for rev in state:
if len(branches) > 1:
raise util.Abort(_('cannot collapse multiple named '
Stefano Tortarolo
targetancestors = repo.changelog.ancestors([target], inclusive=True)
# Keep track of the current bookmarks in order to reset them later
currentbookmarks = repo._bookmarks.copy()
activebookmark = activebookmark or repo._activebookmark
if activebookmark:
extrafn = _makeextrafn(extrafns)
sortedstate = sorted(state)
total = len(sortedstate)
pos = 0
for rev in sortedstate:
ctx = repo[rev]
desc = '%d:%s "%s"' % (ctx.rev(), ctx,
ctx.description().split('\n', 1)[0])
names = repo.nodetags(ctx.node()) + repo.nodebookmarks(ctx.node())
if names:
desc += ' (%s)' % ' '.join(names)
ui.status(_('rebasing %s\n') % desc)
ui.progress(_("rebasing"), pos, ("%d:%s" % (rev, ctx)),
_('changesets'), total)
p1, p2, base = defineparents(repo, rev, target, state,
storestatus(repo, originalwd, target, state, collapsef, keepf,
keepbranchesf, external, activebookmark)
if len(repo.parents()) == 2:
repo.ui.debug('resuming interrupted rebase\n')
Mads Kiilerich
ui.setconfig('ui', 'forcemerge', opts.get('tool', ''),
stats = rebasenode(repo, rev, p1, base, state,
collapsef, target)
if stats and stats[3] > 0:
raise error.InterventionRequired(
_('unresolved conflicts (see hg '
'resolve, then hg rebase --continue)'))
Mads Kiilerich
ui.setconfig('ui', 'forcemerge', '', 'rebase')
merging = p2 != nullrev
editform = cmdutil.mergeeditform(merging, 'rebase')
editor = cmdutil.getcommiteditor(editform=editform, **opts)
Mads Kiilerich
newnode = concludenode(repo, rev, p1, p2, extrafn=extrafn,
Mads Kiilerich
newnode = None
Mads Kiilerich
if newnode is not None:
state[rev] = repo[newnode].rev()
ui.debug('rebased as %s\n' % short(newnode))
ui.warn(_('note: rebase of %d:%s created no changes '
'to commit\n') % (rev, ctx))
if not collapsef:
state[rev] = p1
ui.debug('next revision set to %s\n' % p1)
elif state[rev] == nullmerge:
ui.debug('ignoring null merge rebase of %s\n' % rev)
elif state[rev] == revignored:
ui.status(_('not rebasing ignored %s\n') % desc)
elif state[rev] == revprecursor:
targetctx = repo[obsoletenotrebased[rev]]
desctarget = '%d:%s "%s"' % (targetctx.rev(), targetctx,
targetctx.description().split('\n', 1)[0])
msg = _('note: not rebasing %s, already in destination as %s\n')
ui.status(msg % (desc, desctarget))
ui.status(_('already rebased %s as %s\n') %
(desc, repo[state[rev]]))
ui.progress(_('rebasing'), None)
if collapsef and not keepopen:
p1, p2, _base = defineparents(repo, min(state), target,
state, targetancestors)
editopt = opts.get('edit')
editform = 'rebase.collapse'
if collapsemsg:
commitmsg = collapsemsg
commitmsg = 'Collapsed revision'
for rebased in state:
if rebased not in skipped and state[rebased] > nullmerge:
commitmsg += '\n* %s' % repo[rebased].description()
editopt = True
editor = cmdutil.getcommiteditor(edit=editopt, editform=editform)
Mads Kiilerich
newnode = concludenode(repo, rev, p1, external, commitmsg=commitmsg,
extrafn=extrafn, editor=editor,
if newnode is None:
newrev = target
newrev = repo[newnode].rev()
for oldrev in state.iterkeys():
if state[oldrev] > nullmerge:
state[oldrev] = newrev
if 'qtip' in repo.tags():
updatemq(repo, state, skipped, **opts)
if currentbookmarks:
# Nodeids are needed to reset bookmarks
nstate = {}
for k, v in state.iteritems():
nstate[repo[k].node()] = repo[v].node()
# XXX this is the same as dest.node() for the non-continue path --
# this should probably be cleaned up
targetnode = repo[target].node()
# restore original working directory
# (we do this before stripping)
newwd = state.get(originalwd, originalwd)
if newwd < 0:
# original directory is a parent of rebase set root or ignored
newwd = originalwd
if newwd not in [c.rev() for c in repo[None].parents()]:
ui.note(_("update back to initial working directory parent\n"))
hg.updaterepo(repo, newwd, False)
collapsedas = None
if collapsef:
Mads Kiilerich
collapsedas = newnode
clearrebased(ui, repo, state, skipped, collapsedas)
if currentbookmarks:
updatebookmarks(repo, targetnode, nstate, currentbookmarks)
if activebookmark not in repo._bookmarks:
# active bookmark was divergent one and has been deleted
activebookmark = None
ui.note(_("rebase completed\n"))
util.unlinkpath(repo.sjoin('undo'), ignoremissing=True)
if skipped:
ui.note(_("%d revisions have been skipped\n") % len(skipped))
if (activebookmark and
repo['.'].node() == repo._bookmarks[activebookmark]):
bookmarks.activate(repo, activebookmark)
release(lock, wlock)
Mads Kiilerich
def externalparent(repo, state, targetancestors):
"""Return the revision that should be used as the second parent
when the revisions in state is collapsed on top of targetancestors.
Abort if there is more than one parent.
Mads Kiilerich
parents = set()
source = min(state)
for rev in state:
if rev == source:
for p in repo[rev].parents():
if (p.rev() not in state
and p.rev() not in targetancestors):
Mads Kiilerich
if not parents:
return nullrev
if len(parents) == 1:
return parents.pop()
raise util.Abort(_('unable to collapse on top of %s, there is more '
'than one external parent: %s') %
', '.join(str(p) for p in sorted(parents))))
def concludenode(repo, rev, p1, p2, commitmsg=None, editor=None, extrafn=None,
'''Commit the wd changes with parents p1 and p2. Reuse commit info from rev
but also store useful information in extra.
Mads Kiilerich
Return node of committed revision.'''
dsguard = cmdutil.dirstateguard(repo, 'rebase')
repo.setparents(repo[p1].node(), repo[p2].node())
keepbranch = keepbranches and repo[p1].branch() != ctx.branch()
extra = {'rebase_source': ctx.hex()}
if extrafn:
extrafn(ctx, extra)
backup = repo.ui.backupconfig('phases', 'new-commit')
targetphase = max(ctx.phase(), phases.draft)
repo.ui.setconfig('phases', 'new-commit', targetphase, 'rebase')
if keepbranch:
repo.ui.setconfig('ui', 'allowemptycommit', True)
# Commit might fail if unresolved files exist
Mads Kiilerich
newnode = repo.commit(text=commitmsg, user=ctx.user(),, extra=extra, editor=editor)
Mads Kiilerich
Mads Kiilerich
return newnode
def rebasenode(repo, rev, p1, base, state, collapse, target):
'Rebase a single revision rev on top of p1 using base as merge ancestor'
if repo['.'].rev() != p1:
repo.ui.debug(" update to %d:%s\n" % (p1, repo[p1]))
repo.ui.debug(" already in target\n")
repo.ui.debug(" merge against %d:%s\n" % (rev, repo[rev]))
if base is not None:
repo.ui.debug(" detach base %d:%s\n" % (base, repo[base]))
# When collapsing in-place, the parent is the common ancestor, we
# have to allow merging with it.
stats = merge.update(repo, rev, True, True, False, base, collapse,
labels=['dest', 'source'])
if collapse:
copies.duplicatecopies(repo, rev, target)
# If we're not using --collapse, we need to
# duplicate copies between the revision we're
# rebasing and its first parent, but *not*
# duplicate any copies that have already been
# performed in the destination.
p1rev = repo[rev].p1().rev()
copies.duplicatecopies(repo, rev, p1rev, skiprev=target)
return stats
def nearestrebased(repo, rev, state):
"""return the nearest ancestors of rev in the rebase result"""
rebased = [r for r in state if state[r] > nullmerge]
candidates = repo.revs('max(%ld and (::%d))', rebased, rev)
if candidates:
return state[candidates.first()]
return None
def defineparents(repo, rev, target, state, targetancestors):
'Return the new parent relationship of the revision that will be rebased'
parents = repo[rev].parents()
p1 = p2 = nullrev
p1n = parents[0].rev()
if p1n in targetancestors:
elif p1n in state:
if state[p1n] == nullmerge:
Stefano Tortarolo
p1 = target
elif state[p1n] in (revignored, revprecursor):
p1 = nearestrebased(repo, p1n, state)
if p1 is None:
p1 = target
Stefano Tortarolo
p1 = state[p1n]
else: # p1n external
if len(parents) == 2 and parents[1].rev() not in targetancestors:
if p2n in state:
if p1 == target: # p1n in targetancestors or external
p1 = state[p2n]
elif state[p2n] in (revignored, revprecursor):
p2 = nearestrebased(repo, p2n, state)
if p2 is None:
# no ancestors rebased yet, detach
p2 = target
p2 = state[p2n]
else: # p2n external
if p2 != nullrev: # p1n external too => rev is a merged revision
raise util.Abort(_('cannot use revision %d as base, result '
'would have 3 parents') % rev)
repo.ui.debug(" future parents are %d and %d\n" %
(repo[p1].rev(), repo[p2].rev()))
if rev == min(state):
# Case (1) initial changeset of a non-detaching rebase.
# Let the merge mechanism find the base itself.
base = None
elif not repo[rev].p2():
# Case (2) detaching the node with a single parent, use this parent
base = repo[rev].p1().rev()
# Assuming there is a p1, this is the case where there also is a p2.
# We are thus rebasing a merge and need to pick the right merge base.
# Imagine we have:
# - M: current rebase revision in this step
# - A: one parent of M
# - B: other parent of M
# - D: destination of this merge step (p1 var)
# Consider the case where D is a descendant of A or B and the other is
# 'outside'. In this case, the right merge base is the D ancestor.
# An informal proof, assuming A is 'outside' and B is the D ancestor:
# If we pick B as the base, the merge involves:
# - changes from B to M (actual changeset payload)
# - changes from B to D (induced by rebase) as D is a rebased
# version of B)
# Which exactly represent the rebase operation.
# If we pick A as the base, the merge involves:
# - changes from A to M (actual changeset payload)
# - changes from A to D (with include changes between unrelated A and B
# plus changes induced by rebase)
# Which does not represent anything sensible and creates a lot of
# conflicts. A is thus not the right choice - B is.
# Note: The base found in this 'proof' is only correct in the specified
# case. This base does not make sense if is not D a descendant of A or B
# or if the other is not parent 'outside' (especially not if the other
# parent has been rebased). The current implementation does not
# make it feasible to consider different cases separately. In these
# other cases we currently just leave it to the user to correctly
# resolve an impossible merge using a wrong ancestor.
for p in repo[rev].parents():
if state.get(p.rev()) == p1:
base = p.rev()
else: # fallback when base not found
base = None
# Raise because this function is called wrong (see issue 4106)
raise AssertionError('no base found to rebase on '
'(defineparents called wrong)')
return p1, p2, base
def isagitpatch(repo, patchname):
'Return true if the given patch is in git format'
mqpatch = os.path.join(, patchname)
for line in patch.linereader(file(mqpatch, 'rb')):
if line.startswith('diff --git'):
return True
return False
def updatemq(repo, state, skipped, **opts):
'Update rebased mq patches - finalize and then import them'
mqrebase = {}
original_series = mq.fullseries[:]
skippedpatches = set()
for p in mq.applied:
rev = repo[p.node].rev()
if rev in state:
repo.ui.debug('revision %d is an mq patch (%s), finalize it.\n' %
mqrebase[rev] = (, isagitpatch(repo,
# Applied but not rebased, not sure this should happen
# We must start import from the newest revision
for rev in sorted(mqrebase, reverse=True):
repo.ui.note(_('updating mq patch %s to %s:%s\n') %
(name, state[rev], repo[state[rev]]))
mq.qimport(repo, (), patchname=name, git=isgit,
# Rebased and skipped
# Patches were either applied and rebased and imported in
# order, applied and removed or unapplied. Discard the removed
# ones while preserving the original series order and guards.
newseries = [s for s in original_series
if mq.guard_re.split(s, 1)[0] not in skippedpatches]
mq.fullseries[:] = newseries
mq.seriesdirty = True
def updatebookmarks(repo, targetnode, nstate, originalbookmarks):
'Move bookmarks to their correct changesets, and delete divergent ones'
marks = repo._bookmarks
for k, v in originalbookmarks.iteritems():
if v in nstate:
# update the bookmarks for revs that have moved
marks[k] = nstate[v]
bookmarks.deletedivergent(repo, [targetnode], k)
def storestatus(repo, originalwd, target, state, collapse, keep, keepbranches,
external, activebookmark):
f = repo.vfs("rebasestate", "w")
f.write(repo[originalwd].hex() + '\n')
f.write(repo[target].hex() + '\n')
f.write(repo[external].hex() + '\n')
f.write('%d\n' % int(collapse))
f.write('%d\n' % int(keep))
f.write('%d\n' % int(keepbranches))
f.write('%s\n' % (activebookmark or ''))
for d, v in state.iteritems():
if v >= 0:
newrev = repo[v].hex()
elif v == revtodo:
# To maintain format compatibility, we have to use nullid.
# Please do remove this special case when upgrading the format.
newrev = hex(nullid)
newrev = v
f.write("%s:%s\n" % (oldrev, newrev))
repo.ui.debug('rebase status stored\n')
def clearstatus(repo):
'Remove the status files'
util.unlinkpath(repo.join("rebasestate"), ignoremissing=True)
def restorestatus(repo):
'Restore a previously stored status'
keepbranches = None
target = None
collapse = False
external = nullrev
activebookmark = None
f = repo.vfs("rebasestate")
for i, l in enumerate(
if i == 0:
originalwd = repo[l].rev()
elif i == 1:
target = repo[l].rev()
elif i == 2:
external = repo[l].rev()
elif i == 3:
collapse = bool(int(l))
elif i == 4:
keep = bool(int(l))
elif i == 5:
keepbranches = bool(int(l))
elif i == 6 and not (len(l) == 81 and ':' in l):
# line 6 is a recent addition, so for backwards compatibility
# check that the line doesn't look like the oldrev:newrev lines
activebookmark = l
if newrev in (str(nullmerge), str(revignored),
state[repo[oldrev].rev()] = int(newrev)
elif newrev == nullid:
state[repo[oldrev].rev()] = revtodo
# Legacy compat special case
state[repo[oldrev].rev()] = repo[newrev].rev()
if keepbranches is None:
raise util.Abort(_('.hg/rebasestate is incomplete'))
Benoit Boissinot
skipped = set()
# recompute the set of skipped revs
if not collapse:
seen = set([target])
for old, new in sorted(state.items()):
Benoit Boissinot
Mads Kiilerich
repo.ui.debug('computed skipped revs: %s\n' %
(' '.join(str(r) for r in sorted(skipped)) or None))
repo.ui.debug('rebase status resumed\n')
_setrebasesetvisibility(repo, state.keys())
Benoit Boissinot
return (originalwd, target, state, skipped,
collapse, keep, keepbranches, external, activebookmark)
except IOError as err:
if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
raise util.Abort(_('no rebase in progress'))
def needupdate(repo, state):
'''check whether we should `update --clean` away from a merge, or if
somehow the working dir got forcibly updated, e.g. by older hg'''
parents = [p.rev() for p in repo.parents()]
# Are we in a merge state at all?
if len(parents) < 2:
return False
# We should be standing on the first as-of-yet unrebased commit.
firstunrebased = min([old for old, new in state.iteritems()
if new == nullrev])
if firstunrebased in parents:
return True
return False
def abort(repo, originalwd, target, state, activebookmark=None):
'''Restore the repository to its original state. Additional args:
activebookmark: the name of the bookmark that should be active after the
dstates = [s for s in state.values() if s >= 0]
immutable = [d for d in dstates if not repo[d].mutable()]
if immutable:
repo.ui.warn(_("warning: can't clean up public changesets %s\n")
% ', '.join(str(repo[r]) for r in immutable),
hint=_('see "hg help phases" for details'))
descendants = set()
if dstates:
descendants = set(repo.changelog.descendants(dstates))
if descendants - set(dstates):
repo.ui.warn(_("warning: new changesets detected on target branch, "
"can't strip\n"))
cleanup = False
if cleanup:
# Update away from the rebase if necessary
if needupdate(repo, state):
merge.update(repo, originalwd, False, True, False)
rebased = filter(lambda x: x >= 0 and x != target, state.values())
strippoints = [c.node() for c in repo.set('roots(%ld)', rebased)]
# no backup of rebased cset versions needed
repair.strip(repo.ui, repo, strippoints)
if activebookmark and activebookmark in repo._bookmarks:
bookmarks.activate(repo, activebookmark)
repo.ui.warn(_('rebase aborted\n'))
return 0
def buildstate(repo, dest, rebaseset, collapse, obsoletenotrebased):
'''Define which revisions are going to be rebased and where
repo: repo
dest: context
rebaseset: set of rev
Pierre-Yves David
_setrebasesetvisibility(repo, rebaseset)
# This check isn't strictly necessary, since mq detects commits over an
# applied patch. But it prevents messing up the working directory when
# a partially completed rebase is blocked by mq.
if 'qtip' in repo.tags() and (dest.node() in
[s.node for s in]):
raise util.Abort(_('cannot rebase onto an applied mq patch'))
roots = list(repo.set('roots(%ld)', rebaseset))
if not roots:
raise util.Abort(_('no matching revisions'))
state = {}
detachset = set()
for root in roots:
commonbase = root.ancestor(dest)
if commonbase == root:
raise util.Abort(_('source is ancestor of destination'))
if commonbase == dest:
samebranch = root.branch() == dest.branch()
if not collapse and samebranch and root in dest.children():
repo.ui.debug('source is a child of destination\n')
return None
Mads Kiilerich
repo.ui.debug('rebase onto %d starting from %s\n' % (dest, root))
state.update(dict.fromkeys(rebaseset, revtodo))
# Rebase tries to turn <dest> into a parent of <root> while
# preserving the number of parents of rebased changesets:
# - A changeset with a single parent will always be rebased as a
# changeset with a single parent.
# - A merge will be rebased as merge unless its parents are both
# ancestors of <dest> or are themselves in the rebased set and
# pruned while rebased.
# If one parent of <root> is an ancestor of <dest>, the rebased
# version of this parent will be <dest>. This is always true with
# --base option.
# Otherwise, we need to *replace* the original parents with
# <dest>. This "detaches" the rebased set from its former location
# and rebases it onto <dest>. Changes introduced by ancestors of
# <root> not common with <dest> (the detachset, marked as
# nullmerge) are "removed" from the rebased changesets.
# - If <root> has a single parent, set it to <dest>.
# - If <root> is a merge, we cannot decide which parent to
# replace, the rebase operation is not clearly defined.