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  • Matt Harbison's avatar
    outgoing: pay attention to `default:pushurl` for bookmarks and subrepos · dfb888aae17a
    Matt Harbison authored
    The problem here was that `default:pushurl` and `default` get translated to a
    single entry in `ui.paths` named 'default', with an attribute for 'pushloc',
    'loc', and 'rawloc'.  ui.expandpath() then always takes the `rawloc` attribute.
    Maybe the ui.expandpath() API is busted and should be removed?  Or maybe
    getpath() should return a copy that adds an attribute reflecting the URL of the
    path chosen?
    I thought that I could remove the code in hg._outgoing() and pass the location
    resolved in as `dest`, but unfortunately that code is needed there
    to resolve #branch type URLs.  Maybe that should be pulled up to,
    because I can't see any reasonable behavior for a subrepo path that's
    constructed out of that type of URL.
    The push command already resolves this early, so that works properly.  But it
    looks like bundle, histedit, largefiles, patchbomb, and summary use a similar
    pattern, so they are likely similarly affected.