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  1. Dec 15, 2020
    • Pierre-Yves David's avatar
      copies-rust: track "overwrites" directly within CopySource · 3e4fca682579
      Pierre-Yves David authored
      Overwrite are "rare enough" that explicitly keeping track of them is going to be
      "cheap", or at least much cheaper that issuing many `is_ancestor` calls.
      Even a simple implementation using no specific optimisation (eg: using the
      generic HashSet type) yield good result in most cases.
      They are interesting optimization to can do on top of that. We will implement
      them in later changesets.
      We tried different approach to speed up the overwrite detection and this one
      seems the most promising. Without further optimization, we already see sizable
      speedup on various cases.
      Repo            Case                                  Source-Rev   Dest-Rev      # of revisions  old time    new time      Difference    Factor    time per rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x_added_0_copies          6a320851d377 1ebb79acd503 : 363753 revs,   5.138169 s,   4.482399 s,  -0.655770 s, × 0.8724,    12 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x_added_x_copies          5173c4b6f97c 95d83ee7242d : 362229 revs,   5.127809 s,   4.480366 s,  -0.647443 s, × 0.8737,    12 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x000_added_x_copies       9126823d0e9c ca82787bb23c : 359344 revs,   4.971136 s,   4.369070 s,  -0.602066 s, × 0.8789,    12 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x0000_added_x0000_copies  8d3fafa80d4b eb884023b810 : 192665 revs,   1.741678 s,   1.592506 s,  -0.149172 s, × 0.9144,     8 µs/rev
      However, some of the case doing a lot of overwrite get significantly slower.
      The one with a really problematic slowdown are the special "head reducing" merge
      in mozilla-try so I am not too worried about them. In addition, further
      changeset are going to improve the performance of all this.
      Repo            Case                                  Source-Rev   Dest-Rev      # of revisions  old time    new time      Difference    Factor    time per rev
      mozilla-try     x0000_revs_xx000_added_x000_copies    89294cd501d9 7ccb2fc7ccb5 :  97052 revs,   1.343373 s,   2.119204 s,  +0.775831 s, × 1.5775,    21 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x00000_added_x0000_copies 1b661134e2ca 1ae03d022d6d : 228985 revs,  40.314822 s,  87.824489 s, +47.509667 s, × 2.1785,   383 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x00000_added_x000_copies  9b2a99adc05e 8e29777b48e6 : 382065 revs,  20.048029 s,  43.304637 s, +23.256608 s, × 2.1600,   113 µs/rev
      Full benchmark below:
      Repo            Case                                  Source-Rev   Dest-Rev      # of revisions  old time    new time      Difference    Factor    time per rev
      mercurial       x_revs_x_added_0_copies               ad6b123de1c7 39cfcef4f463 :      1 revs,   0.000042 s,   0.000043 s,  +0.000001 s, × 1.0238,    43 µs/rev
      mercurial       x_revs_x_added_x_copies               2b1c78674230 0c1d10351869 :      6 revs,   0.000110 s,   0.000114 s,  +0.000004 s, × 1.0364,    19 µs/rev
      mercurial       x000_revs_x000_added_x_copies         81f8ff2a9bf2 dd3267698d84 :   1032 revs,   0.004945 s,   0.004937 s,  -0.000008 s, × 0.9984,     4 µs/rev
      pypy            x_revs_x_added_0_copies               aed021ee8ae8 099ed31b181b :      9 revs,   0.000192 s,   0.000339 s,  +0.000147 s, × 1.7656,    37 µs/rev
      pypy            x_revs_x000_added_0_copies            4aa4e1f8e19a 359343b9ac0e :      1 revs,   0.000049 s,   0.000049 s,  +0.000000 s, × 1.0000,    49 µs/rev
      pypy            x_revs_x_added_x_copies               ac52eb7bbbb0 72e022663155 :      7 revs,   0.000112 s,   0.000202 s,  +0.000090 s, × 1.8036,    28 µs/rev
      pypy            x_revs_x00_added_x_copies             c3b14617fbd7 ace7255d9a26 :      1 revs,   0.000323 s,   0.000409 s,  +0.000086 s, × 1.2663,   409 µs/rev
      pypy            x_revs_x000_added_x000_copies         df6f7a526b60 a83dc6a2d56f :      6 revs,   0.010042 s,   0.011984 s,  +0.001942 s, × 1.1934,  1997 µs/rev
      pypy            x000_revs_xx00_added_0_copies         89a76aede314 2f22446ff07e :   4785 revs,   0.049813 s,   0.050820 s,  +0.001007 s, × 1.0202,    10 µs/rev
      pypy            x000_revs_x000_added_x_copies         8a3b5bfd266e 2c68e87c3efe :   6780 revs,   0.079937 s,   0.087953 s,  +0.008016 s, × 1.1003,    12 µs/rev
      pypy            x000_revs_x000_added_x000_copies      89a76aede314 7b3dda341c84 :   5441 revs,   0.059412 s,   0.062902 s,  +0.003490 s, × 1.0587,    11 µs/rev
      pypy            x0000_revs_x_added_0_copies           d1defd0dc478 c9cb1334cc78 :  43645 revs,   0.533769 s,   0.679234 s,  +0.145465 s, × 1.2725,    15 µs/rev
      pypy            x0000_revs_xx000_added_0_copies       bf2c629d0071 4ffed77c095c :      2 revs,   0.013147 s,   0.013095 s,  -0.000052 s, × 0.9960,  6547 µs/rev
      pypy            x0000_revs_xx000_added_x000_copies    08ea3258278e d9fa043f30c0 :  11316 revs,   0.110680 s,   0.120910 s,  +0.010230 s, × 1.0924,    10 µs/rev
      netbeans        x_revs_x_added_0_copies               fb0955ffcbcd a01e9239f9e7 :      2 revs,   0.000085 s,   0.000087 s,  +0.000002 s, × 1.0235,    43 µs/rev
      netbeans        x_revs_x000_added_0_copies            6f360122949f 20eb231cc7d0 :      2 revs,   0.000107 s,   0.000107 s,  +0.000000 s, × 1.0000,    53 µs/rev
      netbeans        x_revs_x_added_x_copies               1ada3faf6fb6 5a39d12eecf4 :      3 revs,   0.000175 s,   0.000186 s,  +0.000011 s, × 1.0629,    62 µs/rev
      netbeans        x_revs_x00_added_x_copies             35be93ba1e2c 9eec5e90c05f :      9 revs,   0.000720 s,   0.000754 s,  +0.000034 s, × 1.0472,    83 µs/rev
      netbeans        x000_revs_xx00_added_0_copies         eac3045b4fdd 51d4ae7f1290 :   1421 revs,   0.010019 s,   0.010443 s,  +0.000424 s, × 1.0423,     7 µs/rev
      netbeans        x000_revs_x000_added_x_copies         e2063d266acd 6081d72689dc :   1533 revs,   0.015602 s,   0.015697 s,  +0.000095 s, × 1.0061,    10 µs/rev
      netbeans        x000_revs_x000_added_x000_copies      ff453e9fee32 411350406ec2 :   5750 revs,   0.058759 s,   0.063528 s,  +0.004769 s, × 1.0812,    11 µs/rev
      netbeans        x0000_revs_xx000_added_x000_copies    588c2d1ced70 1aad62e59ddd :  66949 revs,   0.491550 s,   0.545515 s,  +0.053965 s, × 1.1098,     8 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x_revs_x_added_0_copies               3697f962bb7b 7015fcdd43a2 :      2 revs,   0.000087 s,   0.000089 s,  +0.000002 s, × 1.0230,    44 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x_revs_x000_added_0_copies            dd390860c6c9 40d0c5bed75d :      8 revs,   0.000268 s,   0.000265 s,  -0.000003 s, × 0.9888,    33 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x_revs_x_added_x_copies               8d198483ae3b 14207ffc2b2f :      9 revs,   0.000181 s,   0.000381 s,  +0.000200 s, × 2.1050,    42 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x_revs_x00_added_x_copies             98cbc58cc6bc 446a150332c3 :      7 revs,   0.000661 s,   0.000672 s,  +0.000011 s, × 1.0166,    96 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x_revs_x000_added_x000_copies         3c684b4b8f68 0a5e72d1b479 :      3 revs,   0.003256 s,   0.003497 s,  +0.000241 s, × 1.0740,  1165 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x_revs_x0000_added_x0000_copies       effb563bb7e5 c07a39dc4e80 :      6 revs,   0.066749 s,   0.073204 s,  +0.006455 s, × 1.0967, 12200 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x000_revs_xx00_added_0_copies         6100d773079a 04a55431795e :   1593 revs,   0.006462 s,   0.006482 s,  +0.000020 s, × 1.0031,     4 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x000_revs_x000_added_x_copies         9f17a6fc04f9 2d37b966abed :     41 revs,   0.004919 s,   0.005066 s,  +0.000147 s, × 1.0299,   123 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x000_revs_x000_added_x000_copies      7c97034feb78 4407bd0c6330 :   7839 revs,   0.062421 s,   0.065707 s,  +0.003286 s, × 1.0526,     8 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x0000_revs_xx000_added_0_copies       9eec5917337d 67118cc6dcad :    615 revs,   0.026633 s,   0.026800 s,  +0.000167 s, × 1.0063,    43 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x0000_revs_xx000_added_x000_copies    f78c615a656c 96a38b690156 :  30263 revs,   0.197792 s,   0.203856 s,  +0.006064 s, × 1.0307,     6 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x00000_revs_x0000_added_x0000_copies  6832ae71433c 4c222a1d9a00 : 153721 revs,   1.259970 s,   1.293394 s,  +0.033424 s, × 1.0265,     8 µs/rev
      mozilla-central x00000_revs_x00000_added_x000_copies  76caed42cf7c 1daa622bbe42 : 204976 revs,   1.689184 s,   1.698239 s,  +0.009055 s, × 1.0054,     8 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x_revs_x_added_0_copies               aaf6dde0deb8 9790f499805a :      2 revs,   0.000865 s,   0.000875 s,  +0.000010 s, × 1.0116,   437 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x_revs_x000_added_0_copies            d8d0222927b4 5bb8ce8c7450 :      2 revs,   0.000893 s,   0.000891 s,  -0.000002 s, × 0.9978,   445 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x_revs_x_added_x_copies               092fcca11bdb 936255a0384a :      4 revs,   0.000172 s,   0.000292 s,  +0.000120 s, × 1.6977,    73 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x_revs_x00_added_x_copies             b53d2fadbdb5 017afae788ec :      2 revs,   0.001159 s,   0.003939 s,  +0.002780 s, × 3.3986,  1969 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x_revs_x000_added_x000_copies         20408ad61ce5 6f0ee96e21ad :      1 revs,   0.031621 s,   0.033027 s,  +0.001406 s, × 1.0445, 33027 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x_revs_x0000_added_x0000_copies       effb563bb7e5 c07a39dc4e80 :      6 revs,   0.068571 s,   0.073703 s,  +0.005132 s, × 1.0748, 12283 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x000_revs_xx00_added_0_copies         6100d773079a 04a55431795e :   1593 revs,   0.006452 s,   0.006469 s,  +0.000017 s, × 1.0026,     4 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x000_revs_x000_added_x_copies         9f17a6fc04f9 2d37b966abed :     41 revs,   0.005443 s,   0.005278 s,  -0.000165 s, × 0.9697,   128 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x000_revs_x000_added_x000_copies      1346fd0130e4 4c65cbdabc1f :   6657 revs,   0.063180 s,   0.064995 s,  +0.001815 s, × 1.0287,     9 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x0000_revs_x_added_0_copies           63519bfd42ee a36a2a865d92 :  40314 revs,   0.293564 s,   0.301041 s,  +0.007477 s, × 1.0255,     7 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x0000_revs_x_added_x_copies           9fe69ff0762d bcabf2a78927 :  38690 revs,   0.286595 s,   0.285575 s,  -0.001020 s, × 0.9964,     7 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x0000_revs_xx000_added_x_copies       156f6e2674f2 4d0f2c178e66 :   8598 revs,   0.083256 s,   0.085597 s,  +0.002341 s, × 1.0281,     9 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x0000_revs_xx000_added_0_copies       9eec5917337d 67118cc6dcad :    615 revs,   0.027282 s,   0.027118 s,  -0.000164 s, × 0.9940,    44 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x0000_revs_xx000_added_x000_copies    89294cd501d9 7ccb2fc7ccb5 :  97052 revs,   1.343373 s,   2.119204 s,  +0.775831 s, × 1.5775,    21 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x0000_revs_x0000_added_x0000_copies   e928c65095ed e951f4ad123a :  52031 revs,   0.665737 s,   0.701479 s,  +0.035742 s, × 1.0537,    13 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x_added_0_copies          6a320851d377 1ebb79acd503 : 363753 revs,   5.138169 s,   4.482399 s,  -0.655770 s, × 0.8724,    12 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x00000_added_0_copies     dc8a3ca7010e d16fde900c9c :  34414 revs,   0.573276 s,   0.574082 s,  +0.000806 s, × 1.0014,    16 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x_added_x_copies          5173c4b6f97c 95d83ee7242d : 362229 revs,   5.127809 s,   4.480366 s,  -0.647443 s, × 0.8737,    12 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x000_added_x_copies       9126823d0e9c ca82787bb23c : 359344 revs,   4.971136 s,   4.369070 s,  -0.602066 s, × 0.8789,    12 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x0000_added_x0000_copies  8d3fafa80d4b eb884023b810 : 192665 revs,   1.741678 s,   1.592506 s,  -0.149172 s, × 0.9144,     8 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x00000_added_x0000_copies 1b661134e2ca 1ae03d022d6d : 228985 revs,  40.314822 s,  87.824489 s, +47.509667 s, × 2.1785,   383 µs/rev
      mozilla-try     x00000_revs_x00000_added_x000_copies  9b2a99adc05e 8e29777b48e6 : 382065 revs,  20.048029 s,  43.304637 s, +23.256608 s, × 2.1600,   113 µs/rev
      private                                                                         : 459513 revs,  37.179470 s,  33.853687 s,  -3.325783 s, × 0.9105,    73 µs/rev
      Differential Revision:
  2. Dec 23, 2020
  3. Dec 21, 2020
  4. Dec 15, 2020
  5. Dec 12, 2020
  6. Dec 14, 2020
    • Pierre-Yves David's avatar
      copies: rearrange all value comparison conditional · ea11cfa9ebbd
      Pierre-Yves David authored
      To properly handle the newly tested case (chaining of merges) we will need to
      detect more accurately when an actualy merging of the copy information (and
      superseed the two existing data). Before starting to do so, we need to
      reorganise the values comparison to introduce different conditional branches
      when such actual merging is needed/detected.
      To avoid mixing too many change in this complicated code, we do the
      reorganisation before adding the "overwrite detection" logic in the next
      Differential Revision:
  7. Feb 22, 2021
  8. Feb 19, 2021
  9. Feb 18, 2021
  10. Feb 19, 2021
  11. Feb 17, 2021
  12. Dec 14, 2020
  13. Feb 16, 2021
  14. Feb 18, 2021
  15. Feb 16, 2021
  16. Feb 15, 2021
    • Pierre-Yves David's avatar
      test-copies: don't use empty file for "same content" cases · d4d5315ab880
      Pierre-Yves David authored
      For main case (using filelog  or sidedata), this lead to the following hash
      - 01c2f5eabdc4ce2bdee42b5f86311955e6c8f573 → 319179230cc87769ab3a861ebffe7a534ebb3d85
      - 01c2f5eabdc4 → 319179230cc8
      - c72365ee036fca4fb27fd745459bfb6ea1ac6993 → 6cbc9c2b7b391dd738603173717c601648d3735f
      - c72365ee036f → 6cbc9c2b7b39
      File revision for `f`:
      - 0dd616bc7ab1a111921d95d76f69cda5c2ac539c → cedeacc5bf5d9b9be4d7f8394d33a5349bb29c6e
      - 0dd616bc7ab1 → cedeacc5bf5d
      - eb806e34ef6be4c264effd5933d31004ad15a793 → ffb76cd765422a18759a335d8a81fa2bd455be6b
      - eb806e34ef6b → ffb76cd76542
      - 6da5a2eecb9c833f830b67a4972366d49a9a142c → 08d1ff5926fbd0285cdeb044cbe8ab651687e86a
      - 6da5a2eecb9c → 08d1ff5926fb
      File revision for `d`:
      - 7bded9d9da1f7bf9bf7cbfb24fe1e6ccf68ec440 → ba177bbb45ea930ee48469a55d40224537bd57a9
      For the "extra in changeset" case we get the following change for file `d`:
      - 68d5bca9df0577b6bc2ea30ca724e13ead60da81 → b894de5c94aadcb4894ea7c358389819c27fbcce
      - 68d5bca9df05 → b894de5c94aa
      - b80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db → 56647659eff080e06e45c18ea9e848836dadea71
      - b80de5d13875 → 56647659eff0
  17. Dec 10, 2020
    • Pierre-Yves David's avatar
      test-copies: reinstall initial identical (empty) files for chained copied · d0ab0273cd9a
      Pierre-Yves David authored
      This effectively back out changeset deeb215be337. Changeset deeb215be337 does not
      really include a justification for its change and make mes uncomfortable. I have
      been thinking about it and they are two options:
      - either having empty/full files does not make a difference, and deeb215be337 is
        a gratuitous changes.
      - either having empty/full files do make a difference and deeb215be337 silently
        change the test coverage. In such situation if we want the "not empty" case to
        be tested, we should add new cases to cover them
      In practice, we know that the "file content did not change, but merge still need
      to create a new filenode" case exists (for example if merging result in similar
      content but both parent of the file need to be recorded), and that such case are
      easy to miss/mess-up in the tests. Having all the file using the same (empty)
      content was done on purpose to increase the coverage of such corner case.
      As a result I am reinstalling the previous test situation. To
      increase the coverage of some case involving content-merge in
      test-copies-chain-merge.t, we will add a new, dedicated, cases later in this
      series, once various cleanup and test improvement have been set in place.
      This changeset starts with reinstalling the previous situation as (1) it is more
      fragile, so I am more confided getting it back in the initial situation, (2) I
      have specific test further down the line that are base on these one.
      The next changeset will slightly alter the test to use non-empty files for these
      tests (with identical content). It should help to make the initial intent "merge file with identical
      content" clearer. I am still using a two steps (backout, then change content)
      approach to facilitate careful validation of the output change.
      Doing so has a large impact on the output of the "copy info in changeset extra" variant
      added in 5e72827dae1e (2 changesets after deeb215be337). It seems to highlight
      various breakage when merge without content change are involved, this is a good
      example of why we want to explicitly test theses cases. Because the different
      -do- matters a lot.
      Fixing the "copy info in changeset extra" is not a priority here. Because (1)
      this changeset does not break anything, it only highlight that they were always
      broken. (2) the only people using "copy info in changeset extra" do not have
      Differential Revision:
  18. Feb 11, 2021
    • Kyle Lippincott's avatar
      packaging: add Provides: python3-mercurial and Homepage to debian package · c82d6363bc9e
      Kyle Lippincott authored
      There are other packages that depend on python3-mercurial, like debian's
      mercurial-git, so we should mark ourselves as providing it.
      I compared the control file we generate to the one that the debian maintainers
      generate, and noticed several differences:
      - the Homepage bit. I included this, because why not
      - a more robust Suggests list that includes a graphical merge tool
      - a more robust Breaks list
      - debian's Recommends openssh-client, we only Recommends ca-certificates
      - a split into `mercurial` and `mercurial-common` (and possibly others?)
      - a slightly different description
      Differential Revision:
  19. Feb 12, 2021