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Fixes #512 After pull, the obtained revisions are in Draft phase instead of Public phase.

Created originally on Bitbucket by colin-hurley (Colin Hurley)

Was already merged in Bitbucket before import, marked as merged by the import user

This issue occurred in cases where MercurialEclipse had cached the incoming changesets in a temporary bundle file. Apparently, pulling changesets from a bundle file always puts those changesets into Draft phase in the local repo, regardless of whether they are Draft or Public phase in the remote repo.

After pulling changesets from the temporary bundle file, MercurialEclipse now also performs an additional pull from the remote repository. This second pull transmits only phase information, which updates the changesets pulled from the bundle file so they have the correct phase.

This implementation is an improvement on the previous solution, which solved the problem simply by always pulling the changesets from the other repo instead of the bundle file. While this worked, it had the unfortunate effect of double-transmitting the changesets (once to create the bundle, and again for the actual pull). This revised implementation will only transmit the changesets from the remote repo to the local disk once.

Technical notes: The previous solution for issue #512 (closed) was merged into the default branch in changeset 05738cad8ff0. However, I believe it was inadvertently backed out by merge changeset e7f5d7695761. So, this new changeset serves not only to improve upon the previous solution but also to re-address the original issue after it was reintroduced. Ironically, the inadvertent back-out was actually helpful for this, since many of the changes from the original solution needed to be backed out anyway for this improved solution.

Merge request reports