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  • Raphaël Gomès's avatar
    Add migration script for old benchmarks · eb31e66d4789
    Raphaël Gomès authored
    Some older benchmarks were not recognized by ASV because of a version
    discrepancy. ASV generates a version hash from the code that is ran in each
    benchmark, which means that any change to the benchmark code renders old
    results unusable by ASV.
    While the reason for doing this is sensible (any change in the benchmark could
    invalidate it), this safety measure does not concern us, and we need to bypass
    it. Since ASV does not yet log a warning (pending another PR) when it ignores
    results, nor does it allow us to accept those "invalid" results, this change
    migrates the old results to a form ASV will accept.
    Most of this changeset is unrelated to the version compatibility issue and is
    mostly catching up the file structure with the new one: a few new parameters
    were inserted, the main "repo" parameter was split into itself and
    "sparse-revlog", etc.