I have just updated to tortoisehg-6.4rc1-x64.msi
The error happened only once with the rc0-version.
If it comes back I will report it here.
In this specific repo I don't use largefiles.
Do you remember what steps you took to trigger it? I'm concerned if it was obscure/hard to reproduce in rc0, about how to know it's fixed. But if the extension isn't actually used, I can enable it locally and see if I can hit it with rc1 too.
I am sorry, but I can't remember the circumstances.
Maybe it has something to do with the update from tortoisehg-6.2-x64 to tortoisehg-6.4rc0-x64 which I presumably did on that day. Usually such a update tells me that I have to either close specific programs or restart the computer after the installation. What I do in this case is to click on "proceed without closing" but in the end don't do the restart immediately. As long as the program works I avoid a reboot. In most of the cases this is working well.
Yeah, I do the same to avoid the reboot, and avoid it killing explorer.exe. That's not a problem- it's the shell extension dll and overlay server the installer is complaining about.
There was an API change around dirstate in 6.4 that's definitely the cause of this, but knowing how to trigger it is important.
6.4rc1 wasn't tagged- I was just messing around with trying to get the shell extension to unload, to avoid the installer prompt to restart. But it had Mercurial 6.4 (not-rc), so it was a useful build. The trailing build info is what it actually is (though 7cf2d5 isn't in the public repo, because the installer experiment failed).
As for the version reported by the installer below, don't put too much stock in that. The MSIs have a very strict (and limited) versioning field, so it isn't possible to encode the +28-7cf2d5 part. I do need to make some updates to the build scripts to align with how core hg does it though, which might give a little more flexibility here. But we don't do nightly builds anymore, so it's been a very low priority.
No matter if I install rc0 or rc1 the installer shows me that I am installing TortoiseHg
Both exe files have different sizes (36.532.224 Byte and 36.790.272 Byte)
Any update on this crash? Getting it all the time in 6.6.3. I converted my largefiles repository to non-largefiles and disabled the extension and now it works, but it is a suboptimal solution over time.
Not yet. On my side, I spent most of August away and my colleagues are doing the same in September. So I am planning to look at this, but not sure I'll be able to free time for this in September