When i start workbench, i see message and workbench dont start.
second question: how i can change cp1251? bcause tortoisehg cant clone structure ( name to long_)
We dropped support for Win7. See #5912 (closed). You can try setting the experimental.thg.fix-app-font=true config to avoid this particular error about the DPI function, but IDK if you'll run into other issues.
how i can change cp1251
Set the HGENCODING environment variable. See hg help environment.
bcause tortoisehg cant clone structure ( name to long_)
IDK what this means (particularly the "long_" part). Are you saying something exceeds MAX_PATH?
if u see in logs all ( 2 last) all my paths contain non latin chars.
and python cant convert bin string to unicode ( i think).
I remove all non unicode chars like M and ).
and flag thgskel now work correctly.
But i have ERROR when i switch repos first time (some repos have non latin names)
Message below.
**Mercurialversion (6.4.5).TortoiseHgversion (6.4.5)**Command:--noforkworkbench**CWD:C:\Users\CAD-002\Desktop\проверка\Вентиляциясколпаком160700свентилятором\testrepo**Encoding:cp1251**Extensionsloaded:largefiles,strip,tortoisehg.util.configitems,win32mbcs**Pythonversion:3.9.13(tags/v3.9.13:6de2ca5,May172022,16:36:42)[MSCv.192964bit (AMD64)]**Windowsversion:sys.getwindowsversion(major=6,minor=2,build=9200,platform=2,service_pack='')**Processorarchitecture:x64**Qt-5.15.2PyQt-5.15.7QScintilla-2.13.3Traceback (mostrecentcalllast):File"mercurial\lock.pyc",line277,in_trylockFile"mercurial\vfs.pyc",line209,inmakelockFile"mercurial\util.pyc",line2142,inmakelockFileExistsError:[WinError183]Невозможносоздатьфайл,таккаконужесуществует:b'DESKTOP-K0B56V5:13836'->b'\\\\\\Obmen\\23 \xca\xee\xed\xf1\xf2\xf0\xf3\xea\xf2\xee\xf0\\\xcf\xf0\xee\xe5\xea\xf2\xfb\\Templates/.hg/wlock'Duringhandlingoftheaboveexception,anotherexceptionoccurred:Traceback (mostrecentcalllast):File"tortoisehg\hgqt\manifestmodel.pyc",line439,infetchMoreFile"tortoisehg\hgqt\manifestmodel.pyc",line498,in_populateNodesFile"tortoisehg\hgqt\manifestmodel.pyc",line709,in_populaterepoFile"mercurial\localrepo.pyc",line244,inwrapperFile"hgext\largefiles\reposetup.pyc",line137,instatusFile"mercurial\localrepo.pyc",line3139,inwlockFile"mercurial\localrepo.pyc",line3053,in_lockFile"mercurial\lock.pyc",line150,intrylockFile"mercurial\lock.pyc",line281,in_trylockFile"mercurial\lock.pyc",line312,in_readlockFile"mercurial\vfs.pyc",line233,inreadlockFile"mercurial\util.pyc",line2158,inreadlockFile"mercurial\windows.pyc",line631,inreadlinkFile"os.pyc",line824,infsdecodeUnicodeDecodeError:'utf-8'codeccan't decode byte 0xca in position 25: invalid continuation byte
This doesn't appear to be a bytes vs str issue. Can you install the vanilla hg from m-s.o (it can coexist with the thg install), and see if "%PROGRAMFILES\Mercurial\hg.exe" status works? I'm suspicious of that fsdecode call, instead of using the normal decoding functions.
Also, how comfortable are you with python? If you are, hg debugshell will give you a REPL that you can poke around in, and we can do things like replace that fsdecode call without building a new installer.
Can you try https://www.mercurial-scm.org/release/tortoisehg/windows/tortoisehg-6.5rc0-issue5923-x64.msi? I think the reason you're more easily able to reproduce it in thg instead of the command line is because the lock needs to already exist- i.e. some other hg process needs to be accessing it. I'm pretty confident that it should fix the UnicodeDecodeError in this thread. It's a fix on the hg side, so it likely won't be in the next thg release.
** Mercurial version (6.4.5). TortoiseHg version (6.4.5)** Command: --nofork workbench** CWD: C:\Users\CAD-002\Desktop\проверка\Вентиляция с колпаком 160 700 с вентилятором\test repo** Encoding: cp1251
This seems to indicate that you aren't actually using UTF-8 encoding.
@mharbison72@PTM - Have either of you had any success solving the initial issue? @PTM Had posted the error report which is identical to what I am getting on my system now. I haven't had any luck troubleshooting on my own or finding other forum posts to help.
I was trying to write a test in core for this, and couldn't reproduce it, so IDK if the test suite is interfering. I also had a different problem where if CWD was non-ascii, I'd get a different crash (in core hg), so IDK how it got far enough to produce this stacktrace.
I haven't tried this one yet. I'll have to setup a test environment first before trying this in our production environment. Have you heard of this problem with any previous stable releases?
This crash is #5892 (closed), which needs to be fixed in core hg. IDK if this would come before or after the original error with the encoding. If you don't need the largefiles extension, please disable it (at least for this repo), relaunch thg and try to reproduce the codec issue.
If you can take the hit with changing the commit hashes, I'd absolutely recommend it. There's a whole test that demos how to do an hg -> hg conversion to switch everything to largefiles that you can follow[1]. Basically, set your predicate(s) for what should be lfs in an hgrc file (the test file is using file size, but file patterns work too), and then run hg lfconvert --to-normal largefiles-repo nolargefiles-repo. Converting to "normal" files will intercept the content and turn the matching files into lfs blobs.
If you can't deal with the changing hashes, I'm not sure what to say. You can't disable the largefiles extension, since it added a requirement to the repo.
Don't worry about the "experimental" label on the extension- it's there so I can work out the details and behavior of the revsets/filesets/templates without dealing with the backward compatibility rules. But I've used it for $day_job for 7 years or so, so I have no interest in breaking it.
and i have some problem with chineese character with syntax error in name or volume
Архив\VTB????——??(3)(1)(2).docx: Синтаксическая ошибка в имени файла, имени папки или метке тома
File name is Y2047 DFM开模分析-2024.9.18 Fachmann.pptx
and this work normally
FAN_RAKE_20240705.stp: up to 95 MB of RAM may be required to manage this file (use 'hg revert 1. Коммерция\Номинация\2. 3D\FAN_RAKE_20240705.stp' to cancel the pending addition)