Seemingly arbitrary restriction on hole size for doughnut charts
Created originally on Bitbucket by not_a_seagull
While opening an excel spreadsheet that contained a doughnut chart, I received an error stating that the file could not be opened because the minimum value for the hole size of the doughnut chart was 10%. For context, the file I was attempting to open had a doughnut chart with a hole size of 5%.
I looked into the code and I found this code in the “” file in the “charts” directory.
holeSize = NestedMinMax(min=10, max=90, allow_none=True)
I was able to simply change it to the following:
holeSize = NestedMinMax(min=5, max=90, allow_none=True)
I would recommend that a similar change is reflected in the main repo, as the restriction on the hole size seems somewhat arbitrary.