Error from xlsm file when adding strings to a xltm template
Created originally on Bitbucket by egene (Elizabeth Gene)
This sample code:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('template.xltm', keep_vba=True)
ws =
cell = ws.cell(column=1, row=1, value='42')'sample_book.xlsm')
produces a corrupted spreadsheet when run on Ubuntu with these versions:
- Python 2.7.6
- lxml Version: 3.5.0
- openpyxl Version: 2.3.3
If the value is changed to an int, the spreadsheet is fine.
Attachments: sample_book.xlsmtemplate.xltmBildschirmfoto_2016-01-29_um_17.05.42