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GradientFill stops with specified position

Bitbucket Importer requested to merge bitbucket/merged-pr-163 into branch/2.5

Created originally on Bitbucket by jnothman

Was already merged in Bitbucket before import, marked as merged by the import user

Fixes #771 (closed).

This is the start of an implementation of positioned stops for GradientFill. GradientFill.stop may now be specified as a list of:

  • (color, position) pairs
  • colors
  • Stop instances

However, I can't seem to get all of the Serializable magic working; the default to_tree doesn't seem to be giving me what I expect. (Getting <stop val="&lt;openpyxl.styles.fills.Stop object&gt; ....) Please help, @charlie_x!

(PS: I'm failing to correctly use hg branches, with apologies)

Merge request reports
