ifeq ($(origin .RECIPEPREFIX), undefined)
$(error This Make does not support .RECIPEPREFIX. Please use GNU Make 4.0 or later)
all: build
.PHONY: clean build help import_blogger
venv_nikola/bin/nikola: ## create a virtualenv to build the website
> @virtualenv -ppython3 ./venv_nikola
> @venv_nikola/bin/python -mpip install nikola==8.0.3 jinja2 aiohttp watchdog
plugins/import_blogger: venv_nikola/bin/nikola
> venv_nikola/bin/nikola plugin -i import_blogger
> venv_nikola/bin/pip install feedparser
build: venv_nikola/bin/nikola ## build the website if needed, the result is in ./public
> venv_nikola/bin/nikola build
auto: venv_nikola/bin/nikola ## build and serve the website, autoupdate on changes
> venv_nikola/bin/nikola auto -a
clean: venv_nikola/bin/nikola ## clean the website, usually not needed at all
> venv_nikola/bin/nikola clean
import_blogger: plugins/import_blogger ## download and import the content from
> @if [ -z "${BLOGGER_XML}" ] || [ ! -s "${BLOGGER_XML}" ]; then \
echo "ERROR: BLOGGER_XML not defined or not a file"; \
echo " Log into, go to the morepypy settings,"; \
echo " settings -> other -> Import & back up -> Back up content"; \
echo " save to a location, then rerun this as"; \
echo " \"BLOGGER_XML=location make import_blogger\""; \
exit 255; \
> @echo "\nImporting from ${BLOGGER_XML}"
# TODO: improve import script with --export-comments (see static_comments plugin)
> venv_nikola/bin/nikola import_blogger -o . -d ${BLOGGER_XML}
> @echo Done. Don\'t forget to build the site
# Add help text after each target name starting with '\#\#'
help: ## Show this help.
> @echo "\nHelp for building the website, based on nikola"
> @echo "Possible commands are:"
> @grep -h "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | grep -v grep | sed -e 's/\(.*\):.*##\(.*\)/ \1: \2/'