<p>All modules that are pure python in CPython of course work.</p>
<p>Numpy support is not complete. We maintain our own fork of numpy for now, further instructions can be found at <aclass="reference external"href="https://bitbucket.org/pypy/numpy.git">https://bitbucker.org/pypy/numpy.git</a>.</p>
<p>Python libraries known to work under PyPy (the list is not exhaustive).
A community maintained <aclass="reference external"href="https://bitbucket.org/pypy/compatibility/wiki/Home">compatibility wiki</a> is hosted on bitbucket:</p>
All modules that are pure python in CPython of course work.
Numpy support is not complete. We maintain our own fork of numpy for now, further instructions can be found at `https://bitbucker.org/pypy/numpy.git`__.
.. __: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/numpy.git
Python libraries known to work under PyPy (the list is not exhaustive).
A community maintained `compatibility wiki`_ is hosted on bitbucket: