<li><pclass="first">It is recommended to use PyPy to do translations, instead of using CPython,
because it is twice as fast. You should just start by downloading an
official release of PyPy (with the JIT). If you really have to use CPython
then note that we are talking about CPython 2.6 or 2.7 here, not CPython 3.x.</p>
then note that we are talking about CPython 2.7 here, not CPython 3.x.
(CPython 2.6 might or might not work. Older versions are out.)</p>
<li><pclass="first">If RAM usage is a problem (or if you are on Windows, because win32's limit
is 2 GB unless you <aclass="reference external"href="http://doc.pypy.org/en/latest/windows.html#preparing-windows-for-the-large-build">have a 64 bit OS</a>), then you can (for now) tweak some parameters