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Aaron Wise quejebo
Alexander Schremmer xoraxax
Alex Willmer moreati
Anderson Bravalheri abravalheri
Anthony Sottile asottile
Antonio Cuni antocuni
Armin Rigo arigo
Batuhan Taskaya isidentical
Bitbucket Importer bitbucket_importer
Bolutife Ogunsola bostikforever
Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick cfbolz
Chris Burr chrisburr
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**** project_80_bot
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Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen dan
Dennis Sweeney sweeneyde
Dmitry dakarpov
Dzmitry Senchankau DzmitryTheStreak
- Aug 20, 2014
- Jul 11, 2014
- Feb 11, 2014
Add the (very lightweight) stanford talk here, because we cannot point · 842edcb8Armin Rigo authored
people directly to the bitbucket --- it's an HTML file containing slides.