make downloads into a table
Merge request reports
first you need to discover what python is powering hg, then install hg-evolve for it.
I don't want to make you my hg support person because I've already taken up enough of your time. But I ran that
command and I'm not seeing the Python executable: you're busy feel free to ignore this and I'll wait for people on the Mercurial mailing list to help.
My bad, you are on windows, and have some hg.exe? If this is from thg, you should be able to enable the topic extension from the gui. Except for a bug. So here is the work around: THG->File->Settings->Global tab->Extensions (see how the "topic" extension is greyed out, you cannot enable it. That is the bug) -> Edit File button
If there is already an
section, addtopic =
on a new line. Otherwise, add this to the bottom:[extensions] topic =
Now save, close thg and reopen. Again, THG->File->Settings->Extensions. "topic" should be enabled.