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  • Amaury Forgeot d'Arc's avatar
    Change the way built-in modules are initialized and imported: · f5016b64ff91
    Amaury Forgeot d'Arc authored
    (2nd attempt)
    - All built-in modules are inserted into space.builtin_modules
      when they are discovered, but not in sys.modules.
    - The end of space initialization calls setup_builtin_modules(),
      which calls mod.setup_after_space_initialization() for every module.
      At this stage, sys.modules contains the "sys" module, and other
      modules imported by mod.setup_after_space_initialization().
    - The space and modules are frozen in this state, and translated.
    - When pypy-c starts, it calls mod.startup() on built-in modules
      already in sys.modules.
    - when importing another builtin module, pypy fetches it from
      space.builtin_modules, adds it to sys.modules, and calls
      its setup() method.
    space.getbuiltinmodule(name) is still the main interface to
    import-or-get a built-in module.
    This speeds up pypy startup, but more importantly, solves bootstraping
    issues where for example a higher-level module would "import posix"
    before it is fully initialized; when this happens, os.environ is empty!