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Sysadmin Manual - Wiki

Sysadmin Manual - Wiki git

Wiki that might become the Tryton System Administrators Manual

Target audience: System Administrators administering Tryton installations on the operating-system level.

==> How to edit this Wiki

Using the Tryton Community packages

Packages published at the Tryton Community package registry can be installed using pip by telling pip to search an additional index:


Of course you can also pass the option --extra-index-url to pip. Anyhow setting an environment variable will make the additional index available to test environments using tox (at least when using a tox.ini like from our cookiecutter module or from upstream modules).

Instead of using an "extra" index URL, you might also use PIP_INDEX_URL resp. --index-url - heptapod/gitlab will forward the requests to PyPI.

Setting the (extra) index URL to the Tryton Community group will make available all packages in the group. You can also restrict this to a single project using an URL like ${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/$PROJECT_ID/packages/pypi/simple — where $PROJECT_ID can be found on the project page: grafik