<li>There are some <ahref="{{ url_for('guidelines_documentation_help') }}">Help Text Guidelines</a> to follow if you are writing or changing help text.</li>
<li>If submitting a Howto for approval, then please make sure you've followed the <ahref="{{ url_for('guidelines_documentation_howto') }}">Howto Guidelines</a>.</li>
<h3id="commit-message">Commit Message</h3>
Use a short title starting with a capital letter.
<li>Use imperative mood.<br/>
<em>So that it completes the sentence "With this change, the project will…".</em>
Use human names of objects instead of the technical name.<br/>
<em>Like "Invoice" instead of "account.invoice".</em>
<li>Add extra details in the message body (optional).
<li>Less than 80 characters per line.</li>
<li>Explain <strong>WHAT</strong> the change is, but most importantly <strong>WHY</strong> the change is needed.</li>
<li>Leave a blank line between the body and the title.</li>
<li>Separate paragraphs in the body with blank lines.</li>
<li>Use a hyphen (<samp>-</samp>) for bullet points if needed.</li>
<li>Use hanging indents if needed.</li>
<li>Include the <ahref="https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#default-closing-pattern">pattern to close</a> linked issues (optional).</li>