Cédric Krier authoredCédric Krier authored
:mod:`goocalendar` --- Calendar widget using GooCanvas
.. module:: goocalendar
:synopsis: Calendar widget using GooCanvas
.. moduleauthor:: Samuel Abels
.. moduleauthor:: Cédric Krier
.. moduleauthor:: Antoine Smolders
.. sectionauthor:: Antoine Smolders
The :mod:`goocalendar ` module supplies a calendar widget drawed
with GooCanvas that can display a month view and a week view. It also supplies
classes to manage events you can add to the calendar.
.. _calendar:
Calendar Objects
A :class:`Calendar ` is a calendar widget using
GooCanvas that can display a month view and a week view. It holds an
:class:`EventStore` which contains events
displayed in the calendar.
.. class:: goocalendar.Calendar([event_store[, view[, time_format[, \
Creates a :class:`Calendar` object. All arguments are
optional. *event_store* should be an
*view* should be either 'month' or 'week'. Default value is 'month'.
*time_format* determines the format of displayed time in the calendar.
Default value is '%H:%M'. *firstweekday* is a constant of module calendar
specifying the first day of the week. Default value is *calendar.SUNDAY*.
Instance attributes:
.. attribute:: event_store
:class:`EventStore ` currently plugged.
Setting a new event store will automatically redraw the canvas to display
the events of the new event store.
.. attribute:: view
The current view: 'month' or 'week'.
.. attribute:: selected_date
:py:class:`datetime.date` which determines the current selected day in the
.. attribute:: firstweekday
Determines the first day of the week (0 is Monday).
Instance methods:
.. method:: select(date)
Select the given date in the calendar. Date should be a
.. method:: previous_page()
Go to the previous page of the calendar.
.. method:: next_page()
Go to the next page of the calendar.
.. method:: set_view(view)
Change calendar's view. Possible values: 'month' or 'week'.
.. method:: draw_events()
Redraws events.
.. method:: update()
Redraws calendar and events.
Instance signals:
The ``event-pressed`` signal is emitted when an Event is pressed with the
button 1 of the mouse.
``def callback(calendar, event, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`Calendar ` that received the signal.
The pressed :class:`Event ` object.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``event-activated`` signal is emitted when an
:class:`Event ` is double-clicked
with the button 1 of the mouse.
``def callback(calendar, event, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`Calendar ` that received the signal.
The double-clicked :class:`Event ` object.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``event-released`` signal is emitted when the button 1 of the mouse is
released on an event.
``def callback(calendar, event, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`Calendar ` that received the signal.
The double-clicked :class:`Event ` object.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``day-pressed`` signal is emitted when a day is pressed with the
mouse button 1.
``def callback(calendar, date, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`Calendar ` that received the signal.
:py:class:`datetime.date` corresponding to the day pressed.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``day-activated`` signal is emitted when the day is double-clicked with
the mouse button 1.
``def callback(calendar, date, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`Calendar ` that received the signal.
:py:class:`datetime.date` corresponding to the activated day.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``day-selected`` signal is emitted when the selected day changes.
``def callback(calendar, date, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`Calendar ` that received the signal.
:py:class:`datetime.date` corresponding to the new selected day.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``view-changed`` signal is emitted when the view changes
``def callback(calendar, view, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`Calendar ` that received the signal.
'month' or 'week'
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``page-changed`` signal is emitted when the page currently showed in
the calendar is changed.
``def callback(calendar, date, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`Calendar ` that received the signal.
:py:class:`datetime.date` corresponding to the selected day in the
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).
Instance properties:
The color of the text. Default: #2E3634
The color of the selection text. Default: #2E3634
The color of the inactive text. Default: #8B8F8E
The color of border. Default: #D2D0D2
The color of selected border. Default: #5EC590
The color of inactive border. Default: #E8E7E8
The color of the body. Default: white
The color of the today body. Default: ivory
The attributes specifying which font to use.
.. _eventstore:
EventStore Objects
An :class:`EventStore ` is the store of
:class:`Event ` that can be plugged to a
:class:`Calendar `.
.. class:: goocalendar.EventStore()
There is no arguments for this class.
Instance methods:
.. method:: add(event)
Add the given event to the event store.
.. method:: remove(event)
Remove the given event from the event store.
.. method:: clear()
Remove all events from the event store and restore it to initial state.
.. method:: get_events(start, end)
Returns a list of all events that intersect with the given start and end
datetime. If no start time nor end time are given, the method returns a
list containing all events.
Instance signals:
The ``event-added`` signal is emitted when an Event is added to the
event store.
``def callback(event_store, event, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`EventStore ` that received the signal.
The added :class:`Event `.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``event-removed`` signal is emitted when an Event is removed from
the event store.
``def callback(event_store, event, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`EventStore ` that received the signal.
The removed :class:`Event `.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).
The ``events-cleared`` signal is emitted when the event store is cleared.
``def callback(event_store, user_param1, ...)``
The :class:`EventStore ` that received the signal.
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method.
additional user parameters (if any).