Crash on drag&drop on binary with widget image
With a binary field with widget image (it does not happen when no widget is defined) it crashes with different events on different platforms. Linux, on drag a image over the square gives the following crash and attaches the image:
File "/home/vant/Documentos/Clients/tryton6.2/tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/form_gtk/", line 73, in drag_motion
context.drag_status(Gdk.DragAction.COPY, timestamp)
AttributeError: 'X11DragContext' object has no attribute 'drag_status'
Windows, on drop a image over the square gives the following crash and do not attach the image:
File "C:/msys64/home/ced/tryton-6.2-64/tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/form_gtk/", line 88, in drag_data_received
AttributeError: 'SelectionData' object has no attribute 'data'