Add sale rental progress invoice module
Following #13015, some business rent for a long period and so they need to create progress invoice from time to time.
The idea is to store progression date based on which an invoice is created. This invoice is using this progression date as end date for all lines without an end date and for which the progression date is after the start date. And the previous progression is used as start date if it is after the start date. The progression date is stored in a model which is linked to each line on which it applies (using a Many2Many). When a line is copied by pickup or return, the Many2Many are copied also, this way we keep tracks that the line was already partially invoiced. The progression dates of each rental are linked together using progressing date only. This ensure that a progression date will not be inserted between two dates.
The progress invoice lines are linked to the progress dates instead of the line so the value used for the computation can be reused.