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Draft: association module

Closed Hartmut Goebel requested to merge topic/default/module-association into branch/default
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Any party can be a member of the same association only once at a time.
The same party might apply for another membership later, of course.
By default a (non-strict) sequence will be set up for generating member codes.
If your association requires unique member codes,
replace it by a strict sequence.
* If a member wants to terminate its membership,
enter the desired *Leave Date*.
This module does not enforce any termination dates.
Thus terminating is allowed at any date,
not just to the end of periods or fiscal years.
* If the Association requires a period for giving notice of termination,
the date of the notice of termination can be documented
in the *Notice of Termination Date*.
If *Time for giving Notice* is configured,
the *Notice of Termination Date* is required.
* If *Time for giving Notice* is configured,
and the *Leave Date* is to early
(relative to the *Notice of Termination Date*)
Tryton will issue a warning when saving the record.
This module does not enforce the *Leave Date* to match the *Time for
giving Notice*, since there may be reasons to terminate the
Membership earlier, e.g. special termination or death.