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  • youngs's avatar
    2004-09-07 Steve Youngs <> · 63da0161d9c7
    youngs authored
    	* calc.el (calc): New custom group
    	(calc-settings-file): Defcustom it and default to ~/.calc.el.
    	(calc-mode): Only load `calc-settings-file' if it exists.
    	* calc-mode.el (calc-settings-file-name): Default to using
    	This prevents a "stringp nil" error if ~/.emacs didn't exist, and
    	also stops unnecessary double loading of `user-init-file'.
    2004-09-07 Steve Youngs <>
    youngs authored
    	* calc.el (calc): New custom group
    	(calc-settings-file): Defcustom it and default to ~/.calc.el.
    	(calc-mode): Only load `calc-settings-file' if it exists.
    	* calc-mode.el (calc-settings-file-name): Default to using
    	This prevents a "stringp nil" error if ~/.emacs didn't exist, and
    	also stops unnecessary double loading of `user-init-file'.
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