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Fixed: P_CheckMissileSpawn would instruct clients to explode a missile they...

Ru5tK1ng requested to merge topic/default/Missle-Explode-Adjust into branch/default

There are a few instances in the code where P_CheckMissileSpawn is called within missile spawning functions before the client has spawned in the missile on their end. As a result, P_ExplodeMissile will blow up the projectile when necessary and will instruct clients to do so. However, since the missile doesn't exist on the clients end, the instruction ends up triggering a client missile explode error message. Depending on the situation the amount of error messages ranges from a few to several being spammed across X amount of clients. I used the least intrusive method to avoid having to rearrange code or add calls to manually explode outside of P_ExplodeMissile.

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