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ACS function: "SetPlayerWeaponZoomFactor" from Q-Zandronum

This backports the ACS function SetPlayerWeaponZoomFactor from Q-Zandronum, the ACS-equivalent to the A_ZoomFactor DECORATE function. The original commit can be found here:

Some changes had to be made to the original commit:

  • Since A_ZoomFactor and SetPlayerWeaponZoomFactor use the same code, I added a helper function so that both functions behave in the same way without any duplicated code (also important if the functions' behaviour changes in the future).
  • I replaced the "SetWeaponFovScale" server command from Q-Zandronum with "SetWeaponZoomFactor", also allowing the flags passed into the function (i.e. ZOOM_INSTANT and/or ZOOM_NOSCALETURNING) to be sent to clients, ensuring consistent behaviour in offline and online games.
Edited by Adam Kaminski

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