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// Copyright 2023 Georges Racinet <>
// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
// GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

//! Support for GitLab primary state information
//! Heptapod keeps specific data inside Mercurial repositories.
//! This data is notably updated by the server-side Python `heptapod` package on each standard
//! Mercurial write operation.
//! Some of it can be reconstructed by a repository analysis similar to what happens when
//! new content is added to the repository. However, the mere fact that these values have been
//! sent to the Rails application and perhaps other components should be considered part of the
//! state, with side effects such as launching pipelines, changing status of Merge Requests etc.
//! Hence this should not be considered to be a cache.
//! As of this writing, the GitLab state is made of
//! - refs, believed by other components to actually be Git refs. These are kept in several
//!   files, due to vastly different read/write frequencies. Among them are typed refs (branches,
//!   tags etc), and keep-arounds (just hashes). These two cases are represented with different
//!   Rust types in this implementation, whereas the Python reference would consider them all to be
//!   typed refs with a different serialization format for keep-arounds (name would just be
//!   repeating the hash, which is a waste).
//! - default branch, as ultimately defined by end users
//! For a full documentation of the concepts, related file formats and atomicity properties, see the
//! Python docstring.
//! Since the GitLab refs were meant from the onset to be easily understandable by the Rails
//! application, they are also the primary information for HGitaly.
//! The format is simple enough to get an ad-hoc pure async Rust implementation.
use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut};
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use tokio::fs::{read, File};
use tokio::io::{AsyncBufRead, AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncReadExt, BufReader};
use tokio_stream::wrappers::LinesStream;
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
use tokio_util::codec::{Decoder, FramedRead};

// Imports used in doc-comments only
use futures_core::stream::Stream;
use tokio::io::AsyncRead;

use crate::util::io_error_not_found_as_none;

/// A GitLab typed ref, as in Python `hgext3rd.heptapod.typed_ref`
/// The name part is not supposed to repeat the type, typical examples being
/// - `branch/default` or `topic/default/zz` for GitLab branches
/// - the tag name for GitLab tags
/// - `merge-requests/1/head`, `pipeline/2` etc for GitLab special refs
/// This means that it must be clear from context in code handling `TypedRef`s what
/// their type is suppposed to be.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TypedRef {
    pub name: Vec<u8>,
    pub target_sha: Vec<u8>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, derive_more::From)]
/// Express that a line does not follow the expected file format
/// Absence of this error does not mean that the line components are themselves valid.
/// For example, a typed ref line could be split correctly into its hash and name parts with the
/// hash part not being hexadecimal.
pub struct InvalidLine {
    pub line: Vec<u8>,

/// General error type for the public API of this module
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
pub enum StateFileError {
impl From<StateFileError> for tonic::Status {
    fn from(e: StateFileError) -> Self {
        tonic::Status::internal(format!("GitLab state file error: {:?}", &e))

/// Read the GitLab default branch information
/// This notion is stateful and repository specific (can be tweaked by users). It is independent
/// from what Git and Mercurial would consider to be the default branch (a global setting at most).
pub async fn get_gitlab_default_branch(
    store_vfs: &Path,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, StateFileError> {
    // Yes `..` is ugly, but in truth that file should be in the `store/` subdirectory
    let path = store_vfs.join("../default_gitlab_branch");

/// A [`Decoder`] for the typed refs file format, allowing to stream [`TypedRef`]s.
/// This can be used with [`FramedRead`] to turn any [`AsyncRead`]
/// into a [`Stream`] of [`TypedRef`]
/// The content of the [`AsyncRead`] is expected to follow the file format specification,
/// starting after the version preamble. Examples are available in the tests.
pub struct TypedRefDecoder {
    // Next index of the given buffer to start scanning from.
    // This is a common best-practice for [`Decoder`] implementations, taken
    // traight from
    next_index: usize,

/// Convenience alias for actual type returned by streaming functions
pub type TypedRefsFileStream = Option<FramedRead<BufReader<File>, TypedRefDecoder>>;
pub type KeepAroundsFileStream = Option<LinesStream<BufReader<File>>>;

type TypedRefsFileStreamResult = Result<TypedRefsFileStream, StateFileError>;

impl Decoder for TypedRefDecoder {
    type Item = TypedRef;
    type Error = StateFileError;

    fn decode(&mut self, buf: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
        if let Some(newline_offset) = buf[self.next_index..].iter().position(|b| *b == b'\n') {
            let newline_index = newline_offset + self.next_index;
            let mut line = buf.split_to(newline_index + 1);
            self.next_index = 0;
        } else {

fn parse_line(mut bytes: Bytes) -> Result<TypedRef, InvalidLine> {
    if bytes.len() < 42 || bytes[40] != b' ' {
        return Err(bytes.to_vec().into());

    let name = bytes.split_off(41);

    // TODO PERF using to_vec() to limit the scope of refactoring, but it is worth asking
    // whether the zero-copy approach of `Bytes` wouldn't be more efficient (for gRPC requests
    // that don't need to finally copy it) at the price of dynamic dispatch etc (see doc).
    let name = name.to_vec();
    let target_sha = bytes.to_vec();

    Ok(TypedRef {
        name: name.to_vec(),
        target_sha: target_sha.to_vec(),

async fn check_version_preamble<R: AsyncBufRead + Unpin>(
    buf: &mut R,
) -> Result<(), StateFileError> {
    let mut version_preamble = [0; 4];
    buf.read_exact(&mut version_preamble).await?;
    if &version_preamble != b"001\n" {
        return Err(StateFileError::UnknownFileFormat);

async fn stream_typed_refs<R: AsyncBufRead + Unpin>(
    mut buf: R,
) -> Result<FramedRead<R, TypedRefDecoder>, StateFileError> {
    check_version_preamble(&mut buf).await?;
    Ok(FramedRead::new(buf, TypedRefDecoder { next_index: 0 }))

/// Generic function to open a state file and stream [`TypedRef`]s from it.
/// It is a perfectly normal condition that the file does not exist, as this is what happens
/// when no ref of the given type has ever been recorded. In that case `None` is returned.
/// The repository representation is kept to a bare minimum, as only the path to the `store`
/// subdirectory is used.
/// It would look nicer to use hg::vfs::Vfs but that entails going through full repository
/// instantiation, which reads config (useless to us at this point, an order of magnitude slower
/// than what we need for the simplest Gitaly requests) and is definitely not async.
/// What we need Vfs for boils down to a base path, so perhaps our own async Vfs would be
/// better when we feel like introducing it, either in RHGitaly or upstream in `hg-core`.
pub async fn stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs: &Path, filename: &str) -> TypedRefsFileStreamResult {
        match io_error_not_found_as_none(File::open(store_vfs.join(filename)).await)? {
            // not using `map()` because async closures are a pain (unstable in Rust 1.63, notably)
            None => None,
            Some(f) => Some(stream_typed_refs(BufReader::new(f)).await?),

/// Specialization of [`stream_typed_refs_file`] for GitLab branches
pub async fn stream_gitlab_branches(store_vfs: &Path) -> TypedRefsFileStreamResult {
    stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs, "gitlab.branches").await

/// Specialization of [`stream_typed_refs_file`] for tags.
pub async fn stream_gitlab_tags(store_vfs: &Path) -> TypedRefsFileStreamResult {
    stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs, "gitlab.tags").await

/// Specialization of [`stream_typed_refs_file`] for GitLab typed refs.
pub async fn stream_gitlab_special_refs(store_vfs: &Path) -> TypedRefsFileStreamResult {
    stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs, "gitlab.special-refs").await

/// Look for a typed ref with given name in a [`TypedRefsFileStream`] and apply a closure if found.
/// Returns `Ok(None)` if the typed ref was not found, otherwise `Ok(f(tr))` where `tr` is
/// a [`TypedRef`] representing the successfully found item.
pub async fn map_lookup_typed_ref<F, T>(
    stream_res: TypedRefsFileStream,
    name: &[u8],
    f: F,
) -> Result<Option<T>, StateFileError>
    F: FnOnce(TypedRef) -> T + Copy,
    match stream_res {
        None => Ok(None),
        Some(stream) => stream
            .filter_map(|res| match res {
                Ok(tr) => {
                    if == name {
                    } else {
                Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),

/// Look for [`TypedRef`] with given `name` in a [`TypedRefsFileStream`], returning as [`Node`]
pub async fn lookup_typed_ref_as_node(
    stream_res: TypedRefsFileStream,
    name: &[u8],
) -> Result<Option<Node>, StateFileError> {
    map_lookup_typed_ref(stream_res, name, |tr| {
        Node::from_hex(&tr.target_sha).map_err(|_| StateFileError::InvalidNode(tr.target_sha))

async fn stream_keep_arounds<R: AsyncBufRead + Unpin>(
    mut buf: R,
) -> Result<LinesStream<R>, StateFileError> {
    check_version_preamble(&mut buf).await?;

/// Open the keep-arounds state file and stream its content as a [`LinesStream`]
/// Returns `None` if the state file does not exist.
/// In particular, iterating on the stream yields [`String`] objects, not [`Vec<u8>`].
pub async fn stream_keep_arounds_file(
    store_vfs: &Path,
) -> Result<KeepAroundsFileStream, StateFileError> {
        match io_error_not_found_as_none(File::open(store_vfs.join("gitlab.keep-arounds")).await)? {
            None => None,
            Some(f) => Some(stream_keep_arounds(BufReader::new(f)).await?),

/// Tell whether the repository has a keep-around, given in hexadecimal form
/// As other functions in this module, the repository is given just by its
/// `store` subdirectory.
pub async fn has_keep_around(store_vfs: &Path, ka: &[u8]) -> Result<bool, StateFileError> {
    if let Some(mut stream) = stream_keep_arounds_file(store_vfs).await? {
        // cannot use stream.any() and propagate error as it needs the closure to return `bool`,
        // not some Result
        while let Some(res) = {
            if res?.as_bytes() == ka {
                return Ok(true);
    } else {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use tempfile::tempdir;
    use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
    use tokio_stream::StreamExt;

    async fn write_test_file(
        store_vfs: &Path,
        name: &str,
        content: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<(), io::Error> {

    async fn test_stream_typed_refs() -> Result<(), StateFileError> {
        let buf: &[u8] = b"001\n\
                           437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9 branch/default\n\
                           a617939803200b543730ccdade9df6c6e0952093 branch/other\n";
        let stream = stream_typed_refs(buf).await?;
        let res: Vec<TypedRef> =|r| r.unwrap()).collect().await;
                TypedRef {
                    name: b"branch/default".to_vec(),
                    target_sha: b"437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9".to_vec()
                TypedRef {
                    name: b"branch/other".to_vec(),
                    target_sha: b"a617939803200b543730ccdade9df6c6e0952093".to_vec()

    async fn test_stream_typed_refs_file() -> Result<(), StateFileError> {
        let tmp_dir = tempdir().unwrap(); // not async, but it doesn't matter much in tests
        let store_vfs = tmp_dir.path();

        assert!(stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs, "unknown.file")

            b"001\n437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9 branch/default\n",
        let stream = stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs, "some.refs")
        let res: Vec<TypedRef> =|r| r.unwrap()).collect().await;
            vec![TypedRef {
                name: b"branch/default".to_vec(),
                target_sha: b"437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9".to_vec()

        // Error cases

            b"002\n437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9 branch/default\n",
        match stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs, "time.paradox").await {
            Ok(_) => {
                panic!("Expected error before actual streaming");
            Err(StateFileError::UnknownFileFormat) => Ok(()),
            Err(e) => Err(e),

        write_test_file(store_vfs, "short.hash", b"001\n437bd1bf branch/default\n").await?;
        let mut stream = stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs, "short.hash")
        match {
            StateFileError::InvalidTypedRefLine(il) => {
                assert_eq!(il.line, b"437bd1bf branch/default")
            e => Err(e)?,

        let mut stream = stream_typed_refs_file(store_vfs, "wrong.sep")

        match {
            StateFileError::InvalidTypedRefLine(il) => Ok(assert_eq!(
            e => Err(e),

    async fn test_map_lookup_typed_refs() -> Result<(), StateFileError> {
        let tmp_dir = tempdir().unwrap(); // not async, but it doesn't matter much in tests
        let store_vfs = tmp_dir.path();

        let empty = stream_gitlab_tags(store_vfs).await?;

        assert_eq!(map_lookup_typed_ref(empty, b"v1.2.3", |_| ()).await?, None);

            b"001\n437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9 v1.2\n",

        let tags = stream_gitlab_tags(store_vfs).await?;
            map_lookup_typed_ref(tags, b"v1.2", |tr| tr).await?,
            Some(TypedRef {
                name: b"v1.2".to_vec(),
                target_sha: b"437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9".to_vec()

        // The stream having been consumed, we need to recreate it
        let tags = stream_gitlab_tags(store_vfs).await?;
        assert_eq!(map_lookup_typed_ref(tags, b"v1.3", |tr| tr).await?, None);

    async fn test_stream_keep_arounds_file() -> Result<(), StateFileError> {
        let tmp_dir = tempdir().unwrap(); // not async, but it doesn't matter much in tests
        let store_vfs = tmp_dir.path();


        let stream = stream_keep_arounds_file(store_vfs).await?.unwrap();
        let res: Vec<String> =|r| r.unwrap()).collect().await;

    async fn test_has_keep_around() -> Result<(), StateFileError> {
        let tmp_dir = tempdir().unwrap(); // not async, but it doesn't matter much in tests
        let store_vfs = tmp_dir.path();

        assert!(!has_keep_around(store_vfs, b"437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9").await?);


        assert!(has_keep_around(store_vfs, b"437bd1bf68ac037eb6956490444e2d7f9a5655c9").await?);
        assert!(!has_keep_around(store_vfs, b"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa").await?);